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1 A Cleansing Kick-Start to: Burn more fat, Have more energy, & Purify your body (without starving yourself, without feeling depleted, & without spending hundreds of dollars on expensive juices or supplements) Complete E-Book!

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Page 1: supplements) Complete E-Book!...Similarly, nutritional cleansing is still a powerful catalyst for purifying the body and staying youthful, fit, vital, and well. The only difference


A Cleansing Kick-Start to:

Burn more fat,

Have more energy, &

Purify your body

(without starving yourself, without feeling depleted, & without spending hundreds of dollars on expensive juices or


Complete E-Book!

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Copyright © 2014 by Barnet Meltzer, M.D. and Jordan Meltzer

Published by Dr. Know • How Publications

1011 Camino Del Mar, Suite 234

Del Mar, CA 92014

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted, in any form, or by any means, electronic, mechanical, recorded, photocopied, or otherwise,

without the prior permission of the copyright owner, except by a reviewer who may quote brief passages in a review.

It’s important to note that this e-book should not be used to treat or diagnose any medical conditions.

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Fresh, Whole, Living Food is Your Best Preventive Medicine

Chapter 1:

The 3 Secrets to Cleansing (& Getting Better Cleansing Results) Without Feeling Hungry or Tired

Chapter 2:

The Pure Start Cleanse Complete Nutritional Blueprint & Menu

Chapter 3:

Recipes for Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner

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Chapter 4:

Shopping List & Preparation Checklist

Chapter 5:

Cleansing Basics & FAQ’s— A Primer on the Who, What, Why, & When of Cleansing

Chapter 6:

Troubleshooting Tips to Overcome Potential Cleansing Challenges

Chapter 7:

Resources for Extra Guidance & Support

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Fresh, Whole, Living Food is Your Best Preventive Medicine

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“Fresh, whole, living food is your best preventive medicine.” I’ll never forget the series of events

that led me to this simple, yet powerful principle of health and healing.

The year was 1972. I had recently finished my internship at UCLA, was in my third year of

surgical residency at UCSD, and I was ready to branch out and start my own medical practice. While I

was well trained in treating disease with drugs and surgery, there was only one problem—I was losing

interest in prescribing medications and performing surgery. Deep down, I felt like there had to be

another way. There had to be a better means to help patients than to treat them when they were

already suffering from end-stage illness. There had to be a way to prevent disease to begin with and a

more natural way of healing than relying solely on drugs and surgical procedures. With every passing

surgery I performed it became clearer and clearer to me. I still had important questions to answer that

weren’t being addressed within the framework of traditional western medicine. As valuable as my

medical training was in teaching me the science of disease, I was searching for a better understanding of

the science of wellness. Little did I know that a new world was about to open up to me.

For those of you who were around to experience the early 70’s, you may recall that 1972 was a

time of immense cultural sharing. Richard Nixon was making huge strides in opening up foreign

relations with China and, for the first time, the healing arts from all around the world were making their

way to the United States. As fate would have it, at the very time I was ready to make a shift in my

approach to medicine, I was being introduced to philosophies of health and healing from the North, the

South, and the East. And, thanks to my medical training, I was able to evaluate them and understand

them with a scientific background that was taught to me by the best trained medical minds and

surgeons of the West.

From India, I learned about yoga, meditation, and spiritual self-awareness. Not only was I

fascinated to discover a culture that was as spiritually-minded as the United States was materially-

minded, but I could see how powerful yoga and meditation could be in combating the stress and anxiety

that accompanied modern day living. The underlying message from India, as I understood it, was one of

union—that through the union of mind, body, and spirit one could experience the highest levels of long-

term health and happiness.

From China, I studied the principles of Preventive Medicine, acupuncture, tai chi, and drugless

healing. Whereas India’s primary message was one of union, the Chinese philosophy taught that the

secret to healthy and happy living was found through balance—maintaining balance of the mind and

body, balance between thinking and action, balance with one’s inner self, and balance with one’s

environment. Meanwhile, in reading The Yellow Emperor’s Classic of Internal Medicine, a treatise on

Chinese Medicine dating back thousands of years, I came across a novel idea. Doctors of Preventive

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Medicine in ancient China were only paid when their patients were healthy, not when their patients

were sick. They were motivated to keep their constituency well! It was a model for healthcare that I

could immediately identify with. In many ways, it gave me a first glimpse of the medical practice that I

would eventually build; a practice where, in addition to treating people with health challenges, I could

teach my patients how to be well, stay well, and prevent serious illness to begin with.

And finally, from Europe, I was introduced to a concept that forever changed the way I thought

about food. For the first time, I was taught to look at food as a form of medicine. I learned about

biological clinics in Sweden, Germany, and Switzerland that were curing ailments through fasting,

cleansing, and nutritional purification. I studied with a well known doctor and clinical nutritionist from

Europe, Dr. Paavo Airola, who was pioneering nutrition as a form of drugless healing. I began

researching the disease-fighting properties of fresh, whole, living, plant-based foods. As my interest in

nutrition continued to grow, I was granted a scientific visa to study the eating and living habits of

remote cultures tucked away in the South American Andes; cultures like the Vilcabambans in Ecuador

that ate only pure, natural foods and lived energetic lives into their 100’s without any signs of heart

disease, cancer, or degenerative disease. Before long I started to see the full potential of food as


It became clear to me that a balanced combination of fresh, whole, living food could

be used as a powerful form of Preventive Medicine that protected the body from

disease and prevented all kinds of modern-day health challenges—from weight gain

and fatigue to aging related complications.

At the same time, these foods could also be used as a form of nutritional therapy that

could be integrated with the best modalities of traditional western medicine (medical

diagnostics, drugs, and surgery) to facilitate healing and improve patient care.

By the time I returned from South America (1976) I had developed a nutritional healing program

that was founded on these basic principles of prevention and natural healing—a three-step nutritional

program that, even to this day, remains a cornerstone to my medical practice. Step one is purifying the

body on a seasonal basis through Nutritional Cleansing; a fat-burning, energy-enriching, life-giving

technique that I’ve refined over thousands of patient consultations to create the Pure Start Cleanse (the

details of which you’ll learn all about in the following chapters). Step two is healing the body through

Nutritional Detoxification, an ongoing purification of the liver, kidneys, bloodstream, and vital organs for

those looking to build upon and continue the progress they make during their cleanse. And step three is

Nutritional Maintenance, a guide to everyday eating for sustaining and maintaining optimal wellbeing.

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Nutritional Cleansing—40 Years Later Fast forward forty years and the more things change, the more they stay the same. A balanced

combination of fresh, whole, living food is still your best form of Preventive Medicine; in overseeing the

nutrition and lifestyle habits of over 60,000 patients in my career, this basic nutritional principle has

become increasingly clear. Similarly, nutritional cleansing is still a powerful catalyst for purifying the

body and staying youthful, fit, vital, and well. The only difference is, whereas the term “nutritional

cleansing” was relatively unknown in the early 1970’s, cleansing has become a buzzword in today’s

society. It seems like everywhere you go you hear about a new cleansing or detox program. Celebrities

swear by them. Local juice bars carry their own line of cleansing elixirs. Supermarkets are stockpiled

with cleansing pills, powders, and supplements. If you have a few hundred dollars to spare, you can

even get a few days’ worth of cleansing juices delivered right to your doorstep.

In many respects it’s been great to see increased awareness around cleansing and its benefits.

At the same time, however, I’ve found as the cleansing industry has grown, some of the fundamental

principles of cleansing have been lost. For example:

Many of the cleansing programs are nutritionally incomplete and sometimes contradict key

features of the cleansing process.

Important food combinations and nutrient requirements that are essential to balancing the

cleansing process are often ignored, which can lead to fatigue, lethargy, and nutritional and

metabolic imbalances.

Excessive calorie restriction has become the norm, making it challenging to get through the day

without feeling hungry, tired, impatient, or irritable.

Meanwhile, over the last five to ten years, cleansing has also gotten progressively more

expensive. For instance, it’s not unusual to spend $400-$500 for a week of cleansing juices,

shakes, or supplements.

Unfortunately, as cleansing has become increasingly commercialized, the focus has become

more about marketing and selling expensive products and less about you. That, in essence, is what

inspired me to write this book.

My goal in creating this e-book is to bring balance back to the cleansing process. In the

following pages I’ve outlined the big picture of nutritional cleansing—what the benefits are, why I

believe it’s necessary, and how to best incorporate it into your life. And, most importantly, I’m going to

share with you the three most powerful secrets of clinical nutrition that will change the way you think

about cleansing. These three secrets, which form the foundation to the Pure Start cleansing process,

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will show you how to safely and effectively cleanse in a thorough, complete, and balanced way that

doesn’t require starving yourself and doesn’t cost hundreds of dollars. No gimmicks. No pills. No

powdered shakes. No expensive supplements.

What you will find is a simple, natural, and time-honored cleansing program—based

on 40 years experience using cleansing and clinical nutrition to better my patients’

lives— that you can use as a stepping stone to more energy, less body fat, a stronger

immune system, and vibrant health.

The Pure Start Difference: Get the Cleansing Results You’re Looking for Without Feeling Starved or Depleted

As I mentioned, one of the biggest challenges I’ve noticed with the cleansing industry today is

many of the cleansing plans on the market are nutritionally incomplete. They may emphasize all kinds

of cleansing foods with exceptional purification powers, but they don’t always combine these foods

properly to create nutritional and metabolic balance. What most people don’t realize is this can actually

be stressful for your body. Without balanced food combining and sufficient caloric intake, nutritional

inadequacies can accumulate and put your body into a partial state of alarm. The problem is, in this

alarmed state, you don’t get the same level of rest and rejuvenation to your cells, tissues, and vital

organs. Instead of restoring the fat-burning functions of your metabolism, revitalizing the energy-

enriching functions of your nerves and master glands, and gaining better control over your eating habits

during the cleansing process, you come off your cleanse feeling out of synch and out of balance. Just

like a pendulum that was pulled too far to one extreme, your body swings back the other way—your

energy sinks, your appetite lurches out of control, and any excess weight that you lost immediately

comes back. Within a few days, you’re back to where you started.

The point is, as beneficial as many cleansing plans may be, they often leave out or overlook

essential food and nutrient combinations that determine the depth and sustainability of your cleansing

results. The Pure Start Cleanse, as outlined in this book, will show you how to avoid these common

nutritional missteps. Over the course of four decades and nearly 200,000 patient consultations, I’ve had

the opportunity to incorporate important principles of clinical nutrition into the Pure Start Cleanse that

enable a deeper, more balanced, and more comprehensive cleansing experience.

In other words, the Pure Start Cleanse has been carefully developed and refined over

the past 40 years with a primary goal in mind—to make sure you get the cleansing

results you’re looking for.

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Equally important, however, is Pure Start has also been created with a practical side. Whereas

others cleanses can often leave you feeling hungry, irritable, and tired, Pure Start isn’t about having the

willpower or self-discipline to starve yourself for days on end. Instead, the Pure Start Cleanse provides

your body with a nutritionally balanced combination of whole foods, cleansing salads, and super-

smoothies throughout the day that balance your blood sugar, balance your energy, and balance your


So what does that mean for you? It means that you don’t have to go hungry, you don’t have to

feel depleted, you don’t have to stop exercising, you don’t have to stop working, you don’t have to stop

playing, and you don’t have to stop living your life to cleanse. You can lose weight, increase your

energy, rejuvenate your body, and enjoy yourself as you make your way through the cleansing process.

It also means that when you finish your cleanse, you won’t need a few days to a few weeks for your

body to recover. You feel good during your cleanse and you continue to feel great after.

So that’s what you can expect with the Pure Start Cleanse. When you add it all up you

get a deeper, more balanced, more effective cleanse that is simpler, more practical,

and easier to follow.

Are You Ready for a Pure Start? Over the last 25 years, as our lifestyles have become more and more fast-paced and high-tech,

I’ve realized that it has become easier and easier for our eating, exercise, and living habits to get thrown

off track. Unfortunately, the end result is usually unwanted weight, unwanted fatigue, and unwanted

stress. So what does it mean when your body is holding on to excess weight? Or you find yourself

feeling tired and stressed? Or you feel like your cravings are acting up and your eating habits are

starting to slip?

