supr1me nine. - hoo-hoo 1901.pdf · wanted-a pocltloit titi traveling enloomnus, general ofiuco...

i' P4 8 THE BULLETIN : A MONTHLY JOURÑAL D1VOTD TO HOO-HOO. Tue i'racttcal Sido. THe meli whwta Iloo.lIoo IliluuleN appear Iii tise HoUtee below ore out (If work and wont einployrneiit. This lo Inlended mia paimnnonl dopnrlment of Fue ßULLlTIN, througb which to make the..e fncU known. IL h or ohould be, reed by leverei thouiiiund buelneiw men woo employ loner lii many curled forn, and lt COO be made of great value In giving practical nppllcalon Io Hoo-llooa control theme of helpingoneanoiher. lt lit hoped tIte department will receive very careful idtentlon each baue. WAN I Eb)-l'oaltbon. Alt nil tirouttil Saw and Shingle Mill titan obten for enutigeTnelil. Fbfteen yearn experience iii orth und South. Thorough ofiuco initriagar. Ob Itedge reforeticea. Addrcm, " 'lcebioo," coro J bi. Ifilirti, Niutbtvblle, 'l'enn. WANTED-fly un experienced yellow tbno buinbermait, poalibon no hu er or lnopoctor. (loud rafereuwts, Addreso, No. 5fb, caro J. H. 13abril, Scrbvenoter, Naohvllbe, Tone. WANTED-PoobUon no lined or circular iiawyer In Louisiana, Ar- kanitna, oroolne mitutorn i,tnto preferred. Am coinpoloeL Can (tir- nbbi roferencea, Addreuo, Ne. 0187, care J. Il Babel, Scrivonoter, Nasbiebile, Tatui. WANTEI)-b'ooltlon on the rond buying yellow tino fortuomo good firm Have been tick n long timo, but ein now tibio to work, sutil want ii jolt. Am coinpatutil asid ritti turnbnit references. I atuk till Hou-fluo Lo nhlolot tuo In Neauring a pooltlon. Addrem, No. 11170, estro .1. H. BaIrd, ícrivcnoter, Naitbivible, lotie. WANT1D.-A lumber buyer wnssusu ii positbosi on the rond to bit oiboW plise. hint buid fivo years' expurloitco, tied cuit give good re emcee Addresiu 'JOHN,"cnroJ. Ii. itiubrd. Nittiivilie, rann. WANTED.-i'ooition no buyer nf yellow piste sutil liuirdwoodo lii Liso South Aie ticqittubnteti wiLli nistitsifiucitirertu lit sill the t4outliorsi Suiten, asid uisuloniuissd tito isiitihar butai isoca iii till Ito hruuttclsos troni atomi, to conotinter. Addrerns, No. liii, caro J. II. Iluulrd, Niutlivilbe, Tenn. WANTED-l'osllIt,n wILls luintier lirio whom littereote turo largt, atititigli Its tuoni chanco of sidviuiccstte,i t ; tutti 37 3tnrst tuf tige tutti! liii o liad teerten years oxporbence its the rettili losnljer Ititalnesti iii Nobriitika; havi, b,eti stuceetuiftil luutbits asiti t,lsiiruti!ler coitoldared flrt eIa ; cati fuirisIIi beat of referencia. and drolro to cluasiMi, iib,iUL !iliircli lot, Asldretto No. cuira J. li. Hiult, Serleetititer, Niushvblle, l'con. WA NTNth-Pooltlon In orneo or ti,s travail ng itutecinan for foundry and machine workn,ttr wills ottptly fuouco. Have lind lbyenrs expo. notice. CISC furiiloli boot of reforeiicee. Addreito, caro J. H. linird, tcrlvenoter. WANTED.-i'o*lflo ac buyer. Succeeoful experielico i n buying and ceiling Itortiwood lumber; largo acquaintanco bis outb. Unoa reforencea, Addretio, No. 21*111, ont-e .1. H. Baird, Serleonoter, Nach. ville, Tonti. Nov. '90. WANTED-I'oitltlon ax pinning esili foremati. Willing to go any- whoro. Have had tlslrty.itvo xenrn experience. Con give firot-clano reteroucoo, Addreos, No. 021*1, estro Titis Huw.g-rsst, Wilcox Building, Naahvlila,Tonn, WANTED. . To flinke citlitriuct for logging wIth cypress or pitio utili. Alit cottipotent to ltnndie iuity titeo coiitract, und have bud vostro of exporluiee. Addreoui, Nu. 310, caro .1. II. Baird, lforivenotes, 'Jachvlble, Tossii. u WANTED-A pocltloit titi traveling enloomnus, general ofiuco work, or rettilI yard work. Havit ltnd aevoruul ycutro t'xjtorlenco In yellow uuiud white pine. (Juin fuirsiltuli referencotu. Addreutui, No. öltOö, cuire J H. linIrd, ti.'rlv.n,jier, NnelvvllIc, Tc:sn. i! WANTgD.-1 Wotuld like to uostotpluilu unycol? willi llrol.eltitue people I, f the !nflhiUf;uc!turc of yciiow piste. FUlly euu.ipuLeii ht Itnuidie any turo pliutut. i'lfteeui youtre ozp,-rltuco, stud gilt edge reference. AU. dreaut, Hito.HutiiNo.iil,cuuroJ. H. ltuulrd,Scrivouiotar,Nimltvi!le,Teusiu. WANTED-Toc,,rreapotitl ti'ltli wltoleoutie dottier or tniuiiufuscturtjr or lunubor who may itoed tu ituilottintiti, i cite tuirninli beNt of referesu. coil stO to osy sibllltles Hayo bien traveling tui l'euinaylvsinln Ohio und New York but ttot ¡tuirticiular no to territory. Adds-east, t.Io. t37, I estro .0 II Hnlrt, Mcrlvonothr, Nnshvlll0, Taunt. WANTHJ).-l'oeltboti ita niutusuiger of lusuiber yard or a cerios of )itFd$. hive liad exiterloture In lttylitg nuit tied ttlituiflhtltf Yarda anit tubeduu,and keoplisguttock lii chape. llet of reference gIven. Out of liOcitiuui oli ut000tuot of ysird steliltig taiL Addrocpt, No. l20, care J. Il. j Ilaird, Scriveutoter, Niuthvllle, Tanti. WANTE1).-Soperinteiudent of nor islouuluig stuhl stud door and calls factory. We require a esito whit listo Itas! experleoce lii tlsnilutr work. He muet tue suupablo of working from plauso and Icpeelllcatlosi sueca- riulMy auud rutitldly sutid be able to make luis own drnugbto stud deutlle when tiecesitsury. tiwiire ut uuuitss who aiuti basidio lieht jodlelouci and osto Witt lsut energy uunostgli to JiuNli tite wttrk «bug. Above nl lit' moot bi enlier utsiul rellitble. Appilcanut wIll pletuto ciato ago whether uussirrlesl 'troluigle, Ius,v suite-li exporlenee,ealary oxpocted aussi glu, tun referoiic('si. Attgtuotit hitisiber Co., Attguiutsi, Usi, WANTItI)-'l'sioell uts costitnhtutibous Its thus tutuirkel sill klnd of lute. bar. laUto. tilli!ti jnv.4.. nid '!m ce u2c uu$ nur iuta. Addrecsu U. A. besstity, Hlt2 North Albutuiy Ave., ilulcaga, Ill. VAstTItD-Als s'xltt'rbouteod Ittselusewst lilao, :B yesurti of ego, oitenkltsg t4panlolu, Frencit und Etugilsls, uluolue,u is, repretutPuut Catite Amoneste fires lus Cuisit. itOu weil siesitiflinted lssivbusg lived nus Ibm luuluind fon three year-'.. Culli fturnleii hect tuf reereneco. Addreot No. 4813, P.O. fox 2$Msusstlutsj,, de Cssint, W. I. V/.NTEl).-Mlll f4sip,ly Sn ointes. A llnsit.i.lsinn _: t'ir tuuiti utuIspibeti fur Siiuutlsu,ntt Slaletu. (insiti i'alnty t,, right $itiì't. . N'sii, butt tarit of u'xponlipuscu, sind with genti refereuuceu. Itt-ed ability. Sotstitvrss Kupply Co., MOblie,Aluu. VANTXD-PONItiOfl bY IUIIIbeF tenographer und olfico main ; five yeari experience lu, the witolositle yellow pliic buelnts. Wou Id pre. ( c)reeL Good ronone for derifritig to Ineke chango. Cnn (nrnlNh beet of referencee. Addrone b718, cf. J. H. Baird, NwIivlI1e, Tei,n. THE Hoo-I-Ioo March, By No. 1050. Dediciled to lb. SUPR1ME NINE. rhe Only Authorized Music of the Order. No better advertisement for Uso Order could be had titan to have thi. piece of muscle become one of tise popular airo of tite day. The price of tite mumie is 40 conte per copy, sind wiU be cent post paid upon appilcation to tise Scnivenoter. The cut herewith afiow. the Hoo.Hoo Ladies Pin. We have yet to 80e a lady, oid or young, who did not wont one of these pins tise uflintite she saw it. To have these pins in the hands of pretty women-and a good ¡loo-Roo knows no other sort- is the best posoibla advertisement for the Order. Every Hoo. Roo ought to buy one of these pins, have his number engraved on it, and give it to saine good woman. Remit $1.00 to the Scnivenotor, and one of these pins duly engraved wiil be sent by registered mall to any address. It is one of the nicest pros- ants imsginable for a unan's sweetheart. Only members in good standing can purchase. Ï Vors. V, NASHVILLE, TENN., MARCH, 1901. No (15. .1. II. BI1IRD, Serivenoter, Editor. GosirgI*-(Soulltoaotnus Dbetrlot)-B. B. Neal, 114 BaySL,Wcol,Sut%nss- Publlsihed Monthly by the Concsttensited Order of Hoo-Hoo, at Nach- nah, Go. (Seorttlusi-(Soust}sweetonus Dlotrlct)-C. li. Csulilwell. Thiltibnitige, (Iii. fund. - ( Nortlienus DistrIct) - B F. Cebit, 1018-0(90 Moulluisulu 11151g. yule, Tennessee. Ohicago Ill. __________________________________________________ c.t.r.d usO. ?Mt.m It NcsbsUi, Tccl.,i Ne.nhI5... 011as, llIlnol.-(Sou'tlientu Dhsstrlcti-Uoo. W. Dodge, Citino, ill. lntliiinusi-(Nortlsorn Dlotnlctl - A. A. 'reel, l South M tesseri Ml. TERMS TO MEMBERS : Indlanapollø, md. iuudlana-flouIlierss Dhittnlct)-Cltsìtt. Wollust, Oli E. Coltutuulslit SI., OnoYear ......................... OQCetItR. I singlecoplec ................... DCentuu Evsintuvlllo, led. Itt,llnui Territory-S. M. Mornili. Tlsonssuiville, 1. T. Communlcatlone ehould be asldrouod to THI BuLt.KTUO, 512 Will-. eux Building, Nnuuhvlilo,Tanneeeae. Tisa BULLSrIN ja Ui. onLy efflcfui med(um Of Concafenakd Order of Uoo-Hoo, recognfzesi bjj 1k. Bupreine Wisse, and aU otherpubUcaifons are ,.naulhesud and unauthorfzed. NASHVILLE, TENN., MAlteN, IDOl. , The Flouse of Ançients. B. A. ¡OENSON, Ohisisgo, Dl. w. E. BABNS, t. Zeal,, Mo. z. E. DEPEEAUGH, Ohiesgo, Ill. n. E. HEMWWAT, Colorean Springs, Ool. L. L. WEITE, 1*niu City, M. N. A. OLADDING,Indlncpoli,, lad, aBo. W. LOCK, Witlaks, La. . The Superne Nine. Snark of the Vñlverse-WX, B. BTILLWELL1 Savannah, Ga. Senior Roo.Hoo-A.. N. WEIB, Liasoln, N.b. ¡euler oo-Roo-W. P. XoOLBE, Galvesiton, Texas. Bojum-B. M. BUNUB, Alteen., Psi, 900ivenotef-J. E. EAIED NaihvIlIe1 Tenu, abberwook-N. K. 7*11, AZUaIs, Oil. Oo,tooctlan-L B. WALL. Bulo, N. Y. A?ocnoper-O. W ., QßODL1sNDfl,Pout Besitt, Mai. Gurdon-J. R. PLOTEON, Dayton, Ohio. The Vlcegerent& Tuo following are the Vicegerents of Boo-Boo, to whom ail inquirieS touclilngOoncatenations should be addressed. These usen are appOInted to look after the lnterekt of tbe OPder in titeln Respective territories. To titis end, everything affecting the interestsof the Ordershould be i-sported to them,and they should have the hearty support alid cooperatIon of every member: - AIib.intu-(Nonthero Dlstrlct)-.W, C. Yellows, 1087 Avenue X, Bic- suslb0ham, Ala. AIabcma.-($outhornDIotrlotl-Rlcbard Umso Jr., Mobile. Ala. Acusa NoSihern Dletrlot.).-L W. Morlwetscr, l'aragould, Ark. Arkilir Soulbeasitern Diitrlot)-H. M. Bart, PO. Box 255 Qumden, Arkittk-lSauthwactern Dlatrlet)-W. A, Prater, BeQjneen Ark CiUfornis-O.L. Beboher,.Frernenk & Mis.lonSt&, SeaFraneleco, VaaadaLJohnV.tJniban .Wlitaipcg-Mnn.: :.:. Colorodi-Chtue. M. HiokIlu, ISOlI Seventeønth St. Denver, Colo. Flortda-(Eaatarn'DlitrioI)-lL H. illobardion, OdI W. Bay St., Jack. eonville, FIs. Fborldi-(Weitern Plstriot)-W. Il. Wright, Pencacola, Fía. M MisotstWoO(I, 180 E. Multi Ml.. V. Slierrill, Paduucstls, Ky. D. t4?C. I4lirevoporl., 141. Its It. Uutytlier, l'alterassi. ist. forth Utuverl A ve., Ilsultlsrioris, Mtl. iai MIlk SL. Itostois alwin. ,stil Blu0., Dotlölt, 1ilals. . Fred Mtt,VousIi. DtsitiUi, MItsui. FullaiIoñ lSlslg.,HI. Loubo, Mo. lttImourl-(Weetern DlsIrIot)-Dooglwi Dutilsuin, 031 Haiti St., Kattoitti City. Mo. Neltraaka-E. (J. Hampton. c'tre Hampton Lumber Co . Ototulssi, Nel,, Nag York-(Enetorn DlclrioI)-Juo. J. Cuunsuvafl, Oil î,Iborty St., Now York, N. Y. New York_(Weiutorn DistrIct) -C. H. Mtnsilon, Fitol Mortel Ave., Etifluulo N. 'f. North Carolnst-F. lt. Hymne, tewI,erno, N. C. North Dakota-A. t,. Wall, Fargo N. D. OIibo-(Norlhern flhutrbotl-A. W. 'Ellenborgor, 70 Colssinbutit St., Clove- land. OhIo. (SI,In_tRni,thi,ifl fltsitrIctI-W. A. Broke. Daylois, Ohio. Í ieoutli BrotudSt,, Flillnulstlplila. Pa. l'ettnelylvaniui-(Wesitcrn DistInct)- W. J. T. Solist, 208 5. lilsilsi HL Knarpeburg Pa. tIlunli1bo of Mox'lco-.I. E. Mettiuun, Apuntado 812, CIty of atoxico, D. F. tiutatii Cuihifonilst-F. R. Seoley, Forgu.tszs, 0. 0. r,sineoce.-(Esiotorn Dlstlrlct)-H. b. Birlo, loo Harrinon Ave., Clint- ttisiuiutign Tolto. Blondi-E E. Unodluuusdor, Neinplsitu, Tuuuiti. rezas-w. U. Norrbe,hox 252 Monoton, Tax. Virglnla-J. Id. i,uke, Norfoilt, Vu,. Wauihlagton-.A.Ii. Colder, 009 PIrol Ave $oottle, Wsisils. Went Vlrgliula-E. Stringor Bogged, Clstrimlturg, W. Va. Wleoonsuln-Frstnk N. Stieli, 52 Loan k 'IroNt luiste., Mllwtutikot', WIn, Coiicorning the Anuitai. Following is tha officisil tinisoiineeinestt or the Mti;t5'('ltsts Niste or lise Coitciuteututeti Ou'uler ur lToo-lIno stitisiitsg Nor- fu1l, Vsi., situ tise Pla for lioutflhig the next Assisutt ., Nsu4ltviiie, '1pnit., Aprii 27, 1901.-'l'o Ali Loytil 1100-lIno, (leetdug: 'l'ue eagerly itwitllcd tlm'isloti sie to Ilse putee or holdi sig ossr cossiluig i nnsliu I lisis us t last iwesi ressebetl, sind Norfolk lutin ixess se1etu'd. i, roidIt retisoits affecting tite progs'ess sutil tutti- tenni veIftsrc of tile Order tisrnnsl the aonii'a, which itere hlitstg so lossg Ist lIte bnlñssei', lis finer of Nos- folk. 'I IL svsut suino suspuureluL froiss the t'sieta laid Ie'fore the Supretne Nine. Unit jttet ¿it tiii time the niuccetutu òttui&AiiItiin1 iÌioissstt9ssg tisi eflloleuivworking ni- tendance, o.s ve1i no in mnttertu purely of peroonsil csoni:fort ned enjoynicuit, hscuissltl tt Norfolk ne tise place for this your's meotiutg. i. Norfolk's otucecast in no u'fiecljiost oui the elniiuust of her competitors, na sulsown by u seenuid volt' ls'iutg liectisustary for u. choice. sutil. by. rufiection tliut It sviso more the logic' of eventA si.ftÑ' tile sieverai Antiunis held in the Interior, thnnnúy'lsuck in the Induce- mento held out by them, thustt resiulted in this Mutual going to the Atlantic Cosist..

