surance this hippodrome - library of congresschurch news notes. the turf. 'amusements....

The Turf. CHURCH NEWS NOTES. 'Amusements. MAD. SQ. GDN. I EVERY DAY Business! this week Business I THIS WEEK E AdmUrioo s*o. iM SHOW 1101 10 A. M. to II P.M. .lOA. M. toll P.M. AMERICA'S LARCrsT COMMKKCIAL EVENT- Real Estate. EARL <t WILSON. Shirts A little different method in the making: often makes a big difference in the effect of a collar. TIOGA 13 a new wlngr collar. Buy by this Mark. Queens County Jockey Club, AQUEDUCT. 1, .'; I . RACING Begins To-Day At 3 P. M., with six BDnrkttns fMtnr*«. larludine the great opening day attraction*. THE AQUEDUCT HANDICAP AND WOODSIDE STEEPLECHASE MDSIO BY LANDER'S band. Train* leave foot of East 34th st. at 10:50 A. M.. l*:in. 12:30. i;:oO. 1:00, l:J0 ami 1:50 P. M. and from rintbu.ih aye. Nt 11:15 A. at.. 12:15. 11:35. 12:30. 1:00. 1:05, 1:15. 1:30. 2:15 P. M. All Fiatbush aye. trains stop at Nostrnnd si" and i:a"=t New York. - NKIV KIEI.I* STAN I) Sl.oo. Reached by trolley cars from Klncs Co. "I/ Station. THE NEW DURYEA PRESBYTERIAN CHUBCH. Sterling: Place and Underbill avenue Brooklyn. THE REV. DR. WILLIAM F. DENMAN. The pastor. Duryea Presbyterians Dedicating Building in Brooklyn. Another addition to the "City of Churches" Is being dedicated at Sterling Place and Underbill avenue. Brooklyn. It Is the Duryea Presby- terian Church.. which began nearly twenty years ago as a little mission In v, hat was then a new r.«»iphborhood. and Is now one of the flourishing religious centres of the Park Slope. The exercises of dedication began on October 22 and will he completed on November 11. At the service on October 22 a memorial tablet was unveiled to the Rev. Samuel P. Halsey, first pastor of the Duryea Church. Among those taking part in the dedication services are the Rev. Dr. Clcland B. McAfee, the Rev. Dr. John F. Carson, the Rev. Dr. R. G. Hutching, the Rev. Daniel H. Overton, the Rev. Dr. Joseph METHODIST MISSIONARY MEETING. The annual . meeting: of the freneral- missionary committee of the Methodist Episcopal Church began Its sessions, which will continue about ten day?. in the Delaware Avenue Church, Buffalo, on Thurs- day. This is probably the most important gathering of prominent Methodists within the quadrennial meejings of its General Conference for extending its denominational . missionary activities through- out the world. Delegate* from every part of th» globe where Methodist missionaries are now pta- tionr-i] are represented by some delegate at this annual meeting. All the bishops of the Church are ex offlclo members of this committee. The larger number of delegates to these annual meet- ings ate elected by the General Conference once every lour years. ; \u0084,,. During: the last year this society has raised the largest sum of money in Its history for carrying on its foreign and domestic work. The Rev. Dr. Homer Eaton, treasurer of the society, reported yesterday that the cash receipts for the year rndfHl October, 19i>"». aggregated J1.695.559 27. This Is an increase of $113.644 14 over the previous year. The total amount of money raised by this society Carroll,. and, for its missionary. spirit, seen in lti generous but ions to all benevolent enter- prises. Country Property for Sale. LET ME SHOW YOU AS AN INVESTMENT IN RUSSELLv CO.. KANSAS. 7"o acres at ;............ ....! to r»i 9GO acres at $18.00 640 acres at ;...... .t:O.n-) (HO acres at .' 415.00 ICO acres at $10.00 No trado or commission considered. 1.. C. WALURIDGE. .. Russell, Kansas \u25a0" ' Ely llmisr nic Value. •• MT. VERNOX. .. I-ct Co ft. front— a corner especially adapted for a ga- rasje. Heart of Chester Hill: boo— built or hrlrk; ccmol- !.!•.ti<n s.!?ani heat an I hot air heat; two bathrooms; large inception tall; 'lining room has largo fireplace; southern exposure: fix !ars«- tlef-plni; rooms, with four nreplnces. Owner refused 11.330 rent: will sell at great sacrifice. Estimated cost t.> reproduce. SIS.OOO. Tr>- offer of $13,500. -\u25a0 COOLEY C WEST, IXC. Mount Vernoq or 31u Madison Aye, New York. IJIOR SALE. I-ir^e tract of blue and red clay, suitable . for fcurf and red bricks, terra cotta. tiling, ate, on Pennsylvania Railroad, between Baltimore and Washing- ton; wculd exchanße in part for New York. Los Angel«» or seashore proper y. SAMUESL iit-'AI.MKAR. lltiLaw BuiliJlnp. Halttnurc. Md. ,\u25a0• \u25a0 \u25a0 capital \u25a0&. *hq E£s(i nnn SURPLUS OF V W}4iUU Lawyers Title Insurance and Trust Company 37 Liberty Street. .%!> Liberty Street. (Title Dept.> ITrtlSt A Binfclne I»el>:.) MAXIIATTAX. IS.S .If»iita.(Tti«» <lreci. Brooklyn. (Title I'rpt and Trust & Hsnk.ns D«4jU| Do you know whether you can contract to sell your property with- out the risk ol a lawsuit for damages because the buikHnga encroach on the adjoining property or for some overlooked defect in your TITLE? A policy of TITLE IN- SURANCE in this com- pany will eliminate any such possibility, having as a safeguard its Unfurnished Apartments to Let. DESiy;.\BI.E APARTMENT, Hve rooms nnd bath, to let In li:-e;iroof apartment house; owners resident; rent II. TOO per yenr. Apply to Janitor. I? W. ISth s:. fJMIE WASHINGTON, 47S West l.V.»t:i St.. cerner St. X Nicholas Two elegant apnrtmentu to let; 7 mil H rooms: all modern improvements. Apply on premises or itO.'l 3d aye. (store) 1 *\U™ ST <i(l - EAST Sllc elecan'. llgl't rooms and _L*J«J bath: all modern improvements, mcl. electrto ltt'at. parbas<! c!ocet. heating, etc.. etc.: S:j to $32. Real Estate Wanted. NEAT AND TIDY HOUSEHOLDERS will not allow the unslglitly clothes-pole; :n their yards the aiiven: of the FAMOUS HILL LAWN DRYERS VIA. KINDS PROPERTIES to rent, sell, manage. CYKII.I.K CARREAU, Agent, 7W Sixth Aye., 40th, U'ANTED TO RENT. Private stable to accommo- ' date five or six horses; liast Side, between (Sth and 12'th sts:.. preferr-fl .1. I. RVOI.ET. L.. W. 42d st.. city. Proposals. They are out only durirjr.thc wash. Can be Instantly taken In when clothes are dry. Over 2.m»».<)00 uslnt; them. No walklnc in wet grass Line toir.ea to you. Held HO to ISO feet of line. Please everybody. As > Roof and Balcony Dryers. ;-: ' Write fa* Catalogue 13. HILL DRYER CO.. Worcester. Mass. X. V. ORlce. 1133 l!n:iv. Tel. MSI Mniii»on. ; . ,\u25a0 Cit?/ Property to Let. CJEALED PI.OI'OSALS WILL. HE RKCKIVKD BY THE \u25baO Co^iinissloiier of lmailsra,Uoa, Hills Islund. New YorK liartior. up to -':UD P. M.. Monday. Novemoti 0, luo«;, and upened lirmccllately thereafter, f^r BAacbtM repairs, docking, scaling and painting: on ferry steamer Kills Island," Ellis Island Immigration Station. Particulars regarding limitations aril conditions governing bidders may be obtained upon application to ROBERT WATt'H- uKX, Jommla.'l'/ner. I PROPOSALS FOR UNDERWEAR.— QUAR- .. ternia ? ters Office. 39 Whitehall Street. New York City. October 31, 1906. Sealed proposals In triplicate, subject to the usual conditions, will be received here until 12 o'clock M.. November 5. 1906. and then opened, for furnishing and delivering at this Depot "000 Nainsook Undershirts ' and 73.000 pairs Nainsook Drawers. Army Standard. The tight Is reserved to re- ject or accept any or all, proposals, or any part there- of. Preference will be given to article* of domestic production or manufacture, conditions of quality and price (Including In the price of foreign productions or manufactures the duty thereon > being equal. Stand- ard samples can be i»en at and. blank* for proposals and full Information will be furnished upon application to this office. Envelopes containing proposals must be endorsed "Pioposp!s for Underwear, to be opened at 12 o'clock M.. November 5. 1906." nnd addressed to W. H. MiI. I. EH. Deputy Q. M. General, U. S. A.. Depot Q. M. I NEW AMSTERDAM IHKA1 HKA T HK - «?«««\u25a0*. Mr FORBES-ROBEfeTSON GERTRUDE ELLIOTT " M lBL A ;Vrftr ErOMTME r OMTM "' ™* I KA MATINEE F.IM riON I»A1. BROADWAY &\&^&g§ I THE* PRINCE of NDIX THE PRINCE of i ND i A I Dram,ifwil J I r Clarke Mu* p- \u25a0 :>,.„. I EXTRA MATINEE HMt-mn [>\v LIBERTY \u25a0"SSTRrtfi »«', »••' i I EXTRA MATINEE ELECTION DaY ELEANOR. R.OBSON 3^k- NURSE ' MMJORIE SSSffife I Mlsa j.ob»on» n*»t play will be anr>»aiw»<| ihortlv. DALY'S Mats. Wed. & Sat. and Election Day U:•* i- IO Mats. Wad. * Bat and Elwtlor. Day RICHARD CARLE la r Su«£??? U^y. VICTOR HERBERT * M(.HT . AM) HIS OKCHKVTKA. i Sa!» I NFW YORK ™M- irw.r*«sthS»t. Evo, | :M IlLI? lUim Last Mat. To-daj. B. :: mM-imS; I;: GHAUNuhV ULCfITT - SSiS^- »-^ tL?«'. Iv - t '. v>ats Sfll!n - "at. Elerllon Pay. F.M Mil f IIIN, ».-, Minute* from Itroa.l .. HIPPODROME ; -'( A Anderson .V,,va^ri j \u25a0- xth Aye . <3dtoMth. Tel. 3400—Bryant. i.;\u25a0\u25a0.\u25a0.i '.;\u25a0\u25a0'.\u25a0. I SOCIETY CIRCUS "g-F I Ton N *|KJ>t!i 25c. to JI.SO. Dally Mat . »3c to $1. * I i»'rti.-« »"'"*"" ~ :Cln * Ed.rar<l-« Favorite Band. I **& "BESSES C TH' BAKN." I \ LYRIC 4 \u25a0£ 6 '-W-ofß'<rar. T«US<J Bryant I Ib I niU . Evp. S IS Mat».To-dar *F. -. Day. ,-= LLNA 4MIWHI. In 111 1 >Hl I.AMITIt_ Plllifc MU.LEB \Lew Fields' Herald So. THr A ".;\u25a0•: j*,. 1 " \AH Star Ca, j B ABOUT TOWN %Zi£b,* LINCOLN SO/i^VVS£ril?r «— *. D-way & S«th st. i Election Day. \TIIB LQYB ROlitj MA |COT|n Brna<lw "y«nd 59th. TV!. 33(10 Colt lUfldLOI IU Ev.8:15. Mata.To-day.Ele"Day & W«i A THE TOURISTS Sunday Concert- Month. I n«, 1 UUnIO 1 J Mat, and N'Uht. EMPIRE THKVTKK. Broadwar ant Aol\ S' John DREW H \u25a0•'""- asyf* F.XTRA MATINKK ETECTION PAY PAfifilfllf THKATRE - "th St near Broadway. PflnniUll Erenlcjjn S:ls. Mat!n»<» To-day WM. GILLETTE la b L a «™ EXTRA MATINEE ELECTION ifiv*' HUDSON THEATT.E. 44th St.. E. of B*way. THE HYPOCRITES EXTRA AIATIXEE ELECTION' DAY. SAVOY .THEATPE. llth ' nnd B-wiit. y*m. V v-» l Last Eve 8:15 Uat.To-dar.2:l». FAY DAVIS XIIE ISK V '• Mon. Kyrle Belltw In •Bri <^.