supp icebreakers

 Badge Supplement  Adul t Enrichment Project Icebreaker S ampler  The following pages contain icebreakers that can be used with kids or adults. Do not feel you need to use these icebreakers as they are stated. You may nd that they need to be adapted because of:  Age of participants  • Size of group  • Area available for play  • Theme to go with your event  * T o include / remove props Icebreakers for Adults Icebreakers for Kids

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  Badge Supplement

 Adult Enrichment Project

Icebreaker Sampler 

The following pages contain icebreakers that can be used with kids or adults.

Do not feel you need to use these icebreakers as they are stated. You may find that they

need to be adapted because of:

  • Age of participants

  • Size of group

  • Area available for play

  • Theme to go with your event  * To include / remove props

Icebreakersfor Adults

Icebreakersfor Kids

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ABCs of Me


Sheet of paper (one per person)

Pencil (one per person)


Write your name, from top to bottom, onthe left edge of your paper.

For each letter, choose a word that de-

scribes something about you.



Sheet of paper (one per person)

Pencil (one per person)


List your three most recent accomplish-

ments. They can be personal, volunteer or


Am I Famous?



Index card with name of famous person

(one per person)


As each participant arrives, tape a 3” x 5”

index card on their back with the name of

a famous person. Make sure the famous

person is age appropriate.

Each person must circulate in the room

and ask questions that can be answered

with either a Yes or No. These questions

will help them figure out the name of the

person on their index card.


 • Paris Hilton

 • Lady Gaga

 • Miley Cyrus

 • Santa Claus

 • Tooth Fairy

 • John Wayne

 • Doctor Who

Animal Noises


Notecards (one per person)


Write the names of animals on note cards.

Do at least two of each animal, but youmay want more depending on the size of


subgroup you want to create. For example,

if you want subgroups of five people each,

you’ll need five note cards with the same

animal on them.

Distribute one card to each participant.

Explain there are some duplicates.

Tell participants they must identify their

group members (subgroups) within the

room purely by making the noise that theywould associate with “their” animal. There

should be no talking at this stage, only ani-

mal noises, until all subgroups are formed.

Around the World




One adult starts by saying the name of anygeographical item that can be found on an

atlas. This includes the name of a country,

city, river, sea, ocean, mountain, etc. The

next person says another, but everyone

after the first person must start the name

of their item with the last letter of the item

previously given. Continue until everyone

has named

one item.


The first person starts with America.

The second person, Albany.

The third, Yemen.

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Statement sheet (one per person)

Pencil (one per person)


Pass a sheet that has 20-25 statements onit.

Have each participant meet others and

ask them to sign their sheet on a line that

applies to that person. Encourage partici-

pants to have a different person sign each


At the end, the participant can sign his/her

sheet. Congratulate person who has the

most autographs.

Balloon Hugging


Balloons (three per team)


Break participants into teams of two. Hand

out the balloons to each team.

Upon your signal, have the teams blow up

all three of their balloons. One of the team

places two of the balloons under his / herarms. The other goes between the team


The goal is hug each other tight enough

to pop all three balloons at the same time.

The first team to do this wins.

Balloon Pop


Balloon (one per person)

Questions (one per person)


Prepare questions on small pieces of paper.

Put one question inside a balloon and blow

up the balloon.

Have people pop the balloons to get the

question and have everyone answer their

questions to the group.

Beach Ball Toss


Beach ball


Prepare the ball beforehand. Write ques-

tions on the ball with a permanent marker.Cover the questions with blue tape.

Ask the participants to get into a circle.

Ask the participants toss the ball to each

other. When caught, that person must state

their name and pull the tape from the

question closest to their right hand. They

read the question and answer it.

Then, they put the tape back over the

question and throw it to the next person.

Continue until everyone is introduced.

Bumper Sticker


Bumper sticker-sized paper (one per per-


Pencil (one per person)


Create a bumper sticker for your car thatreflects you.



Various Items


Provide each team with an item.

Each team needs to come up with a

60-second commercial to sell the product.

The goofier the item, the better.