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Page 1: SUPR1ME NINE. - Hoo-Hoo 1901.pdf · WANTED-A pocltloit titi traveling enloomnus, general ofiuco work, or rettilI yard work. Havit ltnd aevoruul ycutro t'xjtorlenco In yellow uuiud



Tue i'racttcal Sido.

THe meli whwta Iloo.lIoo IliluuleN appear Iii tise HoUtee below oreout (If work and wont einployrneiit. This lo Inlended mia paimnnonldopnrlment of Fue ßULLlTIN, througb which to make the..e fncUknown. IL h or ohould be, reed by leverei thouiiiund buelneiw menwoo employ loner lii many curled forn, and lt COO be made of greatvalue In giving practical nppllcalon Io Hoo-llooa control theme ofhelpingoneanoiher. lt lit hoped tIte department will receive verycareful idtentlon each baue.

WAN I Eb)-l'oaltbon. Alt nil tirouttil Saw and Shingle Mill titanobten for enutigeTnelil. Fbfteen yearn experience iii orth und South.Thorough ofiuco initriagar. Ob Itedge reforeticea. Addrcm, " 'lcebioo,"coro J bi. Ifilirti, Niutbtvblle, 'l'enn.

WANTED-fly un experienced yellow tbno buinbermait, poalibon nohu er or lnopoctor. (loud rafereuwts, Addreso, No. 5fb, caro J. H.13abril, Scrbvenoter, Naohvllbe, Tone.

WANTED-PoobUon no lined or circular iiawyer In Louisiana, Ar-kanitna, oroolne mitutorn i,tnto preferred. Am coinpoloeL Can (tir-nbbi roferencea, Addreuo, Ne. 0187, care J. Il Babel, Scrivonoter,Nasbiebile, Tatui.

WANTEI)-b'ooltlon on the rond buying yellow tino fortuomo goodfirm Have been tick n long timo, but ein now tibio to work, sutilwant ii jolt. Am coinpatutil asid ritti turnbnit references. I atuk tillHou-fluo Lo nhlolot tuo In Neauring a pooltlon. Addrem, No. 11170, estro.1. H. BaIrd, ícrivcnoter, Naitbivible, lotie.

WANT1D.-A lumber buyer wnssusu ii positbosi on the rond to bitoiboW plise. hint buid fivo years' expurloitco, tied cuit give good re

emcee Addresiu 'JOHN,"cnroJ. Ii. itiubrd. Nittiivilie, rann.

WANTED.-i'ooition no buyer nf yellow piste sutil liuirdwoodo liiLiso South Aie ticqittubnteti wiLli nistitsifiucitirertu lit sill the t4outliorsiSuiten, asid uisuloniuissd tito isiitihar butai isoca iii till Ito hruuttclsos troniatomi, to conotinter. Addrerns, No. liii, caro J. II. Iluulrd, Niutlivilbe,Tenn.

WANTED-l'osllIt,n wILls luintier lirio whom littereote turo largt,atititigli Its tuoni chanco of sidviuiccstte,i t ; tutti 37 3tnrst tuf tige tutti!liii o liad teerten years oxporbence its the rettili losnljer Ititalnesti iiiNobriitika; havi, b,eti stuceetuiftil luutbits asiti t,lsiiruti!ler coitoldaredflrt eIa ; cati fuirisIIi beat of referencia. and drolro to cluasiMi, iib,iUL!iliircli lot, Asldretto No. cuira J. li. Hiult, Serleetititer, Niushvblle,l'con.

WA NTNth-Pooltlon In orneo or ti,s travail ng itutecinan for foundryand machine workn,ttr wills ottptly fuouco. Have lind lbyenrs expo.notice. CISC furiiloli boot of reforeiicee. Addreito, caro J. H.linird, tcrlvenoter.

WANTED.-i'o*lflo ac buyer. Succeeoful experielico i n buyingand ceiling Itortiwood lumber; largo acquaintanco bis outb. Unoareforencea, Addretio, No. 21*111, ont-e .1. H. Baird, Serleonoter, Nach.ville, Tonti. Nov. '90.

WANTED-I'oitltlon ax pinning esili foremati. Willing to go any-whoro. Have had tlslrty.itvo xenrn experience. Con give firot-clanoreteroucoo, Addreos, No. 021*1, estro Titis Huw.g-rsst, Wilcox Building,Naahvlila,Tonn,

WANTED. . To flinke citlitriuct for logging wIth cypress or pitioutili. Alit cottipotent to ltnndie iuity titeo coiitract, und have budvostro of exporluiee. Addreoui, Nu. 310, caro .1. II. Baird, lforivenotes,'Jachvlble, Tossii.


WANTED-A pocltloit titi traveling enloomnus, general ofiuco work,or rettilI yard work. Havit ltnd aevoruul ycutro t'xjtorlenco In yellowuuiud white pine. (Juin fuirsiltuli referencotu. Addreutui, No. öltOö, cuireJ H. linIrd, ti.'rlv.n,jier, NnelvvllIc, Tc:sn.

i! WANTgD.-1 Wotuld like to uostotpluilu unycol? willi llrol.eltitue peopleI, f the !nflhiUf;uc!turc of yciiow piste. FUlly euu.ipuLeii ht Itnuidie anyturo pliutut. i'lfteeui youtre ozp,-rltuco, stud gilt edge reference. AU.

dreaut, Hito.HutiiNo.iil,cuuroJ. H. ltuulrd,Scrivouiotar,Nimltvi!le,Teusiu.