- Ce.-ard." CRITEHIO^ THPJTRF- Frwarand44thSt. Unl » C'iiUv! Evgs. B:ts. Matlnf- To-day. HATTIE WILLIAMS. LITTLE CHERUB the great Musical Play. L! II Lb LilCilUD EXTKA MAUNEE ELECTION DAY. WALLACK'S Br J? atlw «y and 30th Str.«t nULLUUIV U Evss. 8:13 Mitlnc* To-dnv SAM BERNARD MR . flßyßffiSi KXTRA MATINEE KI.ECTIO.V DAY. KXICKEnnOCKEn THEATRE. E-warand3Jth3L Evenlncs S:ls. Mat!ntfi To-day and Taes.lar r-tl- MONTGOMERY & STONE km -\u0084 LYCEUM 15th M^ - KTSSS, ?,Ti, i! 11 ! ,-,.: l V:r THE LION V^MOUS^ SUNDAY 8:30. BURTON HOLMES TBAVP \u25a0\K>l \[lv AM) 1 0 "OLMES OF E .^' ME>H US AND THE ERUPTION OF 1906.* HAMMERSTEIM-S 7 V^s y ,-;, - II ;3c.and3oc. j Jonei & Hlf. knd o* ff rt' nfllOUIII Bwa ' Harry Tate * Co. !o FISH- \u25a0 -U1..1.1HL. Wrtrds Ilon Jack s W Mats. Dally. 85c, worth and others. lIUIMDDI MATri Mr - Branchy William*. J«- fll nlllllnnll DAlLT - »'Pt>la< > Cohaa * Co., Th« WUIIHHIUIIW »5 C. Kit>». Fred Mblo. othtr*. ACADEMY OF >HM< 14thStr«<»t and •-\u25a0 \u25a0-, Plae*. JAE CAPE COD FOLKS Prices 25. 50. 75. 1.00. Last Mat. To-day. 2. Ev« I'll. Hi" Mr. MANTELL 85L *£?*• Wed.. Tues. Mat Rl'Hard lit \% ednesday Matlne* HAMLET Thur . Fri.. .Sat.. Sat Mat KING LEAR EXTRA MATINEE ELECTION* DAY. I MANHATTAN, " : " : ' 7 . /6HAGE GEORGE B'way.33 at Ev ' S Day ) "CLOTHES." ASTORIA? ' ' I VIOLA ALLEN \u25a0"\u25a0** \u25a0 **\u25a0\u25a0! Election Day |IX CYMBELINE. BELASCO^'Da^B^^Sfr^iv 1 - ! miwg SATES &PS&S^-&r.. E CARNEGIE HALL. 7TH .WE & '"TH ST LMENDORF 5 SUNDAY EVENINGS HOLLAND... . AT .. 8: .".. SHARP - NOVn IHE RHINE «* li •Hl!'r.l,l.\M( . "\u25a0 .. I? NORTHERN ITALY.. .'.' .". ' nFr ->>! IHKiINITALY D i: c - 9 :i " : ' ''- <>. 11. ~ :c s"c" c OnVal»N>irirrtMrfar" MADISON Cll THE.\TRE. S<th St.. B-way Ev \u25a0•IS 3 BUIOUN CJJ. Mat* To-day Tue,. knd X l*± : Garlotta Nillson •"» The 3of Us HACKFTT I * \u25a0gJftw *Th Ur.rr 4 2d.t..w O f b- way Hose btatil Choru« Lndy. IRVINfi 11 * 1 /^' Theatre. To-day. Mat!n-. IViI IWO and B< «|tti V< WILLY THALLEH In C. Karlwel.V Com«-dy. \u25a0ONK XI. ROM. 1 WEBER'S B ' Way * * 9th '?•"«»• ="i> Mad. S<l. THE MEASURE OF A MAN GARDEN TUtVTRr » »7th St. and Msdlson Ars. HrP.T^. -»--. L tl t Matinee Ijist N! ? ht. ULAY CLEMENT in SAM HOUSTON N>xt UVf-k THE .NEW DOMINION UI.MH B"»ay and 30th St. Mat. T.->-<lay. | Ev ? g-is NAT. C. GOODWIN £*»«*; n::.\T .CMC UOXDAT. NOV. STH. MAY if iV I V lnH * r -MK<. WILSON— llira * »l^*ll New Play. THAT'S ALL. By GEORfiE V HOBARI. MATINES ELECTION I>AY. ji«a» - ;:n,; :n , :;v,'f Ki!in to^lw i clrr^-k nnd To-morrow (Sunday) Aft. at 3. Till-: 5 l"lr>it aj>p«-3r3i'ce in Arr.»r!?s -r MEW YORK *•- C.,n.r..'rr-n»nN». rvFdP^'lY ' r SAiHt : ontiri4V;n * rr«rr«u U*n*z teh-m^vn. (i CfIUCOVIi I ••'•\u25a0\u25a0"ir.-, "Th- S|Mii>;ii;ti«> of b RGHES I !jA i »•<>»«•-" s a'" -\u25a0 >- \rri*-».- * * \r I i . . .i - by tlic rnmpoxrr. MlnJ- 1 * »^n«. i 0n.;,., i.., -1.,. X ,.,,.., .>..,,,;,..-\u25a0 , \u0084-- ' . pi.Mil.- »'o«-p». S«lnt-S?«rT»«. l*> \:l-.r.. Aptxi^lonito: «•>> - " -'" •llns t aki>" •(•.- . time i.i N. I.}. 11.i.r.l by Hi- r.iimi '-- tho"vei>.>Tmi»h«n> N0.3 JKrolc*). Ticket* on Pa!* at Ho\ "floe. «'a rn"-'t, M* l^ ** Mnatc*] Art «:ocl#tv. l W. 34 St.. »nd at ? > i~ i. M. C vi:NT\u25a0\u25a0 IE hAI. L . BOSTON I " "Thursday *E»enlos. OUulUn N'ovemh-r st>. at i:li ».itnril.i> .\rtern»oa. QV&JDUnyV November lor!., at ::3J. nDraV*n.|D r * Kar! Muck ORCHESTRAL---, \u25a0aa'teas. Seats Si to 730.. at Dot Ufflc*. Tyson* «itn Ay« H'>t*H.'an>l Lucfchardt * n.'lder. 19 E- 17tn St. MENDELSSOHN HALL. KNEISEL QUARTET 13ih Season la New York. SIX EVENING CONCERTS Mm 13 pi It. Jan"y » F«b"y 3. March 5. Apr!! J. «?»nera! Subscription Sal» nor- opfn. Apply to J. M. I'rUulx. care Dittos'^ <*T Droadway. En IT IV] \umi.n IN WAX. Special >•»«»•> W C ill UMIMATUt.KAI'H r.*9?7 Ini. HUH i -LMt WMk L'lrtol. Wuiua. oi&H« Public Notices. BK.vT* hum f.1,.180. 96 00» Booklet Seat on Appllratlasv Size. 25x85x102.2 FIVE STORIES IN HEIGHT. Caretaker at No. «T West TJd St ' m Tor, particulars loqalra of CLARK ESTATES, Corner of 87th St. No. 2381 Broadway. FOR RENT. New American Basement Dwellings ABSOLUTELY FIREPROOF SOUTH SIDE OF 74TH ST. Eetweec Centra! Park West & Columbus Ave< No residences have *v*r been offered To* rental In New' York City comparing with these in construction, equtpmaal, ppoinrments and detail. They have been designed and built •!!\u25a0 the careful attention to details of coo- ftruction given only to '.'!• highest class house* built for private own«r> •bip. Long Island Iteal Estate for Sale. Beech hurst Notice is hereby given to all persona whose taxes for the year 1906 have not been paid. before the Ist day. of November of the said year, that unless the *ame shall be pahl to the Receiver of Taxes at his office tn the Borough in which the property Is located, as follows: Borough, of Manhattan, No. \u008457^ Chambers street. Manhattan. N. V. ; . Borough of The Bronx, corner Third and Tremont avenues. The Bronx, N. Y. ; Borough of Brooklyn. Rooms 2. 4. 6 and S. Municipal BulMlnir,Brooklyn. N. T.: Borough of Queens, corner Jackson avenue and Fifth street, Long Island City. N. V.; Borough of Richmond, Bornug'i Hall. St. George. Ptaten Island. N. V.. . .. . before the Ist day of December of said year. will cliarßC. receive ami collect upon such taxes co remaln- lnc; unpaid on that day. in addition -to an amount of such taxes, one per centum if the' amount thereof, as provided by sections 91S and 91* of the Greater New York Charter (chapter 378. Laws of lSt>7>. DAVID E. AUSTEN. ' 'Receiver of Taxe«. T\EPARTMENT OF KINANCB, BtREAf KOR THS \u25a0*- Collection of Taxes. No. 57 Chambers Street (Stewart Building i. New York. November 1. 1908 IMPORTANT TO TAXPAYERS. FRONTS OX JAMAICA BAY. Sale of Eight New Houses in Whit- lock Avenue, The Bronx. The Emestus < ; n.i,k company ha. soTd. for1500,000. a tract of land known as Mill Island, fronting on Jama,.~a Hay and extending from KiatbuJh a ', to Bergen Beach. It has a frontage \u0084f four and \ batf moes on the bay. The buyer is a syndicate of Brooklyn and Manhattan investor,. The tract is to be improved for factory purposes George F. Johnson & Sons have' sold five of a row of fourteen two family dwelling houses on the east side of Whltloek aye.. between Hnm plot 37.5x^ fe. t, between Hleecker and West 4thst S MILL ISLAND, $500,000. The New York Preachers' Meeting will hold a memorial service for the late Dr. Philip Germofid next Monday at 11 o'clock in the chapel of the Methodist Book Concern, Xo. 150 Fifth avenue The meeting will be .pen to the public. An obitu- ary will be read by Dr. J. O. Oakley and addresses will be made by Dr. Philip M . Waiters. Dr. Charles was presiding elder of two districts fin Se™>w The men's meeting nt the West Side V M C A Xo. 320 West 57tn street, v.ill have as speaker to- morrow v Jewish rabbi. Dr. Stephen S Wi«» fn , vork y t °o f saw ss?a &w& w The Rev. Father Robert, one of the most force- ful speakers of the Passionist Order, will begin a series of three discourses to newspaper men and for the last ten years was $13.835,789 49. I,ega for the last ten years totalled $511.550 91. GENERAL ITEMS OF THE WEEK. Dunn Burrell, the Rev. Newell Woolsey Wells, the Rev. William J. Hutchlns, the Rev. Charles T. Berry, moderator of the Presbytery; William McCarroll. the Rev. John P. Dawson, the Rev. Dr. John Bancroft Devins, the Rev. Dr. Theo- dore L. Cuyler and James S. Anderson. The Duryea Presbyterian Church, named after the Rev. Dr. Duryea, has had a noteworthy career. Beginning in 1808 as a mission of the Claseon Avenue Church, it was on January 12, 1887, constituted an Independent church. Sub- sequent to its independence the Claseon Avenue Church generously continued its support, with the understanding' that as soon as circumstances warranted a deed of the property in Clermont avenue should be made over to Duryea Church Circumstances warranting the action in 1901 the deed was executed April lit of that year. Thomas H. Wray began evening preaching cervices March 18. 1877. The first pastor was o^ S Sot" Sa s nuel p - Halsey. installed January v lbS7. During Mr. Halsey's pastorate the church showed a steady and healthy growth and genuine regret was felt when, on account of railing health, he resigned, September. 1802. The Rev. John E. Fray succeeded Mr. Halsey and was Installed May 10. 1893. Amid many difficulties incident to a neighborhood rapidly changing and becoming ever more foreign he continued to do faithful and noble work till his resignation. June 30, 1902 Succeeding Mr. Fray, the Rev. Dr. William Denman was unanimously called to the pastor- ate and Installed March 4. 1003 Soon after the Installation the desire Ions; felt for a new place of worship in a new location took shape, and in January. Ji*i4. the plot on the southeast corner of Sterling place and I'nderhlll avenue was pur- chased for $18,000. Plans for a suitable and commodious building. in Romanesque style of architecture, to he. constructed of gray granite trimmed with Indiana limestone, being approved and the contract with the builder being signed ground was broken Monday, May 8 15)0." The foundation stone was laid Saturday. October 7 I!K).». Though the building was not finished' worship was begun In it Sunday, September The nucleus of a bulldin- fund was formed after a public meeting of church and congrega- tion, June <;. -\'.*>l. when members of the church subscribed $1,600. After the decision to bu'-ld January, I!