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Sheet with questions (one per person)

Pencil (one per person)


Each person is handed the question sheet.This is a great way to start conversations.

Each person must speak to everyone else

to fill out the questions.

  • Count the number of brown-eyed

people in the room

  • Find out who has made the longest trip

  • Who has the most unusual hobby?

• Find the weirdest thing anyone has


• Who has had the most embarrassing


• Who knows what ‘Hippopotomon-  strosesquippedaliophobia’ is a fear of?

Nearest guess wins

If that’s too easy you can try Arachibutyro-

phobia, Alektorophobia, Ephebiphobia or



• Fear of long words


• Fear of peanut butter sticking to the

roof of the mouth.Alektorophobia

• Fear of chickens.


• Fear of teenagers


• Fear of England or English culture.

Cotton Ball Races


Straws (one per person)

Cotton balls

Bowls (one per team)

DirectionsPartners sit at the table with straws in their

mouths. Each pair has a pile of cotton balls,

the same number for each team, and a


Pick up a cotton ball by sucking in your

straw. Then pass the ball to your partner’s

straw without letting it drop. Your partner

can places the cotton ball in the bowl.

If the cotton ball is dropped, it goes back

to the original pile.

Desert Island


Sheet of paper (one per person)

Pencil (one per person)



You have been exiled to a deserted island

for a year. In addition to the essentials, you

may take one piece of music, one book (noBibles) and one luxury item you can carry

with you (no boats). What would you take

and why?’

Do not give your participants more than

five minutes to answer these and discuss

the answers. You can start the discussion

to make others more comfortable.

Dream Vacation




Each adult must introduce themselves and

describe, in detail, their perfect vacation.

This can be real or imaginary.

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Fact or Fiction


Piece of paper (one per person)

Pencil (one per person)


Ask everyone to write on a piece of pa-per three things about themselves which

may not be known to the others in the

group. Two are true and one is not. Taking

turns they read out the three “facts” about

themselves and the rest of the group votes

which are true and false.

This simple activity is always fun, and helps

the group and leaders get to know more

about each other.

Favorite T-Shirt


T-shirt brought from home


Bring (don’t wear) your favorite t-shirt.

Introduce yourself and explain why the t-

shirt is your favorite and / or the meaning

behind the t-shirt.



Writing / coloring instruments (crayons,

markers, etc.)

White cards (one per person)


Divide the card into sections — four for

younger kids, six for persons. Each section

should have one picture of things that are

important to you.

Give everyone twenty minutes to draw

their flags. Make sure each gets to explain

the meaning of their pictures.

Follow the Leader




One person is chosen as “it” and leaves the

area while the rest of the group designatesa leader.

Players sit in a circle and go through a

series of motions. “It” stands in the middle

and tries to discover who the group leader

is. All players follow the leader’s motions:

clapping, itching, stamping feet, pounding

legs, waving, etc. while being careful not to

watch the leader directly.

When “it” correctly guesses the leader, a

new “it” is chosen, a new leader is desig-

nated, and the game continues.

Fortune Cookie Writer


Paper (one per person)

Pencil (one per person)


Everybody loves a fortune cookie. Some

enjoy it even more if the cookie is a little


Ask each participant to write a fortune

cookie saying and share it with the group.

Graffi ti Boards


Large poster board(s)



On the top of the board, write a question

like “I really need to know . . .” or “I need

help doing . . .”

All participants should write down what

they need to know. Then, review it together

to get additional clarification.

Use this to make sure everyone gets what

they are looking for out of the event.

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Heads Up


Balloons (one per pair)


Both players put their hands behind their

backs. Now, using your heads only keepthe balloon in the air while you walk across

the room. If the balloon drops before you

reach the other side of the room, go back

and start again.

Hoop Pass


Hula hoop


Ask the group to form a circle holdinghands. Two people break their grip and

rejoin through the center of a hula-hoop. At

“go” the group must pass the hoop around

the circle as fast as they can without break-

ing their grips until the hoop is back where

it started.

Time how long it takes and try to break

your own record. When the group has

mastered passing one hoop, add a second

hula-hoop to the circle passing in the op-

posite direction as the first. Eventually thehoops will have to

by-pass each other.

