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  • 8/7/2019 Support Guide_final


  • 8/7/2019 Support Guide_final


    Table Of Contents

    I. FreeRadicalsandAntioxidants:

    TheImportanceofMeasuringFreeRadicalDamageforBetterHealth...... 1

    II. RevelarisBreakthroughScience......................................................................... 3

    III. RevelarBringsMeasurementtoYourRegimeandPatientHealth............... 3

    IV. RevelarBuildsYourPracticeinatleast4Ways................................................ 6

    V. WhatareImportantFactsforPatientstoKnow?............................................. 6

    VI. TheCriticalPreliminaryHealthAssessment...................................................... 7

    VII. RecommendationsforInterventionstoReducetheRevelarScore............ 8

    VIII. TellingPatientsTheirRevScore........................................................................... 23

    IX. RevelarworksforalltypesofPatients................................................................ 24

    X. SuggestedPricing................................................................................................... 25

    XI. MarketingSuggestionsinthePresentHealthCare......................................... 26

    XII. AdditionalTipsandSuggestion............................................................................ 27

    XIII. KeyIndustryQuotes............................................................................................... 28

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    I. Free Radicals and Antioxidants:The Importance of MeasuringFree Radical Damage for Better Health


    External actors, such as diet, activity levels, stress,chemicals, and pollutants cause our bodies to produceexcess ree radicals that damage healthy cells. This canlead to heart disease, cancer and rapid aging. The choiceswe make and the regimens we keep play a critical role inour overall health. We dont always make the right choicesand more importantly, we dont know what is really making the strongest impacttoward better health.

    To limit the efects o ree radical damage, millions o Americans take anti-oxidants,making them a multi-billion dollar industry. Anti-oxidants help the body to efectivelyprocess ree radicals and reduce damage to healthy cells within the body. Incredibly,81% o people know that antioxidants protect them rom ree radical damage (IFIC,2009). What is not known is which ones really work and most efectively reduceree radical damage. Patients take more antioxidants but sometimes give up withoutevidence o what is really working.

    For the rst time, Revelar can accurately assess ree radical damage and over timedetermine which supplements and regime are best working to lower ree radicaldamage and improve the health o your patients.

    What are Free Radicals?

    Free radicals are unstable molecules(meaning they have an unpairedelectron) produced within ourbodies. Free radicals damage healthycells by stealing an electron romthe healthy cell in order to becomestable. Free radicals are naturally

    occurring molecules present inevery person. However, internaland external actors such as diet,liestyle, activity levels, chemicalsand pollutants can increase thelevels o ree radicals, and therebyincrease the risk o damage romree radicals. Free radical damage isalso known as oxidative stress.

    The job o deending the body against ree radicalsalls to the antioxidant deense system, disarming ree

    radicals beore they can attack their target tissue. Bycontrolling ree radicals, antioxidants can make the

    diference between lie and death, as well as influencehow ast and how well we age.

    Not all antioxidants are alike.

    Not all protect healthy cells.

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    How Free Radicals Damage Healthy Cells

    The membranes o our cells contain oxygen atoms, which are targeted by ree radicals.The oxygen atoms will be stolen by the ree radicals, altering the stability and unction

    o a cell. This process is known as lipid peroxidation, andcreates a chain reaction that increases the presence oother ree radicals in the body.

    The activity o ree radicals in our bodies can cause cellmembranes to deteriorate to the extent that they ailto unction efectively. The cellular membrane is a veryimportant part o the human body because it acilitatescommunication among diferent systems within the body.Scientists have concluded that the cellular membrane isthe true brain o the cell, and it has greater efect on our

    biological well being than any o the other microscopiccomponents o our bodies.

    Excessive Free Radicals Cause Diseases

    When there is an abundance o ree radicals in our bodies, the genetic code material ocells can be changed, and this will result in mutations that can lead to aging and to seriousconditions such as leukemia, other orms o cancer, and chronic degenerative diseases.

    Antioxidants Can Protect

    Certain antioxidants have been shown to reduce ree radical damage. Studies haveshown that antioxidants reduce the risk o certain diseases, such as various types o heartdisease, as well as reduce the risk o cancer, eye disease and the overall aging process.Because there are so many antioxidants available in the market today, it is important touse products, which are clinically proven. Up until recently, there was no efective andprecise way to measure whether antioxidants and other steps are working. That is whyRevelar was developed.

    Measuring Free Radical Damage

    Revelar provides unprecedented accuracy in measuring aldehydes, an efective indicator

    o ree radical damage. Aldehyde presence and quantity is directly correlated to thelevel o lipid peroxidation or cell damage brought about by ree radicals. Measuringaldehydes creates a strong indicator o the degree to which oxidative stress (ree radicaldamage) is taking place. Revelar is able to measure the aldehydes in our breath capturingthe important ones that can lead to damage. By measuring the extent o ree radicaldamage, Revelar can accurately and quantitatively determine the choices that leadpatents to healthier lives.

    Oxidation in our cells and tissues is

    caused by products of cellular reactions,

    and these are free oxygen molecules

    that sit on healthy tissue and oxidize it

    like a rusty pipe.

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    II. Revelar is Breakthrough Science

    Up until now, the only way to measure ree radical damage was via blood testing. TBARS(thiobarbituric acid reactive substances) is a blood test that is the current standard

    or measuring ree radical damage. It measures primarily only one aldehyde, namelymalondialdehyde (MDA). However, there are as many as 33 diferent aldehydes o whichMDA is a very minor component.

    Revelar capitalizes on key laboratory breakthroughs that have shown that many o the keyaldehydes associated with oxidative stress are also exhaled in a persons breath. Revelarhas developed a revolutionary breath test that captures most aldehydes in the humanbreath, providing unprecedented accuracy and the most complete analysis o oxidativestress. This includes a proprietary reagent that reacts to human breath, with specic colorindicators that are analyzed by the Revelar device with statistically efective algorithms.

    The Revelar reagent also eatures specicity. Other reagents are known to react with

    aldehydes, but their reactivity is not specic only to oxidative stress but also other ormso body breakdowns i.e. carbohydrates and amino acids. Thereore, their results cannotocus on oxidative stress and become diluted. The Revelar reagent shows very lowreactivity with such non-relevant compounds, especially those known to be present inexhaled breath.

    In summary, Revelar is breakthrough science because it:

    1. Delivers unprecedented accuracy in measuring the important aldehydes, apparentin oxidative stress.

    2. Leverages breath technology that captures the important aldehydes produced by

    oxidative stress and evident in the human breath.

    3. Utilizes a proprietary reagent that captures these aldehydes and displays theirsensitivity with specic color indicators that only Revelar can measure.

