suppl. al n° 9 de «il messaggio della santa casa - loreto», vol. … · 68 the shrine of the...

Suppl. al n° 9 de «Il Messaggio della Santa Casa - Loreto», vol. 50 n° 3, (Sept./Dec. 2015) (Sped. in abb. art. 2 comma 20/c. Legge 662/96 - Filiale di Ancona)

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Suppl. al n° 9 de «Il Messaggio della Santa Casa - Loreto», vol. 50 n° 3, (Sept./Dec. 2015)(Sped. in abb. art. 2 comma 20/c. Legge 662/96 - Filiale di Ancona)

Vol. 50 n° 3 (Sept./Dec. 2015)Suppl. to n° 9

Published three times yearly

CONTENTS67 In front of “Christmas night” – by Fr. Santarelli68 Mary at the Temple – by Mons. G. Tonucci69 Letters to “The shrine of the Holy House”70 The Message of Blessed Speranza of Jesus – by Fr. Valentino Salvoldi72 “All open, the works of mercy” – by Mons. Decio Cipolloni74 Prayer in suffering: makes the heart beat to the rhythm of His heart – by Paolo Giovanni Monformoso75 The healing of Paul Holzgreve – by Prof. Fiorenzo Mignini77 Fra’ Andrew Bertie (1929 – 2008) Servant of God – by Fr. Marcello Montanari79 SPECIAL – to John Paul ll Center83 Interview with Annette Schawan – by Vito Punzi84 The Visitation of Federico Zuccari (2) – by Fr. Santarelli85 The new Penitentiary in the Shrine of Loreto – by Fr. Santarelli88 An image of the Virgin of Loreto in the Airport of Rimini89 Twenty Years of EurHope celebrated90 The Cappella Musicale of the Holy House dressed in gold91 Numerous pilgrims walked the ancient Via Lauretana92 Exhibit of Gianriccardo Piccoli on “Meditations of Lotto”93 The German Ambassador to the Holy See visits Loreto

60025 LORETO (Ancona, Italy) - Tel. 071.970104 - Fax 071.9747176


Front Cover: Ludovico Seitz, Flight to Egypt, detail, Loreto,

German Chapel.Poignant is the silent and intense dialogue between

the Mother and the Child entrusted to Her care, caressing her with filial tenderness. The Christmas

Feast of the Son is also a feast of the Mother.

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DirectorFr Giu seppe San ta relli

Text TranslatorCecilio Rotor

Imprimi potest+ mons. Giovanni Tonucci,

Pontifical Delegate,Loreto, Nov, 10th, 2015

The imprimatur implies nothing morethan that the material contained

in this magazine has been examinatedby diocesan censors and that

nothing contrary to faith or moralshas been found therein.

Subscription: U.S.A. - Canada - Australia $ 12,00 per year England and Commonwealth £ 6,00 per year Ireland and other countries 8,00 per year

Italian Edition: “Il Messaggio della Santa Casa” (10 issues yearly) U.S.A. - Canada - Australia $ 30,00 England and Commonwealth £ 14,00 Ireland and other countries 20,00

Printed in Italy by Bieffe S.p.a. - Recanati (MC) - www.graficabieffe.comTel. 071.7578017 r.a. - Fax 071.7578021 - Autor. Trib. di Ancona n. 7 del 12-VII-1984



Fr. Giuseppe santarelli - Director


Art, especially of high quality, has depicted Christmas with unique passion and cre-ativity. This is also because of the tender-ness and domestic sweetness that the salv-

ific event elicits in the spirit. There are countless paint-ings inspired by Christmas, scattered in churches and galleries around the world. Just in the Shrine of Loreto, there are about a dozen.

Not usual though, is the depiction of Christmas in the middle of the night. In the Museo-Antico Tesoro of Lore-to, there is one reliably attributed to renowned artist An-nibale Carracci (1560-1609). It is called Notturno natal-izio (Christmas night) because the colours envelop it in a chiaroscuro atmosphere of “Holy Night”.

It is beautiful to contemplate the mystery of Christ-mas gazing upon this distinguished canvas (100 x 70 cm). The Virgin is depicted on her knees before the man-ger, in the act of lifting the tiny new-born Child, with a face full of motherly sweetness. Two sentiments ema-nate from the figure of Mary: the motherly love that un-derlines the humanity of the Child, “born of a woman”, and kneeling as in adoration towards Him, calls to mind the divinity of the new-born Child, conceived in her vir-gin womb through the Holy Spirit.

A touch of humanity shines through in the demure figure of Saint Joseph who, tired by the long journey in the middle of the night, is taken over by restful sleep, while the wife next to him watches over the small child.

The upper section of the painting highlights the hymn of the angels: Gloria in excelsis Deo. Indeed, in the dark sky the heavenly spirits exult. On top, the angels are larger and dressed in elegant vestments, arranged in a circle, like in a harmonious dance, and flooded with a semi-globe shaped light that shines from above; un-derneath the angels appear small and naked, forming a halo, almost like a lampstand, hanging brightly over the Christmas scene below, on which other little angels hov-er in an attitude of prayer.

Two sections, therefore, one earthly with the new-born Child, the mother and legal father beside a man-ger; and one heavenly with the myriads of angels festive and bright in the darkness.

The connecting force is Jesus, who is from heaven, from the bosom of the Father – alluded by the bright semi-halo above – who came down to earth which was

wrapped in darkness and sin, upon which he shines his light of salvation that radiates from his small body and from the luminous face of the mother. The words of the Gospel of John come to mind: “The light shines in the darkness” (Jn. 1:5). He joins the divine and the human with his human and divine nature.

All creation is in celebration, in heaven and on earth, which, from the darkness of endless sin, is beginning to see the first light of redemption, with the Birth of Jesus being the long awaited dawn.

Read between the lines, the very delicate painting be-comes a small theological tract on Christmas and invites one to adoration of the mystery and to prayer.

Best wishes for a blessed and happy Christmas to all the readers and benefactors. – From the House of the Mother of the Child Jesus!

In front of “Christmas night”

Annibale Carracci, Christmas Night, Loreto, Museo-Antico Tesoro.


mons. Giovanni tonucci - Archbishop of Loreto

words of the archbishop

The Law of Moses requires it, so Mary and Joseph, like good and faithful Jews, also ad-hered to the precept: after forty days from the birth of the baby Jesus, they had to go to Jeru-

salem, to present the new born child to the Lord and to offer a modest animal sacrifice, thus ending the period of isolation of the mother.

The occasion, which per se was normal for every Hebrew family, was instead an encoun-ter of unique significance for the Holy Family: the Mother and adoptive Father led the Son into the place where God has his home. Jesus is thus presented to his true Father, whom Jo-seph, in his holy humility, represented.

In the crowd of pilgrims and devotees in the temple, with the chaotic atmosphere such circumstances created, no one probably no-ticed the small family who, together with oth-ers, brought to the priest on duty the offering of a pair of turtledoves. However, it was not in God’s plan that this event should go un-noticed. The Spirit of the Lord, who inspired Elizabeth to recognise the divine motherhood of Mary, now called out to a just and God fear-ing man living in Jerusalem. We only know the man’s name was Simeon and that it was revealed to him by Heaven that he would see the Messiah, the Saviour of his people, before his death.

The scene we behold is simple but touch-ing: Simeon felt, on that day, that he need-ed to go to the temple. Amidst the crowd, he identified the one he was looking for and, obeying the inspiration of the Spirit that moved him, he took the child in his arms and praised the Lord, thanking him for this grace: “Now, Master, you may let your servant go in peace, according to your word, for my eyes have seen your salvation, which you have prepared in sight of all the peoples, a light for revelation to the Gentiles, and glory for your people Israel.”

It is not difficult to understand the joy Mary and Joseph felt hearing these words, so

unexpected. Simeon, however, had something more to say: while blessing the parents, he specifically revealed to Mary that the destiny of the child is to bring a mes-sage so powerful and demanding, creating division and contradiction. From that time, the Mother should know that, though many will follow the words of Jesus, many

Mary at the Temple

Lorenzo Lotto, Presentation of the Lord at the Temple, Loreto, museo-Antico Tesoro


others too will reject it and this con-trast will provoke sorrow also for her.

The statement of Simeon is terri-ble in its realism: “And you yourself a sword will pierce”. Not everything is clear in this prophecy: “Why will this happen? And when? Would there be warning signs? Do I have to suf-fer on my own or even my little one will be put to the test?” In front of our eyes, we see the image of the Sorrow-ful Mother, who popular piety repre-sented with the heart pierced by sev-en swords.

But why seven instead of the single one prophesied by Simeon? It is not an exaggerated fantasy. With that sign, the reality of Mary’s life is shown. She has certainly consummated her sor-row at the foot of the cross, but even before then she continuously felt the concern and even the anxiety for the events that accompanied the life of her Son. How many news, during the three intense years of Jesus’ preaching in Galilee and in Judea, reached Naz-areth, brought to her by friends and, some times, perhaps also by unfriend-ly persons: the young Teacher, who had success for the miracles accom-plished, now is left alone; many of his disciples abandoned him; it is said that the Jewish leaders want to find ways of silencing him; or perhaps they re-ally want to eliminate him. The other day, some even gathered some rocks, threatening to stone him, and he bare-ly escaped, hiding himself.

