suggested readings/references - · suggested readings/references the suggested...

Suggested Readings/References The Suggested Readings/References for Environmental Geology offer the reader further resources. Some of the items are references used directly in the chapter in question. Some are references to a broader range of material relevant to the chapter. Some present additional case studies, different perspectives on chapter material, or additional issues that arise in connection with the subject of the chapter. The majority have been selected purposely to be appropriate to a nonspecialist audience (such as a student in an introductory college course in geology!), with a few more technical/advanced items included here and there for the interested reader. Just use the bookmarks bar (see icon at upper right) to go to the readings for a particular chapter. Section One Foundations Chapter 1 Planet and Population: An Overview Chapter 2 Rocks and Minerals -- A First Look Section Two Internal Processes Chapter 3 Plate Tectonics Chapter 4 Earthquakes Chapter 5 Volcanoes Section Three Surface Processes Chapter 6 Streams and Flooding Chapter 7 Coastal Zones and Processes Chapter 8 Mass Movements Chapter 9 Ice and Glaciers, Wind and Deserts Chapter 10 Climate -- Past, Present, and Future Section Four Resources Chapter 11 Groundwater and Water Resources Chapter 12 Weathering, Erosion, and Soil Resources Chapter 13 Mineral and Rock Resources Chapter 14 Energy Resources -- Fossil Fuels Chapter 15 Energy Resources -- Alternative Sources Section Five Waste Disposal, Pollution, and Health Chapter 16 Waste Disposal Chapter 17 Water Pollution Chapter 18 Air Pollution Section Six Other Related Topics Chapter 19 Environmental Law and Policy Chapter 20 Land-Use Planning and Engineering Geology Appendix A Geologic Time, Geologic Process Rates

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Page 1: Suggested Readings/References - · Suggested Readings/References The Suggested Readings/References for Environmental Geology offer the reader further resources. Some

Suggested Readings/References

The Suggested Readings/References for Environmental Geology offer the reader further resources. Some of the items are references used directly in the chapter in question. Some are references to a broader range of material relevant to the chapter. Some present additional case studies, different perspectives on chapter material, or additional issues that arise in connection with the subject of the chapter. The majority have been selected purposely to be appropriate to a nonspecialist audience (such as a student in an introductory college course in geology!), with a few more technical/advanced items included here and there for the interested reader.

Just use the bookmarks bar (see icon at upper right) to go to the readings for a particular chapter.

Section One FoundationsChapter 1 Planet and Population: An Overview

Chapter 2 Rocks and Minerals -- A First Look Section Two Internal Processes

Chapter 3 Plate TectonicsChapter 4 EarthquakesChapter 5 Volcanoes

Section Three Surface ProcessesChapter 6 Streams and FloodingChapter 7 Coastal Zones and ProcessesChapter 8 Mass MovementsChapter 9 Ice and Glaciers, Wind and DesertsChapter 10 Climate -- Past, Present, and Future

Section Four ResourcesChapter 11 Groundwater and Water ResourcesChapter 12 Weathering, Erosion, and Soil ResourcesChapter 13 Mineral and Rock ResourcesChapter 14 Energy Resources -- Fossil FuelsChapter 15 Energy Resources -- Alternative Sources

Section Five Waste Disposal, Pollution, and HealthChapter 16 Waste DisposalChapter 17 Water PollutionChapter 18 Air Pollution

Section Six Other Related TopicsChapter 19 Environmental Law and PolicyChapter 20 Land-Use Planning and Engineering Geology

Appendix A Geologic Time, Geologic Process Rates

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Chapter 1 Suggested Readings/References

Bloom, D.E. 2011. 7 billion and counting. Science 333 (29 July): 562-569.

Creath, W. B. 1996. Home buyer's guide to geologic hazards. Arvada, CO: Amer. Inst. of Prof. Geologists. Also available online:

Denevi, B. 2017. The new Moon. Physics Today (June): 38-44.

Ewert, J. W., and Harpel, C. J. 2004. In harm’s way: Population and volcanic risk. Geotimes (April): 14–23.

Geochemical Society. 2006. In the August 2006 issue of Elements, the society’s journal, there are several short articles on aspects of the early earth, including: Halliday, A. N. The origin of the Earth: What’s new? (pp. 205–10). Koeberl, C. Impact processes on the early Earth (211–16). Schopf, J. W. The first billion years: When did life emerge? (229–33). Valley, J. W. Early Earth (201–4 ). Zahnle, K. J. Earth’s earliest atmosphere (217–22).

Gerland, P., et al. 2014. World population stabilization unlikely this century. Science 346 (10 October): 234-37.

Gibbons, A. 2009. A new kind of ancestor: Ardipithecus unveiled. Science 326 (2 October): 36-40.

----------. 2017. Oldest members of our species discovered in Morocco. Science 356 (9 June): 993-4.

Gunderson, L.C.S., et al. 2011. Geology for a changing world 2010-2020: Implementing the U.S. Geological Survey science strategy. U.S. Geological Survey Circular 1369.

Kenz, R. 2010. Growing prospects for life on Mars divide astrobiologists. Science 330 (1 October): 26-27.

Kunzig. R. 2011. Seven billion. National Geographic (January): 40-69.

Lutz, W., O’Neill, B. K., and Scherbov, S. 2003. Earth’s population at a turning point. Science 299 (28 March): 1991–92 .

Parfit, M. 1998. Living with natural hazards. National Geographic (July): 2–35.

Population Reference Bureau. 2016. 2016 World Population Data Sheet. Washington, D.C.: PRB. Also available online:

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Roberts, L. 2011. 9 billion? Science 333 (29 July): 540-43. (This is a collection of data and diagrams collected from various sources, all relating to population growth and distribution.)

Rosen, M. 2014. Life's early traces. Science News (8 February): 16-19.

Russell, M. 2006. First life. American Scientist 94 (January–February): 32–39.

Simpson, S. 2003. Questioning the oldest signs of life. Scientific American (April): 70–77.

Sumner, T. 2017. How Earth got its moon. Science News (15 April): 18-20.

Van der Vink, G.E., et al. 2007 Democracy, GDP, and natural disasters. Geotimes (October): 36-39. (Note: This publication has more recently been renamed Earth.)

Vondrak, R. R., and Crider, D. H. 2003. Ice at the lunar poles. American Scientist 91 (July–August): 322–29.

Wayman, E. 2009. Before Lucy: Older hominid Ardi challenges thinking about human evolution. Earth (December): 8-9.

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Chapter 2 Suggested Readings/References

Dictionary of geology and mineralogy. 2d ed. 2003. New York: McGraw-Hill.

Fritsch, E., and Rondeau, B. 2009. Gemology: The developing science of gems. Elements 5 (June): 147 - 152.

Groat, L.A. 2012. Gemstones. American Scientist 100 (March—April): 128-37.

Gunter, M. E. 1994. Asbestos as a metaphor for teaching risk perception. Journal of Geological Education 42: 17–24 .

_____. 1999. Quartz—The most abundant mineral in the earth’s crust and a human carcinogen? Journal of Geoscience Education 47: 341–49 .

Hazen, R.M. 2010. Evolution of minerals. Scientific American (March): 58 – 65.

Hibbard, M. J. 2001. Mineralogy: A geologist’s point of view. New York: McGraw-Hill.

Libbrecht, K. G. 2007. The formation of snow crystals. American Scientist 95 (January–February): 52–59 .

Manutchehr-Danal, M. 2005. Dictionary of gems and gemology. 2d ed. New York: Springer-Verlag.

