sunline 2014-15

LIg Prodttct Eatafog .it & :l; t. I {t ,TFL']ti3' )UNLINE ?o14-8015 V ,& ,ff .*rrfrfffi-**4

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Page 1: Sunline 2014-15

LIg Prodttct Eatafog

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Page 2: Sunline 2014-15
Page 3: Sunline 2014-15

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Page 4: Sunline 2014-15
Page 5: Sunline 2014-15

:30'. lluorocarbon designed specifjcally tor flipping. lt features a color marking pattern lorhighervisibilityforimprovedbitedetection. Therepetitivepatternofl2inchesyellowafterevery30 inches ol clear line lets you tollow the line movement ciearly, even in muddy waters.

Hassle-free, slick line manufactured for eflicient, well-paced pitching and reeling. The high

abrasion resistance is a great advantage that gives you security even in the heaviest cover. lt ismanutactured with a high level balance of strength to shock resistance to avoid break ofls.Designed and made in Japan.

features:aThe tirst fluorocarbon made specifically lor flipping techniques.

OYellow marking for excellent visibility in muddy waters.

l-- 3oinches -+-

l2inches +--30inches ---

,1 l2inches ]

a.l 00o/o f luorocarbon.OSmooth line lor easy handling during llipping.

aPerfect balance ol strength, sensitivity and abrasion resistance.

Length 200yds Ocolor : clear / Yellow


Model Fluorocarbon-O1 00o/o Japanese made fluorocarbon.

a11oyd spool.

aQR code link to web page with tips lrom pro anglers for using lluorocarbon.

aSRP-single resin processing to enhance the quality ol the line.

OGood abrasion resistance.

aHigh tensile and knot strength.

Page 6: Sunline 2014-15

ShooterFor 2013 Sunline introduced a new version ofShooter. the tournament special line.

The highest quality materials and the most advanced

technology have produced a line which gives thesensitivity, tenacity and ruggedness under extreme

stress that top prolessionals demand.

Now available in 3 dillerent categories by size;Finesse Special, Marionette Special and Power


features:OSunline's highest quality lluorocarbon line

OUniform line diameter

aBest fluorocarbon product for llipping or when maximum abraision resislance is needed

aExtreme abrasion resistance and sensitivity

aParallel spooling to insure the lowest memory

Finesse Special

Super FG SniperSunline's flagship fluorocarbon product. The #1 tluorocarbon in the Japanese market and quickly gaining populariiy in

the U.S.The line has all the leatures and high quality tor all techniques with spinning or casting tackle.Now available in

a natural green color 7-2Olb sizes, increased invisibility lor ultra clear water conditions when stealth is key.

Power SpecialLength : 110yds / EED660YdsOcolor: Natural Clear

ffiStandard oia.(inch) 0.0159 | 0.0171 | 0.0185

stunoara oiu.(n'rDT o.aos T d.+gs I o.+zo

features:4100% lluorocarbon

OTRP = triple resin processing is a unique process that lills in the spaces

betwen the molsules with resin.

Makes the line moisture proot, slick and resistant to shock and wear'

aExcellent abrasion resistance

OLow memory

aLonger lileOUnilorm line diameter

Length OColor : Natural Clear, Natural Gren(7-201b Sizes)


2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 l2 14 16 20

0.0050 0.0058 0.0065 0.0075 0.0081 0.0086 o.oo93 0.0102 0.0112 0.0122 0.0130 0.0145

0.1 28 0.148 0.1 65 0.190 0.205 0.2t9 0.235 0.260 0.285 0.310 0.330 0.370

/ 1200yds OColor : Natural clear


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Super FluorocarbonThis 100% tluorocarbon is a good multi-purpose line with the "Strength to Guarantee Your Confidence".

Now available in 660 and 1200 yds length.

Super has the following features:(t100%tluorocarbon aSRP=AsinglecoalofmultipurposeresintoenhancethequalityolthelineaHigh abrasion resistance aHigh straight and knot strength

Length : 660yds / 1200yds Ocotor ; Natural clear

8 10 12 14 16 20Standard 0.0104 0.01 1 4 0.0122 0.01 30 0.0138 0.01 50

Standard 0.255 0.290 0.310 0.330 0.350 0.380

FG LeaderDesigned specifically for leader and top shot applications.Uses Sunline's new raw material to make the perfect balance ol tensile, knot strength and stretch lor optimum

leader performance.

Triple Resin Processing lor better abrasion resistance and improved knot tying.

100% Fluorocarbon lor low water absorption and low loss ot strength when wet.

Perfect match lor Sunline SXI Braid.

Lengih :50yds ocotor Clear

Standard Dia.(


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Page 8: Sunline 2014-15

@MWtr Slxure

Ae$gnill Slfff/ifrcaw tur $ffioilru msntug


Structure FGThe ultimate line for long casis and deep water lishing.

Structure FC excels in structure techniques like football heads, Carolina and umbrella rigs,

because of its high abrasion resistance and low stretch.