    4. Features a reagent that only reacts to aldehydes and not insignicant by-productsirrelevant to oxidative stress.

    III. Revelar Brings Measurement to Your Regime and

    Patient HealthThere is a lot o noise in the marketplace today about antioxidants, ree radicals andmaking healthier choices. The act is that there is no quantitative measure on the efectso our choices. Consumers spend billions on antioxidants but dont really know the efect.Patients may temporarily eel better rom some treatments but again, dont know whatefect it is having on their health.

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    For the rst time, Revelar provides a biomarker that actually measures your patientshealth and enables you to monitor the efects o your regime. By knowing what isworking, patients are motivated to make and maintain a better liestyle.

    Why Measure?

    Free radicals, in excess, have been linked to increased risk or many chronic diseases.Revelar measures the amount o internal tissue damage rom ree radical activity andassigns a number or score to the result, a personal Revelar Score or Rev Score. Withinitial testing you get a snapshot o the level o tissue destruction taking place in thebody, as well as establishing a baseline or uture testing comparisons.

    The true value o Revelar testing comes with repeated monitoring o the score. Thisway you can conrm whether tissue destruction is improving or getting worse (causingearly aging, wrinkling and increased risk o chronic disease). You nally have a way to

    determine what efect your intervention is having and give your patients a basis or theirimprovement. Whats more, quantitative measuring gives patients the motivation tourther improve their scores and make the right choices. Furthermore, monitoring can beused to help determine i more aggressive treatment approaches are needed.

    It is important to know that no two individuals will create or neutralize ree radicals inexactly the same manner. Genetic actors play a signicant role in how the body handlesoxidative stress as well as diet, stress levels nutritional supplementation and liestylechoices. In addition, environmental exposure to toxins and chemicals plays an importantrole in the burden o ree radicals that our body is exposed to on a daily basis.

    Free radicals attacking healthy


    Free radicals exist naturally

    inside the body. They are aproduct o oxidation, a process

    involved with respiration andother chemical reactions such

    as metabolism, digestion,energy production andconsumption. The more we

    use oxygen, the more we arelikely to produce ree radicals.

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    Typical initial scores fall into a

    broad range from about 300 to900. The real value o this initialscore is to establish a startingpoint to compare with uturescore changes as you undertakemethods to reduce ree radicaldamage. In other words to helpknow whats working.

    No InterventionWithout any change inantioxidants, diet or liestyle,Revelar scores remain constantover the short run, therebyshowing consistency. Over alonger period o time, bad healthhabits, illnesses, environmentalimpacts and aging will tend toincrease ree radical activity. Onlyby choosing to change oneshabits will one see a change intheir score.

    THE GOOD NEWS:Antioxidant supplementintervention alone has beenshown to reduce Revelar scoresby up to 21%. Consistent use

    o high-quality antioxidantsupplements have resulted in adecline in Revelar scores over 10days.

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    IV. Revelar Builds Your Practice in at least 4 Ways

    Revelar will help you enable your patients to lead healthier lives. It will actually measuretheir health progress and help identiy the regimes most efective in controlling ree

    radical damage. At the same time, Revelar will also help you build your practice. Thereare at least our ways this will happen:

    1. Revelar truly measures the efectiveness o which supplements are making thediference in your patients regime and prove their continued use. As shown,supplements can have an efect on scores. Through quantitative measurement oyour patients health progress, you can substantiate the sale o proven antioxidantsupplements.

    2. Encourage repeat visits or progress testing, every 2-3 weeks as you nd theregime that works best. Patients will want to improve their scores and aremotivated to ensure they are making the right choices. Revelar will give your

    patients the motivation to see you not only when they are not well or in pain.

    3. Ofer air test prices to your patients at a good margin to you. A air price isbetween $25 to $40 per test, with an average price o about $30. This providesyou with a healthy prot margin on each test both or the initial baseline andsubsequent progress tests. Revelar will pay or itsel quickly and become anattractive source o revenue or your practice.

    4. Truly diferentiate your practice. With Revelar you will be able to ofer actualmeasurement o the progress your patients are making toward better health. Noteveryone has the device. Patients will be anxious to get their amily and riendstested too.

    V. What are Important Facts for Patients to Know?

    Here are important acts or your patients to know:

    Free radicals are unstable molecules in our system wemake more o them i we dont treat ourselves properly.

    I you are one o the millions who take antioxidants, youshare a common dilemma: you dont know whether the

    antioxidants actually protect you rom ree radical damage. When let unchecked, ree radicals cause aging, tissue

    damage and, over time, increased risk o cardiovasculardisease and cancer.

    With initial testing you get a baseline o the level o reeradical damage in your body, as well as establishing abenchmark or uture testing comparisons.

    Model showing

    ree radical damagein human DNA.

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    Each human being has diferent physio-characteristics so that your score maynot be directly comparable to others. What is important is your own personalbenchmark.

    The true value o Revelar testing comes with repeated monitoring o your Revelaror Rev Score. This way you can conrm that ree radical damage is being abated.

    Testing will help you avoid wasting time and money on continuing inefectiveapproaches by allowing modications o treatment to be initiated.

    As well, monitoring can be used to help determine i more aggressive treatmentapproaches are needed to decrease your Rev Score and ultimately decreasehealth risks.

    Continued monitoring and progress leads you to a much healthier liestyle that isproven efective or your own needs.

    Your Baseline Rev Score: What it Means

    Your Rev Score represents the amount o oxidative stress that your body is experiencingat the time o testing. Because oxidative stress occurs on a moment-by moment basis inthe human body, it is likely that your score will change rom one testing to another. Thelong-term goal o multiple tests should be to implement liestyle, ood and supplementchoices that will lead to a downward trend in your Rev Scores over time, representingan overall reduction in your oxidative stress. You should expect that under periods oincreased oxidative stress (such as illness, poor eating habits, excessive stress, etc.) yourtest score would be higher. The Rev Score provides you with the real time opportunityto have an objective measure o your oxidative stress state by which you can then

    implement a plan to lower your oxidative stress and improve health.

    Making changes to live healthier means living longer.

    VI. The Critical Preliminary Health Assessment

    Revelar changes the way you can treat patients. Rather than waiting or patients tocome in with problems, it is important to know up ront how they are treating theirbodies and increasing their likelihood or ree radical damage. The Revelar PatientHealth Assessment orm (provided separately) enables you to provide proactive andpreventative patient care. It helps you determine how patients are taking care o

    themselves now and establish a basis or improvement. This preliminary assessmentis critical to understanding a patients current health state and potential degree o reeradical damage. Together with the Rev Score, the Health Assessment, it will be usedduring the preliminary baseline intake and then during ongoing tracking to understandthe basis or variations. Finally, it will be integrated with a orm that allows or your ownrecommendations at each stage, The Revelar Patient Recommendation orm (providedseparately).

