summary checklist...their marketing strategy consumers these days look for quick, first-person...

SUMMARY CHECKLIST How to Use Live Video to Build an Engaged Audience and Drive More Sales

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Page 1: SUMMARY CHECKLIST...their marketing strategy Consumers these days look for quick, first-person experiences that unfold in real-time It’s proven that livestream events increase conversions


How to Use Live Video to Build an Engaged Audience and Drive More Sales

Page 2: SUMMARY CHECKLIST...their marketing strategy Consumers these days look for quick, first-person experiences that unfold in real-time It’s proven that livestream events increase conversions

Live Video Marketing - Checklist


w h o l e g a m e a p p r o a c h . c o m

Use livestream to build your brand, attract new leads, educate your community, and more

Consumers like the immediacy of a live event

It helps them to know, like, and trust you

You can repurpose your recording to get maximum coverage

Live video is easy to set up

It can become an important part of your customer-focused marketing strategy

Identify where live video will benefit your business the most, so that you can achieve your business goals more quickly

Use livestream to bring in new leads, educate them about your brand, and build trust and credibility with them

Identify where you will use live video to increase conversions and motivate prospects to become paying customers.

Pinpoint the ways you can use livestreaming to onboard customers, provide support and training, and build your community

Decide on the main objective for your livestream event, so that it will bring you the results you want

Pick the most appropriate platform and the right tech for running a live video that is both engaging and professional

Learning Objectives

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Choose methods to attract participants to your livestream event, so that you reach your target audience

Outline and pull together your content, so that you deliver your message clearly and concisely

Prepare yourself and run your livestream with confidence, so that you achieve your objectives and engage your audience

Maximize the visibility and value of your livestream by getting it in front of more people and repurposing the content in multiple ways

Consolidate and implement your learning and plan future action steps so you can achieve the goals you set for this course

Page 4: SUMMARY CHECKLIST...their marketing strategy Consumers these days look for quick, first-person experiences that unfold in real-time It’s proven that livestream events increase conversions

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Identify where live video will benefit your business the most, so that you can achieve your business goals more quickly

You may have experience using livestream in your business already

You may have been a participant at livestreaming events It’s powerful and its popularity is growing

Live video can help you: o Grab your audience's attention o Stand out from your competition o Deliver compelling, emotionally engaging content to your audience o Connect with your audience in a personal way o Interact with your satisfied customers and build social proof o Deliver video content directly to your subscribers' screens on social media o Build your brand recognition o Position your brand as an authority in the market o Build brand loyalty with your audience o Make more sales

Livestream events help increase conversions. Consumers enjoy the immediacy and interaction of live video and it keeps them engaged.

Key Takeaways:

Learning Objectives:

Why Use Live Video?


Page 5: SUMMARY CHECKLIST...their marketing strategy Consumers these days look for quick, first-person experiences that unfold in real-time It’s proven that livestream events increase conversions

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There are real advantages for businesses who use livestreaming as part of their marketing strategy

Consumers these days look for quick, first-person experiences that unfold in real-time It’s proven that livestream events increase conversions and help spur your target audience to action

Live video is more engaging for your audience than prerecorded video because:

o It’s active and gives your customer the opportunity for live interaction with you and your team o It creates excitement and helps build motivation to buy o It shows people who you are

The good news for businesses is that: o It’s cheaper and simpler to produce professional-quality video than ever before o Livestreaming video can reach millions of users around the world immediately Sometimes it makes more sense to do a prerecorded video or run a webinar. That’s your choice

This course focuses on using live video to help grow your business

Why Choose Live Video Over More Traditional Forms of Marketing?