*> 4. subscriptions were sought \u25a0 in earnest. One of the elders of the church, who has stood its friend In every way from the be- ginning, subscribed $10,000; the Presbyterian Union 'for Church Extension, in Brooklyn pledged $5,000; the old building which had been generously given by the Classon Avenue Church sold for f 10.000; generous friends, in and out of the church, contributed sufficient to bring the amount, in round numbers, to ,?4O(>QO leaving \u25a0till about $35,000 to be raised. " ' The building for Sunday school and lecture purposes will be constructed later. Meanwhile the Sunday school, prayer and Christian En- deavor meetings are held in the basement room carefully fitted for the purpose. Duryea has a record for its Sunday school work, so faithfully carried on for twenty-three years under the superintendence of William Mr- Citations. . \u25a0 . Tie peoplk of~ti i b "sTA?i:~cir n>;\v YORK, bt J..' the Grace of Gik! Kro't and Independpnt. Supple— w<ntal Citation.- T Henrietta MarVlln.- <launt IAmy McDonnel! and Hai-.y . Uaunt. the ,wl4i;w. l.eir- and rext it kin of Thomaii Ouunt. deocareO. Pend <i:'«:l:-.^ Whereat, Wlllliir.iIli.mlln of The Clry.of Bullalo State of New York. Ins lati-b appllfd t.i the»"s< C'oPrt rf i in County of Nf.v. Vctrk. to have a ••ertaln Instrument In will In*, dated .'(lst .lav of March, r.H>;:, rf'atli:(t tn th rea] and i^r-onai |iropejty, i!u!> proved is the la->t Will an.l Vestai'.u-nt of 'rhinres '"i3unt. lute <f the County of N'mv York, deceased. Therefore, you and each of you are rltrtl to appear before the Sn-r..(riit.- of our; County of New York, at his office. In the County of New Verh on the Ith \u25a0!;!> of December, thousand nine hunrlre<i 'ar.i Fix. at half-pa*i ten o'clock In the forenoon of'th-t day then ap'l th-ie to avtenj the prolate of the sal.! lust will anil Testament. ,\u25a0 And such of you ny nr* h^re'.n- cited, a* nrr mil" th« ase of twenty one years, an- ->-rji;trri.! to appear, by your (tu»rrtlan. if you have one. or If you have none, to appear and apply for 'oil* i,. be pip>imi..i rr in" t!n> ev»ni of your neglect or failure to dr. 5... a eiiariilnn will He ar- p.ilnteii li> the Surrogate to represent a-i.l net for you In th* pr .\u25a0.,, ';.!.- \u25a0 \u25a0_ , , \u25a0 "• , In Tes!i!-».nr Whrrecf. We have . nii.rcd the $->al of the Surrcciite-". <-.uirt of the still Count; of Sew Yrru to be hereunto f.Rlxeil. Witness, Jl..n. ABNKO C. THOMAS, a Sqrrosgsui of Ur r, o i Mid county rf Sew v, •\u25a0\u25a0; nts-iM County. th« ri.. S.I Pth day of October, li t>- year .f Lord one- thousand, nine h';r("refl »nil fix TA.ViKL .1 j .NT-;*". ' I'll"-!; rf.tho Purrogate's i o;:rt. Lost. AN IDEAL RESIDENCE PARK With every possible convenience and the combined attractions of beautiful court') and shorefront. * * ' On the south short of.the East River. Ju«t vyhc-ro. it meets th.' Snund. N". \u25a0 M . minutes by train from the S4th St. Ferry. l<< milutrs from HeraM \u25a0pjobm on completirn of. the .P.. R. 1> tunnel. a., online to oflteM \u25a0 scb«nlp. Beautiful villa plots overlooking th« i Sound, with ail' city improvonientP. Lots. i ?4T."> and upward. R. H. station rlsrht on j th« property: Send for free R. ii. ticker •ml IHnstTated boeklei. SHORE ACRES REALTY CO., 3.-:t .-,th Ayr.': 8. K. ii.m-r ;:tii St.. f | -rr_rrrr=x^-_ '* Cijtj Propert// for Sale. j DOUGLAS ' WrANOR™ i Torn -r \u25a0 iii'ilins plot. ! ,, tr . , rRUtKSIIAXK. r, .. sr . ( .. y /^KNTIIAL i \i::-: VIKW. «-,;, an 1 cvuiral l-, P - ? ! V- Wen. Kl>q;.tr.t UuUMkeeplr^ Apaitmrn** i:«nt« SI I ., urn to «(.cn'; «.ii>t. .hi :i \u25a0\u25a0:...-, - " I \u25a0 \u25a0 \u25a0 \u25a0 \u25a0 \u25a0 ;n. \u0084 \u0084 | . ] Apartment Hotels. | I MURRAY HiLL HOTEL ] •AR.\ AVIMiE, 40T:l 10 4 Si STS.. ; NEW; YOtCK. & Acr<f>>:i»l.-..i0 all that Li best In :h» city. I \u25a0"-"-\u25a0 \u25a0"'\u25a0\u25a0«'— '"' UMIBI \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0!\u25a0 \u25a0——»» TUB U4IIM-:i.AM>Klc. 12 Mil A\I. A few sillies, furnl.-ln-i m unftlrn!s^.eJ. to lease to ihblrible tenant*. | KUKTKI.S KAST MMII 111 ST. j Apartment* in new addition are now ready for Inspection, i CAGsJI a BARCOCK. «' To Let for Business Purposes. a LaHQI KLOOK TO LST. METnOP*>HT.\N lIKAI.TY RUILUINO' -\u25a01«-1S WILLIAM ST.. 14-70 ROSE ST- AND DLOCK PROMT ON BROOKLYN BRIDGE: POWKR. A»-.. day and NI«;HT. lU'i.ANn Ss WHITING CO.. :. HEEKMAN ST. OST. MISLAID - h ST..»I.EX.-Thr^ St. I.oul*. l on JJ Mountain ,<- Southern Railway Comnsnv Rive- biiU Gulf Division. First Mort<r-. 4" 1t,.. /I No tU*' '\u25a0'-• »ndt \u25a0:;.,.. of ,h.. pTr ralue of on- :, SSl*** lars each, flnrfrt t^e Isi day of Mnv. a. D !<...:-. and dv» the Ist day of May. a.. I). 1933, .jfil pf . r , i , n V aro herel.y «.>r'i<>.l nir-ilnst refelrln« or ne-'otl the same, or any coupon* affixed thereto, an inv,.,^,n.i of has been . Mooted. Any c*r<nn h-»vii e lr form:. lon as to «;il.l l> ' ITll|t •'\u25a0 ' ••>ii;"i!i« will pre-j«»> oott> ti tin•,•»•« \u0084„„ Fii;«-T V-rovM.n»-v. NY ,. V York ,-,.,- S V Furnished Apartments to Let. A —ELEGANTLY FURNISHED APARTMENT, prl- *%.. vale bath. $1.50 daily; including meals, two J»J «eenl>. one, %U THE ALABAMA. 15 E. llih St. VRTISTICALLY l- ttXISHCD APARTMENT. 7 room* am<\ bath, No. SO Weat t«>t:i it. Can t* bad October Ist. . Aasly' on {Temlata. SHIPPING NEWS. Port of New York, Friday. Nov. 2. 1903. ARRIVED. Steamer Hermudian (Br). Fr«» r, Bermuda October 31 to A E puterbridse & i o. with lfiu passansers. inuiU .mi rtJd«r. Arrived at the Bar at 10 a m Steamer Horwind. which arrive,! from Gulfport Novem- ber 1. reports: October 31, latitude :;.,.:. lonaltuJe 74 40 at 6:13 a m, r ,a.-««-d a hody floatlns on the »at.-r ' ' Steamer I'olorado. Smith, Moil! c U. tober 22 andßurns- Oft Hlghlan'.s Jt l^;,.i ;? m wuh i^ n m a:i " m " se - Steamer Jamestown, Hiller.' N'ewporl Sews an.] Nor- sl.^v f:of :o r P i ;s *" tth *—**«« atoamer iTieaapeake .Hr). Gray. London October IS to I'hHip Buprecht, in ballast. Arrived si the Bar at 2:30 Steamer Venetta fGeii. Hoff. Port an rrin-i- October 21. Jeremie 22 .-.lira Mana M ami lna^ua 28, to the namburg- American Une. with : " iS ' V Arrived at the Steamer XI Ncrtf, Ilopner. Oalveston October 27. to the_S.,mtiern Pacific ''"• with mdse. Passed in Quarantlno Qt i '.4*\ &. 111. . kk 11 * 11 ™" Braadmburs "Jen. Woltersdorf. Bremen Oc- tober 20. to Oelrii Ms a.- Co. with 153 cabin an.l 1 377 «tfV- ago passenger*, and mdse Arrived nt the Bar at 1:45 pm~ Steamer Bordeaux (Frt. L.'Heveder. Havre Otober M to the CQtnpasnie Generals TransaUantlque, with mdHL Arrived! at the Har at 1:3 op m "«»o. Bteamer Merioa, Robertson, Vera Cruz October «\u25a0% l'rogre«o 27 and Havana 30, to James X Ward &• Co with Ttl passeacers, malls and mdse. Arrived at the Bar at 3:30 ii n. Steamer rir.mlr.l- <Br». Sniaie. Para October 21 to th. Booth Company, with mdse. Arrived at the Bar at 3:30 Sandy Hook, N J. Nov 2, 10 p Wind northwest moderate; very hazy. "w«i, SAILED. Fteamers Oialmette. New Orleans; Verona (.Vort I>nn Antonio. St Ami « Bay. ,to; Catania. fan Vranrl,, £ Monroe, Norfolk and Newport News; Apache, .-harle'.n end Jacksonville; Phcebus (Her), Flushing, VleuVn , KaMBU, c.uantanamo etc: Celt.- .Hi). Liverpool , 1 1 Queenstown. LUer .Nor). Port Antonio; Antlllu (Cuban) WILL ALTER FiNE DWELLING HOUSE. Plans have been filed with Buildings Superin- tendent Murphy lor remodelling the four story and basement dwelling house No. 7 Hast Mth st , owned by Mrs. A. J. Jarvls. It Is to he extended at the front and rear and a facade of brick trimmed with limestone erected of Colonial design, with a ceiural entrance and hays decorated with pilasters built at the second and third stories. Augustus X. McV TO IMPROVE DYCKMAN TRACT. Secretary Lehman of the Metropolitan Tobacco Company h«s taken title to a plot at the SOUtheaSt cnrn.r of 2i:;ili st. and 9th aye.. fur 135,000 He Intends to erect five story tint houses on the site in the spring. TRANSACTIONS IN REALTY. ! T)<- Gross & Gross Company has leased to the ! Christie Motor Car Company for a tprm of yean ' the building on a plot 100x100 feet at the southeast j corner of Gist s«t. and 12th aye. j The Hoyt estate has sold No. 17 West 39th st., a ' four story dwelling house on a lot 20.10x98.9 f»-et. i The two adjoining: houses wore sold recently. John J. Boyian has sold for Jacobs & Marlenhoff No. 548 West 49th gt., a four story double flathouse, on lot 26x10<).5 feet. Charles and Rose Mann have roM to Mrs. J»nnli» i Friedman No. 2.1 East 3d St., a six story tenement : houi-e. on lot 2oxSS.6 feet. ! Joseph Toch has bought from Moran & Son ! builders, the two six story apartment house* Nos j MB, 2"«. 3r« and 20S West llltli St.. 125 feet west of 7th aye., on plot IGOxliiri .11 fi-et. The Cohen Realty Compnny -was the broker. , | John J. Kavanagh has sold for the estate of Rob- I *rt McCafferty T o. ft) East Slst et.. n four Ftory 1 browi:stone dwelling house, on lot 16x102.2 feet. ' John J. Corke has wold to a client of Henry C ' Quentln Ko. 405 Kast SSth St., a five story flathouse. [ on lot 20x126.10 feet. , •„- - \ Mark Blurnenthal has oold to Margaret Gradv the four story double nuthouse. No 232 East 121 st i St., on lot 25x100.11 feet. ; Aaron Goodman hns bought No. 303 East Houston i St.. a three story building, on lot lfrx7o feet The FJrnn-Cahn Realty Company has sold for j Louis Less Mo. 107 to ill St. Ann's aye., three five story flat houses, each on lot 2. r /x"D feet. R. I. Brown's Sons have sold for George, Xeuffer ! No. ISS3 Bathgate aye.. a two story frame dwelling: j house, on plot 82xS4 feet. 1 Witte & Schwlebert fold for Esther Kaufman the two. family dwelling: house on the east side of I Wallace a\e.. 605 feet north of Harriett Place. Van I Neat. :.;\u25a0 I Kolsom Brothers have sold for the Acton estate the three story and basement private house No. 235 West 13th fit., 20x51.6 feet, to an Investor. M. Siii^r Is the buyer of No, 158 Kaet 300 th st. ' The Kg.ii) & Hallecy Construction Company has sold to P. W. Ko. S<o6 Summit aye.. a five \u25a0tory flathouae. on plot 15x75 feet, adjoining the , MARINE INTELLIGENCE. miniatdiTh almanac. Sunrise C:3l!Sunset 4:561M00n llses 6:so) Moon's age 14 HIGH WATER. A.M.