supplements are getting better

Supplements Are Getting Better Hi fellow trainer, My name is John Judge and I have been involved in keeping fit, bodybuilding and the martial arts for over 40yrs, that's me above, back in the 80's. I have spent 30yrs passing on this experience to others and would like to do the same for you. What follows in this article are my personal views and experience’s, which I built up over this time, I hope you enjoy the information and reading experience. Increased innovations in muscle building over the past few years have re-kindled a new surge of interest in 'Bodybuilding Supplements' to help those who train their bodies realize better results faster. However, the biggest problem they come to face with all these supplements hitting the market today is… you need to be a lab geek, because it’s almost impossible to keep-up with what’s really working, sorting out the hype from fact, and even if it’s a good fit for your muscle-building module. Muscle-building, fat burning, energy enhancement, power lifting and keeping fit, covers a pretty hefty field, and yet there are several factors that go into optimizing your growth… It is important to remenber that all supplements take's time for the supplement to reach the optimum levels within the body to have any effect. There is however, a specific supplement that supports each of those factors. For example, as you know muscle is increased through a combination of training to the max, stimulating various muscle fibres and increasing anabolic hormones, avoiding muscle loss, getting a pump, etc. So it’s pretty obvious that you need to tap into the most powerful muscle growth potential

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Post on 11-Mar-2016




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Hi fellow trainer, My name is John Judge and I have been involved in keeping fit, bodybuilding and the martial arts #for over 40yrs, that's me above, back in the 80's. I have spent 30yrs passing on this experience to others and would like to do the same for you.


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Supplements Are Getting Better

Hi fellow trainer,

My name is John Judge and I have been involved in keeping fit, bodybuilding and the martial artsfor over 40yrs, that's me above, back in the 80's. I have spent 30yrs passing on this experience toothers and would like to do the same for you.

What follows in this article are my personal views and experience’s, which I built up over thistime, I hope you enjoy the information and reading experience.

Increased innovations in muscle building over the past few years have re-kindled a new surge ofinterest in 'Bodybuilding Supplements' to help those who train their bodies realize better resultsfaster.

However, the biggest problem they come to face with all these supplements hitting the markettoday is… you need to be a lab geek, because it’s almost impossible to keep-up with what’s reallyworking, sorting out the hype from fact, and even if it’s a good fit for your muscle-buildingmodule.

Muscle-building, fat burning, energy enhancement, power lifting and keeping fit, covers a prettyhefty field, and yet there are several factors that go into optimizing your growth…

It is important to remenber that all supplements take's time for the supplement to reach theoptimum levels within the body to have any effect.

There is however, a specific supplement that supports each of those factors.

For example, as you know muscle is increased through a combination of training to the max,stimulating various muscle fibres and increasing anabolic hormones, avoiding muscle loss, gettinga pump, etc.

So it’s pretty obvious that you need to tap into the most powerful muscle growth potential

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possible, and it’s a sure bet for those who are serious about their results, should learn to combinethe best stack possible to work synergistically and help you reach your goals faster.

PROVEN List of Body Enhancing Supplements to Add to Your Daily DietaryRequirements...

There are 7 best known, approved, and trusted Growth Factors supplements that have stood thetest of time. They will help aid your program for fat burning, muscle exploding, rip roaring,cardiovascular endurance, which complement each other and make the perfect stack. Pleasealways read labels, warnings, and directions provided with the product before using or consumingthe product…

I would like to introduce you to 2 very important bodybuilding supplements. We are going tostart with the 1st supplement…‘Creatine‘!

To order your own supply of Creatine 'Go get it here'!

Get Stronger by taking ‘Creatine’

Creatine is a natural nitrogenous organic acid we all have stored in our muscles, but there isn’tenough to create any growth after training.

To get stronger, you need to work hard and lift heavy weights…period, but that puts a hugestrain on your body, and sometimes we need help to push on.

‘Creatine‘ has been around for some time now and is one of the only supplements to have provenits worth, over and over, again.

Supplementing containing Creatine offers you your best chance to increase your power moreduring your workouts, increasing the number of plates you lift. This increase in lifting compactlywill allow you to hit your Type II muscle fibres harder, triggering much faster strength gains.