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    VII. Recommendations for Interventions to Reducethe Revelar Score

    Revelar has been developed to help your

    patients reduce their levels o oxidativestress and implement the intervention thatwill enable them to live longer, healthierlives. We have ound that there are at leastour key pillars that help lower ree radicaldamage. These are: Good Diet, RegularExercise, Stress Reduction and AntioxidantSupplementation.

    In order to provide specic

    recommendations or your patients, weasked the renowned, Ruthie Harper, MD,to provide us with The Harper System orreducing oxidative stress. Dr. Ruthie Harperis one o the leading nutritional medicinephysicians in the United States. Dr. Harperhas developed hundreds o nutraceutical ormulations and liestyle programs aimed atimproving various disease states. By way o example, her AREDS antioxidant ormula calledSight Deense MV has become one o the leading products or macular degeneration.She has served on the Pulse Health Science Advisory Board since 2007.

    The Harper System: The Revelar Plan for Reducing Oxidative Stress

    The Harper System is based on Dr. Harpers experience in her medical practice as well aspublished studies documenting interventions to reduce oxidative stress. Because eachindividual is biochemically diferent, he or she will react uniquely to the recommendationsset orth below.

    Each o the recommendations below includes a detailed description o the recommendedsteps to ollow or Diet, Exercise, Stress Release, Antioxidant Supplementation andDetoxication. Each section concludes with bulleted helpul tips to implement with yourpatients. These are designed to complement the Patient Health Assessment orm and workin conjunction with your own recommended patient plan.

    The higher a patients score the greater the likelihood that he will be able to lower his/herRev Score by ollowing the recommendations listed. Because each Revelar score is unique,look at each score as a moment-by-moment analysis o personal oxidative stress levels withthe goal o lowering a patients reading rom one testing to the next. I a patients score ishigher on a reading dont despair, simply review what areas the patient can improve upon tolower their score and improve their health.












    Note: Look for the icon in the margin after each section of The Harper System

    for important Tips to Doctors.

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    Food is designed to be the uel that makes our bodies healthy and lean, and gettingthe right balance o nutrients or your body composition and metabolism is critical toreducing oxidative stress, preventing disease and staying lean. Unortunately, with our

    ast-paced lives and demanding schedules, all too oten we can only t in ast ood andprocessed ood that ofer little nutritional value and too much at and sugar. Processedoods may be more convenient, but the priceyou pay or that convenience is your healthprocessed oods are lled with chemicals andpreservatives that increase ree radicals andcause oxidative stress. It is important to consumeoods high in antioxidants that ght ree radicalssuch as brightly colored ruits and vegetables.Foods providing the right vitamins and mineralsyour body needs help to boost your metabolism,

    keep your energy levels high, and burn body at naturally. Achieving your ideal weightlowers you oxidative stress and keeps your body strong and healthy.

    A diet high in rened sugar is known to signicantly contribute to weight problems as wellas increasing ree radical stress. Because the average American eats about 130 pounds osugar each year, reducing your consumption o sugar on a daily basis is an important goal.Unortunately, the more sugar you eat, the more you will want because the additionalsugar in your body tells your brain to keep craving it. Its bad enough that excessive sugarcauses weight gain, but now many researchers blame sugar as a causative actor in awide range o degenerative diseases such as metabolic syndrome, diabetes, heart disease,and cancer, as well as obesity. Even i you dont eat sweets, many oods you buy at the

    grocery store and order rom restaurants contain added sugar. Since sugar comes inmany diferent varieties, its important to learn to recognize some o its disguises by nameso that you can eliminate or signicantly reduce them rom the ood.

    Although the name healthy at may sound like a misnomer, certain types o ats arecritical to your health. In act, without healthy ats in your diet your body is much moresusceptible to premature aging and oxidative stress. Consuming quality ats and adequatevitamins and minerals, while avoiding sugar and other rened oods, is the best way tostay healthy, maintain energy, and control your weight.

    There are many diferent kinds o ats, but the our main types includemonounsaturated, polyunsaturated, saturated, and trans ats. Unsaturated

    ats like those ound in olive oil, avocados, saower oil, nuts, seeds, andcold-water sh, provide many health benets as part o a well-balanceddiet. Saturated and trans-ats like those ound in partially hydrogenatedvegetable oils, ried oods, commercial baked goods, and margarine are

    unhealthy and must be eliminated or signicantly limited in your diet. Saturated ats romanimal products like meat, poultry, dairy, seaood, tropical oils, and butter are high incalories and should be eaten in moderation.

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    The most important ats to include in your daily diet are called essential atty acids, orEFAs. The word essential reers to the act that you can obtain them only rom oodbecause your body cant synthesize them. There are two types o EFAs: alpha-linolenicatty acids, or omega-3s, and linoleic acid, or omega-6s. EFAs serve as a highly ecient

    source o energy and are the primary building blocks or your bodys cell membranesand hormones and protect your cells membranes against oxidative stress. Alpha-linolenicacid (ALA), or omega-3 atty acid, is the primary dietary essential attyacid. Omega-3s are highly concentrated in your brain and provideimportant cognitive and behavioral unction including memory andperormance. Sources o ALA include many types o nuts and axseed.Your body converts ALA into eicosapentanoic acid (EPA), which canthen be converted into docosahexanoic acid (DHA). You can alsoobtain EPA and DHA directly by eating shespecially resh and cold-water sh such as salmon, mackerel, herring, cod, and sardines.

    Although your body can convert EPA and DHA rom the ALA, this process requiresa number o enzymes that may be decient in your body because o nutritionalinadequacies, suboptimal health, advanced aging, or disease. For your health, thereore, itis important to get ALA in your diet by eating nuts and axseed, as well as getting EPA andDHA by eating sh and taking quality daily supplements.

    Trans-atty acids, or hydrogenated oils, are added to ood because they are a preservative.Although trans-ats may taste ne as an added ingredient in ood, they are toxic becauseyour body cant process and metabolize them like other ats. Hydrogenated oils aredangerous to your health and increase oxidative stress.

    While moderate red wine consumption can be benecial, excessive alcohol consumption

    can lead to acetone production, which can increase lipid peroxidation. Thereore, itsuseul to keep hard alcohol below three drinks per week.

    Tips for Doctors include:

    A useul rule o thumb or a healthul diet is whether the patient eats home-cookedmeals most o the time.

    Fresh vegetables should be part o each meal, with particular ocus on broccoli,spinach, tomatoes and carrots.

    Consumption o pomegranate, blueberry or acai juice daily promotes glutathioneproductionmost science avors pomegranates.

    Fast ood consumption cannot be a component o the patients diet while seekingto lower oxidative stress.

    I the patient consumes alcohol (other than a glass o red wine) daily, encouragethem to cut down to weekends. Patients in the red zone should cut out alcoholconsumption entirely.

