sunway - cost sheet

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  • 8/9/2019 Sunway - Cost Sheet


    SMART HOMES - II - SunwayNon-Garden Facing

    FLOOR Nos.

    2 BHK

    1st & 2nd 1007 2400 2416800 100000 150000 2666800 53400 26700 3000 2749900 26668 68670 2845238

    3/4/5 th 1007 2500 2517500 100000 150000 2767500 55400 27700 3000 2853600 27675 79042 2960317

    6/7/8 th 1007 2600 2618200 100000 150000 2868200 57400 28700 3000 2957300 28682 89414 3075396

    9/10/11 th 1007 2700 2718900 100000 150000 2968900 59400 29700 3000 3061000 29689 99786 3190475

    12/13/14 th 1007 2800 2819600 100000 150000 3069600 61400 30000 3000 3164000 30696 110159 3304855

    2.5 BHK

    1st & 2nd 1205 2400 2892000 100000 150000 3142000 62900 30000 3000 3237900 31420 80907 3350227

    3/4/5 th 1205 2500 3012500 100000 150000 3262500 65300 30000 3000 3360800 32625 93318 3486743

    6/7/8 th 1205 2600 3133000 100000 150000 3383000 67700 30000 3000 3483700 33830 105730 3623260

    9/10/11 th 1205 2700 3253500 100000 150000 3503500 70100 30000 3000 3606600 35035 118141 3759776

    12/13/14 th 1205 2800 3374000 100000 150000 3624000 72500 30000 3000 3729500 36240 130553 3896293

    Garden Facing

    FLOOR Nos.

    2 BHK

    1st & 2nd 1007 2450 2467150 100000 150000 2717150 54400 27200 3000 2801750 27172 73856 2902777

    3/4/5 th 1007 2550 2567850 100000 150000 2817850 56400 28200 3000 2905450 28179 84228 3017857

    6/7/8 th 1007 2650 2668550 100000 150000 2918550 58400 29200 3000 3009150 29186 94600 3132936

    9/10/11 th 1007 2750 2769250 100000 150000 3019250 60400 30000 3000 3112650 30193 104972 324781512/13/14 th 1007 2850 2869950 100000 150000 3119950 62400 30000 3000 3215350 31200 115345 3361894

    2.5 BHK

    1st & 2nd 1205 2450 2952250 100000 150000 3202250 64100 30000 3000 3299350 32023 87112 3418485

    3/4/5 th 1205 2550 3072750 100000 150000 3322750 66500 30000 3000 3422250 33228 99524 3555001

    6/7/8 th 1205 2650 3193250 100000 150000 3443250 68900 30000 3000 3545150 34433 111935 3691518

    9/10/11 th 1205 2750 3313750 100000 150000 3563750 71300 30000 3000 3668050 35638 124347 3828034

    12/13/14 th 1205 2850 3434250 100000 150000 3684250 73700 30000 3000 3790950 36843 136758 3964551

    For more details you can contact on following no's.

    Dhananjay Jadhav- 09922 995192

    You can mail on - [email protected]














    VAT @1%
















    VAT @1%



    * Cheque/DD should be in favour of "Pegasus Properties Pvt. Ltd."

    * Service Tax/ VAT Cheque should be in favour of "Pegasus Properties Pvt. Ltd."

    * For Stamp Duty DD should be in favour of "Stock Holding Corporation of India Ltd." payble at Pune Only.

  • 8/9/2019 Sunway - Cost Sheet


    SMART HOMES - II - Sunway

    Type of Flat

    Agreement Value 2666800 3142000 2717150 3202250

    Booking 15% 200000 5150 200000 5150 200000 5150 200000 5150Agreement 200020 5151 271300 6986 207573 5928 280338 7917

