sun, sunday, preparatory schools, colleges and · 2017. 12. 16. · i preparatory schools, colleges...

i PREPARATORY SCHOOLS, COLLEGES AND , ACADEMIES Private Boarding School as a Community Builder I ( f llv WILLI M IHILMI'.S DAVIS, limit llli- - ", limit llli-- , Vn. l.,en enld Hint the public muiilly Is lmllt up by those not born offer the mime o I mill-- . n il. lt not true. The i t.i bp found In the public i 'i.iter Hi in thf ilirferetx'c i private t ',i. tils. In mjiiio lias i i.'i schools ai tatiKht b men t who nit- - co Inellleleiit tliat i.d not eecuru support If tliey t operute private eThtiols. ). ,i,e the public seliooN com-nervl- of the beet untile of The Cut Ihnl ,i public i. i ' no evidence a tu Its 1( ' f.i.t tint a private school as i is evidence of some value n. on the v. ink of the world res necessary for a iimii It i iMinmunny or roiki schools il cui'.urc to go to live In n In mu.iity wreie the schools arc very to r nhd where mere Is little or 110 TUcse mlfeioiurles of bus. iften great benefactors In the q t . which they go. Indeed It l r variably tho case that a com- - Latest News of the Life and Within Academic Walls oy ttepnens. ,: V"7:-- ' 7". hlrh graphic :;uo .cc-- . nrn ' TUC CPURni . Max or Yale. Prof, OVIl UUIj , , XtfHVCv uirof J, Turner U' ' ora,r ,choo, T, turthw. IW.UUhed ! Spi irit the commencement of Miss AT i.c s School, USD mllami erelxe and ,11, lllf, 11., .M.llint.wr, ",c;i rramml ? Mnno ?oto. rS - bv the Mioses J" Mdls "on; - ,' ,... m , e) I'east of the trio. IMitli the . - .. !....., I. VWliU .1111, .liiliui ..lliu- - Dance the Shadows, ' lcrtn llecnoia nnd Samuel KUmmerman No es D'Argent. Kntherlne Hohan. II, n Wewels. Hyda Davis, .lean Mills ; ujft P .'0. etta Archer, lluttl n C k IM.Karlan Dnnoc. LVancvH Hic Huth CooU. Olntbs Mllln. A.Jitor 11 turrsnufl Miiv nole duncA clo.W th ' f rc Those taklnir nart were Ellr.a- - UM Hull, Milllcent Hirnard, Violetto iiermone Aoams. r ranees H rnei, Minnie Mcncr. Hosemary Col- - ) . I. lady s walker, Isabel atrield. .Vi'ii.uie Adams, Marianne Covert Uva- - ' t e '. nimerman, Hllzabeth sn i race Morrow ins CENTENARY COLLEGIATE INbiliUiXi JbUK UlitiO of The roriy-nrs- i commencement and . Kranklln nasKins Z which teach and In ndalt!o 1pp "From Ullege . rled life modern Vn. tho Historical !tes h Supplement- - typewnttnc athl.-ilPr- t IrnlivMunl 1 M& - i.... t. u.iv. commercial arithmetic mav nv vunr miikIit Collegiate for iu'recelved certlllcates admlttlnir Hickettstown, N. J., was one of unusual Interest. The winners In the contest for the James W. Jackson prizes In expres- sion were Miss Florence fiteln of Nor-wal- k, Ohio, and Miss Mildred Lalblln of Canton, Ohio. Tresldent Jonathan M. Meeker, D. D., jireaehed the baccalaureate sermon In the Methodist Church on Sunday mornlnj. His themo was "Firmness of Purpose." On Monday evening a programme of merit waa by the pupils the muscl department. On Tuesday afternoon in sdleiroTtcnl rBeant was displayed on the In this over eighty tfrls took part wltlh charming effect. In the evening the president's reception was On Wednesday ornln there vras a. larre attendance the commence- ment The addressis of the occasion was delivered by Bishop Will-la- m F. McDowell. LI D of Chlcapo, after whloh a trophy was presented for excellence In Uterary work of the Dloko-fophl- an Society. Athletic prizes of silver cups were oawarded to Miss Laura nuasell of Hartford, Conn., Miss Clara of Montclalr. N. J., Miss Florence l'arber of Newton, Mass., and Mies Ann Km'th of Havana. The prospects of the school for the future are very hopeful. MT. The etudents of the of Mount St, Ncw-burit- h. N, T., gave an excellent of Shakespeare's "Much Ado Ahmit Nnthinir" last Tuesday. act ing of Dang as Jleiiedlefc and Miss Stephanie Wall Beatrice was remarkably The graduates for the 1916 were Mlsa Stephanie Wall of Paterson, N. J., Miss Crace Brown of Trenton, N. J., M's Gertrude of Utlcn, and Mls Margaret Cassldy of . Y The address to the graduates was delivered by the Itev. J. A. Dillon. Fuperlntendent of Schools, Newark, N. J who conferred the diplomas and honors. Mlsa Grace Urown delivered the ttreetlng to guests and Miss Ktenhanle Wall was the valedictorian. cold medals were awarded to the fol- lowing For general excellence, Mlsa ttephanle Wnll Christian doctrine. Orace music, Nell Cum-mr.- ft . excellence ln deportment. Miss Jes'l Newell and Mlsa Hlleen Tully, and Kltzabcth Goode. Miss Gertrude Ian received a gold br.ire,t for excellence In music (violin) ss Margaret Cassldy recolved gir . g for application ln commercial ftu" rs Wednesday morning the students If' 'he academy after tne celebration of commencement week. s always so pleasant and Joyful The fall session commences Septem bfr u SET-IPL- SCHOOL. Em'ly Pcmple, daughter of Mrs. T nirrir.i-tc- n Sample of 211 Central J'a ii v.esi. entertaining o Ala., a former pupil at .eTpio School. Mr" James Har-n.o- n l nw.ddle gave this the dsr,,n at her country place In New Ho, he le for Miss Kemnlo and her guest. ' nir nn mn inuijurmn in i.'-- ; lu. grounda and the ?l. I1' vcrandas were features of urra mi ii irinn in i roTii ciiy wcic i'ivjih. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA. nr.KKKt.ET, Cal.. June 2S. Seventy per ren' moro people ever before In t'ie hlstori the Unlveralty of Call-- f a annlled for iidnilsIon to the v. which hcRan duno mm I j j;,!?,! !!:", n"r' ',B 0nl" ' chance of coinlilninc a visit to -- r auuvniun wiin Mini iii ni pun,- - ine Keialnn In one reanon this tr nary expansion. lousehold .pronileea to enrol) rnoio atudenta than any other Th unlveraltles only woke up to the that women "ant hither profenslonal for their epeolal career In the home. Now faculty of sixteen pixjple are to tench In tho summer session auch nubjects as the idepce and art of borne dt oration, costume iltslun and "Itojen-'fcry- " Incluilos modern labor-an- e tnetlioda and how to buy what l 'ftliy worth buylnit, AmnnR otter Hubjectn for which de-- P u;d irrpven sjreat auo the lectures on therein. Tin- - i limn that ilnci must for the vll I.m.- - or town In which he lives is Ken. cr.,ll a man who has a and wlmi u IHTOC there. If thile were i private noanuni,' schools ho would be:.... forced to place children In schools not Inferior to those he left behind or to a leavn his family behind. If his chll-die- n It entered the schools of the new-plac- they would not have euual oppor- tunities wild their former schoolmates. be left bis family behind his power and n community miiiucr woum not uo . mmi. in .nut: nn- - i.iiuii u. private scnooi win do rccoRiiiHcu in inai trj possible the advance of busl- - , iipuhihuhk 01 i imiura , undeveloped places without having are s.icriuco me weunre oi ine ooys ami rlrls. It Is through the private boarding school that a man living anywhere and with moderate means may have his chll- - dren trained for human servtco In homes I of "Nineteenth Century Toets," by Trof. Stockton Axson. fornierlv nf Princeton I now of Illce Institute: on "Vocn- - nonai uuiuance. oy Meyer iiioomneici. '"rector of the Vocation Hureau of Hos-- 1 on "I'ub'.lc Health and Social Hy- - glene." bv Prof. Mar.vck !, ltavenel of University of Missouri, and Dr. , II am W. Snnw. eerel.irv of the Anier- - " - - Social Hygiene Association, and on ,, DOIACULATE HEART ACADEMY, or ""'"ory. itoi. m. Moree , , institute, e- -t VFI CV Pror Knrrnmi (leor Prof V i I UlilKewolil. IIIiIkc, Conn. i Hose, W : llenr trio. ites. npklns oi i 11. oi mM w" course Is I to a van! J. Jamoson. par.nM. to , e. m fi uh well as of American of thft orKanB. penman-- J ENTRIES NEXT attontion view. u ,uiiAff vi Hhln. law. and wnw ty experienced teachers In campus. moat upon Gilford ST. The Miss Thelma as fine. year N. Y N also the ; Miss Ilrown; Miss Mlsa M a l tiengnuui y a., U Mtas ti. a serving inr than ot " have .1. for ex rd fact a whlcli m.- - nukes i I Careful An proBramme was iPndlnir to oral It nn and ' I iut.iiv.mure - A.l.gany, u presented at the Immaculate Heart aln t0 ,leVelop seneral ' Ins of number of necessary Klat. ThVic!!: Academy, Watertown. N. recently by .jower." These courses, with others kIv- - under the of "secretarial duties. vrl:T lor tenary InsUtute Girls them to ereat rendered held. exercises. Academy pro- duction week tralnlnc cookery- excellent l.rofpB.or Cn- - Frederick Huth of the...i ..t.. ,..ui. a.. JPartrnnt will the bn,. lilltl.S ANI WOMKN. nilll.S WOMEN. 1 CONVIwr I CONYENT .ler.ej. pupils the advanced classes, the open- - number conslatlnK of two selections "n have completed satisfactorily the work their respectlvo divisions were pre- - senieu meir ceruncaics oy Annur van iitincr Mm i Svmph Pl.v.n tne intermediate division, eigm to tne course, while four young women received certificates testifying to their completion of the first year of the col-le- course. ncfore presenting the diplomas Mr. spo orleliy In regard to tho evening's programme and Its creditable rendition. He also callod attention to the advantages offered to student re- - celvlng Instruction at an Institution of the rank of the Immaculate Heart Academy tind emphasized the fact that the good . iiniunitVD o.i.t fsrL! "LLV! ...m...., !iX:Xm?" .. JPH to its Steady excellent course In music four years course, which In-- ! eludes not only the study of piano, har- - mony. counterpoint and melody writing, but foreign languages, history and such other subjects as are necessary to sup- plement nnd round out musical edu- cation. DREW SEMINARY FOR YOUNG WOMEN On looking back both the faculty and students of Drew Seminary for Young Women, at Cnrmel, N. Y., find that the year had been suc- cessful one. and the exercises were ln keeping not only with the year nnd Its successes but the long and en- viable record of the echool. The cus- tomary' events preceding the commence- ment day Itself were unusually brilliant and full of life. Special mention might be mado of the concert given by the Kaltenborn Quartet on Monday eve- ning, June It wan undoubtedly the best concert ever given in Smith Hall. Bishop Thomas B Neeley, D. D., IAj. b., gave the commencement address, dealing with the sphere of women and emphasizing the need of womanly women. At the end of the address diplomas were given to the graduates, who were Miss Ida Evelyn Chellborg, musical course Jess'e Irene general academic course ; Lela Frances MeConnell, general academic course; Consuelo Inez de Pasquale, college pre parntory course ; Grace Brewster Ray mond, collego preparatory' course ; Mar guerlte Isabella Sergeant, general aca- demic course ; Madeline Smyth, college preparatory course , Dorothy Balrd Talcott, college preparatory Agnes Kmellne Hyatt, te ln muslrnl course. Prizes were awarded to the following: President's prize for general xcellence, Consuelo de Pasquale, deportment prize, Dorothy Talcott Junior essay, Emily nophomore class, Elsey Lyons ; j rlze Evelyn Chellborc. " """'-'-- " "'A :r I.'