It leatures triple resin processing to give it superior abrasion resistance to hold up against the

rocks, shells and wood encountered in structure situalions.The low stretch and high raw material density allows better hooks sets and superior sensitivity

on long casts in open water situations.

features:aThe first fluorocarbon made specilically lor structure tishing techniques

aHigh abrasion resistance to hold up against rock, shells and wood

aLow stretch and special raw material with high density for better hook'sets and sensitivity

aHigh specific gravity to allow lures to sink lasler

aRelative small diameter to pound test


Page 9: Sunline 2014-15

Reaction FGReaction FC is a new tluorocarbon designed specifically tor use with reaclion baits, including

spinnerbaits, crankbaits, rattlebaits and vibrating jigs. Reaction FC is made lrom a new soflerhigh strength fluorocarbon material, This new malerial combined with the manutacturingprocesscreatesalinethatisveryflexibleandstressfree. Theseteaturesallowthelinetohandlebetter on a reel and cast larther than traditional tluorocarbon. lt is formulated to have morestretch than other Sunline tluorocarbons which increases landing percentages of fish on reaclion

baits. Finally, it has double resin processing to give the line outstanding slickness Jor bettercasting. The high specitic gravity of 1.78 ot this product helps make crankbaits run lo theirmaximum deplh. Reaction FC is dyed stealth gray color to help il be even more invisible in any

water color.

features:OThe tirst fluorocarbon made specifically for reaction baits

aMore stretch than other Sunline lluorocarbons to increase landing % on hooked fish

aFlexible and stress free carbon material is used to create a line that handles better on reels

aSuper slick surlace for maximum casting distance

OHigh specitic gravity tor maximum diving depths

aDyed stealth gray for any water color

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Finesse FG$nune

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Going alter big bass with light line? Then Finesse Fc should be your first choice. This specially

designed line is a hiqh level combination of softness for excellent reel managemenl and high

abrasion resistance to hold up against heavy cover. lt was manufactured with a new process

called Super Dynamic Processing lor low memory, plus a "high tenacity" quality lhat balances

strength and stretch, giving the line the energy to hold out to the highest limits. The Double

Resin Processing on the line surtace makes it sleek and durable. Experience the thrill ol tighting

to the limit, made possible with this ultimate spinning line.

features:aSupple design for excellent reel management

aDesigned for suppleness, yet with a high level ot abrasion resistance.

ODouble Resin Processing dramatically reduces line surtace lriction.

OExcellent linearity for smooth, long casts.

aSuper Dynamic Processing lor unbelievable tenacitythat goes beyond normal limits.

Length :200yds ocolor: clear



th : 200yds ocolor: stealth cray10 12 14 16 20

Standard 0.0093 0.0102 0.0112 o.o't22 0.01 30 0.0146

Standard Dia 0.235 0.260 0.285 0.310 0.330 70

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Page 10: Sunline 2014-15


Page 11: Sunline 2014-15

Super NaturalA world class monolilament designed specitically tor the US market. Super Natural is a great choice when looking lorquality monofilament for your fishing application. Available in three colors Natural Clear, Jungle Green and Mizu Blue.

Key Features include:asupple and easy lo handle asmaller diameters than comparable lines OLow memory

OGood balance ol tensile and knol strength OModerate stretch OUnilorm line diameter

acolor : Natural Clear, Jungle Gren, Mizu Blue


WffiffiJungle green and natural clear are available in 330yd, 660yd and 3300yd spools.

Mizu blue is only available in 330yd spool.

Ocolor : Natural Clear, Jungle Gren4 6 6 10 12 14 15 20 25 30

Standard 0.0065 0.0081 0.0093 0.0102 0.01 '12 o.0122 0.0130 0.0146 0.0159 0.0171

Standard Dia 0.1 65 0.205 0.235 0.260 0.285 0.310 0.330 0.370 0.405 0.435

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Shooter Defier ArmiloArmilo is a nylon line that was designed by professional angler Morizo Shimizu for use withtopwaters, big crankbaits and swimbaits. lt teatures low overall stretch and a particularly low initialstretch ratio to improve hook sels and sensilivity on long casts. The triple resin processing on theline surface tor high abrasion resistance and tensile strength. lt is parallel spooled tor low stress andmemory to improve casting and reel performance.

Features:aDesigned by Morizo Shimizu to be a low stretch nylon monotilament lineaSpecitically designed tor use with topwaters, bi9 crankbaits and swimbaitsaLow stretch and high sensitivity for better hook sets and bite detectionaDyed Stealth Dark Gray lor improved camouflage under water

kgtt2.50 T

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Shooter DefierThe super nylon monofilament line specitically designed tor use with hard baits. Line lriction whilecasting has been minimized to allow for long distance casting. lt teatures high abrasion resistanceand knot strength to prevent abrasion from rocks and wood, Pound weight specific line design lorbetter castability, manageability, and line organization. Colored in stealth dark green lor excellentcamouJlage under water.