    1st slab 5% 133340 3434 157100 4045 135858 3693 160113 4356

    2nd slab 5% 133340 3434 157100 4045 135858 3693 160113 4356

    3rd slab 5% 133340 3434 157100 4045 135858 3693 160113 4356

    4th slab 5% 133340 3434 157100 4045 135858 3693 160113 4356

    5th slab 5% 133340 3434 157100 4045 135858 3693 160113 4356

    6th slab 5% 133340 3434 157100 4045 135858 3693 160113 4356

    7th slab 5% 133340 3434 157100 4045 135858 3693 160113 4356

    8th slab 5% 133340 3434 157100 4045 135858 3693 160113 4356

    9th slab 5% 133340 3434 157100 4045 135858 3693 160113 4356

    10th slab 5% 133340 3434 157100 4045 135858 3693 160113 435611th slab 5% 133340 3434 157100 4045 135858 3693 160113 4356

    12th slab 5% 133340 3434 157100 4045 135858 3693 160113 4356

    13th slab 5% 133340 3434 157100 4045 135858 3693 160113 4356

    14th slab 5% 133340 3434 157100 4045 135858 3693 160113 4356

    15th slab 5% 133340 3434 157100 4045 135858 3693 160113 4356

    Brick Work 2.5% 66670 1717 78550 2023 67929 1846 80056 2178

    Flooring 2.5% 66670 1717 78550 2023 67929 1846 80056 2178

    Possession 5% 133340 3434 157100 4045 135858 3693 160113 4356

    Agreement Value 100% 2666800 68670 3142000 80907 2717150 73856 3202250 87112

    Stamp Duty 53400 62900 54400 64100

    Registration Charges 26700 30000 27200 30000

    Legal Charges 3000 3000 3000 3000

    VAT 1 % 26668 31420 27172 32023

    Service Tax 68670 80907 73856 87112

    GRAND TOTAL 2845238 3350227 2902778 3418485

    2 BHK @ 2400/- 2.5 BHK @ 2400/- 2 BHK @ 2450/- 2.5 BHK @ 2450/-

    1007 sq. Ft. 1205 sq. Ft. 1007 sq. Ft. 1205 sq. Ft.

    * Payment of Cheque/DD should be in favour of "Pegasus Properties Pvt. Ltd."* Service Tax / VAT Cheque should be in favour of "Pegasus Properties Pvt. Ltd."

    * For Stamp Duty DD should be in favour of "Stock Holding Corporation of India Ltd." payble at Pune Only.

  • 8/9/2019 Sunway - Cost Sheet


    SMART HOMES - II - Sunway - Payment Schedule for 2-BHK - Non Garden Facing Flats

    Floor No. 1-2nd Floor 3/4/5 th Floor 6/7/8 th Floor 9/10/11 th Floor 12/13/14 th Floor

    Carpet Area sq. ft. 805 805 805 805 805

    Saleable Area sq. ft. 1007 1007 1007 1007 1007

    Rate Per Sq. ft. 2400 2500 2600 2700 2800Basic Cost 2416800 2517500 2618200 2718900 2819600

    Infrastructure Charges 100000 100000 100000 100000 100000

    Others Charges 150000 150000 150000 150000 150000

    Agreement Value 2666800 2767500 2868200 2968900 3069600

    Booking Amount15%

    200000 5150 200000 5150 200000 5150 200000 5150 200000 5150

    Agreement 200020 5151 215125 6706 230230 8262 245335 9818 260440 11374

    1st slab 5.00% 133340 3434 138375 3952 143410 4471 148445 4989 153480 5508

    2nd slab 5.00% 133340 3434 138375 3952 143410 4471 148445 4989 153480 55083rd slab 5.00% 133340 3434 138375 3952 143410 4471 148445 4989 153480 5508