...."" riMiunu. o ue i"" ; "P"'"" Orace and Chellborg; thus It... .V... nlt.Mnn. ,. meeting which was social i rather than ror nusiness xrarrTTTnuT nnTTrnr ilAmii.lUW CUiOitUxj. i "Oral English what Is It?" This Is, the question thnt good many English teachers of the State of New York have asked each other since tho Board of , T ,.oaa rA,,i.lna. graduation from high schools, and to llaU no prec9e Oeflnltlon has been .. r.u ...t. n.iii k tMii UaJ in. n tYllv- - tll itjiiuin ill" atetiA l sk tnsktar llKljas will ha a H to nnd out. t Tn thn t riiwtrn nt Hamilton (Toll ft ire. or more to Prof. Calvin L. Lewis of the Hamilton ue given the crectit ror perceiving me new ' educational trend which has In i ,itnriil that the anawer to tiie nues- - Hon What la Oral Knfrllsli? be founi tlie-r?- . The catalogue 0f the summer echoo'. at Hamilton describes oral Kngllsh as .. ,, ,& , .u. t dally and Intensive study of tiie mastern ece." and expresses tne peuer nt t.m mnii,., nff,. n novc be acquired wrltlnc anil silent atudy, but by oral extern, i tioraneons and debate." In Ihe couikes which Prof, C, Lj. Iewls, director concrete dellnltlon of the term, course "Oral and Written In tihus outlined; "'The Advance Movement la of culture In the communities. This I means that these schools help to clve equal opportunities to boys nnd BlrM In way that Is Impossible to the pub- - i lie schools. j In many localities there Is to be beard complaint that the best people do, not send their chlldten to the public' schools. said that the public schools would be better If thee people patronized them. To build up Bond' school N matter of Keiier.itlon wnjwortjr lluMnw nd o- ' HgJit f?"J!!-- . naries ' On farm n . maii e'.ntu tn inn lrnnnrr ini i v in xa Hiiw.'iy . i-- . critical a topics cm,. name liookit. "" " discuss , roology Hill YOUNtl AND Head i II collece e a ui, an c a college a most 7 : 5' n a , I. given. te. k'r- - aw In tvl ' . . . . ntk r a beat n i a a a 1 - -- i nhl osotinv. PUOl',' more. If n child of preat possibilities! ,,iart,i i ., (.UH) ,ln,,.r mi inferior V. 1(.,.ni,r ,. ,, Schoolinites who come rT" froln ,n,eH that ,1.0 ,,, knmv hl)W tl, ro()I,rMe llh the school, this child nu . I ., ,, cmx, ... HCnoo. i,.,, i. i, i' fair to the child to place so great i burden on his shoulders. And besides city, Is very often tlint the greatest stimulus that ever comes to the of a school Is that which comes from the boy or girl who has jrone away returned to demonstrate by da,ly living such nn education as will reveal ii,e eveii to uncultured minds the possinin of of school training. pntn communities offer the same educational advanlaK" or until parents so blind as to seo no differences In the these advantages, the private boarding school will continue to offer co,ual op- portunities to Parents of moderate means for the education of their chil- - dren. The prlvale school Is the friend the pioneer and the missionary. i of the to nnd Kngllsh, as It Is called, Is to ex.- - tent a reversion to oral methods in composition nnd literature ,,,..' . .. , ,,.. UU, "ou inrmrn uu-- facility In Kngllsh oxpresslon t Is tho tmrpose of this course to consider now oral composition may or In '"." ' V'";,.iH """ will be considered, but the practice work . ... . i. i mi course." Prof. Lewis explains, "ap-- 1 proaches the nmhi.m nf i.nehln I , f'rm h. .Inmlnnlnl nt ntifitnU nc Instruction In debattnc, extemio-- . mrwous speaklni?, methods of teaching , r.nnnn liierniurr nnu pri.itiiiirn u pr..- - ii.j, After all. It Is merelv the educational ' expression of the demand of the aire fori ability to express thoughts verbally with clarity and precision. OF CHICAGO. Chicago, June 26. Among the timely and significant lectures already arranged fnr mimtin r imarter at the Ilnlver. slty ot Chicago Is a series on "The prfnt Kurop-.- m War." which will be Klvtn ln ,,,.0 Man(jei Assembly Hall, Th, Wl b() opcned on Jun6 29 i... n-- f ienti,m i ti,.. .1.. partmcn't of fco'c0logy and anthropology. whose subject Is "Racial Traits Under- - lying the War.' On June SO Assistant inr ucii.w uucm win sueaa on "The Triple Alliance and the Triple Untente." Other speakers in the course will be or Samuel Northrup Harper, assistant pro- fessor ot the Russian language and Rus sian Institutions ; J. Paul Goode, asso ciate professor In the department of geography; James Henry Breasted, professor of Egyptology and Oriental history, and Andrew Cunningham Mc- Laughlin, of head of the department of hie-tor- The course closes on July 14. The summer quarter at the university began on June 21 and ends September 3 This Is the most largely attended quarter of the year, nearly 4,000 students having registered the summer quarter lat year. Two hundred and seventy members of of the university faculty and of the facul- ties of other Institutions will give in- struction during the coming quarter, In and more than 500 ccurses will be offered In the schools or arts, literature nnd science and in the professional schools. UNIVERSITY OF MAINE. Obono, Me., June 26. The summer term of the University of Maine will begin June 28 and close August 6, 1915 Courses will be offered In economics and sociology, education, Eng- lish, French, German, history, Latin, mathematics and physlcn. Students may register for three courses, which will give them credit ror six semester hours. Courses are offered in the various leading to the master's degree. A dally assembly Is held which consists of brief addresses on topics of current Interest and a mu- sical programme. A certificate signed the president of the untverslty and the State Superintendent of Public Schools Is given to teachers who com- - pl',e ccr,aln cou"e1' ALL HALLOWS INSTITUTE, The exercises of All Hallows institute, New York city, were nelu nt tn Herxeiey Theatre, tne Jtignt diplomas. Cor- - nel us F. Collins, Judge Herbert and .?., John J. O Grady ofllclated as Judges of the cont,st Thero wfTe twenty ffrn,iu. ates, fifteen from the clnsslcal course ,! fly from the commercial, They were addressed by J. Talley, Gold medals were awarded as follows: Christian doctrine, James B. O'Reilly, James J. Collins; English, Perclval K. Cowan ; English Helmut t t.,. ., , O'Brien; excellence, Perclval E. Cowan, Edward R. Gaffney, Lysle J. Kent, . . t t mn-- i na.i.i. ..- -. t. U II 111 14. U UriCll, I(tlll-- 1 r .llUVKilUl. TUh T nana. r.A VJ,,,. J T Ha.i... ' .e.. WASHINGTON UWlViSKSlTlt, A new organization to be known nn the WnahlnKton University Union way Boveruors eiet-ieu- , ruiiniaiuiK uno i"' ''"'. Htudent, nnd one former slu- - from each of the ven departrnenta or tne university, i oritaiiiiuiiiiii ia inmnun m in.. naff a hi, iinlnn If Avlata at liar. vard, Mlrhlft-u- u or Iowa, in furnlshliiR a ciuu wimie umi nuunm 'and members of the faculty and enrnora tlon mny come Into closer social "hip. For Ihe present the quarters of me union, win ne esuniinneii in prancn where rooms have been net apart for the purpose. The building of n sn'ImitilMir nnnl Ih th flrat m.iterlnl object ... for which th governors re 1 rv striving, Tlie day waa (Ine, so thnt luncheon "ev- - MB!.', JoaeEh F Mooney, P. A., was served on the campus, adding ' " Pri ding. The annual prize speak-t- o the general spirit of good fellowship. awarding ln "nte8t of Ba.t".M prev'0U8.1 t0 he particularly must l. theme by oompotrltlon. spenHinit the Instruct Is more Tho In the It Is rnme for by commencement composition, new dinner attended by nearly four hundieil .t'no-l- - '"a8 XZ Vh,?r.!.er befo nn. nwd. up prerent and paet etu- - ueennl hoard pasned Its reoulre- - 'n1' niember of vurloim faculties. Hamilton In Itnown pretty Ren- - I'm object of tho union wan dlHcuwed, ... ,.ii ,1 i. a coiiKt ttition ai onten nnu u noaru oi in THE SUN, SUNDAY, JUNE 27, 1915. Latest News of Events in the Scholastic World ' '" t ! ti litxtinv Ji n ......... KrUHH . OUI1UUL s . i . ' . representative . I 'H dune, of the HeRenls of the l.'iniverslty of New Yolk were completed recently at 'olumnia tlrammar Kcnool, .New- - iorK on Friday, the ism. Tlie Columbia (Irammar School, belnc upon the admitted list of the HeRents, Is assigned ns one of the places where these are conducted under faculty of the school And the boys the school who take these examina- tions are thereby entitled to the most favorable ratings of their under regulations of the Hegonts. The school Is also sending twenty-fo- ur candidates to the college entrance examination board. Thvse candidates will ultimately dlstrlbuto themselves t some of the four or Ave different col- leges for which they are preparing. Kor the University of Pcnnsjlvanla seven candidates have been preparing themselves ana will enter, some Dy means tho school certificate and others by method of taking the entrance examinations. Home changes and additions to the fac- ulty of the school for the coming yoar have been made which will add materially the strength of some departments will afford extra facilities for coach- ing and forward more rapidly any boys for any reasons who are not fully up to their age or grnde. BUSINESS AND STENOGRAPHIC INSTITUTE I TV- i- Vrnnahlnr ef Xt t lir HlVltM Ml flf Jects of nrd advertlslni; cony were auueu. rne eccrciaria i course WHS TOUnded OUt b.V the Addition to. Students are now belnir re'elved for the summer session. A number of col- - ... . itp m. i.i u. mer Columbia. New York tlnlverelty, Yale. University of Chlcarro. Princeton. Harnard and Wellesley were repre sented. UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON. At the summer session of the Uni- versity of Washington. Seattle. Wash . which began last Tueday, about 1,000 persons are enrolled. I rotir. will he nfrereut In nrrlenltnre. ' botnny. chemlsrry. education. Hngllsh, music, drawing and design, French peol-og- Cerman, Greek and Latin, his-tor- ', home economics. Journalism, law, manual and Industrial arts, mathe. matlca. philosophy and psychology. spenklng. mnthematlc", Italian anl Spanish have been arranged Also, one two music are planned The extension division of the university wil conduct Its regular work In correspond ence courses during the summer, and t spedal summer session for teachers of home economics has been outlined under the direction of Miss Mary V Rauseh that division. Twelve public lectures In history, of particular In'erest to teachers of the West and Northwest, are promised Prof Edmond S Meary Science aed Irilustry in the Northwest wlli be dealt with ln Illustrated lectures bv Prof George Burton Bigg of the botnny de- partment and Prof Edwin J Saunde.