Perkins, D. 2011. Mineralogy. 3d ed. New York: Prentice Hall.

Raloff, J. 2006. Dirty little secret: Asbestos laces many residential soils. Science News 170 (8 July): 26–28 .

Shea, N. 2008. Crystal palace. National Geographic (November): 66–77. Describes a newly discovered cave in Mexico containing gypsum crystals up to 10 meters long.

Simmons, W.B., et al. 2012. Granitic pegmatites as sources of colored gemstones. Elements 8 (August): 281-87.

Sverjensky, D.A., and Lee, N. 2010. The Great Oxidation Event and mineral diversification. Elements 6 (February): 31- 36.

Williams, D.B. 2009. Stories in stone: Travels through urban geology. New York: Walker & Company.

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Chapter 3 Suggested Readings/References

Cawood, P. A., Kröner, A., and Pisarevsky, S. 2006. Precambrian plate tectonics: Criteria and evidence. GSA Today 16 (July): 4–11.

Conrad, C. P., and Lithgow-Bertelloni, C. 2002. How mantle slabs drive plate tectonics. Science 298 (4 October): 207–9.

DePaolo, D., and Manga, M. 2003. Deep origin of hotspots—the mantle plume model. Science 300 (9 May) 920–21.

Dunlop, D.J. 2012. Magnetic recording in rocks. Physics Today (June): 31-37.

Foulger, G.R., et al. 2015. What lies deep in the mantle below? Eos (15 September): 10-15.

Gomberg, J.S., and Ludwig, K.A. 2017. Reducing risk where tectonic plates collide. USGS Fact Sheet 2017-3024.

Gramling, C. 2006. Uncharted territory: Ultraslow ridges hold new clues to crust’s formation. Science News 169 (1 April): 202–4.

Hand, E. 2017. Mantle plumes seen rising from earth's core. Science 349 (4 September): 1032-33.

Hassler, D. R., Goehring, L., and Fisher, C. 2002. The complex world along mid-ocean ridges. Geotimes (December): 14–18.

Hodges, K. 2006. Climate and the evolution of mountains. Scientific American 295 (August): 72–79.

Humphreys, E., and Schwandt, B. 2011. Looking for mantle plumes. Physics Today (August): 34-39.

Kelemen, P. B. 2009. The origin of land under the sea. Scientific American (February): 52-57.

Morton, M.C. 2017. When and how did plate tectonics begin on earth? Earth (May/June): 66-73.

Murphy, J. B., and Nance, R. D. 2004. How do supercontinents assemble? American Scientist 92 (July–August): 324–33.

Murphy, J. B., et al. 2008. Tectonic plates come apart at the seams. American Scientist 96 (March–April): 129–37.

Nutman, A. P. 2006. Antiquity of the oceans and continents. Elements 2 (August): 223–27.

Park, J., and Levin, V. 2002. Seismic anisotropy: Tracing plate dynamics in the mantle.

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Science 296 (19 April): 485–89.

Pratt, S.E. 2016. The question of mantle plumes. Earth (January/February): 54-59.

Steinberger, B. 2008. Reconstructing earth history in three dimensions. Science 322 (7 November): 866–68.

Tarduno, J. A., et al. 2003. The Emperor seamounts: Southward motion of the Hawaiian hotspot plume in Earth’s mantle. Science 301 (22 August): 1064–69.

Tarduno, J., Bunge, H-P., Sleep, N., and Hansen, U. 2009. The bent Hawaiian-Emperor hotspot track: Inheriting the mantle wind. Science 324 (3 April): 50-53.

Umino, S., Nealson, K, and Wood, B. 2013. Drilling to Earth's mantle. Physics Today (August): 36-41.

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Chapter 4 Suggested Readings/References

Achenbach, J. 2006. The new big one: Where will it strike? National Geographic (April): 120–47.

Allen, R. 2008. At first jolt. Earth (October): 52–59. (Deals with the early-warning concept.)

Burns, S. 2011. After 8,000 aftershocks: When will it stop? Earth (December): 38-40. (Relates to the Christchurch, NZ earthquake.)

Chavrakorty, A. 2017. When schools shake. Earth (September/October): 44-55.

Cook, T. 2015. Ground-shaking research: How humans trigger earthquakes. Earth (May/June): 56-63.

Crone, A. J. 2007. Earthquakes pose a serious hazard in Afghanistan. USGS Fact Sheet 2007–3027.

Goldfinger, C., et al. 2013. Superquakes, supercycles, and global earthquake clustering. Earth (January): 34-43.

Guglielmi, Y., et al. 2015. Seismicity triggered by fluid injection-induced aseismic slip. Science (12 June): 1224-1226.

Hough, S. 2005. Earthquakes: Predicting the unpredictable? Geotimes (March): 18–23.

Johnson, B. F. 2009. Earthquake prediction: gone and back again. Earth (April): 30-33.

Kanamori, H., and Brodsky, E. E. 2001. The physics of earthquakes. Physics Today (June): 34–40.

Keranen, K. M., et al. 2014. Sharp increase in central Oklahoma seismicity since 2008 induced by massive wastewater injection. Science (25 July): 448-451.

Kolbert, E. 2015. Aftershock. Smithsonian (June): 36-43. (Deals with the l'Aquila earthquake trial.)

Kumagi, J. 2007. How to master a seismic disaster. IEEE Spectrum (June): 48–51.

Lay, T. and Kanamori, H. 2011. Insights from the great 2011 Japan earthquake. Physics Today (December): 33-39.

Morton, M.C. 2014. We're all living in the aftershock zone. Earth (November/December): 51-59.

Mutter, J. C. 2010. Should science dictate rebuilding? Earth (May): 86-87.

Newton, S. 2016. The most dangerous fault in America. Earth (May/June): 66-73.

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Oleson, T. 2014. Faking quakes at full scale. Earth (May): 24-31.

Perkins, S. 2011. New takes on historic quakes. Science News (3 December): 22-25. (Relates to the 1811-12 New Madrid quakes.)

Petroski, H. 1994. Broken bridges. American Scientist 82 (July–August): 318–21.

Piove, A. 2011. Planning for the black swan. Scientific American (June): 49-53. (Relates to u.s reactor safety in light of the Fukushima reactor disaster from the 2011 Japanese earthquake.)

Powell, D. 2011. Size of March 11 earthquake took Japan by surprise. Science News (9 April): 5-7.

Reid, T. R. 1995. Kobe wakes to a nightmare. National Geographic (July): 116–36.

Richards, P. G. and Kim, W. 2009. Monitoring for nuclear explosions. Scientific American (March): 70-77. (Use of seismic data to detect nuclear-weapons tests.)

Scharer, K. 2010. Changing views of the San Andreas Fault. Science 327 ( 26 February): 1089-1091.

Showstack, R. 2015. What can we learn about disaster preparedness from Nepal's earthquake? EOS (1 June): 10-14.

Sørensen, M. B., and Atakan, K. 2008. Continued earthquake hazard in northern Sumatra. EOS 89 (1 April): 133–34.

Southern California Earthquake Center. 2006. Putting down roots in earthquake country. (A comprehensive guide to earthquakes and earthquake preparedness. See also their online “resource mine” :

Spence, W., Herrmann, R. B., Johnston, A. C., and Reagor, G. 1993. Responses to Iben Browning’s prediction of a 1990 New Madrid,Missouri, earthquake. U.S. Geological Survey Circular 1083.

Stein, R. S. 2003. Earthquake conversations. Scientific American 275 (January): 72–79.