— Sanfly Hook «:42|Gov. Island 9:osiHell Gate 10:58 P.M. Handy Hook B:Us|Qov. Island 'J:10|Hell Gate 11:12 WIRELESS REPORTS. The St Paul, which reported to Sable Island yesterday at 7 a m. when 77.') miles east of Sandy Hoik, will dock about 8 a m to-morrov. La Lorraine, which reported to Stab'e Island at 4:r.0 a m yesterday, when I*o miles southeast if that "station Is e.ipected to dock about S:3O p m to-day. INCOMING STEAMERS. TO-DAY. . Ve«el. From. . Line. •Campania... Liverpool. October 27 Cunarfl •Dominic. Para. October 22 Booth •Bnenoa Ayres Havana, October 30 Spanish Bristol City Swansea, October 10 Bristol St. Andrew Antwerp. October 20 Phfpnlx El Mar Galreston. OctVoer 27 So Paclf.i: El Rio New Orleans. October ST. .. .So Pacific Ban Marcos Galveston. October 27 Mallcry SUNDAY. NOVEMBER 4. •l>a Lorraine Havre. October 27 French •tit Paul Southampton, October 27 .. . American •Grecian Prince Barbadoes, October 2(5 Prince •Ponce. Ponce, October SO N V & V R la nretagne. Havre. October 27 French Kals. Auk. Victoria. Hamburg, October 2S HamS-Am Carpathla Gibraltar. October 26.V <^innrd Martello Hull, October 21. .. ; Wilson MONDAY. NOVEMBER B. •Potsdam Rotterdam, October 27. . .Holland-Am •Furn»«sla Glasgow, October 27 Anchor •Finance Colon. October 80 Pannmn Perugia Gibraltar, October 24 Anchor Xl rid GalTestor. October SO So Pacific Comus New Orleans, October 00...5*> Pacific City. of Atlanta Savannah, November 2 Savannah TUESDAY, NOVEMBER C. •Knl«r Wm II Bremen, October SO ...... N" O Ltoyd Samland Antwerp. October 27 Red star •Brings mail. OUTGOING STEAMERS. TO-DAY. Vessel Vessel For. Line. Mall closes. satis? 1 T'mJrla. Liverpool. Cunard •"):"!' am 7-fi)aiii l*lilla(!>lphla Southampton. American.. <; "0 a oi3Oam Maracalbo. Curicoa, Ked I) s.3oarri l --ov)m0 v )m Carolina, Porto P.lcr, X V & PP. 0:00 a m ll:*00a m Pretoria, St Thoma-, Quebec 0:30 tw 13:00 m Mexico. Havana, Ward. ..-;...' 10:0.i a m i-'oonin Sarnia, Jamaica, Ilamb-Amer 11 :00 nin 2M>opm wiiltglft. Argentine Amer-Rlo Plata.-. 12:00 m :miii[,tn Hrrtensluc Ar»entino. Houston 12:00 m S:OODm Ore! \\nli.--iit'«.. Hamburg. Hamb-Am. o:3oam Columbia, Olaskow, Anchor . 10 -00 a m F"r.u»cerca Naples. Austrian Xl Bud, Galvestwi So Pacific 8:00 prn Cljnlmette. New Or>an«. Bo Pacific .— - 12:00 in Conchn Ge!veil tor., Mallory .T-Oit nin Jamestown Norfolk. Old Dr.mlnlon 3:o<>nni Kansas City Savannah, Savannch 3:00 pm , SUNDAY. NOVBMBEH 4. Mecaba. London. Atlantic Trans 4:oopm MONDAY. XOVEMIii:?. 5. Byron. ArgenUn*, Lamport & Holt 7:30 am livnr>a m Hubert, Para. IJooth 12:00 m :; (m p m Alllanca. C.lon. Panama 11:30 am 3:00 D i,- Princess Anne. Norfolk. Old Dominion 8:00 pm —~ . TRANSPACIFIC MAILS. Destination an 1 steamer, C!cseln V v Australia (except Westl, FIJI Is'and; and New' Caledonia (via Vancouver an Victoria, 15. C.)— Moana Nov. 4 1] no r . t Japan. C\>rpa an! China (specially ad- " dressed only) (via Seattle) Lyra.. Nov. 4 (500 n m Hawaii, Japan. Corea.. China and Philip pine Is'andi <\ia San Francisco) HonEkons Mara xov. 3, 12:30 a m Japan. L'orea, China anl Philippine Inlands (via S.>ati!<>>--T:in.t:o Maru.. r. Nov. \u25a0 8-00 ntr New Zealand. Auett-jMa (except We«t) ' •New i'.il-t nia Samoa, Hawaii frr.d IHi Islands- (via Ban Francisco)— Hawaii. JVpan. Corea.' and'phiifp- v "' 1 -- Oam Hawaii. Japan, C rea, r; : i na and Phi pine Islands «vta San Francisco)— •' vn ea Nov. IS. 13:30 a m MANHATTAN BUILDING PLANS. Aid «.. s. s.. 100 ft. w. c? SA are.; for n =i x st. rj brl k tenement house. X(.4xN7.5; Hlllman * Gold ing, ownersi Bermiteln & Bernstein. architecU . $33,000 12th aye.. c. s. 68th to SOth -•-.. for a one story l>:-lrk sheii. 124.5x21.10; lnterborough Rapid Transit Company, owner; G. H. Pegram, archi- tect .NX. l ( -"' Bt., \u25a0 s., 1* ; ft, w. 'of3d"ave.VVor a four story brick loft building, n<ix. r i::.4; i. Fried, owner und architect " 7.1W0 THE BRONX BUILDING PLANS. Harlem River Terrace, c. s . 520 ft. n of Bailey uve. ; for a two story frame dwelling house 20 ii x4O; Douglas Brown, owner an 1 architect ..... $1 SI4) Ist st. s. s.. 1W ft. cof Havemeyer aye.; f or a two story frnn-.e dwelling bouse, 34x22; Hernhard Honsman. owner; Henry fonrtnl. architect " «00 150 th r-t.. n. s.. ITI ft. c. of lark aye.- for two tlx story brick tenement houses, COxlOB.S; M,ri b?7\ & U Btina, owners; C. A. Milln.-r. a—hi- t('c' 12it,(HH) northeast corner of 161st Ft. This is one of several just finished, overlooking the llnrl»-m River, the Speedway and Macomb's Park. Edward C. H. Vogler has sold for Henry J. Large to GcorKC 11. Tilmeyer No. 6 West ISM St.. a live story Tlnthouse. AUCTION SALES YESTERDAY. At No. 14 Vesey at.—By Joseph P. Day: Boston rl. w s. 3:13.4 ft \u25a0 v. of 108th st. 71 (ixSl.flß t-.> Franklin aye. x !-;•>•;. (> sty bk ten h and i vacant en Franklin aye; Joseph Kaplan et a! Ast Hariy Himberg et \u25a0•\u25a0'\u25a0: M.ix Moo- mod, ally; \ C Neuwlrth, ref; cm. ru'\ $3,62584; taxis. etc. |SM2«i adjourned to Nov 0. MECHANICS' LIENS. lGHtn Ft., n. s.. 1i.i.l ft w. of Kdgfcombo aye., KioxlCf.Ox lrree; Arlando Marino act. Josopn .lacobson. owner; lsauor w. Horn and Loutl Lamptrt, contractors.. $702 75 Van Neat aye.. c. s., -3 it. a, <\u25a0: Van liurcn st.. 2SxliNl; Philip > et al agt. John B. Ma- rirtn. owner an.l contractor 20000 3d aye.; No. 034; John J. Ryan ut;t. James ess- sidy, owner; John Yoge!. contractor 2«0 00 13<>th St., No. 21 to 2:i Weat: li. i'elli <fc Co. agt. Plccus Konginaky, owner and contractor.. 515 00 27th st., n. ».. I'ie.s ft. c. of -tl aye. SB.4xltX>; Koliinson Btone Works company apt. ZalleUl & Oranaky, owners; famnel Kossler contractor.'. 206 00 6th st.. No. 42.". Bast; i..>ji« vu?trr asrt. Chariss Fnedenberg, owner and contractor C 2 50 6eth at., \u25a0. s.. 287 ft. \v. of »th aye., i;r.x'.<«>: Hf irlngl.onu Mftal Lath Company agt. Llllie !:.. .)»\u25a0 nui? 1... <_;. j. an( l.ton Fleiscnmann and l'l.ischmaii Etualty and Construction Company owners; Thomas J. Funning, contractor...... 78290 ith Five . No. S103; Thomaa Dlmond r.Rt. Ann weaver, owner an.l contractor 375 00 Prospect eve.; w. c.. ;i t ft. b of 160th s-t . 7.'.x I*4; Jacob Uatae] ag:. Isaac I. Shapiro owner and contra 51000 Amsterdam aw-., w. *.. 24.11 ft. n. of With si 10()llt»0: Ravltch Brothers nprt. Jacob Goldberg and Max Smith, owners and contractors 6,800 00 Grant aye. (\u25a0. *\u0084 32.0 ft. n. of losth St., :«r.nx lX); BraunsfeH, Browning * Co. a«t. Whitney Construction Company, owner and contractor.. 40 TO .51 St., s - \u25a0\u25a0• 10<t ft - w. of Audubon aye 25x 100; Deiinls Uaher apt William li Bingham. owner; James J. Ryan, contractor 59 00 THE MOVEMENTS OF STEAMERS. I'OP.KMN rORTS. '• .- UK.raltar. No\ 1 Sai'leu. earner L'ltoQta <l»r> Thomson (from ->•:.\u25a0. no; New y.-, r k. ...... .1 Plymouth, Xuv - >•:"» .. -Arrived, steamer Krenprinz Wllhelm (<;•-,. l;|.'!i,r. New York for hour* nil Itremen land rr« »•:\u25a0 <i>. Delason. l:iy. N..v 1 Arrived. sUt»>m«f t'orfe Castle ißrl Lotvmy, .Ww York via St Vincent. c v. <."a|..- To«ri! Amsterdam. X«*» 1 Arrived, steamer F'rln* IVll>m IV (Dutch*. Van •!• i Uoct. New fork via \V«st ! IndteaJ \ .-i.i-jrut- n and Havre. '..- . -~; - \u25a0; Cherbourg. Kov -. 3 »i m Arrlv«wV. steamer Kr.mi.rn- Wllh«lm (<;>>r). Rlchter. New. York via Plymouth :or Rrem< n land . rocei dc l>; riculipne. Nov £ fl a m— Arrived, steamer N*i«lw« Am- sterdam. IlorjT. New York for Rotterdam »and pro-- ce*J«M». ' - >v - \u25a0 - \u25a0•-»\u25a0 Gibraltar, Nov I— Paused, siwnur Mam ( »r). Wool feniien, Calcutta anj Colombo for Boston -end Sew York. (, Niv "J— Arrived, steamer Republic 'Hr. McAule; New York. Cherbourg, Soy 2. 5:10 a m—Arrived, steamer Amorlka i(i«T). s-'aufrman;:. New York via Plymouth for' Ham burs (ana proceeded). Queeostown. Not -. ll:~r» a m Arrive!, steamer I,n can.a (Hr). Watt, New York for Liverpool land pro- ceeded. Fow-ey, Key I—Called.1 Called.- •trainer Sy.Jenham (Swed), Fag^r- lund I from Jlumrfiaml New York. Liverpool, N". i Arrived, stoam.r Haltie (Dr), Smith. N«W Y<>r!; via QIMMtQW •-.*.•\u25a0 ' *• Glbrultur. N'v 2 Arrived, steamer Maltk«> (Or). Itemp- wolf. New- York for Naples ami <;.»n,ia. Sues, Nov 2 -Arrived, steamer Muntrose (Hr). <;!<•«* Yokohama, etc. for Now v.t. - - ' " Port Said. Nov 2— Arrived. atrßine r Newby Hail \u25a0 <Br> Huck. Now York for liens Korif. " Para. Xov I—Sailed,1 Sailed, steamer' Cearenao \u25a0 (Br). Hughes, New Turk. Naples. Nov I—Arrived1 Arrived previously, steamer Calabria (Br). Cnverley. New York. Liverpool, Nov 2— Arrived, steamer Canning (Br). I»avl#s. Now York for Manchester. ; . Algiers, Oct»29 bailed, steamer Trj'n (Nor), from Mrs K.i- fi r New Ycrk. ... Dkiitzlt'. not 3t>— tfollti, s'eamur liosnU (Ger),' Schmidt New York. •'" •* i- ' Tenoriffe, Oct 30 fcwileJ. iinannr Ormeaby-'CBrVWhaJlay, *«w lorfc- _ NEW- YORK DAILY TRIBUNE, SATURDAY. NOVEMBER 3. 1906. Amusements. Watch Certainty Certainty in watch buy- ing lies in the name ELGIN. Years and years of un- b-oken success have made the ELGIN The Standard Watch. You are sure you want an ELGIN but may hes- itate as to which grade of movement to buy. The popular grade at a popular price is the G. M. WHEELER, the most ac- curate, perfectly adjusted watch for its price in the world. You can find it in the small sizes and thin model. Have your jeweler show it to you. \u25a0 LCIN NATIONAL WATCH CO., Elgin, 111. 8