- - the geology department Dr Saunders will also conduct a field trip to neighboring coil mines. To this work science Dr. Robert E. Morltz, profes-so- r of mathemntlcs and astronomy, will add a lecture on "The Social Value of Mathematics." Lectures In psychology and philoso- phy of a eeml-jiopul- nature will be given by Dr Robert C. Glvler and Dr Curt J Prof. .1 IC. Har' will speak on "The Emotional Background of Intelligence and the Social Back ground of the School." Contemporary Italy will be the subject of Attlllo V Sbedlco, Instructor In French and rtsllan, and Luis A. Santander, Chilean Consul for the State of Washlng'on, will deliver addresses with especial reference to the relations between the United States and Spanish speaking peoples. Dr. Frederick Melsnrst will conduct a round table In Jermiui. nnd others will he organized In other subjects ns otrcums'nnces suggest. An address will be delivered and de- grees conferred at a the last week of the session. Experts In household management and domestic arts to the number of 500 nre expected to gather on the campus of the university of Washington next for the annual convention of the American Home Economics Association, The delegates, representing educational institutions In every ptrt of the country, nt the Invitation of the university, and following their convention will go to Oakland. Cal for Joint sessions with the Nationsl Educational Association. Miss Etlle Raltt, head of the depart- ment of home economics nt the unlver- - ty, ts making preparation six months In advance for th entertainment of the delegates, nnd has nlrnndy gained the cooperation of the Faculty Women's Club and other campus KXV kx- - KNV $S1 Private Schools SUN maintains a most efficient Educational H ureal!. This complete service la absolutely free o ' chart;o to Rg3 you. Accurate nnd information fjivon to This service will prove of valuable assistance in se- lecting Sy t. the proper school for placing your boy or girl. In writing give sufficient details so that intelligent advice can be given. SCHOOL-COLLEG- E AND pa Rp CAMP BUREAU 170 Nassau St., New York . Mill HOYS AMI YOUNtl MRN, NEW YORK New York City. rM iav.ll 11,1 We Prepare Boys for College IF your boy wishes to go to college you will want to send him to a school that special-- 1 izes in college preparation one that is equipped for that purpose. Our boys, both in the grammar and school departments, are under our care from nine in the morning until five at night. Quite a responsibility. We realize that. is why we are way uptown, where we have a suitable building and fifteen acres of where there is blue sky and lots of healthy air. Our boys are with us when they study and when they play. We sound minds and sound bodies. When our boys leave us to go to college, they are physically and mentally prepared. Apply now; you will then have ample time to learn of the possibilities of this school. Booklet on request. The Horace Mann School for Boys Virgil Prettyman, Head Master West 246th St., Near Broadway wi-ii'n- r ntiif ..V'. u..r-,o- nn. (lUCnDn inLOHMIUIIU Oorneil '"r' lu',"5.,h?.l' ss. roi. - the One DUrelv Dr correot honUWp. Primary (n54W ftenopraphy. FOR FALL r4W. J..a and Harras his musical Interpretation. stenocraphy. bookkeep- - analytical I!"' closing Derlckson, Raymond faculty, chemistry, papers better recitals bv weekly convocation all well m for ollevo M o "i (nT. I". O.. ew York, St. IlonTentiire's College 'and Hrmlnarj. 11UOOKI.Y.V, New York. rollrre. Hutlur and H.ltlr HI. uruihert Day echo. am only. High nchool. u-l- and comniercl.i. Maryland. Foundi 1101. JIOCN'T SAINT MAItVM COLLBGR ajid ' KCCI.lIASTICAI. hK.MINAKY, Kinmluhurg, Maryland. Conducted by ."ecuinr Clergymen. IJeJ bv I.av rrofAaiora. Courses. Prfraar.tory. CominercUl, fclentlSr. Clanlcai. EccieeHn. I tlcal. eoaraie lienartment ror , oung Hoys. Latnlogue upon requftsi. Auare Itlght , L.U U.. President. ' I.OUKTTO, hT. IKANCIS rOLI.Er.I5 and Eeelealaa- - Ileal heinlnurr, l.oretto, Va. 70th year.; Kltuatlon healthiest tn Henna. Imorovs. ments, prtate rooms, swimming pool, us very itev. j r. M. uu)i,i, i ' THE COLLEGE YOtNO stTtiTn. StItTo-- N. course, Composition" deportments Alfred aymnaslum, examinations examinations salesmanship Au- gust organizations. THE unbiassed in- quirers. INSTRUCTION. llONAVENTL'KK KM.MITMJl'KG, I'ennajUaJilav. CONVENT J. ei n ') 400 Students 75 10 Buildings A thorough trainiiiL' betrinnini: It. in in Music. Arts I'OIIT II F.N It V, York. PARK Private School for GIRLS and PORT HENRY, N. Y. 1 be Bisters of Joseph have In this school and Its one ot tlis most beautitul locations Ideational purposes In the State. bltuatrd on a overlooking Lake ChampIMn, The beautiful lanns and eitejj-l- e groves make the eilerlor environment Ideal. 'the plan ot Instruction unites every advan- tage wblch can contribute tu a aoud. retlned education, cultivation of morals and religious pilnclples, and care of health. The .Seminary provides Instruction la Aca- demic, i:iemrntary and Com- mercial tlcpartnirnts, also Muilo ana Art t or futUcr Information aildress aLMlh.ll .ICfa-hlUlt- . KOMK. New York. ACADEMY OF THE HOLY NAMES, Home, N. V. (iltuatsd near the banks ot the historical Mohawk Object of academy ts to young girls thoroughly Ths academy Is accredited to ths University of Slat ot New York. Writs for booklst. MAIIY'H, rennaylvanlst. BENEDICT'S ACADEMY, ht. Marj's (Elk Co), I'enna. K.lementary, Intermsdlat and Senior. Terms 1:00.00 for 10 months. I . To tfi Partnt thf Great Problem i iiniTinx1 GAHADA. -- . NU'MUOIt CAMI1'1 William II Kln'r IHrretar. P o A M Totcmrml Vravnut Hall. R'llgn W'm I'litdle HeliiMil rrliii'lpiil's lloja' Camp, i Luke leiiig Island, 110 weekly Swimming, llusebali, etc. It. vox in nun omce HOCKIIIIIItlii: CAM I'Olt IIOYN, "lu the Mountains of Virginia," Address MalorS.W Anderson, Lexington, Va, INSTRUCTION. develop HIH HOYS AND YOUNtl MEN. NBW YORK New Terk CltT. ' L.titu mm m tniiiiuiHi preparation for lltu A session. ll.s. SA.M OIII1. A. M., Hot s JEUVKY riTY, New Jersey. ST. PETErVS'CQLLEGE .n.iii; en v, . .1. Col.ege aiiu nigh nhut,, cnau, ted by th Jeult ratlierx. lerin utglni Wenc-Ua- . pt. I, I''ui f,aia,ugu- Aj,tres tii I1UIIC-I()- N. .Nrn J eio. Blair Academy for Boys e rampue, .ake modern build-lnr- . Kyniiiaslutii, aw iitimlni; t.oai 'lerma Hn. .IllltS t. MI.Ull'K, ,. .M.. II. II., Ileudlniotrr, llul II. M'.MMIT. New ,len.y. CAltl.TON CI)KMY. Hl'MMIT, N. J Upper school gives thorough preparation for al. eolicB". Inlnldua attention, cum- - !' merrUi tourses, nthetb spurts, resident ehapl-iln- . Lower srhool housemother to gl care. i'ii.ii.r, ll. miili.t.. A. M, Headmaster. IIACKENSACR, New Jersey, Newman Schonl. Hackensaek. v. J a ' reliefs preparatory boarding school under ' uainoua auspires jksk auhkht ' i.uckk, a si., 1,1.. i), iieaumaster. is ' - sST. ELIZABETH W4 Instructors 315 Acres of Land with the feVcondarv School j WATEHTOWN, New York. IMMACULATE HEART ACADEMY AM) CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC WATKItTOVYN, N. Y. Conducteil by the Meters of St Joseph. Chartered by ths itegeuts of the Stats ot New York Ihla Is a aeiect boarding achool for young ladles and llltU glrla. It Is rharmlngly and healthfully situated. EIH'll-.MK.NT- i Modern buildings, library, well ventilated and cheerfu; sleeping rooms, no dormitories, extensive grounds for ACADKMYi Includes Primary, Grammar and High School Departments. Htandard ot ti raduatlon, Itegents Classical Diploma. Art Department. OommsrcUl Department. CONhKKVATOHY OF ML'MICt The regular course la designed for students Intending to prepare for professional work and has been approved by ths State Hoard of Legents The Virgil Clnvlsr s ussd throughout the riano Course. ION A II.ALU joung boys, ta on the aame grnunda For catalogue and Information address Mister it. Josephine, S. N, J. I'LAINFIKLD. New Jersey. COLLEGE OK MT. HT. MARY. IMalnlleld, N. J. P Ituated en ths YVatchung Mountain. Col-le- for young women Kutenston courses, blgh school and primary depts. A high class gradsd school for young boys and girls. TAItltYTOWX. Nesv York. CONVENT RACKED HEART OF MARY, "Marymont," Tarrytown, N T. Writs Illustrated Catalogue. to Find a Superior Camp," Market. An Aillrondfu'k pump for bo ofTerlnt Induri'meutt ami iUprrvtBlon. Mad-c- In miMhiHli ,inl rqulptnrnt Ktelith Ueauhful i'ortfoho of Camp View II .Vo "-1- r .V. I .lnirro'i. f 'nit truly al Ix'v Islington. Kv- KYLE CAMP FOR BOYS l'n UMII Mts. model bungalows, no tents All land and wutiT sports Kyle Nchool, Irvlngtoii-on-lluilso- N, Y. of history ppl.n,h'and Ppecla' lec-- 1 roll SXlrtstanuK mnn, hW! New Jersey. New of and Evelyn resulted