Stone, R. 2009. Peril in the Pamirs. Science 326 (18 December): 1614-17. (Concerns a growing lake, created when a 1911 earthquake caused a landslide that blocked a mountain river, which might cause catastrophic flooding if another earthquake destroys the landslide "dam".)

_____. 2000. Implications for earthquake risk reduction in the United States from the Kocaeli, Turkey, earthquake of August 17, 1999. U.S. Geological Survey Circular 1193.

Strauss, j. 2015. Vital seconds. Earth (September/October): 70-77.

U.S. Geological Survey Staff. 1990. The Loma Prieta, California, earthquake: An

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anticipated event. Science 247 (January): 286–93.

Vidale, J.E., and Houston, H. 2012. Slow slip: A new kind of earthquake. Physics Today (January): 38-43.

Vigny, C., et al. 2011. The 2010 mw 8.8 Maule megathrust earthquake of central Chile, monitored by GPS. Science 332 (17 June): 1417-1421.

Witze, A. 2014. Buying time. Science News (19 April): 16-20. (Deals with earthquake early warnings.)

Zoback, M. L. 2006. The 1906 earthquake and a century of progress in understanding earthquakes and their hazards. GSA Today 16 (April/May): 4–11.

-------------. 2010. Scientific drilling into the San Andreas fault zone. EOS 91 (1 June): 197-199

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Chapter 5 Suggested Readings/References

Acocella, V., and Chiodini, G. 2015. Better forecasting for the next volcanic eruption. EOS (December): 10-15.

Augliere, B. 2017. Life-saving diplomacy. Earth (January/February): 58-65. (Concerns the Volcano Disaster Assistance Program.)

Biggs, J., and Pritchard, M.E. 2017. Global volcano monitoring: What does it mean when volcanoes deform? Elements 13 (February): 17-22.

Bindeman, I. N. 2006. The secrets of supervolcanoes. Scientific American (June): 36–43.

Bruce, V. 2001. No apparent danger. New York: HarperCollins. (Describes two deadly volcanic eruptions, of Galeras and Nevado del Ruiz.)

Carn, S. A., et al. 2009. The unexpected awakening of Chaitén volcano, Chile. EOS 90 (16 June): 205-6.

Crockett, J. S., et al. 2005. Mount St. Helens reawakens. EOS 86 (18 January): 25, 29.

Gardener, C. A., and Guffanti, M. C. 2006. U.S Geological Survey's alert notification system for volcanic activity. USGS Fact Sheet 2006-3139.

Garesche, W. A. 1902. Complete story of the Martinique and St. Vincent horrors. L. G. Stahl.

Geochemical Society. 2008. The February issue of the journal Elements includes a series of articles on supervolcanoes: Miller, C. F., and Wark, D. A. Supervolcanoes and their explosive supereruptions. 11–16. Bachmann, O. and Bergautz, G. The magma reservoirs that feed supereruptions. 17–21. Reid, M. R. How long does it take to supersize an eruption? 23–28. Wilson, C. J. N. Supereruptions and supervolcanoes: Processes and products. 29–34. Lowenstern, J. B., and Hurwitz, S. Monitoring a supervolcano in repose: Heat and volatile flux at the Yellowstone caldera. 35–40. Self, S. and Blake, S. Consequences of explosive supereruptions. 41–46.

Gramling, C.2009. Tracking the ash. Earth (October): 48-57.

---------- . 2010. Fire and ice produced Eyjafjalla's explosion. Earth (July). 25-28.

Halbwachs, M., et al. 2004. Degassing the “killer lakes” Nyos and Monoun, Cameroon. EOS 85 (27 July) 281, 285.

Hall, S. S. 2007. Vesuvius: Asleep for now. National Geographic (September): 114–33.

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Hill, D. P., Pollitz, F., and Newhall, C. 2002. Earthquake-volcano interactions. Physics Today (November): 41–47.

Hirji, Z. 2014. Living in the shadow of Mauna Loa. Earth (September/October): 50-57.

Huang, H., et al. 2015. The Yellowstone magmatic system from the mantle plume to the upper crust. Science 348 (May): 773-76.

Johnson, B. F. 2010. Some volcanoes erupt too fast for monitoring? Earth (January): 24-25.

Leifert, H. 2012. Kilauea's explosive past – and future. Earth (May): 34-41,

Morton, M. C. 2011. New ceramics protect jet engines from volcanic ash. Earth (July): 8-9.

----------. 2012. Setting off a supervolcano. Earth (January): 10-11.

----------. 2017. Of airplanes and ash clouds: What we've learned since Eyjafjallajökull. Earth (March/April): 70-81.

Perkins, S. 2003. Danger in the air. Science News (13 September): 168–70.

Pfeiffer, T. 2003. Mount Etna’s ferocious future. Scientific American 288 (April): 58–65

Pratt, S. E. 2011. Killer gas in Africa's Lake Kivu. Earth (December): 12-13.

Sever, M. 2006. Italy’s hidden hazard. Geotimes (April): 36–37.

Stone, R. 2004. Iceland’s doomsday scenario? Science 306 (19 November): 1278–81.

--------. 2011. Vigil at North Korea's Mount Doom. Science 334 (4 Novemeber): 584-88.

Thompson, J. R. 2012. Understanding Chaitén eruption provides uneasy answers. Earth (January): 14-15.

Waitt, R. B., and Begét, J. E. 2009. Volcanic processes and geology of Augustine volcano, Alaska. USGS Professional Paper 1762.

Wilson, C. J. N. 2017. Volcanoes: Characteristics, tipping points, and those pesky unknown unknowns. Elements 13 (February): 41-46.

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Chapter 6 Suggested Readings/References

Breaker, B.K., et al. 2016. Characterization of peak streamflow and flood inundation of selected areas in Louisiana, Texas, Arkansas, and Mississippi from flood of March 2016. USGS Scientific Investigations Report 2016-5162.

Burgess, N. 2010. Researching future flood risks in California's Sacramento--San Joachin River delta. Earth (September): 30-35.

Carter, J. M., Williamson, J. E., and Teller, R. W. 2002. The 1972 Black Hills--Rapid City Flood revisited. U.S. Geological Survey Fact Sheet 037-02.

Coch, N.K. 2014. Hurricane Sandy inland water damage in the NY-NJ metropolitan area – A new perspective on the nature of urban flooding in the northeast United States. The Professional Geologist (April/May/June): 42-46.

Ferber, D. 2010. Into the breach. Nature Conservancy (Spring): 30-39. (Concerns a plan to breach a levee in the upper Ouachita National Wildlife Refuge to restore normal floodplain ecology in the refuge.)

Grams, P.E. et al. 2015. Building sand bars in the Grand Canyon. EOS (15 June): 12-16.

Hayes, B. 2006. Up a lazy river. American Scientist 94 (November-December): 490-94. (Concerns the theory of meandering streams.)

Holmes, R. R. Jr., Koenig, T. A., and Karstensen, K.A. 2010. Flooding in the United States Midwest, 2008. USGS Professional Paper 1775.

Hossain, F., and Katiyar, N. 2006. Improving flood forecasting in international river basins. EOS 87 (31 January): 49, 54.

Konrad, C. P. 2003. Effects of urban development on floods. USGS Fact Sheet FS-076-03.

Long, M. E. 1997. The Grand managed Canyon. National Geographic (July): 117-35.

Lai, C., Tsay, T. Chieu, C., and Wu, I. 2009. Real-time flood forecasting. American Scientist 97 (March-April): 118-25.

