sunday may th - · -from 4 june festival sat, june 9 11pm. $ 16,000.00...

MASS INTENTIONS 12, Saturday 4:00 PM -- +Edward Belforti by Lilian Beforty & Family 7:00 PM -- Portuguese Mass 13, Sunday 8:00 AM -- + Irene Pazzelli by Family 9:30 AM -- Portuguese Mass 11:00 AM -- + Mary Croci by Son Steve 7:00 PM -- Portuguese Mass 14, Monday– Saint Matthias, Apostle 7:00 AM -- All the Holy Souls in Purgatory by Helpers of the Holy Souls 7:00 PM -- Portuguese Prayer Group 15, Tuesday – Saint Isidore 7:00 AM -- 16, Wednesday - 7:00 AM-- + John Patti by Community 7:00 PM -- Portuguese Mass 17, Thursday – 7:00 AM -- 18, Friday - Saint John I, Pope & Martyr 7:00 AM -- 19, Saturday 4:00 PM -- + Teresa Tersoni by Family 7:00 PM -- 20, Sunday -- 8:00 AM -- + Santa & Geovanni Renzani by Family 9:30 AM -- Portuguese Mass 11:00 AM -- + Louis DelPoio by Family 7:00 PM -- Portuguese Mass SUNDAY MAY 13TH, 2018 COLLECTION APR 30 - MAY 06, 2018 Offertory $ 6,147.89 Tithing $ 6,429.00 Weekly Expenses $ 11,500.00 THE MASS (continuation) Then, we begin the Eucharistic Prayer with prayers with the saints and angels in union with the Church and in union with all creation, but all leading to the invocation of the Holy Spirit. We call upon God to send His Holy Spirit down upon the offering so that He may make the bread and wine Jesus' Body and Blood. And so, the priest, acting in the Person of Jesus Christ, recites the words of institution: “Take this, all of you and eat it.” For centuries, every time we obey Jesus and "Do this in memory” we make the Body of Christ real in the world. In memory of Jesus’s Cross and resurrection, we are united with the whole Church throughout the world. We pray for all those who have died. In the living, dying and rising of Jesus Christ, we have been made One with Him. The Lord's Prayer is our proclamation of faith in a God who is our Father. All Creation praises Him. After remembering that we have no business approaching the Eucharist unless we are willing to extend His Peace to all. And then we receive Him. We receive Jesus acting in us. Communion is the union of Christ, head and members. He is the vine and we are the branches. The Eucharist is not what we do, it is who we are. The Mass is about the others. Those out there. Jesus called in order to send. We have been called here so that we might be sent to produce fruits of love and justice. The very word Mass means a sending. We are a Church on a mission. And we go, with the Lord, who is with us always until the end of time. That is what we are called to do, and that is what we do when we live the Mass. SANCTUARY LAMP May 13 - May 19 MARY MASCHI GUERA by Family

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12, Saturday

4:00 PM -- +Edward Belforti by Lilian

Beforty & Family

7:00 PM -- Portuguese Mass

13, Sunday

8:00 AM -- + Irene Pazzelli by Family

9:30 AM -- Portuguese Mass

11:00 AM -- + Mary Croci by Son Steve

7:00 PM -- Portuguese Mass

14, Monday– Saint Matthias, Apostle

7:00 AM -- All the Holy Souls in Purgatory

by Helpers of the Holy Souls

7:00 PM -- Portuguese Prayer Group

15, Tuesday – Saint Isidore

7:00 AM --

16, Wednesday -

7:00 AM-- + John Patti by Community

7:00 PM -- Portuguese Mass

17, Thursday –

7:00 AM --

18, Friday - Saint John I, Pope & Martyr

7:00 AM --

19, Saturday

4:00 PM -- + Teresa Tersoni by Family

7:00 PM --

20, Sunday --

8:00 AM -- + Santa & Geovanni Renzani

by Family

9:30 AM -- Portuguese Mass

11:00 AM -- + Louis DelPoio by Family

7:00 PM -- Portuguese Mass


COLLECTION APR 30 - MAY 06, 2018

Offertory $ 6,147.89

Tithing $ 6,429.00

Weekly Expenses $ 11,500.00

THE MASS (continuation)

Then, we begin the Eucharistic Prayer

with prayers with the saints and angels in union

with the Church and in union with all creation,

but all leading to the invocation of the Holy

Spirit. We call upon God to send His Holy Spirit

down upon the offering so that He may make

the bread and wine Jesus' Body and

Blood. And so, the priest, acting in the Person

of Jesus Christ, recites the words of institution:

“Take this, all of you and eat it.” For centuries,

every time we obey Jesus and "Do this in

memory” we make the Body of Christ real in

the world. In memory of Jesus’s Cross and

resurrection, we are united with the whole

Church throughout the world. We pray for all

those who have died. In the living, dying and

rising of Jesus Christ, we have been made One

with Him.