What I try to communicate to my patients is it’s nothing to feel bad about. It’s just your body

telling you that it’s time to reset. It’s time to reboot. It’s time to give your body a kick-start to get back

on track. And that’s exactly what Pure Start Cleanse is designed to do. It’s a self-rejuvenating, self-

restoring, self-renewing process that gets you back to looking and feeling your best. I see this happen all

the time with my patients. As they purify their body of harmful toxins and re-energize their body with a

balanced combination of cleansing foods it allows for an amazing transformation to take place. All of a

sudden they develop a glow, a sparkle, a radiance that works from the inside out. They feel fresh and

they look fresh. They feel renewed and they look renewed. They feel more vibrant and they look more

vibrant. They feel more youthful and they look more youthful. Their body lightens up, their energy

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soars, their immune system grows stronger, and the fat-burning functions of their metabolism come to


That’s what I love about the Pure Start Cleanse. It uses the purifying powers of fresh, whole,

life-giving foods to give your mind and body a fresh start. I hope you find it to be a catalyst to greater

health and happiness, as I have seen with so many of my patients.

-Dr. Barnet Meltzer, M.D.

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Now that you have a better understanding of what Pure Start Cleanse is all about, let’s take a

closer look at the steps you can take to create a more balanced, more effective, and more enjoyable

cleansing experience.

More specifically, in this chapter I’m going to share with you the three secrets to cleansing—

three simple, yet powerful secrets that are unique to the Pure Start Cleanse—that will enable you to get

the cleansing results you’re looking for without starving yourself, without going hungry, and without

feeling depleted. When you apply these secrets at every meal, as you’re about to learn how to do, it

accomplishes two important goals. First, and foremost, it initiates a self-restorative process in the body


Purifies your body of harmful toxins,

Restores the fat-burning functions of your metabolism,

Revitalizes the energy-enriching functions of your nerves, master glands, and hormones;

Rejuvenates the stress-fighting functions of your immune system; and

Brings your body chemistry back into balance, eliminating imbalances that often trigger

food cravings

In other words, it gives your body the kick-start it needs to burn more fat, have more energy,

feel less stressed, and let go of unhealthy food cravings.

Equally important, however, is these three secrets are also the key to balancing your cleansing

nutrition so you can avoid the hunger and fatigue that accompany most cleansing plans. With that in

mind, let’s review the inner workings of these fat-burning, energy-enriching, life-giving secrets and how

they work together to keep your energy up and your appetite in check as you make your way through

the cleansing process.

Once I got going on the Pure Start Cleanse I realized it was an amazing amount of food. It was so satisfying. The smoothies were filling, they tasted great, and I enjoyed the salads. It was nice not feeling hungry or famished while doing the cleanse. I felt light, I felt energized, and I lost some inches around my waist. I loved that part -- a lot of energy and feeling light. My stomach is much flatter now and I’m excited to continue to eat like this as often as I can. It was excellent. It wasn’t difficult, I wasn’t starving, and it was very effective

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Secret #1 – Purify, Lighten-Up, & Re-Energize Your Body with Fresh, Whole, Living Foods

Fresh, whole, living foods are the foundation to the most effective cleansing plans. What is it

that makes them so special? First off, they purify your body of inflammatory toxins that build up in your

liver, bloodstream, and bodily tissues from the foods you eat, the stress you experience, and the

environmental pollutants you’re exposed to. And second, they replace those toxins with an abundance

of health-promoting nutrients.

In other words, fresh, whole, living foods set in motion one of the guiding principles of

the cleansing process—out with the old, in with the new. Weight-regulating, energy-

enhancing, immune-boosting nutrients replace age-inducing, fatigue-promoting,

weight-gain triggering toxins!

Just to clarify, when I talk about fresh, whole, living foods I’m specifically referring to raw fruits

and vegetables. These fruits and veggies, when eaten uncooked and unprocessed—exactly how nature

created them—are truly nature’s miracle workers. They are naturally endowed with an abundant supply


Phytonutrients that fight off stress, weight gain, fatigue, and inflammation;

Antioxidants that protect against accelerated aging and illness; and

Metabolically and immunologically stimulating nutrients that bring your body to life.

Working together in unison, these powerful plant compounds found in raw fruits and vegetables

have a tremendous capacity to purify the bloodstream, clean out bodily fluids, revitalize master glands

and hormones, and promote superior metabolic and immune function.

Over the years, I’ve made an interesting observation with countless patients who have come to

see me for conditions ranging from the common cold to more serious illnesses like heart disease,

arthritis, and diabetes. When I put them on a live food nutritional plan full of raw fruits and vegetables,

a remarkable change happens. Not only do they start to get better, but to their pleasant surprise, they

are also quick to shed any excess weight. I see this happen time and time again. A plentiful supply of

fresh living foods is nature’s most powerful form of nutritional therapy. The life-giving nutrients in raw

vegetables and fruits have an incredible way of activating and rejuvenating the life-giving systems of the

body that regulate our health, our energy, and our weight. They initiate healing, accelerate fat-burning,

refresh the mind and body, and keep us looking and feeling our best.

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One of the positive trends that I’ve been encouraged by is a lot of cleanses are getting back to

emphasizing raw, living foods and juices. In fact, this is one of the core themes behind the juice cleanses

that are becoming popular again. However, even with this raw food emphasis gaining momentum,

there are still a lot of cleanses that promote expensive pills, powdered shakes, and supplements. The

problem you run into with these types of cleansing plans is they rely too heavily on devitalized nutrition.

They simply can’t match the life-giving properties of raw food nutrition; they can’t refresh, restore, or

rejuvenate with the same power or efficiency as raw, living food.

So that’s secret #1. To get the most out of your cleanse and see immediate results it’s

important to emphasize fresh, whole, living foods at every meal.

Secret #2 – Balance Your Energy & Your Appetite with High-Fiber, Alkaline, Plant-Based Proteins

As important as fresh, whole, living fruits and vegetables are in forming the foundation to an

effective cleanse, the key to getting the cleansing results you’re looking for without feeling starved or

depleted is making sure you’re balancing out your cleansing nutrition. How do you go about doing this?

By also adding high-fiber, alkaline, plant-based proteins to every meal—such as garbanzo beans, lentils,

peas, almonds, almond milk, or walnuts. What is it that makes these kinds of protein sources an integral

component to cleansing? To begin with, they are:

Rich in fiber, which improves detoxification and elimination functions of the body.

More alkaline (vs. acidic), which balances body chemistry, combats inflammation, and supports

optimal liver and kidney function.

Packed with phytonutrients and antioxidants that have all kinds of health-promoting effects—

from fighting off carcinogens to helping your metabolism burn through calories at an

accelerated rate.

My goal was to lose 20 pounds in 10 weeks for my wedding. By the date of my wedding I was down 25.6 pounds.

I feel so much better after doing the cleanse. My body feels like it is working at a better rate.

I really enjoyed the results of the cleanse and I will continue to go back to it a couple of times a year.

I think it’s a great way to get your body back on track.

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What’s most impressive about these sources of protein, however, is how perfectly they

complement the nutrition provided by raw fruits and vegetables. More specifically, the combination of

(i) fresh, whole, living fruits or vegetables with (ii) high-fiber, alkaline proteins initiates an incredible

balancing effect on the body. This cleansing food combination:

Balances your blood sugar, which keeps your energy up, your appetite down, and your

metabolism efficiently burning through body fat all day long.

Balances your micro-nutrient and macro-nutrient needs, keeping your mind focused and your

body well nourished.

Balances your body chemistry, which eliminates imbalances that often trigger food cravings.

In other words, by adding high-fiber, alkaline, plant-based proteins to every meal it not only

enhances the purification process, but it ensures that your body stays energized, your mind stays sharp,

and your appetite stays in check throughout the day. The end result is a more balanced, more effective

cleanse that is also easier to follow.

The truth is, there are a lot of cleansing plans that would work just fine if you were sitting in a

cave in the Himalayas meditating all day long without the hassles of modern day living. But in the fast-

paced, high-demand society that we live in, who has time to spend days on end starving themselves?

This is where Secret #2 really comes in handy. It allows you to get the best of both worlds. You get to

enjoy the benefits of more energy, less body fat, and a stronger immune system without having to

experience the ongoing hunger, irritability, and exhaustion that accompany most cleansing plans.

Secret #3 – Super-Charge Your Cleansing Nutrition with Super-Nutrients

Making sure your cleansing meals combine (i) fresh, living fruits or vegetables with (ii) high-fiber,

alkaline proteins is by far and away the most important step you can take to ensure you get the most

My favorite part of the cleanse was the sense of accomplishment it gave me.

I lost 5 pounds, I got past all of my cravings, my skin cleared up, and I feel great!

Pure Start was easier for me than other cleanses because I didn’t feel like I was starving myself.

I could still eat and it made me feel so healthy.

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out of your cleansing experience. These two food groups, when combined, have purification properties

and cleansing benefits that simply can’t be matched. Once you have this in place, however, there is one

more secret that can take your cleanse to the next level. What might that be? Super-charging your

cleansing nutrition with Super-Nutrients.

Super-Nutrients are nature’s miracle super-foods. They are natural, whole food sources that

have extraordinary concentrations of anti-oxidants, phytonutrients, trace minerals, and essential

vitamins. As such, I like to think of Super-Nutrients as nature’s home-run hitters. They add an extra

boost to your nutrition that you can immediately feel. They revitalize nerves, master glands, and

hormones; purify bodily cells, tissues, and vital organs; support optimal immune function; activate the

fat-burning function of the metabolism; satisfy your hunger, keeping you feeling fuller longer; and help

reduce inflammation in the body.

In other words, Super-Nutrients are energy-enriching, health-promoting, metabolism-

boosting, appetite-eliminating super-foods that have a unique ability to enhance the

cleansing process.

Spirulina, for instance, is a perfect example of a Super-Nutrient that can super-charge your

cleansing nutrition. This super-alkaline blue-green algae, legendary as a super-food for the Aztecs in

sixteenth century Mexico, is one of nature’s most beneficial cleansing foods. When you take a closer

look at its nutritional make-up, it’s easy to understand why. Spirulina is a concentrated source of:

Chlorophyll, which, among other benefits, helps purify the liver, blood, cells, and bodily tissues.

Phytonutrients and antioxidants, such as phycocyanin, which have anti-inflammatory, anti-

aging, and anti-cancer properties.

Alkaline, liver-friendly protein (it is 50-70% protein by weight), which helps balance your blood

sugar, your energy, and your appetite while you cleanse.

Fatty acids, such as Gamma-Linolenic Acid (GLA), which have been found to improve immune

function and reduce inflammation in the body,

B-Vitamins, minerals, and trace minerals that support nerves, master glands, and important

metabolic pathways.

That’s why Super-Nutrients such as spirulina can be so beneficial during the cleansing process.

They’re full of life-giving nutrients that—when combined with fresh, whole living foods and high-fiber,

alkaline proteins—accelerate fat-burning, reduce your appetite, support ongoing purification and

detoxification, and keep you energized and feeling your best. In this manner, Super-Nutrients are the

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final piece of the puzzle that super-charge your cleansing results and make sure you don’t go through

the cleansing process feeling starved or depleted.

The Pure Start Formula—Putting It All Together

Over the last few pages I’ve had the opportunity to share with you the three most important

secrets to optimizing your cleansing nutrition. When you put these three secrets together it creates a

powerful formula for combining cleansing foods that I’ve developed and refined over thousands of

patient consultations. This Pure Start Formula, as you’ve learned all about, makes sure that at every

meal you’re combining:

i. Fresh, whole, living fruits or vegetables, with

ii. High-fiber, alkaline, plant-based proteins

And finally, it calls for super-charging your cleansing nutrition throughout the day with Super-Nutrients.

Not only is this formula the key to burning through excess fat, having more energy, and purifying your

body, but it enables you to get the cleansing results you’re looking for without the ongoing hunger and

exhaustion that often accompany other cleansing plans. That, in essence, is what the Pure Start Formula

is all about.

The goal is to combine nature’s most purifying, energizing, fat-burning foods at every

meal so you can give your cells, tissues, vital organs, nerves, master glands, and

metabolism a fresh start. And, to combine these foods in a balanced way that makes

the cleansing process simple, natural, and easy to follow.

