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1 Supernatural How To Do Extraordinary Magic Vol.1 By S.Sophia Aradia Chappelle C.S.P. E.GC. Ordained Priestess

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Page 1: · when I was ordained into the Ecclesia Gnostica Cathalocae (E.G.C.) which is a registered church


Supernatural How To Do Extraordinary Magic


By S.Sophia Aradia Chappelle C.S.P.

E.GC. Ordained Priestess

Page 2: · when I was ordained into the Ecclesia Gnostica Cathalocae (E.G.C.) which is a registered church


Table of Contents

Introduction-------------------------- 3

To Bless A Home--------------------- 7

To Exorcise A Home-------------------9

Water Blessing------------------------ 12

Fire Blessing--------------------------- 15

Wax Blessing------------------------- 16

To Dispel Negativity --------------- 17

How To Curse Properly--------------- 19

The Confessions-------------------------24

Exorcism For Incense------------------ 26

Tree Wands----------------------------- 27

Day Incenses, Aspects and Operations- 28

Bibliography----------------------------- 29

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Greetings, supernatural and ordinary beings. My magickal name is Sophia Aradia, whose meaning is quiet wisdom bird-daughter of the Sun and Moon,a name given to me by a supernatural ascended master and a Native Chief,and chosen by myself when I was ordained into the Ecclesia Gnostica Cathalocae (E.G.C.) which is a registered church in the U.S.A., in 1986. This book has been partly dictated to me by a being that calls himself Merlin and a being that I have been in contact with since childhood I call Mother.

I have been able to talk to spirits since childhood, having had many experiences and events that have culminated in my attaining knowledge and conversation of my Holy Guardian Angel in 2000.

I have been a member of several Pagan and ceremonial groups since 1984 ,worked solo,private and community ceremonial workings and been a member of magickal societies.

This book is an amalgamation of what I think works, what has worked for me and what I have been taught . This is my story....

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When I was a child of about eleven ,I was lost in a large city. I do not remember how I got lost, just that I was. I remember feeling very scared, not having any money to call my parents, I began to pray to God. I told God that I would start to believe in him if he got me home safely. No sooner had I done this when I heard a voice speaking to me that told me to look to the sky. I did and saw the clouds formed an arrow pointing in a certain direction. I knew that was somehow a sign. I followed the clouds and found my way home. That was my first real experience that told me spiritualism was real. I went on to have many, many more.

When I was only a little older, experiencing puberty, when I felt my throat was opening and closing one night, it was a very unusual sensation,and suddenly in my minds' eye I saw a vastness of stars and faces in the stars. One face came closer and closer,it was of a womans' face. She smiled at me and told me that I was not alone and that she would always be near me and that I could call her Mother. Mother is always with me and has helped me through many situations and circumstances. I trust Her thoroughly.

In 1985 I had an experience one night. I went outside of my home which was near a swamp. I felt strange and looked up into the sky where it seemed to me a star just appeared. Then a beam of energy hit me in the head and I heard the name Aradia in my head! I wrote it down. The next day, I was in a metaphysical bookstore shuffling though some books

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and one fell at my feet. It said: ARADIA-The Gospel Of The Witches!

From then on I have worked toward filling those shoes. I have been gifted with eyes that see.

The next most important incident in my life came after I had divorced my husband in 1999. I went to live near my mother and was living in the family cottage with two of my children. I had been studying and working a famous method of magick for some years already , but was not prepared for what happened

there. Very suddenly ,it seemed , I was contacted by a dragon spirit � a being that contacted me psychically to me and began to teach me a language of magickal content, a secret language he said and when I made the first spell to invoke my own dragon ,there was a dragon in the sky ( among the clouds) the next day. I carefully wrote down everything I was told and used the language whenever necessary . I found that it worked. I still experienced opposition from outside sources ,but quickly discovered that this new language had an effect on my environment. One day it saved my life,and so here in this book I share with you what I have been taught by the ancient being who calls himself Merlin.

My spirituality consists of many facets of the same jewel ,all of which see the Divine from a different angle. I have studied mysticisms, religions, creeds, ancient texts, and received many names from ascended masters to hereditary chiefs. This book has

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been tried and found true, and to my knowledge it shall enhance any ceremony or objective you wish to undertake. I can and will custom design ceremonies and will do exorcisms as required. I, as always, stand by my word and should anyone wish to speak to me directly please contact me at ;

[email protected]

For even in the darkness can light be found.....