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Page 1: SURANCE this HIPPODROME - Library of CongressCHURCH NEWS NOTES. The Turf. 'Amusements. MAD.Business!SQ. GDN. IEVERY DAY Business ITHISthis WEEKweek E AdmUrioo s*o. iMSHOW 1101. 10lOA


Business! this weekBusiness ITHIS WEEKE AdmUrioo s*o.


Real Estate.



A little different method in the making: often

makes a big difference in the effect of a collar.

TIOGA 13 a new wlngr collar.

Buy by this Mark.

Queens CountyJockey Club,


Begins To-DayAt 3 P. M., with six BDnrkttns fMtnr*«.larludine the

great opening day attraction*.



Train* leave foot of East 34th st. at 10:50 A. M..l*:in. 12:30. i;:oO. 1:00, l:J0 ami 1:50 P. M. and fromrintbu.ih aye. Nt 11:15 A. at.. 12:15. 11:35. 12:30. 1:00.1:05, 1:15. 1:30. 2:15 P. M. All Fiatbush aye. trainsstop at Nostrnnd si" and i:a"=t New York.- NKIV KIEI.I* STANI) Sl.oo.Reached by trolley cars from Klncs Co. "I/ Station.

THE NEW DURYEA PRESBYTERIAN CHUBCH.Sterling: Place and Underbill avenue Brooklyn.


Duryea Presbyterians DedicatingBuilding in Brooklyn.

Another addition to the "City of Churches" Isbeing dedicated at Sterling Place and Underbillavenue. Brooklyn. It Is the Duryea Presby-terian Church.. which began nearly twenty yearsago as a little mission In v, hat was then a newr.«»iphborhood. and Is now one of the flourishingreligious centres of the Park Slope.

The exercises of dedication began on October22 and will he completed on November 11. Atthe service on October 22 a memorial tablet wasunveiled to the Rev. Samuel P. Halsey, firstpastor of the Duryea Church. Among thosetaking part in the dedication services are theRev. Dr. Clcland B. McAfee, the Rev. Dr. JohnF. Carson, the Rev. Dr. R. G. Hutching, theRev. Daniel H. Overton, the Rev. Dr. Joseph

METHODIST MISSIONARY MEETING.The annual . meeting: of the freneral- missionary

committee of the Methodist Episcopal Church beganIts sessions, which will continue about ten day?.in the Delaware Avenue Church, Buffalo, on Thurs-day. This is probably the most important gatheringof prominent Methodists within the quadrennialmeejings of its General Conference for extendingits denominational .missionary activities through-out the world. Delegate* from every part of th»globe where Methodist missionaries are now pta-

tionr-i] are represented by some delegate at thisannual meeting. All the bishops of the Churchare ex offlclo members of this committee. Thelarger number of delegates to these annual meet-ings ate elected by the General Conference onceevery lour years. ;\u0084,,.

During: the last year this society has raised thelargest sum of money in Its history for carryingon its foreign and domestic work. The Rev. Dr.Homer Eaton, treasurer of the society, reportedyesterday that the cash receipts for the yearrndfHl October, 19i>"». aggregated J1.695.559 27. ThisIs an increase of $113.644 14 over the previous year.

The total amount of money raised by this society

Carroll,. and, for its missionary. spirit, seen in ltigenerous butions to all benevolent enter-prises.

Country Property for Sale.

LET ME SHOW YOUAS AN INVESTMENT IN RUSSELLv CO.. KANSAS.7"o acres at ;............ „....!to r»i9GO acres at $18.00640 acres at ;...... .t:O.n-)(HO acres at .' 415.00ICO acres at $10.00

No trado or commission considered.1.. C. WALURIDGE...

Russell, Kansas • \u25a0" '

Ely llmisr—

nic Value.••

MT. VERNOX. . .I-ct Co ft. front— a corner especially adapted for a ga-rasje. Heart of Chester Hill: boo— built or hrlrk; ccmol-!.!•.ti<n s.!?ani heat an Ihot air heat; two bathrooms; largeinception tall;'lining room has largo fireplace; southernexposure: fix !ars«- tlef-plni; rooms, with four nreplnces.Owner refused 11.330 rent: will sell at great sacrifice.Estimated cost t.> reproduce. SIS.OOO. Tr>- offer of $13,500.

-\u25a0 COOLEY C WEST, IXC.Mount Vernoq or 31u Madison Aye,New York.

IJIOR SALE. I-ir^e tract of blue and red clay, suitable. for fcurf and red bricks, terra cotta. tiling, ate, onPennsylvania Railroad, between Baltimore and Washing-

ton; wculd exchanße in part for New York. Los Angel«»or seashore proper y. SAMUESL iit-'AI.MKAR. lltiLawBuiliJlnp. Halttnurc. Md. ,\u25a0• \u25a0 \u25a0 •

capital \u25a0&. *hq E£s(i nnnSURPLUS OF V W}4iUU

Lawyers TitleInsurance and Trust

Company37 Liberty Street. .%!> Liberty Street.

(Title Dept.> ITrtlSt A Binfclne I»el>:.)MAXIIATTAX.

IS.S .If»iita.(Tti«» <lreci. Brooklyn.(Title I'rpt and Trust & Hsnk.ns D«4jU|

Do youknowwhether you can contractto sell your property with-out the risk ol a lawsuitfor damages because thebuikHnga encroach on theadjoining property or forsome overlooked defect inyour TITLE?A policy of TITLE IN-SURANCE in this com-pany will eliminate anysuch possibility, having asa safeguard its

Unfurnished Apartments to Let.DESiy;.\BI.E APARTMENT, Hve rooms nnd bath, to

let In li:-e;iroof apartment house; owners resident;rent II.TOO per yenr. Apply to Janitor. I? W. ISth s:.

fJMIE WASHINGTON, 47S West l.V.»t:i St.. cerner St.X Nicholas

—Two elegant apnrtmentu to let; 7

mil H rooms: all modern improvements. Apply onpremises or itO.'l 3d aye. (store)

1*\U™ST • <i(l- EAST

—Sllc elecan'. llgl't rooms and

_L*J«J bath: all modern improvements, mcl. electrtoltt'at. parbas<! c!ocet. heating, etc.. etc.: S:j to $32.


willnot allow the unslglitly clothes-pole; :n their the aiiven: of the


CYKII.I.K CARREAU, Agent, 7W Sixth Aye., 40th,


Private stable to accommo-• ' date five or six horses; liast Side, between (Sth and12'th sts:.. preferr-fl .1. I. RVOI.ET. L.. W. 42d st.. city.


They are out only durirjr.thc wash. Can be Instantlytaken In when clothes are dry. Over 2.m»».<)00 uslnt;them. No walklnc in wet grass Line toir.ea to you.Held HO to ISO feet of line. Please everybody. As >Roof and Balcony Dryers.• ;-: ' Write fa* Catalogue 13.HILLDRYER CO.. Worcester. Mass.

X. V. ORlce. 1133 l!n:iv. Tel. MSI Mniii»on. ;., \u25a0

Cit?/ Property to Let.

CJEALED PI.OI'OSALS WILL. HE RKCKIVKD BY THE\u25baO Co^iinissloiier of lmailsra,Uoa, Hills Islund. New YorKliartior. up to -':UD P. M.. Monday. Novemoti 0, luo«;,and upened lirmccllately thereafter, f^r BAacbtM repairs,docking, scaling and painting: on ferry steamer KillsIsland," Ellis Island Immigration Station. Particularsregarding limitations aril conditions governing biddersmay be obtained upon application to ROBERT WATt'H-uKX, Jommla.'l'/ner.

IPROPOSALS FOR UNDERWEAR.— QUAR-. . ternia ? ters Office. 39 Whitehall Street. New YorkCity. October 31, 1906.

—Sealed proposals In triplicate,

subject to the usual conditions, willbe received hereuntil12 o'clock M.. November 5. 1906. and then opened,for furnishing and delivering at this Depot "000Nainsook Undershirts

'and 73.000 pairs Nainsook

Drawers. Army Standard. The tight Is reserved to re-ject or accept any or all,proposals, or any part there-of. Preference willbe given to article* of domesticproduction or manufacture, conditions of quality andprice (Including In the price of foreign productions ormanufactures the duty thereon > being equal. Stand-ard samples can be i»en at and. blank* for proposalsand fullInformation will be furnished upon applicationto this office. Envelopes containing proposals must beendorsed "Pioposp!s for Underwear, to be opened at 12o'clock M.. November 5. 1906." nnd addressed to W. H.MiI.I.EH. Deputy Q. M. General, U. S. A.. Depot Q. M.




BROADWAY &\&^&g§ITHE*PRINCE of NDIXTHE PRINCE of iNDiAIDram,ifwilJ Ir Clarke Mu* p- •

\u25a0 :>,.„.I EXTRA MATINEE HMt-mn [>\v




MMJORIE SSSffifeIMlsa j.ob»on» n*»t play willbe anr>»aiw»<| ihortlv.

DALY'S Mats. Wed. & Sat. and Election DayU:•*i-IO Mats. Wad. *Bat and Elwtlor. Day



INFW YORK ™M-irw.r*«sthS»t. Evo, |:MIlLI? lUim Last Mat. To-daj. B.::mM-imS;I;: GHAUNuhV ULCfITT-

SSiS^-»-^ tL?«'.Iv-t'. v>ats Sfll!n

-"at. Elerllon Pay.F.M Milf IIIN, ».-, Minute* from Itroa.l ..

HIPPODROME; -'( A Anderson .V,,va^rij \u25a0- xth Aye. <3dtoMth. Tel. 3400—Bryant.

i.;\u25a0\u25a0.\u25a0.i '.;\u25a0\u25a0'.\u25a0. ISOCIETY CIRCUS "g-FITon

N*|KJ>t!i25c. to JI.SO. DallyMat. »3c to $1.


I i»'rti.-« »"'"*""~ :Cln* Ed.rar<l-« Favorite Band.I


I \ LYRIC 4\u25a0£ 6'-W-ofß'<rar. T«US<J BryantI IbIniU . Evp. S IS Mat».To-dar *F. -. Day.,-= LLNA 4MIWHI. In 111 1>Hl I.AMITIt_

Plllifc MU.LEB

\LewFields' Herald So. THrA ".;\u25a0•: j*,.1"

\AHStar Ca, jB ABOUTTOWN %Zi£b,*LINCOLNSO/i^VVS£ril?r «—*.,»D-way &S«th st. i Election Day. \TIIB LQYB ROlitj

MA |COT|n Brna<lw"y«nd 59th. TV!. 33(10 ColtlUfldLOIIU Ev.8:15. Mata.To-day.Ele"Day &W«i

A THE TOURISTS Sunday Concert-Month. In«, 1UUnIO1J Mat,and N'Uht.

EMPIRE THKVTKK. Broadwar ant Aol\ S'

John DREW H\u25a0•'""- asyf*


PAfifilfllf THKATRE-

"th St near Broadway.PflnniUll Erenlcjjn S:ls. Mat!n»<» To-day

WM. GILLETTE la bLa «™



SAVOY .THEATPE. llth—'nnd B-wiit.y*m. V v-»l Last Eve 8:15 Uat.To-dar.2:l».