With that in mind, let’s move on to the next chapter and see what a complete menu looks like

when you apply this Pure Start Formula at every meal. The good news is there are all kinds of flavorful

ways to enjoy these fresh, whole, natural foods and food combinations. Let’s take a closer look.

Pure Start helped me to feel sustained energy throughout the day and understand a regular eating schedule with protein throughout.

I did not feel hungry or anxious; the generous yet specific meals provided nourishment throughout the day.

The cleansing materials were so comprehensive and informing. I loved them and still refer to them because of the reminders they give about alkaline protein sources and the specific functions of certain fruits and vegetables.

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Chapter 2:

The Pure Start Cleanse Complete Nutritional Blueprint &


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In Chapter 1 we discussed the basic philosophy behind cleansing. In addition, we had the

opportunity to review the governing principles of clinical nutrition that are the foundation to the Pure

Start Cleanse. Now, in Chapter 2, it’s time to show you what a balanced combination of (i) fresh, living

fruits and vegetables; (ii) high-fiber, alkaline, plant-based proteins; and (iii) Super-Nutrients looks like at

breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

More specifically, in the next few pages you’ll find everything you need to put your nutritional

cleansing program into action, including:

What’s In and What’s Out—The exact foods to eat and the exact foods to eliminate

during your cleanse.

Your primary cleansing meals at breakfast, lunch, and dinner—the precise food

combinations that create nutritional balance at ever meal.

Specialized super-nutrient pick-me-ups to keep you energized and on track between


An easy to understand, simple to follow menu that puts it all together and takes you

step-by-step through each day of the Pure Start Cleanse.

For best results, my recommendation is to do the Pure Start Cleanse for the full five days, as

outlined in the following pages. However, a three day cleanse can also beneficial for a quick jump-start

to get your metabolism, eating habits, and immune system back on track. For a three day cleanse,

simply follow the menu, as provided, for Day 1, Day 2, and Day 3. For more guidance on figuring out the

right duration for you, make sure to read Chapter 4 “Cleansing Basics & FAQ’s.”

Keep in mind, cleansing is often a new beginning. For more support on accelerating the fat-

burning process during your cleanse and setting up a longer-term nutritional plan to build on the

wellness and weight loss results you achieve during your cleanse, make sure to read Chapter 7

“Resources for Extra Guidance and Support.”

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Pure Start Cleanse – What’s In! The foods selected for your cleanse have dynamic cleansing actions. Here are the primary foods

you will be emphasizing.

Raw Vegetables & Vegetable Juices

Vegetables are the backbone to cleansing. Most of the veggies are eaten raw, fresh, and whole to maximize phytonutrient and antioxidant value.

Leafy green vegetables, carrots, sprouts, and cruciferous veggies such as red cabbage are emphasized.

Raw Fruits & Fruit Juices

Seasonal fruits and fruit juices are packed with cleansing properties that facilitate and initiate the cleansing process. Fruits are eaten raw, fresh, and whole to ensure maximum nutrient and therapeutic value.

Citrus fruits such as oranges, pineapples, and lemons are emphasized. Berries such as blueberries and strawberries are also featured.

Select Legumes

Garbanzo beans, sprouted peas, and lentils are the legumes of choice to ensure sufficient high-fiber, alkaline, liver-friendly protein.

These legumes will complement your fresh living vegetable salads to ensure balanced cleansing nutrition at lunch and dinner.

Select Nuts & Seeds

Almonds and almond butter are the preferred nut and high-fiber, alkaline protein source for your fruit smoothies.

Walnuts and sunflower seeds are also encouraged to round out the protein and nutritional properties of your vegetable salads.


Super-nutrients are nature’s miracle foods that super-charge your cleansing experience. They accelerate fat-burning, boost your energy, reduce your appetite, and purify your body of dangerous toxins.

Spirulina and hemp seeds are two super-nutrients that are emphasized during your cleanse.

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Pure Start Cleanse – What’s Out! The foods to avoid during cleansing are the following:

Dairy Products, Eggs, and Meat

Eggs, milk, cheese, whey protein, dairy products, beef, chicken, fish, and other animal products are to be avoided. As zero fiber foods, they put strain on elimination organs and slow down the elimination of toxins. They are also more acidic proteins that are heavier on the liver, kidney, and other detox organs. Meanwhile, it’s estimated that animal products are

responsible for up to 90% of human exposure to environmental pollutantsi,

which bio-accumulate in animal tissues over their lifetime. By eliminating these foods it gives your body a rest from both nutritional and environmental toxins.

Grains, Rice, and Cereal

Cleansing foods are chosen for their ability to initiate positive change in your body chemistry, metabolism, and immune system. Whole grains, rice, and cereal are better maintenance foods than cleansing foods. In other words, they are better at maintaining your level of wellbeing than initiating change. That is the primary reason they are left out of your cleansing plan.

Caffeine & Alcohol

Caffeine can over-stimulate and over-strain your pituitary, adrenal, and thyroid glands—your master glands that are largely responsible for hormonal balance and your energy. When you eliminate coffee and caffeinated drinks it gives these glands a much needed rest. Alcohol—such as beer, wine, and liquor—is also to be avoided. Alcoholic beverages stress your liver and other detox organ, the very organs you are looking to rest, restore, and purify during your cleanse.

Added Sugars

Refined sugar, artificial sugar, and added sugar are all to be avoided during cleansing.

These types of sugar can clog your body’s filter systems and create inflammation in your cells and tissues that compromise your metabolic and immune function.

Now that you know what’s in and what’s out, let’s take a look at the Pure Start Cleanse menu

and see how the featured food groups come together to create your primary cleansing meals.

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Day 1—Your Primary Cleansing Meals Day one emphasizes the purification powers of green smoothies and green salads to get your

cleanse started right. Check out Chapter 3 for step-by-step instructions, recipes, and serving sizes for all

of your meals.


Super-Green Citrus-Berry Smoothie (16 oz) The Super-Green Citrus-Berry Smoothie starts with the energizing and blood cleansing powers of citrus fruits and berries, balances it out with the liver-friendly protein from almonds, and super-charges your cleansing nutrition with the super-alkaline qualities of spirulina. Together, they work in unison to purify your cells, tissues, and vital organs; revitalize nerves, master glands, and hormones; and rejuvenate the fat-burning functions of your metabolism.


Garden Green Chlorophyll Salad (or veggie tacos)

The Garden Green Salad is a staple to the cleansing process. The purification properties of leafy green vegetables and cruciferous veggies work together to identify, break up, and eliminate inflammatory toxins from your system. When combined with the right amount of high-fiber, alkaline proteins—such as garbanzo beans, walnuts, and sunflower seeds—you get a balanced, metabolism-boosting, immune-enhancing, hunger-quenching salad that will keep you feeling energized and well. You also have the option of adding two warm corn tortillas to your salad and making some veggie tacos for a quick, simple, and satisfying lunch.


Romaine-Kale-Avocado Cleansing Salad (or soup and salad combo)

Getting an abundance of nutrient-rich veggies is one of the keys to an effective cleanse. With that in mind, we emphasize a leafy green vegetable salad at dinner as well as lunch. The Romaine-Kale-Avocado Cleansing Salad continues the purification process and makes sure your metabolism stays sharp, your body stays energized, and your appetite stays under control. You also have the option of combining a modified version of this salad with a warm bowl of lentil soup for a soup and salad combination.

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Day 1—Protein Pick-Me-Ups The Pure Start Cleanse is designed to keep your body well fueled at regular intervals throughout

the day. In order to accomplish this, it’s important to add a Protein Pick-Me-Up between breakfast and

lunch and a Protein Pick-Me-Up between lunch and dinner. These pick-me-ups help balance your blood

sugar, boost your energy, and keep your appetite in check as you make your way from breakfast to

lunch, and lunch to dinner. In order to minimize preparation time, the easiest option for a Protein Pick-

Me-Up is to make extra smoothie in the morning and use that as your pick-me-up between meals. The

smoothie recipes in Chapter 3 will show you exactly how to do this. Alternatively, you can mix some

brewer’s yeast into a glass of orange juice to stay energized and on track between meals.

Option 1:

Super-Green Citrus Berry Smoothie (8 oz)

The Super-Green Citrus Berry Smoothie is a quick, easy, and effective option for a Protein-Pick-Me-Up between meals. Bring some to work in a thermos or a bottle and you’ll have a pick-me-up that’s waiting and ready when you are.

Option 2:

Orange Juice (8 oz) with Brewer’s Yeast (1.5 tbsp)

Another option for a Protein Pick-Me-Up is having a glass of orange juice with 1.5 tablespoons of brewer’s yeast. The minerals, b-vitamins, and high-fiber protein from the brewer’s yeast combines with the life-giving nutrients from the orange juice to create an energizing, metabolism-boosting, appetite eliminating pick-me-up between meals.

Hydration Between Meals

In addition to your Protein Pick-Me-Ups, it’s important to stay well hydrated throughout your

cleanse. Make sure to have a minimum of three glasses of water throughout the day.

Water with a Slice of Lemon (16 oz)

Staying well hydrated helps the ongoing cleansing and purification of your body. Add a slice of lemon to your water for added taste and extra cleansing benefits.

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Day 1 – Complete Menu

Here’s Day 1 when you put it all together. In addition to your green smoothies and salads, make

sure to have a minimum of three (16 oz) glasses of water a day. See Chapter 3 for detailed recipes.

Breakfast: (6–8am)

Super-Green Citrus-Berry Smoothie (16 oz) + Herbal Tea Start your day right with a Super-Smoothie and follow it up with a warm cup of herbal tea.

Late-Morning: (10-11am)

Protein Pick-Me-Up (8 oz) A Protein-Pick-Me-Up between breakfast and lunch will keep your energy up and your appetite in check. Choose between a glass of Super-Green Citrus-Berry Smoothie or a glass of orange juice with brewer’s yeast.

Lunch: (12-2pm)

Garden Green Chlorophyll Salad Step up your cleansing nutrition at lunch with a fresh, life-giving, garden-green salad. You also have the option to add two warm corn tortillas and use the vegetable salad as a filling for veggie tacos.

Mid-Afternoon: (3-4pm)

Protein Pick-Me-Up (8 oz) A Protein-Pick-Me-Up between lunch and dinner will keep your cleansing plan on track. Choose between a glass of Super-Green Citrus-Berry Smoothie or a glass of orange juice with brewer’s yeast.

Dinner: (6-8pm)

Romaine-Kale-Avocado Cleansing Salad Finish off your day of cleansing, purification, and rejuvenation with a Romaine-Kale-Avocado Cleansing Salad. You also have the option of having a modified version of this salad with a warm bowl of lentil soup.

Post-Dinner: (8-10pm)

Warm Cup of Herbal Tea

Relax after dinner with a warm cup of herbal tea.

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Day 2—Your Primary Cleansing Meals Day 2 introduces additional super-nutrients, leafy green vegetables, and cleansing fruits to

build on your cleansing nutrition. Check out Chapter 3 for step-by-step instructions, recipes, and

serving sizes for all of your meals.


Super-Omega Citrus-Berry Smoothie (16 oz) The Super-Omega Citrus-Berry Smoothie is similar to the Super-Green Citrus-Berry Smoothie in that they both combine the life-giving nutrients found in citrus fruits and berries and balance out your cleansing nutrition with the alkaline, liver-friendly protein found in almonds. What makes the Super-Omega Citrus-Berry Smoothie different, however, is that it super-charges your smoothie with essential omega fatty acids found in hemp seeds. These essential fatty acids have all kinds of anti-inflammatory effects that help rest, restore, and rejuvenate your body.


Sprouted Garden Fresh Salad (or veggie tacos)

The Sprouted Garden Fresh Salad is an example of fresh, whole, living food at its finest. The cleansing properties of romaine lettuce and spinach work together with carrots, red cabbage, and sprouts to purify and re-energize your body. When combined with alkaline protein from garbanzos, walnuts, and sunflower seeds you have a balanced cleansing salad to fuel your day. You also have the option of adding two warm corn tortillas to your salad to make veggie tacos.


Super-Greens Salad (or soup and salad combo)

As the name implies, the Super-Greens Salad brings together some of nature’s most nutritious greens, including romaine lettuce, kale, spinach, and sprouts. These super-greens support the ongoing detoxification and elimination functions of your body, allowing for a deeper purification of your cells, tissues, vital organs, and bloodstream. You also have the option of combining a modified version of this salad with a warm bowl of lentil soup for a soup and salad combination.