    4th slab 5.00% 133340 3434 138375 3952 143410 4471 148445 4989 153480 5508

    5th slab 5.00% 133340 3434 138375 3952 143410 4471 148445 4989 153480 5508

    6th slab 5.00% 133340 3434 138375 3952 143410 4471 148445 4989 153480 5508

    7th slab 5.00% 133340 3434 138375 3952 143410 4471 148445 4989 153480 5508

    8th slab 5.00% 133340 3434 138375 3952 143410 4471 148445 4989 153480 5508

    9th slab 5.00% 133340 3434 138375 3952 143410 4471 148445 4989 153480 5508

    10th slab 5.00% 133340 3434 138375 3952 143410 4471 148445 4989 153480 5508

    11th slab 5.00% 133340 3434 138375 3952 143410 4471 148445 4989 153480 5508

    12th slab 5.00% 133340 3434 138375 3952 143410 4471 148445 4989 153480 5508

    13th slab 5.00% 133340 3434 138375 3952 143410 4471 148445 4989 153480 5508

    14th slab 5.00% 133340 3434 138375 3952 143410 4471 148445 4989 153480 5508

    15th slab 5.00% 133340 3434 138375 3952 143410 4471 148445 4989 153480 5508

    Brick Work 2.50% 66670 1717 69188 1976 71705 2235 74223 2495 76740 2754

    Flooring 2.50% 66670 1717 69188 1976 71705 2235 74223 2495 76740 2754

    Possession 5.00% 133340 3434 138375 3952 143410 4471 148445 4989 153480 5508

    Agreement Value 100% 2666800 68670 2767500 79042 2868200 89414 2968900 99786 3069600 110159

    Stamp Duty 53400 55400 57400 59400 61400

    Registration Charges 26700 27700 28700 29700 30000

    Legal Charges 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000

    VAT 26668 27675 28682 29689 30696Service Tax 68670 79042 89414 99786 110159

    GRAND TOTAL 2845238 2960317 3075396 3190475 3304855

    * Payment of Cheque/DD should be in favour of "Pegasus Properties Pvt. Ltd."

    * Service Tax / VAT Cheque should be in favour of "Pegasus Properties Pvt. Ltd."

    * For Stamp Duty DD should be in favour of "Stock Holding Corporation of India Ltd." payble at Pune Only.

  • 8/9/2019 Sunway - Cost Sheet


    SMART HOMES - II - Sunway - Payment Schedule for 2-BHK - Garden Facing Flats

    Floor No. 1-2nd Floor 3/4/5 th Floor 6/7/8 th Floor 9/10/11 th Floor 12/13/14 th Floor

    Carpet Area sq. ft. 805 805 805 805 805

    Saleable Area sq. ft. 1007 1007 1007 1007 1007Rate Per Sq. ft. 2450 2550 2650 2750 2850

    Basic Cost 2467150 2567850 2668550 2769250 2869950

    Infrastructure Charges 100000 100000 100000 100000 100000

    Others Charges 150000 150000 150000 150000 150000

    Agreement Value 2717150 2817850 2918550 3019250 3119950

    Booking Amount15%

    200000 5150 200000 5150 200000 5150 200000 5150 200000 5150

    Agreement 207573 5928 222678 7484 237783 9040 252888 10596 267993 12152

    1st slab 5.00% 135858 3693 140893 4211 145928 4730 150963 5249 155998 5767

    2nd slab 5.00% 135858 3693 140893 4211 145928 4730 150963 5249 155998 5767

    3rd slab 5.00% 135858 3693 140893 4211 145928 4730 150963 5249 155998 5767

    4th slab 5.00% 135858 3693 140893 4211 145928 4730 150963 5249 155998 5767

    5th slab 5.00% 135858 3693 140893 4211 145928 4730 150963 5249 155998 5767

    6th slab 5.00% 135858 3693 140893 4211 145928 4730 150963 5249 155998 5767

    7th slab 5.00% 135858 3693 140893 4211 145928 4730 150963 5249 155998 5767

    8th slab 5.00% 135858 3693 140893 4211 145928 4730 150963 5249 155998 5767

    9th slab 5.00% 135858 3693 140893 4211 145928 4730 150963 5249 155998 5767

    10th slab 5.00% 135858 3693 140893 4211 145928 4730 150963 5249 155998 5767

    11th slab 5.00% 135858 3693 140893 4211 145928 4730 150963 5249 155998 5767

    12th slab 5.00% 135858 3693 140893 4211 145928 4730 150963 5249 155998 5767

    13th slab 5.00% 135858 3693 140893 4211 145928 4730 150963 5249 155998 5767

    14th slab 5.00% 135858 3693 140893 4211 145928 4730 150963 5249 155998 5767

    15th slab 5.00% 135858 3693 140893 4211 145928 4730 150963 5249 155998 5767

    Brick Work 2.50% 67929 1846 70446 2106 72964 2365 75481 2624 77999 2884

    Flooring 2.50% 67929 1846 70446 2106 72964 2365 75481 2624 77999 2884

    Possession 5.00% 135858 3693 140893 4211 145928 4730 150963 5249 155998 5767

    Agreement Value 100% 2717150 73856 2817850 84228 2918550 94600 3019250 104972 3119950 115344