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Keeping existing customers is more cost-e�ective than attracting new ones

Adopt the 3-phase Customer Lifecycle Marketing Model

It integrates your marketing tactics and helps you keep customers engaged with you over time o Phase 1 Attract - make consumers aware of your brand and your o�ers and help them identify their needs o Phase 2 Motivate – educate and help customers evaluate your o�ers, take action to purchase and stay in touch o Phase 3 Delight – deliver exceptional customer support for those who bought, and provide experiences that turn happy customers into loyal brand advocates

With Customer Lifecycle Marketing, your customers are engaged throughout he cycle, no matter when they buy

Engagement is a critical part of all livestreams

We’ll cover tactics for engagement when we talk about running your livestream in a later module

Use livestream to bring in new leads, educate them in your brand, and build trust and credibility with them

Livestreaming can play a powerful part in your customer lifecycle marketingplan.

Use live video to build trust in you and your business and get your brand more exposure.

Key Takeaways:

Learning Objectives:

How Livestreaming Fits Into Customer-Focused Marketing

Lesson 1: Use Live Video to Attract New Customers


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The Attract phase aims to make consumers aware of your brand and your o�ers and help them identify their needs

Livestreaming can help your brand get exposure and increase engagement

It can attract new people who are interested in your topic but haven’t heard of you before

Choose topics that matter to prospective customers

For example: o Explain how you started your business and why o Share experiences at an industry event like a convention or skills seminar o Interview experts to attract their followers to your brand – this positions you as a source of valuable insight and news

Use the right hashtags to promote your livestreams, so that it is easy for new viewers to find and engage with you

Have a clear call to action that takes people to a sales page or further information so you can build your list, e.g. o Have a landing page or page on your website where people can sign up for more information

Use Live Video to Attract Customers

Ways to Bring In New People and Expand Your Audience



Lesson 1: Use Live Video to Attract New Customers

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The Motivate phase aims to educate and help customers evaluate your o�ers, take action to purchase, and stay in touch Livestream can successfully be used for marketing to people who already know they need a solution

It leads to more conversions than prerecorded video It will motivate others by showcasing you and your work Draw attention to promotions and sales o With live video, an otherwise normal promotion becomes an “event” that your customers are more likely to tune into o Highlight the product and show it o� and let buyers ask questions in real-time before they buy

Time it right and you can use live video to: o Soft launch a new product or service o Share a time-sensitive o�er

Create a buzz with live video in the run up to the launch, e.g. o Run giveaways and contests o Hold a Q&A o Put a countdown clock on your social media page and your website

Identify where you will use live video to increase conversions and motivate prospects to become paying customers

Use short live videos to highlight promotions or o�ers you have coming up.

Use longer livestreams to demonstrate your product or service and show exactly what a customer will get when they buy.

Key Takeaways:

Learning Objectives:

How Livestreaming Fits Into Customer-Focused Marketing

Lesson 2: Use Live Video to Motivate Customers to Buy


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Educate prospects about what you do to encourage them to

purchase, e.g.

o Talk about some recent lessons you have learned in your


o Show how one of your products is made

o Hold interviews with key members of your team

o Conduct live demonstrations of your product or service

o Interview happy customers who’ve used your service

o Give people a sneak peek of your product

Offer Solutions

Lesson 2: Use Live Video to Motivate Customers to Buy


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The Delight phase aims to deliver exceptional customer support for purchasers and provide experiences that turn happy customers into loyal brand advocates

In order to retain customers, you need to o�er excellent customer service from you or someone on your team

Using live video can enhance your brand image and make your clients’ lives easier, e.g.

o Enable your support team to get in front of the customers for face-to-face resolution of issues o Conversations are real-time, helping solve customers’ problems quickly and easily o It humanizes the process of finding solutions and shows you care as you provide a human to address their concerns instead of a chat bot

Use livestream to bring in new leads, educate them in your brand, and build trust and credibility with them

Use live video to resolve customer support issues and build loyalty.

Share exclusive material with customers in your community to show how much you appreciate them.