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    When choosing ruits to eat, think red grapes (resveratrol), blueberries(polyphenols) and apples (quercetin). Note that the quercetin in apples has beenshown to reduce aldehydes in even healthy subjects.

    Except or superruits that supply polyphenolic benets, do not substitute ruitjuice or whole ruitsit doesnt work and has high sugar content.

    Green tea is a mild stimulant that contains polyphenolsa greatreplacement or cofee.

    Wild sh and grass-ed bee are strongly preerred as analternative to arm raised sh and corn-ed bee to avoid build-up o arachodonic acid.

    ExerciseIt is hard to ignore the benets o regular exercise. Every day new studies emerge toutingthe merits o daily exerciseeverything rom developing a strong body and losingweight, to building better health and yes- reducing ree radicals. Research directly linksa physically active liestyle to lower rates o cardiovascular disease, Type 2 diabetes, andcancer. However, the latest research suggests that inactivity not only makes you morevulnerable to disease, but it may actually speed up the aging process. This may be due inpart to lower levels o human growth hormone (HGH). HGH is a hormone produced inthe pituitary gland that increases basal metabolic rate, stimulates cell reproduction, helpsimprove concentration, coordination, and memory, and delays the efects o aging.When it comes to exercise, the right type and amount are essential in providing many

    benets or your body that you cant in any other way.Exercise promotes at burning and increases your metabolic rate (the calories you burnat rest) so you burn of more calories per hour.

    Exercise ensures your body will maintain or gain leanmuscle mass, which is essential or permanent weightloss because the more muscle you have the morecalories you will burn even at rest.

    Exercise stabilizes blood sugar levels, eliminatingcravings and inappropriate eating habits.

    Exercise sensitizes your tissues to hormones thatpromote at burning.

    Ideally, your exercise program must incorporate activitiesthat stimulate your bodys natural production o HGH.This will provide the ideal results rom exercise as wellas reducing oxidative stress. In order to produce HGHduring exercise you should include the right mix oaerobic, anaerobic, resistance, and exibility training.

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    Aerobic (with oxygen) includes any activity that uses your large muscle groups, isrhythmical in nature, and can be maintained continuously like cycling, running, andswimming (although you can create an anaerobic program using these orms oexercise).

    Anaerobic (without oxygen) includes small bursts o intense cardio exercise withslower periods in between sets. Anaerobic exercises like sprinting, jumping, intervaltraining, rowing, swimming, and body building increase the lactic acid responsible orthe production o growth hormones.

    Resistance (weight training) exercise increases growth hormones, which are essentialor at mobilization and burning. It also raises testosterone, which helps burn at.

    Flexibility and stability training lowers stress hormones, gives you a better range omotion, and helps you maintain strength.

    The right mix o anaerobic, resistance, and exibility training triggers your body tosend chemical messages to your brain to burn at and build muscle. On the other hand,exercising incorrectly or at the wrong intensity level can signal your body to consumemore ood and hold onto at and increase ree radicals. Its important to determinethe right mix o exercises or you so you can send the right messages to your body toreduce oxidative stress.

    Anaerobic vs. Aerobic Training

    Studies show intense exercise sessions rom anaerobic activities like interval trainingare twice as efective as aerobic exercise. Experts say that is because intense burstso activity are exactly what your body needs to build stronger muscles, increase

    metabolism, and reduce ree radicals.

    Tips for Doctors include:

    Identiy a baseline o exercise activity, rom walking/ at-home exercise.

    I there is no baseline, move gradually into an exercise routine. Even moderateexercise or a sedentary patient could have a pro-oxidant efect. A sedentarypatient should start with a 20-30 minute walking regime no less than three timesper week. Likewise, sedentary women should start with 2-5 pound weights andsedentary men with 10 pound weights or anaerobic exercise.

    Identiy aerobic activities.

    Determine consistencyis the patient a weekend warrior or subject to cyclicalexercise? This could contribute to ree radical production, not inhibit it.

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    Stress Relief

    Stress is a biological response that occurs in the bodyas a result o stimuli. The term itsel was originallycoined by endocrinologist Hans Selye in 1936, who

    dened stress as the non-specic response o thebody to any demand or change.

    Stress accounts or 75% to 90% o all primary caredoctor visits in the US, and almost all disease iseither caused by or aggravated by stress. Stress is thenumber one reason why people are unsuccessulat committing to programs that support healthand wellness. Instead, we oten try and decreasestress through drugs or alcohol, tobacco, over-eating or over-consuming sugar and carbohydrates,

    overworking or oversleeping, or using excessstimulants such as cofee, colas, and energy drinks.

    Most people perceive stress as something negative,but stress in balance is a positive and healthy part olie. For example, when we wake up in the morning,our bodies make the stress hormone cortisol toget us up and going. I you eat a good breakast, your stress hormone levels drop backdown to a healthy baseline. I you rush out the door to work, up goes your cortisol level.But, it is doing its job because it is helping you get there in time. This normal rise andall o cortisol levels throughout the day is part o a healthy liestyle. However, the stresshormone cortisol is a double-edged sword: not enough and we cant adapt to stressulsituations, too much and our bodies become overweight, aged, and disease-ridden. Thegoal in lie is to keep stress in balance.

    For most o us stress is damaging to our health, because we engage in stressul behaviorsevery day that create an excessive amount o stress. Our liestyle choices such as poordiet, lack o sleep, overconsumption, overworking, and ingesting environmental toxinsincreases our stress hormones beyond our capacity to keep them in balance and theend result is an increase in oxidative stress. Stress afects us over time, so it is easy to kidourselves and think that we can keep up these behaviors without any repercussions aswe slowly burn ourselves out and create excessive amounts o ree radical damage.

    Tips for Doctors include:

    Get eight or more hours o uninterrupted sleep per night. (I you are burnt-outyou may require nine or more to heal.)

    Scientic literature has shown that chiropractic adjustments, acupuncture andmassage reduce stress and, particularly, oxidative stress.

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    Alignment issues stemming rom stress, including neck stress that can be alleviatedthrough chiropractic adjustments and, potentially, laser therapy.

    Eat a balanced diet o optimal protein, healthy ats, high ber carbs, and non-starchyveggies in small meals and snacks every 3-4 hours to give your body the building

    blocks to rebuild brain chemicals and hormone messengers. Remove toxic chemicalslike articial sweeteners and sugar rom your diet.

    Give your body the nutrients it needs to keep the stress hormones rom going toohigh, including Omega 3 Fatty Acids, Phosphatidyl Serine, B Vitamins, and Vitamin C.

    Build in downtime and un activities to your routine.