    Stamp Duty 54400 56400 58400 60400 62400

    Registration Charges 27200 28200 29200 30000 30000

    Legal Charges 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000

    VAT 27172 28179 29186 30193 31200

    Service Tax 73856 84228 94600 104972 115344

    GRAND TOTAL 2902778 3017857 3132936 3247815 3361894

    * Payment of Cheque/DD should be in favour of "Pegasus Properties Pvt. Ltd."

    * Service Tax / VAT Cheque should be in favour of "Pegasus Properties Pvt. Ltd."

    * For Stamp Duty DD should be in favour of "Stock Holding Corporation of India Ltd." payble at Pune Only.

  • 8/9/2019 Sunway - Cost Sheet


    SMART HOMES - II - Sunway - Payment Schedule for 2.5-BHK - Non Garden Facing Flats

    Floor No. 1-2nd Floor 3/4/5 th Floor 6/7/8 th Floor 9/10/11 th Floor 12/13/14 th Floor

    Carpet Area sq. ft. 964 964 964 964 964

    Saleable Area sq. ft. 1205 1205 1205 1205 1205

    Rate Per Sq. ft. 2400 2500 2600 2700 2800Basic Cost 2892000 3012500 3133000 3253500 3374000

    Infrastructure Charges 100000 100000 100000 100000 100000

    Others Charges 150000 150000 150000 150000 150000

    Agreement Value 3142000 3262500 3383000 3503500 3624000

    Booking Amount15%

    200000 5150 200000 5150 200000 5150 200000 5150 200000 5150

    Agreement 271300 6986 289375 8848 307450 10709 325525 12571 343600 14433

    1st slab 5.00% 157100 4045 163125 4666 169150 5286 175175 5907 181200 6528

    2nd slab 5.00% 157100 4045 163125 4666 169150 5286 175175 5907 181200 65283rd slab 5.00% 157100 4045 163125 4666 169150 5286 175175 5907 181200 6528

    4th slab 5.00% 157100 4045 163125 4666 169150 5286 175175 5907 181200 6528

    5th slab 5.00% 157100 4045 163125 4666 169150 5286 175175 5907 181200 6528

    6th slab 5.00% 157100 4045 163125 4666 169150 5286 175175 5907 181200 6528

    7th slab 5.00% 157100 4045 163125 4666 169150 5286 175175 5907 181200 6528

    8th slab 5.00% 157100 4045 163125 4666 169150 5286 175175 5907 181200 6528

    9th slab 5.00% 157100 4045 163125 4666 169150 5286 175175 5907 181200 6528

    10th slab 5.00% 157100 4045 163125 4666 169150 5286 175175 5907 181200 6528

    11th slab 5.00% 157100 4045 163125 4666 169150 5286 175175 5907 181200 6528

    12th slab 5.00% 157100 4045 163125 4666 169150 5286 175175 5907 181200 6528

    13th slab 5.00% 157100 4045 163125 4666 169150 5286 175175 5907 181200 652814th slab 5.00% 157100 4045 163125 4666 169150 5286 175175 5907 181200 6528

    15th slab 5.00% 157100 4045 163125 4666 169150 5286 175175 5907 181200 6528

    Brick Work 2.50% 78550 2023 81563 2333 84575 2643 87588 2954 90600 3264

    Flooring 2.50% 78550 2023 81563 2333 84575 2643 87588 2954 90600 3264

    Possession 5.00% 157100 4045 163125 4666 169150 5286 175175 5907 181200 6528

    Agreement Value 100% 3142000 80907 3262500 93318 3383000 105730 3503500 118141 3624000 130553

    Stamp Duty 62900 65300 67700 70100 72500

    Registration Charges 30000 30000 30000 30000 30000

    Legal Charges 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000

    VAT 31420 32625 33830 35035 36240Service Tax 80907 93318 105730 118141 130553

    GRAND TOTAL 3350227 3486743 3623260 3759776 3896293

    * Payment of Cheque/DD should be in favour of "Pegasus Properties Pvt. Ltd."