Key Takeaways:

Learning Objectives:

Use Live Video to Delight Customers

Lesson 3: Use Live Video to Delight Customers


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Provide customer support to help customers get the best out of their purchase

Onboard them with all the information they need

Use live video to: o Welcome them o Give them a chance to meet team members o Provide live training rather than a “how-to” guide o Walk your customers through a step-by-step process for how to get started o Give actionable tips and tricks on how to get the most out of the product o Share product updates and improvements

Support Your Customers

Lesson 3: Use Live Video to Delight Customers


Build your brand and develop a loyal following with live video

Share exclusive information, e.g. o Behind-the-scenes moments of you organizing an event o Interviews with influencers and industry leaders to give useful insights and o�er insider opinions to your audience o Personal secrets, when appropriate o Your insider shortcuts to success o Research and development from what you’re currently working on

Train your users on new topics they want to learn

Run live challenges to help customers get something done

The more you involve your followers in your business, the more they will want to stay involved

Build Your Community

Page 12: SUMMARY CHECKLIST...their marketing strategy Consumers these days look for quick, first-person experiences that unfold in real-time It’s proven that livestream events increase conversions

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To get the best results, be clear on your reasons for livestreaming

Don’t just go along with the trend

What is it for? To attract? Motivate? Delight?

Pick what is most useful for your business right now

You have a list of ideas from the last module

It’s time to choose one and to get down to organizing it

Decide what you want to accomplish and how, e.g. o Going live immediately might be great for impromptu occasions or breaking news o Scheduling a livestream for a later date allows you time to prepare and promote.

Decide on the main objective for your livestream event, so that it will bring you the results you want

To get the best results, be clear on your reasons for livestreaming.

Choose a topic that will appeal to your audience.

Key Takeaways:

Learning Objectives:

Use Live Video to Delight Customers

Lesson 1: Set Your Objective


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You’ll most likely schedule your event Choose a topic that will appeal to your audience How to find a topic for your livestream: o Look at what people are asking for on social media and your other groups o Repurpose an email sequence you’ve designed but don’t use anymore o Answer some frequently asked questions o Use brandable, private label rights content as raw material for inspiring a livestream topic and speaking notes o Take something that was popular such as a blog or podcast and repurpose it o Take questions from viewers about a new product about to launch

When choosing the topic, always ask yourself: o How does livestream enhance this topic? o Will viewers enjoy watching it later? Remember that many watch the replay and don’t attend live

Note down the benefits of the topic to the viewer so you can use this in your promotion

Get organized: o Is this a one-o� event or part of an ongoing strategy? If it’s ongoing, try to choose the same day and time so your regular followers can attend o How much time do you need to prepare?

Schedule your activities in your calendar

Choose Your Topic

Lesson 1: Set Your Objective


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All the main social media platforms encourage live events You can go live right away, or schedule a livestream for later

You need to choose the one that will best resonate with your target market Find out which social media channels your customers use so you can use the same, e.g. o Facebook Live, Twitter Live (powered by Periscope), Instagram Live, YouTube Live

Make sure you know what’s possible with the platform you’ve chosen, e.g. o You want a saved video you can repurpose o You want to be able to invite followers to the event

Don’t forget LinkedIn if your target market is there. You may not be able to livestream to it yet, but you can create a Slideshare from the recording to post later

Some webinar platforms also allow livestreaming, e.g. you can livestream a webinar from Zoom to YouTube Live or Facebook Live

Pick the most appropriate platform and the right tech for running a live video that is both engaging and professional

Run your livestream on the social media platform your target market prefers.

Use the tech you have. You can upgrade later when you get results fromlivestreaming.

Key Takeaways:

Learning Objectives:

Pick Your Social Media Platform

Lesson 2: Choose Your Platform and Your Tech


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Think about your background and what viewers will see behind you. Do you want to show yourself sitting in your o�ce? Outside?

