summary case system


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Page 1: Summary case system

Group 5 :

Anik Widyastuti

Izzati Gemi S.

Nurul Adhalina

Rika Rahma A.

HamzaAabeed .K.


Many languages have a CASE SYSTEM. The case itself is a grammatical category of noun

or adjective showing its relationship with other words in a syntactic construction (Ba‟dulu,

2004: 78). The example of case system happens in some languages including such as, Pitta-

pitta, Latin, and English.

1. Pitta-Pitta

The example of case system is a set of affixes (almost always suffixes) that mark the relations

that NPs bear to their governors.CASE SYSTEM occurs in Australian Language, Pitta-

Pitta.Each case is represented by a single form.There is one complication.

The subject of an intransitive verb is unmarked.

The subject of a transitive verb is marked by a suffix –lu (the ergative case) that marks



Nominative -Ø The dog ran away (INTRANSITIVE


Ergative / instrumental -lu The man hit the dog with a stick



Accusative -nha The dog bit the man (direct object)

Dative / pergressive -ku The dog is fond of the man, The dog

swam through the flood

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Purposive / possesive -nga The woman‟s dog went for the paper

locative -ina The dog swam in the creek

allative -inu The dog went to the creek

ablative -inya The dog name back from the creek

causal -la The dog hid from the policeman

-Ø nominative

The nominative is used for nouns in isolation and for the subject of an intransitive


It characteristically expresses the role of neutral patient, including entities that

„locomote‟ (with „go‟, „come‟, etc).

These might seem to have agent subjects, but the mover is also the moved and the

activity does not extend to an external entity.

karna karnta-ka

man go-past

The man went

-lu ergative / instrumental

The ergative marks the subject of a transitive verb.

It expresses the role of agent.

It also encodes the role of instrument.


man-erg hit past dog-accwalking:stick-erg (insr)

The man hit the dog with a stick.

-nha accusative

The accusative marks the direct object expressing the characteristics role of affected



man-erg hit past dog-accwalking:stick-erg (insr)

The man hit the dog with a stick.

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-ku dative / pergressive

The dative function of –ku is restricted.

It marks the complement:

yatha „to like‟

tiwa „be jealous of‟

wapa „to look for‟

wantili „to wait for‟

karna yatha-ya piyawarli-ku

man like-pres dog-dat

The man likes the dog.

The pergressive function:




karna yurta-ka ngarraru-ku

man swam-past flood-dat (pergressive)

The man swam through the flood

-nga purposive / possesive

Exampe of purposive:

karna karnta-ka kupi-nga

man go-past fish-purp

The man went for (to get) fish

Example of possesive:

karna-nga piyawarli pantyi-ya

man-purp dog ail-pres

The man‟s dog is sick

-ina locative

It indicates location in general.

Adverbs are used to give specific orientation of one entity in relation to another.

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karna nhangka-y kunti-ina kukuina

man sit-pres house-loc behind

The man is (sitting) behind the house


It indicates destinations.

-inya ablative

It indicates „from‟, i.e. source.

karnakarnta-ka Mount Isa-inyaDajarra-inu

man go-past Mt Isa-ablDajarra-allative

The man went from Mt Isa to Dajarra

-la causal

It marks causes „sick from (drinking) whisky, and entities that are to be avoided.


Bad spirits – not just bad whisky!


man hide-pres m:in:law-causal

The man is hiding from (sc. to avoid) his mother-in-law

2. Latin

Besides occuring in Pitta-Pitta language, case system also appears in European language.

Latin is one of European language that has case system. The Latin‟s case system is more

complicated than others. It‟s because in Latin, the suffix expresses case, number, gender

class, and irregularities.There are three declinsion in Latin:

- -ā-stemsis for almost all feminine gender

- o- stems is for almost all masculine but with a subclass of neuter nouns

- The consonant stems are for masculine, feminine and neuter and to differentiate the

gender is shown from the form of the agreeing adjective and determiner take.

Note that there are separate Paradigm/Pattern for Plural words

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First declension: „a girl‟, ā stem

Second Declension: „a slave‟ (o stem)

Third declension: „king‟ (consonant stem)

Case Singular Plural

Nominative puella puellae

Vocative puella puellae

Accusative puellam puellās

Genitive puellae puellārum

Dative puellae puellĩs

Ablative puellā puellĩs

Case Singular Plural

Nominative servus servĩ

Vocative serve servĩ

Accusative servum servōs

Genitive servĩ servōrum

Dative servō servĩs

Ablative servō servĩs

Case Singular Plural

Nominative rēx rēgēs

Vocative rēx rēgēs

Accusative rēgem rēgēs

Genitive rēgis rēgum

Dative rēgi rēgibus

Ablative rēge rēgibus

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In Latin, neuter nouns have the same form in the nominative, vocative and accusative. For

example, the word bellum (war) has the same form bellum in nominative, vocative and

accusative while in plural, it has bellafor these thress cases.

Casea are distinguished on the basis differentiation in a single paradigm. The vocative is

marked by separate form only in the second declension singular. Other than that there is a

SYNCRETISM (neutralization) between the nominative and vocative.

Case category in Latin:

Nominative : marks the subject

Vocative : used to address someone

Accusative : marks direct object and the object of some prepositions

Genitive : correspons to „s and of in English

Dative : marks indirect object of dare „to give‟ and the complement of a score

or so of verbs that do not involve impingement on neutral patient.