    * Service Tax / VAT Cheque should be in favour of "Pegasus Properties Pvt. Ltd."

    * For Stamp Duty DD should be in favour of "Stock Holding Corporation of India Ltd." payble at Pune Only.

  • 8/9/2019 Sunway - Cost Sheet


    SMART HOMES - II - Sunway - Payment Schedule for 2.5-BHK - Garden Facing Flats

    Floor No. 1-2nd Floor 3/4/5 th Floor 6/7/8 th Floor 9/10/11 th Floor 12/13/14 th Floor

    Carpet Area sq. ft. 964 964 964 964 964

    Saleable Area sq. ft. 1205 1205 1205 1205 1205

    Rate Per Sq. ft. 2450 2550 2650 2750 2850Basic Cost 2952250 3072750 3193250 3313750 3434250

    Infrastructure Charges 100000 100000 100000 100000 100000

    Others Charges 150000 150000 150000 150000 150000

    Agreement Value 3202250 3322750 3443250 3563750 3684250

    Booking Amount15%

    200000 5150 200000 5150 200000 5150 200000 5150 200000 5150

    Agreement 280338 7917 298413 9779 316488 11640 334563 13502 352638 15364

    1st slab 5.00% 160113 4356 166138 4976 172163 5597 178188 6217 184213 6838

    2nd slab 5.00% 160113 4356 166138 4976 172163 5597 178188 6217 184213 6838

    3rd slab 5.00% 160113 4356 166138 4976 172163 5597 178188 6217 184213 6838

    4th slab 5.00% 160113 4356 166138 4976 172163 5597 178188 6217 184213 6838

    5th slab 5.00% 160113 4356 166138 4976 172163 5597 178188 6217 184213 6838

    6th slab 5.00% 160113 4356 166138 4976 172163 5597 178188 6217 184213 6838

    7th slab 5.00% 160113 4356 166138 4976 172163 5597 178188 6217 184213 6838

    8th slab 5.00% 160113 4356 166138 4976 172163 5597 178188 6217 184213 6838

    9th slab 5.00% 160113 4356 166138 4976 172163 5597 178188 6217 184213 6838

    10th slab 5.00% 160113 4356 166138 4976 172163 5597 178188 6217 184213 6838

    11th slab 5.00% 160113 4356 166138 4976 172163 5597 178188 6217 184213 6838

    12th slab 5.00% 160113 4356 166138 4976 172163 5597 178188 6217 184213 6838

    13th slab 5.00% 160113 4356 166138 4976 172163 5597 178188 6217 184213 6838

    14th slab 5.00% 160113 4356 166138 4976 172163 5597 178188 6217 184213 6838

    15th slab 5.00% 160113 4356 166138 4976 172163 5597 178188 6217 184213 6838

    Brick Work 2.50% 80056 2178 83069 2488 86081 2798 89094 3109 92106 3419

    Flooring 2.50% 80056 2178 83069 2488 86081 2798 89094 3109 92106 3419

    Possession 5.00% 160113 4356 166138 4976 172163 5597 178188 6217 184213 6838

    Agreement Value 100% 3202250 87112 3322750 99524 3443250 111935 3563750 124347 3684250 136758

    Stamp Duty 64100 66500 68900 71300 73700

    Registration Charges 30000 30000 30000 30000 30000

    Legal Charges 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000

    VAT 32023 33228 34433 35638 36843

    Service Tax 87112 99524 111935 124347 136758

    GRAND TOTAL 3418485 3555001 3691518 3828034 3964551

    * Payment of Cheque/DD should be in favour of "Pegasus Properties Pvt. Ltd."

    * Service Tax / VAT Cheque should be in favour of "Pegasus Properties Pvt. Ltd."

    * For Stamp Duty DD should be in favour of "Stock Holding Corporation of India Ltd." payble at Pune Only.