    Turn exercise into stress-reduction activities by opting or restorative yoga

    There are a number o techniques you can employ any time, such as guided imagery,breathing exercises and meditation. (Health practitioners should develop some specicsuggestions.)

    Antioxidant Supplementation

    Good nutrition and a well-balanced diet are essential or optimal health and preventiono oxidative stress. Many people are surprised to learn that their chronic condition ordisease oten can be traced to a nutritional deciency. Nutrition afects the ability to ghtagainst ree radicals as well as providing support to the immune system, organ unction,hormonal balance, and cellular metabolism. Research also indicates that those who aredecient in essential vitamins and minerals are at a higher risk o developing and dying o

    chronic diseases like diabetes, heart disease, and cancer.However, with our busy schedules and ast-paced liestyles, most o us substitute oodquality or quantity and convenience. Weconsume a lot o ast ood, over-processedood, highly rened sugar, carbohydrates,and trans-ats. Such oods actually preventour bodies rom properly absorbing essentialvitamins and minerals. Additionally, many oodswe buy rom the grocery store are grownon arms that use pesticides, non-organic

    ertilizers, and waste-treated water in order togrow ood quickly and cheaply. Imported oods(and many non-local oods) are chemically

    treated, and the natural enzymes are virtually non-existent by the time they reach ourkitchen tables. For this reason, supplementing your diet with vitamins and minerals canhelp you prevent both oxidative stress and chronic disease, as well as look and eelyounger.

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    Antioxidants are chemical substances that donate an electron to ree radicals andconvert them into harmless molecules. Antioxidants intercept ree radicals and protectcells rom the oxidative damage that they can cause leading to aging and disease.Some antioxidants are made in our cells and include enzymes and the small molecules

    glutathione, uric acid, coenzyme Q-10 and lipoic acid. Other essential antioxidants suchas vitamin C, E, and selenium must be obtained rom our diet. Fruits, vegetables andgrains are rich sources o antioxidant vitamins minerals and phytochemicals (botanicals).Phytochemicals are plant chemicals that are neither vitamins nor minerals; yet havehealth-enhancing efects. Many phytochemicals are antioxidants, including carotenoids,and avonoids.

    Specifc Supplement Recommendations

    N Acetyl Cysteine (Highly Recommended-600 mgs/day)

    N-Acetyl Cysteine (NAC) is a potent antioxidantand cell detoxier. It is derived rom the aminoacid L-Cysteine, and plays an important role inthe production o glutathione, the bodys primaryantioxidant thats crucial in the ght to neutralizeree radicals. The primary unction o N-AcetylCysteine is in the production o glutathione.Glutathione is a small protein ound insidecells that plays an important role in the bodysantioxidant deense system. N-Acetyl Cysteineis quickly metabolized into glutathione once it

    enters the body. Glutathione then unctionsas a powerul antioxidant and cell detoxier. As an antioxidant, glutathione efectivelyscavenges ree radicals, neutralizing their harmul efects upon cells and therebyreducing lipid peroxidation.

    Vitamin E

    Annatto tocotrienols (Highly Recommended particularly with ascorbic acid400 mgs/day)

    Vitamin E is oten thought o as a single entity. However, it is a mixture o bothtocotrienols and tocopherols, two orms o the same vitamin. Scientists have ound thatalthough both tocotrienols and tocopherols are similar, they work diferently in the body.In act, the newest research indicates that even though both orms possess antioxidant

    activity, tocotrienols are superior to tocopherols in their ability to serve as antioxidantsin protecting cell membranes. Furthermore, evidence indicates that tocotrienols areabsorbed better than tocopherols. A little known tropical-rainorest-derived plant calledAnnatto ranks highest in tocotrienol content. Annatto contains 100 percent tocotrienols,and is virtually tocopherol-ree. A special patented, solvent-ree extraction o Annattoseeds produces the two most efective tocotrienol isomers: 90 percent delta-tocotrienoland 10 percent gamma-tocotrienol. Annatto is the only source o tocotrienols thatcontains 100 percent desmethyl tocotrienols and virtually no tocopherols. Tocotrienolsboost glutathione production.

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    Vitamin C (Highly recommended500 mgs/day)

    Vitamin C is a highly efective antioxidant (even in small amounts) which can workboth inside and outside the cells to combat ree radical damage. Vitamin C is anexcellent source o electrons; thereore, it can donate electrons to ree radicals such

    as hydroxyl and superoxide radicals and quench their reactivity. Vitamin C works alongwith glutathione peroxidase (a major ree radical-ghting enzyme) to revitalize vitamin E, aat-soluble antioxidant. In addition to its work as a direct scavenger o ree radicals in uids,then, vitamin C also contributes to the antioxidant activity in the lipids. Through its actionvitamin C protects critical molecules in the body, such as proteins, lipids (cell membranes),carbohydrates, and DNA rom damage by ree radicals that are generated during normalmetabolism as well as through exposure to toxins and pollutants (e.g. smoking).

    Co-Q10/Reduced Co-Q10 (Highly recommendedsublingual 300 mgs/day)

    Co-Q10, or ubiquinone, is ound in the cells mitochondria, and has two knownunctions- transporting electrons during energy production and acting as an antioxidantthat protects against ree radicals ormed during metabolism. Co-Q10 decreases insome tissues with age. The heart, brain and muscles, which are high in mitochondria,may be most afected by the alling levels o Co-Q10. Mitochondria actively produceree radicals as a by-product o energy production. Lipid peroxides are reduced in theblood o people on Co-Q10 supplementation and antioxidant vitamins E and C areincreased as Co-Q10 helps to regenerate these. Co-Q10 supports SOD, catalase andglutathione peroxidase. The reduced orm o this nutrient (ubiqinol) may be moreprotective in individuals over 40.

    Selenium(Highly recommended--.1 mgs/day)

    Selenium is a critical coactor in enzymatic antioxidant deense systems. Antioxidants

    like vitamin E, vitamin C and Co-Enzyme Q10 neutralize ree radicals by becomingree radicals themselves that are less harmul than the ones they neutralize. But theree radical orms o antioxidants must be regenerated or they cannot continue to beefective antioxidants, and may even be damaging. The glutathione and thioredoxinantioxidant systems unction to regenerate other antioxidants while themselvesproviding the primary antioxidant deense in the water phase o the body. Glutathioneperoxidase and thioredoxin reductase are two natural antioxidant enzymes that containselenium and depend upon selenium activity or their antioxidant unctionality. Both theglutathione and thioredoxin systems enhance their own antioxidant activity by inducingthe production o other natural antioxidant enzymes.

    Grape Seed, Quercetin, Pycnogenol-Polyphenols (Highly recommended in dietary form)

    Polyphenols are a broad amily o naturally occurring physiologically activenutrients. They can be divided into our subgroups- bioavonoids, anthocyanins andproanthocyanidins (OPCs) and xanthones.