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To Bless A Home

Many homes have spirits in them , some are friendly ,some are not. Many spirits simply are stuck there and unable to leave for some reason or another. Some are merely curious and find th environment easy to exist in. One can usually tell what kind of spirit it is by what it does and how it reacts to certain spells ,incantations or various substances,such as exorcised water and incense . Should things go missing or break or perhaps move around without any sense to it ,you may in fact have a �ghost� or spirit that has not passed on. Should you be experiencing very cold spots, feel unusual physical oppression, or downright evil intent you may be dealing with a clepothic demon.

Demons have rules . Each of them has a sigil, a name, a rank and a superior. Some demons prefer certain smells and offerings and abhor others, so it is good when a psychic ,exorcist or person can identify what kind of demon it is. For this , I refer to the Goetia from the Key of Solomon, use divination,or I call up my Holy Guardian Angel with whom I have had conversation with for many years. Failing that, there are some simple techniques that any person may use to cleanse an area or home of any supernatural being.

Since each day is governed by different angels and each day corresponds with various plants , scents

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and workings .We will use the charts which I provide on future pages.

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To Exorcism A Home

You will need:

A candle ( colour of the day)

Blessed water ( see water blessing)

Magickal sword ( used only for magickal purposes)

Blessed paper and pen

Sigils or names of angels or demons involved ( if available)

First of all ,clean your house thoroughly,open the drapes and let some fresh air and sunlight in. Burn incense for that day( see chart) or exorcised frankincense and myrrh. Light candle of the colour of the day ( see chart). For dark spirits that you wish to make leave always use a white candle. Say fire blessing as you light the candle( see fire blessing). Now, sprinkle sacred water in a circle around the room or whole house( outside and inside each room). Always start in the East. Then,take magickal sword and draw three circles to the left ( counter clockwise) say:

Exarp ( East)-draw pentagram starting from the bottom left corner,move to left, say;

Nanta( North)- draw same pentagram, move to left,say;

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Hcoma( West)- draw same pentagram,move to left ,say;

Bitom( South)- draw same pentagram,move to left ,completing the circle.

Point sword to ceiling say:Spiritus Magus Adoni

Bring sword to floor say :Deus Agape Mater 5


repeat motion of pentagram and sword, say:

Shoma( East)


Loma( West)

Huama( South)

Move in a circle saying:

Sht-Ja,Sht-Ku, Sht-La,Sht-Ma.

Say the charm of making:

Anal Notrach Husbad Bethad Dothiey Bientay

Then move to the area where the spirit is residing, say:

Seyjumay daka magicka alore condemya a mey soku amenday anore lem nax. Bixi , boro, baxa

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Most spirits will leave then. Failing that , draw the name of demon you think it is and/or its' sigil on blessed paper say its' name,take exorcised water according to water blessing ,sprinkle it, burn frankincense and myrrh and say:

I exorcise thee O creature unclean and malignant in the name of Holy Adoni so thou shalt have no place within this space and thou shalt be no hindrance to any within these walls,and Thou shalt not be able to harm any who are within these walls. Quadosch,Quadosch, Quadosch .Heaven and Earth are full of Glory ! Begone!!

Unless the spirit is a high ranking demon they will leave.

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Water Blessing

Run a bath, or pour water into a large bowl. If you have the skill, send chi into the water using a circular motion with your hands. Say:

�I exorcise Thee O creature of water that thou shall be clean of all malignant and impure beings and sources of evil or darkness . O Holy Adoni bless this water so that it shall be an aid unto me and all that it toucheth and shall purify me of all uncleanlinesses so no impurities shall be upon me in Thy presence ,or that no spell or being from any dimension shall be able to harm or deceive me. Bless and protect my body, soul and mind so that I shall not be overcome by any spirit or negativity. I bless and invoke Thee so Thou shalt be an aid and succor unto me:

El, Dophalia, Zitansea,Gegrophera,Adoni,Primeuton�

Now bathe thyself in the water, either by washing head and face or by getting into the water and immerse thyself under the water three times.

Now sprinkle the water with these herbs or as many as you have available:

hyssop, vervain,lavender, mint, thyme,sage,basil and sweetgrass

Say: �Bless this water with these sacred herbs so it shall become sweet and make pure my heart.�


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Now take pure salt, that of the Earth or Sea. Hold it within your hand and say: �I exorcise Thee O creature of Salt that Thou shalt become the essence of all goodness and the purest light of the universe shall come into thee ,by the power of Holy Adoni,El, Elohi,Tetragrammaton,Tillion Tixmion�

Pour three pinches into the water.

Now again immerse thyself in the water three times.

This water may be saved in a secure bottle of ceramic or glass and used to exorcise anything or place.