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Day 2 – Complete Menu

Here’s Day 2 when you add Protein Pick-Me-Ups. In addition, make sure to have a minimum of

three glasses of water a day. See Chapter 3 for detailed recipes.

Breakfast: (6–8am)

Super-Omega Citrus-Berry Smoothie (16 oz) + Herbal Tea Start your day right with a Super-Smoothie and follow it up with a warm cup of herbal tea.

Late-Morning: (10-11am)

Protein Pick-Me-Up (8 oz) Choose between a glass of Super-Omega Citrus Berry Smoothie or a glass of orange juice with brewer’s yeast.

Lunch: (12-2pm)

Sprouted Garden Fresh Salad The Sprouted Garden Fresh Salad is full of life-giving nutrients that purify and energize your body. You also have the option to add two warm corn tortillas and use the vegetable salad as a filling for veggie tacos.

Mid-Afternoon: (3-4pm)

Protein Pick-Me-Up (8 oz) Choose between a glass of Super-Omega Citrus Berry Smoothie or a glass of orange juice with brewer’s yeast.

Dinner: (6-8pm)

Super-Greens Salad Finish off your day of cleansing with the Super-Greens Salad. You also have the option of having a modified version of this salad with a warm bowl of lentil soup.

Post-Dinner: (8-10pm)

Warm Cup of Herbal Tea

Relax after dinner with a warm cup of herbal tea.

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Day 3—Your Primary Cleansing Meals On day 3 we go back to the basics and emphasize green smoothies with new green salad

combinations. Check out Chapter 3 for step-by-step instructions, recipes, and serving sizes for all of

your meals.


Super-Green Citrus-Berry Smoothie (16 oz) In addition to citrus fruits, strawberries, almonds, and spirulina, the Super-Green Citrus-Berry Smoothie also incorporates fresh ginger for an extra nutritional boost.

Not only does the fresh ginger add to the immune-boosting benefits of the smoothie, but it also gives your smoothie a flavorful kick!


Spice-of-Life Spinach Salad (or veggie tacos)

The Spice-of-Life Spinach Salad is a great addition to Day 3 of your cleanse. Spinach is full of anti-cancer and anti-inflammatory nutrients that promote cellular health. When combined with red onions, carrots, and tomatoes—and the right amount of high-fiber, alkaline protein—you get a balanced cleansing meal that helps your body burn through excess fat, stay energized, and eliminate harmful toxins. You also have the option of adding two warm corn tortillas to your salad to make veggie tacos.


Romaine Spinach Avocado Salad (or soup and salad combo)

A little avocado can go a long way in helping you achieve your cleansing goals. Not only are avocados a great source of phytonutrients that fight off inflammation, but they improve the absorption rates of antioxidants found in other vegetables. Therefore, by adding the right amount of avocado to your Romaine Spinach Avocado Salad, you can greatly enhance the nutritional profile of your cleansing meal. You also have the option of combining a modified version of this salad with a warm bowl of lentil soup for a soup and salad combination.

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Day 3 – Complete Menu

Here’s Day 3 when you add Protein Pick-Me-Ups. Make sure to have a minimum of three

glasses of water a day. See Chapter 3 for detailed recipes.

Breakfast: (6–8am)

Super-Green Citrus-Berry Smoothie (16 oz) + Herbal Tea Start your day right with a Super-Smoothie and follow it up with a warm cup of herbal tea.

Late-Morning: (10-11am)

Protein Pick-Me-Up (8 oz) Choose between a glass of Super-Green Citrus-Berry Smoothie or a glass of orange juice with brewer’s yeast.

Lunch: (12-2pm)

Spice-of-Life Spinach Salad Step up your cleansing nutrition at lunch with a Spice-of-Life Spinach Salad. You also have the option to add two warm corn tortillas and use the vegetable salad as a filling for veggie tacos.

Mid-Afternoon: (3-4pm)

Protein Pick-Me-Up (8 oz) A Protein-Pick-Me-Up between lunch and dinner will keep your cleansing plan on track.

Dinner: (6-8pm)

Romaine Spinach Avocado Salad Finish off your day of cleansing with the Romaine Spinach Avocado Salad. You also have the option of having a modified version of this salad with a warm bowl of lentil soup.

Post-Dinner: (8-10pm)

Warm Cup of Herbal Tea

Relax after dinner with a warm cup of herbal tea.

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Day 4—Your Primary Cleansing Meals Day 4 introduces new cleansing fruit combinations to balance out your green salads. Check out

Chapter 3 for step-by-step instructions, recipes, and serving sizes for all of your meals.


Orange-Pineapple Omega Smoothie (16 oz) The Orange-Pineapple Omega Smoothie is a variation of the Super-Omega Citrus Berry Smoothie that was featured on Day 2. Instead of combining citrus fruits with berries, however, the Orange-Pineapple Omega Smoothie introduces the purifying powers of pineapple. Pineapple works particularly well with citrus fruits to cleanse the blood, liver, kidneys, and upper respiratory tract. When you add alkaline, liver-friendly protein from almonds, along with essential omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids from hemp seeds, you get a balanced, energizing, nutrient-rich cleansing smoothie to kick-off Day 4 of your cleanse.


Garden Green Cruciferous Salad (or veggie tacos)

The Garden Green Cruciferous Salad features two important vegetables from the cruciferous family—red cabbage and kale. Cruciferous veggies are known for their anti-cancer, anti-oxidant, and anti-inflammatory properties. As such, they make a great addition to the cleansing process, especially when combined with other nutrient-rich vegetables and the right amount of high-fiber, alkaline, plant-based protein. Enjoy the Garden Green Cruciferous Salad as is, or add two warm corn tortillas to your salad to make veggie tacos.


Super-Green Tomato Salad (or soup and salad combo)

The Super-Green Tomato Salad features all of your major leafy greens—including romaine, kale, and spinach—along with tomatoes, carrots, red-onion, garbanzos, walnuts, and sunflower seeds. This combination of veggies and alkaline protein fuels your body with a wide variety of nature’s most purifying, fat-burning, energy-enriching nutrients.

You also have the option of combining a modified version of this salad with a warm bowl of lentil soup for a soup and salad combination.

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Day 4 – Complete Menu

Here’s Day 4 when you add Protein Pick-Me-Ups. In addition, make sure to have a minimum of

three glasses of water a day. See Chapter 3 for detailed recipes.

Breakfast: (6–8am)

Orange-Pineapple Omega Smoothie (16 oz) + Herbal Tea Start your day right with a Super-Smoothie and follow it up with a warm cup of herbal tea.

Late-Morning: (10-11am)

Protein Pick-Me-Up (8 oz) Choose between a glass of Orange-Pineapple Omega Smoothie or a glass of orange juice with brewer’s yeast.

Lunch: (12-2pm)

Garden Green Cruciferous Salad Step up your cleansing nutrition at lunch with a Garden Green Cruciferous Salad. You also have the option to add two warm corn tortillas and use the vegetable salad as a filling for veggie tacos.

Mid-Afternoon: (3-4pm)

Protein Pick-Me-Up (8 oz) Choose between a glass of Orange-Pineapple Omega Smoothie or a glass of orange juice with brewer’s yeast.

Dinner: (6-8pm)

Super-Green Tomato Salad Finish off your day of cleansing with a Super-Green Tomato Salad. You also have the option of having a modified version of this salad with a warm bowl of lentil soup.

Post-Dinner: (8-10pm)

Warm Cup of Herbal Tea

Relax after dinner with a warm cup of herbal tea.

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Day 5—Your Primary Cleansing Meals Day 5 introduces a new green smoothie to complement your leafy green salads. Check out

Chapter 3 for step-by-step instructions, recipes, and serving sizes for all of your meals.


Super-Green Pineapple Smoothie (16 oz) The Super-Green Pineapple Smoothie is packed with all kinds of cleansing nutrients. First, it starts with the purifying powers of pineapple, citrus fruits, and berries. From there, it adds liver-friendly protein from almonds to balance out your nutrition. And finally, it super-charges your smoothie with the super-alkaline properties of spirulina. When you put it all together you get a metabolism boosting, energy-enriching, appetite quenching smoothie to finish off the final day of your cleanse.


Leafy Green Sprout Salad (or veggie tacos)

The Leafy Green Sprout Salad features romaine lettuce, sprouts, and carrots and is complemented with a touch of red onion. The red onion rounds out the cleansing properties of the salad by providing a healthy dose of anti-oxidants and flavonoids such as quercitin. These life-giving plant-compounds help combat and remove inflammatory toxins, all the way down to a cellular level. Enjoy the salad as is, or add two corn tortillas to the salad and make veggie tacos.


Avocado-Tomato Grande Salad (or soup and salad combo)

The Avocado-Tomato Grande Salad is a great way to finish off your cleanse. It’s tasty, satisfying, and is full of cleansing nutrients that support the ongoing purification and transformation of your metabolism and immune system.

You also have the option of combining a modified version of this salad with a warm bowl of lentil soup for a soup and salad combination.

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Day 5 – Complete Menu

Here’s Day 5 when you add Protein Pick-Me-Ups. In addition, make sure to have a minimum of

three glasses of water a day. See Chapter 3 for detailed recipes.

Breakfast: (6–8am)

Super-Green Pineapple Smoothie (16 oz) + Herbal Tea Start your day right with a Super-Smoothie and follow it up with a warm cup of herbal tea.

Late-Morning: (10-11am)

Protein Pick-Me-Up (8 oz) Choose between a glass of Super-Green Pineapple Smoothie or a glass of orange juice with brewer’s yeast.

Lunch: (12-2pm)

Leafy Green Sprout Salad Step up your cleansing nutrition at lunch with a Leafy Green Sprout Salad. You also have the option to add two warm corn tortillas and use the vegetable salad as a filling for veggie tacos.

Mid-Afternoon: (3-4pm)

Protein Pick-Me-Up (8 oz) Choose between a glass of Super-Green Pineapple Smoothie or a glass of orange juice with brewer’s yeast.

Dinner: (6-8pm)

Avocado-Tomato Grande Salad Finish off your day of cleansing with a Avocado-Tomato Grande Salad. You also have the option of having a modified version of this salad with a warm bowl of lentil soup.

Post-Dinner: (8-10pm)

Warm Cup of Herbal Tea

Relax after dinner with a warm cup of herbal tea.

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Chapter 3:

Recipes for Breakfast, Lunch, & Dinner

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Day 1: Breakfast Super-Green Citrus-Berry Smoothie


The following recipe will make approximately 32 ounces of smoothie (16 ounces

for breakfast, 8 ounces for your pick-me-up between breakfast and lunch, and 8

ounces for your pick-me-up between lunch and dinner). Therefore, all you have

to do is make one batch and you’ll have your breakfast and Protein Pick-Me-Ups

prepared for the day. Add all ingredients listed below into blender and blend.

Serving Size: The recommended serving size for breakfast is 2 cups (16 fluid ounces).

The recommended serving size for a Protein Pick-Me-Up is 1 cup (8 fluid ounces).

2.5 Cups Orange Juice

7 Strawberries

Fresh squeezed orange juice is juice of choice.

If available, Evolution Fresh makes a great fresh squeezed juice.

Add 7 medium sized strawberries. Feel free to use frozen or fresh strawberries.

1.5 Bananas 2 tbsp Almond Butter

Add 1.5 medium sized bananas (2 if bananas are small). Slightly unripe bananas with a little bit of green peel are preferred.

Two tablespoons of raw or roasted almond butter (unsalted).

2 tbsp Spirulina 1/4 Lemon

Two tablespoons of spirulina.

A little goes a long way so make sure to measure exactly 2 tablespoons.

Remove seeds, peel, and place lemon slice into blender.

Fresh Ginger

Cut approximately 1 inch of ginger off of a ginger root. Peel and chop into small pieces before adding to blender.

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Day 1: Lunch Garden Green Chlorophyll Salad

Directions: The following recipe is for one serving at lunch. Add ingredients below and mix

well. Enjoy as is or add two warm corn tortillas and use the vegetable salad as

the filling for veggie tacos.

Salad Dressing: Flavor your salad with 1-2 tablespoons of salad dressing. You can make your own

salad dressing or use a store-bought option. Make sure that it is a non-dairy

dressing. Preferably use olive-oil-based dressing.