11 13 15 17 19 22Standard 0.0108 0.01 18 0.01 26 0.0134 o.o142 0.01 50Standard o.275 0.300 0.320 0.340 0.360 0.380

Length : 330yds Ocotor: Stealth Dark creen

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Siglon VaThe spaces betwen the nylon molecules are tilled with resin in a new resin reinforcement process

lo produce a hydrophobic line which retains ils strength and limpness: a tremendous advantage in

tournament tishing.

OUV resistant processing makes the line impervious to weakening or degradation due to sunlight.

al.G.F.A. rated for incomparable strength to wilhstand aggressive pulling and shock.

Clear Mist Gren

Fluorescenl Orange

Siglon FSiglon F is a nylon line featuring resin reintorcemeni processing lor a

moislure proof, curl tree, strong and shock resistant line.

UV resistant processing protects lrom UV rays and prevents lhelluorescent color from lading.

A great line tor trout and steelhead tishing.

H-€tG F

: 330vds acolor : Fluorescent Pink, Fluorescenl

3 4 6 I l0 12 13.5 15 20 25 27 30 40

1.5 2 3 4 5 5.5 6 7 9 't 1.5 12 14 18

Standard 0.0058 0.0065 0.0081 0.0093 0.0102 0.0112 0.0122 0.01 30 0.0146 0.01 59 0.0.171 0.0185 0.0205

Standard 0.148 0-165 0.205 0.235 0.260 0.285 0.310 0_330 0.370 0.405 0.435 o.470 0.520

w*Dr.- r't\J r-:

_F*_LC)41ffiFine FloataSizespecilic line design for outstanding manageability.

OHigh visibility in any situation.

aResin coating with emphasis on slickness.

aOutstanding floating characteristics with just the right amounl ot float.

Length : 164yds Ocolor : Vivid Yellow

6 7 8 't0 l2 16 20

Standard 0.0081 0.0085 0.0093 0.0102 0.0112 0.0130 0.0146

0.205 0.219 0.235 0.260 0.285 0.330




Page 14: Sunline 2014-15


SXl Bfaifl st'o's & Sensitive SurLrN€


Braid fluailable


SXI is a new ULT-PE braided line teaturing improved abrasion resislance. This improvement is not

from applying a thick coating to bolster the material, but by improving the raw fiber. This new

design still retains suppleness lor excellent line control in any situation. The slick line surface ot

the uncoated tiber brings out the longest casting dislances while allowing good, tight knots to be

formed, Sunline pros Brent Ehrler and Aalon Martens have ben two of the slrongest advocaies for

using braided line in numerous applications. They tested numerous prototypes belore the new SX1

was developed. SXl perlorms equally well on spinning or baitcasters and is available in sizes from

1olb to 501b.

SXI features include the following:aUltra high strength ULT-PE polyethylene line.

OExcellent abrasion resistance.

OReduced surface tuzzing.

aNo exterior coating that will wear off.

OUnique surface processing for a slek finish, reducing guide friction and giving you long casting dislance.

aDark green color lor excellent camouflage.

aUltra low stretch, ultra high sensitivity.

For years, Sunline braid was only available in Japan and to thepro fishing team. Now US anglers can tind out how great il isl

Sxl has completely changed my linesse game. The 12 poundbraid teamed with an I pound Super FC Sniper leader is my goto combination for all spinning reel applications. Everything isbett€r, sirenglh, zero stretch, cast ability, and feel, there is notrade ott when using SX1,


$unLrNEBraid Ruailable

RhLength :125ydsOColor : Hi-Visible Yellow


HiVisible Yellow


D@p Gr@n


Page 15: Sunline 2014-15


FXi2 Bfaid rrogsi's & Flipping



Sunline has produced braided line since 1992. Since that time, Sunline braid was only available

in the US to its protessional lishing staft. ln 20 1 1, that all changed with the addition ol Dean

Roias and a new braided product specitically developed Jor the US market. Dean is known as

the best frog fisherman on the planet, so Sunline went to him to help develop a braided line

that would be perfect for frog tishing and llipping. FX2 was crealed tor these two power

techniques that require a premium braid product.

FX2 features include the following:Ocircular vs. oval shape aNo coatings on lhe line

08 strand braid with circular cross section; smooth surface

aCircular design improves casting distance and handles better on the relaSmaller diameter than comparable braids

aExcellent abrasion resistance Olmproved color processing makes color last longer

aPolyethylene and polyethylene terephthalate combination

aDoes not pick up waler which k€ps you drier

Length : 125ydsOcolor : Dark Gren, Oark Green/Blue

Length : 300ydsOcolor : Dark Gren, Dark Green/Blue

Length :90ydsOColor : Dark Gren, Dark Gren/Blue


Length :230ydsOColor : Dark Gren, Dark Grer/Blue

Strength(lb) 80

Dark Gr@n /Blue

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