summoner guide

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  • 8/3/2019 Summoner Guide




    Full Summoners



  • 8/3/2019 Summoner Guide


    - Acid Bolt With the proper rubies this is a very low mana

    cost/spammable spell. Ive been conferring with some endgamesummoner friends and it seems that a full acid with Acid Bolt is greatfor GT with low mana, but Vamp will beat with right mana and int/luck


    - Putrefy A necessity in any build, our bread and butter. Thiswill tick down on the enemys life as we throw our other spells at them.Its damage and time can be increased through supplemental rubies.

    - Vampirism In any other build other than pure Acid, this spellbecomes the summy primary spam attack. Its the highest dps-spamspell we have in our arsenal (not including Volatile Infection nuking). Itsdownside is it consumes a ton of mana, but the blood to heal your self

    (or others) is worth it.

    - Blood Injection Early game DO NOT GET unless you plan torespect at 18-22. Wait to get Dark renewal. You will really never-everneed this spell unless you roll FH (Full Healer) summy, which you should

    NOT be doing anyways till you have reached at least 45+. But in short,its a one blood heal for one shot (unless you place rubies to getadditional heal).

  • 8/3/2019 Summoner Guide


    - Blood Aegis Through the entire game this is a Necessity, noifs, ands, or buts, because this will save your life more times than youcan count. I leveled up with R3 Blood Aegis; however R2 is completelyacceptable as well. Its the difference of 10 shields vs. 8 shields. It

    increases your armor by a percentage, and it prevents spellinterruptions.

    - Hellion Your best friend, your truest companion, your stalkerthat would take a bullet for you. Your hellion is your single greatest

    asset leveling up as a summoner. It will tank for you, disarm players youare pvping, take agro from you to let you heal, and so much more. Eachpet has it benefits but from levels 7 45 this is the pet of choice.

    - Fear Ohhhh yeah, this is one of the spells that put

    Summoners on the list of the best pvp classes (pre-nerf). Does it needan explanation? Use it, target runs like a maniac for 4-10 seconds (muchmore if you have awesome conviction). The best part of all is with rubiesand R3 you can cast ever 21 second. Makes for nearly instant win whencombined with Neurotoxins stun every 7ish seconds when it explodes.(Ive pissed a lot of warriors and Paladins off by fearing mid-charge).

    - Dark Pact For dps builds only need at R1, gives 3 free dropsout of combat (free Aegis) and gives 5 if really needed when used. FHbuilds should have at R3, or R2 if you can manage the blood easilyenough.

  • 8/3/2019 Summoner Guide


    - Fiend Not worth touching this pet till 40+, you wont haveenough rubies to bring it to its potential till then. Stick to the hellionleveling up, you can go fiend when you have enough rubies to go hybrid,unless you plan to go full acid (not recommended to endgame) so still

    just stick to Hellion. In short, the fiend has two types of attacks, singleand AoE (area of effect), when you have the rubies it does some nicedps on its own.

    - Plague of Mending An all around party Oh crap heal and part

    of the combo for self temporary invincibility (when combined with DarkRenewals HoT (Heal over time). Costs 4 (3 with ruby) blood to cast, butis instant so very nice to throw on in combat. The downside is thoughthat without the rubies it puts an immunity debuff on everyoneaffected by the PoM so you must wait approx 1 minutes until anotheruse. Rubies bring it down to 30 seconds wait after it fades.

    - Dark Renewal The other half to the temporary invincibilitywhen combined with PoM. This heal you can reach at level 18 and isadvised to hold off from getting Blood Injections to instead get thisspell. It has a nice start heal with a follow up 10 seconds of HoTs.

    - Volatile Infection The closest spell a Summoner can get to anukeand nuking it does well, givin though if you get 8 seconds for it toexplode. How this lovely necessary spell works Shoot into a mob once,it spreads to each mob, when each VI explodes it hits the target andeach other mob around it. In other words, shoot into a mob of ten; your

    damage will be 10x10x10x10x10and so on, on each mob.

  • 8/3/2019 Summoner Guide


    - Reanimation You single target Oh Crap spell, I like to have itprepped ahead of time usually. Costs 4 Blood to use but it has thepotency to heal you 100% from 1-5% health. For dps R1 is a must downthe line, with it in endgame you can even FH a L2 party as a dps build

    with this spell.

    - Lurker To begin with, horrible horrible horrible damage, thispet should only be used if you are a FH build. The lurkers abilities arewhat make and break a summy FH. At R3 the lurker can give you 2 blood

    every 3-4 seconds, and can put a bucket on a mob of enemies (very funin L2 with helping tank). Dont even touch this when leveling up, but takenote of it if youd like to go FH down the road.

