supply chain risk management - made easy!

Supply Risk Network

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Post on 27-Jul-2015




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Page 1: Supply Chain Risk Management - made easy!

Supply Risk Network

Page 2: Supply Chain Risk Management - made easy!

50% of CPOs feel procurement related risk has increased in the last 12 months *

Comprehensive methodology for complete and continuous risk monitoring.

Pressure in terms of innovations and costs as a result of the globalization of markets and services are forcing companies to focus more strongly on international procurement. This globalization, combined with a fall in added value leads to a new, complex risk structure, which necessitates continuous monitoring of various risk potentials along all supply chains.The Supply Risk Network from riskmethods has been developed to address precisely these challenges.

Supply chain risk management - made easy!

Transparency along the supply chainMonitoring of all suppliers, locations and country risks along your supply chainConsideration of dependencies on a 1-n supply tier level Ongoing monitoring in near real time

All risk types taken into account Supplier risks (e.g. financial stability, compliance, quality, price fluctuations)Category risks (e.g. import regulations)Location risks (e.g. natural hazards, strikes)Country risks (e.g. political risks, sanctions)

Comprehensive, modular process cycle“Risk radar” with early warning system to determine current risks“Impact validator” to assess supplier criticality and the potential impact“Action planner” to record preventive and reactive measures

¾ of companies still do not have full visibility of their supply chain disruption levels **

Top1 Businessinterruption and supply chain risk rank as top risk for companies in 2014 ***

Page 3: Supply Chain Risk Management - made easy!

Quellen:*Deloitte Global CPO Survey 2013 / **Supply Chain Resilience 2013 / ***Allianz Risk Barometer: Geschäftsrisiken 2014

Pre-integrated data sources and “Shareconomy” >90% automation by linking of various data sources, e.g. for risks resulting from natural hazards, sanctions, macroeconomic and political developments, as well as image and insolvency risksriskmethods Risk Research for monitoring >300,000 online and social mediaShare functionality for cross-company risk collaboration No laborious data maintenance

Live in 1 dayNo installation and no implementation projectsMinimal use of internal resourcesImmediate use and flexible modularization

Pay-per-benefitNo initial investment costs, no capital commitmentPredictable and usage-based costsImmediate benefit and ROI

Fun to useInnovative technology incl. mobile appModern and user-friendly interfaceMaximum user acceptance, no change management



• Proactive risk minimization along your supply chains• Early response to unavoidable catastrophes of any nature• Adherence to regulatory requirements and ethical compliance• Simplification of certifications• Ensured internal quality standards• Avoidance of sales shortfalls and image damage


Page 4: Supply Chain Risk Management - made easy!

About riskmethods:As the technological market leader in cloud-based supply chain risk management solutions, Munich-based riskmethods GmbH provides support for companies in the risk analysis of their supply chains. The SaaS solution “Supply Risk Network”, which was developed in Germany, combines state-of-the-art technology and innovative provision of risk intelligence into a leading standard for supply chain risk management.

Test the„Supply Risk Network“

free of charge

riskmethods GmbHKonrad-Zuse-Platz 8 81829 München Germany

Phone +49 (0)89 20 70 42 611Fax +49 (0)89 20 70 42 618Mail [email protected]