Larson, D. W. 2012. Runaway Devils Lake. American Scientist 100 (January-February): 46-53. (Concerns a lake in North Dakota in a basin from which no streams drain out; recent increases in percipitation are causing the lake to grow, flooding its surroundings, with no end in sight.)

Lucchitta, I., and Leopold, L. B. 1999. Floods and sandbars in the Grand Canyon. GSA Today 9 (April): 1-7.

Mairson, A. 1994. The great flood of '93. National Geographic 185 (January): 44-87.

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Mason, R. R. Jr., and Weiger, B. A. 1995. Stream gaging and flood forecasting. USGS Fact Sheet 209-95.

O'Connor, J., Major, J., and Grant, G. 2008. The dams come down: Unchaining U.S. rivers. Geotimes (March): 22-28.

Perry, C. A. 2000. Significant floods in the United States during the 20th century—USGS measures a century of floods. USGS Fact Sheet 024-00.

Petroski, H. 2006. Levees and other raised ground. American Scientist 94 (January-February): 7-11.

Pinter, N., Thomas, R., and Wlosinski, J. H. 2001. Assessing flood hazard on dynamic rivers. EOS 82 (31 July): 333, 338-39.

Service, R. F. 2011. Will busting dams boost salmon? Science 334 (18 November): 888-92.

Stockdon, H.S., et al. 2012. National assessment of hurricane-induced coastal hazards – Gulf of Mexico. USGS Open-File Report 2012-1084.

Stokstad, E. 2006. Restoring Yosemite's twin. Science 314 (27 October): 582-84.

Theroux, P. 1997. The imperiled Nile delta. National Geographic (January): 2-35.

Walter, R. C., and Merritts, D. J. 2008. Natural streams and the legacy of water-powered mills. Science 319 (18 January): 299-304.

Watson, B. 1996. A town makes history by rising to new heights. Smithsonian (June): 110-20.

Wright, S. A., et al. 2008. Is there enough sand? Evaluating the fate of Grand Canyon sandbars. GSA Today (August): 4-10.

The February 2014 issue of Earth contains several articles relating to the 2013 flooding in Colorado: Cook, T. Disaster strikes along Colorado's Front Range. (pp. 24-28). ----------- 2013 Front Range flooding: an ecological perspective. (35-41) Plumlee, G. When water, gravity, and geology collide (29-34)

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Chapter 7 Suggested Readings/References

Bohannon, J. 2005. A sinking city yields some secrets. Science 309 (23 September): 1978–80.

Bourne, J. K., Jr. 2007. New Orleans: A perilous future. National Geographic (August): 32–61.

Branan, N. 2009. World's deltas in danger. Earth (December): 12-13.

Buening, J., Hurley, K., and Johns, M. 2007. Urban wetland restoration: Creating room to grow. Geotimes (August): 36–39.

Coch, N. K. 2008. The impending coastal crisis. Geotimes (March): 29–33.

Day, J. W. Jr., et al. 2007. Restoration of the Mississippi Delta: Lessons from hurricanes Katrina and Rita. Science 315 (23 March): 1679-84.

Dolan, R., and Goodell, H. G. 1986. Sinking cities. American Scientist 74 (January–February): 38–47.

Doney, S.C. 2010. The growing human footprint on coastal and open-ocean biogeochemistry. Science 328 (18 June): 1512-16.

Douglas, B. C., and Peltier, W. R. 2002. The puzzle of global sea-level rise. Physics Today (March): 35–40.

Fischetti, M. 2001. Drowning New Orleans. Scientific American 285 (October): 1–11.

_____ 2006. Protecting New Orleans. Scientific American (February): 64–71.

Hapke, C. J., et al. 2013. Changing the paradigm of response to coastal storms: EOS 94 (21 May): 189-90.

Hayes, B. 2005. Natural and unnatural disasters. American Scientist 93 (November–December): 496–99.

Kantha, L. 2006. Time to replace the Saffir-Simpson hurricane scale? EOS 87 (3 January): 3, 6.

Kim, W., et al. 2009. Is it feasible to build new land in the Mississipi River Delta? EOS 90 (20 October): 373-4.

Leifert, H. 2015. Sea level rise added $2 billion to Sandy's toll in New York City. EOS (15 April): 6.

Malakoff, D. 2012. Scientists assess damage from Sandy's deadly punch. Science 338 (9 November): 728-29.

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Perkins, S. 2010. Scour power. Science News (28 August): 14-17. (Deals with increased coastal erosion due to storms.)

Petroski, H. 2006. Levees and other raised ground. American Scientist 94 (January-February): 7-11.

Phillips, A. 2000. Tall order: Cape Hatteras lighthouse makes tracks. National Geographic (May): 98–105.

Pielke, R. A., Jr., and Landsea, C. W. 1998. Normalized Atlantic hurricane damage 1925–1995. Weather Forecasting 13: 621–31.

Pilkey, O. H. 2005. Beaches awash with politics. Geotimes (July): 38–39, 50.

Resio, D. T., and Westerink, J. J. 2008. Modeling the physics of storm surges. Physics Today (December): 33–38.

Sever, M. 2010. Court rules against Army Corps in New Orleans flooding case. Earth (February): 10-11.

Sopkin, K.L., et al. 2014. Hurricane Sandy: Observations and analysis of coastal change. U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2014-1088.

Stein, S. 2014. How much natural hazard mitigation is enough? Earth (November/December): 14-16.

Thompson, D. A., and Yocom, T. G. 1993. Uncertain ground. Technology Review (August–September): 20–29.

Urban, M. J. 2006. Setting the stage for disaster: A look at the conditions surrounding Katrina’s landfall in New Orleans. The Professional Geologist (January/February): 6–9.

Walden, D. 1990. Raising Galveston. American Heritage of Invention and Technology (Winter): 8–18.

Williams, T. 2006. The last line of defense. Audubon (May–June): 56–71.

Wolman, D. 2009. Turning the tides. IEEE Spectrum (January): 108–13.

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Chapter 8 Suggested Readings/References

Burns, S. 2007. Prevention is the best medicine. Geotimes (February): 19–22. --------- . 2014. The Oso landslide shows need for insurance and better planning. Geotimes (July/August): 10-11. Chadwick, J., Thackray, G., Dorsch, S., and Glenn, N. 2005. Landslide surveillance: New tools for an old problem. EOS (15 March): 109, 114. Chleborad, A. F., Baum, R. L., and Godt, J. W. 2006. Rainfall thresholds for forecasting landslides in the Seattle, Washington, Area—Exceedance and probability. USGS Open-File Report 2006–1064. El Niño Response Group (USGS). 1998. Slope failure and shoreline retreat during northern California’s latest El Niño. GSA Today 8 (August): 1-6. Harp, E. L., et al. 2003. Landslides and liquefaction triggered by the M 7.9 Denali Fault earthquake of 3 November 2002. GSA Today (August): 4-10. Hewitt, K. 2010. Gifts and perils of landslides. American Scientist 98 (September--October): 410-19. Highland, L.M., and Bobrowsky, P. 2008. The landslide handbook -- A guide to understanding landslides. USGS Circular 1325. Highland, L. M., and Brown, W. L., III. 1996. Landslides—The natural hazard sleepers. Geotimes (January): 16–19. Joel, L. 2016. A warm day can trigger rockfalls. EOS (15 May): 6-7. Johnson, B.F. 2010. Slippery slopes. Earth (June):48-55. Keefer, D. K., and Larsen, M. C. 2007. Assessing landslide hazards. Science 316 (25 May): 1136–38. Kieffer, S.W. 2014. The deadly dynamics of landslides. American Scientist (July—August): 298-303. Kiersch, G. A. 1965. The Vaiont reservoir disaster. Mineral Information Service 18 (7): 129–38. Larsen, M. K., et al. 2001. Natural hazards on alluvial fans: The Venezuela debris flow and flash flood disaster. USGS Fact Sheet FS 103-01. Liefert, H. 2014. Oso landslide report yields some answers. Earth (November—December): 42-43. Nuhfer, E. B., Proctor, R. J., and Moser, P. H., et al. 1993. The Citizens' Guide to Geologic Hazards. American Institute of Professional Geologists. (See chapters on "Landslides and

