summer 2016 marketing and retail news - ·

Marketing and Retail News Surrey Business School hp:// Summer 2016 Welcome to the Summer 2016 edition of the Marketing and Retail Management newsletter! It is with great pleasure that we present the latest version of Surrey Business School’s Department of Markeng and Retail Man- agement Newsleer. Over the past six months there have been a wide array of acvies undertaken within our team, both inside and outside of the lecture hall. In parcular, we are delighted to welcome four new colleagues: Prof Sabine Benoit, Jill Nurse, Anastasos Siampos and Dr Georgia Stavraki. Our new Faculty members will further enhance our student experience and reputa- on for relevant and rigorous research. Welcome all! Our Faculty are always supporng a number of our markeng and retail students in the third year of their undergraduate degree programmes as they undertake their Professional Training year, working for leading markeng and retail organisaons across the UK. This newsleer issue profiles one such student, Melissa Topcuoglu, who is currently employed in Retail Business Develop- ment at Gatwick Airport. It is great to see our students flourishing within commercial environments and drawing on their experi- ences in the first two years of their degree. We also look forward to seeing them return for their final year at Surrey! Our team have also been extremely acve in bringing key industry execuves into the classroom to enrich the teaching curricu- lum, with this newsleer offering short reports on a number of our guest contribuons. Meanwhile, our research acve mem- bers of staff have also been pursuing successful programmes of research with numerous conference appearances, grant award successes and also a selecon of arcle acceptances - many of which are in highly rated scholarly journals. We would like to thank all of the contributors to this issue. Please feel free to keep in touch - whether you are a prospecve stu- dent, a member of our alumni network or someone from industry wishing to work with us. Happy reading! Steve Professor Steve Wood Head of Department of Markeng and Retail Management [email protected] Featuring in This Issue Developmental workshop 2 Guest Lectures 2-3-5 Research News and Awards 3 Placement Experience 4 Widening Participation 5 New Departmental Members 6 Recent Publications 7

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Page 1: Summer 2016 Marketing and Retail News - ·

Marketing and Retail News Surrey Business School

Summer 2016

Welcome to the Summer 2016 edition of the Marketing

and Retail Management newsletter!

It is with great pleasure that we present the latest version of Surrey Business School’s Department of Marketing and Retail Man-agement Newsletter. Over the past six months there have been a wide array of activities undertaken within our team, both inside and outside of the lecture hall. In particular, we are delighted to welcome four new colleagues: Prof Sabine Benoit, Jill Nurse, Anastastios Siampos and Dr Georgia Stavraki. Our new Faculty members will further enhance our student experience and reputa-tion for relevant and rigorous research. Welcome all!

Our Faculty are always supporting a number of our marketing and retail students in the third year of their undergraduate degree programmes as they undertake their Professional Training year, working for leading marketing and retail organisations across the UK. This newsletter issue profiles one such student, Melissa Topcuoglu, who is currently employed in Retail Business Develop-ment at Gatwick Airport. It is great to see our students flourishing within commercial environments and drawing on their experi-ences in the first two years of their degree. We also look forward to seeing them return for their final year at Surrey!

Our team have also been extremely active in bringing key industry executives into the classroom to enrich the teaching curricu-lum, with this newsletter offering short reports on a number of our guest contributions. Meanwhile, our research active mem-bers of staff have also been pursuing successful programmes of research with numerous conference appearances, grant award successes and also a selection of article acceptances - many of which are in highly rated scholarly journals.

We would like to thank all of the contributors to this issue. Please feel free to keep in touch - whether you are a prospective stu-dent, a member of our alumni network or someone from industry wishing to work with us.

Happy reading!