3 Cups Romaine ½ cup Red Cabbage

3 cups romaine (loosely packed) or about 4-5 medium sized romaine leaves. Rinse well, shake off water, and cut into bite sized pieces.

Rinse red cabbage and chop up into bite sized pieces.

1 Carrot Handful of Sprouts

Rinse, peel, and chop into bite sized pieces

Rinse well. Add to salad.

2-3 tbsp Garbanzos 2 tbsp Walnuts

2-3 tablespoons of garbanzo beans (approximately 15 garbanzo beans)

Sprinkle 2 tablespoons of walnuts on top of your salad.

2 tsp Sunflower Seeds

Sprinkle 2 teaspoons of sunflower seeds on top of your salad.

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Day 1: Dinner Romaine-Kale-Avocado Cleansing Salad

Directions: The following recipe is for one serving at dinner. Add ingredients below and mix


Salad Dressing: Flavor your salad with 1-2 tablespoons of salad dressing. You can make your own

salad dressing or use a store-bought option. Make sure that it is a non-dairy

dressing. Preferably use olive-oil-based dressing.

1.5 Cups Romaine 1.5 Cups Kale

1.5 cups romaine (loosely packed) or about 2-3 medium sized leaves. Rinse well, shake off water, and cut into bite sized pieces.

1.5 cups kale (loosely packed) or about 2-3 medium sized kale leaves. Rinse well, shake off water, and cut into bite sized pieces.

1 Carrot ½ Avocado

Rinse, peel, and chop into bite sized pieces

Add ½ of a medium avocado into salad. Cut into bit-sized pieces.

2-3 tbsp Garbanzos 2 tbsp Walnuts

2-3 tablespoons of garbanzo beans (approximately 15 garbanzo beans)

Sprinkle 2 tablespoons of walnuts on top of your salad.

2 tsp Sunflower Seeds

Sprinkle 2 teaspoons of sunflower seeds on top of your salad.

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Day 2: Breakfast Super-Omega Citrus-Berry Smoothie


The following recipe will make approximately 32 ounces of smoothie (16 ounces

for breakfast, 8 ounces for your pick-me-up between breakfast and lunch, and 8

ounces for your pick-me-up between lunch and dinner). Therefore, all you have

to do is make one batch and you’ll have your breakfast and Protein Pick-Me-Ups

prepared for the day. Add all ingredients listed below into blender and blend.

Serving Size: The recommended serving size for breakfast is 2 cups (16 fluid ounces).

The recommended serving size for a Protein Pick-Me-Up is 1 cup (8 fluid ounces).

2.5 Cups Orange Juice

1 Cup Blueberries

Fresh squeezed orange juice is juice of choice.

If available, Evolution Fresh makes a great fresh squeezed juice.

1 cup blueberries (frozen or fresh).

1.5 Bananas 2 tbsp Almond Butter

Add 1.5 medium sized bananas (2 if bananas are small). Slightly unripe bananas with a little bit of green peel are preferred.

Two tablespoons of raw or roasted almond butter (unsalted).

2 tbsp Hemp Seeds 1/4 Lemon

Two tablespoons of hemp seeds.

Remove seeds, peel, and place lemon slice into blender.

Fresh Ginger

Cut approximately 1 inch of ginger off of a ginger root. Peel and chop into small pieces before adding to blender.

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Day 2: Lunch Sprouted Garden Fresh Salad

Directions: The following recipe is for one serving at lunch. Add ingredients below and mix

well. Enjoy as is or add two warm corn tortillas and use the vegetable salad as

the filling for veggie tacos.

Salad Dressing: Flavor your salad with 1-2 tablespoons of salad dressing. You can make your own

salad dressing or use a store-bought option. Make sure that it is a non-dairy

dressing. Preferably use olive-oil-based dressing.

1.5 Cups Romaine 1.5 Cups Spinach

1.5 cups romaine (loosely packed) or about 2-3 medium sized leaves. Rinse well, shake off water, and cut into bite sized pieces.

1.5 cups spinach (loosely packed). Rinse well, shake off water, and cut into bite sized pieces.

1 Carrot Handful of Sprouts

Rinse, peel, and chop into bite sized pieces

Rinse well. Add to salad.

½ cup Red Cabbage 2-3 tbsp Garbanzos

Rinse red cabbage and chop up into bite sized pieces.

2-3 tablespoons of garbanzo beans (approximately 15 garbanzo beans)

2 tbsp Walnuts 2 tsp Sunflower Seeds

Sprinkle 2 tablespoons of walnuts on top of your salad.

Sprinkle 2 teaspoons of sunflower seeds on top of your salad.

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Day 2: Dinner Super-Greens Salad

Directions: The following recipe is for one serving at dinner. Add ingredients below and mix


Salad Dressing: Flavor your salad with 1-2 tablespoons of salad dressing. You can make your own

salad dressing or use a store-bought option. Make sure that it is a non-dairy

dressing. Preferably use olive-oil-based dressing.

3 Cups Greens 7 Cherry Tomatoes

1 cup romaine,

1 cup spinach,

1 cup kale

(all loosely packed)

Rinse well, slice in half, add to salad.

Cherry, grape, or any small salad tomatoes will do.

1 Carrot Handful of Sprouts

Rinse, peel, and chop into bite sized pieces

Rinse well. Add to salad.

2-3 tbsp Garbanzos 2 tbsp Walnuts

2-3 tablespoons of garbanzo beans (approximately 15 garbanzo beans)

Sprinkle 2 tablespoons of walnuts on top of your salad.

2 tsp Sunflower Seeds

Sprinkle 2 teaspoons of sunflower seeds on top of your salad.

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Day 3: Breakfast Super-Green Citrus-Berry Smoothie


The following recipe will make approximately 32 ounces of smoothie (16 ounces

for breakfast, 8 ounces for your pick-me-up between breakfast and lunch, and 8

ounces for your pick-me-up between lunch and dinner). Therefore, all you have

to do is make one batch and you’ll have your breakfast and Protein Pick-Me-Ups

prepared for the day. Add all ingredients listed below into blender and blend.

Serving Size: The recommended serving size for breakfast is 2 cups (16 fluid ounces).

The recommended serving size for a Protein Pick-Me-Up is 1 cup (8 fluid ounces).

2.5 Cups Orange Juice

7 Strawberries

Fresh squeezed orange juice is juice of choice.

If available, Evolution Fresh makes a great fresh squeezed juice.

Add 7 medium sized strawberries. Feel free to use frozen or fresh strawberries.

1.5 Bananas 2 tbsp Almond Butter

Add 1.5 medium sized bananas (2 if bananas are small). Slightly unripe bananas with a little bit of green peel are preferred.

Two tablespoons of raw or roasted almond butter (unsalted).

2 tbsp Spirulina 1/4 Lemon

Two tablespoons of spirulina.

A little goes a long way so make sure to measure exactly 2 tablespoons.

Remove seeds, peel, and place lemon slice into blender.

Fresh Ginger

Cut approximately 1 inch of ginger off of a ginger root. Peel and chop into small pieces before adding to blender.

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Day 3: Lunch Spice-of-Life Spinach Salad

Directions: The following recipe is for one serving at lunch. Add ingredients below and mix

well. Enjoy as is or add two warm corn tortillas and use the vegetable salad as

the filling for veggie tacos.

Salad Dressing: Flavor your salad with 1-2 tablespoons of salad dressing. You can make your own

salad dressing or use a store-bought option. Make sure that it is a non-dairy

dressing. Preferably use olive-oil-based dressing.

3 Cups Spinach 7 Cherry Tomatoes

3 cups spinach (loosely packed). Rinse well, shake off water, and cut into bite sized pieces.

Rinse well, slice in half, add to salad.

Cherry, grape, or any small salad tomatoes will do.

1 Carrot ½ Cup Red Cabbage

Rinse, peel, and chop into bite sized pieces

Rinse red cabbage and chop up into bite sized pieces.

2 tbsp Red Onion 2-3 tbsp Garbanzos

Cut red onion into thin, bite-sized slices and add to salad.

2-3 tablespoons of garbanzo beans (approximately 15 garbanzo beans)

2 tbsp Walnuts 2 tsp Sunflower Seeds

Sprinkle 2 tablespoons of walnuts on top of your salad.

Sprinkle 2 teaspoons of sunflower seeds on top of your salad.

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Day 3: Dinner Romaine Spinach Avocado Salad

Directions: The following recipe is for one serving at dinner. Add ingredients below and mix


Salad Dressing: Flavor your salad with 1-2 tablespoons of salad dressing. You can make your own

salad dressing or use a store-bought option. Make sure that it is a non-dairy

dressing. Preferably use olive-oil-based dressing.

3 Cups Leafy Greens ½ Avocado

2 cups romaine.

1 cup spinach.

(all loosely packed).

Add ½ of a medium avocado into salad. Cut into bit-sized pieces.

1 Carrot ½ Cup Red Cabbage

Rinse, peel, and chop into bite sized pieces

Rinse red cabbage and chop up into bite sized pieces.

Handful of Sprouts 2-3 tbsp Garbanzos

Rinse well. Add to salad.

2-3 tablespoons of garbanzo beans (approximately 15 garbanzo beans)

2 tbsp Walnuts 2 tsp Sunflower Seeds

Sprinkle 2 tablespoons of walnuts on top of your salad.

Sprinkle 2 teaspoons of sunflower seeds on top of your salad.

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Day 4: Breakfast Orange-Pineapple Omega Smoothie


The following recipe will make approximately 32 ounces of smoothie (16 ounces

for breakfast, 8 ounces for your pick-me-up between breakfast and lunch, and 8

ounces for your pick-me-up between lunch and dinner). Therefore, all you have

to do is make one batch and you’ll have your breakfast and Protein Pick-Me-Ups

prepared for the day. Add all ingredients listed below into blender and blend.

Serving Size: The recommended serving size for breakfast is 2 cups (16 fluid ounces).

The recommended serving size for a Protein Pick-Me-Up is 1 cup (8 fluid ounces).

2.5 Cups Orange Juice

3/4 Cup Pineapple

Fresh squeezed orange juice is juice of choice.

If available, Evolution Fresh makes a great fresh squeezed juice.

3/4 cup of pineapple is about 3 pineapple wedges, as shown. Add to blender until liquid rises by 3/4 cup.

1.5 Bananas 2 tbsp Almond Butter

Add 1.5 medium sized bananas (2 if bananas are small). Slightly unripe bananas with a little bit of green peel are preferred.

Two tablespoons of raw or roasted almond butter (unsalted).

2 tbsp Hemp Seeds Fresh Ginger

Two tablespoons of hemp seeds.

Cut approximately 1 inch of ginger off of a ginger root. Peel and chop into small pieces before adding to blender.

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Day 4: Lunch Garden Green Cruciferous Salad

Directions: The following recipe is for one serving at lunch. Add ingredients below and mix

well. Enjoy as is or add two warm corn tortillas and use the vegetable salad as

the filling for veggie tacos.

Salad Dressing: Flavor your salad with 1-2 tablespoons of salad dressing. You can make your own

salad dressing or use a store-bought option. Make sure that it is a non-dairy

dressing. Preferably use olive-oil-based dressing.

1.5 Cups Romaine 1.5 Cups Kale

1.5 cups romaine (loosely packed) or about 2-3 medium sized leaves. Rinse well, shake off water, and cut into bite sized pieces.

1.5 cups kale (loosely packed) or about 2-3 medium sized kale leaves. Rinse well, shake off water, and cut into bite sized pieces.

1 Carrot ½ Cup Red Cabbage

Rinse, peel, and chop into bite sized pieces

Rinse red cabbage and chop up into bite sized pieces.

Handful of Sprouts 2-3 tbsp Garbanzos

Rinse well. Add to salad.

2-3 tablespoons of garbanzo beans (approximately 15 garbanzo beans)

2 tbsp Walnuts 2 tsp Sunflower Seeds

Sprinkle 2 tablespoons of walnuts on top of your salad.

Sprinkle 2 teaspoons of sunflower seeds on top of your salad.

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Day 4: Dinner Super-Greens Tomato Salad

Directions: The following recipe is for one serving at dinner. Add ingredients below and mix


Salad Dressing: Flavor your salad with 1-2 tablespoons of salad dressing. You can make your own

salad dressing or use a store-bought option. Make sure that it is a non-dairy

dressing. Preferably use olive-oil-based dressing.