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avalanches" and "Subsidence." ) Pankow, K.L., et al. 2014. Massive landslide at Utah copper mine generates wealth of geophysical data. GSA Toaday (Janueary): 4-9. Radbruch-Hall, D. H., Colton, R. B., Davies, W. E., Lucchitta, I., Varnes, D. J., and Skipp, B. A. 1997. Landslide overview map of the conterminous United States. U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 1183. Schuster, R. L., and Highland, L. M. 2001. Socioeconomic and environmental impacts of landslides in the Western Hemisphere. USGS Open-File Report 01--0276. Slosson, J. E., Keene, A. G., and Johnson, J. A., eds. 1992. Landslides/landslide mitigation. Geological Society of America Reviews in Engineering Geology v. IX. U.S. Geological Survey. 1997. Debris-flow hazards in the United States. USGS Fact Sheet 176–97. _____. 1999. Land subsidence in the United States. USGS Circular 1182. _____. 2000. Landslide hazards. USGS Fact Sheet FS-071-00. _____. 2005. Landslide hazards—a national threat. USGS Fact Sheet 2005--3156. Wilson, R., and Pike, R. 2005. Watching for landslide weather in California. Geotimes (November): 28–31. (See also the NetNotes for this chapter for links to many online USGS publications on landslides.)

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Chapter 9 Suggested Readings/References

Ackerman, J. 2000. New eyes on the oceans. National Geographic (October): 86-115.

Berner, E. K., and Berner, R. A. 1996. Global environment: Water, air, and geochemical cycles. Upper Saddle River, N.J.: Prentice-Hall.

Bolch, T., et al. 2017. The state and fate of Himalayan glaciers. Science 336 (20 April): 310-14.

Burkhart, P.A. 2017. Savor the cryosphere. GSA Today (August): 4-11.

Cuffery, K. M. 2008. A matter of firn. Science 320 (20 June): 1596-97.

Easterling, D. R., et al. 2000. Climate extremes: Observations, modeling, and impacts. Science 289 (22 September): 2068-74.

Fox, D. 2017. The crisis on the ice. National Geographic (July): 30-49.

Gasse, F. 2002. Kilimanjaro's secrets revealed. Science 298 (18 October): 548-49.

Global deserts outlook. 2006. United Nations Environment Programme.

Kröpelin, S., et al. 2008. Climate-driven ecosystem succession in the Sahara: The past 6000 years. Science 320 (9 May): 765-68.

Kunzig, R. 2011. World without ice. National Geographic (October): 90-109.

Miller, J. 2014. Trouble lies ahead for Antarctic ice. Physics Today (July): 10-12.

Montañez, I., and Soreghan, G. S. 2006. Lessons learned from deeptime ice ages. Geotimes (March): 24-27.

Mote, P. W., and Kaser, G. 2007. The shrinking glaciers of Kilimanjaro: Can global warming be blamed? American Scientist 95 (July-- August): 318-25.

Natural Resources Conservation Service. 2008. A measure of snow.

Normile, D. 2007. Getting at the roots of killer dust storms. Science 317 (20 July): 314-16.

Pagani, M., et al. 2011. The role of carbon dioxide during the onset of Antarctic glaciation. Science 334 (2 December): 1261-64.

Pelto, M.S. 2016. Alpine glaciers and ice sheets. Bull. Amer. Meteorological Soc. 97(8): 23-24.

Perkins, S. 2004. Thin skin. Science News 165 (3 January): 11-13. (Relates to desert pavement.)

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Powell, D. 2012. Hiimalaya rush. Science News (25 August): 18-21.

Steinmetz, G. 2012. Sailing the dunes. National Geographic (November): 94-109.

Sturm, M., Peruvich, D. K., and Serreze, M. C. 2003. Meltdown in the North. Scientific American (October): 60-67.

Thomas, R. H. 2001. Remote sensing reveals shrinking Greenland ice sheet. EOS 82 (21 August): 369-73.

Walker, A. S. 1992. Deserts: Geology and resources. U.S. Geological Survey.

Wayman, E. 2011. Endangered snow. Earth (July): 38-43

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Chapter 10 Suggested Readings/References

(Note: The following articles represent a very limited sampling of a very rich literature on this topic!)

Bamber, J. L., et al. 2009. Reassessment of the potential sea-level rise from a collapse of the West Antarctic ice sheet. Science 324 (15 May): 901-03

Bard, E. 2002. Climate shock: Abrupt changes over millennial time scales. Physics Today (December): 32-38.

Cantin, N. E., et al. 2010. Ocean warming slows coral growth in the central Red Sea. Science 329 (16 July): 322-25.

Crowley, T. J. 2000. Causes of climate change over the past 1000 years. Science 289 (14 July): 270-77.

Curtis, S. 2005. El Niño: Predicting causes and consequences. Geotimes (March): 30-33.

de Sherbinin, A., et al. 2011. Preparing for resettlement associated with climate change. Science 334 (28 October): 456-57.

Duren, R. 2012. Geoengineering research: A necessary part of a robust climate response strategy. Earth (October): 9-11.

Earth's variable climatic past. 2001. Science 292 (27 April): 657-93. (A series of articles on climate change.)

Easterling, D. R., et al. 2000. Climate extremes: Observations, modeling, and impacts. Science 289 (22 September): 2068-74.

Folger, T. 2013. Rising seas. National Geographic (September): 30-59.

Gonzalez, J. E., et al. 2005. Urban heat islands developing in coastal tropical cities. EOS 86 (18 October): 397, 403.

Hansen, J. 2004. Defusing the global warming time bomb. Scientific American (March): 68-77.

Hansen, J., et al. 2005. Earth's energy imbalance: Confirmation and implications. Science 308 (3 June): 1431-35.

Higgins, P. 2014. How to deal with climate change. Physics Today (October): 32-37.

Hsiang, S. M. 2011. Climate change and civil conflict: New clues from EI Niño. Earth (November): 70-71.

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Huggel, C., Caplan-Auerbach, J., and Wessels, R. 2008. Recent extreme avalanches: Triggered by climate change? EOS 89 (18 November): 469-70.

Jeffries, M.O., et al. 2013. The Arctic shifts to a new normal. Physics Today (October): 35-40.

Johnson, A., and White, N.D. 2014. Ocean acidification: The other climate change issue. American Scientist (January-February): 60-63.

Kerr, R. A. 2010. Ocean acidification unprecedented, unsettling. Science 328 (18 June): 1500-1501.

Kidder, D. L., and Worsley, T. R. 2012. A human-induced hothouse climate? GSA Today 22 (February): 4-11.

Kwok, R., and Untersteiner, N.2011. The thinning of Arctic Sea ice. Physics Today (April): 36-41.

Lamontagne, H.D. 2017. Communities and experts collaborate for climate resilience. EOS (October): 35-37.