Such difficult moments, such wor-ries, such sorrow. The heart of a moth-er is always full of concern for the child she begot. The more the heart of Mary had to be, who knew that she carries a mission of immense greatness and therefore of having a responsibility in front of the whole world. Each time we contemplate the image of Sorrowful Mary, or when we read in the Gospel the sufferings encountered by Jesus, let us think of her, with affection and gratitude. She has loved us so much!

The International Festival of Sacred Music “Virgo Laureta-na” is a spectacle that has reached its 55th Edition (8 – 12 April 2015), primarily promoting Liturgical Music, with choral exhi-bitions coming from all parts of the world. It is also an occa-sion for fraternisation among the youth from various countries

that show off their unique costumes, in a folklore that boarders between the holy and the profane.

Customarily, the participants of every Festival send letters, recounting vivid and pleasant memories. It is a pleasure to re-print here the letter of Svetlana Kuntsevich, Director of the Minsk Choir (Belarus), sent to the editorial staff of this magazine.

“Our youth Choir ‘Brevis’ of the Minsk State College remembers with great plea-sure their participation in the 55th International Festival of Sa-cred Music “Virgo Lauretana” and the wonderful days spent in the splendid city of Loreto. Your city has literally conquered us, especially the memorable interpretations of the Choirs in the Basilica. The sacred music performed moved us, making us smile and cry at the same time. It was five days of celebra-tion and love!

Everything wonderful: the unforgettable walks along the ancient streets of the city, the trip to the sea, the feast of the Choirs in the Piazza della Madonna and, naturally, the won-derful people who surrounded us with their kindliness. The first thing the members of our Choir said: “Loreto, a fairy tale in reality!”

We would like to sincerely thank all the organizers and the participants of the Festival, which left a special mark in the hearts of our children. We wish your Festival further success and prosperity.”

The Director of Choir Svetlana Kuntsevich

Testimony of the Minsk Choir Director

letters to “The shrine of the Holy House”

Some participants of the 55th International Festival with their costumes typical of their country. Photo Malizia.


Fr. valentino salvoldi


The announcement of Pope Francis“Dear brothers and sisters, I have often thought of

how the Church may render more clear her mission to be a witness to mercy; and we have to make this jour-ney. It is a journey, which begins with spiritual conver-

sion. Therefore, I have decided to announce an Extraor-dinary Jubilee, which has at its centre the mercy of God”. And still earlier: “No one can be excluded from the mer-cy of God; everyone knows the way to access it and the Church is the house where everyone is welcomed and no one

is rejected. Her doors remain wide open, so that those who are touched by grace may find the assurance of forgiveness. The greater the sin, the greater the love that must be shown by the Church to those who repent”.

“Mercy”,the keyword of the pontificate of Pope Francis.

In his homily for the canonisation of John XXIII and Pope Woytila, Pope Francis praised them because “they had the courage to look at the wounds of Jesus, to touch his wounded hands and his pierced side. They were not ashamed of Christ’s flesh, they were not scandalised of Him, of his cross; they did not despise the flesh of the brother, because in every suffering person they saw Jesus”. Then in elevating to the honours of the altar Mother Speranza of Collevalenza, he highlighted the greatness of this mystic, who prayed to the Lord: “Drown me in the depth of your merciful love”.

Illiterate, barely speaking Italian, peppered with Spanish phrases, opposed even by those who receive from her gifts and graces… with the help of about thirty sisters, the Blessed Mother Speranza built a complex that is an el-oquent sign of Providence, which brings to fru-ition what it promised, for those who believe in her. For those who put faith in the words of Christ: “Amen, amen, I say to you, whoever be-lieves in me will do the works that I do and will do greater ones than these…”

In Collevalenza miracles abound: more than the ones linked to the immersion in the wa-ters that sprung through Mother Speranza, those produced by immersion in Divine Mercy, thanks to the Sacrament of Reconciliation.

Blessed Speranza of Jesus

The Message of

Blessed Speranza of Jesus


The tomb of Mother Speranza:a harmonious integration of her body with the Shrine.

The pavement is raised to indicate that underneath there is a seed of life, ready to break the clods in order to spring forth a bud. The small tomb cannot contain a love so great. The soil ferments, ready to explode: the resurrection.

And from the meditation on the resurrection of our body, one passes to the rites that facilitate the resurrec-tion of the spirit, thanks to the encounter with Christ who for Mother Speranza was “ecstasy and torment”. Through her, God lets the Church taste Divine Mercy and to call attention on his two loves that give face to this sister: the poor and the priests. Among the poor, a place pre-eminently occupied by sinners: who is poorer than those who are without God? And the priests, Chris-tians gifted with a fascinating and tremendous power: absolve sins and celebrate Holy Mass. For these men of God, Mother Speranza spent her life, offering all her suf-ferings for their sanctification.

She spent her life in continuous familiarity with the Lord, from whom she had surprising revelations: God uses the poor, the humble, those who “disappear” in or-der to make room in herself for God and others, to re-veal what the great has a hard time understanding or does not understand at all.

John Paul II perceived the power of the Divine hid-den in Mother Speranza. He met her in Collevalenza. After the Pope leaned to kiss her on the forehead, the religious, sick and at the end of her life, after enduring many sufferings even from the clergy, could now sing the hymn of Simeon (“Now, Master, you may let your servant go in peace”).

And today, Pope Francis repeats the same ideas ex-pressed fifty years ago by Mother Speranza: with the same faith, the same spirituality, the same simplicity, the same love for God and for humanity, fascinated by Di-vine Mercy.

Seeds of Mercy. Mother Speranza and Pope Francis

(Edizioni Messagero, Padua) is a book that outlines an anthology intended to capture the important themes of theology, establishing a parallelism between the Reli-gious and Pope Francis. A book that helps us to under-stand why the Pope decided to announce the Jubilee of Mercy. It shows us the path to the marvellous Shrine of Collevalenza, where pilgrims have the possibility of im-mersing themselves in merciful love. It helps us in the Sacrament of Confession, presenting 21 short chapters that stimulate us to live the confession of praise: start-ing from the meditation of a specific text (love, beau-ty, cross, sorrow…), we, the penitents, find reflections

helpful for thanking the Lord, asking pardon for being far from the ideal expressed in the blessing, and con-cluding with a small suggestion, doable and adapted for immersing ourselves again in Divine Mercy. Reconciled, thanks to a beautiful and good confession, we are ready to appreciate the magnanimous gesture of Pope Francis to open wide the doors of Divine Mercy, in response to the cry of St. Paul: “We implore you on behalf of Christ, be reconciled to God.”

Elis Romagnoli, Mary Mediatrix, Collevalenza, Shrine of Merciful Love. The painter, commissioned by Mother Speranza to do the

painting, confided that, unable to paint the face of the Virgin, after the Blessed said a prayer, he was able to immediately paint it as

if in trance, without any difficulty. Mary, who extends her arms in a gesture of supplication, with her face seemingly invoking the Mercy

of God over sinful humanity.


mons. decio cipolloni


This is the title given by Avvenire, the Catholic newspaper, in announcing the letter of Pope Francis granting plenary indulgence on the occasion of the extraordinary Jubilee of Mercy.

“If the faithful are called to do a brief pilgrimage to the Holy Door”, the thought of the Holy Father does not go out only to those who are able to fulfil the pilgrimage, but to all people who suffer “the sick and the elderly, prisoners and women who had abortion”. Also for them the Church would like to open the door, inviting the faithful not to limit their act of faith passing through the Holy Door, but by doing proper corporal and spiritual acts of mercy, experiencing in them the compassion of Christ, “so as to obtain the grace of complete and exhaustive forgiveness by the power of the love of the Father who excludes no one”.

Thus the doors kept shut are opened:from the violence of infirmity and old age that seem

to reduce, aside from the strength to live, the capaci-ty of understanding divine love, which always pass-es through charity of many; the closed doors of prison that, if it does not hinder someone to enter, does not al-low anyone to go out; the closed doors of the womb and

heart to welcome a child.What mystery surrounds the sick flesh of many of our

brothers and sisters, what humiliation marks the lives of those who violated their conscience, staining them-selves of crimes, without having the strength to cancel the shame? What drama grips the heart of those who suffocate a child in the womb, even if they are called to give life?

Upon these brothers and sisters the mercy of the Lord will abundantly descend, which the Church would like to transmit, to us ministers and to all the faithful, mak-ing us signs of tenderness, of wonder, of that human in-spiration that shows all the more divine inspiration.

We – the so-called faithful – are the first to enter these places, which Pope Francis calls privileged places for in-dulgence. We desire to really enter without fear, without pietism, not even with judgment, but with the heart of Christ who said: “I was sick and you cared for me, I was in prison and you came to visit me” (Mt. 25:36).

First, let us pause in front of the sick and the aged, to enter the Holy Door of their existence. With these words of Pope Francis we hope that, assisted by the ecclesial

community, “to live their sickness and suffering as an experience of closeness to the Lord who indicates the royal road which gives meaning to pain and loneliness”. May they be surrounded by our sympa-thy, by our attention, so that in the Jubilee Year they may again become more visibly resplen-dent in the heart of the Christian community, so that the culture of indifference may not margin-alize them again.

With them, we will be able to gain the Jubilee indulgence making a common journey of mercy, of solidarity and sharing. If St. Francis recognized being a sinner kissing the leper, so do

“All open, the works of mercy”

Jubilee of Mercy

«First, let us pause in front of the sick and the aged, to enter the Holy Door of their existence».


we ideally embracing our brothers, sisters and friends. We experience the poverty of our hearts and richness of theirs.