WANTED-Toc,,rreapotitl ti'ltli wltoleoutie dottier or tniuiiufuscturtjror lunubor who may itoed tu ituilottintiti, i cite tuirninli beNt of referesu.coil stO to osy sibllltles Hayo bien traveling tui l'euinaylvsinln Ohiound New York but ttot ¡tuirticiular no to territory. Adds-east, t.Io. t37,I estro .0 II Hnlrt, Mcrlvonothr, Nnshvlll0, Taunt.

WANTHJ).-l'oeltboti ita niutusuiger of lusuiber yard or a cerios of)itFd$. hive liad exiterloture In lttylitg nuit tied ttlituiflhtltf Yarda anittubeduu,and keoplisguttock lii chape. llet of reference gIven. Out ofliOcitiuui oli ut000tuot of ysird steliltig taiL Addrocpt, No. l20, care J. Il.

j Ilaird, Scriveutoter, Niuthvllle, Tanti.

WANTE1).-Soperinteiudent of nor islouuluig stuhl stud door and callsfactory. We require a esito whit listo Itas! experleoce lii tlsnilutr work.He muet tue suupablo of working from plauso and Icpeelllcatlosi sueca-riulMy auud rutitldly sutid be able to make luis own drnugbto stud deutllewhen tiecesitsury. tiwiire ut uuuitss who aiuti basidio lieht jodlelouciand osto Witt lsut energy uunostgli to JiuNli tite wttrk «bug. Above nllit' moot bi enlier utsiul rellitble. Appilcanut wIll pletuto ciato agowhether uussirrlesl 'troluigle, Ius,v suite-li exporlenee,ealary oxpocted aussiglu, tun referoiic('si. Attgtuotit hitisiber Co., Attguiutsi, Usi,

WANTItI)-'l'sioell uts costitnhtutibous Its thus tutuirkel sill klnd of laUto. tilli!ti jnv.4.. nid '!m ce u2c uu$ nur iuta.Addrecsu U. A. besstity, Hlt2 North Albutuiy Ave., ilulcaga, Ill.VAstTItD-Als s'xltt'rbouteod Ittselusewst lilao, :B yesurti of ego, oitenkltsg

t4panlolu, Frencit und Etugilsls, uluolue,u is, repretutPuut Catite Amonestefires lus Cuisit. itOu weil siesitiflinted lssivbusg lived nus Ibm luuluind fonthree year-'.. Culli fturnleii hect tuf reereneco. Addreot No. 4813, 2$Msusstlutsj,, de Cssint, W. I.

V/.NTEl).-Mlll f4sip,ly Sn ointes. A llnsit.i.lsinn_: t'ir tuuiti utuIspibeti fur Siiuutlsu,ntt Slaletu. (insiti i'alnty t,, right$itiì't. . N'sii, butt tarit of u'xponlipuscu, sind with genti refereuuceu. Itt-edability. Sotstitvrss Kupply Co., MOblie,Aluu.

VANTXD-PONItiOfl bY IUIIIbeF tenographer und olfico main ; fiveyeari experience lu, the witolositle yellow pliic buelnts. Wou Id pre.( c)reeL Good ronone for derifritig to Ineke chango. Cnn(nrnlNh beet of referencee. Addrone b718, cf. J. H. Baird, NwIivlI1e,Tei,n.


Hoo-I-Ioo March,By No. 1050.

Dediciled to lb.


rhe Only Authorized Music of the Order.

No better advertisement for Uso Order could be had titan tohave thi. piece of muscle become one of tise popular airo oftite day.

The price of tite mumie is40 conte per copy, sind wiU be centpost paid upon appilcation to tise Scnivenoter.

The cut herewith afiow. the Hoo.Hoo Ladies Pin. We haveyet to 80e a lady, oid or young, who did not wont one of thesepins tise uflintite she saw it. To have these pins in the handsof pretty women-and a good ¡loo-Roo knows no other sort-is the best posoibla advertisement for the Order. Every Hoo.Roo ought to buy one of these pins, have his number engravedon it, and give it to saine good woman. Remit $1.00 to theScnivenotor, and one of these pins duly engraved wiil be sentby registered mall to any address. It is one of the nicest pros-ants imsginable for a unan's sweetheart. Only members ingood standing can purchase.


Vors. V, NASHVILLE, TENN., MARCH, 1901. No (15.

.1. II. BI1IRD, Serivenoter, Editor. GosirgI*-(SoulltoaotnusDbetrlot)-B. B. Neal, 114 BaySL,Wcol,Sut%nss-

Publlsihed Monthly by the Concsttensited Order of Hoo-Hoo, at Nach-nah, Go.

(Seorttlusi-(Soust}sweetonus Dlotrlct)-C. li. Csulilwell. Thiltibnitige, ( - ( Nortlienus DistrIct) - B F. Cebit, 1018-0(90 Moulluisulu 11151g.

yule, Tennessee. Ohicago Ill.__________________________________________________c.t.r.d usO. ?Mt.m It NcsbsUi, Tccl.,i Ne.nhI5... 011as,

llIlnol.-(Sou'tlientu Dhsstrlcti-Uoo. W. Dodge, Citino, ill.lntliiinusi-(Nortlsorn Dlotnlctl -A. A. 'reel, l South M tesseri Ml.

TERMS TO MEMBERS :Indlanapollø, md.

iuudlana-flouIlierss Dhittnlct)-Cltsìtt. Wollust, Oli E. Coltutuulslit SI.,OnoYear ......................... OQCetItR.

Isinglecoplec ................... DCentuu Evsintuvlllo, led.

Itt,llnui Territory-S. M. Mornili. Tlsonssuiville, 1. T.Communlcatlone ehould be asldrouod to THI BuLt.KTUO, 512 Will-.

eux Building, Nnuuhvlilo,Tanneeeae.

Tisa BULLSrIN ja Ui. onLy efflcfui med(um Of Concafenakd Order ofUoo-Hoo, recognfzesi bjj 1k. Bupreine Wisse, and aU otherpubUcaifons are,.naulhesud and unauthorfzed.


, The Flouse of Ançients.B. A. ¡OENSON, Ohisisgo, Dl.w. E. BABNS, t. Zeal,, Mo.z. E. DEPEEAUGH, Ohiesgo, Ill.n. E. HEMWWAT, Colorean Springs, Ool.L. L. WEITE, 1*niu City, M.N. A. OLADDING,Indlncpoli,, lad,aBo. W. LOCK, Witlaks, La.

. The Superne Nine.Snark of the Vñlverse-WX, B. BTILLWELL1 Savannah, Ga.Senior Roo.Hoo-A.. N. WEIB, Liasoln, N.b.¡euler oo-Roo-W. P. XoOLBE, Galvesiton, Texas.Bojum-B. M. BUNUB, Alteen., Psi,900ivenotef-J. E. EAIED NaihvIlIe1 Tenu,abberwook-N. K. 7*11, AZUaIs, Oil.

Oo,tooctlan-L B. WALL. Bulo, N. Y.A?ocnoper-O. W ., QßODL1sNDfl,Pout Besitt, Mai.Gurdon-J. R. PLOTEON, Dayton, Ohio.

The Vlcegerent&

Tuo following are the Vicegerents of Boo-Boo, to whom ailinquirieS touclilngOoncatenations should be addressed. Theseusen are appOInted to look after the lnterekt of tbe OPder intiteln Respective territories. To titis end, everything affectingthe interestsof the Ordershould be i-sported to them,and theyshould have the hearty support alid cooperatIon of everymember: -

AIib.intu-(Nonthero Dlstrlct)-.W, C. Yellows, 1087 Avenue X, Bic-suslb0ham, Ala.

AIabcma.-($outhornDIotrlotl-Rlcbard Umso Jr., Mobile. Ala.Acusa NoSihern Dletrlot.).-L W. Morlwetscr, l'aragould, Ark.Arkilir Soulbeasitern Diitrlot)-H. M. Bart, PO. Box 255 Qumden,Arkittk-lSauthwactern Dlatrlet)-W. A, Prater, BeQjneen ArkCiUfornis-O.L. Beboher,.Frernenk & Mis.lonSt&, SeaFraneleco,

VaaadaLJohnV.tJniban .Wlitaipcg-Mnn.: :.:.Colorodi-Chtue. M. HiokIlu, ISOlI Seventeønth St. Denver, Colo.Flortda-(Eaatarn'DlitrioI)-lL H. illobardion, OdI W. Bay St., Jack.

eonville, FIs.Fborldi-(Weitern Plstriot)-W. Il. Wright, Pencacola, Fía.

M MisotstWoO(I, 180 E. Multi Ml..

V. Slierrill, Paduucstls, Ky.D. t4?C. I4lirevoporl., 141.Its It. Uutytlier, l'alterassi. ist.forth Utuverl A ve., Ilsultlsrioris, Mtl.iai MIlk SL. Itostois alwin.,stil Blu0., Dotlölt, 1ilals.. Fred Mtt,VousIi. DtsitiUi, MItsui.

FullaiIoñ lSlslg.,HI.Loubo, Mo.

lttImourl-(Weetern DlsIrIot)-Dooglwi Dutilsuin, 031 Haiti St., KattoittiCity. Mo.

Neltraaka-E. (J. Hampton. c'tre Hampton Lumber Co . Ototulssi, Nel,,Nag York-(Enetorn DlclrioI)-Juo. J. Cuunsuvafl, Oil î,Iborty St., Now

York, N. Y.New York_(Weiutorn DistrIct) -C. H. Mtnsilon, Fitol Mortel Ave.,

Etifluulo N. 'f.North Carolnst-F. lt. Hymne, tewI,erno, N. C.North Dakota-A. t,. Wall, Fargo N. D.OIibo-(Norlhern flhutrbotl-A. W. 'Ellenborgor, 70 Colssinbutit St., Clove-

land. OhIo.(SI,In_tRni,thi,ifl fltsitrIctI-W. A. Broke. Daylois, Ohio.

Í ieoutli BrotudSt,,Flillnulstlplila. Pa.

l'ettnelylvaniui-(Wesitcrn DistInct)- W. J. T. Solist, 208 5. lilsilsi HLKnarpeburg Pa.

tIlunli1bo of Mox'lco-.I. E. Mettiuun, Apuntado 812, CIty of atoxico, D. F.tiutatii Cuihifonilst-F. R. Seoley, Forgu.tszs, 0. 0.r,sineoce.-(Esiotorn Dlstlrlct)-H. b. Birlo, loo Harrinon Ave., Clint-

ttisiuiutign Blondi-E E. Unodluuusdor, Neinplsitu, Tuuuiti.rezas-w. U. Norrbe,hox 252 Monoton, Tax.Virglnla-J. Id. i,uke, Norfoilt, Vu,.Wauihlagton-.A.Ii. Colder, 009 PIrol Ave $oottle, Wsisils.Went Vlrgliula-E. Stringor Bogged, Clstrimlturg, W. Va.Wleoonsuln-Frstnk N. Stieli, 52 Loan k 'IroNt luiste., Mllwtutikot', WIn,

Coiicorning the Anuitai.Following is tha officisil tinisoiineeinestt or the Mti;t5'('ltsts

Niste or lise Coitciuteututeti Ou'uler ur lToo-lIno stitisiitsg Nor-fu1l, Vsi., situ tise Pla for lioutflhig the next Assisutt

., Nsu4ltviiie, '1pnit., Aprii 27, 1901.-'l'o Ali Loytil1100-lIno, (leetdug: 'l'ue eagerly itwitllcd tlm'isloti sieto Ilse putee or holdi sig ossr cossiluig i nnsliu I lisis us t

last iwesi ressebetl, sind Norfolk lutin ixess se1etu'd.i, roidIt retisoits affecting tite progs'ess sutil tutti-

tenni veIftsrc of tile Order tisrnnsl the aonii'a, whichitere hlitstg so lossg Ist lIte bnlñssei', lis finer of Nos-folk.