V '• Mon.—

Kyrle Belltw In •Bri<^.- Ce.-ard."

CRITEHIO^ THPJTRF- Frwarand44thSt.Unl » C'iiUv! Evgs. B:ts. Matlnf- To-day.HATTIE WILLIAMS. LITTLE CHERUBthe great Musical Play. L!IILb LilCilUD


WALLACK'S BrJ?atlw«y and 30th Str.«tnULLUUIVU Evss. 8:13 Mitlnc*To-dnv


KXICKEnnOCKEn THEATRE. E-warand3Jth3LEvenlncs S:ls. Mat!ntfiTo-day and Taes.lar r-tl-


-̂KTSSS, ?,Ti,i!11

!,-,.:lV:r THE LION V^MOUS^SUNDAY 8:30. BURTON HOLMES TBAVP\u25a0\K>l \[lv AM)



HAMMERSTEIM-S 7V^sy,-;,- •

II;3c.and3oc. j Jonei & Hlf.knd o* ffrt'nfllOUIIIBwa' Harry Tate *Co. !o FISH-

\u25a0 -U1..1.1HL. Wrtrds Ilon Jack sW Mats. Dally.85c, worth and others.


Branchy William*. J«-fllnlllllnnllDAlLT- »'Pt>la<> Cohaa * Co., Th«WUIIHHIUIIW »5C. Kit>». Fred Mblo. othtr*.

ACADEMY OF >HM< 14thStr«<»t and •-\u25a0 \u25a0-, Plae*.

JAE CAPE COD FOLKSPrices 25. 50. 75. 1.00. Last Mat. To-day. 2. Ev« I'll.Hi"Mr.MANTELL85L *£?*• Wed.. Tues. Mat Rl'Hard lit\% ednesday Matlne* HAMLETThur . Fri.. .Sat.. Sat Mat KING LEAR


IMANHATTAN,":":'7. /6HAGE GEORGEB'way.33 at Ev '

S Day ) "CLOTHES."


\u25a0"\u25a0** \u25a0 **\u25a0\u25a0! Election Day |IXCYMBELINE.

BELASCO^'Da^B^^Sfr^iv 1- !miwg SATES &PS&S^-&r..



HOLLAND... .AT..8:."..SHARP-NOVnIHE RHINE «*• li•Hl!'r.l,l.\M( . "\u25a0 .. I?

NORTHERN ITALY.. .'.' .".'


->>! IHKiINITALY Di:c-

9:i":' ''- <>. 11.~:c • s"c"c OnVal»N>irirrtMrfar"

MADISON Cll THE.\TRE. S<th St.. B-way Ev \u25a0•IS3BUIOUN CJJ. Mat* To-day Tue,. knd Xl*±i« : Garlotta Nillson •"» The 3of UsHACKFTT I

*\u25a0gJftw *ThUr.rr4 2d.t..w Of b- way Hose btatil Choru« Lndy.


1/^' Theatre. To-day. Mat!n-.IViIIWO and B< «|ttiV< WILLY THALLEHIn C. Karlwel.V Com«-dy. \u25a0ONK XI. ROM.1

WEBER'S B'Way **9th '?•"«»• ="i>Mad. S<l.


GARDEN TUtVTRr» »7th St. and Msdlson Ars.HrP.T^. -»--.Ltlt Matinee IjistN!?ht.

ULAY CLEMENT in SAM HOUSTONN>xt UVf-k THE .NEW DOMINIONUI.MH B"»ay and 30th St. Mat. T.->-<lay. | Ev? g-is


MAY ifiVIV lnH*r -MK<. WILSON—llira* »l^*ll New Play. THAT'S ALL.By GEORfiE V HOBARI.


;:n,; :n,:;v,'fKi!in to^lwiclrr^-k

nnd To-morrow (Sunday) Aft. at 3.Till-: 5 l"lr>itaj>p«-3r3i'ce in Arr.»r!?s -r

MEW YORK *•- C.,n.r..'rr-n»nN».


r SAiHt:ontiri4V;n *rr«rr«u

—U*n*z teh-m^vn.

(iCfIUCOVIi I••'•\u25a0\u25a0"ir.-, "Th- S|Mii>;ii;ti«> ofbRGHES I!jAi »•<>»«•-" sa'" -\u25a0 >- \rri*-».-* *\r Ii . ..i -

by tlic rnmpoxrr. MlnJ-1*»^n«.

i0n.;,., i.., -1.,. X,.,,.., .>..,,,;,..-\u25a0 ,

\u0084--' . pi.Mil.- »'o«-p». S«lnt-S?«rT»«. l*>\:l-.r..Aptxi^lonito:«•>>

- " -'"•llns t aki>" •(•.- . time i.iN.I.}.

11.i.r.l by Hi- r.iimi • '--

tho"vei>.>Tmi»h«n> N0.3 JKrolc*).

Ticket* on Pa!* at Ho\ "floe. «'arn"-'t, M*l^ **Mnatc*] Art «:ocl#tv. lW. 34 St.. »nd at ? >

i~ i. M.

C vi:NT\u25a0\u25a0 IE hAI.L.BOSTON I

" "Thursday *E»enlos.OUulUn N'ovemh-r st>. at i:li

».itnril.i> .\rtern»oa.QV&JDUnyV November lor!., at ::3J.

nDraV*n.|Dr* Kar! MuckORCHESTRAL---, \u25a0aa'teas.Seats Si to 730.. at Dot Ufflc*. Tyson* «itn Ay«

H'>t*H.'an>l Lucfchardt *n.'lder. 19 E- 17tn St.


KNEISEL QUARTET13ih Season la New York.

SIX EVENING CONCERTSM m 13 pi It.Jan"y » F«b"y 3. March 5. Apr!! J.

«?»nera! Subscription Sal» nor- opfn. Apply to J. M.I'rUulx. care Dittos'^ <*T Droadway.

En IT IV] \umi.n IN WAX. Special >•»«»•>W C ill UMIMATUt.KAI'Hr.*9?7 Ini.HUH i -LMtWMk L'lrtol. Wuiua. oi&H«

Public Notices.

BK.vT* hum f.1,.180. 96 00»

Booklet Seat on Appllratlasv

Size. 25x85x102.2

FIVE STORIES IN HEIGHT.Caretaker at No. «T West TJd St'm Tor, particulars loqalra of

CLARK ESTATES,Corner of 87th St. No. 2381 Broadway.


New AmericanBasement DwellingsABSOLUTELY FIREPROOFSOUTH SIDE OF 74TH ST.Eetweec Centra! Park West &Columbus Ave<No residences have *v*rbeen offered To*

rental In New' York City comparingwith these in construction, equtpmaal,•ppoinrments and detail.

They have been designed and built •!!\u25a0the careful attention to details of coo-ftruction given only to '.'!• highestclass house* built for private own«r>•bip.

Long Island Iteal Estate for Sale.

Beech hurst

Notice is hereby given to all persona whose taxes forthe year 1906 have not been paid.before the Ist day. ofNovember of the said year, that unless the *ame shallbe pahl to the Receiver of Taxes at his office tn theBorough in which the property Is located, as follows:

Borough, of Manhattan, No. \u008457^ Chambers street.Manhattan. N. V.; . •

Borough of The Bronx, corner Third and Tremontavenues. The Bronx, N. Y.;

Borough of Brooklyn. Rooms 2. 4. 6 and S. MunicipalBulMlnir,Brooklyn. N. T.:

Borough of Queens, corner Jackson avenue and Fifthstreet, Long Island City.N. V.;Borough of Richmond, Bornug'i Hall. St. George.

Ptaten Island. N. V.. . .. . •—before the Ist day of December of said year. h« will

cliarßC. receive ami collect upon such taxes co remaln-lnc; unpaid on that day. in addition -to an amount ofsuch taxes, one per centum if the' amount thereof, asprovided by sections 91S and 91* of the Greater NewYork Charter (chapter 378. Laws of lSt>7>.

DAVID E. AUSTEN.''Receiver of Taxe«.

T\EPARTMENT OF KINANCB,BtREAf KOR THS\u25a0*- Collection of Taxes. No. 57 Chambers Street(Stewart Building i. New York. November 1. 1908



Sale of Eight New Houses in Whit-lock Avenue, The Bronx.

The Emestus <;n.i,k company ha. soTd. for1500,000.a tract of land known as Mill Island, fronting onJama,.~a Hay and extending from KiatbuJh a ',to Bergen Beach. It has a frontage \u0084f four and \batf moes on the bay. The buyer is a syndicate ofBrooklyn and Manhattan investor,. The tract isto be improved for factory purposes

George F. Johnson & Sons have' sold five of arow of fourteen two family dwelling houses onthe east side of Whltloek aye.. between Hnm

plot 37.5x^ fe. t, between Hleecker and West 4thst S

MILL ISLAND, $500,000.

The New York Preachers' Meeting will hold amemorial service for the late Dr. Philip Germofidnext Monday at 11 o'clock in the chapel of theMethodist Book Concern, Xo. 150 Fifth avenueThe meeting willbe .pen to the public. An obitu-ary will be read by Dr. J. O. Oakley and addresseswillbe made by Dr. PhilipM. Waiters. Dr. Charles

was presiding elder of two districts fin Se™>wThe men's meeting nt the West Side V M C AXo. 320 West 57tn street, v.illhave as speaker to-morrow v Jewish rabbi. Dr. Stephen S Wi«» fn,


t°ofsaw ss?a &w&wThe Rev. Father Robert, one of the most force-ful speakers of the Passionist Order, will begin aseries of three discourses to newspaper men and

for the last ten years was $13.835,789 49. I,egafor the last ten years totalled $511.550 91.


Dunn Burrell, the Rev. Newell Woolsey Wells,the Rev. William J. Hutchlns, the Rev. CharlesT.Berry, moderator of the Presbytery; WilliamMcCarroll. the Rev. John P. Dawson, the Rev.Dr. John Bancroft Devins, the Rev. Dr. Theo-dore L. Cuyler and James S. Anderson.

The Duryea Presbyterian Church, named afterthe Rev. Dr. Duryea, has had a noteworthycareer. Beginning in 1808 as a mission of theClaseon Avenue Church, it was on January 12,1887, constituted an Independent church. Sub-sequent to its independence the Claseon AvenueChurch generously continued its support, withthe understanding' that as soon as circumstanceswarranted a deed of the property in Clermontavenue should be made over to Duryea ChurchCircumstances warranting the action in 1901the deed was executed Aprillitof that year.

Thomas H. Wray began evening preachingcervices March 18. 1877. The first pastor waso^S Sot" Sasnuel p- Halsey. installed January

v lbS7. During Mr. Halsey's pastorate thechurch showed a steady and healthy growthand genuine regret was felt when, on account ofrailing health, he resigned, September. 1802.The Rev. John E. Fray succeeded Mr. Halseyand was Installed May 10. 1893. Amid manydifficulties incident to a neighborhood rapidlychanging and becoming ever more foreign hecontinued to do faithful and noble work tillhisresignation. June 30, 1902

Succeeding Mr. Fray, the Rev. Dr. WilliamDenman was unanimously called to the pastor-ate and Installed March 4. 1003 Soon after theInstallation the desire Ions; felt for a new placeof worship in a new location took shape, and inJanuary. Ji*i4. the plot on the southeast cornerof Sterling place and I'nderhlll avenue was pur-chased for $18,000. Plans for a suitable andcommodious building. in Romanesque style ofarchitecture, to he. constructed of gray granitetrimmed with Indiana limestone, being approvedand the contract with the builder being signedground was broken Monday, May 8 15)0." Thefoundation stone was laid Saturday. October 7I!K).». Though the building was not finished'worship was begun In it Sunday, September

The nucleus of a bulldin- fund was formedafter a public meeting of church and congrega-tion, June <;. -\'.*>l. when members of the churchsubscribed $1,600. After the decision to bu'-ldJanuary, I!*>4. subscriptions were sought \u25a0 inearnest. One of the elders of the church, whohas stood its friend In every way from the be-ginning, subscribed $10,000; the PresbyterianUnion 'for Church Extension, in Brooklynpledged $5,000; the old building which had beengenerously given by the Classon Avenue Churchsold for f10.000; generous friends, in and out ofthe church, contributed sufficient to bring theamount, in round numbers, to ,?4O(>QO leaving\u25a0till about $35,000 to be raised.

" '

The building for Sunday school and lecturepurposes will be constructed later. Meanwhilethe Sunday school, prayer and Christian En-deavor meetings are held in the basement roomcarefully fitted for the purpose.