Let us pause in front of our brothers and sisters in prison, to be our companions on the journey, solidari-ty in repentance and in renewing a faith less justifying for us but more working for them. We do not hide that this stop is harder and full of questions, but more ben-eficial to free us of prejudices and also to be enlight-ened by them. For this, I wish to present to all, to help us to prepare better for the Jubilee, the message of the life convicts of Poggio Reale sent to the youth of Na-ples: “Do not throw away your life to the water and the wind, killing the dreams of your parents who supported you with hardship”. Perhaps we are tempted to throw back these words to those who destroyed, suffocating even in the blood human life? How can one accept, from this pul-pit, a message quite incongruous, so strong and touch-ing in its truth? If I think of the writing placed at the en-trance of the prison of Camerino: “Here enters man, crime stays outside”, even these words should be muffled, leav-ing space for sentiments of mercy and for hope of possi-ble redemption. If the prisoners exhort the youth not to throw away their lives, we too should not throw them

away, neither should we reset everything simply be-cause evil has overwhelmed them, life imprisonment knocked them down, hope keeps them alive. Their voice therefore reaches us this Jubilee year for us to welcome the same sense of redemption that could be fulfilled in them, of the conversion that could show our path so as not to condemn them, neither to make them feel inno-cent. If there is a wish we augur upon them, it is this: “May only the fetters of love remain on your wrists, in your heart, so that you may experience what the Pope says: ‘May the gesture of directing their thought and prayer to the Father each time they cross the threshold of their cell signify for them their passage through the Holy Door, because the mercy of God is able to transform hearts, and is also able to transform bars into an experience of freedom’”.

A pause, the most tender, because it is for the wom-en called to be mothers, the pause more dramatic be-cause of the darkness of their minds and the abandon-ment they experienced from those who they turned to in life and had left them to decide alone; and the unjust responsibility of those called to saving life who instead leave them hindered and even tormented. Let us think of these women who always carry in their hearts and minds the wound, if they do not confide in God, while their children from heaven pray for them. To them, Pope Francis offers mercy and an incommensurable forgive-ness. Great was their guilt, greater still is the forgiveness of God who would like to free them from anguish.

Forgiveness does not minimize the gravity of the sin, which stands out all the more because the first to suf-fer is God, but he is also the first to abound in forgive-ness. The absolution of this grave sin reaches not only the women, but also “those who have procured abortion and who, with contrite heart, seek forgiveness for it”, recalling that objection of conscience, in this case, is and remains a right and a duty.

I entrust myself to the testimony given by a woman who, burdened by the agony of two abortions, wrote: “The Pope has made a great act of faith in our regard. This gesture will change the lives of many women like us”. God shed a tear at the death of Jesus, a tear is shed again for all the unborn children. May the hearts of the women be opened to love, their wombs to life. Thus, the mercy of God will shine brighter.

«Let us pause in front of our brothers and sisters in prison, to be our companions on the journey, united in repentance and in renewing a faith less justifying for us but more working for them».


Pain, the tear where God enters

Prayer in suffering: makes the heart beat to the rhythm of His heart (27)

This is what we said in the last edition, in-spired by John 5:6-7: One day, Jesus Christ was passing close to the pool of Bethesda, saw the para-lytic: “Do you want to be well?” And the response

was quick: “Sir, I have no one…” For the paralytic, the true suffering was not the illness, but being alone, the absence of charity. Oftentimes what those who suffer miss, is the taste of empathy. Now if I am someone who claims to be Christian and wants to imitate Jesus, bringing Christ to the world of the suffering today, empathy should al-ways be my tool, in every encounter, and should extend the horizon of my life: the experiences that I live em-pathically in the others that I help, physically or spiri-tually in the encounters through prayer of intercessions, can open to me a fragment of humanity that is hidden in others and in me. So thus conceived, the empathy (in a real or spiritual relationship, that, if true, is always a raw participation in the sufferings of others) is far from be-ing lived occasionally, because it is a way of relating and a way of life that presupposes in the one practicing it an interiority personally accessible, known and possessed; it is an experience that is perceived even before it could be explained.

Let us go beyond: from the spiritual point of view, as Christians, how can we extend the features of human empathy for it to be united in the compassion of Jesus, imitating it?

Empathy is a rite that He entrusts to us, that in con-soling us, we can understand what it means to be com-passionate, “so that we may be able to encourage those who are in any affliction with the encouragement with which we ourselves are encouraged by God” (2 Cor. 1:3-7).

Without the rite of helping entrusted to us, He cannot celebrate His eternal Liturgy of Life. Without our empa-thy, He cannot complete His Compassion: “Come to me, all you who labour and are burdened, and I will give you rest” (Mt. 11:28).

If empathy is a dual dynamic (the helper/ the one helped) compassion is the imitation of God: an incessant love, infinite… Trinitarian: the other, us and the Other; because “For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them” (Mt. 18:20).

Jesus feels compassion for the crowd because they are in need. And how does he teach empathy and compas-sion to the disciples? Jesus, when he asks something from his followers, it is not to get busy, but to pray to

the Lord of the harvest (Lk. 10:2): not only to act, but first to pray. The passage from empathy to compassion consists in having to assume the humanity of God made man, the humanity of Him who teaches us to live the conflict with the suffering and the encounter with the infirmed, without taking away who we are: the spiritual authenticity must always go through the sieve of what

is authentically human. Compassion is born in the per-son who agrees to be hurt and be hit by the suffering of the other, in the one who recognizes his or her own vulnerability and knows how to open oneself to the suf-fering of others; in compassion there is a revelation of something profoundly human (as empathy) and authen-tically divine (as compassion). And Jesus invites us to

paolo Giovanni monFormoso


Marco Carnà, Jesus heals the paralytic by the pool of Bethesda. “One day, Jesus saw the paralytic…”


share our own poverty with the peo-ple so that it may become a resource, because only in learning to share do we offer to the Lord the possibility to multiply: “There is no need for them to go away; give them some food your-selves” (Mt. 14:16).

To enter into the mystery of com-passion means dealing with a plan that is another: Jesus must be placed at the centre of this new plan, because noth-ing can work without Him, or even function in part: if we do not share, He will not be able to multiply.

Jesus’ compassion for our heart cor-rects and heals our worries, presenting to us the beauty of rest and the strength of food (prayer) (Mt. 14:15), against the pretext of saving and reaching every-one with our work, of accomplishing who knows what miracles, while may-be emptying ourselves for lack of vital nourishment and of rest in the peace of God (prayer) (Mt. 14:16).

Jesus’ compassion presents a very particular dignity to my misery, to my being and having so little, and teach-es me to do what I can without pull-ing me back: maybe I will not be able to accomplish miracles, it is a gift I do not ask, but I can always make the crowd sit, distribute the bread and fishes, I can gather the leftovers in baskets, I can, that is, give the gift of myself living day by day, in the concreteness of simple actions and in attentive listening. Actually with my presence, or spiritually in prayer of in-tercession and praise, I can always sit myself with the people and wait for the Lord to nourish me: God who shows me the destination and the way, will sit by my side to eat with me. Above all, when tired and disappointed, afraid and marginalised, He will guide me back to bring me home… Stay with me, Lord, stay with us (Lk. 24:29), I would like to find myself telling him without even knowing why, and may-be not even understanding well who he is: he is, however, where my Stay with us has the same value as the Here I am (Lk. 1:38) of His Mother…

The Medical Observatory “Ottaviano Paleani”was founded near the Holy House of Loreto on February 2nd, 2012 with the aim of witnessing, gathering and evaluating the facts regarding each case of apparently inexplicable healings, as well as monitoring its evolution for at least on year by qualified professionals. The matters proposed in this article come from the archives of the observatory. For further information visit the web

proF. Fiorenzo miGnini

healings in Loreto

Paul Holzgreve

The case I present is about Mr Paul Holzgreve and about a group

of reports without medical documentation but corrob-orated by significant testi-mony. The documents, in German, were edited and entrusted to the Congrega-tion of the Holy House by Mrs Karin Koros and coun-tersigned by Mr Holzgreve. Mr Holzgreve, in his own handwriting, added in foot-note the following phrase: “In perpetual gratitude for the miraculous healing”.

On 5 October 1999, Mr Paul Holzgreve unexpect-edly had paralysis of the lower limbs (“from the hip to the foot”) and progressively of the upper limbs. Following the lost of limb functions, he was hospitalised at the Hospital of Aschaf-fenburg (a city in Bavaria). The medical prognosis established that he would have to spend 3-5 years, if not for life, on a wheelchair. A close acquaintance of Mr Holzgreve, Mrs Hein, called on all their friends to pray for him. Some friends came to Loreto in pilgrimage, with the main intention of praying for him and acquiring the bless-ed oil of the Holy House. The infirmed spiritually joined them in the pilgrimage, praying with faith to our Lady. Ten days before Christ-mas, Mr Holzgreve received the oil of the Holy House and used it in appropriately: “combining confident prayer to Mary and com-

Oil lamp in the Holy House.


plete abandonment to God the Father”. Three days be-fore Christmas, his clinical conditions suddenly and visibly changed; he felt an inner strength to stand up, though with the help of crutches. It was the first ma-jor success. Faced with the objectively unexpected fact and the constant and progressive improvement that fol-lowed, the doctors were impressed, openly expressing their difficulty in understanding the event. They clas-sified the healing as inexplicable. However, they con-tinued to caution Mr Holzgreve not to be too optimis-tic, maintaining that even if the situation improved, he still does not have a good chance of leaving the wheel-chair. On 5 January 2000, while praying, Mr Holzgreve had “a thought accompanied by a sensation”: “Now you must get up and walk!” Without thinking, he stood up, took the two crutches and walked to the room of the sis-ter, circa 30 metres from his room. By chance, the Head of the Department was coming out of his office, he saw the patient and commended him saying: “You are mi-

raculously cured”. His response was: “I know, Profes-sor”. A sister of the hospital took a photograph to cap-ture the extraordinary moment. On 10 January 2000, Mr Holzgreve was transferred to the rehabilitation ward of Bad Neustadt, where his friends visited him, bringing him more oil from the Holy House. During the second visit, Mr Holzgreve and his friends took a few steps to-gether. On the third visit, he went to meet them with-out any support, walking normally. His friends were amazed.