'I IL svsut suino suspuureluL froiss the t'sieta laid Ie'forethe Supretne Nine. Unit jttet ¿it tiii time the niuccetutuòttui&AiiItiin1 iÌioissstt9ssg tisi eflloleuivworking ni-tendance, o.s ve1i no in mnttertu purely of peroonsilcsoni:fort ned enjoynicuit, hscuissltl tt Norfolk ne tiseplace for this your's meotiutg.

i. Norfolk's otucecast in no u'fiecljiost oui the elniiuustof her competitors, na sulsown by u seenuid volt' ls'iutgliectisustary for u. choice. sutil. by. rufiection tliut It svisomore the logic' of eventA si.ftÑ' tile sieverai Antiunisheld in the Interior, thnnnúy'lsuck in the Induce-mento held out by them, thustt resiulted in this Mutualgoing to the Atlantic Cosist..

Page 2: SUPR1ME NINE. - Hoo-Hoo 1901.pdf · WANTED-A pocltloit titi traveling enloomnus, general ofiuco work, or rettilI yard work. Havit ltnd aevoruul ycutro t'xjtorlenco In yellow uuiud


" BilL(Ill oUier consideriltIolIK aside, the Supreme

Nine, In DM vIdom, linK deekieci In fiivor uf Norfolk.und u we turn our thougbh in thtt direction, annmotnphorkilly ' snilt tile air,' we already find our-$elVt14 (IlJOylflg in antlelpiLtion the breeze and thehillosn, is welt as the other good tilingin over whie1Brother 1otter grew cloquent. at Thilliun, Texas, andwhich hove (UrnlMhed the theme of many hospitableletters Itice received by the Supremo Nine. All ofwhich, Inielnuling the billows and breeze, tine -oodpeople of Norfolk liare hold out simili be speciallyoilered and arranged for our benefit, so as never tointerfere, but a1wny promote, the more serious ob-jeets of our nssenzbllng together.

" So to Norfolk we will ¿iii look, ¿tiid go to workvitii energy and enthusiasm to mntkc this Annual n

KIlecennM troni tine sinincipoini of efTectivc work for tIeg'onnl nf Iko-1fO.), n well no personal enjoyment,thereby In this (as In ali else we do) illustrating theeodf)erntlne and frnterngii featnre which nra thebasic principles of our Order.o 'l'riistlng thiLt each one of you nirny be able to

attend nial add your good fellowship to the successand elijoyineut of the ocetision, we ore,

,. Yours fraternally, B. T. T. O. T. G. S. B. C." WTILLIAM li. S'I'ILLWELL, Snerk.

".1. lI. lIA I lU), Scrlvenotcr."

Au (Jpe,i IMiter Frein Mr. Duke.

Vicegerent .1. If. Duke, v)io is eine of the inonn lroniiinentyoung biisiiie men of Norfolk, I oint in tlic followingcircular letter to lus i)rotller Vicegerents:

"Norfolk, Vit., May 10, 1001.-Bear Sirs andBrothers: I take pleasure In advising you that Nor-folk has been decided upon as the meeting place forIDOl Ifoo.11oo ¿tnnhial commencing on September9. You will, Uierefore, kindly notify all gaod Boo.lico la your jurisdiction of the time and pince for thiMmost impo-tnnt meeting. Tue fullest attendancepossible h desired.

n' Wo linve an ideal city for such gatherings, withlimpie hotel and ralIrcael accommodations, and withside attraction5 second to none. We have quite nearby Virginia Bench, Ocean View, Norfolk-on-the-Uoiul, Old Point Comfort, Fortress Ìtonroe, Kamp-tnn, Newinort New; and others, WhIch points zanyquickly be reached by electric ralit'aysor ferries. Ayou doubtless know, Neavport News enjoys the homeof the largest and maint complete siilpbullding anddry-clock plant in the world. having under eonstuc-tion at all times more or less of the government'slargest. war 'vessels. We have. at Norfolk, in nniehtlonto othev flttreetions, one of the model navy yardsof the Uiiltenl Stetes. There center liare aIost aJInf the great adiway systems of the South, and wehnxe froni Hampton R.ondi; direct steamship lines tonui of the Prinelp& ports of the United Kingdom andcontinent. We asso have dnliy magnificent steunci-sto Richmond, Wlashington, Baltimore, Philadelphia,New York, Providence, and Boston. We are assuredflint the Southeastern Passenger Association vllIfavor us with their lowest retes, allowing stop-overprivileges on through tickets to tine great Pan-Amori-(.nn Expor4ltion et Buffalo, N. Y. We also have theeoperation of the Board of Trade and Business Men'sAssociation-In fact, of the entire city-and extendto you ancf ail good Boo-Hoo in your jurisdictionn tordini lnviintjou to eoi luid be vifli ils. A llens-ant time In promised oli.

" Piense let nie know as curly us you conveiiieiitiyene aboutinow many may be expected from your ter-rltory, In ardor that necessary anansnwnts mev h..ittttk. 'Yours,

u fl, T. T. O. T. O. S. IL C.,"J. E. DUKE, Vicegerent Smirk,

" State of Virginia.."

An Ontlin. of the Frorsmme.

We give below a akaletob of the pmgrnn of entertain-ment that viil be provfded those fortunate enough to at-

tend the next Hoe-Moo Annual at Norfolk,Va. The pro-gribinine Is as yet an outline, and many features az-a beingarranged for that will be covered in later announcement.In a few words, the members of the Order at Norfolk andthe busilnennu fieni of that city aliti secUon ire going toshow their ftl)predatión the Aiiniinl Meeting having beatifixed at Norfolk l'y mfl3dng it the most delightful meetingthe Oier luis ever had. Proper committees bave alreadybeen appointenj to io,k after tine details of the work, andmacit hn been already accomplished:

o Monday, September 8,-On Monday afternoonthe entert.aliiment committee vlll taita all membersthen present on an nacen tug around the harbor, vis-iting tite most. prominent stiwanlils, and if time per-init, makinig a short trip through the 1)ismal SsiinpCanal. Beiulqnnrters will be maintained ut both theAtlantic Motel and the.Monticeljo hotel, tuoi at bothliostIHes a ludies' reception committee, colilposml ofthe sviven and dniighters of the lending lumbermen¡md citizens of Norfolk, stll be ont bond to look afterI he coinfou-b of the visiting Indies.

" Tuesday, September 9.-At 9:09 A.M. on Pues.(lily tho first regular business session vIii be held.Oit 'l'iien«lny afternoon ii free excursion will be givento Virginia hooch, where n dip in the ocean will beenjoyed by the visitors. Tuesday evening the usualannual eofleatenfltjon and be held at Ifiks' Hall, oneof the finest lodge rooms In tIto South. After theConcatenation nit On the floof ' viii be given at thin'Atinntic Hotel. While the members of Mie Order areonWige(l at tite ' On the Uoof ' the Indies will be cater.t4thued atthe Monticello Uotel with a promenade coin-t!ert and receptIon, the niuNle being furnished by thefnznòus Monticello Orchestre. .

°W,ednesdny, September O.-The reilar businessscagion 'uIU be held on Wt'dnesdsy morning and inthe afternoon a free exéursion will be given to OceanView, where an oysfer roast will be enjoyed, afterwhich thu members will return to Norfolk for supper.u

either Wednesday night or Thursday night nnuoonhight excursion will be given nton.nd the capesand bock by Old Point Comfort.. ]lefreshments willbe sei-veci on board the bent, and music will be fur.nisherl by the military band at Fortress Monroe.Whether this excUrsion vlii be held on Wednesdayuulght or on Thursday night- will depend upon theLime of meeting of the Osirlan Cloister.

"Auutong the other features discussed, and severalor all otwihieb .Wre ndojtecl. e drive around theelty;in earrfugos tripto theUnIteci.Stiuteg navyynrd,.at-órfsmóttb it:stabnboitt-ipto NewportN'iv, vhere the largest shpbuIidLng plant in theworld is 1ocntcd and yhutIhg l5rp out on the ocean.A side excursion to Washington at the close of themeeting is also being very, favorably considered.

" Special rates at theinotelø vdli be mode and ampienecounmodtlon of tine highest class is guaranteed bythe committee." ,

1-tow Abotit YoflT Dùes?The first notice of dues will be mailed in s few days. With a

view to cutting down, the number of members to whom Ihlshould be sent, and thereby saving postage, we pubhibpdsome months ago in Tni BVLLsIiN,a notice of 1901 due& Theresponses were quite gratifying,severai thousand of the ¡nom-bera having now paid ' np, There are still some, however, whohave not paid, and we hope that ali of these will now promptlyremit, and obviate the necessity of having a second and thirdnotica atht them. Aa la weil uuJrrstoud, tbe-Scrivenotor tarequired to send the third notice by registered mail, which isquite coatly if there at-emany to be cent oui. We dOnot be-lieve that any of the brethren want to put the Order to thisexpense. The cam of ninety-nine cents is so emallainajjrthat It is apt to be overlòoked, and in nearly every cace 'whérea man is dilatory about paying his la wholly a- matterof negligence or overeight We treat thia gentle reminder willbeeffectlye, .


Cowuutouts on Concatenations.Hoc-Boo's corps of Vicegerents has displayed commend-

able energy in pushing the interests of the Order, endduring the post few weeks some notable concatenationshave occurred. Among these is the meetIng at Tifton, Ga.,un'hloli occurred oit Aprii 8 and at which twenty-three mciiwere Initiated. This concatenation was held by VicegereutC. li. Celdwell, and was a most enjoyable occasion.

a e eTite concatenation held at Tacoma, wash., by Vicegerent

A. B. Cuider resulted in the addition ot nine new members.'l'be meeting was a most enthusiastic one, amici every onelrescnt felt that Tacoma, os tite lumber mart of tite PacificCoast, had distinguished itself. After the concatenationadjournment wan taken to the Hotel Tacoma, where anelaborate banquet vuis enjoyed, interspersed with auntie,epueelmes, anni stories uutitli mi late, or rallier un early, hour.l. Clark Evans was the official barber of tIle occasion.Among the distinguished out-of-town guests was hou. It.i). hinten, of Portland, State Seimator of Oregon, noci n,eiii-lier of the flouse of Ancients.

ceeEvansville, Imiti., which is a great lIoo-Hoo touvut, added

mother feather to her cap on May 9, when VicegerentCharles Woiflin held a concatenation characterized by nuiunusual degree of hilarity and good feiicavshiip. 'l'be bottipaper haa the following account of thia meeting:u Tite eyes of five kittens were opened last evening at. the

11oo-}oo concatenatioa.o Timore were several delegates present from a distance,

and the meeting was altogether one of the most successfulever held by the Order. The afternoon session was heldnit the B. M. A Hail and was Informai. In the evening titebusiness matters of the Order wera considered amid candi-dates Initiated. Those who were lnfrodnced to the wait-tiers of the Order vere: R.. W. Hunter, of Oakland City;v_ A. Camutlen, Christ.. Kreta, Jr, Waiter Haney, and HenryI,. Welntz, of this city. .

"After the Initiations the binek enta, almost one hundredstrong, enjoyed a banquet at the Acme, served by HostAdler. .

"Oharleg S, Wolfihum, Viesgei-ent of Indianmn, did the honorsmuid acted as toast anuiter, ivery flOo-Uoo luis a lIberalsupply of fnnjny storioni, niid the crowd was In a roar oflaughter from the time the first course was serval untillitt, lest. The menu witsas follows:

. Me,,,,.

Almonds, salted Midget Pickles.Oiives Jiadlahea Celery.

. Consoinnué In Clips.Red Snnpper,bakeeL Creole Sauce.

Saratoga Chips. . .

hluintt Duck ont] Dressing.Currant Jelly.

Shoe-string Potnutoent,Sweet-bread Patties. French l'eec.

Coffee. Cheese. Wafers,Cigars."