Duryea has a record for its Sunday schoolwork, so faithfully carried on for twenty-threeyears under the superintendence of William Mr-

Citations. . \u25a0 .Tie peoplk of~tiib"sTA?i:~cir n>;\v YORK, btJ..' the Grace of Gik! Kro't and Independpnt. Supple—

w<ntal Citation.- T• Henrietta MarVlln.- <launt IAmyMcDonnel! and Hai-.y.Uaunt. the ,wl4i;w. l.eir- and rextit kin of Thomaii Ouunt. deocareO. Pend <i:'«:l:-.^Whereat, Wlllliir.iIli.mlln of The Clry.of Bullalo Stateof New York. Ins lati-b appllfd t.i the»"s< C'oPrtrf iin County of Nf.v.Vctrk. to have a ••ertaln InstrumentIn willIn*,dated .'(lst .lav of March, r.H>;:, rf'atli:(t tn l« threa] and i^r-onai |iropejty, i!u!> proved is the la->t Willan.l Vestai'.u-nt of 'rhinres '"i3unt. lute <f the County ofN'mv York, deceased. Therefore, you and each of you arerltrtl to appear before the Sn-r..(riit.- of our;County ofNew York, at his office. In the County of New Verh onthe Ith \u25a0!;!> of December, m» thousand nine hunrlre<i 'ar.iFix. at half-pa*i ten o'clock In the forenoon of'th-t daythen ap'l th-ie to avtenj the prolate of the sal.! lust willanil Testament. , \u25a0

And such of you ny nr*h^re'.n- cited, a* nrr mil" th«ase of twenty one years, an- ->-rji;trri.! to appear, by your(tu»rrtlan. if you have one. or If you have none, to appearand apply for 'oil* i,. be pip>imi..i rr in" t!n> ev»ni ofyour neglect or failure to dr. 5... a eiiariilnn will He ar-p.ilnteii li> the Surrogate to represent a-i.l net for you Inth* pr .\u25a0.,,';.!.- •

\u25a0 \u25a0_• , , \u25a0 "• ,

In Tes!i!-».nr Whrrecf. We have . nii.rcd the $->al of theSurrcciite-". <-.uirt of the still Count; of Sew Yrru to behereunto f.Rlxeil.

Witness, Jl..n. ABNKO C. THOMAS, a Sqrrosgsui of Urr, oi

Mid county rf Sew v, •\u25a0\u25a0; nts-iM County. th«ri.. S.I Pth day of October, li t>- year .f Lordone- thousand, nine h';r("refl »nil fixTA.ViKL.1 j.NT-;*".'

I'll"-!;rf.tho Purrogate's io;:rt.



With every possible convenience and thecombined attractions of beautiful court')and shorefront.* * '

On the south short of.the East River.Ju«t vyhc-ro. it meets th.' Snund. N". \u25a0 M. minutes by train from the S4th St. Ferry.

l<< milutrs from HeraM \u25a0pjobm on completirnof. the .P.. R. 1> tunnel. a., online to oflteM

\u25a0 scb«nlp.

Beautiful villa plots overlooking th« iSound, with ail' city improvonientP. Lots. i?4T."> and upward. R. H. station rlsrht on jth« property: Send for free R. ii. ticker•ml IHnstTated boeklei.

SHORE ACRES REALTY CO.,3.-:t .-,th Ayr.': 8. K. ii.m-r ;:tiiSt.. f |


'*CijtjPropert// for Sale. j


WrANOR™ iTorn -r \u25a0 iii'ilins plot. ! , ,

tr . ,

rRUtKSIIAXK. r, .. sr . (.. y

/^KNTIIALi\i::-: VIKW. «-,;, >» an 1 cvuiral l-,P-?!

V- Wen. Kl>q;.tr.t UuUMkeeplr^ Apaitmrn** i:«nt«SII.,urn to «(.cn'; «.ii>t. .hi :i\u25a0\u25a0:...-,- "

I\u25a0 \u25a0 \u25a0 \u25a0 \u25a0 \u25a0 ;n. \u0084 \u0084 |. ]

Apartment Hotels. |


•AR.\ AVIMiE,40T:l 10 4 Si STS.. ;NEW; YOtCK. &

Acr<f>>:i»l.-..i0 all that Li best In :h» city. I\u25a0"-"-\u25a0 \u25a0"'\u25a0\u25a0«'— '"'

UMIBI \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0!\u25a0 \u25a0——»»TUB U4IIM-:i.AM>Klc.

12 MilA\I.A few sillies, furnl.-ln-i m unftlrn!s^.eJ. to lease to

ihblrible tenant*. |

KUKTKI.S KAST MMII111 ST. jApartment* innew addition are now ready for Inspection, i


To Let for Business Purposes.a LaHQI KLOOK TO LST.



h ST..»I.EX.-Thr^ St. I.oul*.lonJJ Mountain ,<- Southern Railway Comnsnv Rive-biiU Gulf Division. First Mort<r-. 4" 1t,.. /I No tU*''\u25a0'-• »ndt \u25a0:;.,.. of ,h.. pTr ralue of on- :, SSl***lars each, flnrfrt t^e Isi day of Mnv. a. D !<...:-. anddv» the Ist day of May. a..I). 1933, .jfilpf.r,i,nV aroherel.y «.>r'i<>.l nir-ilnst refelrln« or ne-'otl thesame, or any coupon* affixed thereto, an inv,.,^,n.iof has been .Mooted. Any c*r<nn h-»viie lrform:. lonas to «;il.l l>'ITll|t •'\u25a0

'••>ii;"i!i« willpre-j«»> oott> titin•,•»•«

\u0084„„ Fii;«-T V-rovM.n»-v. NY,.V York ,-,.,- S V

Furnished Apartments to Let.A —ELEGANTLY FURNISHED APARTMENT, prl-

*%.. vale bath. $1.50 daily; including meals, two J»J«eenl>. one, %U THE ALABAMA.15 E. llih St.

VRTISTICALLY l- ttXISHCD APARTMENT. 7 room*am<\ bath, No. SO Weat t«>t:i it. Can t*bad OctoberIst. . Aasly' on {Temlata.


Port of New York, Friday. Nov. 2. 1903.ARRIVED.

Steamer Hermudian (Br). Fr«» r, Bermuda October 31to A E puterbridse & io. with lfiu passansers. inuiU .mirtJd«r. Arrived at the Bar at 10 a mSteamer Horwind. which arrive,! from Gulfport Novem-ber 1. reports: October 31, latitude :;.,.:. lonaltuJe 74 40at 6:13 a m, r,a.-««-d a hody floatlns on the »at.-r

' 'Steamer I'olorado. Smith, Moil!c U. tober 22 andßurns-

Oft Hlghlan'.s Jt l^;,.i;? mwuhi^nma:i


se -Steamer Jamestown, Hiller.' N'ewporl Sews an.] Nor-sl.^v f:of:orP

i;s *"tth *—**««atoamer iTieaapeake .Hr). Gray. London October IS toI'hHip Buprecht, in ballast. Arrived si the Bar at 2:30Steamer Venetta fGeii. Hoff. Port an rrin-i- October21. Jeremie 22 .-.lira Mana M ami lna^ua 28, to thenamburg- American Une. with :" iS'V Arrived at the

Steamer XI Ncrtf, Ilopner. Oalveston October 27. tothe_S.,mtiern Pacific ''"• with mdse. Passed inQuarantlnoQt i'.4*\ &. 111.. kk11 *11™" Braadmburs "Jen. Woltersdorf. Bremen Oc-

tober 20. to Oelrii Ms a.- Co. with 153 cabin an.l 1377 «tfV-ago passenger*, and mdse Arrived nt the Bar at 1:45 pm~Steamer Bordeaux (Frt. L.'Heveder. Havre Otober Mto the CQtnpasnie Generals TransaUantlque, with mdHLArrived! at the Har at 1:3 op m "«»o.

Bteamer Merioa, Robertson, Vera Cruz October «\u25a0%l'rogre«o 27 and Havana 30, to James X Ward &• Co withTtl passeacers, malls and mdse. Arrived at the Bar at3:30 iin.Steamer rir.mlr.l- <Br». Sniaie. Para October 21 to th.

Booth Company, with mdse. Arrived at the Bar at 3:30Sandy Hook, N J. Nov 2, 10 p Wind northwestmoderate; very hazy. "w«i,

SAILED.Fteamers Oialmette. New Orleans; Verona (.Vort I>nn

Antonio. St • Ami « Bay. ,to; Catania. fan Vranrl,, £Monroe, Norfolk and Newport News; Apache, .-harle'.nend Jacksonville; Phcebus (Her), Flushing, VleuVn ,KaMBU, c.uantanamo etc: Celt.- .Hi). Liverpool ,11Queenstown. LUer .Nor). Port Antonio; Antlllu(Cuban)

WILL ALTER FiNE DWELLING HOUSE.Plans have been filed with Buildings Superin-

tendent Murphy lor remodelling the four story andbasement dwellinghouse No. 7 Hast Mth st ,ownedby Mrs. A. J. Jarvls. It Is to he extended at thefront and rear and a facade of brick trimmed withlimestone erected of Colonial design, with a ceiuralentrance and hays decorated with pilasters built atthe second and third stories. Augustus X. McV

TO IMPROVE DYCKMAN TRACT.Secretary Lehman of the Metropolitan Tobacco

Company h«s taken title to a plot at the SOUtheaStcnrn.r of 2i:;ili st. and 9th aye.. fur 135,000 HeIntends to erect five story tinthouses on the site inthe spring.

TRANSACTIONS IN REALTY. !T)<- Gross & Gross Company has leased to the !

Christie Motor Car Company for a tprm of yean'

the building on a plot 100x100 feet at the southeast jcorner of Gist s«t. and 12th aye. j

The Hoyt estate has sold No. 17 West 39th st., a 'four story dwelling house on a lot 20.10x98.9 f»-et. iThe two adjoining: houses wore sold recently.

John J. Boyian has sold for Jacobs & MarlenhoffNo. 548 West 49th gt., a four story double flathouse,on lot 26x10<).5 feet.

Charles and Rose Mann have roM to Mrs. J»nnli» iFriedman No. 2.1 East 3d St., a six story tenement


houi-e. on lot 2oxSS.6 feet. !Joseph Toch has bought from Moran & Son !builders, the two six story apartment house* Nos jMB, 2"«. 3r« and 20S West llltliSt.. 125 feet west of7th aye., on plot IGOxliiri.11 fi-et. The Cohen RealtyCompnny -was the broker. , |

John J. Kavanagh has sold for the estate of Rob- I*rtMcCafferty To. ft) East Slst et.. n four Ftory 1browi:stone dwellinghouse, on lot 16x102.2 feet.

'John J. Corke has wold to a client of Henry C

'Quentln Ko. 405 Kast SSth St., a five story flathouse. [on lot 20x126.10 feet. ,•„- -

\Mark Blurnenthal has oold to Margaret Gradv•

the four story double nuthouse. No 232 East 121st iSt., on lot 25x100.11 feet. ;

Aaron Goodman hns bought No. 303 East Houston iSt.. a three story building, on lot lfrx7o feet

The FJrnn-Cahn Realty Company has sold for jLouis Less Mo. 107 to illSt. Ann's aye., three fivestory flat houses, each on lot 2.r/x"D feet.

R. I.Brown's Sons have sold for George, Xeuffer !No. ISS3 Bathgate aye.. a two story frame dwelling: jhouse, on plot 82xS4 feet. 1

Witte & Schwlebert fold for Esther Kaufmanthe two. family dwelling: house on the east side of IWallace a\e.. 605 feet north of Harriett Place. Van INeat. :.;\u25a0 I

Kolsom Brothers have sold for the Acton estatethe three story and basement private house No. 235West 13th fit., 20x51.6 feet, to an Investor.

M. Siii^r Is the buyer of No, 158 Kaet 300 th st.'

The Kg.ii) & Hallecy Construction Company hassold to P. W. Ko. S<o6 Summit aye.. a five\u25a0tory flathouae. on plot 15x75 feet, adjoining the ,

MARINE INTELLIGENCE.miniatdiTh almanac.

Sunrise C:3l!Sunset 4:561M00n llses 6:so) Moon's age 14HIGH WATER.

A.M.—Sanfly Hook «:42|Gov. Island 9:osiHell Gate 10:58P.M.

—Handy Hook B:Us|Qov. Island 'J:10|Hell Gate 11:12

WIRELESS REPORTS.The St Paul, which reported to Sable Island yesterday

at 7 a m. when 77.') miles east of Sandy Hoik, will dockabout 8 a m to-morrov.