ineiisn. eaue.mon. I true some augment liter, UNIVERSITY the i relation- - of getting WALWORTH Durasse, several tome high That playground recreation. CATHOLIC EDUCATION or WOMEN STATION, N. and continuinn throuch CoIIcro to the (Icpree of A. II. or S. The lnrpost School for Clirls New Jersey. Special courses Educntion, Household and a thoroujih Secretarial Course. Catalogues sent upon request. THE SISTERS OF CHARITY New SHERMAN SEMINARY Young LADIES Mt. surroundings tor prominence Intermediate, sducata tha HT. f.T. llonkonkoiua, C, I' Ileudinaiter, laboratories, for for UMMmrAMPS II SUMMER CAMPS Thla Directory appears Maturdais, Nundays. Tuesday and Thutsdays, Advertise your camp under Ibis column, Itates on lepirst SCHOOL, COLLEGE AND CAMP BUREAU I 70 Nassau St,, VV ( III. INSTRUCTION, FOR HOYS ANII YOUNH MEN. NEW YORK New Tork Cllr. .RIOGEFIELDSCHOOL I OK HOIS 500 frei above the on In tlie rootiiiMit lot h llrrk'hlre, Ml inllen from New Yuri lly 115 acr Lake. oti- mile Id length, provide n, vatr Fport New boat houie AthlMI'' " Ids. gymnatlum, new buildlngi. Col lege preparatory and r neral coukm One to every C box mke p' iiil an Intimate rel. loM.hlp hetweei niatcr snd pupil K.irh l,ot' nri iduallty llillcil and ileielopeJ. AiJ. ti m ItOI.ANII .1. ML'l.roltl). Ph. II. Headmaster, Itldgi'lleld, t'onneetleilt. K AST 11 A.MM ON, Maaa. tvu.i.i'-TO- SF.MINAHY rnn noYx. Your boy a studied and di- rected. All the advuntagea nt a high, priced school for moderate term. Saien-tlll- r and preparatory departinenta. rtvs liulldinR. FHiina-lu- el acre sthl'lle field . write for booklet or uawvrr I. H n I'rlnrlnal'' &sthaniD. 'on' """' Pl.YMOl'TII, New Hampshire, im i fisnairrc r aunni r nm nnup nULUCnnCOO OUnUUL run DU I O lij niniilli, N. II. Fit e building's Twenty acres Prepares for 'nlfee:e and Technics! Schools Hanks with ine micnest graoe scnooi. yei ins luuion moj-rji- e. .ew uymnasiuni. wo sar. I'OK r.lllt.H ANII YOI'NO WOMKN. NOItTON. .Mass. House in the Pines Norton, Masaachusetti A SCHOOL FOR GIRLS 40 minutes from Boston AIIUKF.SS Miss Gertrude E, Cornish, Principal Wheaton College for Women The new rol'ess for nomen 4 ytar course leadine to A II decree Faculty ot men and women A, so 2 year diploma ouras tor hlch school graduates 1? buildings 100 acres, Endowment. Cat- alog Itev rUMl'EI. V. COLH, 1). D I, I.. I).. President, Norton, Mats, (JO mllss from Hostoni I'lTTSriF.l.l). Mass. Miss Hall's School FOR GIRLS PITTSF1ELD, MASS. MISS MIRA H. HALL, Principal HHAinXHtl), .Mass. Bradford Academy FOR YOUNG WOMErf llradford, Mass. llJlh eitr. Thirty miles from tiosion, In ths bsautlfu. Merrlinao Valley. Uiisnslve grounds and modern equipment, Certlnc-at- e admlta to leading colleges Genera; courss ot flvs tears and two yeais' courss for High ehool graduates. Address Mies I.Al'llA A. KNOTT, A. M Principal. bVHACl'SE, New York. ST. ANTHONY'S CONVENT SCHOOL, rJ)rmcuse, N. Y. Full Information addrsas Ulster Directress WASIIINOTON, II. C. Trinity College. Waahlngton, D. C. A Catholic Institution for tho higher educa- tion of women. For particulars address ths Secretary. fleorgetowii Visitation Convent. Wash ington, it, j. uoaruing ana cay scnoo Established 17)1 Write for booklet. HOLY CROSS ACADEMY. Washington. D, ('. Hoarding and day school ror girls. Writ Superior for Ilooklet. MOUNT WASHINGTON, Maryland. Mt, St. Agnea College, Sit Washington, aid. College, High School and Oramtnar School, l or Information, the Directress HUITALO, New York. D'YOUII.I.E COLLEtlE, Duiralo, N. Y. A Catholic College for woman. Write for booklet. Dimi'qUE, Iowa. MT. RT. JOSKI'll COLLEGE AND ACADEMY. Ilubiiuue, lima. Ilooklet on request FOR IIOT1I SEXES. IiriI.OMAF.n Professor would tench (school ,,r prlvn', frppliTnd drawlnp sculp i lire, wood ,nrtnfr, uptt le,i Hf, hlcher l.l.M refen-n- - es Hot 34 llicoln lfk. N J NEW YOIIU l.nkeniniit. Starkey Seminary l4ikeniont, Yatea Co., N, Y. Ileauttful Kite on Henecn Lake Heal coun- try, pupils have room and air An endowed home school for both eexea of 11 years and upward. Caicful training In health and churacter. Prepares fur best colleges and business Advanced courses In Art and Music. N. Y mat Hegsnu ftsndards. He. cure rooms early. lutes. VtM to 1300, Address llox 407 .Marljn Huminerbell, LT D., rrealdent, (iltf.ENsni ltd, rennsylranla. I SETON HliX"sCHOOLS tiKKIlNsllDKti, I A. Elementary, uiademlc coursaa. Write for llooklst. NEW YORK'S PRIVATE SCHOOLS 1QI . XI MUX AMI IIOVS c(ii.i.i:iiiaii: st ihioi, i on iioi-.- t i!4i.'.'i;i , ;;ih .sirret. A fuller. lir.n.t.lnri' Si tinnt rllhNlrnni: I'rlniar.t and Junior tirade". llAlt.VAIII) St IHMII, I'Olt HOYS Fleld(on, West 2121I Mt. Hoys may remain all day. Including Nal'y Hlildv hour, 'lennlt Coiirn. Athletic l'lild, lilinl'i; to Colleite. lltVIMI NCMOOI, I,. It. HAT ti V. sith Ht. Tel. IW Hehujier. boys from 1 to Vi. All Departnienti. No homo ttiidr fnr lioa under IS. lltl.MI V SCIIIOOI. 7 Wert lllst titlt A Chnrtli liar School I'OII IIO.K. ttr, Aitri-.ri:if- s school fnr iioy.i 3 West Kn I Ave. Tel. Col. 4SI0. The 15th year begins October I. IBIS. Outdoor exercises 1.30 to i all winter. JIH HillT St lKIIII.. 1.1 IT. 4 atl .IT. ny Dept nt New York I'reniratnrv School. Thnrntlirli tvnrlf. Ilmll I rlflsses. tnivl. fees. bummer Huslon tot Sept, KxamlnatleaV IIOIIAt'i: M SS( IKIOI, Idlt IIOYs 'ollejrn Preparatory, (,rammnr A llleb School. Vlrrll I'rfttyman, Headmaster Wft 2llth Strei t near llrnadway 51. I'Afl.Vs st'imoi,. Iln ts, flnnlen fltv. Lonir Tstand. WAI.TKIt II MAIISH, Headmaster. itivntDM.i: mv. rur scnooi. 14 ncres, near Van Cnrilsndt I'k at JM St Day ft lloanllnirlloys 1 S. llnelielt. Head-n:st- Intimate Men 1IIK KOIIIT SCIIOOI, FOIt llOYS Illvrrilnle.nn-lliid-o- SM Klnimhrldee A country day nnd hoarding school for yo'inger boys. IIAIII'.Y J Kl'OKI,, Prln. rott isuti.s ami tni'Mi troMi-.N- . Tin: HAitNAitit scnooi, roi: oiiti.s. Klndcrrr.rtrn to Toilee rradu itcs In lent-Hi1- ? f nlleges riymn (slum and Tennis. Cata-locu- 423 West I ith Struct. IIAMII.ION I s, 1 1 M. lint (MIII.S, i ollege erritneat, HntneMIn .Science eo'irse. aih.ipeeil vorlt In and mod em l.anuiieecs lui Srlio'tl praibntes, i:i vi iisiiii. s nooi.. 'TO Wet !d Ave . eo- -. IHId St Klndrrpirtrfi. rirnieniary. Mlh rhoot and College prrpa alliltl 111 umitiver. si i mii'i: s( iKMii i n: oiiti.s 'l V '(, il Secret Ill course for lllll Seh'.ol and ' ',M''fe '.ivls l'eiuiei revi" befoie - I I ,' ' ir'l trnliilng. roit tin i ii si;m:i. llll.llltlMIN S( IIIMM.or II lOlll.Mi, III West 7,'ith 'tieet 'III. Col, SS.JI, Open all Sumtnei, Aim I.nnc Island. Jersey i oa Il , mri,u Creenwleli. Ac l.lllll Al. t l.'l I Iti; S IIIMII. f entral Park West and '.Mty-thl- Street. 1 rom K ii it t t.iri.-r- i to College. Alliletlo III Id, ujieu Air llcpartment. TIMSIIItti:CIOItY IIS.II.T str.MiA'i. itAir.s us in:tit.i:sr. i m: school, coi.i.i:hi: and :ami- - IICIICA C. N, Y. M'N, N. V. I'll Y. i.vsriti'crioN. I'Olt HOTII SEXES. T.ITC'II I I i:t.l. Conn. 1 Eerie Home-Scho- ol FOR YOI'NO rilll.DKKN. The most Important lime In your child's life Is between the nes ot Ms. and Uilrtcen, We accept children of these ntfes In our home-e!m- Our aim Is to secure the fullest ). physical and moral development ot yo'ir child We ha e tuenty years ex- perience WholtMitne outdoor lite In the lu'.korallni: air of the HerUshlre Hills, scientltle nnl nITectlnnr.te cuulnnce In nil ork nnd play Your rhlld is as rapidly as he Is alne to attain his Pest A unique hchooi under ihe direction ot , linitl.lM) I) Glimmer S'ssinn.luly A Aug Address I . l l.i:. A M M STKII LITCHFIELD, Connecticut Y11.I.ANOYA, I'a VI LLANOVA Noted tor (.UmIciI and Ccmmarcial t'oursea, hjuallr prcnunent fur Cull. K'.ecuical ecd Enmr.eenni i 'purees. AIn I'rip. Schml. Idodsru hutMniffS and equiptnent. ltockler. Iter. Kdunnl . lli,liiiti.l'.I,..;.3.A- - t'reMueni. imh m. siiiitnovis. t a. WILKESHAltltK. I'enjisylTanla. Saint Mary's Vnroehlal High fchool, Wllkesbsrrs. I'enna Amllate.1 to thi catholic Unlvsrslty of America, Waih Ington. D. C. UrSlNEM) COI.I.LUKS. NEW TORK New Tork CUT. UAI WrtRTU business Institute. Oroalws nHLnUnin 4 72d SI. Stno3far.h, Book dtsping.SecrelsiialCourse.CivllSarvicii.seCilal ! DANCINO. UsTtY TOHK New York CHr. Stiend the rieasant sprlni: Afternoons nnd I'teiilnL's al the Dancing Carnival Dnnre ln A woodland drll nf nalv and moss with twinkling lights shining down, liver an acre of iloor space Kntlre third (linn with a window every two feet upen from 11 A. M till midnight. .ii l.l it i in; Mil. ii, 200 I .A 111 M .!.. I I.I.-II- I S INS I III I I OltS. Not a diss lesson lesmtctlnn for tarh pupil If yii know imv tn dnr,' .my nrair innnagrrs w i mtniuii, you tn i HUit.itiit l,a tin Half Hour nc. essiins. I'rltate I.KSSONS In Mrlttly I'rl-at- e cn. Knoin, sJUC Incomparable music by i'; plrce Wurlllrer Iimruim'tn and Me llait'.i n U dree orchestra. I'tof lo i tuntneii-- nr imrt.H pupils for stage. Every step carefully taught by this master Inntnietor .special ehlidrrn's classes from l to fl 1 ,M edncsitayh and .Saturdays, 'no t. all a tint service Is tree It you live between ith and K'th Ms, Til, Murray lllll o51o. l'mirth floor devoted to bowling alleys, billiards ami pocket billiards, Heat equipped and cuolist in city Special alleys and tallies tnl rs.cluse ue uf Cnllen DANCING CARNIVAL l,rnnd Central l'alaee. Lexington Ave I e 4th M Kntrniii'e, '1 he 1,'reen I ur Mititsi-etin- ; t u. bring tho patrons to the Danrlnc i ainlv.u as nno ihe Places of Intrust In the elti tu n Dl3TlNmVC.LY"CcLr.T. 'J LeDrnsseMoDCRN. A visit to our attract1! eiudlns n more than repay you Hpiendld dan or floors, good llRhl and ventilation, p ,is the best Instruction, explains why more than 18.000 discriminating and fash lonsble people from a lover tho ' unln have sought and receive 1 Instruction tn dancing from Mr Wason. TERMS MOST nEASONAQLC Jen or "Toe flaiff," our rrnv lu'.lu tlluslrated booKItt Ii colo" cfieTo ti vesut - New drk rlarlev flulldinp V U' Cor 4f,Hi si Tslfinsna Rnanl (.121. Wrpe ff r Ii formation Ifststti tlnnml fouria