The paper hait this to soy of the Order In general:" The Roo-lico will invade the city to-day. The occasion

is in coiuiatenation, at which many new anemberawill beItiltiuted liuto the mysteries of the Order. Timore will be anumber of prominent members of the society here from thisand adjoining States, ¿uni local catin expect to huso one ofthe beet concatenations ever held In tli1 part of tite coun-ti-y. After the aoGmn dnticc , thecompleted a banquet vihi be given at the Acune Hotel.

" The Order .of Boo-Boo is. composed entirely of. lumber-auen, and there are several things peculiar. to lt that meinesit diffarent fromutny other secretaoclety. The Koo-HoomIght very properly have been. called ' the. .Olqrot Ac.quaintunce,' as evêry niembea- carries a handbook, pub-lislied annually, which : eoatiiiniu .!ipess ûthlrss vievery member, arranged in such .a way that the Informe-tion cannot be used except by timo Initiated. The ritualof the society, la allterary way, compareemo«t favorably

with that of any other secret moiety. It is eoniosed ofsaine parts that are very serbia, while other ports havefor their object the unnutnenmentof tine imiembers." The executive affairs are ulmniffistered by a SuprenicNino and the judicIal affairs tid the care of Its emblemare represented by tho busc of Ancients. The latter la ropository of tite past executive rulers of the Order, nuem-hersimip in vhiichi body lasts for life. A striking and enter-taming fçoturc of tite iIoo-ll® n,tuui is the embalmingof the Snark, luis passing to the Ilomise of Ancients. Timeliresemit niemnbers of the louse of Ancients are: Ib. ArthurJolmnsomi, William Eddy liarnu James E Defebaimgim, il. li.ltemenway, A. White, aitd N. A. Giaddliig.

', Hverytiiing in the Hoo-lioogoes by nities. 'l'inc Initia-tian fee is $9.99; the ammutinI duct 99 cents; Lime mntittiitui bud-lieds niecting of the Order Is held oui time iuinthu day of theitintli month. Anything that has ii itine in it or thtiut mu

initie nuit be got out of le a hfoo.11oo number. \Vimeut a lico-l[oo gets liuto ii lintel room that lin n.uinbem'ed mime, lueIctmniws Inc is sitie. Wluctu a Bao-lico le the limiti of n grow.itig ituuiiy lie miever feels ne lt the circle ws complete ttmit lilie lins nimio, mund If some lic gIrls timid some be boys, ofc'nuurse it is not really mi lloo.11oo fmmmnily until fluera ¡tuehum of euch.

" 'l'ho Order of lluo-lloo c011ies lit direct timonugli dOtiitvlutt, brolcen iiuie trout time huent muiueleumt higyptilnimnu. lb isveib kiuown that, time uleuuizeumeot the emuriicmnt ifgypt so lovedthe cat as to deify lt. The cat was worshiped by them as nfled. '(lue utieletitit wc'rc Ito flrIILi' grottndedi lut tine beliefof thin truuttstmilgt'atloiu of soumit th-ttt they vere flriuiiy eon-vinced of thc transference to the first Ptolemy of the soulof tue Sm st, ininuek omit. 'l'lml uns time first lino-1 tuo. Huit

m'i Lit t bue destruuu'tiunu of tlmmmt mm'm,mmtlerftul Egyptiamu civlilzuu-Ulomi lIoo-floo left tIme cmtrllm uuiiil diii not retturmu umiutii ,Tatuuu.itry 21, 1892.

,' 'l'hiere tiro a hurgo uuumuntlier of lino-lion itt liviu.misvlhie.'L'Inc Order uvius orgmumuized lucre meveruul yenre mugo, amid sincetivat time lìvmummmnviile limiti lucen n. favorite gathering pIncefor timase lovers of nines, hinclicate, nitol sociability. Aboimtone imuundred tuai fifty JEan-lIon nrc expected to Ixu liarefrom ii distamuce to-clay to mumrtkIpete in the eonueateuatlomu."

e s*\ric..i.(.muj ii. lb, Nanti lucid u eouueateiuntion nit Sovzu,nimalu,

(in., oli Aprii 18, whIch uweuuie to lunte beenu ¡L gorgeouiuu suuccens. Owing to Ute fact lItai lirother Neal was ummexpeet-edby called away tice nuett duty mue immure not yet received titeformniul report of tld nmeetiuig,biut time followimug iuewspn.jiernceouuiit lins renueiced mutt:

,' 'l'bue Tino-lino coumeiteimumllitu lucId at the Knights ofl'ythlits until bnut. imigict uvule one of the most suuccesuefuulever given iii Sttvamuualu. it tiuirted early amid busted untiluufter midnight. 'l'ituu imttencbiiice of nm.enibernu was large,timid fifteemi kittetuct uvene tumben ht out of tice vet.. Ticeitiltintes seemmiecl Io cmtjoy tuo uffnuir as much mon time oldermimembers. The worlc wuic nloa by mc selected tenui that np-i)ezu'e(l to know all tite wriucklee, amid the members of thunteam were always on tice go; aware the candidates. Sotneof them nuuy he goluig yet, from tice fuss they mande overii quuiet iittle Initiation, such oc that lucid on titis oot-aslomm

"Old unni king Catis." Thom older mumemnberun of thu Order who umnur of tite flume

titiRn of lust cveumlumg mutai nlcvtuycn regret. tlmu'ir nmleneuuee.(ìonsidem'nhlc new pccncplmenmuilla watt in imite niud the knew how te use it to perfection. "l'lue miew klttenicsay ito, tin(h they ought to how. Mr. B. li. Neal, Vice-gerent Sncurk for Soumthcuuuterui Georgia, had this concate-miatiomi directly in charge, amici Ibie work done reflects creditimpon him. This wait lila fireteoncatenatlon, but lie handledIt 111cc a veteran. lie is onu of time few Vicegerenis wlrnmenina able to keep tite work ronfinal to the dog-roe teumm.The officers of this successful concatenation vere: Sain-k.B. B. Neal; Senior loo-hm William Denìia.rdt; Juniorffoo-Hao, *1 H. Adams; Imojuum, ii. W Witeover; criv-enoter. C. 13. Stiliweii; .Tnbborwock, C. W. Ssuussy; Cimustoen-tian. W. 1'. Ott;.Arcanopor, (3, C. ifavtin; Ommidon. F M.Oliver. ene

,, New ¡lambiste.'. Several gentlemen well boowum in Sarennab were pat

through the putees and mtfterwn.rdus gamboled on the roofand in the onion pcuteh with the IeIiowa The list Includedone life honorary member, Mr. Hubert Batteraby Duck-

Page 3: SUPR1ME NINE. - Hoo-Hoo 1901.pdf · WANTED-A pocltloit titi traveling enloomnus, general ofiuco work, or rettilI yard work. Havit ltnd aevoruul ycutro t'xjtorlenco In yellow uuiud


worth. I'1l( rn(In1)erH rtecived t.liiiigh initiation wereI larry I ligbtde Vll 13 pik, lohii %Vzinlii ngtoll I 'iivker, Potter(ilinan I'ierpoiit ,. lohn 1Js'nrd Royall, Walter DulinJ'Ii<,inas, %\'iltgiì Powell lta!dwin, John Marlin \VIiltiutt,(leorge Percy \'HhIfth1iS, 1knjnmin Franictin Ulmer, E1vnrdFrideilek lInrtfeIdi'r, Fraiiklln Pierce MIt)nrd, Flwztii1Solilard .Stoddard, lotin Pinkerton .Tnrdine, %VIlIiiirn 1)oiig.hli4 Gnrtwright.

,. Collutlon, of Course.

"A t I be (.()n(.I iiIoiì of lue ',e t vork the nIrniIHrM %eIeMeivel n (OIIfltiOI i II t lie 1)11 nquet liai I. 1'Iìe ru ICH of lion-I loo dIHti ¡1CtI3 l4lty tiint iio 1)Inqtuet Hilnil bC Herved at acoijeatenatioli, but that only a collatIon slìall be enjoycti.'l'ha repast Of lust night CUOIO pretty near tue lxiiuiuet(langer line. Mr. W. lt. StIlIwell, Smirk of tite Uiiivere,vII$ l)flMCflt, n 11(1 he 11SMU(l the collation IM being vitliiii

the nuelLaing of the law.

"8i.iirk SLIIIn'.4I.

" Mr. Stiliwell i ut. the head of this growing Order inI IIt U!iItC(l StfllCH, 1111(1 evidence of thiK feet was tict lacking¡UJ4t evening. Ile Vfll4 frequently applauded and given tuelina-lino ycli, w)ileii, In tiliM part of the country, is sohle-thing I Ici, thIs: ' Groat is I loo-lino, anti StilIwell is tIleSniirlc! ' 1Ir. StilIwell made n. brief talk after the collation.Il Which lie spoke of the eXCellent work of tue degree

tenni, and 5111(1 lie had never CCCII flic work better per-fornìcd. The kittens whose eyes had only hoell opelietiwithi ii tun ¡niHt. fi-w hours t lionglit. t lie Siinik was si uit-creIii Ilixut stnteuiieiit_

o M i-. .1. Fcuris Cira ui auid Il r. \V \V. St ii ru matit? short ini-dtpsses, lis illul tsvo visit i ng I Ioo-lloo"

s s e

ruue 'biggest couieateui:utlnui that lias been licld for saineniouullis occurred at .lhulluus, l'exiau, s'1ieii Vicugercuut \V Ii.Nouns iiuuui his uijile ius*uistuiuts I n i tiiuteui thirty-seven goodajen. There vero also hlti(iC(i fotur honorary menabera. Wehuye not cry full cinta. of ttui hnectiiig, huit tite formalreliort luidiuu,t es I hut i t, svuis an extniuiely interesting affair.

e e eVlcegeu'ent E_ St ri ngei- ilciggess lic-kl n iuuccting at Bhiut.-

field, \V. Vii, on Apill 20, rhuieiu Piusetul off einst pleuusiuutly.'l'ue fiuct that the 4%hhhu uitl ?uleet I uug Is to lue luciul on tue At-lauutic Coast lhui 3,enr viIl douul,tlees Inspire greiut. Interestuuuid ud city I n I leo-I kin iuuntters tlirouuglioiut, tluiut. sectioii.'J'Iuere tu-e lots of good Iuuinlxiriiucui over thiel wuuy, und it isluopeui (lutti uuuost, of them vll I be siift vlthIn tluc fold ss-iueiuthe gong sotiuiuls iii Norfolk, Vii., oui Septcnibcr P next.

*e eAt. Kiiuie, iii., on A1ii-il 2:i, Vict-geruiut \v. .1.1'. Sul n t aguulii

cante th tluc ¡rouI. vitlu n huiost excellent meetIng, at w1telithere wu'u-t lnitliitcd iuliietecui reguilar meniluers_ Ilrotiueu-h'uuint le (laing hupleiuuliuI voi-k in exten(iing the domain oftluo Gui-ii t illudi Cnt. iii \Vcetei-ui leuu uusy I vii uhu. 1'he affairitt liu ne is the tIul rul couuu:uttuiu tliuu tuis hustling Vicegcreiithim hehl, iu I I of ihu lu-lu tci-e uuuulaluje luueetiuige.

e e eÀlliuiutiu, (iii.. was the at-cue of c1iiite n good eauucuuteuui-

tiuni, luvlul on Al)T11 14, iurnler tlut- aiusl)lccuu of Vit-ogerent'itIIiuun M. Otis, wluo lune sluice ru'slguiusl on occoiuuit of

lue renutuvuil to anotluer f tluu State. lt lii guMutIy loluc rogrottcil that. Itrotluci- (Ttti -ui; i(uhuii)(thled to give uup tluu'wuurlç, Iuuut iinuicr tiuc alrcuunist iluiecs t vius uuuiavoitlahulo.

e e e

Vie(gercnt Cluiurles M. Ilk-kIln. hluucduuuu fuuuirteon naiv

hilOuuÌl)ei,u il t lu iii tiuuueatcniu i-bui n t CrIpple Creek, CoL, «nuI PrI I l'i. 'lue oct-asian so iuispircui t lui. i(nul iue%%'sIuiuI,cr thatit Iuuurst iuito Isit u-y iii iuii cffuurt tui ulo juustiuq. lu. hue suihjeu't_\Vu uliulitu' t lue following froto it q r,uIuun-««u:

.i Nine UuoiusaIHI uiuu.l ulm. ii uund,-.'d uttud nlnct-.nincItluiek cals MtusIsnu(ieei frniii a biuriwlrc line.J Iiuiugl uu« by tluii hills ouu n utighut pitch dark,

\%rflltluug for the conuing of the Supreme Snaric.'l'lieTi will they gambol on the green, grassy grotund,Whene'er the jolly Hoo-Hoo come to town;'rluen they'll talco the kittens by the lily ivhuite luandAuud show them ail the mysteries of lino-1100 land;AmI tiue green grites grows all round and round-'Flue groen grass grows ail arouii(i.