Levi, B. G. 2008. Will desperate climates call for desperate geoengineering measures? Physics Today (August): 26-28.

Lubchenco, J., and Karl, T.R. 2012. Predicting and managing extreme weather events. Physics Today

Martens, P. 1999. How will climate change affect human health? American Scientist 87 (November-December): 534-41.

McCalman, I. 2014. The great coral grief. Scientific American (May): 66-69.

Milius, S. 2008. The next ocean. Science News (15 March): 170-72.

Momentous changes at the poles. 2007. Science 315 (16 March): 1513-40. (A series of articles in a special section of the journal.)

Once and future climate change. 2013. Science 341 (2 August): 473-524. (A series of articles in a special section on this subject.)

Peterson, C. J. 2010. Termites here, there, and everywhere? Earth (January): 46-53.

Pielke, R.A., Sr. et al. 2016. Land's complex role in climate change. Physics Today (November): 40-46.

Previdi, M., and Liepert, B. 2008. How much will precipitation increase with global warming? EOS 89 (20 May): 193-95.

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Raloff, J. 2012. Extremely bad weather. Science News (17 November): 20-26.

Ries, J. B. 2010. Shell-shocked: Marine creatures exhibit varied responses to ocean acidification. Earth (March): 46-53.

Rogers, D. J., and Randolph, S. E. 2000. The future spread of malaria in a future, warmer world. Science 289 (8 September): 1763-69.

Rowland, J. C. et al. 2010. Arctic landscapes in transition: Responses to thawing permafrost. EOS 91 (29 June): 229-30.

Royer, D. L., et al. 2004. CO2 as a primary driver of Phanerozoic climate. GSA Today 14 (March): 4-10.

Ruddiman, W. F. 2005. How did humans first alter global climate? Scientific American (March): 46-53.

Seager, R. 2006. The source of Europe's mild climate. American Scientist 94 (July-August): 334-41.

Sever, M. 2007. The plague: Could it happen again? Geotimes (May): 24-28.

Skanski, M. et al. 2017. Evaluating the highest temperature extremes in the Antarctic. EOS (May): 18-23.

Sturm, M., Peruvich, D. K., and Serreze, M. C. 2003. Meltdown in the North. Scientific American (October): 60-67.

Summer, T. 2016. Changing climate. Science News (16 April): 22-29.

Taylor, K. 1999. Rapid climate change. American Scientist 87 (July-August): 320-27.

Ward, P. D. 2006. Impact from the deep. Scientific American (October): 64-71.

Weart, S. 2003. The discovery of rapid climate change. Physics Today (August): 30-36.

Wendisch, M. et al. 2017. Understanding the causes and effects of rapid warming in the Arctic. EOS (August): 22-26.

Wentz, F.J., et al. 2007. How much more rain will global warming bring? Science 317 (13 July): 233-235.

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Chapter 11 Suggested Readings/References

American Meteorological Society. 2001. Water in the earth system. Boston, Mass.: AMS.

Anderson, M. P. 2007. Introducing groundwater physics. Physics Today (May): 42-47.

Bartolino, J. R., and Cunningham , W. L. 2003. Ground-water depletion across the nation. USGS Fact Sheet 103-03.

Beeland,T.D. 2009. Dull as concrete? Think again. Earth (June): 30-35. (Discusses development and use of permeable concrete.)

Bohannon, J. 2010. The Nile Delta's sinking future. Science (19 March): 1444-47.

Bourne, J. K., Jr. 2005 . Salton Sea. National Geographic (February): 88-107.

------------. 2010. The California's pipe dream. National Geographic (April): 132-49.

Cobb, J. , and Currens, J. 2001. Karst: The stealthy hazard. Geotimes (May): 14-17.

Galloway, D., Jones , D. R. , and Ingebreitsen , S. E. 1999. Land subsidence in the United States. U.S. Geological Survey Circular 1182.

Grubert, E.H., King, C.W., and Webber, M.E. 2013. Maui's complicated relationship with water. Earth (August): 34-41.

Gupta, S. 2010. Sinkholes. Earth (August): 44-53.

Harris, R., and Allison, M. L. 2006. Hazardous cracks running through Arizona. Geotimes (August): 24-27.

Hebert, D. 2010. Impossible odds, irresponsible hope: Pakistan's water woes and the science that can solve them. Earth (October): 36-45.

Heppenheimer, T. A. 1991. The man who made Los Angeles possible. Invention and Technology (Spring/Summer): 11-18.

Howe, J. 2004. The great Southwest salt saga. Wired (November):156-65.

IEEE Spectrum staff. 2010. The coming clash between water and energy. IEEE Spectrum (June): 26-29.

Kunzig, R. 2008. The drying of the West. National Geographic (February): 90-113.

Martinez, J. D., Johnson, K. S., and Neal, J. T. 1998. Sinkholes in evaporite rocks. American Scientist 86 (January-February): 38-51.

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McGuire, V. L., 2007 . Water level changes in the High Plains Aquifer, predevelopment to 2005 and 2003 to 2005. U.S. Geological Survey Special Investigations Report 2006-5324.

Micklin, P., and Aladin , N. 2008 . Reclaiming the Aral Sea. Scientific American (April): 64-71.

Nijhuis, M. 2014. When the snows fail. National Geographic (October): 58-73.

Oelker, E.H., Hering, J.G., and Zhu, C. 2011. Water: Is there a global crisis? Elements 7 June): 157-62.

Oleson, T. Virtual water. Earth (September/October): 74-83. (Discusses the "hidden" water consumption behind manufactured goods and resource use.)

Parker, L. 2016. To the last drop. National Geographic (August): 86-111. (Concerns the Ogallala aquifer.)

Popkin, B. P. 2004. Water resource challenges in Egypt and India with an Iraqi sidebar. The Professional Geologist (May/June): 41-43.

-----------. 2011. Rethinking the water resources paradigm. The Professional Geologist (March/April): 3-5.

Reilly,T.E., et al. 2008. Ground-water availability in the United States. USGS Circular 1323.

Robert, L. 2004. Hijacking the Rio Grande. Geotimes (May): 26-29.

Sanders, K.T., and Webber, M.E. 2013. The energy-water nexus. Earth (July): 38-45.

Schwartz, F.W., and Ibaraki, W. 2011. Groundwater: A resource in decline. Elements 7 (June): 175-179.

Singh, S. 2010. Pumping Punjab dry. IEEE Spectrum (June): 53-55.

Smil, V. 2008. Water news: Bad, good, and virtual. American Scientist (September-October): 399-407.

Song, L. 2010. Rethinking water management. Earth (January): 36-45,

Stonestrom, D. A., et al. (eds.). 2007. Ground-water recharge in the arid and semiarid southwestern United States. USGS Professional Paper 1703.

Stover, S., and Buchanan, R. 2017. The High Plains aquifer: Can we make it last? GSA Today (June): 44-45.

Szabo, Z., Fischer, J.M., and Hancock, T.C. 2012. Principal aquifers can contribute radium to sources of drinking water under certain geochemical conditions. USGS Fact Sheet 2010-3113.

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U.S. Geological Survey. 2009 . Estimated use of water in the United States in 2010. USGS Circular 1405.

Vandas, S. J., Winter, T. C. , and Battaglin, W. A. 2002 . Water and the environment. Alexandria, VA: Amer. Geological Inst.

Vörösmarty , C. , et al. 2004 . Humans transforming the global water system. EOS (30 November): 509, 513-14.