However, if you do not wish to use the Jehovah blessing or if you are pagan and wish to use the Mother Of All blessing as well do this:

Light candle of the colour of the day, sprinkle herbs of the day or use same as above herbs into water saying:

�With these sacred herbs do I now bless and charm this water in the name of the Mother Of All, Aradia so it wilt be pure as the waters of life and birth. Protect , fortify and bless me with this water so no harm or spell may come to harm me or any that it toucheth. �

Now take Earth or Sea salt and hold it in your hand saying:

� With this sacred salt charged with Earth and Sky by the Mother Of All do I fortify ,bless and and sanctify

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this water and empower my body ,mind and spirit.Lo -asmuday kalma Sejumay cantana bentiey nam husbath !�

This water may be kept to sprinkle at any sacred ceremony without chasing away any useful Nature spirits, or for involking unseen dimensional creatures that may be beneficial to thy cause. It is recommended that you keep these waters separate for different uses.

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Fire Blessing

Any flame including charcoal should be blessed as lighting, as some spirits can enter flame with ease and remain within your circle to cause havoc .

It is recommended that when one candle is lit with the blessing all other candles are lit from that one.

Light fire or match, say:

I exorcise Thee ,O creature of Fire by the names Ascobi , Arneoton, Simulator, Elohim so no spirit or being of negativity may be able to come within Thee or have any place with Thee by the Holy name of Adoni.

For the Pagan operator who wishes to bless fire:

Light match , say:

I bless Thee and sanctify Thee O creature of Fire in the Name of the Mother of All,Aradia so no spirit impure or malignant shall appear or stay with in thee in any way-

Toc-shazumay,ascobi,atanda,anotchiey sic noma bentiey nax!

Cast some blessed water upon the flame, and then burn the incense of the day or dragons' blood and perfume the flame.

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Wax Blessing

Use frankincense and myrrh and blessed water for any wax you wish to use for any purpose. Cast water upon the wax and perfume it with the incense ,say;

I exorcise Thee O creature of wax in the names of

Dinotor,Athamas, Elohi,Arneotor

So no spirit unclean or impure may in any way come within Thee or use thee for any evil purpose.

Then blessing the wax Pagan style, as you have the incense burning,say:

I bless Thee O creature of wax in the name of the Mother Of All,Aradia so no spirit of malignant intent may be able to come within Thee, sanctify O Mother this creature of wax so it may be of beneficial use for all that I may need if it-

Kon-sacha nom tic seja teema!

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To Dispel Negativity

To start , one must first understand the nature of cause and effect. That which thou does comes back to thee so it is of great importance to recognize that one may have attracted negativity by some other act of indifference or ignorance. That being said one can often rearrange ones' thought processes to re-navigate the outcome of a certain field of negativity. In other words we can now change that negativity by doing something good. Still at times, one is bombarded by others' negative thoughts or spells due to no fault of your own or simply due to the fact that when one is a member of the family of light ,occasionally someone who works contrary to that force wishes to stop you from achieving your goal. When such is the case, one should do whatever you can to disspell that negativity from happening or recurring.

Myself being both a daughter of the light and dark ( but not evil) ,I use as many ways as possible to maintain a positive outlook and charge my body mind on a regular basis.

To disspell negativity I start with the charm of making:

Anal notrach husbad bethad dothiety bientay!

I surround myself with white light, then violet light ,then golden light. I place an image of a large pyramid around my body and say:Sejumay daka magicka alore condemiaey a mey soku anore lem

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nax buviey.Xena may arnyday braxson for a seylamen baxa seylamen boro!

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How To Curse Properly

As a child of the family of light and dark, we generally shun such actions, feeling it better to turn the other cheek. However, we do not wish to become doormats and allow others to walk all over us. In some cases cursing may become unavoidable in the interest of self preservation or in the case of needing to teach someone a lesson. It is always done in self defense and under no circumstances to be done frivolously . Rule number one is what you put out comes back to you, so a proper attitude must be adopted in seriousness and taking responsibility for your own actions.

That being said , I who have been the recipient of a great many attacks due to the fact I am quite outspoken in dealing with evil and destructive darkness that I am sorry to say have made several enemies and in doing so have been attacked both physically and meta-physically both of which I have learned self defense of. Still ,sometimes something simply must be done.

A word of caution- under no circumstances should anyone call up any demons to carry out a curse, such an activity is so border -line evil as to cause yourself a direct mar upon your aura and creates very bad Karma for yourself.( I did this once and was immediately sorry the next day as it had caused a huge landslide that left several hundred people without road or communication for several days and

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spread a dark energy about my person and home that it took several weeks to clean up and overcome- I will never do it again.)