Professor Steve Wood

Head of Department of Marketing and Retail Management

[email protected]

Featuring in This Issue

Developmental workshop 2

Guest Lectures 2-3-5

Research News and Awards 3

Placement Experience 4

Widening Participation 5

New Departmental Members 6

Recent Publications 7

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Marketing and Retail News (Summer 2016) Page 2

Surrey academic presents at University of Oxford Retail Location Analysis Programme

In March, our own Professor Steve Wood presented on the University of Oxford’s Retail Location Analysis Programme. This annual two day executive education course attracts a wide array of international retailers keen to learn the latest innovations in retail location planning, site forecasting and store portfolio manage-ment. The session provided an opportunity for Steve to reflect on his own research undertaken in this area with Oxford’s Professor Jonathan Reynolds (pictured), Deputy Dean at Saïd Business School some years ago. In particular, Steve’s session explored the challenges facing location planning specialists in a multi-channel environment after an era of huge store expansion and considered the strategies such ana-lysts might adopt to gain a wider role and voice within the retailer decision-making processes.

Renowned retail expert presents to final year retail management undergraduates

In March, well known retail analyst, Richard Hyman, presented to final year Undergraduates on our International Retailing programme. Richard (pictured below ) has been involved in retailing for over 30 years, having established his own retail analysis and consultancy, Ver-dict Research in 1984. He subsequently sold Verdict to Datamonitor, a quoted business publisher which itself was subsequently acquired by Informa Plc in 2005. Following a suc-cessful earn-out, Richard joined Deloitte as Strategic Advisor to its retail practice. His role was to support client relationships in areas such as M&A, Restructuring Services and Corpo-rate Finance, dealing with the firm’s retail, banking and private equity clients. Richard con-tinues to advise leading retailers and provide retail commentary – see In his presentation, Richard used the example of the UK as a destination for a wide array of international fashion retailers and reflected on their ap-proaches and strategies to expansion (and, at times, retrenchment). Commenting on the session, Professor Steve Wood noted, “We very much appreciate Richard taking time out of his busy schedule to provide our students with key industry insight. Many of our students are completing group coursework on international fashion retailers so this first-hand knowledge really adds to their understanding”.

Guest Lectures

Professor Jonathan Reynolds

Retail Analyst, Richard Hyman

One day developmental workshop organised at Surrey Business School

In April we will be hosting a one day developmental workshop where leading scholars will discuss their research into areas such as: sustainability, ethical consumption, fair trade consumption and charitable giving. The focus of the seminar will be on theo-retical perspectives and methodological approaches in these fields of scholarship; while future research directions will also be discussed. In doing so, this developmental workshop will be a good platform for researchers in this field to present their work (conceptual or empirical) and gain meaningful insights.

The event will be held on the 28th April 2016 at the Surrey Business School, University of Surrey, Guildford.

Speakers: Professor Marylyn Carrigan, Coventry University, Professor Dierdre Shaw, Glasgow University, Professor Pierre McDonagh, University of Bath, Professor Juliet Memery, Bournemouth University

Fee: £50 for BAM members and £70 for non-BAM members

Contact: For specific information about this event please contact the workshop co-organisers: Dr Alvina Gillani at [email protected] or

Dr Smirti Kutaula at [email protected].

For registration and more details for this event please follow the link:

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Marketing and Retail News (Summer 2016) Page 3

Sarah Sadler-Smith, Market Evaluation Manager at Asda provided a guest lecture on the topic of Market Insight and Development to undergraduate students on the Managing Retail Locations module. This module forms part of our BSc Business and Retail Management degree. Our thanks to Sarah for her valued contribution.

Guest Lectures

Research News and Awards

Professors Christoph Teller, Andrew Alexander and Steve Wood have been awarded a new re-search grant from British Academy of Management for the project “Bridging Communities: Retail Managers as Boundary Spanners in Town Centre Environments”

Professors Christoph Teller, Andrew Alexander and Paul Krause (Department of Computing, Faculty of Engineering and Physical Sciences) were successful in the University of Surrey’s Cross-faculty Award for Pump-Priming competition for the project “Engaging Communities in City Centre Man-agement Decision Making through New Technologies”

Sabine Benoit and co-authors Jay Singh, Kingston University and Benedetta Crisafulli, Cranfield Uni-versity got funding (£7,852) from the Marketing Trust (CIM) for a joint project on ‘the role of coun-terfactuals and emotions on consumer coping with service failures’.