Human Chair




Everyone stands in a circle shoulder to

shoulder. Everyone then turns to the right

so they are facing the back of the person in

front of them. Have them shrink the circle

so that everyone is touching the person

in front of them. Put your hands on the

shoulder of the person in front of you. On

the count of three slowly sit down on the

lap of the person behind you. You should

focus on helping the person in front of you

sit on your lap. As long as everyone is help-

ing the person in front of him or her, then

everyone should be supporting the weight

of everyone else. It may not succeed on the

first try.

I Have Never


Small candies (same number for each person)

Small holder for candies


Each person starts off with some candy.Going around the circle, each person

finishes the sentence “I have never...”

Everyone who HAS done what they have

never done gives that person one of their

candies. A fun way to learn things you

might otherwise not find out about people.

I Like to 




Each person introduces themselves by

their first name. They also state what they

like to do which begins with the same let-

ter as their first name.


My name is Laura and I like to laugh.

I’m Catherine and I like to camp.

I’ve Done SomethingYou Haven’t Done




Have each person introduce themselves

and then state something they have done

that they think no one else in the class has

done. If someone else has also done it, the

student must state something else until he/ 

she finds something that no one else hasdone.

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Ice Cubes


Ice Cubes


Each team of two to three people gets an

ice cube. The object is to work as a teamto melt their ice cube first. The only rules

are that the ice cube must not touch the

ground and all members of the team must

touch the ice cube during the game.

Instant Replay




Create a circle.

One person takes step into circle and intro-

duces him/herself with a name and action.

This person then steps back and the instant

this happens, the whole circle takes one

step in and imitates the name and action.

Then circle steps back and immediately

next person on right steps in and does his/ 

her name and action.

Continue around the circle until everyone

has introduced themselves.





Divide the young people into pairs. Ask

them to take three minutes to interview

each other. Each interviewer has to find

three interesting facts about their partner.

Bring everyone back to together and ask

everyone to present the three facts about

their partner to the rest of the group.

Watch the time on this one, keep it moving


Note: You may decrease the number of

facts for younger kids.

Introduce Myself




Participants introduce themselves and tell

why they are there.

Joys in Life


Sheet of paper (one per person)

Pencil (one per person)


List five things you enjoy doing the most.

Note when you did them last.

Share your top one with the group, butkeep the list as a reminder.

Note: You can share more than one if the

group is small.




DirectionsMake a circle of 6-8 kids.

Ask all of them to extend their left hand

across the circle and hold the left hand of

someone in the circle. Then, extend their

right hand and grab the right hand of

someone else.

The goal is to untangle themselves without

letting their hands go. This may require

climbing over arms, going under arms,

twisting, etc.

For a greater challenge, limit the time

to untangle to three minutes.

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Chairs (one per person)



Each participant should sit in a chair.

One person will make a statement telling

how many chairs to move if this statement

is true of you.

Participants should move to the assigned

chair. If someone is in the chair, the person

should sit on their lap.

If the person with people on their lap has

to move, everyone on the chair moves to

the next chair.


Move two chairs to the left if you are wear-

ing blue jeans.

Move three chairs to the right if you have

blonde hair.

Move seven chairs to the right if you have a

drivers’ license.

Line Up




Ask the kids to line up by giving them cri-

teria to do so.


Height, shortest to tallest (or vice versa)

Birthdays by month or year

Alphabetical first or last names

Alphabetical by street name

Shoe size, smallest to largest



Dum-dum lollipops (one per person)


Each person gets a lollipop.

For every letter that appears in the flavor,

the participant has to say something about

themselves to the group.

Magic Wand


Magic wand


You have just found a magic wand that

allows you to change three things in yourlife. You can change anything you want.

Share what you would change and why.



Writing / coloring instruments (crayons,

markers, etc.)

Scissors (one per person)

White cards (one per person)


Ask each participant to draw and cut out a

life-sized shape of a face. For younger kids,

preprint these on the cards.

Each participant should decorate both

sides of the card. One side is how they feel

about themselves or how they think they

look. The other side should reflect how

they think others think of them.