"Are youu a floe-Boo? It you eire not, youi have notlived; If yøU are not a Hoo-iioo you iiiny lie luiuppy, buutyouu'Il iuulsuu n whole lot of fun.

" 'l'lie iba-Bao iure Popularly supposed to lue coiuuposeuiof newspaper men, luuaber kings and riuiiron(1 magniutes;and this suppositIon lui a pretty close goose.

,, liu oriler to becoiuue a full-fledged black cat you have gotto be a kitten first. Now In felIne land tlue kittens playwith the old black ea and have lots of fun; but in. lloo-lion hitad the case Is reversed. lt Is flue black cntuwho playwith the kittens-yank them around, claw them, dancetloun around by their talle, and have lote of fun with theunfortuiiiate little wretehie*u.

" lino-lIno bud Is a dark, niystorhouis, dreiudfuul piace-suuggestivc of clanhiy cluiuins, blood-curdling ye1is, auch mur-dorera lt Is a dark place-very dark-as uliuric 'as n coal-lilack, blind negro lookkug foi- a black cuit In a deep, under-grnuuiuul collar upouu a moonlees and eterIces night. 'l'hoiuuysterlouis rites of thue hloo-lloo nro conduieted in thiue darkplace, tunder lock uiiud key, wherein Is the luir of the 'Per-rible Felluie. Wluen tlue trembling kitten Is projected liutothis fearful piace by an unknown, but irresistible, forcefrom behuhuud and hieuu,re the bars clang-lug to their vliucesho wluulues he had staid out and was comfortnbiy iut iiounewith luis mother-with his $9.9ß wife in hie pocket. Andwhom lue suciulenly remembers thp gloomy inøerlirtion atthue openIng to the Infernal regions lui i)«iute's ' hiiferiio.'. hie who enters here leavef hope behInd,' the shtver-ing kitten also leaves luope behind Indeed as he ut«ivniueu-stoward e dim, beokonliug light. Ghostly forms flit abouit,flendlh shrieks of the ferocious black oats und despairIngvuiiIs of other viefime rend the air ever and anon. 'l'ho

faint, perspiring, terooi-strleicen kittiìn collapses entirelyu«uud luns to be dragged, more dead than alive, before theawful Jabberwock and Bojum, who, with their as8letantfeliuueuu, proceed with the mysterious, dreadful, blood-clullI-ing. and flesh-creepIng ceremonies whteh usher him forthas n black cat, t)uougli he lias muclu more the appearuuieeof a woc-begone, hiatt-drowned, homeless kItten than a fuull-grown blnek ent But tiucy make blm say he lIked It.. Anulfrom that time tile new black cat proceeds to luave l'un wIthand worry the poor kittens who wisiu io enter itoo-lIoolaneL And he 18 glad he Is a Roo-Roo.

"A concatentatlon WaB held In Carpenters' Union Ballliust Friday night ut 9:00 o'clock, with the following otllceu'sodlIelutIng: Snttrk, H. H. Hcxnenway, Colorado SprIlugs,.Cul.;Senior Boo-Hoc, Cluarles E. Iluilen, Denver; Jiunhor lino-i-Too, R, W, Hemenway, Colorado Springs; Bojum, W. U.(irler, CrIpple Creek; Scrivenoter, D. W. Kilpatrick, CrippleCreek; Jabberwoek, WillIam M. Diekeneon, VIctor; 'Cueto-eittian, Tames E. Preston, Denver; Areanoper, II. Q. Ciuii.nluughuun, Victor; Gardon, W. L McClung, Colorado Spriuigs,

" The following class of kittens was Initiated luto themysteries of the Grout Black Cat: .lohn M. Martin, of tlue'l'cller County Lumber Company, Cripple Creek; (borge C.11111, of the Newton Liumber Company, Cripple Creek; W.w_ liarvu'y, of tiuc Newton Lumber Company, ' CriliutleCreek; A. H. Lofer, of the Newton Lumber Coinpnuuy, Crlp-Pl° Creek; F. N. (l)eaeoui) Briggs, of the ' Itecord,' Victor;Cluurles W. l3O%-inii.n, W'oodlanci l'ark; Willjijuu M. Áridas,o? thue ' Times-Citizen,' Cripple Creek; A P. NIbs, generuulagent of the Short Line, Cripple Creek; Joua c. Cnrroil,'nfWoodland Park; C. O. hiyler, of lnduipe.neience; A. F, Nel-soi; uunngcr of the Newton ' Lumbet- Couuuimny, Indepenul-duce; Chuurles Shiultz, with Larry Maroney, Cripple Creek;George W, Shepherd, husmase manager of the ' Dailyl'reM,' Cripple Creek; li. M. Frees, the millionaire lumber.nmn fChlgo. ' ' i:..... .:: ,,,,',,

u' Thue following members of the Order were present from110mO ftiud abroad: W. A. Hawley. W. li. GreIr, D. W. ' lil-patrick, J. W. Beemnn, Ocorge Itazeltoui, lutort. Mortmztn,j. S. Carman. W. A. lifntioek,Cr,ipple Creek; .T. li. Cunning.ham, l'riunk Dlckengoa,' Eugen Wilder, W. M. Diekensoui.lIner Moon, }*írry Cuuminguini, Steve Cunningbani. 'Vie-tori li. iL Hemenwuy,W;E. Mtuiing it. llÑnenwhy,Colorado Springs; James E. PÑstoñ, C.E. millen. H. C.'Thuiuh, F. D. Runter. Denver; 'iVliitney Newton,' Pueblo;George Sealer, Dl,ide.


,' Frum nil npiwuaritnces hue lcltteiiuu cuijoycel tlicuniceives,¡LIUI it Was thc opluuion of all thunt. they got their fuulinrnuioy's vort1u. At 2:09 A.M. tlue nueuuibers, one anul iullnitirehied to the Clluiton ilu!stuuuurniut, wiut're cii elcgiu lu t bun-quuet was served, costiuig $2.tio a pluto. 'l'tue fnllucwiuig ist lue nueuiuu:

" Oysters In nil styles.St rawbeurics and Creui,uui.

COi(l 'I'uurkey auid other colui mu'tuts;Lobster Salud,

Iruuit, Cake. Nuts.Cltuuuipiugiue. Tunportoul Ciguu rs.


e. e\'iiegei'euit Il. ]luuwliuus held u most uuuuccessfuul iuicetiuig

¡it, ;uulfp,rt, uIiss., alu April 17, ne a result of wluiciu cigliteciiregular members were adulad, besides one " honorary," thelittLer being Goy. Longino. Vicegerent Rawline was assist.t-d by l3rothuera W. lì. Barns, of St. Louis, Mo. ; M. H. Folk,of L.umborton, Mise.; and other well-known Hoo-Hoo,Brothers J. R. Pratt and John W. Connoll, of Porklñeton,Miss., rendered valuable assistance in getting up the con-'-atcuiatton.

'l'liti (ìuulfport " J)emocrat," of April 17, lias tluuu followiuiglut ru.guurd to title luiceting:

,. 'l'lue Iletnil Liiuuuber ])oiuiers' Assoeiuutioui, with aoveni«uu'Louugiuuo lus tlueIu guest, uirrlvcul lut (lullftuort tlul eveniuug «tu;::to o'clock over the Gulf unid Ship island htuuilrouid. 'hue1_uhu (rain Jackson was iuuost plmusanL Crowds gatlicreul at51)1110 of the stations und gave the train an ovation, wluilehic liudies luinche huandsome donations of Ilowers. The vis.itiuug uieinbcrs of tluc asuuoein.tion expressed mulch surpriseiLt the size of saune of the milis ololig iii« Gulf and Shullulsluuuuul lbiilroiud «ud Uìc dcvelopnient of the country geuucu'-ally. At Bond tlue assuelation wnseiutertahuued by Preu«ideiut.1. E. North, of tluc North Lumber Comptiuly, wluo is 1sopreslilent of the Gulf and Ship Island Luinbennen's Auisuu.ciuitiouu. . ' '

"At 8 o'clock tiuc lion-1100 repaired to the publie schoolbuiiiiiuug. where tue couueatouiatioui followed, and tupwurdof twenty-live iiew tneiuuhere were initIated. 'l'lue nssochuu-111,11 was thou Uukuuiu to the Metropolitan lintel, where nuiexceilent banquet vns given. 'l'ho address of welcome huubehalf of the asuuooluut.ioui was delivered by J. Ji. Nortlu aiutipioanuuntly responded to by one of the visitiuig ¡iiouibcrv.lIon. E. M. Barber spoke lit behalf of Gtulfport'.

" 'l'o-iilorrow the association will visit Ship Island liar.lmr auud iiispect the general slhipping facilities of the lmuL"

'l'ho folbooviuug a«couhlut of the meeting wits sont as utspecial to the New Orleintus " l'leuayuttue:

'. Guulfport, 141es., April 17.--'rlue lIoo-lloo special oveu'tIue Guulf uund Stuip lslnuid Itallroed, from ,luuekson, 1iiIs.,arrived ILt 6: 30 o'clock lu.iiiglut with uubout «nue luuuuuu]rcui uuuulfifty uiiombcrs aboard. 'flic specIal was met In titis cuyiuy nbouut one huuudred and fifty more wojurers of black-cuitI,utttouus from the ninny coast 'towlis, and the party at nuit-utrly luouir rc[xhlrt.(i to thun cbooi hall, vIuere tiuc ilooWnolu«yuutcries were exemplified for tite benefit of the kItt«uus.A uuuuiuug t.luu lcit.tens wluo ivatl tlucir oyes oileuued wuuui (by-ernor Loiug'Ino, who wuus a nwiiibor of the JaeksonAttorney ii. M. iiuLrbcr ulohivereui tite address of weleoiuut'.AI,ouut, twcuuty-fouur kittens were made Into black eats. AtI I :t) 1'.ui. the wiuole Ptul'ty repaired to tIto Hotel Metro-Poilt4un, where a lueutgnlllceuit buuuuuluet vuts slurt'ud by Mu.nuid Mrs. Siiuonuuum, wluo- know so vcli 'how to cntcrtuuiuu.'Clue following Is tlue nienhi preparod for ail the big uiudtlut' little cuits:

Mew Yew.Oysters, vltiu Uïrk'Öft. '

Oystir Soup, n la lino-lino;O$steru,.

O'gter Pratt. Oysters, Fried In 'l'uurpeuutlne.(Jysteu-it Scalloped, Clear of VIn4 $iuuukes.

Fish. '

Fish a la Saw Dust.1it.ul Fish, Maynnaltie Dressing, Clenrof Knots.

Futherree Snapper,Baked with 'romatoes.


i'otiu toes, ut lu St,eeriuug Couuuniit tee.Cuuulifiowcr, Crowuu hirunch.