On 5 February, Mr Holzgreve went to visit on his own without crutches, Mrs Hein, who lives about 350 meters from the clinic, to be able to make the visit on his own, he went up the road to the hill.

A small metal statue of Our Lady of Loreto, similar to the one Simona Maroni devotedly placed in the room of her sick mother.

Maternal Caresses of Mary

Healed from Staphylococcus Aureus

On 26 May 2015, Simona Maroni of Ripatransone (AP) referred the following to the editorial staff of this magazine. Her mother, Giuseppina Carminucci, born on 9 April 1940, got sick a few years ago, more or less, of Staphylococcus Aureus, resulting in

septicaemia. Confined at the Ascoli Piceno Hospital, she was brought to the Intensive Care Unit, where she went into coma. Because of the serious med-ical condition, she was intubated and given oxygen. Her daughter, Simona, attended to her, placing a small metal statue of Our Lady of Loreto in her room.

The attending doctor told Simona that her mother would not survive the night. However, in the morning, Giuseppina opened her eyes. The daugh-ter went to Loreto to pray to the Virgin for her sick mother, who gradually recovered.

Simona, now and again, accompanies her mother to the Holy House of Lo-reto in order to express their gratitude to the Virgin of Loreto for the special protection received during the serious illness with which, according to the doctors, Giuseppina could have died.

Fr. marcello montanari

Every saint comes to Loreto


Grand Master of the Order of Malta

Fra’ Andrew was born in London in 1929 to a noble English family. Earn-ing a degree in Modern History, he taught modern languages for 23 years at Worth School, a Benedictine School in Sussex. In 1956, he was received into the Sovereign Military Order of Malta, becoming a Knight of Obedience in 1968 and a Knight of Justice in 1975. In 1981 he made his perpetual vows, becoming a Religious member of the Order with all its effects; in the same year he started to participate in the governance of the Order as a member of the Sovereign Council. On 8 April 1988 he was elected the 78th Prince and Grand Master. He died in Rome late in the night of 7 February 2008 due to a tumour.

In 2013, the Order of Malta, while celebrating the 900th year of official rec-ognition by the Church, presented the request, only 5 years from death, to start the cause for beatification and canonization of Fra’ Andrew Bertie. It is the first time that a Grand Master of the Sovereign Order of Malta is pre-sented for elevation to the glory of the altars.

He knew how to harmonize nobility and humility in the service.

In office from 1988 to 2008, Fra’ Andrew was the protagonist, as Grand Master, of great internal changes of the Order of Malta, from developing humanitarian activities to reforms of the Constitutional Charter.

He joined the Order at a young age of 27. He dedicated his life to prayer and exercise of charity. His life was always inspired by the principles of the Gospel and animated by a deep faith, which he witnessed with the commitment favour-ing the sick and the poor, honouring the fundamental motto of the Order of Mal-ta: “To give witness to the faith and to help those in need” (Tuitio Fidei et Obse-quium Pauperum).

In the opening discourse of the process of canonization, Cardinal Vallini re-called that the defence of faith and service to the poor were the cornerstones that guided the life of Fra’ Andrew Bertie. The Servant of God, for reason of the good deeds accomplished in earthly life – highlighted by Cardinal Vallini – is a mod-el person, an example of someone people can look up to, not only in Italy but throughout the whole world, particularly where the Order is present. His role as Grand Master, concretised above all in the great social initiatives in many coun-tries in the world, was animated by the serene conviction that it is high time for

Fra’ Andrew Bertie in the presbytery of the Basilica of Loreto, during one of his pilgrimages to the Holy House with the sick of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta (28 October 2006). Photographic archive of the Universal Congregation of the Holy House.

Fra’ Andrew Bertie (1929 – 2008)

Servant of God


Traiano Boccalini between satire and politics

From 17 to 19 October 2013, an important convention on the known writer Traiano Boccalini was held in Mac-erata and in Loreto on the fourth centenary of his death that occurred in Venice on 29 November 1613. He was born to Giovanni, official architect of the Shrine of the Holy House, in 1556 in Loreto. He stayed in Loreto until he reached 22 years of age, upon which he transferred to Perugia to study Law in the university. Later, he did ad-ministrative works in various cities of the Papal States.

The convention was organised by the Department of Human Sciences of the University of Macerata and by the Department of Science of Cultural Heritage of the University of Tuscia, under the care of Laura Melosi and Paolo Procaccioli, with the collaboration of the Office for Culture of the Municipality of Loreto, then headed by M. Teresa Schiavoni. At the convention, 24 esteemed scholars of Italian Literature participated, with substan-tial contributions on the author of the celebrated Rag-guagli di Parnaso, of the posthumous Pietra del paragone politico and other renowned works. The reports were published in 2015 by Leo S. Olschki, editor, with contri-butions from the Marche Region and other institutions, still under the care of Melosi and Procaccioli.

The studies that comprise the volume focused on the figure, the thoughts, the language and the fortune of Boccalini, considered to be one of the brilliant and sharp authors of the 1600s. His works were international best sellers throughout the 1600s and a big part of the suc-ceeding century.

Now his works, with such contributions, subject-

ed to verification of the critic, are con-firmed true and proper political and literary dossier, ca-pable of continu-ously feeding a re-flection born from the meditation of the word of the past, particular-ly of Tacitus, and as such give life to a very special observatory, a Parnassus of new invention in which an Apollo-judge is in charge of reviewing au-thors, works, governments and politics.

The various contributions wanted to reconstruct the origin and the performance of Boccalini’s literary ex-perience and follow its development in his readers and followers.

The first of the writings published is “Traiano Boc-calini, la familia e la patria” (Traiano Boccalini, the fami-ly and the fatherland), with full references to the Loreto of his time, where he was born and lived for 22 years. In the Bilancia Politica, he wrote with pride: “Loreto my fatherland”.

AA.VV., Traiano Boccalini tra satira e politica, edited by Leo S. Olschki Editore, Viuzzo del Pozzetto, 8, - 50126 – Flor-ence (, pp. 480.

New Editorial

solidarity to be developed on the international level as a means to combat misery, hunger and every form of social illness.

He gave special attention to the orphaned children and the sick: Fra’ Bertie was in fact the one who fostered the Lourdes’ pilgrimages of the Order, inspired by a profound devotion to the Virgin Mary.

Fra’ Andrew lived personally and in concrete the great Gospel ideals embodying their high values in simple ev-eryday acts; many remember him in Lourdes while he accompanied the stretchers and the wheelchairs of the sick, or attentively serving the poor at tables in the peripheries of the cities. And it was true charity, not “philanthropic works, but a manifestation of his unity to the Love of God”. The loving imitation of Christ pushed him to be a neigh-bour to the poor like the Good Samaritan.

Animated by the same commitment, we saw him many times present also in the Shrine of Loreto at the head of the annual pilgrimages with the sick organised by the Order, always cordial with everyone and spiritually attract-ed by the Virgin of Nazareth.


dal Centro Giovanni Paolo



rto giovani

One of the goals of the Giovanni Paolo II Centre – “Be-hold your home”, shines

bright in the welcome and training of the youth “the accompa-niment and the shar-ing of lifestyle that

w o u l d help them acquire a sense of industry, respect and culture of creation... and offer experiences and activities of contact with nature, to re-discover and know the beauty of being guardians of creation and spread this culture”.

This is what we read in the now fa-mous “Document of intents for the reali-sation of the Pastoral Plan and the man-agement of the Giovanni Paolo II Centre”.

Nothing is by chance, not even the timely arrival of Pope Francis with his

latest encyclical “Laudato Si”. We can-not help but take this Encyclical into consideration in developing the item in our Document on ecology, Creation and education for the youth who from now onwards pass through our gates.

In fact, we would like coming to JPII Centre to also mean allowing oneself to be educated by the choices of the so-called “lifestyle”: in the food (kilometre zero, fair trade), in garbage (segrega-tion), in energy consumption (renew-able energy and low consuming LED light bulbs) and maybe also live mo-ments of formation and service strictly in contact with nature. Goals surely not attainable in the immediate future but goals, which are always in sight that, together with the community by my side in this experience, we have already started to pursue in small steps.

Allow me, finally – in this insert dedi-cated to ecology and Creation – of pre-senting to you our “faithful” friends who contributes to make this place more like “home” with their presence and everyday companionship:

Honestly, we also had a peacock and a rabbit, however, they decided to re-side somewhere else or made a pil-grimage to who knows where.

With all of you, according the spir-it of the poor of Assisi and with the exhortation of the Encyclical of Pope Francis, let us always sing in our lives our “Laudato Si” my Lord in all of your creation.

Don Paolo Volpe, Director






… decision tak-en: “ecumenical-ly unite herself

with Simba and his 10 new born puppies. Division does not exist here!!!