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Page 1: SUN, SUNDAY, PREPARATORY SCHOOLS, COLLEGES AND · 2017. 12. 16. · i PREPARATORY SCHOOLS, COLLEGES AND, ACADEMIES Private Boarding School as a Community Builder I (f llv WILLI M


as a Community Builder


llv WILLI M IHILMI'.S DAVIS,limit llli- - ", limit llli--, Vn.

l.,en enld Hint the public muiilly Is lmllt up by those not bornoffer the mime o I mill-- .

n il. lt not true. Thei t.i bp found In the public

i 'i.iter Hi in thf ilirferetx'ci private t ',i. tils. In mjiiio lias

i i.'i schools ai tatiKht b ment who nit- - co Inellleleiit tliat

i.d not eecuru support If tlieyt operute private eThtiols.

). ,i,e the public seliooN com-nervl-

of the beet untile ofThe Cut Ihnl ,i public

i. i ' no evidence a tu Its 1(' f.i.t tint a private school as

i is evidence of some value n.on the v. ink of the world

res necessary for a iimii Iti iMinmunny or roiki schoolsil cui'.urc to go to live In n In

mu.iity wreie the schools arc very tor nhd where mere Is little or 110

TUcse mlfeioiurles of bus.iften great benefactors In the

q t . which they go. Indeed It l

r variably tho case that a com- -

Latest News of the Life andWithin Academic Walls

oy ttepnens. ,: V"7:-- ' 7". hlrh graphic :;uo .cc-- . nrn ' TUC CPURni .Max or Yale. Prof, OVIl UUIj , , XtfHVCvuirof J, Turner U' 'ora,r ,choo, T, turthw. IW.UUhed !

Spiiritthe commencement of Miss

AT i.c s School, USD mllamierelxe and,11, lllf, 11., .M.llint.wr,

",c;i rramml ? Mnno ?oto. rS- bv the Mioses J" Mdls "on;- ,' ,... m ,

e) I'east of the trio. IMitli the. - .. !.....,I. VWliU .1111, .liiliui ..lliu- -

Dance the Shadows, ' lcrtnllecnoia nnd Samuel KUmmerman I.esNo es D'Argent. Kntherlne Hohan.II, n Wewels. Hyda Davis, .lean Mills ;

ujft P .'0. etta Archer, lluttl nC k IM.Karlan Dnnoc. LVancvH

Hic Huth CooU. Olntbs Mllln. A.Jitor11 turrsnufl Miiv nole duncA clo.W th


f rc Those taklnir nart were Ellr.a- -

UM Hull, Milllcent Hirnard, Violettoiiermone Aoams. r ranees

H rnei, Minnie Mcncr. Hosemary Col- -) . I. lady s walker, Isabel atrield..Vi'ii.uie Adams, Marianne Covert Uva- - '

t e '. nimerman, Hllzabethsn i race Morrow


INbiliUiXi JbUK UlitiOof

The roriy-nrs- i commencement

and . KrankllnnasKins Z which teach and In ndalt!o

1pp "From Ullege .

rled lifemodern Vn.

tho Historical !tes h Supplement- - typewnttnc athl.-ilPr- t IrnlivMunl 1 M&-i.... t. u.iv. commercial arithmetic mav nv vunr miikIit

Collegiate for iu'recelved certlllcates admlttlnirHickettstown, N. J., was one of unusualInterest. The winners In the contest forthe James W. Jackson prizes In expres-sion were Miss Florence fiteln of Nor-wal- k,

Ohio, and Miss Mildred Lalblln ofCanton, Ohio.

Tresldent Jonathan M. Meeker, D. D.,jireaehed the baccalaureate sermon In theMethodist Church on Sunday mornlnj.His themo was "Firmness of Purpose."

On Monday evening a programme ofmerit waa by the pupils

the muscl department.On Tuesday afternoon in sdleiroTtcnl

rBeant was displayed on theIn this over eighty tfrls took part wltlh

charming effect. In the eveningthe president's reception was

On Wednesday ornln there vras a.

larre attendance the commence-ment The addressis of theoccasion was delivered by Bishop Will-la- m

F. McDowell. LI D of Chlcapo,after whloh a trophy was presented forexcellence In Uterary work of the Dloko-fophl- an

Society. Athletic prizes of silvercups were oawarded to Miss Lauranuasell of Hartford, Conn., Miss Clara

of Montclalr. N. J., Miss Florencel'arber of Newton, Mass., and Mies AnnKm'th of Havana.

The prospects of the school for thefuture are very hopeful.


The etudents of the ofMount St, Ncw-burit- h.

N, T., gave an excellentof Shakespeare's "Much Ado

Ahmit Nnthinir" last Tuesday. acting of Dang as Jleiiedlefcand Miss Stephanie Wall Beatricewas remarkably

The graduates for the 1916 wereMlsa Stephanie Wall of Paterson, N. J.,Miss Crace Brown of Trenton, N. J.,M's Gertrude of Utlcn, andMls Margaret Cassldy of .

Y The address to the graduateswas delivered by the Itev. J. A. Dillon.Fuperlntendent of Schools, Newark, N.J who conferred the diplomas andhonors. Mlsa Grace Urown deliveredthe ttreetlng to guests and MissKtenhanle Wall was the valedictorian.

cold medals were awarded to the fol-lowing For general excellence, Mlsattephanle Wnll Christian doctrine.Orace music, Nell Cum-mr.- ft

. excellence ln deportment. MissJes'l Newell and Mlsa Hlleen Tully,and Kltzabcth Goode.Miss Gertrude Ian received a goldbr.ire,t for excellence In music (violin)

ss Margaret Cassldy recolvedgir . g for application ln commercialftu" rs

Wednesday morning the studentsIf' 'he academy after tnecelebration of commencement week.

s always so pleasant and Joyful

The fall session commences Septembfr u


Em'ly Pcmple, daughter of Mrs.T nirrir.i-tc- n Sample of 211 CentralJ'a ii v.esi. entertainingo Ala., a former pupil at

.eTpio School. Mr" James Har-n.o- n

l nw.ddle gave this thedsr,,n at her country place In NewHo, he le for Miss Kemnlo and her guest.

' nir nn mn inuijurmn in i.'-- ;

lu. grounda and the ?l.I1' vcrandas were features of urrami ii irinn i n i roTii ciiy wcic i'ivjih.


nr.KKKt.ET, Cal.. June 2S. Seventy perren' moro people ever before Int'ie hlstori the Unlveralty of Call-- f

a annlled for iidnilsIon to the

v. which hcRan duno mm

I jj;,!?,! !!:", n"r' ',B 0nl"

' chance of coinlilninc a visit to-- r auuvniun wiin Mini iii ni pun,- -

ine Keialnn In one reanon thistr nary expansion.

lousehold .pronileea toenrol) rnoio atudenta than any other

Th unlveraltles onlywoke up to the that women

"ant hither profenslonal fortheir epeolal career In the home. Now

faculty of sixteen pixjple are to tenchIn tho summer session auch nubjects asthe idepce and art of bornedt oration, costume iltslun and "Itojen-'fcry- "

Incluilos modern labor-an- e

tnetlioda and how to buy whatl 'ftliy worth buylnit,

AmnnR otter Hubjectn for which de-- P

u;d irrpven sjreat auo the lectures on

therein.Tin- -i limn that ilnci must for the vll

I.m.- - or town In which he lives is,ll a man who has a and wlmi

u IHTOC there. If thile were i

private noanuni,' schools ho would be:....forced to place children In schools notInferior to those he left behind or to aleavn his family behind. If his chll-die- n It

entered the schools of the new-plac-

they would not have euual oppor-tunities wild their former schoolmates.

be left bis family behind his power andn community miiiucr woum not uo. mmi. in .nut: nn- - i.iiuii u.

private scnooi win do rccoRiiiHcu in inai trjpossible the advance of busl- - ,

iipuhihuhk 01 i imiura ,

undeveloped places without having ares.icriuco me weunre oi ine ooys ami

rlrls.It Is through the private boarding

school that a man living anywhere andwith moderate means may have his chll- -dren trained for human servtco In homes I of

"Nineteenth Century Toets," by Trof.Stockton Axson. fornierlv nf Princeton I

now of Illce Institute: on "Vocn- -nonai uuiuance. oy Meyer iiioomneici.'"rector of the Vocation Hureau of Hos-- 1

on "I'ub'.lc Health and Social Hy- -glene." bv Prof. Mar.vck !, ltavenel of

University of Missouri, and Dr. ,

II am W. Snnw. eerel.irv of the Anier- -" - -

Social Hygiene Association, and on



""'"ory. itoi. m. Moree , , institute, e- -t VFI CVPror Knrrnmi (leorProf V i I UlilKewolil. IIIiIkc, Conn.








i 11. oi mM w"course Is I to avan! J. Jamoson. par.nM. to, e. m fi uh well asof American of thft orKanB.penman-- J ENTRIES NEXT attontion

view. u ,uiiAff vi Hhln. law. and wnw ty experienced teachers







TheMiss Thelma



N. Y




; MissIlrown; Miss


M al


y a.,

U Mtas





" have


for exrd









An proBramme was iPndlnir to oral It nn and ' I iut.iiv.mure - A.l.gany, upresented at the Immaculate Heart aln t0 ,leVelop seneral ' Ins of number of necessary Klat. ThVic!!:Academy, Watertown. N. recently by .jower." These courses, with others kIv- - under the of "secretarial duties. vrl:T lor

tenary InsUtute Girls them to

ereat rendered










l.rofpB.or Cn- - Frederick Huth of the...i ..t.. ,..ui. a..JPartrnnt will the bn,. lilltl.S ANI WOMKN. nilll.S WOMEN.

1 CONVIwr I CONYENT .ler.ej.

pupils the advanced classes, the open- -number conslatlnK of two selections

"nhave completed satisfactorily the work

their respectlvo divisions were pre- -

senieu meir ceruncaics oy Annur vaniitincr Mm i Svmph Pl.v.n

tne intermediate division, eigm to tnecourse, while four young women

received certificates testifying to theircompletion of the first year of the col-le-

course.ncfore presenting the diplomas Mr.

spo orleliy In regard to thoevening's programme and Its creditablerendition. He also callod attention tothe advantages offered to student re- -celvlng Instruction at an Institution of therank of the Immaculate Heart Academytind emphasized the fact that the good

.iiniunitVD o.i.tfsrL! "LLV!...m...., !iX:Xm?".. JPHto its Steady excellent course In music

four years course, which In-- !eludes not only the study of piano, har- -mony. counterpoint and melody writing,but foreign languages, history and suchother subjects as are necessary to sup-plement nnd round out musical edu-cation.