Mobile o Use selfie stick or gimbal to avoid shake if you’re on the go o Make sure you don’t cover the lens with your finger o Avoid places where there’s lots of background noise o Turn on your “do not disturb” setting on your cell phone o Make sure you have enough battery life

Desktop o Unplug your home phone so your livestream isn’t interrupted by a phone call o Turn o� any alerts that make a noise o Make sure your webcam is connected and accessible to your device o You may also require some streaming software such as Streamyard or There are free versions. Or Open Broadcaster Software which is free but not as easy to set up

Set Yourself Up To Livestream

Lesson 2: Choose Your Platform and Your Tech


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As with all marketing, you must know your ideal market

Make sure you know who you want to target Accurately title your stream to eliminate confusion

Write a clear description. Viewers won't tune in if they don’t know what your stream is about

If it’s a spontaneous livestream, invite your followers to join during the session and make sure they know you’re ‘live’ right now

For a scheduled session, design headlines geared to your audience andtheir challenges

Add appropriate tags and create hashtags

Use the system you have to capture emails from new visitors so you canmarket to them later

Find ways to have them sign up to your list, e.g.

o O�er a lead magnet link during the livestream o Give a bonus that they have to sign up for

Choose methods to attract participants to your livestream event, so that you reach your target audience

Write a clear headline and description of your livestream.

Promote your scheduled livestream as widely as possible.

Key Takeaways:

Learning Objectives:

Speak To Your Audience

Lesson 3: Attract Viewers to Your Live Video


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Promote to your email list o Send to segments you know will be interested

Make sure they have the link to the scheduled broadcast and sign up fornotifications and reminders

Use social media to promote date, time, content, and the URL o Set up the event page on your platform o Use Canva to create simple promotional visuals o Build teasers with highlights, and count down toward your livestream on a landing page or website page

Ask your group members to share the event with their followers

Promote to groups you’re a member of, if they let you O�er incentives to watch (e.g. discount codes or merchandise giveaways)

Set yourself a goal to go for, such as number of attendees, comments, lead, sales etc.

Promotion Tips to Attract Attendees to Scheduled Events

Lesson 3: Attract Viewers to Your Live Video


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Having a content outline helps your livestream feel organized and structured

Strike a balance between planning ahead and being improvisational—viewers want to see your authentic personality

Avoid anything too random or spontaneous unless you’re an expert at thistype of delivery

Decide what you want to cover

Bring together any content you want to use, e.g. o Collect any comments other people have made that you want to answer in the video o Poll subscribers ahead of time to get interaction, e.g. ask them to provide a photo to include, or give you ideas on future topics o Decide what personal information you want to share, if any o Design slides if you plan to use them for key messages

Outline and pull together your content, so that you deliver your message clearly and concisely

Strike a balance between planning ahead and improvising during the livestream.

Make sure have an outline of what you’re going to say and stick to it.

Key Takeaways:

Learning Objectives:

Plan Your Content

Lesson 1: Prepare Your Content


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Plan the flow of the session, e.g. o Plan when you will check and reply to comments and questions or have someone help you o When to launch a poll if you use one o When you will use slides if you want to share your screen

Write down what you want to say but make sure you can be flexible with the material

Your notes should include: o Introduction to yourself, your business, etc. o Key messages o Calls to action for your audience o The flow of the session – how long, when you’ll stop, how people can make comments, etc. (we’ll look at this in more detail in the next lesson)

Lesson 1: Prepare Your Content


Attend a few livestreams run by others to get an idea of how it works Practice makes perfect: o Do a quick session from your smart phone or desktop o Set up an unlisted session on YouTube Live or start a live video to show to ‘Only Me’ on Facebook

Get Familiar with Livestream

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Spend time beforehand getting organized o Check your tech one last time o Close down any browsers you have open and open any that you want to share during the livestream o Load up your slideshow o Mute any sounds you don’t want transmitting

Don’t assume all people will have attended a livestream before

Explain what will happen

Introduce the topic

Say how long the session will be Tell people how they can interact, e.g. o Tell them to leave comments below, even if they’re not watching live, since you’ll be checking comments o Explain when you’ll be answering questions o Let them know there will be a replay available

Prepare yourself and run your livestream with confidence, so that you achieve your objectives and engage your audience

Check your tech as much as you can before the session then check it again with your audience present.

Keep your energy up during the livestream to keep people engaged.