    One interesting property o polyphenols is their ability to modulate the productiono nitric oxide. In correct amounts, nitric oxide is extremely useul. In excess, it is

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    neurotoxic. Phenolic compounds seem particularly efective in keeping nitric oxidewithin the correct range, thus improving circulation and reducing ree-radical damagerom nitrogen peroxides.

    AcaiAcai is a Brazilian berry that is oten times harvested in the rainorests o Brazil. Hiddenwithin its royal purple pigment is the magic that makes it natures perect energy ruit.Aca is packed ull o antioxidants, amino acids and essential atty acids.

    A study published in the Journal o Agricultural and Food Chemistry o January 2006showed that extracts rom acai berries triggered a sel-destruct response in up to 86percent o leukemia cells tested. Acai berries are already considered one o the richestruit sources o antioxidants. This study was an important step toward learning whatpeople may gain rom using beverages, dietary supplements or other products madewith the berries.

    Acai pulp contains a remarkable concentration o antioxidants that help combatpremature aging, with 10 times more antioxidants than red grapes and 10 to 30 timesthe anthocyanins o red wine. It supports the actins o SOD and has peroxyl scavengingcapabilities as well as being a rich source o proanthocyanadins, phenolics, andavonoids in addition to anthocyanins.

    The atty acid content in aca resembles that o olive oil, and is rich in monounsaturatedoleic acid. Oleic acid helps omega-3 oils penetrate the cell membrane more eciently;together these help to make cell the cell membrane healthier.

    BioavonoidsBioavonoids are antioxidants that battle and neutralize a wide variety o ree radicalsincluding nitric oxide, the hydroxyl radical (HORAC), singlet oxygen, the super-oxideradical, and the super-potent combination o superoxide and nitric oxide called theperoxynitrate radical.

    Red Grape Skin extract contains a mix o substances, which are also ound in grapeseeds, and some in red wine. These substances include non-bioavonoid polyphenols(derivatives o cinnamic and benzoic acid) and bioavonoid polyphenols (quercetin,catechins, avonols, and anthocyanidins).

    Flavonoids are phenolic compounds that give vegetables, ruits, grains, seeds, leaves,

    owers, and bark their color. Sometimes these complex avonoids are reerred to by anolder term, namely condensed tannins. It is these tannins that give owers, vegetablesand ruits hues that include deep red, purple, mauve, blue, all the way to the extremelydark blue o Northern European bilberries, which can appear practically, black. Thus, theredness o strawberries and raspberries and the blueness o blueberries are due to thesame class o compounds. Elderberry, persimmon, tart red cherries (tartness indicatesthe presence o condensed tannins), red and purple grapes, beets, purple cabbage, andthe peel o the purple eggplant contain anthocyanins and proanthocyanidins. The names

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    o some o the most important bioavonoids are baicalin, myricetin and quercetin.They provide many health promoting and antioxidant benets.

    Tannins are very common in the plant world. They are ound in the bark o varioustrees. The best known bark extract, Pycnogenol, comes rom the bark o the FrenchMaritime Pine, Pinus maritime. The wide distribution o tannins in the plant kingdomis probably related both to their antioxidant and antimicrobial properties. The act thatchocolate doesnt spoil in spite o its high at content is also due to these ascinatingpolyphenols. Bioavonoids work synergistically with other antioxidants. Vitamin C isactually recycled and can be reused by the body when bioavonoids are present.

    Bioavonoids in general are amazingly bioactive with a wide range o benets raisingthe levels o reduced glutathione and vitamin C. A lot o the benets o phenoliccompounds stem rom their antioxidant properties. Flavonoids also enter the bodysantioxidant network, boosting the levels o vitamin C and o our chie endogenousantioxidant, glutathione. Higher levels o ascorbates and glutathione mean better

    recycling o other antioxidant compounds.


    Proanthocyanidins are another amily o polyphenols that chemists call condensedtannins or oligomeric proanthocyanidins (OPCs). OPCs ofer antioxidant protectionspecically against heart disease and cancer. OPCs owe their current popularity toFrench scientists that were successul in nding uses or the waste produced by thepaper pulp and wine making industries. These scientists studied Maritime Pine bark andgrape seeds and ound that the OPCs they contained were perect nutrients to buildand maintain high energy levels. Some o the richest sources o OPCs are the nectarso grapes, bilberry, blueberry, cranberry, elderberry, prunes and apples. Grape nectar

    has the richest source o OPCs o all the botanicals in their seeds and peels. OPCs areimportant antioxidants by themselves. Grape OPCs have been shown to protect manydiferent types o body tissues better than vitamin C, vitamin E, or beta-carotene.

    OPCs enhance the efects o other antioxidants. Grapes have antioxidant recycling andpotentiating abilities. The cell membrane protecting ability o vitamin E is improved inthe presence o grape OPCs.


    Xanthones are close cousins to the polyphenol amily and have strong antioxidantefects especially in the lipid rich nervous system.


    Carotenoids are the at-soluble colors in ruits and vegetables and are a amily o morethan 600 antioxidants. Beta-carotene, which is rich in carrots and other yellow/orangevegetables and ruits, converts to vitamin-A when the body lacks enough o the vitamin.Similar to vitamin E, carotenoids trap reactive oxygen species, break ree radical chainreactions and prevent oxidative damage.

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    Lipoic Acid Reduced

    Lipoic acid is needed or ecient mitochondrial unction and serves as a powerulantioxidant. It is both made in our cells and can be taken as a supplement. As anantioxidant, lipoic acid is unusual because it is able to unction in both the water and

    at-soluble regions o the cell. It can eliminate ree radicals in the aqueous compartmento the cell, similar to vitamin C, and protect lipids against oxidation in the atty cellmembrane region, similar to vitamin E. Additionally, it has the remarkable ability torecycle several other important antioxidants including vitamins C and E, glutathione andcoenzyme Q-10, as well as itsel.


    Taurine decreases reactive oxygen species levels by increasing the levels o the antioxidantenzymes including superoxide dismutase, glutathione peroxidase and catalase.


    CLA possesses unique and potent antioxidant activity. In the body, it is taken up byphospholipids, a class o ats that serve as the principal structural components ocell membranes. CLA is now thought to represent a previously unidentied deensemechanism against membrane attack by oxygen radicals.


    Phosphatidylcholine (PC) is a at-soluble substance known as a phospholipid. Phospholipidsare essential components o cell membranes. Phosphatidylcholines role is the maintenanceo cell membrane integrity and support o all o its vital biological unctions.