. Autpuuuigus, Clcuur Heart Ceuuteriu.'l'ofluLtulcui, Stuutit'd with Sap. 111cc, Cooked lui Kittehi Ftuu'.

hIu,L Minuti..

Iloutatoil I Iluit-li Cut t, 'rturict.y h)ressiuig, Crut.utberry Suu ncc.ltt,:tstcel 'I'uuuiey hiuuzziti'd.

haust, Chicken, Sttufft'd with ltuiu'tuuu.Cluiu'ltcuu. IL lit Creole, Guuhfport hiarluor oit tIuc i$iuho.

Iloutust cci ltuuzur Jtuucic, Mtucluiutc-oil h)ressiuug.liouul4teti Steuttut Nigger, Sluotguuut Dressiuug.


Cii iel«'uu Suuluud, vitii Pi uue hures.MissiseiluLsi Lolug bouif 'Yellow Pliue Celery.

'l'auuiuut o Siulutul, ut lut i Lao-I loo.'l'unnetoen, Sliutti ivi Iii ut Bui uuii Sut w.

Cuuld Mesta

Si iu'eul i tluuu'ic ("at. itouueleuis 'I'uurluey, nvl t h tlit iiouueui.haunt i leef, ut lit .Iolun ('.utry. iiuuubuu hued Army (bu-ii itt'ef.

t4iiu'ed I I uuuuu, frinut tutu lint t uf t lue I log.


l(ittcut leu' Creuuun. Auugcl hi'ouud, for tlue Cutis..'toi'tcii Cutices, fot tlt Ritteuts. Chucve, \Viullci uug luit Stilts.

h huit \'utt t't. Cuttiiip 'Jeu. I 'I iueberi'ies.N ills, J laIts, Set'eivs, tutti S1iilces.''

e e a

C,,neutteuuatinuu uit llilwuiuuk.,,..

i"rauuk N. SudI, Vict'gerciit Suuuuric for \\'iuicouutiiuu, luuts nr-ruingech far ut eouucutteuiittioit to lie lucid In M llwitutkec outFridiuy eveuthiug, May 21. ItIr. Sneil says tluutt lue huis utl.i'Oit(iy six mtndidates' vho lutine paid the uil tut tiuuuu fee uauutlexpects several iiioi'e, ¿tiud tluitt they liicltuule some of tueproluluteuit lumbermen of Wiseonsiui. lic desIres tluc co-operuitiout of the loo-loo brotluu'eut of Souutiiorn \Vlseouusluuund uulsewhuerc, unid ns'ouuld like to see tiueuu presouut utiid utlul

i n making luis fi est insuutl uug luit eiijoyuublc auth stuccesuifuil

iuiTiulu. e,,Coiwnt«n*aLiu,ui tul lialuibrtulga, (la.

C. li. t3uihiwell, Vicegerent Sutuirk for flic Souutiuweuiteu'uu1)1st riet of Georg'iut, uuuinouinees that it coiucnteuuu.t,ion viIl lue

held tut ihuuinbritigr, that StitIe, oui Weulutesdtty evening, Ma3'29. Meuitbei's of tito lino-lino Order in tituit, sectioti of titecouuttry luuuuy rest ussuui'ed tlutut ilalnluridguu will stusthiut hueru'oputtiatlouu lit iJoo-lluuo anitiuls out LuIs occuuslon aiuui that tIntu.ittttitutiuimeiìt ituiti ceremonies snili be well worth itt-tnndlng. 'e

Vicegei'tulit li. B. Piwurtz will bold ut coiicateiiuitlouu uut

St. i.otitui, Mo., sotite tillie lu tite next- week or so. biut uit

to lluls writing tIto exact tinte lutta Intl been fixed.e e e

Vicegerent 'iV. C. Fellows laus Issued tlue following letterto uil the ¡nelubers in lila juurleuhictlouu

'i lflrmingha'un, Aia., May 'J, 1901.-Deute Sir: AsVicogerent. Snn,rk for the Nortbcrui DistrIct of Ale.launa It is my desire to hohl a coutentenathoit lii thiscity lui tIte near future, but before doing so I tltongittlt ;;dtnhn t "- e each menbcr in' thi! dI5(rt

' ituiking lilia for iLfl expreeiuloui of bis feelings rein-liv e tlieÑto, about what woutld be the uwuit oppot'-tuina time tohald same, and above all to ask yoiurciurutcuit auid hearty coiiperatlon in secuirlitg eilgibleiuu'mhers ansi fuui.t nui muuiy ne possible. so that. wemaybaveB. T. T; O. T G. S; B. C. thelargeet concate-unUon'that huisotorbeen hehuHuiNorthern Ahnbuiuu:uanti one thutt. will iii the a,uutttbu ni Huu.Htio 'tir te-cordeul with ito'e uund cuiteotii by Its euut.ire ine'iuulier-elilli."

Page 4: SUPR1ME NINE. - Hoo-Hoo 1901.pdf · WANTED-A pocltloit titi traveling enloomnus, general ofiuco work, or rettilI yard work. Havit ltnd aevoruul ycutro t'xjtorlenco In yellow uuiud


Obituary.(leo. 8. Moosr(No. 71.)

Ocorge S. Mooar, mnnnger of the Southern braach of thflobert II. Jenks Lumber ompany,.dlled at his home inBirmingham, Ala., on May G, after an illness of only a fewdyn, from Bright's dlseaae, complicated by an attack ofpneumonia. Ills sudden death wa a great shock to bioleg'ioii of friendo. ile was utten1ng to buolness up towlthlii a week of bio deaths and WM not thought to bedatigerously iii until two dwya before the end.

Oeorge Soiithgute Mooar was born t Covington, Ky., onNovember 8, 111lit. For evera1 yOB prior to January, 1900,

lie had been In the North-at Columbus, O., moat of thetime. In January, 1000, h wont to Birmingham, Ala., totake charge of the Southern office of the Robert il. JenksLumber Conqainy, of Cleveland, O., with which lie bad beauCOuIflCOte(l ¿au trtveliuug Halesinaul for several yeuro. Sliucoiocating in Birininghani luis conducting of the large opera.tion8 of lii Itria liad been siohibly successful, and he hadwon a 111gb 1>he In the buuuulneaa world. Mr. Moour was uvery high type of unan, and very popular among eli his an-000inteL Ile leaves u wife and three little daughters.

Prou. 5. ()Ikou Nu 1020.)IiroUìer Fred. S. Oukes dIed ut lais home at, Huron, O.,

on Aprii 12, uifter a painful illness of many inouuin.iirother Oaken vus widely known throughout. tue OrderilaRi 1UflOfl luuuuibernieaa everywhere. 11e was oiae of Uiemost nucenuslul VicegereILtn Ifoo-Hoo laus ever had, and1%1tS Supremi liojuna on hie Nino of 1897-98.

Frederick Suuuiner Oaken was born at Detroit, Miela., onOctober 1, lñGl. 11e became a IIoo-ltoo at Indianapolis,10(1., out .lanhtutry 10, 1801, and was nways a most loyflutietaLber of tite Order.

l'ersoiial Mention.Urotiter 1F. N. Saxton. Jr. (No. 2382), of the well-known

hardwood ttxl)ort drin of Saxloaa & Co., of Knoxville, Tenta..was a recetut vIsitor to this office. Mr. Saxton reports titeexvort. bttsintaun as beitag dai) jaunt now, and says thnt titewar lai South AfrIca, togetiter with the Chinese troubles,cOn&;titttte ti vcry dlstnabiitg factor in his line ouf business.Ifowoyer, Mi'. Saxtota wore luis nstt& air of happiness andproswrity, attici we lathe it tlaatt tite world goes well wiUthim.

liroflier Frnttk J. Puultout (Nu. 5302), formerly f ThrumBlow & Co., l'aducala, ICy., Itus gotie into business for him-self, having opened up ito ofiuco at Chicago, ill., for the con-duct of u. wliole*tle hardwood business. Mr. Fulton is anative of Kansas, but his whole experience ira tite lumberbiaudnes lins beout in 'Penitesgee aad Kentucky. Ho grewup in tito business, so to speak, with Hiram plow & Co.,the wehl-kutowua lumber attd stave men, operating at Ceut-trat City atad numerous other poInts In Kentucky andTennessee. For the past year or ancre Mr. Fulton Itasbeen In charge of the company's 1.Lt'ge operations at Pa-(1110011, Ky. ile hans been contemplating engaging in titewholesale ltnrtlwood lumber business at Cblcngo for morethan u yeutr patsi, ¡sutil for several montits before. severiaigluis eutitleetlon witit ltls oid fina lie wag making contractsfor ltiniher with n view of havIng n fair stOck of dry lumberupon whuicit to sturi. Ne opetted bis ornee ut Ch4eago onMiLY 1, nod is ready for business. Mr. Fulton wes, ofcourse, obliged to resign us Vlcegerent. for the WesternThstrict of lCitttiky. eitd Brother 11. V. Sheralil lias beenappoInted as his sitocessor. Mr. Sherrill Is a prominentyouiag lumberman mad a member of the Sherrill-RussellLumber Company, of l'aaclticnit. Ky.

Brother E. A. 1)onnehly (No. 1733), the popular travelingrepresentative of the Z. L l'ay I Egan Company, of CIa-chinati, O., speatt seventh (layo itt Nashville laust week. Mr.Donnelly lana btat recently recovered from a runaway acRI-dont, that nnra-owiy escaped being a very serloua aftalrindeed. A it wtts, he was compelled to go about outoI'iiidteo fur several weeks.

Brother F.. lt. Goodlander, of tbe

Lumber Company, of Memphis, Tenn., was here last week.BroUter 000dlancler is Vleegetent for tite Ventern Districtof Tennessee and is doing good work iii uphaoldiiag the in-terests of the Order ita his section.

The Serivenoter begs to ateknowledge receipt ola cross.out saw, kindly presented by the well-katowta saw monti.lecturing firm of 10. C. Atkins & Co., of Indianapolis, md.It Io a fine saw and was gleaUy needed In the variousoperations cttrrled on by tite Scriveutoter in. lila eajaitcity ittamateur fnniaer. Tite gift is greatly appreciated.

Business OpportunIties.White Springs, Fla.,April 23. 1901.-Mr.J.H.Baird. Nash-

ville, Tenn.-1"ijencl Baird: We are " in lite an:trket " for ut

first-einsa, up-to-date planing-mill mall, to t«ke charge ofour planing miii here; we want. one Who underslxrnds platt-ing-mill machinery thorottgltly. Wa will aleo probablywant a band-saw tiler to file uiuir (lotIble-cuatting band smva,ncd muist hve a anon who line had experience in filingband saws for cutting long leaf yellow pine. If you nunrefer us to a brother loo-lico or any one who you thinkcould fill eititer of above positions we will appreciate titefavor. Ji. ,T. & B. F. CMt!P.

Concatoitatloti Report.q.No. 707. Tift,,,t, (ti,.. April lii, 1001.

Sturk, C. H. Ouldwell.Senior lloo-lloo, CItas-les II. Adams.Junior lloo-Uoo, henry F. Wylly.liojunt, T. S WillIams.Serivenoter, F. E. Waymer.,la.bberwock, A. Y. Jones.Custocatian. lt. E, Mack.Arcanoper, T. W. Morrison.Ourdon, A. B. Wright.