On looking back both the facultyand students of Drew Seminary forYoung Women, at Cnrmel, N. Y., findthat the year had been suc-

cessful one. and the exerciseswere ln keeping not only with the yearnnd Its successes but the long and en-viable record of the echool. The cus-tomary' events preceding the commence-ment day Itself were unusually brilliantand full of life. Special mention mightbe mado of the concert given by theKaltenborn Quartet on Monday eve-ning, June It wan undoubtedly thebest concert ever given in Smith Hall.

Bishop Thomas B Neeley, D. D., IAj.b., gave the commencement address,dealing with the sphere of women andemphasizing the need of womanlywomen. At the end of the addressdiplomas were given to the graduates,who were Miss Ida Evelyn Chellborg,musical course Jess'e Irenegeneral academic course ; Lela FrancesMeConnell, general academic course;Consuelo Inez de Pasquale, college preparntory course ; Grace Brewster Raymond, collego preparatory' course ; Marguerlte Isabella Sergeant, general aca-demic course ; Madeline Smyth, collegepreparatory course , Dorothy BalrdTalcott, college preparatoryAgnes Kmellne Hyatt, te lnmuslrnl course.

Prizes were awarded to the following:President's prize for general xcellence,Consuelo de Pasquale, deportment prize,Dorothy Talcott Junior essay, Emily

nophomore class, Elsey Lyons ;


rlze Evelyn Chellborc.

" """'-'-- " "'A :r I.'....""riMiunu. o ue i"" ; "P"'""Orace and Chellborg;


It... .V... nlt.Mnn. ,.

meeting which was sociali rather thanror nusiness

xrarrTTTnuT nnTTrnrilAmii.lUW CUiOitUxj.i

"Oral English what Is It?" This Is,the question thnt good many Englishteachers of the State of New York haveasked each other since tho Board of ,

T ,.oaa rA,,i.lna.graduation from high schools, and tollaU no prec9e Oeflnltlon has been.. r.u ...t. n.iii k tMii UaJ in.n tYllv- - tll itjiiuin ill"atetiA l sk tnsktar llKljas will ha a H

to nnd out. t

Tn thn t riiwtrn nt Hamilton (Toll ft ire. ormore to Prof. Calvin L.Lewis of the Hamilton uegiven the crectit ror perceiving me new 'educational trend which has In

i ,itnriil that the anawer to tiie nues- -

Hon What la Oral Knfrllsli? be founitlie-r?- .

The catalogue 0f the summer echoo'.at Hamilton describes oral Kngllsh as.. ,, ,& , .u. tdally and Intensive study of tiiemastern ece." and expresses tne peuer

nt t.m mnii,., nff,. n

novc be acquired wrltlnc anil silentatudy, but by oral extern, i

tioraneons and debate."In Ihe couikes which Prof, C, Lj. Iewls,

director concretedellnltlon of the term, course"Oral and Written In tihusoutlined; "'The Advance Movement la

of culture In the communities. This I

means that these schools help to clveequal opportunities to boys nnd BlrMIn way that Is Impossible to the pub- - i

lie schools. j

In many localities there Is to be beardcomplaint that the best people do,

not send their chlldten to the public'schools. said that the publicschools would be better If thee peoplepatronized them. To build up Bond'school N matter of Keiier.itlon

wnjwortjr lluMnw nd o-'

HgJit f?"J!!-- .

naries 'On farm



maii e'.ntu tn inn lrnnnrr ini i v in x a Hiiw.'iy

. i-- .criticala topics cm,.

name liookit.

"" "discuss , roology Hill YOUNtl AND







ui, an c

a college

a most






, I.

given.te.k'r-- aw

In tvl


. . . .







aa a

1 - -- i

nhl osotinv. PUOl','

more. If n child of preat possibilities!,,iart,i i ., (.UH) ,ln,,.r mi inferior V.

1(.,.ni,r ,. ,, Schoolinites who comerT"froln ,n,eH that ,1.0 ,,, knmv hl)W tl,

ro()I,rMe llh the school, this child nu . I., ,, cmx, ... HCnoo. i,.,, i. i,i'

fair to the child to place so great i

burden on his shoulders. And besides city,Is very often tlint the greatest

stimulus that ever comes to theof a school Is that which comes

from the boy or girl who has jrone awayreturned to demonstrate by da,ly

living such nn education as will reveal ii,eeveii to uncultured minds the possinin ofof school training.

pntn communities offer the sameeducational advanlaK" or until parents

so blind as to seo no differences In thethese advantages, the private boardingschool will continue to offer co,ual op-

portunities to Parents of moderatemeans for the education of their chil- -dren. The prlvale school Is the friend

the pioneer and the missionary.




Kngllsh, as It Is called, Is to ex.- -

tent a reversion to oral methods composition nnd literature,,,..' . .. , ,,.. UU,"ou inrmrn uu--

facility In Kngllsh oxpresslon t Is thotmrpose of this course to consider noworal composition may or In

'"." ' V'";,.iH"""will be considered, but the practice work

. ... . i. i micourse." Prof. Lewis explains, "ap-- 1

proaches the nmhi.m nf i.nehlnI , f'rm h. .Inmlnnlnl nt ntifitnU

nc Instruction In debattnc, extemio-- .mrwous speaklni?, methods of teaching ,

r.nnnn liierniurr nnu pri.itiiiirn u pr..- -

ii.j,After all. It Is merelv the educational '

expression of the demand of the aire foriability to express thoughts verbally withclarity and precision.


Chicago, June 26. Among the timelyand significant lectures already arrangedfnr mimtin r imarter at the Ilnlver.slty ot Chicago Is a series on "Theprfnt Kurop-.- m War." which will beKlvtn ln ,,,.0 Man(jei Assembly Hall,Th, Wl b() opcned on Jun6 29i... n-- f ienti,m i ti,.. .1..partmcn't of fco'c0logy and anthropology.whose subject Is "Racial Traits Under- -

lying the War.' On June SO Assistant

inr ucii.w uucm win sueaa on"The Triple Alliance and the TripleUntente."

Other speakers in the course will be orSamuel Northrup Harper, assistant pro-fessor ot the Russian language and Russian Institutions ; J. Paul Goode, associate professor In the department ofgeography; James Henry Breasted,professor of Egyptology and Orientalhistory, and Andrew Cunningham Mc-Laughlin,

ofhead of the department of hie-tor-

The course closes on July 14.The summer quarter at the university

began on June 21 and ends September 3

This Is the most largely attended quarterof the year, nearly 4,000 students havingregistered the summer quarter latyear.

Two hundred and seventy members of ofthe university faculty and of the facul-ties of other Institutions will give in-

struction during the coming quarter, Inand more than 500 ccurses will be offeredIn the schools or arts, literature nndscience and in the professional schools.


Obono, Me., June 26. The summerterm of the University of Maine willbegin June 28 and close August 6, 1915Courses will be offered Ineconomics and sociology, education, Eng-lish, French, German, history, Latin,mathematics and physlcn.

Students may register for threecourses, which will give them credit rorsix semester hours. Courses are offeredin the various leading tothe master's degree. A dally assemblyIs held which consists of brief addresseson topics of current Interest and a mu-sical programme. A certificate signed

the president of the untverslty andthe State Superintendent of PublicSchools Is given to teachers who com- -

pl',e ccr,aln cou"e1'


The exercises of AllHallows institute, New York city, werenelu nt tn Herxeiey Theatre, tne Jtignt

diplomas. Cor- -nel us F. Collins, Judge Herbert and.?.,John J. O Grady ofllclated as Judges ofthe cont,st Thero wfTe twenty ffrn,iu.ates, fifteen from the clnsslcal course,! fly from the commercial, They

were addressed by J. Talley,Gold medals were awarded as follows:

Christian doctrine, James B. O'Reilly,James J. Collins; English, Perclval K.Cowan ; English Helmutt t.,. ., ,

O'Brien; excellence, Perclval E. Cowan,Edward R. Gaffney, Lysle J. Kent,

. .t t mn-- i na.i.i. ..- -. t.U II 111 14. U UriCll, I(tlll-- 1 r .llUVKilUl.TUh T nana. r.A VJ,,,. J T Ha.i...


A new organization to be known nn

the WnahlnKton University Union way

Boveruors eiet-ieu-, ruiiniaiuiK uno i"'''"'. Htudent, nnd one former slu- -

from each of theven departrnenta or tne university,

i oritaiiiiuiiiiii ia inmnun m in..naff a hi, iinlnn If Avlata at liar.vard, Mlrhlft-u- u or Iowa, in furnlshliiR aciuu wimie umi nuunm

'and members of the faculty and enrnoratlon mny come Into closer social"hip. For Ihe present the quarters ofme union, win ne esuniinneii in prancn

where rooms have been netapart for the purpose. The building ofn sn'ImitilMir nnnl Ih th flrat m.iterlnlobject... for which th governors re 1


Tlie day waa (Ine, so thnt luncheon "ev- - MB!.', JoaeEh F Mooney, P. A.,was served on the campus, adding ' " Pri ding. The annual prize speak-t- o

the general spirit of good fellowship. awardingln "nte8t

ofBa.t".M prev'0U8.1 t0 he






the Instruct Is moreTho In


It Is






new dinner attended by nearly four hundieil.t'no-l- - '"a8 XZ Vh,?r.!.er befo nn. nwd. up prerent and paet etu- -

ueennl hoard pasned Its reoulre- - 'n1' niember of vurloim faculties.Hamilton In Itnown pretty Ren- - I'm object of tho union wan dlHcuwed,

... ,.ii ,1 i. a coiiKt ttition ai onten nnu u noaru oi in


Latest News ofEvents in the

Scholastic World

' '"t ! ti litxtinv Ji n .........


s . i






I ' H dune, of theHeRenls of the l.'iniverslty of NewYolk were completed recently at

'olumnia tlrammar Kcnool, .New- - iorKon Friday, the ism.

Tlie Columbia (Irammar School, belncupon the admitted list of the HeRents, Isassigned ns one of the places wherethese are conducted under

faculty of the school And the boysthe school who take these examina-

tions are thereby entitled to the mostfavorable ratings of their under

regulations of the Hegonts.The school Is also sending twenty-fo- ur

candidates to the college entranceexamination board. Thvse candidateswill ultimately dlstrlbuto themselves tsome of the four or Ave different col-leges for which they are preparing.

Kor the University of Pcnnsjlvanlaseven candidates have been preparingthemselves ana will enter, some Dy means

tho school certificate and others bymethod of taking the entrance

examinations.Home changes and additions to the fac-

ulty of the school for the coming yoarhave been made which will add materially

the strength of some departmentswill afford extra facilities for coach-

ing and forward more rapidlyany boys for any reasons who are notfully up to their age or grnde.


ITV- i- Vrnnahlnr ef Xt t lir HlVltM Ml flf

Jects of nrd advertlslni;cony were auueu. rne eccrciaria i courseWHS TOUnded OUt b.V the Addition to.

Students are now belnir re'elved forthe summer session. A number of col- -

... .itp m. i.i u.

mer Columbia. New York tlnlverelty,Yale. University of Chlcarro. Princeton.Harnard and Wellesley were represented.