However, a word of warning…stay away from the fancy scammey Creatine… Ethyl-esther, a

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version that’s been promoted…it’s a total scam!

Remember to stick with good old plain old Creatine-monohydrate, or if you’re really adventurous,Creatine-gluconate.

If you take Creatine in a powder form, which I recommend, as it gets adsorbed into your systemmuch quicker, then take it as soon as you mix it up, because it starts to disintegrate as soon as itcomes into contact with water.

Also, Creatine takes time to build up in your body, so may take a few weeks before you showyour maximum gains in strength and performance. It’s water soluble and will clear the system in ashort period of time, therefore, keep on taking it even on none training days. Creatine is safe andcan be taken for as long as you wish, but it is advised to take a break from time to time...Tip: Ido this when I cycle to lighter weights and higher reps.

Also do not exceed the dosage as this will result in involuntary urgent visits to the toilet.

Creating Monohydrate is the world’s most tested, number one muscle bulking and strengthbuilding supplement on the market today… RRP £11.99

But if you hurry and ‘Buy’ now, it’s yours just… £8.99 You save £3.00 (+free delivery in theUK)

Buy ‘Now’ it can’t stay at this price for long, Get Your Supply of Creatine click this link...

”Your opportunity to turn heads“

To read original article or watch video reviews on Creatine and other important bodybuildingsupplements visit... 'IncreaseMuscleSize'

Page 4: Supplements Are Getting Better

The second important bodybuilding supplement we are going toexaminaton is 'L-Arginine'

L-Arginine Helps to Build Massive Muscle Mass

L-Arginine‘, is the best supplement for creating a pump, ‘Yes’, do you remember ‘Why’ you needto get a pump when you workout, well it’s, because the pump helps to contribute to musclegrowth by flooding the muscle with oxygen and nutrient rich blood essential to muscle repair.

L-Arginine is a vasodilator that helps to increase the blood flow in the body, allowing you toachieve a BETTER pump and importantly, maintain it for longer period during your training…just what the bodybuilder ordered.

The pump feels great, looks good and …builds muscle!

L-Arginine is a commonly occurring amino acid, which is found naturally in the human body andcarries out a large number of essential positive jobs throughout the body. One is Amino acids,they arethe building blocks that link together to form proteins, and has we all know, musclesrequire proteins to grow.

The body also uses Arginine to produce nitric oxide (NO), very important to a bodybuilder. Howdoes Arginine work? Well in a nut shell it helps the blood vessels to relax, and indeed severalother effects in the body.

The vasodilator effect of Arginine is one of the most important factors to consider, because ithelps to maintain a healthy blood flow around the body. Important as the blood carries oxygenand nutrients to the muscles during training, helping to start muscle recovery during your sessionand maintaining good cardiovascular performance.

Arginine is still today a very popular supplement with athletes, body builders and individuals whoengage in any type of exercise routines.

It’s been understood for many years now that Arginine speeds up the healing process of woundsand muscle damage, and as we all know any form of aggressive exercise will breakdown muscle

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fibres and for bodybuilders is process is essential for muscle growth.

There are studies still being carried out today on the performance benefits of AAKG, the greatnews is that results are still being echoed on what’s already known about this incrediblesupplement and research into other possibilities is looking equally promising.

When taken post-workout this supplement has been shown to increase a person’s ability andperformance of short highly impact exercise, increasing the intensity and duration. This has alsobeen demonstrated especially beneficial in those between the ages of 30 to 50.

Arginine has also shown many positive results if being used as part of a weight loss regime,helping people to drop their body fat levels. Research has established that Arginine acquiresenergy from muscle for growth, rather than fat storage.

L-Arginine has also demonstrated its ability to increase sexual arousal. Arginine is without doubtan exceptional supplement for helping to improve your performance, and overall health andshould be included into your list of supplements to take.

L-Arginine is a must for muscle growth we recommend the following brand, because it ticks allthe right boxes and being on trial with us. It normally retails at £19.99, but buy now at this veryspecial of just £9.49…don’t wait only a few left at this special price.

To order visit... 'My Order'!

To read the original article or watch a review video please visit... 'L-Arginine'

About… John Judge !