This activity is a great starter for talking

about self-image.

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Moving Questions




Ask everyone count off by twos. The

“ones” form an inner circle and “twos” toform an outer circle. Each person stands

across from their partner.

Ask facing pairs to introduce themselves

by name and age. Then pose a question

to the group and allow pairs one to two

minutes to take turns answering.

At the completion of a question, ask

everyone in the inner circle to shift one

place to the left. New pairs introduce

themselves. Pose another question, and

continue the process.


My Hometown




After introducing yourself, tell where you

are from and some information about your


My Name is?


Paper and pencil for leader only


Go around the group and ask each

participant to state his/her name and

attach an adjective that not only describes

a dominant characteristic, but also starts

with the same letter of his name.

Write them down and refer to them by this

for the rest of the evening.


  • Generous Graham

  • Diva Dana

Name Chain




Introduce yourself to the group adding a

word that describes you based upon thefirst letter of your name. For example, “I am

Smart Sarah,” or “I am Jumping Jack.”

Then introduce yourself, and the person to

your right. The person to your right repeats

previous introductions and introduces the

person to their right.

Continue with the next person to the right,

until all names have been repeated.

Name Game




Share your name. Then share one of the


  • Name a hobby you enjoy and why you


  • Share your nickname and explain how

you got it.

  • Share your camp name and explainhow you got it.

  • How you got your given name.

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Odd Bean


Bag (one per person)

Beans (twelve per person)


Each player receives 12 beans in a smallbag. Opening his/her bag of beans, one

player puts a few beans in one fist, stretch-

es it out toward another player and asks,

“Odds or evens?”

If the other player correctly guesses

whether the number of beans is odd or

even, he/she collects those beans. If wrong,

he/she has to turn over that many beans to

the person who asked.

The object is to collect all the beans. When

you want to stop playing before someone

has collected all the beans, the winner is

the one with the most.

Paper Air Planes


Sheet of paper (one per person)

Pencil (one per person)


Everyone makes a paper airplane andwrites their name, something they like and

dislike on it.

On the leader’s signal, everyone throws

their airplane around the room. If you find

an airplane, pick it and keep throwing it

until told to stop (one or two minutes).

At the end of that time, everyone must

have one paper airplane that is not their

own. This is the person they must find and

introduce to the group.

Pass the Orange




Form a circle.

Place the orange under your chin and hold

it against your chest without touching it

with your hands. Pass it around the circle

using only your chin, neck and chest. If the

orange is dropped, the previous player has

to retrieve it and try passing it again.

Penny Dates


Penny (one per person)


Have everyone select one penny.

Ask each adult to introduce themselves.

Then, read the year on the penny and tell

something that happened in that year.


Have each person pull a penny out of their

pocket and do the same thing.

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Play-Doh for each team

Cards with items to make


Break the group into two teams of fiveto seven players each. Each team gets a

container of Play-Doh to make an object.

In the spirit of Pictionary, one person from

each team comes to the leader for a card

with the name (or picture for younger kids)

of the object they are supposed to form

with the Play-Doh.

The teams rotate from who is shaping the

clay to who is guessing. After each team

has successfully completed seven objects,

they are declared the winners.

Pocket or Purse


Participant’s belongings


Everyone selects one item from their

pocket or purse that has some personal

significance to them. They introduce

themselves and do a show and tell forthe selected item and why it is important

to them.


Let everyone select more than one item

to share.

Positive Impressions


Pencils (one per person)

Initial Positive Impressions Sheet (one per


DirectionsHave the group sit in a circle on the floor.

Explain that each person will receive posi-

tive feedback on how he or she is initially

perceived by others. Each person will have

about a minute to introduce and tell about

themselves. Tell them that as each person

speaks, the other group members are to

listen quietly. After each person speaks,

the group may ask questions to help clarify

what the speaker said.

Ask for volunteers to begin the introduc-

tions. You may need to begin. Continueuntil everyone has had a chance to speak.