Tommy - the new entry - desolately meditates on a seri-ous and difficult decision to make…

EDITORIALFather Paolo VolPe, Director of centro Giovanni Paolo ii

to John Paul ll Center • Sept./Dec. 2015

Ecology and the Beatitudes“God has placed in the heart of every man and woman an

irrepressible desire for happiness, for fulfillment… The first chapters of the Book of Genesis show us the splendid “beat-itude” to which we are called. It consists in perfect commu-nion with God, with others, with nature, and with ourselves… However, when sin entered into human history the inner com-pass which had guided them in their quest for happiness lost its point of reference…”

Pope Francis addressed these words to the youth, inviting them to reflect on “Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God”. A few months after, in the introduction of the En-cyclical “Laudato Si”, he returned to the theme highlighting the consequences of sin: “The violence present in our hearts, wounded by sin, is also reflected in the symptoms of sickness evident in the soil, in the water, in the air and in all forms of life”; a real “conversion” is needed “so as to consider not only its symptoms” but rediscover “in the harmony of creation the lan-guage of God’s love” who has predisposed his creatures to a “universal communion” making them all tightly connected to each other.

The original plan of God, harmony, beatitude are also an-alyzed in the message to the youth; the most interesting as-pect in the discussion of “Blessed are the pure in heart” and its proper relationship, the “human ecology” that is a condition for the beatitude, a condition for happiness.

“In what, then, does the happiness born of a pure heart con-sist? From Jesus’ list of the evils which make someone impure, we see that the question has to do above all with the area of our re-lationships. Each one of us must learn to discern what can ‘de-file’ his or her heart and to form his or her conscience rightly and sensibly, so as to be capable of ‘discerning the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect’.

We need to show a healthy concern for creation, for the purity of our air, water and food, but how much more do we need to pro-tect the purity of what is most precious of all: our heart and our re-lationships. This ‘human ecology’ will help us to breathe the pure air that comes from beauty, from true love, and from holiness”.

If to build a common home, everyone is asked to have a deep change of heart, a true conversion, the youth are en-couraged to give their unique contribution useful for their personal growth, but also as a warning to the adult society.

Pope Francis asks the youth “to be young people” to discov-ery, in their exuberance and desire for change, their capacity and their task of hope and renewal.

“I ask you, instead, to be revolutionaries, I ask you to swim against the tide; yes, I am asking you to rebel against this culture that sees everything as temporary and that ultimately believes you are incapable of responsibility, that believes you are incapa-ble of true love. I have confidence in you and I pray for you.

Have the courage to ‘swim against the tide’. And also have the courage to be happy”.

WITH THE YOUTH, LET US PRAYLord, help us to be truly poor, not searching for our glory,

and living in simplicity.Lord, help us to be meek, mild and non violent in our way of

living and to actively promote nonviolence.Lord, allow us to be saddened by the sight of evil on earth and that we work to alleviate this evil with our sincere solici-

tude for the suffering and the oppressed.Lord, help us to be merciful, with our active compassion to-wards those who are victims of violence and war: the refugees

and the displaced persons.Lord, help us to be builders of peace, as mediators and in-struments of peace, between persons, nations, religion and

culture.Lord, help us to be just, to do everything in our power to pro-mote just relations with God, with all people, and with the rest

of Creation.

to John Paul ll Center • Sept./Dec. 2015

The photo-biographical exhibit on tour, on display in Giovanni Paolo II Youth Centre from July to August, is an invi-tation to discover the love Blessed Pier Giorgio Frassati (Turin, 1901-1925) had for our Lord and for his neighbour. With means and expressions that, although of times past, elicit longing for the Infinite which awaits the human spirit. Pier Giorgio was the son of Alfredo Frassati, founder of the liberal newspaper “La Stampa” and of Adelaide Amentis, painter. Pier Giorgio was “of pure and open spirit, nicknamed ‘Roberspierre’ by his friends with whom he founded the ‘Society of Shady Characters’, […] he was the friend of the poor in which he recognised Christ”.

The pillars of his life were daily Eucharist and commenda-tion to the Blessed Virgin Mary. His dream was to be a mining engineer “to be able to also serve Christ more among the min-ers”. He was enthusiastic about mountaineering, active in the FUCI and in the Catholic Youth, went to theatre, to the opera, visited museums, loved painting and music.

During the visit to the Holy Shroud in Turin on 21 June 2015, Pope Francis paused in prayer in front of the altar, inside the Ca-thedral of Turin, where the body of Blessed Pier Giorgio is laid

to rest. His remains will be brought to Krakow next summer for the World Youth Day, to the places dear to St. John Paul II.

“Don’t grow old fast. Swim against the tide, be creative, bring something to others, be at their service, especially the poor.” This is how our Pope addressed the youth, following the fa-mous words of Blessed Pier Giorgio “Live, not just get along!”

“And the laity of today, especially the youth searching for a meaning in life, will find a role model to emulate in this strong, sport-ive, lively handsome young man, who united political activity with commitment for social justice; who lived his short life to the full.”

Love is mainly in work rather than in words, and Love knows how to communicate.

The intention of the curators, Prof. Gianfranco De Caro-lis and his wife Silvia Daniello, is to promote throughout It-aly the example and witness of a Christian life inspired by the Gospel values. Anyone wishing to share such initiatives and help promote it can contact the following number: 340 1441285.

Gianfranco e Silvia De Carolis, Chiara Belardinelli

The greatest love of Blessed

Pier Giorgio Frassati

Prayer and Formation

Mondays to Fridays8,00 am Lauds7,00 pm Mass7,30 pm Vespers

Fridays7,30 pm Adoration and Vespers

Saturdays8,00 am Mass and Lauds

Sundays11,00 am Mass

1st Tuesdays 9,15 pmEucharistic adoration for vocations

2nd and 4th Fridays of the month 9,15 pmLectio divina on the Gospel of Luca

3rd Tuesdays of the month 9,15 pmMarian Prayers

to John Paul ll Center • Sept./Dec. 2015

They were with us…

Kairos Community (Bari)

Youth Group (Mantova)

Caritas Camp (Treia)

Scouts, Naples 2Pastoral Youth Group of Perugia, pil-

grimage on foot from Perugia to L


Parish of St. Gala (Rome)



Would you like to contact us?

Would you like to contact other young people through this magazi-

ne? If so, contact us:

Don Paolo [email protected]

John Paul II CenterVia Montorso n.3 - 60025 Loreto (AN)tel. 071.7501552 [email protected]

For more informationvisit the NEW WEBSITE

Centro Giovanni Paolo II – Loreto

to John Paul ll Center • Sept./Dec. 2015

Your visit last July was the first to Loreto. Is there something in particular about the Shrine of the Holy House that struck you? What is the most significant memory that you brought with you returning to Rome?

The visit to Loreto, which I did not know anything about before, was for me a positive surprise. I was very im-pressed by the magnificence of the Shrine for its architecture, décor, and also for its spirituality. Lore-to recalls the incarnation of God and thus points to a central aspect of the Christian faith.

The international Shrine of Loreto is at the same time a place of strong spiritu-al and theological significance and contains a huge artistic and architectural heri-tage. John Paul II in 1995, addressing 400,000 young people gathered in Loreto and thinking of the Holy House, told them: “Behold your home”. In your opinion, hav-ing served as Minister for Education in a German Federal government, can Loreto have a particular role in the education and formation of the youth of Europe and of the whole world?

Places like Loreto offer a message to those who are searching for meaning and direction in their life. A search that touches the youth above all. Shrines invite to start a journey. They show a sure destination. In the case of Loreto, it is the incarnation of God, who wanted to be closer to humanity in this way. This message has always been important and has a par-ticular value for the formation of the youth.

Generally speaking, keeping in mind our Europe, what is the role that the different religious confessions and the Catholic Church in particular should or could have in order to build a Europe more just and more united?

Faith in the incarnation of God unites all Christian religious confes-sions. It is an ecumenical bond. Guided by the spirit of ecumenism, all confessions should offer a Christian witnessing, and characteris-tic of this witnessing is particularly in solidarity. The current ref-ugee crisis is an enormous challenge to the credibility of Chris-tians in Europe.

Annette SchawanAmbassador of the German Federal Republic to the Holy House

Interview with


vito punzi - press office, shrine of Loreto

Loreto interview

Federico Zuccari, Visitation, Loreto, Chapel of the Dukes of Urbino.

The Visitation of Federico Zuccari (2)

“And how does this happen to me, that the mother of my Lord should come to me?”

On the left wall of the Chapel of the Dukes of Urbino, one admires a Visitation painted by Federico Zuccari of Sant’Angelo in Vado (Duchy of Urbino) in 1583, as indicated in the fresco itself, the date together with the signature, almost at the centre: Federicus Zuccheri faciebat MDLXXXIII.

The scene is part of a series of Marian paintings that includes also the Wedding, painted on the op-posite wall, the Transitus of Mary, the Annunciation and the Coronation, frescoed around.

The artist sets the episode of the Visitation in a monumental space, close to two columns with Doric capitals, topped by an unadorned beam. Beyond, on the background, are a church and some fortresses that suggest, accord-ing to Nanni Monelli, the Shrine of Loreto. It is thus a setting of the event in Loreto, as was the archaic habit of art-ists of the past centuries. They loved inserting tasteful architectural elements of their time in the depiction of Biblical episodes. This is confirmed by the flooring on the scene with white and red tiles, a scene that will be reprised some years after with some variations in the flooring of the Pomarancio Hall.