Key Takeaways:

Learning Objectives:

Set the Scene for Your Livestream

Lesson 2: Deliver Your Livestream


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Do a tech check with attendees: o Sound check o Visual check o Make it clear how to rectify tech issues, e.g. screen resolution

Be prepared for tech glitches and don’t panic

Lesson 2: Deliver Your Livestream


When you’re happy everything is working as well as it can, start your main content Keep the pace moving and vary intonation in your voice

Keep your energy up

Find quick energy boosters that will keep you energized e.g. o Put on your favorite music and sing before you go live o Eat something that gives you energy o Deliver standing up

Ask others to help, e.g. o You may choose to have a cohost on screen. Ask a friend or fellow creator to join your livestream to keep up the energy. Your co-host can interact with the audience and read chats (on or o� camera) o Use a moderator behind the scenes. Assign someone to monitor chat and remove inappropriate messages

Deliver Your Livestream

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Engagement is key to livestream

Greet people by name as they join

Give brief overviews “for those who just joined us” Give an incentive, e.g. bonus/gift for those who stay to the end, award a prize at the end

Have them do something, e.g. o “Drop your comments in below” o “Let me know where you’re all from” o “Tell me what you think about this idea”

Reply to their comments and make them feel acknowledged

Run a poll or play games Mention people attending the replay and encourage their comments so they feel welcome too, e.g. o “If you’re watching the replay of this livestream, be sure to leave your comments and questions since I’ll be checking those frequently.”

Lesson 2: Deliver Your Livestream


Rerun the video after the livestream has ended

Collect any feedback

Learn from the session. Ask yourself: o What went well? o What would you change for next time?

Don’t worry if things went wrong – this shows you’re human

Evaluate Your Performance

How to Get People to Interact

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Make sure you save your video at the end of the session if it doesn’t happen automatically Now that you have a recording of your livestream, you want the maximum number of people to see it

Email your list with a link to the recording and reasons why they should watch it

Share it on social media while the content is fresh

Repost the footage on your website or in a video archive

Simultaneously stream live video to more than 30 platforms with a multi-streaming service o Use Restream, or Castr Live Streaming

Any multi-streaming service will provide analytics which can be of use later, e.g. o Number of average users o Chatters, or chat messages o Peak activity etc.

Repurpose your livestream to maximize its visibility and value, so that your videos continue bringing you the results you want and attract more people to your brand

Share your recorded video so that the maximum number of people can see it.

Repurpose your livestream content in as many ways as possible to increase your visibility and attract more people to your brand.

Key Takeaways:

Learning Objectives:

Get Maximum Visibility


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There are many ways to repurpose the video itself, e.g.o Edit video into 30 second clips and post on social media. You can outsource the editing if you don’t want to do it yourselfo Strip out the audio and use it as a podcasto Get a transcript and publish it as a blog posto Use the livestream as an online course –download the recordings and add them to your course platformo Use soundbites, quotes, and screen captures for GIFs, images, Instagram Stories, Pinterest, etc.o Develop the concepts or turn the slides into an infographic

Schedule tasks into your content marketing calendar so you get the mostof these opportunities

Repurpose to Maximize the Value of Your Livestream


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It’s important to understand the metrics that define the success of your live event

Decide which metrics you want to use

Look at the platforms and 3rd party apps you’ve used. They will have analytics available to help you track performance, e.g. o Engagement graphs including the number of chat messages sent o Average and total viewing times o Total number of views to include views on replay o Click-through analytics o Location analytics

Collect analytics from your platform and review the results

Make any changes for next time

What have you learned about ways to use live video in your business?

What di�culties have you encountered?

How do you plan to address these?

What further steps can you take to become totally comfortable with the process?

Repurpose your livestream to maximize its visibility and value, so that your videos continue bringing you the results you want and attract more people to your brand

Analytics will give you raw data from livestream events to consider when planning for next time.

Key Takeaways:

Learning Objectives:

Tips To Take Things Forward


What You Learned