Sabine Benoit has just presented two projects and was session chair at the Winter Educators Conference in Las Vegas:

Consumer Willingness to Pay for Responsible and Irresponsible Product Attributes: Insights from an Incentive-Compatible Measurement Approach with Christina Sichtmann, University of Vienna and Julia Hartmann, EBS Business School, Wiesbaden

Member Participation in Commerce-Based Online Communities with Jens Hogreve & Nicola Bilstein, WFI Katholische Universität Ingolstadt, and Christina Sichtmann, University of Vienna

In February 2016 Sabine gave a talk about “Identifying Co-Creation Models" at Newcastle Universi-ty Business School.

Committee work: In January Sabine was asked to be Chair of the committee to select the SERVSIG (Special Interest Group Service of the American Marketing Association) Emerging Scholar Award.

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Marketing and Retail News (Summer 2016) Page 4

Melissa’s Topcuoglu Placement Experience

I am currently doing my placement at Gatwick Airport as Retail Business Development Assistant. I sit within the Retail team in the Commercial division of the Airport. Primarily, my role is to assist my team in the day to day management of the retail estate at Gatwick Airport.

I have had an amazing experience so far - working in industry has done wonders for my personal and profes-sional development.

From a retail point of view, this role is particularly interesting as we can help ensure concessionaires’ offer and merchandising is aligned with changes in flow and seasonal demand by understanding passenger flow and circulation, and airline mix in the terminals, as well as lots of other data. People in an airport departure lounge will behave very differently than when on the high street due to the circumstances, as well as time and space constraints – this makes for a very interesting retail environment.

Rather than shadowing other members of my team in managing our retail accounts, I have been given my own area to manage. I look after some of the airport’s key vending accounts – Coca-Cola, PG Group, Surfbox, and Reckitt Benckiser.

I feel that this is ideal for an undergraduate to take on, as although it may be a small cog in a big machine, it is a genuine responsibility and contribution to the business. As well as performance management, this also in-volves a big relationship building and communication piece. This has developed many of my skills, which I have learnt by practise on the job.

Melissa Topcuoglu a Business and Retail Management student is currently undertaking her place-

ment year at Gatwick airport in the commercial division of the airport. Below she provides some

insights on the experience:

Melissa on duty

Melissa comments:

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Marketing and Retail News (Summer 2016) Page 5

Jill Nurse Hosts Widening Participation Day at Stag Hill

March 22nd saw the 1st Business Taster day hosted at Surrey Business School, with the aim of inspiring young people

who may not traditionally have the opportunity to participate in Higher Education. The day, which saw 46 13 & 14

years olds signing up within 24 hours of publicising the event, offered the opportunity to learn about why some new

products are more successful than others, why others take longer to catch on, why we buy, what influences us to

make that 'in-app' purchase, and why more people donate their organs in France than other parts of the world! Jill

was hoping to spot the next Steve Jobs, or Lucy Peng (Co founder of Ali Baba) or at least inspire some young people

to believe that “It could be you”. Using our Business Insights Lab, the young people learned some theoretical con-

cepts, and then experimented with those ideas as they generated their own ideas for a new disruptive product.

Congratulations to the winning team who came up with a product called the ‘iSave’- an add on device to the iWatch

which would test the wearer’s alcohol consumption, and if necessary immobilise their car!

We would like to thank Jon Chandler from the Department of Widening Participation and Outreach for organising

the day and taking the pictures below!

Photos: A taste of the activities organised during the widening participation day at Stag Hill

Guest Lectures

Peter Smith the Group Customer Insight Manager from John Lewis Partnership led a very enthusiastic discus-

sion during the postgraduate Relationship Marketing module around the development of the Waitrose loyalty

card and how the loyalty data was used to keep Waitrose customers engaged with the brand. Our thanks to

Peter Smith for his contribution.

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Marketing and Retail News (Summer 2016) Page 6

Over the past year we had some great member additions to our department:

New Departmental Members

Sabine Benoit

In February 2016 Professor Sabine Benoit (nee Moeller) joined University of Surrey as a Pro-fessor of Marketing. She is member of the Department of Retail and Marketing at Surrey Business School.