When all participants have introduced

themselves, pass out the “Initial Positive

Impressions Sheet” and a pencil to each

person. Tell them to fill in the names of

each person in the group and their positive

impressions of each person. Let them know

that they’ll be reading the positive

impressions to the group.

When the group is finished filling out thesheet, ask for a volunteer to begin receiv-

ing feedback. Have all the participants

share their impressions with the volunteer.

Have the

participants take turns being the “receiver.”


Sheet can be as simple as blank cards to

write a person’s name and impression.



Sheet of heavy paper cut into pieces


Give participants a blank piece of puzzle

made from a cut up a sheet of index card

stock. Each person writes on the piece one

skill which they contribute to the group.

The puzzle is then assembled to show that

everyone contributes to the whole.

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List of questions


Following are a list of questions that are

relatively easy to ask. Choose one or moreto personalize other icebreakers or just to

add to a normal introduction.

  • If you could have an endless supply

of any food, what would you choose?

  • If you were an animal, what would you

be and why?

  • What is one goal you’d like to

accomplish during your lifetime?

  • When you were little, who was yourfavorite superhero and why?

  • If you could be any superhero and have

super powers, which one would you

like to have and why?

  • Who is your hero? This needs to be a

real person.

  • What’s your favorite thing to do in the


  • If they made a movie of your life, what

would it be about and which actor

would you want to play you?

  • If you were an ice cream flavor, which

one would you be and why?

  • What’s your favorite cartoon character,

and why?

  • If you could visit any place in the world,

where would you choose to go and


  • What’s the ideal dream job for you?

  • Are you a morning or night person?

  • What are your favorite hobbies?

  • What are your pet peeves or

interesting things about you that

you dislike?

  • What’s the weirdest thing you’ve ever


  • Name one of your favorite things about

someone in your family.

  • Tell us about a unique or quirky habit

of yours.

  • If you had to describe yourself using

three words, it would be . . .

• If someone made a movie of your life

would it be a drama, a comedy, a

romantic comedy, action film or

science fiction?

  • If I could be anybody besides myself,

I would be…

  • If you were a comic strip character,who would you be and why?

  • If you had to give up a favorite food,

which would be the most diffi cult to

give up?

  • What is one food you’d never want to

taste again?

  • If you won a lottery ticket and had a

million dollars, what would you do

with it?

  • You’ve been given access to a time

machine. Where and when would you

travel to?

  • If you could transport yourself any

  where instantly, where would you go

and why?

  • What is one item that you really should

throw away, but probably never will?

  • What is your favorite cartoon character

– Mickey Mouse or Jerry? Why?

  • What is your ideal job?

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Recent Past




Each person shares information about

things they’ve done in their recent past.Pick one line of questions below or use dif-

ferent lines for different people.

  • What is the last movie you saw? What

did you think of it? Would you

recommend it?

  • What is the last book you read? What

did you like about it? Would you

recommend it?

  • What is the last Web site you visited?

Why did surf there? Did you find whatyou were looking for?

  • What is the last sport event you

attended? Did your team win? What

was the best moment?

  • Where did you go on your last trip?

What would you recommend to us?

  • What is the last restaurant you went

to? How was the service? How was

the food?

  • What was the last joke you told? Who

did you tell it to? How did it go over?

Rolling Right Along


Several rolls of toilet paper with perforated



Do not explain the game before starting.

Pass around a roll or two of toilet paper

and have each participant tear off a length

that is as tall as they are. For kids, suggest

they take as many squares as they would


Sit in a circle. Explain that they’ll take turns

telling one thing about themselves for each

square of toilet paper they have.

Ask for volunteers to go first, or beginyourself.

Save Three Things




Your house is on fire. Your family is safe.

What three things would you save? Why?

Skittles and M&Ms




Question sheet


This activity uses the colors of the Skittles

or M&Ms to determine which question aparticipant will answer for the group. It is

best to use peanut M&Ms so you can tell

the difference between M&M’s and Skittles.

Make a sheet with the colors of each candy

and the corresponding question.

After the participant answers the ques-

tions, let them eat their treats. Make up

questions to fit your theme if the samples

below don’t work for you.