    - Siphoning Fever Although its end explosion is nice, that is not

    its primary use for Summoners. With rubies it becomes a DoT (Damageover time) that lasts for 2 minutes, and gives you extra Blood Rubiesover the duration. R1 is advised in most builds.

    - Aura of Potency Nice little aura that gives you 15% increase

    to your damage, but with a downside of nerfing your heals. For levelingthis is a very nice talent to get, as its our only aura at the moment. Donot bother with it when you have a FH build, but with a vamp build Iwouldnt pass it up.

  • 8/3/2019 Summoner Guide


    - Rise From the Dead Self explanatory, its your second life,and its our Oh crap need mana last resort back-up. I seriouslyrecommend R3 in any build.

    Unlocked Talents

    - Blood Shot Advanced from Blood Injection, just like itspredecessor it is not worth getting unless you are FH build. This talent

    is Blood Injection just heals a bit more.

    - Life Tap Advanced from Vampirism, this replaces Vampirismas your primary attack in doing far more damage. If your build calls forR3 vampirism you will want this R3 as well.

    - Decay Advanced from Putrefy, admittedly it puts out somenice damage but until we reach the level 51 cap patch we dont reallyhave enough talent point to run it in really any build, except maybe anAcid build.

    - Abomination Advanced from Fiend, when you reach endgame ifyou use the fiend the recommended spec is to have R2 fiend and R2Abomination, until level 51 we only have enough talents to get thebottom row talents to R2. It does some nice damage with rubies.

  • 8/3/2019 Summoner Guide


    Pet Abilities and Controls

    Your Pets should have the following health and command bars



    A little explaination, the fiend and abomination have 2 extra options at the end. The left is asingle target attack that take 3 seconds to cast, the right is an AoE attack that takes 4seconds to attack. Change between them for maximum damage on the right occassions should

    you choose to run a spider.


    Take notice to the icon to the right of the Lurkers picture, at R2 and R3 of Lurker it will remaininvisible out of combat, which is shown by this symbol.

    Using the Pet Controls

    tack Send pet

    attack target

    om where you

    d your pet are

    rrently stationed.

    orks well for

    aking Hellion

    king initial Agro.

    Defend Default mode, pet

    attacks target if you are

    attacked or take damage from a

    target, lets pet distract enemy

    to allow you to cast spells


    Follow Tells your pet to follow you

    wherever you go, whether into a city

    or into the heart of danger, as long as

    this is selected dont worry about yourpet running away from you.

    Stay A nice little feature, say you are at

    the arena and someone wants to test on

    your pet but you dont wanna get hit by

    AoE, put it on stay and walk away and let it

    stand there to fight. Make sure passive is

    on if you dont want it to kill anyone.

    Passive Select if you wish to keep the pet fro

    attacking anything/anyone when you take

    damage or when you accidently hit the attack

    button. This works as the pets leash.

  • 8/3/2019 Summoner Guide


    Leveling Build








    12 13 14



    17 18


    20 21 22





    27 28


    30 31


    33 34





  • 8/3/2019 Summoner Guide


    End Game Build 1


  • 8/3/2019 Summoner Guide


    End Game Build 2


  • 8/3/2019 Summoner Guide


    End Game Build 3 Full Healer

    Dark Pact / Lurker

  • 8/3/2019 Summoner Guide


    How to Play a Summoner

    Single Target Mob

    1) Attack with Pet2) Let Pet take initial agro3) Place Putrefy and Neurotoxin on target4) Spam Vampirism on target, if you take agro make sure Blood Aegis is maintained5) Fear if necessary6) Continue till its dead

    Multiple Mobs

    1) Attack with Pet (Let hellion take agro)(Make sure spider is on AoE acid)2) Shoot a mob with Volatile Infection3) (Assign Tab to Target next hostile target) Tab to different mobs shooting putrefy (

    neurotoxin when you have it) on each creature.4) Spam Vampirism on creatures till they are dead, and maintain the DoTs on each creatu

    VI has faded and multiple mobs left you may cast another VI.5) Keep yourself and pet healed

    Boss Fight

    1) Attack with Pet2) Cast Siphoning Fever3) Cast Demonic Curse (Elf Racial)4) Cast Neurotoxin5) Cast Putrefy (Unless you have rubies that auto-place it on target through Neurotoxin)6) Spam Vampirism7)

    Maintain DoTs8) Keep self and pet healed

    9) Help heal party if needed

    P.S. Note, I have pet attack (shift 1) assigned to the R key for easy attack