Her main research fields are Service- and Retail-Marketing. Her work has been published in

leading international journals such as the Journal of Service Research, Journal of Operations

Management and Psychology & Marketing. She is on the Editorial Board of Journal of Ser-

vice Research (JSR), Journal of Service Management (JoSM), Journal of Services Marketing

(JSM) and Journal of Business Research (JBR). From JoSM she received the best reviewer

award in 2013.

Jill Nurse

Jill Nurse has joined the department as Teaching Fellow in Marketing, after eight years

teaching at the LSE. Jill is teaching on both UG & PG programmes, and brings her industry

experience from 20 years spent in senior marketing roles in Media and Technology. Jill

said “I’m excited about the new opportunities here at Surrey – there is a real ‘can-do’

feeling here, and I’m loving working with the students and hoping to inspire them to con-

sider a career in marketing”.

Anastasios Siampos

Anastasios Siampos joined the Univeristy of Surrey in October 2015 as a Teaching Fellow in

Marketing. He holds a BSc in Business Administration from Athens University of Economics

and Business (AUEB). For a period of 24 months he was working in the Greek branch of the

pharmaceutical company Organon NV, holding the position of marketing assistant. After

commencing his PhD studies (University of Strathclyde Business School, Glasgow) he be-

came a tutor and a graduate teaching assistant. Apart from teaching, he is strongly research

-oriented since research largely facilitates knowledge creation, and is an essential tool for

enriching learning experiences of the students. His current research is focused on strategic

marketing, comprising the notions of market orientation and entrepreneurial orientation.

The objective is to evaluate their impact on organisational performance through a specific

set of marketing capabilities.

Dr Georgia Stavraki joined the Surrey Business School in January 2016 as Teaching Fellow in

Marketing. Georgia holds a BSc in Economics, a MSc in Informatics and Management and a

PhD in Consumer Behaviour from the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece. Her re-

search interests lie in the areas of visual research methods in consumer behaviour, consum-

ers’ identity projects and experiential consumption. Her research has appeared in the Mar-

keting Intelligence and Planning, SAGE Research Methods Cases as well as in international

conferences, such as the European Marketing Academy Conference (EMAC) and the Inter-

national Conference on Corporate and Marketing Communications (CMC).

Georgia Stavraki

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New Publications of Departmental Members

Marketing and Retail News (Summer 2016) Page 7

Alexander, A. "The Study of British Retail History: Progress and Agenda" in The Routledge Com-panion to Marketing History, edited by D.G. Brian Jones and Mark Tadajewski, Taylor & Francis, pp155-172. ISBN: 978-0-415-71418-1

Benoit, S., Schaefers, T., Heider, R. (2016), ‘Utilitarian, hedonic and hybrid determinants of on-the-go consumption’, forthcoming, Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services (ABS 2)

Benoit, S., Bilstein, N., Hogreve, J., Sichtmann, C. (2016), ‘Explaining Social Exchanges in Infor-mation-Based Online Communities,’ forthcoming, Journal of Service Management, 27 (4). (ABS 2)

Christmann, H., Alexander, A., Wood, SM. (2015), 'Exploring brand identity and entrepreneurship as drivers of small specialist retailer internationalisation: A German case study' International Re-view of Retail, Distribution and Consumer Research, (ABS 1)

Schaefers, T., Wittkowski, K., Benoit, S., Ferraro, R. (2016), ‘Customer misbehaviour in access-based consumption’, Journal of Service Research, 19 (1), 3-21 (ABS 4)

Teller, C., Alexander, A., Floh, A. (2015), 'The impact of competition and cooperation on the per-formance of a retail agglomeration and its stores'. Industrial Marketing Management, (ABS 3)

Wood, S. , Wrigley, N., & Coe, N. (2016), ‘Capital discipline and financial market relations in retail globalization: insights from the case of Tesco plc.’, Journal of Economic Geography, in press (ABS 4)

If you have any item that you think is newsworthy please forward to Joanna Anninou for inclusion in the next issue:

[email protected].

Joanna Anninou, The Surrey Business School, University of Surrey Guildford GU2 7XH +44(0)1483 686300

Further news items are available from the School’s web and Facebook page.

This issue has been edited by Joanna Anninou.