If you were president, which one policy

would you change?


If you could travel anywhere with all ex-

penses paid for two weeks, where would

you go?


Would you eat a bowl of crickets for



What color represents love and why?


Who would you like to trade places with in


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What magazine cover would you like to be

on and why?


If you could use a voodoo doll on someone,

would you?


If you could do anything without

repercussion, what would you do?


If you could change one thing about your

working conditions, what would it be?


If you could have any talent, what would it


String Necklaces


String necklace (one per person)


Tie a string or yarn “necklace” around

everyone’s neck; the object of the game is

to get as many strings as possible around

your own neck by getting others to say

“no” to questions you ask. When someonesays “no” to you, she or he forfeits their


Tale Toss


Small object


Everyone stands in a circle. Select a small

object that can be tossed easily from one

player to another. Toss the object to a

player in the circle.

The person catching the object must begin

to tell a story — something made up on the

spot. The player holding the object tosses

it to another player who must catch it and

continue the story. The story can take any

form, as long as it is connected to the last

player’s contribution. Players must contin-

ue the flow of the story no matter how fast

the object is passed.

That’s Me!


Statement sheet


Have a sheet with about 25 statements

prepared. Each time a statement appliesto someone, they should jump up and say,

“That’s me!”

Some sample questions might include:

  • I like ice cream.

• I am a Girl Scout.

  • My favorite color is green.

  • I put my pants on right leg first.

  • I wear glasses.

  • I have a cat.

  • I have a little sister.

  • I have a big brother.

  • I like to swim.  • I like to sing.

  • play a musical instrument.

  • My birthday is in January.

  • I’ll be eight years old this year.

  • I like to climb trees.

  • I like to be silly.

  • I’m really smart.

  • I love sports.

Three in Common




Break the group into threes.

Each group’s objective is to find three

things they have in common. It must be

three uncommon things, not easy things

like age and hair color.

After letting the groups talking about these

things for 10 - 15 minutes, they (as a group)

must tell the rest of the groups the three

things they have in common.

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Would You Rather?


Question sheet for the leader


All questions should have two answers.

You can design your questions to fit aparticular theme. Depending on the an-

swer, the participants can move to one side

of the room or the other.

Sit in the center of the “play” area and

gesture to show which side goes with

which answer. Let everyone walk between

the two areas. Make sure you leave enough

time for

everyone to get to their side before asking

the next question.

Questions might include the following. “Would you rather . . .”

  • Visit the doctor or the dentist?

• Eat broccoli or carrots?

• Watch television or listen to music?

• Own a lizard or a snake?

• Have a beach holiday or a mountain


• Be an apple or a banana?

• Live in Antarctica or Death Valley?

  • Be invisible or be able to read minds?

• Be hairy all over or completely bald?• Be the most popular or the smartest

person you know?

• Make headlines for saving somebody’s

life or winning a Nobel Prize?

• Go without television or fast food for

the rest of your life?

• Have permanent diarrhea or permanent


• Be handsome/beautiful and dumb

or be ugly and really smart?

• Always be cold or always be hot?

• Not hear or not see?

• Eliminate hunger and disease or be

able to bring lasting world peace?

• Be stranded on a deserted island alone

or with someone you hate?

• See the future or change the past?

• Be three inches taller or three inches


• Be three feet taller or three feet shorter?

• Be three feet or eight feet tall?

• Wrestle a lion or fight a shark?

• Always get first dibs or the last laugh?

• Have to say everything on your mind

or never speak again?

• Lose or never play?

• Wear earmuffs or a nose plug?

• Win pie-eating contests or wheel-

  barrow races?

• Be a deep sea diver or an astronaut?

• Be a dog named Killer or a cat named


• Be a giant hamster or a tiny rhino?

• Be a tree or live in a tree?

• Eat sushi or liver?

  • Be able to hear any conversation or

take back anything you say?

• Be able to read everyone’s mind all the

time or always know their future?

• Have sand in your shorts or water

in your ear?

  • Be able to stop time or fly?

• Be an unknown minor league basket-

  ball player or a famous professional

badminton star?