3 Cups Greens 7 Cherry Tomatoes

1 cup romaine,

1 cup spinach,

1 cup kale

(all loosely packed)

Rinse well, slice in half, add to salad.

Cherry, grape, or any small salad tomatoes will do.

1 Carrot 2 tbsp Red Onion

Rinse, peel, and chop into bite sized pieces

Cut red onion into thin, bite-sized slices and add to salad.

2-3 tbsp Garbanzos 2 tbsp Walnuts

2-3 tablespoons of garbanzo beans (approximately 15 garbanzo beans)

Sprinkle 2 tablespoons of walnuts on top of your salad.

2 tsp Sunflower Seeds

Sprinkle 2 teaspoons of sunflower seeds on top of your salad.

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Day 5: Breakfast Super-Green Pineapple Smoothie


The following recipe will make approximately 32 ounces of smoothie (16 ounces

for breakfast, 8 ounces for your pick-me-up between breakfast and lunch, and 8

ounces for your pick-me-up between lunch and dinner). Therefore, all you have

to do is make one batch and you’ll have your breakfast and Protein Pick-Me-Ups

prepared for the day. Add all ingredients listed below into blender and blend.

Serving Size: The recommended serving size for breakfast is 2 cups (16 fluid ounces).

The recommended serving size for a Protein Pick-Me-Up is 1 cup (8 fluid ounces).

2.5 Cups Orange Juice

1/2 Cup Pineapple

Fresh squeezed orange juice is juice of choice.

If available, Evolution Fresh makes a great fresh squeezed juice.

1/2 cup of pineapple is about 2 pineapple wedges, as shown. Add to blender until liquid rises by 1/2 cup.

4 Strawberries 1.5 Bananas

Add 4 medium sized strawberries. Feel free to use frozen or fresh strawberries.

Add 1.5 medium sized bananas (2 if bananas are small). Slightly unripe bananas with a little bit of green peel are preferred.

2 tbsp Almond Butter 2 tbsp Spirulina

Two tablespoons of raw or roasted almond butter (unsalted).

Two tablespoons of spirulina. A little goes a long way so make sure to measure exactly 2 tablespoons.

1/4 Lemon Fresh Ginger

Remove seeds, peel, and place lemon slice into blender.

Cut approximately 1 inch of ginger off of a ginger root. Peel and chop into small pieces before adding to blender.

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Day 5: Lunch Leafy Green Sprout Salad

Directions: The following recipe is for one serving at lunch. Add ingredients below and mix

well. Enjoy as is or add two warm corn tortillas and use the vegetable salad as

the filling for veggie tacos.

Salad Dressing: Flavor your salad with 1-2 tablespoons of salad dressing. You can make your own

salad dressing or use a store-bought option. Make sure that it is a non-dairy

dressing. Preferably use olive-oil-based dressing.

1.5 Cups Romaine 1.5 Cups Spinach

1.5 cups romaine (loosely packed) or about 2-3 medium sized leaves. Rinse well, shake off water, and cut into bite sized pieces.

1.5 cups spinach (loosely packed). Rinse well, shake off water, and cut into bite sized pieces.

1 Carrot Handful of Sprouts

Rinse, peel, and chop into bite sized pieces

Rinse well. Add to salad.

2 tbsp Red Onion 2-3 tbsp Garbanzos

Cut red onion into thin, bite-sized slices and add to salad.

2-3 tablespoons of garbanzo beans (approximately 15 garbanzo beans)

2 tbsp Walnuts 2 tsp Sunflower Seeds

Sprinkle 2 tablespoons of walnuts on top of your salad.

Sprinkle 2 teaspoons of sunflower seeds on top of your salad.

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Day 5: Dinner Avocado-Tomato Grande Salad

Directions: The following recipe is for one serving at dinner. Add ingredients below and mix


Salad Dressing: Flavor your salad with 1-2 tablespoons of salad dressing. You can make your own

salad dressing or use a store-bought option. Make sure that it is a non-dairy

dressing. Preferably use olive-oil-based dressing.

3 Cups Romaine ½ Avocado

3 cups romaine (loosely packed) or about 4-5 medium sized romaine leaves. Rinse well, shake off water, and cut into bite sized pieces.

Add ½ of a medium avocado into salad. Cut into bit-sized pieces.

1 Carrot ½ Cup Red Cabbage

Rinse, peel, and chop into bite sized pieces

Rinse red cabbage and chop up into bite sized pieces.

7 Cherry Tomatoes 2-3 tbsp Garbanzos

Rinse well, slice in half, add to salad.

Cherry, grape, or any small salad tomatoes will do.

2-3 tablespoons of garbanzo beans (approximately 15 garbanzo beans)

2 tbsp Walnuts 2 tsp Sunflower Seeds

Sprinkle 2 tablespoons of walnuts on top of your salad.

Sprinkle 2 teaspoons of sunflower seeds on top of your salad.

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Dinner Modification Soup & Salad Combo at Dinner

As noted in Chapter 2, you have the option of having a soup and salad combination for dinner

on any given night of the cleanse. In order to do this, however, it requires that you modify your dinner

salad by excluding the garbanzo beans, walnuts, and sunflower seeds. The reason you do this is you will

be getting all of the high-fiber, alkaline, plant-based protein you need in your soup.

Therefore, if you prefer to have a soup and salad combo for a few nights during your cleanse,

simply modify the prescribed salad for the day by excluding the garbanzo beans, walnuts, and sunflower

seeds. Then, simply add a bowl of lentil-vegetable soup to your modified salad for a complete cleansing

meal. In the next two pages you’ll see exactly how this works.

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Dinner Modification Soup & Salad Combo at Dinner, Part 1

Directions: The following recipe is a modified version of the Avocado-Tomato Grande Salad

(Day 5). If you’re having the soup and salad combo on a different day, then make

the same adjustments to the prescribed salad for that day. As illustrated below,

all you have to do is exclude the garbanzo beans, walnuts, and sunflower seeds.

Otherwise, it stays exactly the same.

Salad Dressing: Flavor your salad with 1-2 tablespoons of salad dressing. You can make your own

salad dressing or use a store-bought option. Make sure that it is a non-dairy

dressing. Preferably use olive-oil-based dressing.

3 Cups Romaine ½ Avocado

3 cups romaine (loosely packed) or about 4-5 medium sized romaine leaves. Rinse well, shake off water, and cut into bite sized pieces.

Add ½ of a medium avocado into salad. Cut into bit-sized pieces.

1 Carrot ½ Cup Red Cabbage

Rinse, peel, and chop into bite sized pieces

Rinse red cabbage and chop up into bite sized pieces.

7 Cherry Tomatoes

Rinse well, slice in half, add to salad.

Cherry, grape, or any small salad tomatoes will do.

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Soup & Salad Combo at Dinner (part 2): Lentil Vegetable Soup

Directions: Rinse lentils. Soak lentils and bay leaves in 3 cups water, in a covered pot, for one

hour. Then, simmer for 15 minutes with pot partially covered. Add balance of

ingredients (except for cilantro and lemon) and simmer until lentils and vegetables

are tender (approximately 10 minutes). Take 2 cups of the finished soup, blend,

and add it back to the unblended soup for a creamier consistency. Garnish each

serving with lemon and cilantro.

Serving Size: The recommended serving size for dinner is 2 cups of soup. This recipe makes approximately 4 servings (8 cups total, 2 cups per serving).

1 Cup Dry Lentils 2 Bay Leaves

Brown lentils are the lentils of choice for this recipe. Organic when possible.

Dried bay leaves are preferred.

1 Cup of Broccoli 2 Cloves Garlic

Rinse broccoli and chop into bite-sized pieces.

Remove 2 garlic cloves, peel outer layer, and press or chop well.

3 Tomatoes 1 Red Onion

Rinse tomatoes, slice into halves or quarters, and blend in blender with scant water.

Peel outer layer. Chop well.

1 Stalk Celery Vegetable Bouillon Cube

Rinse, peel, and chop into bite sized pieces.

Add 1 vegetable bouillon cube for flavor.

1 Lemon Slice 1 tbsp Cilantro

Squeeze lemon juice on top of lentil soup, just before you are ready to serve.

Rinse and chop. Sprinkle on top of soup just before you are ready to serve.

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Chapter 4:

Shopping List & Preparation Check List

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Shopping List – 3 Day Cleanse The following list is for a 3 day cleanse. Organic produce is preferred when noted below.

2 Heads of Romaine Lettuce 1 Bunch of Kale

Select lettuce heads that are crisp, leafy, and firm. Organic preferred.

Look for kale with dark green leaves. Organic preferred.

2 Bunches of Spinach 5 Carrots

Look for spinach with crisp, dark green leaves. Organic preferred.

Look for firm, crisp, smooth carrots with a deep orange color.

1 Red Cabbage 1 Red Onion

Select a fresh and firm cabbage that is heavy for its size.

Select firm, dry onion without any soft spots.

1 Avocado 1 Basket Cherry or Grape Tomatoes

Look for unblemished avocado that gives slightly when gently squeezed.

Select tomatoes that are firm with smooth skin. Organic preferred.

1 Package of Sprouts 1 Jug Orange Juice (64 oz.)

Look for sunflower sprouts. Other varieties of sprouts are fine as well.

Look for fresh squeezed orange juice.

3 cups Berries Fresh Ginger

2 cups strawberries, 1 cup blueberries. Frozen or fresh. Organic preferred.

Fresh ginger that is firm and has smooth skin. Approximately 3 inches is sufficient.

5 Bananas 2 Lemons

Look for unripe bananas with a significant amount of green skin.

Look for smooth skinned lemons that are heavy for their size.

1 Jar Almond Butter 1 Cup of Walnuts

Raw or roasted almond butter. Unsalted.

Make sure to select unsalted walnuts.

1 ¼ cups Garbanzo Beans (or 1 can) ½ Cup Sunflower Seeds

Unsalted garbanzo beans (canned is ok).

Make sure to select raw, unsalted sunflower seeds.

1 Bag of Hemp Seeds 1 Bottle / Bag of Spirulina

Look for raw hemp seeds at your local health food store.

Look for powdered spirulina. Raw if possible.

Herbal Tea

Choose a non-caffeinated herbal tea, such as peppermint or ginger.

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Shopping List – 5 Day Cleanse The following list is for a 5 day cleanse. Organic produce is preferred when noted below.

3 Heads of Romaine Lettuce 1 Bunch of Kale

Select lettuce heads that are crisp, leafy, and firm. Organic preferred.

Look for kale with dark green leaves. Organic preferred.

2 Bunches of Spinach 9 Carrots

Look for spinach with crisp, dark green leaves. Organic preferred.

Look for firm, crisp, smooth carrots with a deep orange color.

1 Red Cabbage 1 Red Onion

Select a fresh and firm cabbage that is heavy for its size.

Select firm, dry onion without any soft spots.

1 Avocado 1 Basket Cherry or Grape Tomatoes

Look for unblemished avocado that gives slightly when gently squeezed.

Select tomatoes that are firm with smooth skin. Organic preferred.

1 Package of Sprouts 2 Jugs Orange Juice (64 oz. each)

Look for sunflower sprouts. Other varieties of sprouts are fine as well.

Look for fresh squeezed orange juice.

4 cups Berries 1 Pineapple

3 cups strawberries, 1 cup blueberries. Frozen or fresh. Organic preferred.

Select pineapple with yellow-orange hue and sweet aroma.

8 Bananas 3 Lemons

Look for unripe bananas with a significant amount of green skin.

Look for smooth skinned lemons that are heavy for their size.

1 Jar Almond Butter 2 Cups of Walnuts

Raw or roasted almond butter. Unsalted.

Make sure to select unsalted walnuts.

2 ¼ cups Garbanzo Beans (or 2 cans) 1 Cup Sunflower Seeds

Unsalted garbanzo beans (canned is ok).

Make sure to select raw, unsalted sunflower seeds.

1 Bag of Hemp Seeds 1 Bottle / Bag of Spirulina

Look for raw hemp seeds at your local health food store.

Look for powdered spirulina. Raw if possible.

Fresh Ginger Herbal Tea

Fresh ginger (~ 3 inches is sufficient) that is firm and has smooth skin.