8115 lentes Hiunilton Alison, Mystic, Ga.81 16 Thointis Joseph Aycock, Cordele, Ga.8117 Fred. Grant Boatrighit, Tifton, (In.8118 .Toaeph Young Bridges, Rohelle, Ga.IIIO Mcflufile floin Bruce, Ocilla, Ga.8120 Charles William Cnntrell, Columbus, (in.8121 Samuel Conen Clegg, Corde'e, Ga.8122 Henry AionzoThckey, Tifton, Cit.8123 Tjnmnreus Colquitt Edwards, Cordele, (in.8124 J00i Robert Forrester, .lr., Oeihia, (lit.8125 John Eugene Otis City, Ocliha, Ga.812fl wed. Cordee liarder, Gallia, (Ja.8127 JoInt Eastern Hovehl, Moultile, (in.8128 William Iouls lintoltlas, St. Louis. Mo.8120 WIlliam Butler Hutchins, Codele, (la.5110 Ernest Alfred Byde, Tlftoxa, Ca.8131 George Whitfield Hyde, Tifton, (In.

l:i2 i)dniond FlumIng Latiner. Tifton, Ca.fl33 William David Meldrim, Titton, Ga.8114 Walter Benjamin Perry, Cordele, (lit.813 John Lewis Philips, Tifton, ( ,Tefferson James Waigh, Tv., MeKees Bock, Pa.8137 Robert " Bob " Wynne, Tiftoat, On.

. No. los. Daiiao,Tezas, April 0, 1901.Snnrk. W. H. Norris.Seitlor Boo-Boo, Carl F. Drake.iuinlor lIoo-JJoo, Cecil A. Lyttn.liojum, W. M. Lingo.Serivenoter, B. F. 0er.Jabbeewoek, A. G. Anderson.Custocatlan, A. S. Gearhenrt.Arcnnop4ur, '. W. Murphy.(Inedon, T. W. Orilfiths. .7e.

8138 Siuittuel houston Amoler, Mcuregor, Tpxtt.813(1 Edward Alexander Barnes. St. IAiitiK. Mo.8140 Walter Wallace Barrett, Arlington, Texas.8141 J. R. Boone, Paradise, Texas.912e Frani 1ìvetìt Bruma, Longview, Texas.8143 Thurdy Rooker Bryan, Bullas. Texas.8144 John Bryan Burke, Taylor, Texas.8145 Joseph Presley Cithr,Emp.i Texas.81413 Edward Alfred ChristIan, San Mareos. Texas.8147 Thomas Pulaski Cowan, Grtuui -Preirie, Texas.8i48 Iijc Stone Curtis, Sherman, Texas.8149 ]"ieldlnk Teanger Dolcëtorslcuna. Texas.8150 George Macajab Duneith, Dallas, Texas.8151 John Hiram Oriffitfb, Taylor, Texas.8152 WIhlinan Allison Hatch, Dallas, Texas.


8153 Enoeb Samuel Ilooper, Lodi. Texas.815f Joseph Hubert Kurthi, Keltys, Texas.8155 Franklhi " Musthrd ' Lindsay, Bloc, Texits.8156 LouIs Stipwits " Lipshitz, Tyler, Texas.8187 Adolphus Green McAdama Plano, Texas.Sl58 William Wlghtmuaa Major, MMlothinn, Texas.s1R William Henry Manitgan, Westlnke, La.tub Nathutniel Asti Mnttitnva. \Vihls l'oint, Texas.8161 Corydan Oarn.lII Mead, San Marcos, Texas.8162 .Tohn Melviul Minis, Clarksvihle, Texas.8103 Charles Eoiwadt Mutilen, Dutliuts, Texas.8164 Beujamin M. Mnsser,Scymour, Texas.H1lt5 John Sherman Palmer, Brounwood, Texas.816G Thoimts Douglass Phillips, Dalias, Texits.8167 ,Tuimes Lac Blob, Mohece, Texas.4168 John LewIs Richter, San Antonio, Texas.slat' John Campbell Roberts, houston, 'I'exas.8170 Lewis Felix Simpson, Quanab, Texas.8171 Arthur Baker Weich, Bartlett, Texas.8I7 lIor.tco mUons Whytc, Dallas, Texas.8171 Oscar L. Wilkersoit, Clrandview, Texas.8174 . Dryden " Lockwood " Williams, Ilouston, Texas.Honorary 82 Leon " Bomb " Ilium, Galveston, Texas.llonorttry 83 Benjamin Elias Cabell, Dallas, Texas.Iroutorary 84 Jacob Shirley Sphar, Dtillas, Texas.lonorttry 88 James Thotauts Taylor, Dallas, Texuts.

No. 700. (tultporL, Miss., April 17, 1001.

Snark, W. E. liorna.Senior Hoo-Jloo, L. N. Thiaitzier, .ir.unior Hoo-Hoo, H. H. Folk.liojum, Harry S. Vilhiama.Serivenoter, Walter Foster..iabberwock, N. M. Cadabac.(ittatnon.tlnn, .1. F. Mahoney.Arcatioper, E. B. Curtis.Gurdon, W. M. Tornee.

8175 Sylvester Laudlin Benz, Nicholson, Miss.8176 Charles William Halda, New Orleans, La.8177 WIlliam Cofield Ellis, Florence, Miss.8178 William Guau Gillespie, Hnttieaburg, Miss.8179 Jacob .ludali Goldman, New Orleans, La.8180 DavId MeLindon Hand, Plrkinston, Miss.8181 Wthllam Hughlett Hubbard, MagnolIa, Miss.8182 Thomas Norbut Jordan, MaHoney, MIss.8183 Iïiardy " Nail " Nahe, Epps, Miss.8184 John Eidwny Nevera, Saucier, MIss.8185 Joseph Edward North, Bond, Miss.8186 Charles Albert l'atterson, Gulfport, Miss.8187 DavId Van Buyen Perkhas, Indu, Miss.8188 Frèd. r.. Platt, Bond, Miss.8180 John Uolcòmbe Quill, Mobile, Ala.8100 CurtIs Boyal Buss, Gulfport Mies.8191 Warren Brown Stevenson, Souder, Miss.51)12 Stephen Douglas Thayer, Bond,l4lst.Honorary 86 AndrewBouston Longino, Jackson, Miss.

Na. 51e. 1ucac1d, W Ya.. April 20. 190LSnnrk, R Stringer Boggess.Sorior Boo-Hoe, M. N. Offutt.,lunior Hoo-}Ioo, James R. Lanabert.Jiojum, n. w. Cubbedge.Serivenoter, B. Ii'. Rolden.lnbbeck, N.McLaod.Citatocutian, Jatheo E. Walker.

: Areanoper, J. M.Thirns.. Giiivlon, C. E. Biuk.

8193 Henly " Chirography " Fugate, Raven, Vg.8194 .Touieph "Tight" Keys, Welch, W. Va.8198 Thomas Chumlain Krcamer, Ritter, W. Vn.8198 flobort Scott Orci, Avondale, W. Va.8107 ,Tohn Swivel Swan, mcgee, W. Va.

Ne. 11. Cripple Creek, Col., April 19, 1901.

Snack, R. H. Hemenway.Senior Roo-lico, C. E. Mutilen.Junior Hoo-Hoo, B. W. Homonway.

-. liojium. W. M. Crier.- crivenoier, D. W. Kiipnfrick. -:

Jabberwock, W. M. Thcktlnson.- Cuatocatian, J. H. Preston. .: Aroumoper, II. G.Cunningham.

Ourdon, M. E. MaClung.6198 \Villiam Maui-ice Atkin; Cripple Creek, aol.

8199 Charles Willard Bowman, Woodland Parç, Col.dtöÚ Penali Newton Brigga, Victor, Col.8201 JoitaiGalhoun Carroll, Woodland Park, Col.8202 Carey Orville l0yier, Independence, Col.8203 BenjamIn Chlgoflh-----

8204 William Wulford Harvey, Cripple Creek, Col.8205 George Clayton 11111, Cripple Creek, Col.8200 Andrew Eogiuth LeBer, Cripple Creek, Col.8207 John Morgan Martin, Cripple Creek, Col.8208 Aaron Freeborne Nelson, lndependenee, Col.8209 Andrew l'lteher Nues, Cripple Creek, Col.8210 George Washington Shepherd, Cripple Creek. Col.8211 Charles ' Muta'oney " Shattlti, Cripple Creek, Coi.

No, 1ti. Taoo,ntu, Wash., April 20, 1001.Snark, H. B. Cuider.SenIor Roo-Roo, E. H. Lewis..Tunior Roo-lino, T. R. Clitifey.llojum, R. D. ¡antan.'Serivenoter, F. W. Grutitutit.Juhberwoek, W. J. Corbin.Custoctttinn, 7. A. Clock.Arcanoper, W. J. Morgutia.Gordon, D. O. 'feuil.

8212 Nathan "2Etn6 " Coleman, Tacoma, \Vtuda.8213 .loscphl \Vuule Draper, TaconWu, Wash.8214 John MacComber Ferries, Jr., Tacoma, Wutuub8215 Edward Walker Foster, Tacoma, Wagh.8216 lohn " Lutneaster " Hiunmer, Theotna, Waalt.8217 Thomas Jefferson Handforth, Tacoma. Wash.8218 Thonuwu 1,1111er Shields, Ballard, Vnsh.8210 WaIter Scott Williams, Tacoma, Vslt.8220 Mitocha Art.luttr Wood, Tacoma, Wash.

No. 713. Ksne, l's.. April 23, 1001.Snutrk, B. M. Bunker.Senior Roo-Roo, George ¡I. Watson.Junior Hoo-Boo, Wllhiaatt Ashier,Boulin, j, C. Kepler.Serivenoter, R. M. Wise.jabberwock, N. J. Watson.Cuustocatian, George Il. Nell.Arcunoper, F. L. Holmes.(Itirdon, D. lt. Shields.

8221 Alois H. Bailey, Sheffield, Pa.8222 Marion Aubrey Carringer, Mnrleuwllle, l'ut.8223 Arnold Allait Dunlap, Nausea, Pa.8224 Elmer Arnold Dunlap, Nirnoen, l'a.822g William Thomas Erwin, Nansas, Pii.8220 WIlliam Allen Hastuinger, Barnes, Pa.8227 Herbert Lee Rouster, Kaute, Pa.8228 Seymour Rope Hood, Vandlia, N. Y.8229 BanalS Elijah Miller, Nnnsen, Pa.8230 DavId H. Miller, Kane, Pa.8231 Charles Orant Odehi, Nausea, Pn.8212 LerOy Eugene Parish, Nansem, Pit.8231 Wanen Cherry Ross, .Tnmestown, N. Y.8234 flurry Lager Swain, Nanscat, Fui.8235 Edmund li. Watkins, Kane, Pa.8230 George Albert Watson, Pittsburg, l'a.8237 }tar17 herbert Watson, Galenas, Pu.8Z38 Owen AverIlle 'Vbito, Nunsen, Pa,4sJtt James Burdebto White, Kaute, Fut.

N. 714. Atlanta, 0e., AprIl 14, 1001.Snnrk, W. M. Otis.Senior Roo-Roo, T. B. Till.Junior Roo-Roo, J. R. Wnlls.

. Bojuira, flanry M. Bonmuy.Scrivenoter, JoLn W. Zuber.lubberwock, N. B. Wrlgltt.

S Custoceitico, F. M. Liebteuwnhter.Arenno'per, P Alexander.

. Gitrulon, J, 11. DIckinson.8240 Anthony. Stoddard flyers, Atlanta, Ca.8241 Merlan Raines Dickinson, Atlanta, Ga.8242 John Coffin Harringlon, Atlante, On.8243 Edward Simpson MillIer, Atlante, (In.


No. 715. EvansvIlle, I.itl., M57 9, 1001.Snack, Charles Wplflin.Senior Roo-Roo, D. 13. MacLoran.Junior Roo-Roo, Q Y. Hamilton.Bujuitti, C. L.ELùrno.Scrivenoter, W. M. Wynaond.Jabberwock, M. H. Reitman.Custocatitua, C. N. Bivin.Arcanoper, C. IL' Roberts.Gurdon. W. D. Osborne.

William Andrew Castlen, Evansville, lad.Walter AiIoús Haney, Evañvill, ¡mLRobert Weilmen Hunter, OnklitndCity, tad.Christian " Hardwood " Kratz, Shawneethwn, IllHenry Poter Weinte, Evaunsvllie, lad.