At the centre of the scene, Elizabeth is seen descending the steps to meet Mary, grasping her right hand with two hands. She seems to be telling her: “And how does this happen to me, that the mother of my Lord should come to me?” (Lk. 1:43). The Virgin places her left hand on her womb as if indicating the incipient but evident signs of her

divine motherhood.The scene is animated by other figures. On the

right side one can see Zachariah raising his hat with his right hand in a gesture of reverent greetings to the guest. Underneath his arm, a head of old man appears, with a beard, leaning forward trying to see what is happening; while behind Zachariah are two persons standing on a riser. Of extraordinary grace is the puppy that, on the side, goes down the steps and seems to go near the two women with tail wagging.

On the opposite side is St. Joseph, depicted as an old man, holding with his right hand the bridle of a donkey. Only the head of the donkey is visible, bent to the ground, tired due to the long journey. Beside him is a figure of a woman standing with a basket on her head, full of good things. Almost in symmetry with the figures of the other column, a head of a woman appears behind the Virgin, and half figures of a young man and a child, both facing the central scene.

Zuccari organised the scene well, according to the standards of classical composition. With skilful cor-respondences between the architectural elements and the human figures, even in the two animals, facing each other. The scene is airy and relaxing, with lovely touches of familial intimacy, highlighted by the cute puppy alongside his mistress.


Fr. Giuseppe santarelli the infancy Gospels in Loreto's art


Fr. Giuseppe santarelli

In the afternoon of 6 August, Feast of the Transfiguration of Our Lord, the new site for the new Penitentiary, placed in a few rooms of the northern wing of the Apostolic Palace, was inaugurated. Archbishop Giovanni Tonucci presided over the ceremony in the presence of the Capuchin confessors of the Shrine and some of the faithful. It is thus opportune to quickly recall the history of confessions in the Shrine of Loreto and illustrate

the new environment designated for them.

The confessions in Loreto yesterdayThose in charge of Loreto Shrine, since times long past, had provided for the administration of the Sacrament of

Penance, first through the chaplains of the Church and later, beginning in the XV century, with priests of some re-ligious order.

During the construction of the current Basilica that began in 1469, twelve apses were planned, which unfolds

The new Penitentiary in the Shrine of Loreto

File photo of the 1970s: three confessionals of 1727 with Capuchin penitentiaries.


Archbishop Giovanni Tonucci blesses the site of the new Penitentiary on 6 August. Beside him, the Rector of the Shrine Fr. Franco Carollo. Photo Casali.

around like petals of a rose, where-in, through time, confessionals where placed in an area isolated from the presbytery and the three naves, where the liturgical celebrations were held. The dimension of the marble Encase-ment that encloses the Holy House acted as a screen between the two sec-tions, supporting both acoustic and vi-sual isolation.

In 1448, the Carmelites were called for service to the Shrine. Thirty of them came but they remained only for ten years, mainly because of the climate that was then unhealthy.

The presence of the Jesuits is an important part of the history of the Shrine. Upon the request of the Cardi-nal Protector Pio da Capri, their founder Saint Ignati-us of Loyola sent them, commencing from 24 Novem-ber 1554. Their principal task, aside from catechism and preaching, was to hear confessions, requested by pil-grims who came from all over Europe. Because of this, they were chosen from different nationalities and lan-guages: Italian, Spanish, German, French and Flemish. Successively, the Society of Jesuit Confessors expanded and worked diligently until 1773, when their Order was suppressed and they were forced to leave Loreto.

During their sojourn at the Shrine of the Holy House – specifically in 1727 – 18 wooden confessionals were made, elaborately designed, placed mainly in the apse area of the Basilica. Many of these confessionals are still in place.

Here we can quote two Swedish gentlemen who, during their trip to Loreto, wrote down in detail: “The church is filled of confessionals with Jesuit confessors; each one corresponding a different language and a sign on each confessional indicating the language to the co-nationals. The confessors worked all morning and each has in front of his door a big black rod or stick with which they hit the penitents’ head”.

On 3 December 1726, Benedict XIII, acting upon the request presented by the Jesuit confessors, granted 100 days of indulgence in favour of the penitent touched by the rod and similarly for the confessor who did the act by opening the door of the confessional. The use of the rod was practiced in the Roman Basilicas, especially in St. Peter’s. Paul VI suppressed it in Rome in 1967, while in Loreto it was already stopped in 1934 by the Pontifical

Administrator Mons. Francesco Borgongini Duca.The Conventual Friars Minors were called to replace

the Jesuits as confessors of Loreto, who were recognised for the confessions in the Basilica of St. Francis in Assisi. They arrived in Loreto on 20 September 1773. Their task was exclusively to hear the confessions of pilgrims to the Holy House. For this they constituted the “College of Penitentiaries”, whose number varied in time. They performed their ministry praiseworthily. Two of them, both Spaniards, were martyred in 1936 during the civ-il war in Spain. John Paul II beatified them on 11 March 2001, together with other numerous priests and reli-gious. They are Blessed Dionisio Vicente, confessor in Loreto from 1905 to 1912, and Blessed Alfonso López, also a confessor in Loreto from 1912 to 1915. Thus, the countless penitentiaries of the Shrine also boast of two priests elevated to the altars.

The confessions today.With the Pontifical document of 24 September 1934,

Pius XI entrusted the pastoral care of the Shrine, under the different forms, including the Penitentiary, to the Or-der of Friars Minor Capuchins, who replaced the Con-ventuals as confessors. A role they still fulfil, with the availability of numerous priests of the Order, coming from other countries for the various languages, more needed now with the phenomenon of globalisation.

The Capuchin confessors are accessible to the faithful every day, in shift, morning and afternoon, with a specif-ic timetable for feast days and ferial days, in winter and in summer.

It is a known religious phenomenon that the faith-


Archbishop Giovanni Tonucci, on 6 August blesses the new confessionals.

ful goes to shrines for confessions, given that in their own parishes, because of the scarcity of priests – some-times also for questionable pastoral choices – they do not have the possibility to go for confession. For this rea-son the number of penitents, also in Loreto, are consid-erable. It is not possible to establish the number of peni-tents in Loreto. Here we can mention a unique case. The deceased confessor Fr. Salvatore De Luca, who died on 17 November 2012, used to register the number of dai-ly penitents who come to him. From his notes, it shows that during the twelve years of stay in Loreto, he heard the confession of more than 170,000 souls!

The Pontifical Delegation of Loreto, with the patron-age of the Apostolic Penitentiary, promoted also, in January, an Annual Symposium for the Penitentiaries, obligatory for the Capuchins in service of the Shrine and open to all priests. The Symposium, organised and led by Prof. Manlio Sodi, President of the Pontifical Acade-my of Theology, tackles current relevant topics.

The Capuchin penitentiaries, on their part, from time to time invite Moral Theology professors to deepen themes of various genres, inherent in their ministry. To be updated in the matter is an obligation.

The new confessionalsIn September 2014, work started for the

organisation of eight rooms of the Apostol-ic Palace, situated near the sixth arch of the long side, to the north, designed to host the new Penitentiary of the Shrine, which as mentioned earlier was inaugurated on 6 Au-gust of this year. The project, conceived and pursued with zeal by Archbishop Giovanni Tonucci, intends to offer an adequate space for hearing confessions, outside the sacred ambiance of the Basilica, in a climate of great isolation, relative to the liturgical functions that is done therein, and of more privacy.

At the same time, 18 new confessionals, air-conditioned and soundproofed, were built wherein the confessors and the pen-itents can find a comfortable and suitable place for the administration of the sacra-ment. The confessionals were made by Ditta Schiavone of Campi Salentina (Lecce).

The pastoral sensibility of the presider intends to ensure that the portico and the piazza in front become a place of silence and not of chatter – as often there is – in order to foster an ambiance of recollection and in or-der to gather there the penitents, in cases of great influx, that could not find a seat inside the chapels.

Based on guidelines of the Code of Canon

Law, “The proper place to hear sacramental confessions is a church or oratory” (c. 964 § 1).

Even if the eight rooms, being independent from each other, could not be configured materially as a true and proper oratory – which presupposes a hall where “all sa-cred celebrations can be performed”, including the Eu-charistic celebration, as prescribed by the Code (c. 1225) – however, they are ideal because the whole place has been designated as Penitentiary and are interconnected.

The initial discomfort of the pilgrims, used to confess-ing within the apses of the Basilica, will be compensat-ed by a place more welcoming. In fact, the new Peniten-tiary is structured in four sections with two rooms each, one designated for waiting with proper pews and the other, furnished with confessionals, designed for the ad-ministration of the sacrament. There are four separate entrances to the respective sections of the Penitentiary, provided with timetables for the confessions. Two post-ers, placed on top, under the arches of the Palace, with the word “Confessioni”, indicate and mark the sacred space reserved for the Penitentiary.

The Shrine of Loreto thus continues, like in the past, with renewed pastoral sensibility, to be a privileged “clinic of the spirit”.

in the Loreto in the World

On the initiative of our zealous Daniela Rosati, known television personality, on 30 July in Vadstena (Sweden) a statue of the Virgin of Loreto was placed – perhaps for the first time

in history – in a Lutheran Chapel of Pilgrim Centrum. It was transferred there from the Church of St. Brigit devot-edly in procession. The statue is scheduled to be brought back to the grandiose Church of St. Brigit – which became Lutheran after the Protestant Reformation – on 10 Decem-ber for four days to celebrate the feast, with the presence of Pastor Torbjon.

