summary mark scheme v7


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Page 1: Summary mark scheme v7

Term 1 Week 7 Common Test Summary Writing Mark Scheme by Yeo Yam Hwee


Xiangzi’s feelings

B The difficulties and challenges he had to overcome

1 He was not afraid of them (the camels).

2 His courage was boosted by the calmness of the camels

3 He was unwilling to leave the camels behind.

1 He took quite a while to make the camels get up.

2 He set off without making sure if the camels were roped together

3 Not caring if he had the whole lot in tow.

4 He had no idea where he was in total darkness.

5 He did not know how to take his bearings from the stars.

6 He was also confused by them (the stars) which seemed too frantic, jostling each other in the sky.

7 He had to choose the main road instead of using the foothills.

8 In so doing, he risked running into another lot of rogue soldiers.

4 He felt he looked like a deserter rather than a camel-driver with his muddy face and long hair.

5 He began to tremble over the thought of being caught by overzealous villagers who would bury him alive.

6 He was suddenly frightened by the camels’ soft steps padding behind him.

9 To escape safely, he had to leave the camels behind.

7 He wanted to hold on to the precious animals no matter what happened.

8 He felt he had to move on and face any problem as it came along.

9 If he came out alive, he would have the precious beasts of burden for free.

10 He ripped the collar and removed the buttons from his army jacket

11 And turned it into a back pack.

10 He felt that he looked less like a defeated soldier,

11 Not quite a real camel-driver but resembled less of a deserter.

12 All the mud and sweat made him feel he looked like a coal-miner.

12 He had to move on steadily to the city

13 He could not waste time as,

Page 2: Summary mark scheme v7

Term 1 Week 7 Common Test Summary Writing Mark Scheme by Yeo Yam Hwee

14 He had no money or food.

13 He thought of riding a camel to conserve his strength and stave off hunger.

15 But to do so meant he had to make the camel kneel before mounting it which could cause further unaffordable delay.

14 He did not feel safe to perch up so high on the camel / might not be able to see the ground

15 And did not want to fall off the camel if it fell.

16 He decided to go on foot.

17 He continued his journey blindly.

18 He sensed he was on an unpaved and deserted highway.

16 He felt uncomfortable and uneasy.

19 He had to deal with pitch darkness, the dustiness and the dank mist.

17 He felt nauseous.

20 When he gazed on the ground, it seemed weirdly uneven but his feet encountered only a flat surface.

21 He gazed straight and ahead and trudged along in total darkness.

18 He felt he was crawling from one dark world into another.

19 He was dizzily conscious only of a seesaw motion.

20 As if rocking on some black sea

21 He felt unsettled and confused.

22 He could not find anyway out of his predicament.