(e.g: ignoscere „to pardon‟, credere „to believe‟)

Ablative :marks a number of distict roles, usually governed by an appropriate

preposition. For example:

„from‟ – ex Asiā

„by means of‟ – gladiō „with a sword‟

„agent‟ – abArriō

„accompanimen‟ – cum amicō

„in‟ – in Italiā „in Italy‟

Adjective and determiners agree with their head nouns in number, case and gender. For

example, the adjective used in the sentence bellow decline like puella, servus or bellum

according to the gender of the nouns they modify:

a. Rex bonus dat unum servum puellae

King good give:3s one:acc slave:acc girl:dat

The good king gives one/a slave to the girl

b. Regis servus itt ex Britaniā in Italiam

King slave go:past:3s from Britain:abl in Italy:acc

The king‟s slave went down from Britain to Italy

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c. Illa puella manet in Italiā cum amicis

That girl remain:3s in Italy with friend:abl:plur

That girl is staying in Italy with friends

3. English

Another Indo – European language that has case system is English but along the time, there

are some changing in the case system. It is once has a complicated case system like Latin.

Old English has almost identical case system like modern German. While during the Middle

English period that case system is disappeared, except for the sibilant ending of the genitive

but it is no longer a case marker. It becomes a derivational affix that is added to noun phrases

to produce possessive determiners. For example:

a. The dog‟s bone

b. The man down the street‟s dog

c. The man over there‟s dog

Note that in English, possessive„s is written with an apostrophe to distinguish it from the


There are two – way case distinction with pronouns: nominative and oblique (non –

nominative). The distinction between nominative and oblique is made suppletively by using

different stems. For example, Me supplies the oblique case of I, Him of He, etc.

For example:

Nominative Oblique

First person singular I me

Third person singular he him

She her

It it

First person plural we us

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Second person plural you you

Third person plural they them

Note that there are also different uses of nominative and oblique. Nominative forms are

usually used for subject and oblique for all other function.

In English, nouns can be distinguished two cases, namely:

The Unmarked Common Case

Ex: girl (singular) and girls (plural)

The Marked Genitive Case

Example: girl‟ s(singular) and girls‟ (plural)


A case grammar is an approach to grammar that gives emphasis on the semantic relationships

in a sentence.

In the case of grammar, verbs are considered as an important part of the sentence and have

some semantic relationship with the noun phrase. These relationships are called the CASE.


- Smith killed the policeman with a Revolve.

- This revolver killed the policeman.


1. Agentive Case

It is the case on a noun or noun phrase that refers to people or animals who perform or initiate



- John chew the candy.

“John mengunyah permen.”

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John is in the agentive. But the subject of the verb does not need to always be in the agentive

case. In the sentence:

- John likes candy.

“John menyukai permen.”

John did not do an act, but his attitude toward the candy is called. John in this sentence are

not in the agentive case but in the dative case. It will be discussed in the next category.

2. Benefactive Case

It is the case on the noun or noun phrase that refers to people or animals who have benefited

from the action verbs. In the English language is connected with the preposition “for”.


- Tom did it for Huck.

“Tom melakukan itu untuk Huck.”

(Huck is in the benefactive case)

- John cooked a chicken for Louise.

“John memasak ayam untuk Luise.”

- John cooked Louise a chicken.

“John memasakan Louise ayam.”

(Louise is in the benefactive case)

3. Comitative case

It is a case in noun phrases that bear a conjunctive relationship with other noun

phrases in a sentence. In English associated with the preposition “with”.


- Tom ran away with Huck.

“Tom melarikan diri dengan Huck.”

- Tom and Huck ran away.

“Tom dan Huck melarikan diri.”

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4. Dative Case

It is a case of the noun or noun phrase that refers to a person or animal that is affected state or

action verbs.


- Gregory was frightened by storm.

“Gregory ditakut-takuti oleh angin topan.”

- I persuaded Tom to go.

“Saya membujuk Tom pergi.”

Gregory and Tom are in the dative case. Both Tom and Gregory is influenced by something.

Gregory intimidated and Tom experienced persuasion. This case is also called experiences


5. Factitive Case

It is a case in phrase or noun phrase that refers to something that is made or created by the

action verbs.


- Tony built the shed.

“Tony membangun bangsal.”

- The shed is in the case of factitive. On the other sentence:

Tony repaired the shed.

“Tony memugar bangsal.”

The shed is not located in factitive case because the shed had been there / standing at the time

of restoration was carried out. In the sentence, the shed is in the objective case. Factitive Case

is also called result/resultativecase.

6. Objective Case

It is the case in the phrase or noun phrase that refers to anyone or anything that has a neutral

relationship to the action verbs. Noun or noun phrase in the objective case no action, do not

act, nor is the instrument / equipment / means of action.

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- Marry slided the onion with a knife.

“Marry mengiris bawang putih itu dengan pisau.”

- The onion sliced easily.

“bawang putih itu teriris dengan mudah.”

- The onion was thick.

“bawang putih itu tebal.”

The Onion is not the agent (such as Marry) nor instrument (such as a knife); but instead is in

the objective.

The notion of objective case had everything to do with the traditional sense of the object.

However, not everything that is in the objective case can be an object and not all objects can

be considered to be in the objective case.

7. Ergatif Case

It cases is causative, which refers to the syntactic relation that exists between a sentence.


- The car moved.

“Mobil itu bergerak.”

- John moved the car.

“John menggerakkan mobil itu.”

8. Instrumental Case

It is about an inanimate instrument which is the cause of an action or state expressed by the

verb, which in English by using the preposition “with”.


- Bella opened the door with the key.

“Bella membuka pintu itu dengan kunci.”

- The door was opened with the key by Bella.

“Pintu itu dibuka dengan kunci oleh Bella.”

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- The key opened the door.

“Kunci membuka pintu itu.”

9. Locative Case

It is the case on a phrase or noun phrase that refers to the location / site of action verbs.


- Irene put the dictionary on the table.

“Irene menaruh majalah itu di atas meja.”

The table is in the locative case. In English, it can be seen by using of the preposition: on, in,

at, from.