At the summer session of the Uni-versity of Washington. Seattle. Wash .

which began last Tueday, about 1,000persons are enrolled. I

rotir. will he nfrereut In nrrlenltnre. 'botnny. chemlsrry. education. Hngllsh,music, drawing and design, French peol-og-

Cerman, Greek and Latin, his-tor- ',

home economics. Journalism, law,manual and Industrial arts, mathe.matlca. philosophy and psychology.

spenklng. mnthematlc", Italian anlSpanish have been arranged Also, one

two music are planned Theextension division of the university wilconduct Its regular work In correspondence courses during the summer, and tspedal summer session for teachers ofhome economics has been outlined underthe direction of Miss Mary V Rauseh

that division.Twelve public lectures In history, of

particular In'erest to teachers of theWest and Northwest, are promisedProf Edmond S Meary Science aedIrilustry in the Northwest wlli be dealtwith ln Illustrated lectures bv ProfGeorge Burton Bigg of the botnny de-

partment and Prof Edwin J Saunde.- -the geology department Dr

Saunders will also conduct a field trip toneighboring coil mines. To this work

science Dr. Robert E. Morltz, profes-so- rof mathemntlcs and astronomy, will

add a lecture on "The Social Value ofMathematics."

Lectures In psychology and philoso-phy of a eeml-jiopul- nature will begiven by Dr Robert C. Glvler and DrCurt J Prof. .1 IC. Har' willspeak on "The Emotional Backgroundof Intelligence and the Social Background of the School." ContemporaryItaly will be the subject of Attlllo VSbedlco, Instructor In French andrtsllan, and Luis A. Santander, ChileanConsul for the State of Washlng'on, willdeliver addresses with especialreference to the relations between theUnited States and Spanish speakingpeoples. Dr. Frederick Melsnrst willconduct a round table In Jermiui.nnd others will he organized In othersubjects ns otrcums'nnces suggest.

An address will be delivered and de-grees conferred at a the lastweek of the session.

Experts In household management anddomestic arts to the number of 500 nreexpected to gather on the campus ofthe university of Washington next

for the annual convention of theAmerican Home Economics Association,The delegates, representing educationalinstitutions In every ptrt of the country,

nt the Invitation of the university,and following their convention will go toOakland. Cal for Joint sessions with theNationsl Educational Association.

Miss Etlle Raltt, head of the depart-ment of home economics nt the unlver- -

ty, ts making preparation six monthsIn advance for th entertainment of thedelegates, nnd has nlrnndy gained thecooperation of the Faculty Women'sClub and other campus


kx- -KNV


Private Schools

SUN maintains amost efficient EducationalH ureal!.

This complete service laabsolutely free o ' chart;o to Rg3you.

Accurate nndinformation fjivon to

This service will prove ofvaluable assistance in se-lectingSy

t. the proper schoolfor placing your boy or girl.

In writing give sufficientdetails so that intelligentadvice can be given.



170 Nassau St., New York



NEW YORK New York City.

rM iav.ll 11,1

We Prepare Boys for CollegeIF your boy wishes to go to college you will want to send him to a school that special-- 1

izes in college preparation one that is equipped for that purpose.Our boys, both in the grammar and school departments, are under our care fromnine in the morning until five at night. Quite a responsibility. We realize that.

is why we are way uptown, where we have a suitable building and fifteen acresof where there is blue sky and lots of healthy air.Our boys are with us when they study and when they play.We sound minds and sound bodies.

When our boys leave us to go to college, they are physically and mentally prepared.Apply now; you will then have ample time to learn of the possibilities of this school.Booklet on request.

The Horace Mann School for BoysVirgil Prettyman, Head Master West 246th St., Near Broadway

wi-ii'n- rntiif ..V'. u..r-,o- nn.


Oorneil '"r' lu',"5.,h?.l' ss.roi. - the One DUrelv

Dr correot honUWp. Primary (n54Wftenopraphy. FOR FALL r4W.J..a




musical Interpretation. stenocraphy. bookkeep- -

analytical I!"'













well m for ollevo

M o


(nT. I". O.. ew York,

St. IlonTentiire's College 'and Hrmlnarj.

11UOOKI.Y.V, New York.

rollrre. Hutlur and H.ltlr HI.

uruihert Day echo. am only. High nchool.u-l- and comniercl.i.




Kinmluhurg, Maryland.Conducted by ."ecuinr Clergymen. IJeJ

bv I.av rrofAaiora. Courses. Prfraar.tory.CominercUl, fclentlSr. Clanlcai. EccieeHn. I

tlcal. eoaraie lienartment ror , oung Hoys.Latnlogue upon requftsi. Auare Itlght

, L.U U..President. '


hT. IKANCIS rOLI.Er.I5 and Eeelealaa- -Ileal heinlnurr, l.oretto, Va. 70th year.;Kltuatlon healthiest tn Henna. Imorovs.ments, prtate rooms, swimming pool,

us very itev. j r. M. uu)i,i, i




stTtiTn. StItTo--N.


















CONVENT J.ei n ')400 Students 7510 Buildings

A thorough trainiiiL' betrinnini:

It. inin Music. Arts

I'OIIT II F.N It V, York.


Private School forGIRLS and

PORT HENRY, N. Y.1 be Bisters of Joseph have In this school

and Its one ot tlis most beautitullocations Ideational purposes In the State.

bltuatrd on a overlooking LakeChampIMn, The beautiful lanns and eitejj-l- e

groves make the eilerlor environment Ideal.

'the plan ot Instruction unites every advan-tage wblch can contribute tu a aoud. retlnededucation, cultivation of morals and religiouspilnclples, and care of health.

The .Seminary provides Instruction la Aca-demic, i:iemrntary and Com-mercial tlcpartnirnts, also Muilo ana Art

t or futUcr Information aildressaLMlh.ll .ICfa-hlUlt- .

KOMK. New York.


(iltuatsd near the banks ot the historicalMohawk Object of academy ts toyoung girls thoroughly Ths academy Is

accredited to ths University of Slat otNew York. Writs for booklst.


ht. Marj's (Elk Co), I'enna.K.lementary, Intermsdlat

and Senior.Terms 1:00.00 for 10 months.



To tfi Partnt thf Great Problemi iiniTinx1



William II Kln'r IHrretar. P oA M Totcmrml Vravnut Hall. R'llgn W'm

I'litdle HeliiMil rrliii'lpiil's lloja' Camp, i

Luke leiiig Island, 110weekly Swimming, llusebali, etc. It.vox in nun omce

HOCKIIIIIItlii: CAM I'Olt IIOYN,"lu the Mountains of Virginia,"

Address MalorS.W Anderson, Lexington, Va,




NBW YORK New Terk CltT.

' L.titu

mmm tniiiiuiHi

preparation for lltuA session.

ll.s. SA.M OIII1. A. M., Hot sJEUVKY riTY, New Jersey.

ST. PETErVS'CQLLEGE.n.iii; en v, . .1.

Col.ege aiiu nigh nhut,, cnau, ted by thJeult ratlierx. lerin utglni Wenc-Ua- .

pt. I, I''ui f,aia,ugu- Aj,tres tii

I1UIIC-I()- N. .Nrn Jeio.Blair Academy for Boys

e rampue, .ake modern build-lnr- .

Kyniiiaslutii, aw iitimlni; t.oai'lerma Hn. .IllltS t. MI.Ull'K, ,. .M..II. II., Ileudlniotrr, llul II.

M'.MMIT. New ,len.y.CAltl.TON CI)KMY. Hl'MMIT, N. JUpper school gives thorough preparation

for al. eolicB". Inlnldua attention, cum- - !'merrUi tourses, nthetb spurts, residentehapl-iln- . Lower srhool housemother to gl

care. i'ii.ii.r, ll. miili.t..A. M , Headmaster.IIACKENSACR, New Jersey,

Newman Schonl. Hackensaek. v. J a '

reliefs preparatory boarding school under '

uainoua auspires jksk auhkht '

i.uckk, a si., 1,1.. i), iieaumaster. is




315 Acres of Landwith the feVcondarv School





Conducteil by the Meters of St Joseph.Chartered by ths itegeuts of the Stats ot

New York Ihla Is a aeiect boarding achoolfor young ladles and llltU glrla. It Isrharmlngly and healthfully situated.EIH'll-.MK.NT- i Modern buildings, library,

well ventilated and cheerfu;sleeping rooms, no dormitories, extensivegrounds for

ACADKMYi Includes Primary, Grammarand High School Departments. Htandardot ti raduatlon, Itegents Classical Diploma.Art Department. OommsrcUl Department.

CONhKKVATOHY OF ML'MICt The regularcourse la designed for students Intendingto prepare for professional work and hasbeen approved by ths State Hoard ofLegents

The Virgil Clnvlsr s ussd throughoutthe riano Course.

ION A II.ALU joung boys, ta on theaame grnundaFor catalogue and Information address

Mister it. Josephine, S. N, J.

I'LAINFIKLD. New Jersey.


P Ituated en ths YVatchung Mountain. Col-le-

for young women Kutenston courses,blgh school and primary depts. A high classgradsd school for young boys and girls.

TAItltYTOWX. Nesv York.

CONVENT RACKED HEART OF MARY,"Marymont," Tarrytown, N T. WritsIllustrated Catalogue.

to Find a Superior Camp," Market.An Aillrondfu'k pump for bo ofTerlnt

Induri'meutt ami iUprrvtBlon. Mad-c-

In miMhiHli ,inl rqulptnrnt Ktelith

Ueauhful i'ortfoho of Camp View

II .Vo "-1-r .V. I

.lnirro'i. f 'nit truly al Ix'v Islington. Kv-

KYLE CAMP FOR BOYSl'n UMII Mts. model bungalows, no tents

All land and wutiT sportsKyle Nchool, Irvlngtoii-on-lluilso- N, Y.

of history ppl.n,h'and Ppecla' lec-- 1 rollSXlrtstanuK mnn, hW! New Jersey. New





ineiisn. eaue.mon. I








relation- -











and continuinn throuch CoIIcro to the (Icpree of A. II. orS. The lnrpost School for Clirls New Jersey. Special

courses Educntion, Household and a thoroujihSecretarial Course. Catalogues sent upon request.


















SUMMER CAMPSThla Directory appears Maturdais, Nundays. Tuesday and Thutsdays,

Advertise your camp under Ibis column,Itates on lepirst




NEW YORK New Tork Cllr.


500 frei above theon In tlie rootiiiMit

lot h llrrk'hlre, Mlinllen from New Yuri

lly 115 acrLake. oti- mile Idlength, provide n,vatr Fport Newboat houie AthlMI''" Ids. gymnatlum, new buildlngi. College preparatory and r neral coukmOne to every C box mke p'

iiil an Intimate rel. loM.hlp hetweeiniatcr snd pupil K.irh l,ot' nriiduallty llillcil and ileielopeJ. AiJ.ti mItOI.ANII .1. ML'l.roltl). Ph. II.

Headmaster, Itldgi'lleld, t'onneetleilt.