Vaux, H., Jr. 2011. Water conservation, efficiency, and reuse. Elements 7 (June): 187-91.

Wayman, E. 2011. Endangered snow: How climate change threatens West Coast water supplies. Earth (July): 38-43.

White, K., and Mattingly, D. J. 2006 . Ancient lakes of the Sahara. American Scientist 94 (January-February): 58-65.

Winter, T. C., et al. 1999. Ground water and surface water: A single resource. U.S. Geological Survey Circular 1139.

Yermiyahu, U., et al. 2007. Rethinking desalinated water quality and agriculture. Science 318 (9 November): 920-21.

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Chapter 12 Suggested Readings/References

Chesworthy, W. 2010. Peak soil: Does civilization have a future? Earth (January): 86-87.

Derry, L.A., and Chadwick, O.A. 2007. Contributions from Earth's atmosphere to soil. Elements (October): 333-38.

El-Baz, F. 1993 . Saving the Sphinx. Geotimes (May): 12-17.

Heimsath, A.M. 2014. Limits of soil production? Science 343 (7 February): 617-18.

Hillel, D. 2007. Soil in the environment. Burlington, MA: Academic Press.

Jones, G.V. 2014. Climate, terroir, and wine. Earth (January): 36-43.

Larsen, I.J. et al. Rapid soil production and weathering in the Southern Alps, New Zealand. Science 343 (7 February): 637-40.

Loynachan, T. E., et al. 2006. Soils, society, and the environment. Alexandria, VA: Amer. Geological Inst.

Mann, C. C. 2008. Our good earth. National Geographic (September): 80-107.

Montgomery, D. R. 2007. Dirt: The erosion of civilizations. Berkeley, CA: University of California Press.

Morgan, P. 2011. October 1904: Mineralogy solves a murder. Earth (October): 62-63.

Murray, R. C. 2005. Collecting crime evidence from Earth. Geotimes (January): 18-22.

Naff, C.F. 2011. Return of the Dust Bowl. Earth (November): 26-33.

Nizeyimana, E. L., Petersen, G. W., and Warner, E. D. 2002. Tracking farmland loss. Geotimes (January): 18-20.

Ollier, C. , and Pain, C. 1997. Regolith, soils and landforms. New York: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

Petit, C.2012. 2012. Soil's hidden secrets. Science News (28 January): 16-20.

Rengasamy, P. 2008. Salinity in the landscape: A growing problem in Australia. Geotimes (March): 34-39.

Retallack, G>J., and Burns, S.F. 2016. The effects of soil on the taste of wine. GSA Today (May): 4-9.

Schultz, H. D., and Hadeler, A., eds. 2003. Geochemical processes in soil and ground

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water. New York: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

Sever, M. 2005. Murder and mud in the Shenandoah. Geotimes (January): 24-29.

Trimble, S. W., and Crosson, P. 2000 . U.S. soil erosion rates-myth and reality. Science 289 (14 July): 248-50.

U.S. Department of Agriculture Natural Resources Conservation Service. 2015. 2012 National Resources Inventory Summary Report. [online]

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Chapter 13 Suggested Readings/References

Abdelouas, A. 2006. Uranium mill tailings: Geochemistry, mineralogy, and environmental impact. Elements 2 (December): 335-41.

Arbogast, B. F., Knepper, D. H. , Jr., and Langer, W. H. 2000. The human factor in mining reclamation. U.S. Geological Survey Circular 1191.

Burnell, J. 2011. Rare earths—what's all the fuss? The Professional Geologist (May/June): 54-57.

Barnes, S.J., Holwell, D.A., and LeVaillant, M. 2017. Magmatic sulfide ore deposits. Elements (April): 89-95.

Butt, C.R.M., and Cluzel, D. 2013. Nickel laterite ore deposits: Weathered serpentinites. Elements (April): 123-28.

--------, and Hough, R.M. 2009. Why gold is valuable. Elements (October): 277-80.

Calas, G. 2017. Mineral resources and sustainable development. Elements (October): 301-06.

Chakhmouradian, A.R., and Woall, F. 2012. Rare earth elements: Minerals, mines, magnets (and more). Elements (October): 333-40.

Cobley, C.M., and Xia, Y. 2009. Gold and nanotechnology. Elements (October): 309-13.

Eisenhour, D.D., and Brown, R.K. 2009. Bentonite and its impact on modern life. Elements (April): 83-88.

Folger, T. 2011. The secret (Chinese) ingredients and of (almost) everything. National Geographic (June): 136-45.

Fontboté, L., et al., 2017. Sulfide minerals in hydrothermal deposits. Elements (April): 97-103.

Glasby, G. P. 2000. Lessons learned from deep-sea mining. Science 289 (28 July): 551-53.

Gleason, W. 2011. Mountain Pass Mine: At the heart of the rare earths resurgence. The Professional Geologist (July/August): 40-42.

Groat, L.A., and Laurs, B.M. 2009. Gem formation, production, and exploration: Why gem deposits are rare and what is being done to find them. Elements (June): 153-58.

Hansen, K. 2012. Afghanistan is mineral resources laid bare. Earth (January): 32-39.

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---------. 2012. Gold, lead, and death in Nigeria. Earth (March): 28-35.

Hatch, G.P. 2012. Dynamics in the global market for rare earths. Earth (October): 341-46.

Haxel, G. B., Hedrick, J. B., and Orris , G. J. 2002. Rare earth elements -- Critical resources for high technology. USGS Fact Sheet 087-02.

Langer, W. H., Drew, L. J., and Sachs, J. S. 2004 Aggregate and the environment. Amer. Geol. Institute.

Lasker, J. 2015. Finding and tracking conflict minerals in the heart of darkness. Earth (November/December): 40-49.

Lawler, D., and Meals, H. 2016. Mercury wars. The Professional Geologist (October – December): 45-48. (Relates to mercury contamination in connection with gold mining in the Sierra Nevada.)

Linnen, R.L., Van Lichtervelde, M., and Cerny, P. 2012. Granitic pegmatites as sources of strategic metals. Elements (August): 275-80.

Mariano, A.N., and Mariano, A., Jr. 2012. Rare earth mining and exploration in North America. Earth (October): 369-76.

Pratt, S.E. 2011. All that glitters... Earth (October): 30-37. (Deals with problems of acid mine drainage associated with gold mines in south Africa.)

Ranch, S., and Morrison, G. M. 2008. Environmental relevance of the platinum-group elements. Elements (August): 259-63.

Reck, B.K., and Graedel, T.E. 2012. Challenges in metal recycling. Science 337 (10 August): 690-696.

Rona, P. A. 2003. Resources of the sea floor. Science 299 (31 January): 673-74.

Simmons, W.B., et al. 2012. Granitic pegmatites as sources of colored gemstones. Elements (August): 281-87.

Sznopek, J. L. 2006. Drivers of U.S. mineral demand. USGS Open-File Report 2006-1025.

_____. 2006. Recycled cell phones – A treasure trove of valuable metals. USGS Fact Sheet 2006-3097.

Vaccari, D.A. 2009. Phosphorus: A looming crisis. Scientific American (June): 54-59.

Zumberge, J. H. 1979 . Mineral resources and geopolitics in Antarctica. American Scientist 67 (January/February): 68-76.

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Chapter 14 Suggested Readings/References

Arthur, M.A., and Cole, D.R. 2014. Unconventional hydrocarbon resources: Prospects and problems. Elements (August): 257-64.

Avery, K. 2016. Energy—water nexus: Head-on collision or near miss? American Scientist (May—June): 158-65.