Choose a non-caffeinated herbal tea, such as peppermint or ginger.

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Shopping List – Optional Items The previous pages listed the core ingredients for the cleanse. However, as noted in previous

chapters, you do have the option to make a few modifications to your cleanse. For example, instead of

having a super-smoothie for your Protein Pick-Me-Up, you can have a glass of juice with brewer’s yeast.

In addition, you also have the option to add two warm corn tortillas to your salad to create veggie tacos

at lunch. And finally, you can modify your dinner by having a soup and salad combo. The shopping list

items on this page account for these modifications. They are entirely optional, but may come in handy.

1 Can of Brewer’s Yeast (or Nutritional Yeast)

As noted previously, you have the option of having a glass of juice with brewer’s yeast as a Protein Pick-Me-Up.

Brewer’s yeast isn’t necessary to complete your cleanse but it can be helpful as a energy-enriching, appetite-eliminating, and metabolism boosting pick-me-up.

1 Package of Corn Tortillas

As noted previously, you have the option to add two warm corn tortillas to your salad at lunch to make veggie tacos.

If this option appeals to you, you may want to consider purchasing a pack of tortillas. Look for corn tortillas without any added oils or salt. Organic when possible.

Shopping List – Soup Ingredients (Optional) The following ingredients are for making soup.

1 Cup Dry Lentils 2 Bay Leaves

Look for brown lentils in the bulk bin section of your store.

Look for bay leaves in the herbs & spices section of your store.

1 Head of Broccoli 1 Head of Garlic

Look for broccoli with vibrant green color and firm stems. Organic preferred.

Look for firm heads of garlic free of dark patches.

3 Tomatoes 1 Red Onion

Look for deep red tomatoes that give a little when squeezed. Organic preferred

Look for onions that are firm and heavy with papery skin.

1 Celery Bunch 1 Vegetable Bouillon Cube

Look for crisp, unblemished celery stalks. Organic preferred.

Make sure bouillon cube does not have hydrogenated oils.

1 Lemon 1 Bunch Cilantro

Look for smooth skinned lemons that are heavy for their size.

Look for fresh and fragrant cilantro.

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Pure Start Cleanse—Preparation Checklist

Now that you have your cleansing meals, recipes, and shopping list ready to go, the following

checklist will prepare you with some final details to put your cleansing plan into action.

Kitchen Preparation

Unless you add soup to your dinner, there isn’t any cooking—just a bit of blending and chopping of fruits

and vegetables. With that in mind, here are the basics you’ll need to have access to:

Blender (for making smoothies) Knife & Cutting board (to chop fruits &


Peeler (to peel carrots) Salad Spinner (optional, for making salads)

Thermos (optional, for bringing a

smoothie with you to work)

Food Storage Container (optional, for storing

salad and bringing a salad with you to work)

Grocery Shopping & Food Preparation

Get your cleanse off to a good start by making a successful run to the grocery store. Make sure to:

Pick a store with good produce options (look for fresh, organic, and local produce when


Go shopping for all of your cleansing foods the day before you start.

Bring your shopping list with you, as detailed in the previous page.

Start your cleanse right. Make your first day’s smoothies & salads the night before you start.

Decide When to Start & Finish Your Cleanse

The great thing about the Pure Start Cleanse is you don’t have to stop working, playing, or living your life

to cleanse. However, it helps to plan the right time to start and finish your cleanse. When choosing the

best time to start, try to avoid scheduling your cleanse during a big social or celebratory week or

weekend. You’ll also want to keep in mind what day that you want to end the cleanse. Ending your

cleanse on a weekend or a day when you don’t have to work is a great strategy. It’s nice to be able to

enjoy the lighter state of mind and body without being focused entirely on work. However, some

people enjoy the structure that is provided by their work schedule and prefer to both start and finish

during the work week. Ultimately, it’s up to you to decide what works best for you.

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Preparation Checklist—Continued

Creating Time for Yourself While Cleansing

Creating some time in the morning and evening for yourself is a great way to enhance your cleansing

experience. This will go a long way in lightening up your stress, energizing your mood, and lifting your

spirits during your cleanse.

Try to schedule at least 30 minutes in the morning and evening for things like exercise,

meditation, and / or prayer. The more time you schedule for yourself, the more you will get out

of your cleanse.


Cleansing is a great way to check in with yourself and see if there is any positive change that you would

like to initiate in your life. Is there ongoing stress in your life that you can work through or unload? Are

there old habits that you would like to break? Are there new habits or goals you want to build into your

life? Use the added mental and emotional clarity that comes with cleansing to set goals; breakthrough

challenges; and let go of old habits, thoughts, or beliefs that might be holding you back. With that in

mind, ask yourself some of the following questions as you go through your cleanse and make sure to

write down your answers before you finish.

Is there anything that’s weighing you down that you’d like to unload or work through?

Are there any goals or new habits you want to incorporate into your life?

What’s your plan of action to make progress on these goals?

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Chapter 5:

Cleansing Basics & FAQ’s— A Primer on the

Who, What, Why & When of Cleansing

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In this chapter we’re going to review some of the most frequently asked questions about the

cleansing process. In addition to addressing unanswered questions, these FAQ’s will help broaden your

understanding of the cleansing basics while highlighting some of the finer details of the Pure Start

Cleanse. The topics we’ll be discussing include:

1. What foreign toxins get in the body that need to be cleansed?

2. How do I know if pure start cleanse is for me? Guidelines to follow on who can benefit from


3. How many days is it recommended to cleanse for best results?

4. Is exercise recommended during my cleanse? And if so, what kind?

5. When and How Often Should I Cleanse?

6. Are Organic Foods Required for Cleansing?

7. Do I Need Nutritional Supplements to Cleanse?

When you put these FAQ’s all together, you’ll have a complete primer on the who, what, why,

and when of cleansing—all of which can play an important role in getting your cleanse off to the right


Q-1: What Foreign Toxins Get in the Body that Need to be Cleansed? Did you ever stop to consider that there are common toxins that you are being exposed to on a

daily basis that may very well be depleting your energy, causing your body to hold onto unwanted fat,

and causing your body to rapidly age? For most of us, it’s not something that we actively think about.

Unfortunately, whether we realize it or not, every day there are toxins that accumulate in our body from

the foods we eat, the air we breathe, and the stress we experience. One of the main goals of the Pure

Start Cleanse is it initiates a detoxification process. In other words, it uses the purifying powers of fresh,

whole, life-giving foods to clean out, clear out, and eliminate these toxins from your body. With that in

mind, let’s take a closer look at the different types of toxins that can get into your body, where they

come from, and what you can do to protect yourself.

The most dangerous toxins that we need to be aware of are the ones that make their way into

our bodies on a daily basis—and they come from three primary sources. There are:

Nutritional toxins that accumulate in our body from the foods we eat, such as over-

consuming artificial chemicals, preservatives, saturated fats, refined sugars, acidic

protein, salt, and processed foods.

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Environmental toxins that accumulate in our body from environmental pollutants, such

as air pollution, smog, pesticides, heavy metals, synthetic estrogens, and contaminants

in our water supply.

Emotional toxins that accumulate in our body from the mental strain, worry, and

emotional stress of day-to-day living.

The problem is these toxins are inflammatory. As they collect in your cells, tissues, bloodstream,

and vital organs they create all kinds of inflammation in the body that can:

Slow down metabolic function and cause your body to store fat;

Wear down your nerves, master glands, and hormones and cause your body to feel tired

and fatigued;

Undermine immune function and increase your risk for accelerated aging and disease

Create biochemical imbalances that trigger unnatural food cravings.

The good news is, the Pure Start Cleanse gives you the opportunity to cleanse your body of

inflammatory toxins that are circulating through your bloodstream, liver, spleen, lymphatic system, cells,

and tissues. As you cleanse, contaminants lodged in vital organs and fat deposits are loosened up; the

dead weight of devitalized toxins in bones, muscles, and joints are washed out; and your circulation gets

the chance to fight off its internal garbage. This purification process keeps you clean, pure, vibrant, and

strong all the way down to a cellular level.

Q-2: How Do I Know if Pure Start Cleanse is for Me? Guidelines to Follow on who can Benefit from Cleansing.

Is Pure Start Cleanse right for you? To help put this in perspective, I’d like you to take a moment

and ask yourself the following question. When it comes to taking care of your car, is there any value to

changing your oil on a regular basis? I think we’d all agree that there is. For what reason? Well, when

you don’t change the oil in your car, the engine becomes overloaded with pollutants and eventually

breaks down. Unfortunately, the same thing can happen to the human body. When your body becomes

overloaded with contaminants, it puts your metabolism, immune system, nerves, and master glands at

risk for breaking down. So what’s the value in cleansing your body? Much like an oil change, Pure Start

Cleanse clears out unwanted toxins and debris so you can keep your internal engines clean and your

bodily motors running well.

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With that in mind, I often tell my patients that everyone who has the desire to lead a healthy,

happy, energetic, and disease free life can benefit from cleansing. In fact, in today’s over-stressed and

nutritionally misaligned society, nutritional cleansing has become more important than ever to keep

your metabolism, immune system, and body chemistry in balance. However, it’s important to point out

that even though the great majority of people can benefit from cleansing, there are a few exceptions.

Here are my recommendations:

I typically do not recommend cleansing for: those who are underweight, malnourished,

pregnant, under 21, or still growing.

I typically do recommend cleansing for: everyone else that is in generally good health and is

over the age of 21.

For those with a medical condition or those on prescription drugs: let your physician know so

he or she can be supportive. For those of you that fall into this category, it’s important to

cleanse under the supervision of your primary healthcare practitioner or a doctor of Integrative


Those are the basic cleansing guidelines that I encourage my patients to follow. For most

people, cleansing is good, sound, nutritional common sense. We all experience some level of wear and

tear from the nutritional, environmental, and emotional stress we are subjected to on a daily basis. The

more polluted the environment, the more stress you have, and the more processed and artificial the

food you eat, the greater your need for nutritional cleansing.

Q-3: How Many Days Should I Cleanse? The Pure Start Cleanse is designed to last for five days. This allows for a deep and thorough

cleansing of your liver, kidneys, cells, tissues, and bloodstream. There’s also the option, however, to do

the Pure Start Cleanse for three days. So how do you figure out the right amount of time to cleanse that

is best for you? The three day cleanse is great for anyone that’s looking for a quick jump-start to lose a

couple of pounds and get their eating habits, metabolism, and immune system back on track.

Meanwhile, the five day cleanse is recommended for those of you that are looking to go a little further

with your energy, weight-loss, or wellness goals.

Keep in mind, cleansing for less than three days can still be beneficial, but it doesn’t give your

body sufficient time to make significant change. Meanwhile, cleansing for significantly longer than five

days without medical supervision is not a good idea either. You can over-cleanse by staying on a

cleansing program for too long and begin to experience protein, calcium, or iron imbalances.

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Once you finish your cleanse—whether you choose to do it for three days or five days—I highly

encourage you to transition into one of our coaching programs. These coaching programs will tailor a

longer-term nutrition, fitness, and stress-management plan that will help you build upon and sustain the

progress you made during your three or six day cleanse (see Chapter 7—Resources for Additional

Guidance & Support).

Q-4: Is Exercise Recommended During My Cleanse? I’m often asked whether exercise is recommended during the Pure Start Cleanse. The answer is

yes! This is a great question, however, because a lot of cleanses today are too calorie restrictive to allow

for any exercise. It’s important to point out that this isn’t the case with the Pure Start Cleanse. The Pure

Start meals and pick-me-ups have been specifically designed to keep your body well nourished

throughout the day so you can engage in an active exercise routine. Therefore, whereas exercising may

not be a good idea on some other cleansing plans, I do recommend exercising as you go through the

Pure Start Cleanse.

One of the primary reasons to add exercise to your cleansing plan is it activates the fat-burning

functions of your metabolism. In fact, as powerful as the Pure Start Formula can be in transforming your

metabolism, to really maximize your body’s fat-burning potential it also requires the metabolically

stimulating benefits of regular exercise. Meanwhile, exercise also supports the detoxification processes

of the body and helps unwind built up tension from mental strain and emotional stress. In this manner,

regular exercise complements your cleanse in three important ways.

Exercise accelerates fat-burning,

Exercise helps purify the body of dangerous toxins, and

Exercise reduces stress.