You will need:

-A magickal sword , properly blessed with the proper sigils

• -blessed paper and pen • -blessed water • -ewer of sacred salt • -black or red candles(2) • -tobacco, sage , myrrh, pine pitch • -charcoal • -black clothing or that which you are willing to

throw away afterward • - black cloth

Since no curse will hold or work properly around the full moon ,one must wait until the following Tuesday or Saturday after the new moon, and should start at 12:00 am or 8:00 pm. It is best when the moon is in Saturn , Mars or Mercury. Start with cleansing bath and get dressed in appropriate clothing.

Banish area using only this banishing which is only used for this purpose.

Holding sword straight out to the East make three circles say:

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�By the power of the Mother Of All Aradia I banish from this place all outside influences and spirits that are opposed unto this work. The circle is closed.�

Now draw in air the pentagram of Earth at each of the four quarters,coming back to East say :remoneem abientay Ka neem

draw banishing pentagram of east( starts at far right top go across to right...)

say :Shoma

Now go to North ,draw banishing pentagram of North (starts at bottom right ,go up to point...)

say: Lashta

Go to West ,draw banishing pentagram of West( starts at top left ,go across to left...)

say: Loma

Go to South, draw banishing pentagram of South( starts at bottom left ,go up to point...)

say: Joamu

Come back to East and say :

This Earth is cleansed.

Now ,sprinkle some salt into water ,say:

�May this salt make this water as the womb of the Mother Of All, Aradia!�

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Sprinkle salt all around the circle counterclockwise. Now light candles ,and charcoal using fire blessing. Take up sword, pint to sky and say :

�Madim Sachiel kokora abientay �

Draw invoking hexagram( six pointed star)of Saturn or Mars.

(for Saturn draw hexagram starting from top right and bottom left, for Mars start at top left and bottom right) 16

Now go to each quarter, drawing hexagram and draw planetary symbol for either Mars or Saturn say:

�Shin �.

Now come back to East and fold arms crossed in front of you.

Say: �Spirits of Saturn and Mars be welcome here.�

Take out pen and paper that has already been blessed in the proper way. Put sage ,myrrh, tobacco ad pine pitch on charcoal.

Draw two circles on paper, one inside the other. Now draw three triangles , one inside the other. Draw pentagrams at each point of the outside triangle . Now write � Madim and Sachiel� along each inside edge of the inside triangle ( you may use English ,Hebrew or Angelic languages).Now write the names of the people or persons involved in the centre of the inside triangle.

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Hold paper over burning incense and say:

�I curse Thee ___________to the aeons' Hell to be persecuted by Madim and Sachiel and all demons or minions under them. Let Thy actions against me come now back to Thee without recourse> I damn Thee to unable to escape this Hell, unless I release Thee, so Thou Shalt be unable to harm me or those whom I love. Let This experiment become true and veritable in the name of the Dark Mother Of All. So mote It Be!�

Then sprinkle water upon the paper and wrap in black cloth, and store in Earthenware or glass jar.

Now do another banishing , this time reversing the directions of hexagrams and then do a regular banishing. Clean up alter.

Throw away water and the clothes you are wearing unless robe is cleansed by holding it over burning charcoals and washed in sacred water.

(* note, any person who uses this ritual does so at their own risk).

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The Confessions

I cannot stress enough the importance of the confession. Not only does it soothe the soul but one must remember that certain actions cause a stain or mark upon the spirit that are visible to higher beings. They do not like to come to your circle when the stains are upon you, nor will they listen to your requests or demands. So , one must renew your spiritual nature. Confession is such a method and it should be done sincerely. Realize ,however ,that the karma of such actions will stay with you unless your actions are done in self defense, in which case the confession will remove any karma ensued up to that point.

I offer two such confessions one to the Light ,one to the Dark as it is my opinion that one must maintain balance within and harmony in the Universe. It is recommended that the confession is done at the beginning of any major ritual and sometimes after as well. Use discretio

The Light Confession

I confess to Thee O Lord and Mother of All Aradia that I have done that offends Thee. For greed, thefts,violations of the body and soul, for anger towards those whom I should have been kind. For forgetting reverence in those times I should have remembered Thee, for causing pain to others , for indulgence in pleasures unseemingly, substances,

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and unruly behavior . For closing my eyes and ears to the pain and suffering of others , for


the neglect of prayers and adorations at the appropriate times and in any way that my weaknesses may offend Thee. So that on my account there shall be goodness and joy and that I may appear before Thee without stain upon my virtue and the Angels may find themselves welcome and content within my circle.