    Glutathione (Generated by antioxidants and catalysts identied in our recommendations)Glutathione is oten recognized as the most important antioxidant deense. Compoundsthat raise glutathione, such as lipoic acid, NAC, and the potent phenolics ound in berries,cherries and walnuts, help protect against ree radical damage and lipid peroxidation.Glutathione is ound in almost every cell and since it has limited ability to enter most cellsdirectly it must be made inside the cell, rom its three constituent amino acids: glycine,glutamate and cysteine. The rate at which glutathione can be made depends on theavailability o cysteine, which is relatively scarce in oodstufs. Furthermore, the cysteinemolecule has a sulur-containing portion, which gives the whole glutathione molecules itsbiochemical activity. Additionally, glutathione recycles other well known antioxidants suchas vitamin C and vitamin E, keeping them in their active state.


    Carnitine enhances energy production by acilitating the transport o atty acids into theenergy-producing units in the cells. It increases cellular respiration, and has antioxidantas well as membrane stabilizing efects.

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    Tips for Doctors include:

    It is sae to assume that water soluble antioxidants dont take efect or 10 to 21

    days. Lipid soluble antioxidants, such as tocotrienols, do not have an efect or asmany as 60 days.

    Initial recommendations should include highly recommended supplementsidentied above to ocus on glutathione production.


    Every day we are bombarded with chemicals and substances our bodies have dicultyprocessing. For this reason, each o us has a naturally occurring, built-in detoxicationsystem or protection. These chemicals and substanceswhich can be harmul to ourhealthcome rom many diferent sources, When asked where toxins come rom,many people mistakenly believe they come only rom environmental pollutants such asmanuacturing plants and automobiles. However, toxins are everywhere in our world.Store shelves are lined with skincare products that advertise health and beauty, whenin reality they are loaded with man-made chemicals that pollute our environment anddamage your health. Heavy metals, antibiotics, prescription medications, and otherenvironmental chemicals leach into our water supply, and our homes are lled withchemically laden products or cleaning and poisonous pesticides or keeping bugs at bayand beautiying lawns.

    Then there are the less obvious toxins ound in oods, such as mercury-exposedseaood and sh. While you may benet rom some aspect o some o these products,an accumulation o these chemicals in the body causes damage to the cells andsignicantly increases oxidative stress. While in the body, toxins can bind to cell suracereceptors and interere with normal hormone unction and neurotransmitter signaling,as well as block healthy enzyme unction, causing metabolic imbalances and blockagesthat lead to a variety o health problems. When toxins accumulate causing oxidativestress, they create a serious health threat by risking damage to your DNA.

    Detoxication prevents harmul substances rom accumulating over time and intereringwith your bodys natural detoxication systems. Unortunately, toxicity isnt always easy to

    detect because the warning signs are oten common symptoms that can be blamed oncommon causes. For instance, some common symptoms o toxicity include:

    Headaches, migraines

    Mood changes

    Depression and/or anxiety

    Food allergies

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    Brain og

    Joint pain

    Chronic pain throughout the muscles and tendons or any sot tissues

    Gastrointestinal issues



    Chronic malaise, eeling o discomort, atigue, and illness

    Weakened immune system

    Chronic inections such as Candida

    Nervous system malunctions like burning extremities, numbness, tingling, paralysis Rapid aging

    The good news is our bodies are designed to handle these harmul substances througha natural, two-step process called detoxication. Detoxication is the process obiotransormation by which your body clears and eliminates the harmul elements. Todetoxiy efectively and eciently, your body must have the right balance and storageo nutrients to prevent build-up o toxins and to maintain healthy organs or elimination.When done successully, toxins are neutralized and the potential oxidative stress that canresult is prevented.

    The primary organs involved in detoxication include your liver, gallbladder, kidneys,gastrointestinal tract, lungs, lymph nodes, sweat glands, tear ducts, and skin. All thesesystems work together or whole body detoxication, so a problem in any one can causetoxins to accumulate or interere with efective elimination.

    Phase 1 & Phase 2

    Your liver plays the biggest role in detoxication, and most detoxication programs ocuson this vital organ. The liver is responsible or isolating, ltering, and transorming toxicmolecules into substances your body can eliminate This detoxication process involvestwo phases and an assortment o nutrients, amino acids, and enzymes to transorm

    toxins into water-soluble substances that your body can excrete through urine or stool.During Phase 1, your liver either neutralizes toxins into by-products that your bodycan eliminate, or transorms toxins into intermediate compounds that require Phase 2conjugation. Phase 1 detoxication involves processes including oxidation, hydrolysis,and reduction to convert and deactivate toxic substances. These intermediate substancesproduced in Phase 1 are highly reactive and can be more poisonous and potentiallydangerous to the body than the original toxins by generating ree radicals that damagecells. For this reason a healthy phase 2 system is critical or health.

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    In Phase 2, liver enzymes convert the intermediate compounds into less harmulsubstances that can attach to carrier molecules and be transported out o a patientsbody through his/her kidneys and GI tract. Simply stated, Phase 1 is like taking all thegarbage in your house and putting it into a garbage bag, while Phase 2 is like taking

    the garbage bag out o your house to the curb or pick-up. The rate at which Phase 1produces intermediate compounds must be balanced by the rate at which Phase 2 isable to complete the process o detoxication. I one or both phases o detoxication areinecient or overloaded, serious health consequences can occur. For example, i Phase2 cant keep up with Phase 1, it will cause an accumulation o harmul intermediatecompounds that generate ree radicals, damage the liver, and adversely afect yourhealth.

    Tips for Doctors include:

    Identiy whether the patient is at-risk or toxin exposure. I there is an indication o excess toxicity, identiy whether patient is symptomatic.

    Develop your own detoxication program


    The inormation provided in this treatment plan is intended to illustrate what weconsider to be sound practices based on published and private studies to bring a patient

    back into a more balanced process o neutralizing ree radicals as they are naturallyproduced. Each doctor should use this inormation as he or she nds useul, and usethe Revelar device as a monitor o patient progress. While short term stress or dietarylapses can have some efect on the Rev Score, long term testing should reveal lowerscores with compliance.

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    VIII. Telling Patients Their Rev Score

    Patients will be excited about their scores and anxious to know what they mean and howthey compare to others. Importantly, they will be excited to know how they can lower

    them and become healthier. The Revelar test or ree radical damage ofers your patientsan easy-to-understand snapshot o an important indicator o their health status. Becauseit measures the degree o ree radical damage, your patients will be eager to learn howthey can mitigate those harmul efects.

    The importance o the Rev Score is to establish a baseline or urther improvement.Because everyone has diferent physio-characteristics, scores will vary among patientswith diferent liestyles, genes and body types. In act, no two people are alike. Manyactors, including diet, metabolism, exercise, genetics, ethnicity, liestyle, age, weightand psychological makeup contribute to the production o the ree radicals that causedamage or oxidative stress. For example, a young, apparently healthy person mayscore high, while an overweight, elderly person may score low. Revelar measures each

    individuals unique aging process, and assigns a baseline score.