• Be born with an elephant trunk or agiraffe neck?

• Be forced to tell your best friend a lie

or tell your parents the truth?

• Be forgotten or hatefully remembered?

• Go about your normal day naked or fall

asleep for a year?

• Be gossiped about or never talked

about at all?

• Forget your sunscreen or your sun


  • Be happy for eight hours / day and

poor or sad for eight hours / day andrich?

• Be the sand castle or the wave?

• Eat a bar of soap or drink a bottle

of dish washing liquid?

• Eat a handful of hair or lick three public


• Eat a stick of butter or a gallon of ice


• Eat a stick of margarine or five table-

  spoons of hot pepper sauce?

• Eat poison ivy or a handful of


• End hunger or hatred?

• Find true love or 10 million dollars?

• Forget who you were or who everyone

else was?

• Get caught singing in the mirror or

spying on your crush?

• Get even or get over it?

• Give bad advice or take bad advice?

• Give up your computer or your pet?

• Go to an amusement park or to a

family reunion?

• Go without television or junk food for

the rest of your life?

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  • Have a beautiful house and ugly car or

an ugly house and beautiful car?

• Have a kangaroo or koala as your pet?

• Have a missing finger or have an extra


• Have one wish granted today or three

wishes granted in ten years?

• Have x-ray vision or bionic hearing?

• Invent a cure for cancer or a cure for


• Kiss a jellyfish or step on a crab?

• Know it all or have it all?

• Love and not be loved back, or be

loved but never love?

• Meet an alien visitor or travel to outer


• Never use the internet again or never

watch television again?

• Not be able to use your phone or your


• Only be able to whisper or only be ableto shout?

• Own a ski lodge or a surf camp?

• Publish your diary or make a movie on

your most embarrassing moment?

• Spend the day surfing the Internet

or the ocean?

• Go barefoot or wear shoes you hate?

  • Wear the latest fashion or your most

comfortable clothes?

  • Be a leader or a follower?

  • Follow a pattern or design your own?

  • Worry about everything or worry

about nothing?

  • Have one best friend or many


  • Get free chocolate for one year or free

potatoes forever?

  • Have half days everyday or no home-

  work forever?

  • Have a mansion in the middle of

nowhere or an apartment with ten


  • Run the mile or give a speech for


  • Bake cookies in a cooking class or do

art projects in an art class?

  • Snowboard in the winter or swim in the


  • Go out for pizza or go out for


  • Watch sports or play sports?

  • Drink coffee or drink tea?  • Have a tongue like a snake or a nose

like a pig?

  • Skip Christmas or skip your birthday

for the year?

  • Have only ketchup or only mustard?

  • Do the macarena or do the chicken


  • Live in the lost city of Atlantis or at

the North Pole with Santa?

  • Have a unibrow or have buck teeth?

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Statement Sheet Ask others to print their first name on the line that applies to them. Each person can only

 put their name under a statement once unless otherwise instructed.

Name ________   Statement

 _____________ I like to stay up late at night.

 _____________ I like to get up early.

 _____________ I am a religious person.

 _____________ I enjoy politics.

 _____________ I am a baseball fanatic.

 _____________ I am a football fanatic.

 _____________ I don't particularly follow any sports.

 _____________ I love the Olympics.

 _____________ I enjoy learning new things.

 _____________ I want to teach others what I know.

 _____________ I'd rather be watching television.

 _____________ I'd rather be surfing the Internet.

 _____________ I love doing things with my kids.

 _____________ I like my quiet time, alone at home.

 _____________ I like to travel.

 _____________ I like to camp.

 _____________ I'd rather be barefoot.

 _____________ I'm more interested in looking good than being comfortable.

 _____________ I'm obsessively compulsive.

 _____________ I never worry.

 _____________ I always worry.

 _____________ I'm a leader.

 _____________ I'm a follower.

 _____________ I love to sing.

 _____________ I want to change the world.

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Check out larajla’s Adult Enrichment Project

to start your own adventure.

Initial Positive Impression SheetPrint the name of each person and what your initial positive impression of them is.

Name ________   Initial Positive Impression

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