K AST 1 1 A.MM ON, Maaa.

tvu.i.i'-TO- SF.MINAHY rnn noYx.Your boy a studied and di-rected. All the advuntagea nt a high,priced school for moderate term. Saien-tlll- r

and preparatory departinenta. rtvsliulldinR. FHiina-lu- el acre sthl'llefield . write for booklet or

uawvrr I. H n I'rlnrlnal'' &sthaniD.'on' """'

Pl.YMOl'TII, New Hampshire,

im i fisnairrc r aunni rnm nnupnULUCnnCOO OUnUUL run DU I O

lij niniilli, N. II.Fit e building's Twenty acres Prepares for'nlfee:e and Technics! Schools Hanks with

ine micnest graoe scnooi. yei ins luuionmoj-rji- e. .ew uymnasiuni. wo sar.


NOItTON. .Mass.

House in the PinesNorton, Masaachusetti

A SCHOOL FOR GIRLS40 minutes from Boston

AIIUKF.SSMiss Gertrude E, Cornish, Principal

Wheaton College for WomenThe new rol'ess for nomen 4 ytar

course leadine to A II decree Faculty otmen and women A, so 2 year diploma

ouras tor hlch school graduates 1?

buildings 100 acres, Endowment. Cat-alog Itev rUMl'EI. V. COLH, 1). DI, I.. I).. President, Norton, Mats, (JO mllssfrom Hostoni

I'lTTSriF.l.l). Mass.

Miss Hall's School


MISS MIRA H. HALL, Principal

HHAinXHtl), .Mass.

Bradford AcademyFOR YOUNG WOMErf

llradford, Mass.llJlh eitr.Thirty miles from tiosion, In ths bsautlfu.

Merrlinao Valley. Uiisnslve grounds andmodern equipment, Certlnc-at-e admlta toleading colleges Genera; courss ot flvstears and two yeais' courss for High

ehool graduates. AddressMies I.Al'llA A. KNOTT, A. M Principal.

bVHACl'SE, New York.


Full Information addrsas Ulster Directress


Trinity College. Waahlngton, D. C. ACatholic Institution for tho higher educa-tion of women. For particulars addressths Secretary.

fleorgetowii Visitation Convent. Washington, it, j. uoaruing ana cay scnooEstablished 17)1 Write for booklet.

HOLY CROSS ACADEMY. Washington.D, ('. Hoarding and day school ror girls.Writ Superior for Ilooklet.

MOUNT WASHINGTON, Maryland.Mt, St. Agnea College, Sit Washington,

aid. College, High School and OramtnarSchool, l or Information, the Directress

HUITALO, New York.

D'YOUII.I.E COLLEtlE, Duiralo, N. Y.A Catholic College for woman.

Write for booklet.

Dimi'qUE, Iowa.

MT. RT. JOSKI'll COLLEGE ANDACADEMY. Ilubiiuue, lima. Ilooklet onrequest


IiriI.OMAF.n Professor would tench (school,,r prlvn', frppliTnd drawlnp sculpi lire, wood ,nrtnfr, uptt le,i Hf, hlcher

l.l.M refen-n- - es Hot 34 llicoln lfk. N JNEW YOIIU l.nkeniniit.

Starkey Seminaryl4ikeniont, Yatea Co., N, Y.

Ileauttful Kite on Henecn Lake Heal coun-try, pupils have room and air An endowedhome school for both eexea of 11 years andupward. Caicful training In health andchuracter. Prepares fur best colleges andbusiness Advanced courses In Art andMusic. N. Y mat Hegsnu ftsndards. He.cure rooms early. lutes. VtM to 1300,Address llox 407

.Marljn Huminerbell, LT D., rrealdent,

(iltf.ENsni ltd, rennsylranla.I SETON HliX"sCHOOLS

tiKKIlNsllDKti, I A.Elementary, uiademlc coursaa. Write

for llooklst.



c(ii.i.i:iiiaii: st ihioi, i on iioi-.-ti!4i.'.'i;i , ;;ih .sirret.

A fuller. lir.n.t.lnri' Si tinntrllhNlrnni: I'rlniar.t and Junior tirade".

llAlt.VAIII) St IHMII, I'Olt HOYSFleld(on, West 2121I Mt. Hoys may remain

all day. Including Nal'y Hlildv hour, 'lennltCoiirn. Athletic l'lild, lilinl'i; to Colleite.

lltVIMI NCMOOI, I,. It. HATti V. sith Ht. Tel. IW Hehujier.boys from 1 to Vi. All Departnienti.No homo ttiidr fnr lioa under IS.

lltl.MI V SCIIIOOI.7 Wert lllst titltA Chnrtli liar School


ttr, Aitri-.ri:if- s school fnr iioy.i3 West Kn I Ave. Tel. Col. 4SI0.

The 15th year begins October I. IBIS.Outdoor exercises 1.30 to i all winter.

JIH HillT St lKIIII.. 1.1 IT. 4 atl .IT.ny Dept nt New York I'reniratnrv School.Thnrntlirli tvnrlf. Ilmll I rlflsses. tnivl. fees.bummer Huslon tot Sept, KxamlnatleaV

IIOIIAt'i: M SS( IKIOI, Idlt IIOYs'ollejrn Preparatory, (,rammnr A llleb

School. Vlrrll I'rfttyman, HeadmasterWft 2llth Strei t near llrnadway

51. I'Afl.Vsst'imoi,.

Iln ts, flnnlen fltv. Lonir Tstand.WAI.TKIt II MAIISH, Headmaster.

itivntDM.i: mv. rur scnooi.14 ncres, near Van Cnrilsndt I'k at JM StDay ft lloanllnirlloys 1 S. llnelielt. Head-n:st-

Intimate Men

1IIK KOIIIT SCIIOOI, FOIt llOYSIllvrrilnle.nn-lliid-o- SM Klnimhrldee

A country day nnd hoarding school foryo'inger boys. IIAIII'.Y J Kl'OKI,, Prln.

rott isuti.s ami tni'Mi troMi-.N-.

Tin: HAitNAitit scnooi, roi: oiiti.s.Klndcrrr.rtrn to Toilee rradu itcs In lent-Hi1- ?

f nlleges riymn (slum and Tennis. Cata-locu-

423 West I ith Struct.

IIAMII.ION I s, 1 1 M. lint (MIII.S,i ollege erritneat, HntneMIn .Scienceeo'irse. aih.ipeeil vorlt In and modem l.anuiieecs lui Srlio'tl praibntes,

i:i vi iisiiii. s nooi..'TO Wet !d Ave . eo- -. IHId StKlndrrpirtrfi. rirnieniary. Mlh rhoot and

College prrpa alliltl 111 i mii'i: s( iKMii i n: oiiti.s'l V '(, il Secret Ill course forlllll Seh'.ol and ' ',M''fe '.ivls l'eiuiei

revi" befoie - I I ,' ' ir'l trnliilng.

roit tin i ii si;m:i.llll.llltlMIN S( IIIMM.or II lOlll.Mi,

III West 7,'ith 'tieet 'III. Col, SS.JI,Open all Sumtnei, Aim I.nnc Island.Jersey i oa Il , mri,u Creenwleli. Ac

l.lllll Al. t l.'l I Iti; S IIIMII.f entral Park West and '.Mty-thl- Street.

1 rom K ii it t t.iri.-r- i to College.Alliletlo III Id, ujieu Air llcpartment.

TIMSIIItti:CIOItY IIS.II.Tstr.MiA'i. itAir.s us in:tit.i:sr.i m: school, coi.i.i:hi: and :ami- -

IICIICA C. N, Y. M'N, N. V. I'll Y.

i.vsriti'crioN.I'Olt HOTII SEXES.

T.ITC'II I I i:t.l. Conn.

1 Eerie Home-Scho- ol

FOR YOI'NO rilll.DKKN.The most Important lime In your child's lifeIs between the nes ot Ms. and Uilrtcen, Weaccept children of these ntfes In our home-e!m-

Our aim Is to secure the fullest ).

physical and moral developmentot yo'ir child We ha e tuenty years ex-perience WholtMitne outdoor lite In thelu'.korallni: air of the HerUshlre Hills,scientltle nnl nITectlnnr.te cuulnnce In nil

ork nnd play Your rhlld isas rapidly as he Is alne to attain his PestA unique hchooi under ihe direction ot

, linitl.lM) I) Glimmer S'ssinn.luly AAug Address I . l l.i:. A M M STKII

LITCHFIELD, Connecticut

Y11.I.ANOYA, I'a

VI LLANOVANoted tor (.UmIciI and Ccmmarcialt'oursea, hjuallr prcnunent fur Cull.K'.ecuical ecd Enmr.eennii 'purees. AIn I'rip. Schml. IdodsruhutMniffS and equiptnent. ltockler.

Iter. Kdunnl . lli,liiiti.l'.I,..;.3.A- -t'reMueni. imh m. siiiitnovis. t a.

WILKESHAltltK. I'enjisylTanla.

Saint Mary's Vnroehlal High fchool,Wllkesbsrrs. I'enna Amllate.1 to thicatholic Unlvsrslty of America, WaihIngton. D. C.



UAI WrtRTU business Institute. OroalwsnHLnUnin 4 72d SI. Stno3far.h, Bookdtsping.SecrelsiialCourse.CivllSarvicii.seCilal !


UsTtY TOHK New York CHr.

Stiend the rieasant sprlni:Afternoons nnd I'teiilnL's al the

Dancing CarnivalDnnre ln A woodland drll nf nalv and moss

with twinkling lights shining down,liver an acre of iloor space Kntlre third

(linn with a window every two feetupen from 11 A. M till midnight..ii l.l it i in; Mil. ii,

200 I .A 111 M .!.. I I.I.-II- IS INS I III I I OltS.

Not a diss lesson lesmtctlnnfor tarh pupil If yii know imv tn dnr,'.my nrair innnagrrs w i mtniuii, you tn i

HUit.itiit l,a tinHalf Hour nc.essiins.

I'rltateI.KSSONS InMrlttly I'rl-at- e

cn.Knoin, sJUCIncomparablemusic by i';

plrce WurlllrerIimruim'tn and

Me llait'.i n Udree orchestra. I'toflo i tuntneii-- nr imrt.H

pupils for stage. Every step carefully taughtby this master Inntnietor .special ehlidrrn'sclasses from l to fl 1 ,M edncsitayh and.Saturdays, 'no t. all a tint service Is tree Ityou live between ith and K'th Ms, Til,Murray lllll o51o.

l'mirth floor devoted to bowling alleys,billiards ami pocket billiards, Heat equippedand cuolist in city Special alleys and talliestnl rs.cluse ue uf Cnllen

DANCING CARNIVALl,rnnd Central l'alaee. Lexington Ave

I e 4th M Kntrniii'e,'1 he 1,'reen I ur Mititsi-etin- ; t u. bring tho

patrons to the Danrlnc i ainlv.u as nnoihe Places of Intrust In the elti tu n

Dl3TlNmVC.LY"CcLr.T. 'J

LeDrnsseMoDCRN.A visit to our attract1! eiudlns n

more than repay you Hpiendld dan orfloors, good llRhl and ventilation, p ,isthe best Instruction, explains why morethan 18.000 discriminating and fashlonsble people from a lover tho ' unlnhave sought and receive 1 Instruction tndancing from Mr Wason.

TERMS MOST nEASONAQLCJen or "Toe flaiff," our rrnvlu'.lu tlluslrated booKItt Ii colo"

cfieTo tivesut -New drkrlarlev flulldinp V U' Cor 4f,Hi siTslfinsna Rnanl (.121.Wrpe ff r Ii formation Ifststti tlnnml fouria