    For this reason, reer to the score as My Rev Score, embellishing the act that this is apersonal score and goal.

    The baseline provides a benchmark to determine how well your intervention will work orthem over time.

    The only reason to have a baseline is to re-check the score at a later time and compareit again. This will ascertain i the nutritional, therapeutic or liestyle changes you haverecommended have had the intended impact on the patients health. The true relevanceo the test is to see i the numbers decrease, with intervention, then it only has real value

    rom the ndings at the time o retesting.

    It is important the patient understand that it may take several alterations in therecommendations beore you achieve the maximum improvement possible. Thereore itis valid to retest ater 2-3 weeks and then again until you achieve a lower score.

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    IX. Revelar works for all types of Patients

    Experience shows people have a high interest in Revelar testing and getting their RevScore. Most people want to do something about their score and monitor their progress

    rom antioxidant and other treatment intervention. What is great is that people who havetaken the test tend to tell others about it too creating more news or your practice.

    You can leverage Revelar testing across your new, existing and lapsed patients.

    New PatientsNew patients are seeking health care solutions and are looking or a trusted advisor.Revelar gives you the ability to actually monitor their progress over time and determinethe quantitative result o your intervention. It makes sense to begin each new patient

    exam with a Revelar test and mark their rst Rev Score.

    Existing PatientsExisting patients, presently under treatment, can easily be approached by staf andofered a test to establish their baseline. Many doctors ofer this at no charge, assuringpatients they are doing so because it is a vital new test that can actually measure theirprogress toward better health. The more patients who see their test results want to dosomething about it.

    Lapsed PatientsRevelar can help you reactivate past patients by ofering to test them via a breakthroughnew method that determines the ree radical damage in their bodies. Tell them that bydoing this you can establish a path or helping them get healthier. Your past patientsmay also be concerned about a amily member or riend (who is known to them to havedietary or liestyle deciencies) and want them to be tested. This contact can be initiatedvia email, mail and/or phone contact.

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    X. Suggested Pricing

    The price o the Revelar test is judged to be exceptionally air in the range o $25.00 to$40.00 per testmost doctors settle at $30.00. That provides a powerul incentive or

    your patients and strong margin or you.Relative to oce income, testing is not what results in signicant increases. These cancome rom ollowing source o revenue:

    1. The sale o nutritional products and/or other wellness products and services thathas a positive efect on improving the health o your patients.

    2. The ability to bring patients back to your oce or visits to monitor their health.Patient loyalty and retention will be a huge advantage or you.

    3. Conversion income can also develop or you. That is when patients enter your

    oce or Revelar testing and then transition to utilizing your core services.Remember, Revelar will diferentiate your practice.

    Many oces perorm the rst test at no charge. This will urther encourage patients toget on the right track or additional products, services, visits and testing. You may alsoconsider ofering a discounted amily package that will be applicable to anyone in thepatients amily. Consider ofering a 25% discount or repeated tests booked in advance.I you do not elect to ofer the rst test ree then ofer a 50% discount or any new amilymember.

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    XI. Marketing Suggestions in the Present Health CareEnvironment.

    It is important to let your current, lapsed and prospective patients know that you have

    the Revelar device. You have a distinctive tool that can measurably improve the health oyour patients.

    You can let them know in several ways. Suggested ways include:

    Mail, Email and Phone. Let them know that you can accurately measure reeradical damage and set them on the path to a healthier lie. Since most o yourpatients dont know whether antioxidants are efective, they will be most curiousabout taking the test.

    Internal age-health classes. Get an outside speaker (Pulse Health can help supplythose) to discuss how to adopt a tness program or healthy aging.

    Open house. Get the message out about your new device and create immediatenew patients. Conduct a highly attended, successul event or the entirecommunity.

    Health fairs and other health screening opportunities. Develop a new patientprospect list rom those taking the test.

    Health classes to go. Create a class that is in demand by small and largecompanies/corporations.

    In oce displays. Put up posters and display the brochures. Create curiosity,

    causing inquiries about your device.

    And others, i.e. VIP nights or nutritional patients, coupons or ree evaluations,customized nutritional consultations and ROF, and special retention techniques.

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    XII. Additional Tips and Suggestions

    Practitioners in our Beta experience ofered some suggestions on what can helpimprove the Revelar experience or your practice:

    Make sure Revelar is integrated into yourcore services as a regular part o healthmonitoring and maintenance. Thiswill help establish the protocol or itsongoing use.

    Ofer initial tests at no charge, to allpatients past, present and uture. (Youwill be amazed by how many peoplewill think about it i you charge or therst test. Conversely, once people know

    their score, they want to do somethingabout it.

    Have a systematic standard operatingprocedure or the second andsubsequent set o testing. Establishappointments or these in advance.There are many people who will want tocontinue monitoring.

    Establish staf meetings to generateexcitement in the oce and instantly

    identiy any questions your staf mayhave. Ensure they are comortable inpromoting the program with patients.You want everyone condent in his orher role.

    Any mailers or emails that you send to your patients should ideally beollowed by a phone call to increase response. This helped increase responseby up to 500%.

    Know your vernacular. These terms generated the greatest interest: ree

    radical damage, antioxidant protection, oxidative stress, aldehydes, rapidaging, cancer, heart disease, personalized medicine, breakthrough breathtechnology, choices or healthier living.

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    XIII. Key Industry Quotes

    Revelars measurement system is the gold standard for oxidative

    stress assays. There is a lot of subjective information in the marketbut now a doctor can accurately determine whether a regime isworking and enable patients to improve their health and understandwhy its improving,

    Dr. John Hunt,Pediatric Respiratory Medicine, University of Virginia.

    Revelar is truly amazing science. It provides the ability to objectivelyestablish a numerical value for compliance and improvement.Patients wont feel better just because they take antioxidants, Freeradicals is still an esoteric concept and this objecties free radicalmeasures and personal progress for compliance. Revelar gives thema number. It enables people to achieve their personal best.

    Dr. Ruthie Harper, MD

    Revelar helped me grow and dierentiate my practice. I haveseen many tools, but Revelar really stood out. When I agreed tobeta test Revelar in Texas, existing patients were excited to take thetest, willing to pay for follow up tests, and wanted to nd the rightsupplements to get their score down. Perhaps most telling, they werewilling to refer others. We were also able to see how well this workedat screening booths to bring in new patients from new markets. Wesaw an immediate eect on revenue. I think this will prove to be apowerful tool for both patients health and practice growth.

    Dr. Ty Talcott

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    1331 NW Lovejoy St., Suite 765Portland, OR 97209

    t l 503 937 0019

    For additional support and product assistance, contact

    customer support or your Revelar representative.