During the ceremony on 30 July, in a climate of sincere ecumenism, the Parish Priest of the Basilica of the Holy Apostles of Rome was also present.

An image of the Virgin of Loreto in the Airport of Rimini

The Virgin of Loreto in a Lutheran Chapel

in Sweden

On 10 July, an image of the Virgin of Loreto, Patroness of Aviation, was placed in an area in front of the Military Airport of Rimini.

In order to achieve the statue, an internation-al contest entitled “The Virgin of Loreto and the Aerial Section of the Guardia di Finanza of Rimini” was launched. It was won two years ago by Simone Subissati and Cristian Merisio. The image of the Lauretean Virgin, with the traditional dalmatic, is designed as an original work of art.


An extraordinary Loreto-Marian pilgrimage in the Diocese of Warsaw

There are many signs of Loreto-Marian veneration in Warsaw. One of the first and oldest churches is located in the area of Pradze, where the Chapel with the statue is still maintained.

Today, the main centre of Loreto-Marian devotion is in a church built in 1971 and dedicated to Our Lady of the Holy House in Lo-retto, on the initiative of the Lauretean Sisters, founded by Blessed Ignazio Klopotowski.

On 3 May 1999, the Church was declared a Shrine by the competent ecclesiastical authorities. On 17 September 2008, Cardinal Josef Glemp, Archbishop and Cardinal of Warsaw solemnly crowned the beautiful stat-ue of Our Lady of Loreto in the presence of ecclesiastical, religious and civ-il authorities. Today, it is a Shrine that is frequently visited by the faithful.

Recently, a 410 page book with thousands of coloured photos was pub-lished, illustrating an extraordinary pilgrimage of the beautiful wood-en statue with dalmatic of the Virgin of Loreto, displayed and venerated, in numerous areas of the Diocese of Warsaw from January to November 2013. The statue visited 180 parishes and churches, always welcomed by numerous faithful with varied and, sometimes, touching expressions of devotion towards the Virgin of Loreto.

The work, in Polish, is entitled: “Hail, Star of the Morning of our Faith. Pilgrimage of the Mother of God of Loreto”, edited by the Lauretean Sisters of Warsaw (see photo of the cover on the side).

On the 9th and 10th of September 1995, within the celebration of the Lauretean VII Centena-ry, the famous encounter of EurHope was held in Loreto. It brought together circa four hun-

dred thousand youth of Europe, with the participation of John Paul II who met them in the valley of Montorso. The epic event was commemorated in Loreto on the evening of 9 September. Some organisers of the famous encounter were reunited in Paul VI Hall: Mons. Sigalini, now Bish-op of Palestrina, Mons. Renato Boccardo, now Bishop of Spoleto-Norcia, Mons. Giuseppe Pellegrini, now Bishop of Concordia-Pordenone, Marcello Bedeschi, Massimo Orselli, Roberto Oreficini, Marino Cesaroni, and many others. The Polish priest, Father Gregorio Suchodolski also came. He participated in EurHope as a young priest. Now, he is one of the organisers of the upcoming World Youth Day in Krakow (2016). Some personalities who attended the event, among others, were Archbishop Giovanni Tonucci, the Bishop of Fabriano Giancarlo Vecerrica and the Mayor of Loreto Paolo Niccoletti. After a torchlight procession, they proceeded with the Vigil in the Holy House. Photo Longarini.

Twenty Years of EurHope celebrated


Within the framework of the 11th edition of the Festival of Chamber Music “Harmonies of

the Evening”, directed by Marco Solli-ni and held from 10 July until 15 Au-gust in chosen centres of the Marche Region, one of the fourteen spectacles was held in the Sala del Tesoro of the Loreto Shrine; with the participation of Claudia Koll, narrator, and pianist Alessandro Marangoni, with music of M. Castelnuovo Tedesco, from the compilation “Evangèlion”, that is, the “Story of Jesus narrated to children”.

Photo caption: In the photo: Clau-dia Koll. Photo Casali.

The Cappella Musicale of the Holy House joined the contest “Slovakia Folk”, held in Bratislava from the 2nd until the 5th of July. The group

was composed of twelve singers (3 per sec-tion), plus the Head Director Father Giuliano Viabile and the organist, Mauro Buscarini. Choirs from Slovakia, Czech Republic, Hun-gary, South Africa and Italy, participated in the Festival.

The polyphonic Group of Loreto, placed in the category “Open Choice Repertoire”, per-formed sacred hymns that span from the five hundreds until the present, mindful of their capabilities. The Committee profusely con-gratulated the singers and the Director for the high quality exhibited in the execution and interpretation of the Renaissance music. The Festival awarded three types of certificates: gold, silver and bronze categories. The Cappel-la Musicale of the Holy House was awarded second place of the gold category. A great success for the singers of Lo-reto who participated for the first time in an international contest, comparing themselves with other vocal ensem-bles that base their activities exclusively to concerts and competitions. In the photo: the Cappella Musicale of the Holy House in Bratislava.

The Cappella Musicale of the Holy House dressed in gold

Claudia Koll in Loreto for the Festival of Chamber Music


During the months of July and August, numerous pilgrims registered either in groups or individuals, travelled by foot a part of the ancient Via Lauretana, the

stretch from Assisi to Loreto, employing a week or so to complete. Each of them received the Testimonium from the Universal Congregation of the Holy House. They are reported here below.

On 24 July, it was the group of 37 pilgrims from four parishes of Savigliano. At the end of July, a group of 80 pilgrims of the Catholic Action of the Diocese of Orvie-to and Todi were welcomed by Mayor Paolo Nicoletti, who presented to them the Testimonium. On 1 August, 19 persons from various places arrived in Loreto. The fol-lowing 8 August, 6 pilgrims arrived also from various places, and then 12 pilgrims from Verona. The biggest group was the one organised by the Diocese of Perugia and led by their Auxiliary Bishop Mons. Paolo Giulietti,

with 130 youth participating. They were welcomed on 12 August in the Piazza della Madonna by Archbishop Giovanni Tonucci, who presented to everyone the Tes-timonium. A smaller group of 13 youth and two other persons arrived on 13 August. They were all from Trev-iso. On 26 August, a numerous group from the Oratory “Centro Giovanile Salesiano” of Brindisi was welcomed in Loreto and, the following day, another group of 12 pil-grims of Rozzano and Opera (Milan). There were also many individual “walkers” of the faith who are not mentioned here.

Archbishop Giovanni Tonucci greets at the Piazza della Madonna the youth of the Diocese of Perugia who made the Pilgrimage by foot from Assisi to Loreto. Photo Stefanelli.

Numerous pilgrims walked the ancient Via Lauretana


Exhibit of some lauretean Madonnas of Nicole Gabbucci Wagenbach in Ancona

Exhibit of Gianriccardo Piccoli on “Meditations of Lotto”

On 28 May, in the halls of the Diocesan Museum of Ancona, by the Cathedral of San Ciriaco, an important Exhibit of the paintings of the fine Ita-lo-French artist Nicole Gabbucci Wagenbach was

inaugurated. The Exhibit was entitled “Madonnas and roses” and there were various depictions of the Virgin of Loreto and the Translocation of the Holy House, interpreted with distinct creativity, delicate touch and fine decorative taste that char-acterised the artist who dedicated many of her works on the subject of Loreto.

Cardinal Edoardo Mechinelli was present at the inaugura-tion of the Exhibit, as shown on the photo together with the artist and, beside him, the Director of Culture of the Munici-pality of Ancona, Paolo Marasca, in front of one paintings of the Virgin of Loreto. The Exhibit was open until 2 August.

In the Sala degli Svizzeri of the Museo-Antico Tesoro, an Exhibit entitled: “Ultimo studio – Meditazioni sul Lotto” by the artist Gianriccardo Piccoli, was inau-gurated on 4 July. Lorenzo Lotto lived the last days

of his life in Loreto, as an oblate of the Virgin, far from the big centres, almost in mystic isolation. Piccoli presents the question: “What thoughts, what aspirations could have come to Lotto’s mind and heart in the last days of his life?”

This is the theme he developed in eight great paintings and some sketches. His first point of reference is Lotto’s last work, the Presentation at the Temple, kept in Loreto. Archbishop Giovanni Tonucci, on the “Presentation” of the Catalogue of the Exhibit, wrote that the artist “dedi-cates himself to rework the broad planes of colour of the background and tries to capture the spirit of the Venetian artist exactly in that part of the painting that may seem less interesting, because it lacks personalities and movement”. The other point of reference chosen by Piccoli is his dialogue with Lotto through his renowned Libro di spese diverse, kept in the Historical Archives of the Loreto Shrine. He transforms the written words into images of objects related to the everyday life of Lotto.

At the inauguration of the Exhibit, the artists himself was present, explaining the significant of the work. Oth-er speakers were Corrado Mariotti, President of the Banca Populare di Ancona, which, with the same name Banca di Bergamo, financed the publication of the Catalogue, and Giuseppe Frangi, Curator of the same. Vito Punzi, Curator of the Museo-Antico Tesoro acted as Moderator of the event. During the inauguration, together with other author-ities, there was also Archbishop Tonucci. The Exhibit closed on 16th August, when it was transferred to the Palazzo della Ragione of Bergamo.

In the photo, from left to right: Andrea Moltrasio of the UBI Banca, Archbishop Giovanni Tonucci, the artist Gi-anriccardo Piccoli and, with the face barely visible, the renowned art critic Armando Ginesi, in front of some Exhib-it paintings. Photo Stefanelli.