The Lord's Prayer is our proclamation of

faith in a God who is our Father. All Creation

praises Him. After remembering that we have

no business approaching the Eucharist unless

we are willing to extend His Peace to all. And

then we receive Him. We receive Jesus acting

in us. Communion is the union of Christ, head

and members. He is the vine and we are the

branches. The Eucharist is not what we do, it is

who we are.

The Mass is about the others. Those out

there. Jesus called in order to send. We have

been called here so that we might be sent to

produce fruits of love and justice. The very

word Mass means a sending. We are a Church

on a mission. And we go, with the Lord, who is

with us always until the end of time.

That is what we are called to do, and

that is what we do when we live the Mass. SANCTUARY LAMP

May 13 - May 19



$ 16,000.00 CASH.

Raffle tickets available for purchase at the Rectory. Also after masses




Monday, May 28th, at 10:00AM, we will be hold-

ing our traditional outdoor Mass at our Ceme-

tery (if rainy day Mass will be held in the


Please come and join us in prayers.

Please remember there will be no 7:00AM

Mass in the Church on that day.


Sábado, dia 9 de junho

Horário: 4:00PM às 11:00PM

Coordenação Geral: Liliane Costa & Romualdo de Freitas

Rifas, Brincadeira, Músicas Típicas, Quadrilhas, Churrasco, Cachorro Quente, Pastel, e

muito mais….


Juliana…………. . Limpeza do Estacionamento

Romulo Freiras... Montagem das Barracas

Natalia….………. Água/Refrigerante

Marcia&Julio…… Pipoca/Algodão Doce

Marilda Santos….. Cachorro Quente

Marcos Menezes.. Venda dos Tickets

Sonia Vaz………. Brincadeiras

Matilde Basilio…. Patrocínio

Sonete…………. Sorvete

Laercio……………. Churrasco

Fiel………………. Cozinha

Ronaldo Braga…. Caldos

Janilda………………. Doces

Cassia…………….. Milho

Valdir……………….. Pastel

Cecílio Abdala…… Leilão

Jean………………. Rifa

Zelia………………. Bar

FINANCEIRO APR 29 - MAY 06, 2018

Coleta do Ofertório: $ 6,147.89

Coleta do Dízimo: $ 6,429.00

Gastos semanais: $ 11,500.00



5:00PM - Confissao das crianças da PRIMEIRA



6:30PM - Confissão dos Jovens da CRISMA

7:30PM - Confissão dos Adultos da CRISMA



Livia e Assistente: Larissa



Camilo e Assistente: Brenno


1:00PM - CRISMA do Apostolado Brasileiro

com a presença do nosso

Cardeal Sean O’Malley


Programa da Arquidiocese de Boston para

Proteção da Criança e e Mandatório para

membros de pastoral

O Curso será realizado na terça-feira, dia

22 de maio, às 7:00PM no Salao Paroquial.

Caros irmãos(as),

No boletim da semana passada que com

certeza quase ninguém leu, falávamos sobre a

preocupação com os nossos irmãos que tem carta

de deportação e são presos. No encontro dos

Agentes de Pastoral do AB essa foi a principal pre-

ocupação de todos os padres. - O que fazer? Fazer

eventos para pagar advogados? A resposta foi

unânime: Não. Por dois motivos: primeiro porque

alguns advogados enganam prometendo o que

não podem cumprir; segundo porque há muitas

pessoas na Comunidade com carta de deporta-

ção, e se a gente fizer para um, dever-se-á fazer

para todos. Após consultar algumas lideranças,

decidimos que se pode:

Fazer uma carta de apoio assinada pelo padre

e em nome da comunidade

Se a família estiver passando por uma grave

crise econômica, dar uma ajuda de emergên-

cia através do dízimo.

Se houver um grupo de amigos que desejam

arrecadar fundos, ceder o salão da igreja para


Mas, para evitar críticas de que

nós somente ajudamos a algumas pessoas e a

outras não; e para não ser injustos com pessoas

que colaboram muito com a Comunidade como

foi o caso da Meire, a Paróquia não pode assu-

mir compromissos de arrecadação de fundos para

pagar advogados e por fim, não será permitido

avisar publicamente na igreja, ou postar carta-

zes no telão ou nas portas da igreja como se o

evento fosse de responsabilidade da Comunida-

de. A arrecadação será uma obra entre amigos.


Grupo de apoio para pessoas que se sentem

tristes, desanimadas com a vida, sem

motivação/depressão ou outro problemas

emocionais. Psicólogo Brasileiro.

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