La Lorraine, which reported to Stab'e Island at 4:r.0 a myesterday, when I*o miles southeast if that "station Ise.ipected to dock about S:3O p m to-day.


Ve«el. From. . Line.•Campania... Liverpool. October 27 Cunarfl•Dominic. Para. October 22 Booth•Bnenoa Ayres Havana, October 30 SpanishBristol City Swansea, October 10 BristolSt. Andrew Antwerp. October 20 PhfpnlxEl Mar Galreston. OctVoer 27 So Paclf.i:ElRio New Orleans. October ST....So PacificBan Marcos Galveston. October 27 Mallcry

SUNDAY. NOVEMBER 4.•l>a Lorraine Havre. October 27 French•tit Paul Southampton, October 27 ...American•Grecian Prince Barbadoes, October 2(5 Prince•Ponce. Ponce, October SO N V & V Rla nretagne. Havre. October 27 FrenchKals. Auk. Victoria.Hamburg, October 2S HamS-AmCarpathla Gibraltar. October 26.V <^innrdMartello Hull, October 21. ..; Wilson

MONDAY. NOVEMBER B.•Potsdam Rotterdam, October 27. . .Holland-Am•Furn»«sla Glasgow, October 27 Anchor•Finance Colon. October 80 PannmnPerugia Gibraltar, October 24 AnchorXl rid GalTestor. October SO So PacificComus New Orleans, October 00...5*> PacificCity.of Atlanta Savannah, November 2 Savannah

TUESDAY, NOVEMBER C.•Knl«r Wm II Bremen, October SO ...... N" O LtoydSamland Antwerp. October 27 Red star

•Brings mail.


VesselVessel For. Line. Mall closes. satis?1T'mJrla. Liverpool. Cunard •"):"!'am 7-fi)aiiil*lilla(!>lphla Southampton. American.. <; "0 a oi3OamMaracalbo. Curicoa, Ked I) s.3oarri l --ov)m0v)mCarolina, Porto P.lcr, X V & PP. 0:00a m ll:*00amPretoria, St Thoma-, Quebec 0:30 tw 13:00 mMexico. Havana, Ward. ..-;...' 10:0.i a m i-'ooninSarnia, Jamaica, Ilamb-Amer 11:00 nin 2M>opmwiiltglft. Argentine Amer-Rlo Plata.-. 12:00 m :miii[,tnHrrtensluc Ar»entino. Houston 12:00 m S:OODmOre! \\nli.--iit'«.. Hamburg. Hamb-Am. o:3oamColumbia, Olaskow, Anchor . 10 -00 a mF"r.u»cerca Naples. AustrianXl Bud, Galvestwi So Pacific 8:00 prnCljnlmette. New Or>an«. Bo Pacific .—

-12:00 inConchn Ge!veiltor., Mallory .T-Oit nin

Jamestown Norfolk. Old Dr.mlnlon 3:o<>nniKansas City Savannah, Savannch 3:00 pm,SUNDAY. NOVBMBEH 4.Mecaba. London. Atlantic Trans 4:oopm

MONDAY. XOVEMIii:?. 5.Byron. ArgenUn*, Lamport & Holt 7:30 am livnr>a mHubert, Para. IJooth 12:00 m :; (m p mAlllanca. C.lon. Panama 11:30 am 3:00 D i,-

Princess Anne. Norfolk. Old Dominion 8:00 pm—~ .TRANSPACIFIC MAILS.

Destination an1steamer, C!cseln V vAustralia (except Westl, FIJI Is'and; and

New' Caledonia (via Vancouver anVictoria, 15. C.)—Moana Nov. 4 1]no r. tJapan. C\>rpa an! China (specially ad-"

dressed only) (via Seattle)—

Lyra.. Nov. 4 (500 n mHawaii, Japan. Corea.. China and Philippine Is'andi <\ia San Francisco)HonEkons Mara xov.3, 12:30 a mJapan. L'orea, China anl PhilippineInlands (via S.>ati!<>>--T:in.t:o Maru..r.Nov. \u25a0 8-00 ntr

New Zealand. Auett-jMa (except We«t)'

•New i'.il-t nia Samoa, Hawaii frr.dIHi Islands- (via Ban Francisco)—

Hawaii. JVpan. Corea.' and'phiifp- v"'


OamHawaii. Japan, C rea, r;:ina and Phipine Islands «vta San Francisco)—•'vn ea Nov. IS. 13:30 a m

MANHATTAN BUILDING PLANS.Aid«.. s. s.. 100 ft. w. c? SA are.; for n =ix st. rjbrl k tenement house. X(.4xN7.5; Hlllman* Golding, ownersi Bermiteln & Bernstein. architecU . $33,00012th aye.. c. s. 68th to SOth -•-.. for a one story

l>:-lrk sheii. 124.5x21.10; lnterborough RapidTransit Company, owner; G. H. Pegram, archi-tect .NX.

l(-"' Bt., \u25a0 s., 1*;.« ft, w. 'of3d"ave.VVor a fourstory brick loft building, n<ix.ri::.4; i. Fried, ownerund architect"


THE BRONX BUILDING PLANS.Harlem River Terrace, c. s . 520 ft. n of Bailey

uve.; for a two story frame dwelling house 20 iix4O; Douglas Brown, owner an1 architect ..... $1 SI4)Ist st. s. s.. 1W ft. cof Havemeyer aye.; for atwo story frnn-.e dwelling bouse, 34x22; HernhardHonsman. owner; Henry fonrtnl. architect "

«00150 th r-t.. n. s.. ITI ft. c. of lark aye.- for twotlx story brick tenement houses, COxlOB.S; M,rib?7\ & U Btina, owners; C. A. Milln.-r. a—hi-t('c' 12it,(HH)

northeast corner of 161st Ft. This is one of severaljust finished, overlooking the llnrl»-m River, theSpeedway and Macomb's Park.

Edward C. H. Vogler has sold for Henry J. Largeto GcorKC 11. Tilmeyer No. 6 West ISM St.. a livestory Tlnthouse.

AUCTION SALES YESTERDAY.At No. 14 Vesey at.—By Joseph P. Day: Boston rl.w s. 3:13.4 ft \u25a0 v. of 108th st. 71 (ixSl.flß t-.> Franklin aye.

x !-;•>•;. (> sty bk ten h andivacant en Franklin aye;Joseph Kaplan et a! Ast Hariy Himberg et \u25a0•\u25a0'\u25a0: M.ix Moo-mod, ally; \ C Neuwlrth, ref; cm. ru'\ $3,62584; taxis.etc. |SM2«i adjourned to Nov 0.

MECHANICS' LIENS.lGHtn Ft., n. s.. 1i.i.l ft w. of Kdgfcombo aye.,

KioxlCf.Ox lrree; Arlando Marino act. Josopn.lacobson. owner; lsauor w. Horn and LoutlLamptrt, contractors.. $702 75

Van Neat aye.. c. s., -3 it. a, <\u25a0: Van liurcn st..2SxliNl; Philip > et al agt. John B. Ma-rirtn. owner an.l contractor 20000

3d aye.; No. 034; John J. Ryan ut;t. James ess-sidy, owner; John Yoge!. contractor 2«0 00

13<>th St., No. 21 to 2:i Weat: li. i'elli <fc Co.agt. Plccus Konginaky, owner and contractor.. 515 00

27th st., n. ».. I'ie.s ft. c. of -tl aye. SB.4xltX>;Koliinson Btone Works company apt. ZalleUl &Oranaky, owners; famnel Kossler contractor.'. 206 00

6th st.. No. 42.". Bast; i..>ji« vu?trr asrt. CharissFnedenberg, owner and contractor C2506eth at., \u25a0. s.. 287 ft. \v. of »th aye., i;r.x'.<«>:Hfirlngl.onu MftalLath Company agt. Llllie !:...)»\u25a0 nui? 1... <_;. j. an( l.ton Fleiscnmann andl'l.ischmaii Etualty and Construction Company„ owners; Thomas J. Funning, contractor...... 78290ith Five . No. S103; Thomaa Dlmond r.Rt. Annweaver, owner an.l contractor 375 00Prospect eve.; w. c.. ;it ft. b of 160th s-t . 7.'.xI*4; Jacob Uatae] ag:. Isaac I. Shapiro ownerand contra 51000

Amsterdam aw-., w. *.. 24.11 ft. n. of With si10()llt»0: Ravltch Brothers nprt. Jacob Goldbergand Max Smith, owners and contractors 6,800 00Grant aye. (\u25a0. *\u0084 32.0 ft. n. of losth St., :«r.nxlX); BraunsfeH, Browning *Co. a«t. WhitneyConstruction Company, owner and contractor.. 40 TO.51 St., s- \u25a0\u25a0• 10<t ft- w. of Audubon aye 25x100; Deiinls Uaher apt William li Bingham.owner; James J. Ryan, contractor 59 00


UK.raltar. No\ 1 Sai'leu. earner L'ltoQta <l»r> Thomson(from ->•:.\u25a0. no; New y.-,rk....... .1

Plymouth, Xuv - >•:"» .. -Arrived, steamer KrenprinzWllhelm (<;•-,. l;|.'!i,r. New York for hour* nilItremen land rr« • »•:\u25a0 <i>.

Delason. l:iy. N..v 1—

Arrived. sUt»>m«f t'orfe Castle ißrlLotvmy, .Ww York via St Vincent. c v. <."a|..- To«ri!Amsterdam. X«*» 1

—Arrived, steamer F'rln* IVll>m IV(Dutch*. Van •!• i Uoct. New fork via \V«st !IndteaJ\ .-i.i-jrut- n and Havre. '..-. -~;


Cherbourg. Kov -. 3 »i m—

Arrlv«wV. steamer Kr.mi.rn-Wllh«lm (<;>>r). Rlchter. New. York via Plymouth :orRrem< n land . rocei dc l>;

riculipne. Nov £ fl a m—Arrived, steamer N*i«lw« Am-sterdam. IlorjT. New York for Rotterdam »and pro--ce*J«M».




Gibraltar, Nov I—Paused, siwnur Mam (»r). Woolfeniien, Calcutta anj Colombo for Boston -end SewYork.

(, Niv "J— Arrived, steamer Republic 'Hr. McAule;New York.

Cherbourg, Soy 2. 5:10 a m—Arrived, steamer Amorlkai(i«T). s-'aufrman;:. New York via Plymouth for'Hamburs (ana proceeded).

Queeostown. Not -. ll:~r» a m—

Arrive!, steamer I,ncan.a (Hr). Watt, New York for Liverpool land pro-ceeded.

Fow-ey, Key I—Called.1—

Called.- •trainer Sy.Jenham (Swed), Fag^r-lund Ifrom Jlumrfiaml New York.

Liverpool, N". i—

Arrived, stoam.r Haltie (Dr), Smith.N«W Y<>r!; via QIMMtQW • •-.*.•\u25a0 ' *•

Glbrultur. N'v 2—

Arrived, steamer Maltk«> (Or). Itemp-wolf. New- York for Naples ami <;.»n,ia.

Sues, Nov 2 -Arrived, steamer Muntrose (Hr). <;!<•«*Yokohama, etc. for Now v.t.

- - ' "Port Said. Nov 2—Arrived. atrßine r Newby Hail \u25a0 <Br>

Huck. Now York for liens Korif."

Para. Xov I—Sailed,1—

Sailed, steamer' Cearenao \u25a0 (Br). Hughes,New Turk.

Naples. Nov I—Arrived1—

Arrived previously, steamer Calabria (Br).Cnverley. New York.

Liverpool, Nov 2—Arrived, steamer Canning (Br). I»avl#s.Now York for Manchester. ; .

Algiers, Oct»29—

bailed, steamer Trj'n (Nor), from MrsK.i- fi r New Ycrk. ...

Dkiitzlt'. not 3t>— tfollti, s'eamur liosnU (Ger),' SchmidtNew York. •'" •*i-


Tenoriffe, Oct 30—

fcwileJ. iinannr Ormeaby-'CBrVWhaJlay,*«w lorfc-




WatchCertaintyCertainty in watch buy-

ing lies in the nameELGIN.

Years and years of un-b-oken success have madethe ELGIN The StandardWatch.

You are sure you wantan ELGIN but may hes-itate as to which grade ofmovement to buy.

The popular grade at apopular price is the G. M.WHEELER, the most ac-curate, perfectly adjustedwatch for its price in theworld. You can find it inthe small sizes and thinmodel. Have your jewelershow it to you.