For Thy power and magnificence shall reign for ever and ever .Amen

The Dark Confession

I confess to Thee O Dark Father and Mother Of All Aradia that I have done that offends Thee. For forgetting all that Thou hast done on my behalf, for neglecting reverence to Thy name, words ,actions and thoughts that I have done against Thee and Thy children and in any way that my incongruencies have gone against Thee. For all that I have done that may have been evil causing undo harm to others,for neglecting Thy words and advices and Thy presence in any circles I have drawn .So that on my account there may be harmony in the Universe and that I may be within Thy favour and peace shall be between myself and Thee and Thine children. So Thy power shall remain to keep balance within the Universe for ever and ever .Amen.

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Exorcism For Incense

This goes for any incense that is to be used for invoking angelic or otherwise Light workings and any that you may wish to use for domination over dark or evil spirits. Use sweet odours for good and dank for negative.

You may make a mix of gums, aloes, nutmeg, and musk for sweet, and sulfer, asephodia and garlic for dank.

Exorcising Incense

I exorcise Thee O creature of Incense ,o spirit impure and hostile that thou will leave this incense and be banish therefrom ,and may it become sanctified in the name of Yod He Vau He. May all creatures be that be blessed by this incense be enriched and consecrated .

Charm For Incense

I fortify and bless Thee O creature of incense in the name of the Mother of All Aradia, that Thou shalt be free of any hindrance spell or scourge,and thou shalt make pure this space of any evil there from, so the spirits may find themselves welcome in my circle.

Now take the waters appropriate and sprinkle the incense with in and place in earthenware or glass jar for later use.

* When using dank incense try to allow air into allow it to go out of the room as opposed to keeping it in.

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Tree Wands

Day Dark: Light Planet

Sunday Oak : Myrtle Sun

Monday Poplar:Willow Moon

Tuesday Cedar: Laurel Mars

Wednesday Larch : Hazel Mercury

Thursday Alder : Cedar Jupiter

Friday Rosewood : Hazel Venus

Saturday Birch : Maple Saturn

Each wand should be at least arms length and should be carved with the appropriate sigils. An Earth wand should be made of Elderberry / Walnut and used at ceremonies of equinox. The wands should be carved and sprinkled with the appropriate water and incensed with mixture or special day incense.

Wands are to be used when involking and when a sword may not be used. They are generally used in all Earth ceremonies and can accentuate almost any working with a particular essence.The sigils carved on them should contain the astrological symbol of the planet they represent and your own personal sigil or mark. They may ,of course be painted and them shellacked. For more ceremonialism see The Golden Dawn by Isreal Reguardie.

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Day Incenses , Aspects and Operations

These incenses are to be used for specific workings and cannot take the place of exorcised incense when dealing with evil spirits, one can and should use both for optimal effects. In other words, if one is doing a fairies or Earth ceremony do not exorcised the incense, they are offended by it and one should only use the charm for such incenses.

Day Incense Operations Aspects Sunday/Yellow

Frankincense, ,Thyme Wealth,divination,


Solar,- Moon in conjunction

Monday/Silver Dittany of Crete,Lily Messages,,thefts


Moon in Earth signs

Tuesday/Red Tobacco, ,Cedar Battles,victory,, discord,destruction

Moon in water signs

Wednesday/Blue Myrrh,, camphor Communications,


Moon in Air signs

Thursday/Purple Lavender,nutmeg Honours, higher mind ,riches,success

Moon in Earth signs

Friday/ Light Green Sandlewood, ,rose Love, travel,favour Moon in Fire signs

Saturday/Black Opium, Dragons' Blood Communicating with spirits,,hatred,quarrel

Moon in Water signs

Earth/Dark Green Sweetgrass Honouring , bring good spirits

Moon Trine Sun and Earth

Since each operation should be done on a certain day one must begin each operation beginning at 1:00 am or 8:00 pm as that days' aspected planet is at its' peak.

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Key Of Solomon

Edited by S. Liddell MacGregor Mathers

Revised by Joseph H. Peterson,

Copyright © 1999, 2004, 2005. All rights reserved.

The Great Book Of Spells

Bell, Copyright 2oo5- Arcturus Publishing

Readers Digest � The Complete Guide To Natural Healing

International Masters Publishers

Since I have not directly quoted from these texts and have merely researched I have not stated any particular pages.

Much of this book has come from years of study and practice, which has gone into my own form of teaching. I have rephrased some of the work of these texts. You may go to � The Golden Dawn� by Isreal Reguardie for further information.