For detailed guidance on how to tailor a metabolism-boosting fitness plan that works best for

your cleanse, make sure to check out our Pure Start Cleanse Online Course as well as our coaching

programs (see Chapter 7 “Resources for Extra Guidance & Support”). The online course will take you

step-by-step through the most effective types of exercise for accelerated weight loss and for your long-

term health. Meanwhile, the coaching programs will provide you with individualized training and

support based on your personal goals.

Q-5: When & How Often Should I Cleanse? One of the finer details of cleansing is knowing when and how often to cleanse for best results.

Believe it or not, there is a rhyme and reason to the timing and the frequency of your cleanse. First and

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foremost, it’s always a good idea to cleanse when you feel like you need a kick-start to re-energize your

body, lose some excess weight, or let go of unhealthy eating or living habits that are getting in the way

of your wellness goals.

From there, I’ve learned that cleansing is most effective when done every three months. This

allows your cells, tissues, bloodstream, organs, and bodily fluids to eliminate any toxins or impurities

before they can accumulate to dangerous levels. In other words, cleansing every three months is a great

way to keep your body up to date—physically, metabolically, and immunologically.

For best results, not only do I encourage that you cleanse once every three months, but I

recommend that you try to align your ongoing cleanses with the change in the seasons. I like to call this

the Rhythm Method of Nutritional Cleansing. Why is that? Because it enables you to get in rhythm with

yourself, your environment, and the cycles of nature—all before the change of the season. Keep in

mind, nature is always changing and so are you. Your March cleanse prepares you for Spring; your June

cleanse gets you ready for Summer; your September cleanse gets you in rhythm with Fall; and your

December cleanse strengthens your immune system and wards off the impending holiday flu.

Have you ever noticed how many people come down with a virus at the very time there is a

change in the season? That is where the term “under the weather” originates. Fortunately, with the

Rhythm Method of Nutritional Cleansing, you can stay immunologically balanced and maintain your

wellbeing while others are being thrown off course.

Therefore, after you finish your initial cleanse, it’s best to cleanse once every three months,

right before the change of seasons. In the following table you’ll find the target dates to shoot for to get

in sync with the Rhythm Method of Nutritional Cleansing. Keep in mind, it’s best to begin ten days

before each seasonal change, so you can finish your cleanse in time for the equinox or solstice.

Seasonal Cleanse Start on or Before


Spring Cleansing March 10 Complete your cleanse by Spring Equinox: March 20-22

Summer Cleansing June 10 Complete your cleanse by Summer Solstice: June 20-22

Autumn Cleansing September 10 Complete your cleanse by Fall Equinox: September 20-22

Winter Cleansing December 10 Complete your cleanse by Winter Solstice: December 20-22

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Q-6: Are Organic Foods Required for Cleansing? Organic foods are certainly preferred for your cleanse. These are foods that have been grown

without the use of artificial chemicals and pesticides. It’s important to note, however, that the Pure

Start Cleanse already eliminates the most problematic foods when it comes to environmental pollutants.

Therefore, you can still get an effective cleanse when organic produce is not available. In these

scenarios, simply choose the highest quality fresh food available and make sure that all food is cleaned


Q-7: Do I Need Nutritional Supplements to Cleanse? I often tell my patients to be wary of cleanses that are based on hundreds of dollars of

nutritional supplements. There’s no question that the power of cleansing comes from eating fresh,

whole, chemical free, unprocessed, pure foods. This simply can’t be matched by supplements, powders,

pills, or tablets.

While supplementation is not necessary for the Pure Start Cleanse, I do recommend

incorporating Super-Nutrients into your cleansing nutrition. As we discussed in Chapter 1, Super-

Nutrients are nature’s miracle super-foods. They are concentrated sources of life-giving nutrients that

are often missing or depleted from our modern-day diet. Their abundant supply of essential vitamins,

minerals, phytonutrients, and antioxidants is a great complement to you core cleansing foods.

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Chapter 6:

Troubleshooting Tips To Overcome Potential Cleansing Challenges

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What To Expect When You Are Cleansing During the cleansing process, a variety of new and interesting experiences can take place. It’s

important to keep in mind that the effect that cleansing has on your energy and how you feel is highly

individualized. With that said, there are three general categories that most people fall into.

1. There are those individuals who, from start to finish, experience nothing but high-energy, light-

heartedness, and overall wellbeing.

2. Then there are those who feel great 85 percent of the time and at other times have an

intermittent onset of fatigue.

3. The third group is defined by those that have to work through certain biochemical challenges

while cleansing. This may include fatigue, headaches, body odors, bloating, or strange tastes in

their mouths.

Whether you face some of these challenges or not is determined by your metabolic efficiency

and body chemistry at the time of your cleanse. When you are in the best of health, it’s most common

to feel good from start to finish. Alternatively, for those folks that are eliminating excess toxins from

their system or breaking their dependence on processed foods and caffeinated beverages, they can be

more susceptible to discomfort. Keep in mind, for those of you in the latter group, there’s a way to

work through these phases of cleansing and detoxification and move on to a higher level of biochemical

balance. As we’ll discuss in the next few pages, there’s a lot you can do to mitigate any fatigue,

withdrawal, headaches, and other temporary side-effects of the cleansing and detoxification process.

Below are some of the most common challenges people experience along with strategies that will help

alleviate them.

Tips to Overcome Headaches Headaches can be a common side-effect as toxins get released into the bloodstream. They can

also be common for those going through withdrawal from caffeine, sugar, or other processed foods. For

those who experience headaches, there are a few natural remedies (in order of importance).

Stay on Track with Your Protein Pick-Me-Ups at Mid-Morning & Mid-Afternoon:

Headaches during your cleanse are typically caused by caffeine withdrawal, excess toxins being

broken up and released into your bloodstream, or unstable blood sugar. Regardless of the

cause of the headache, one of the best ways to mitigate headaches is to stabilize your blood

sugar. The way you do this is by sticking to the timing of the Pure Start Cleanse and fueling your

body every 2.5 hours. By staying on track with your cleansing meals at breakfast, lunch, and

dinner, and also staying on schedule with your mid-morning and mid-afternoon Protein Pick-

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Me-Ups, you’ll be able to stabilize your blood sugar and alleviate headache symptoms. Instead

of having a smoothie for a Protein Pick-Me-Up, you can also switch over to a stalk of celery with

1.5 tablespoons of almond butter. This will further aid in stabilizing your blood sugar and

lessening headache symptoms.

Stay Well Hydrated:

Oftentimes headaches can be a simple case of dehydration. Drinking water and herbal teas will

help you stay hydrated and will also help you eliminate toxins that can be contributing to your

headaches. Make sure to drink a minimum of three glasses of water (16 ounces) a day and up to

six glasses, as needed.


Hydrotherapy is another natural remedy to relieve headaches. What do I mean by

hydrotherapy? One form of hydrotherapy is simply taking a shower and alternating between

warm and cold water (15 seconds warm, 5 seconds cold, 15 seconds warm, 5 seconds cold, and

then finish with warm water for as long as you’d like). Alternatively, if you are near a natural,

fresh, cold water source—such as an ocean, river, or lake—you can immerse yourself in a

natural body of water. Hydrotherapy instantly changes your brain chemistry and naturally

stimulates your master glands (the same glands that are going through caffeine withdrawal for

those that regularly drink caffeinated beverages). In the process of balancing your brain

chemistry and master glands, it goes a long way in alleviating headaches.

Tips to Overcome Fatigue For the great majority of people, the cleansing process leads to a substantial increase in energy

and vitality. However, it is not uncommon for patients to report some weakness and fatigue at one or

two points in the first few days of cleansing. Invariably, as cellular poisons are broken up and broken

loose, they pour into your circulation. This commonly causes a tired, drugged feeling. Do not fret. It is

temporary. To overcome this lethargic state, there are a few things you can do, and I encourage you

incorporate as many as you can.

Stay on Schedule With Your Meals and Protein Pick-Me-Ups:

Fatigue while cleansing can often be caused by irregularities in protein intake. So what’s the

solution? Make sure to stay on schedule with your primary cleansing meals and your Protein

Pick-Me-Ups. This will ensure you are getting high-quality protein every 2.5 hours and will help

you have balanced, sustained, high energy all day long. See Chapter 2 for more details on the

timing of your meals and mid-meal pick-me-ups.

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Hydrotherapy provides an immediate boost to your energy levels. How so? Hydrotherapy

naturally stimulates and rejuvenates your pituitary, thyroid, and adrenal glands—all of which

play a huge role in determining your energy. In other words, when you naturally activate your

master glands with hydrotherapy, you get instant access to more energy that can offset any

fatigue that you may be experiencing. See “Hydrotherapy” under “Headaches” for more details

on how to incorporate hydrotherapy into your day to offset symptoms of fatigue.

Make Time for Physical Activity and Mind-Body Disciplines:

While it may seem counter-intuitive, making time to exercise, particularly first thing in the

morning, is a great way to stimulate your body and keep you focused and energized throughout

the day. See chapter 7 “Resources for Extra Guidance and Support” for more information on

setting up an exercise plan that will work best for your cleanse. Keep in mind, yoga, meditation,

and other mind-body disciplines can also be helpful in building and sustaining high energy during

your cleanse.

Stay Well Hydrated:

Dehydration can also be a factor that contributes to fatigue. See “Stay Well Hydrated” under

“Headaches” for more details.

Tips to Overcome Bad Breath or Body Odors For those that are experiencing bad breath or body odors while cleansing, it’s simply a sign that

the body is releasing toxins from the sinuses or upper respiratory passages. It is temporary. Staying well

hydrated, drinking peppermint tea, drinking water with a splash of fresh lemon juice, and gargling with

mouthwash can help with bad breath.

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Chapter 7:

Resources for Extra Guidance & Support

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Making sure you’re getting a balanced combination of fresh, whole, life-giving foods is the key to

getting the cleansing results you’re looking for. With the help of Chapters 1 and 2, not only do you have

access to all of the philosophy behind combining cleansing foods, but you have a complete nutritional

blueprint that shows you how to put a balanced nutritional cleansing plan into action.

I’d also like to emphasize, however, that there are additional cleansing techniques—beyond the

nutritional aspects of cleansing—that can enhance the cleansing process and enable even better

cleansing results. For example, for those of you that are looking to lose weight, it’s important to

incorporate the right exercises during your cleanse that not only accelerate fat-burning, but also support

the ongoing purification of toxins. There are also a lot of individuals that could greatly benefit from

having more personalized guidance and support through the cleansing process.

To address these needs, we’ve created an Online Course and a series of coaching programs to

ensure you have access to all of the cleansing resources you’re looking for. Both the online course and

the coaching programs will help you get the most out of your cleansing experience. I highly encourage

you to check them out. You can learn more about the Online Course and coaching programs on the

following pages as well as on our website at

With the E-Book + Online Course combination, not only do you learn all of the

nutritional aspects of cleansing as outlined in the E-Book, but you also get access

to exclusive content that shows you how to accelerate the fat-burning process

with a metabolism-boosting fitness plan; how to take back control of your eating

habits with powerful appetite eliminating strategies; and how to reduce physical,

mental, and emotional tension so you can de-stress while you de-tox. The Online

Course also comes with instructional videos that will take you day-by-day through

the cleansing process and make sure you’re staying prepared, on track, and

avoiding common cleansing mistakes. Together, the E-Book + Online Course

provide you with everything you need to get the most out of your cleansing


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Our 1 week, 3 week, and 10 week coaching programs will put you on the fast-

track to achieving your short-term and long-term wellness, weight loss, and

energy goals.

In our 1 week JUMPSTART program we’ll tailor your nutritional cleansing and

fitness plan to meet your specific needs and wants; provide extra guidance and

support as you make your way through the cleansing process; and answer any

questions you may have along the way.

Meanwhile, in our 3 week REBOOT and 10 week TRANSFORMATION programs

we’ll show you how to transition everything you learn in your first week of

cleansing into a lifetime of feeling youthful, fit, vital, and well.

This includes setting up a longer-term nutrition, fitness, and stress management

plan that is tailored to meet your wellness goals—whether that’s losing a specific

amount of weight or simply incorporating ongoing strategies to look and feel your


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i Worldwatch Institute. (2000). Stepping off the toxic treadmill.