Ukrainian Architects in visit to the Shrine

Pilgrimage of an Orthodox Parish of Milan

Among the many Orthodox pilgrims to Loreto, coming from East European countries and other parts, we eagerly acknowl-edge the pilgrims from the Parish of S. Ambrogio in Milan, fulfilled from 22 to 23 May, on the tenth anniversary of the

parish. As customary, on the evening of the 22nd, the group paused in prayer in front of the Basilica (the “serale”) and the next day they partici-pated in the Mass celebrated by their parish priest in the Orthodox Rite at the Crypt of San Giuseppe Benedetto Labre.

On 19 June, twenty-six Ukrainians professors and students of the “Architectural School” of Odessa (UA), studying architecture in It-

aly, came to visit Loreto, admiring its architec-tural beauty. Tatiana Mihova, Director, in a mes-sage described Loreto as a “wonderful city”.

Annette Schawan, German Ambassador to the Holy See, visited the Shrine of Loreto last 7 July. She was welcomed by Archbishop Giovanni Tonucci, who gave her a copy of the authoritative book that illus-

trates the German Chapel. Later, accompanied by the Archbishop and guided by Fr. Giuseppe Santarelli, she visited the marble En-casement of the Holy House, lingering silently inside, and the Ger-man Chapel, admiring the splendid series of frescoes of her coun-tryman Ludovico Seitz. Then, with Vito Punzi as guide, she visited the Museo-Antico Tesoro, where she had a chance to linger in front of the Exhibit “Latest Study” of Giancarlo Piccoli. In the photo: The Ambassador Annette Schawan, inside the Basilica, with Archbish-op Tonucci and Fr. Santarelli. Photo Stefanelli.

The German Ambassador to the Holy See visits Loreto


1) Devotion to Our Lady of Loreto $ 0,80 £ 1,00 1,00 (Prayer Booklet - Available in English, Italian, French, German, Spanish, Polish and Portuguese) *2) Loreto, in Art and History $ 7,00 £ 4,50 5,00 (English, German, French, Spanish, Portuguese and Italian) *3) Loreto - The shrine of the Holy House Spiritual Guide $ 1,50 £ 1,00 1,00 (English, German, French, Spanish, Italian, etc…) *4) «La Santa Casa di Loreto, Tradizione e Ipotesi» size $ 18,00 £ 10,00 12,00 (Italian ed. only) *5) Loreto - History and Art $ 15,00 £ 9,00 10,00 (English, German, French, Portuguese, Spanish and Italian). Big size6) Illustrated History of the Holy House (English and Italian) $ 4,50 £ 2,60 3,00

OTHERMinimum offering perRelic Prayer Card of Our Lady of Loreto $ 0,70 £ 0,50 0,50Holy Oil - minimum offering per bottle $ 1,50 £ 1,00 1,00

PARCHMENTS1) Angelus $ 1,50 £ 1,00 1,002) Magnificat $ 1,50 £ 1,00 1,00 (Canticle of the Blessed Virgin Mary)3) Come Holy Spirit (Pentecost Sequence) $ 1,50 £ 1,00 1,00

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• Remember Our Lady’s requests at Fatima: Prayer, Penance, the Rosary, Consecration to her Immaculate Heart. Therefore, consecrate yourself, your family to Her and renew your act of consecra-tion often.• Ask for your parchment of Consecration from Our Lady’s home through the Univer sal Congregation of the Holy House - 60025 LORETO (AN), Italy.• Blessed in the Holy House before being sent, it is a personal document of Consecra tion to Our Lady from Her home.• The said Consecration or/and request for Perpetual enrollment are two separate re quests and the offering for Consecration is equivalent to that of Perpetual enrollment.

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Those who desire to collaborate more towards the Aims of the Universal Congre gation of the Holy House and the Marian Apostolate of Loreto can ask to become mem bers of the “Friends of the Holy Family” - Promoters of the Holy House.


• Those who spread devotion everywhere to Our Lady of Loreto and the Holy Family, as also to the place where they dwelt… the Holy House of Nazareth at Loreto.• Active members, who love the Holy Fami ly, Our Lady, and spread that love by their zealous efforts, by their Marian voice and prayer life.• If you feel called to give witness to your love in action, to get more involved as a true Christian, then ask for your Promoter membership card, which will be sent to you accordingly through the Universal Congre gation.


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ORIGIN. The Universal Congregation of the Holy House was officially established in 1883 by Monsignor Thomas Gallucci of Loreto, in collaboration with Fr. Pietro da Malaga, o.f.m., Cap., blessed and enriched with indulgences by the Sovereign Pontiffs Leo XIII and Pius X.AIMS. 1) To spread devotion to the mystery of the Incarnation, to Our Lady and to the Holy Family. And venera-tion for the Holy House, where the great events of the Annunciation and of the Incarnation took place.2) To contribute and to decorate by wills and offerings towards the Shrine and its works.3) To celebrate solemny the Marian feasts, in particular: The Immaculate Conception, the memory of the Translation (December 10th, feast of Our Lady of Loreto), and the month of May.4) To recall to the faithful the solemnity of the Annunciation of Our Lord (March 25th).ENROLLMENT. It is extended to all the devotees of Our Lady of Loreto, who wish to spread the venerated title and to cooperate in the carrying out of the Institutional aims of the Sanctuary and to share in the spiritual benefits granted to those enrolled. Enrollment is particulary recommended to the members of the great family of Aviation since Our Lady of Loreto is its Patroness (Apostolic letter of Benedict V, 24th March 1920); and to those who want to consecrate their families to the Holy Family.SPIRITUAL FAVOURS. 1) A plenary indulgence on the day of enrollment and on December 10th, under the usual conditions of receiving worthily the holy sacraments of Penance and Holy Communion and to pray for the intentions of the Holy Father and of the Universal Church.2) Participation in the merits of the Mass which is celebrated daily in the Holy House for the members living and decease.3) Participation in the prayers said in the Holy House and in the Order of the Friars Minor Capuchin.

TO ENROLL - Individual membership: offering of US $ 15,00 - £ 9,00 - 10,00.Family membership: offering of US $ 25,00 - £ 14,00 - 16,00To become part of the spiritual family it is sufficient to send the name (individual or family name). The Living and the Deceased may be enrolled. It is heartily recom-mended to recite the Angelus three times daily and to honour Our Lady by the frequent recitation of the Rosary and the Litany of Our Lady.

LORETO: Useful Information• LORETO: 127 metres above sea level; about 18 miles south of ANCONA; two miles from the sea of PORTO RECANATI; a city of about 10,600 inhabitants; Province of ANCONA in the Marches region - Centre of Italy.• TRAVELLERS BY CAR: Take the Adriatic High way or Bo logna Canosa «autostrada», toll road 14; coming from Rome, via Ancona, it is about a 5 hours’ ride.• TRAVELLERS BY TRAIN OR BUS: A round-trip from ROME-LORETO-ROME (via Ancona by train), comes to about $ 35.00 (about a 4 hours’ ride); from ANCONA-AIRPORT there is a bus to ANCONA-Railway station available; then, from ANCONA, the bus to LORETO usual-ly makes a stop first at CASTELFIDARDO and arrives directly at LORETO’s City (a 50 minutes’ ride), proceeding onwards to RECANATI (comes to about $ 4.00). If instead a train is taken (a 20 minutes’ ride), you arrive at LORETO’s Railway station (about one mile from LORETO’s City) where there is a bus available otherwise by taxi.• CITY OF FAITH AND ART - What to see: The highlight of LORETO is the home of the Holy Family - The Holy House or «SANTA CASA», situated inside the Shrine’s Basilica (centre) and in Loreto since 1294. It is surround-ed by a marble casing and is a design by Bramante; also: the Treasury or Po marancio Hall; the Apostolic Palace (Palazzo Apo sto lico), which has a collection of ceramics

and famous paintings and is the former papal apartment (Loreto is under the administration of the Holy See); the Polish cemetery around the corner to the Shrine (the «Scala Santa»); SIDETRIPS to nearby cities: OSIMO - Shrine of St Joseph of Cu pertino; TOLENTINO - Shrine of St Nicholas of Tolentino; RECANATI - Home of the famous poet, Leopardi; the REPUBLIC OF SAN MARINO; the Grottos of FRASASSI, etc.• WHILE IN LORETO: The Basilica of the Shrine opens daily at 6.00 a.m. and closes at 7.00 p.m. (8.00 p.m. during the summer). The Holy House closes at 12.30 p.m. and re-opens at 2.30 p.m. (it remains open during the pilgrimag-es of the sick - from May to October); Scheduled Masses are celebrated daily from 6.00 a.m. - 11.00 a.m. (every hour and every half hour during the summer months).• FOR GROUP/INDIVIDUAL PILGRIMAGES TO LORETO: it is advisable to stay at least one night, at one of the many religious pensions or hotels of the City and reservations should be made in advance so as to be assured of a place, so as to enjoy a more fruitful and pleasant stay and for the utmost assistance possible. Guides for the Shrine are also available in the various languages upon request.• PLAN AHEAD WRITE TO: Universal Congrega tion of the Holy House - 60025 LORETO (Ancona, ITALY) - Tel. 071.970104, Fax 071.9747176.

Universal Congregation of the Holy House of Loreto

Universal Congregation of the Holy House - 60025 LORETO (Ancona, ITALY)Web site: E-mail: [email protected] [email protected]