Bao, X, and Eaton, D.W. 2016. Fault activation by hydraulic fracturing in western Canada. Science 354 (16 December): 1406-09.

Bourne, J. K., Jr. 2010. The deep dilemma. National Geographic (October): 40-58.(Relates to oil drilling in the Gulf of Mexico.)

Collett, T. S. 2004. Gas hydrates as a future energy source. Geotimes (November): 24-27.

Cornwall, W. 2015. Deepwater Horizon after the oil. Science 348 (3 April): 22-29.

Crawley, J. 2004. Coal-bed methane for today and tomorrow. The Professional Geologist (July/August): 50-53.

Dickens, G. R. 2004. Methane hydrate and abrupt climate change. Geotimes (November): 18-22.

Ehrenberg, R. 2012. The facts behind the frack. Science News (8 September): 20-25.

Fairley, P. 2011. Alberta's oil sands heat up. Technology Review (December): 52-59.

Fischetti, M. 2010. The drillers are coming. Scientific American (July): 82-85.

Greb, S. F., et al. 2006. Coal and the environment. Alexandria, VA: Amer. Geol. Institute.

Gregory, K. B., Vidic, R. D., and Dzombak, D.A, 2011. Water management challenges associated with the production of shale gas by hydraulic fracturing. Elements 7 (June): 181-86 .

Hall, C. A. S., and Day, J. W., Jr. 2009. Revisiting the limits to growth after peak oil. American Scientist 97 (May-June): 230-37.

Harrison, W. F., and Testa, S. M. 2004. Petroleum and the environment. Alexandria, VA: Amer. Geol. Inst.

Kleinberg, R. L. , and Brewer , P. G. 2001. Probing gas hydrate deposits. American Scientist 89 (May-June): 244-51 .

Krajick, K. 2005. Fire in the hole. Smithsonian (May): 52-62.

Kunzig, R. 2009 . The Canadian oil boom. National Geographic (March): 36-59.

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Larter, S.R., and Head, I.M. 2014. Oil sands and heavy oil: Origin and exploitation. Elements (August): 277-84.

Malakoff, D. 2014. The gas surge. Science 344 (27 June): 1464-67.

Mangeri, L. 2009. Squeezing more oil from the ground. Scientific American (October): 56-63.

McKibben, B. 2011. Can China go green? National Geographic (June): 116-35. (Examines China's heavy reliance on coal.)

McQuaid, J. 2009. Mining the mountains. Smithsonian (January): 74-85.

Mooney, C. 2011. The truth about fracking. Scientific American (November): 80-85.

Morton, M. C. 2010. Centralia, PA: Hot as hell. Earth (May): 28-32.

Nijhuis, M. 2014. Can coal ever by clean? National Geographic (April): 28-56.

Peterson, C. H., et al. 2003. Long-term ecosystem response to the Exxon Valdez oil spill. Science 302 (19 December): 2082-86.

Rostron, B., and Arkadakskiy, S. 2014. Fingerprinting "stray" formation fluids associated with hydrocarbon exploration and production. Elements (August): 285-290.

Ruppel, C. 2007. Tapping methane hydrates for unconventional natural gas. Elements (June): 193-99.

Sever, M. 2006. Oil spill: first responders. Geotimes (February): 33-35.

_____. 2006. Coalbed gas enters the energy mix. Geotimes (September): 30-33.

Sorkhabi , R. 2008. What drives oil and gasoline prices? Earth (November): 36-43.

Stracher, G.B. 2010. Coal fires. Earth (September): 46-55.

Testa, B. M. 2010. Reclaiming Alberta's oil sands mines. Earth (February): 44-55.

Turcotte, D., Moores, E., and Rundle, J. 2014. Super fracking. Physics Today (August): 34-39.

U.S. Geological Survey. 2000. Coal-bed methane: Potential and concerns. USGS Fact Sheet FS-123-00.

_____. 2001. USGS national coal resource assessment. USGS Fact Sheet FS-020-01.

____ . 2008. Circum-Arctic resource appraisal: Estimates of undiscovered oil and gas north of the Arctic Circle USGS Fact Sheet 2008-3099.

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____. 2010. 2010 updated assessment of undiscovered oil and gas resources of the National Petroleum Reserve in Alaska (NPRA). USGS Fact Sheet 2010-3102.

____. 2011. Assessment of undiscovered oil and gas resources of the Cook Inlet region, south-central Alaska, 2011. USGS Fact Sheet 2011-3068.

vander Veen, C. J. 2006. Reevaluating Hubbert's prediction of U.S. peak oil. EOS 87 (16 May): 199, 202.

Wallace, S. 2005. ANWR: The great divide. Smithsonian (October): 48-56.

Webber, M. E. 2009 . Coal-to-liquids: The good, the bad, and the ugly. Earth (April): 44-51.

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Chapter 15 Suggested Readings/References

Bezdek, R. H., and Wendling, R. M. 2005. Fuel efficiency and the economy. American Scientist 93 (March-April): 132-39.

Bourne, J. K., Jr. 2007. Green dreams. National Geographic (October): 38-59.

Burnell , J. R. 2009 . You say alternatives are the answer. . . . let's talk. The Professional Geologist (March/April): 33-38.

Castelvecchi, D. 2012. Gather the wind. Scientific American (March): 48-53.

Casten, T. R., and Schewe, P. F. 2009. Getting the most from energy. American Scientist 97 (January-February): 26-33.

Clayton, M.E., Kjellsson, J.B., and Webber, M.E. 2014. Can renewable energy and desalination tackle two problems at once? Earth (Novermber/December): 60-65.

Crabtree, G. W., and Lewis , N. S. 2007. Solar energy conversion. Physics Today (March): 37-42.

DeLucia, E.H. 2016. How biofuels can cool our climate and strengthen our ecosystems. EOS (15 February): 14-19.

Duffield, W. A., and Sass, J. H. 2003. Geothermal Energy -- Clean power from the earth's heat. U.S. Geological Survey Circular 1249.

Gellings , C. W. , and Yeager , K. E. 2004. Transforming the electric infrastructure. Physics Today (December): 45-51.

Golay , M. W. 1990 . Longer life for nuclear plants. Technology Review (May/June): 25-30 .

Gramling , C. 2008 . Desert power. Geotimes (April): 22-29.

Huber, G. W., and Dale, B. E. 2009. Grassoline at the pump. Scientific American (July): 52-59.

Jacobson, M. Z., and Delucchi, M. A. 2009. A path to sustainable energy by 2030. Scientific American (November): 58-65.

Johnson, B. F.2009. Making electric grids smarter. Earth (May): 36-43.

Macfarlane, A. M., and Miller , M. 2007 . Nuclear energy and uranium resources. Elements 3 (June). 185-92.

Miller, P.2009. Saving energy: It starts at home. National Geographic (March): 60-81.

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Moyer, M. 2010. Fusion's false dawn. Scientific American (March): 50-57.

Murakami, T., and Ewing, R.C., eds. 2012. Fukushima Daiichi. Elements (June). This is a special issue devoted to the Fukushima disaster. Some relevant articles: Blandford, E.D. and Ahn, J. Examining the nuclear accident at Fukushima Daiichi. (pp. 189-94) Grambow, B., and Poinssot, C. Interactions between nuclar fuel and water at the Fukushima Daiichi reactors. (213-19) Masumoto, Y, et al. Oceanic dispersion simulations of 137Cs released from the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant. (207-12) Mathieu, A., et al. Atmospheric dispersion and deposition of radionuclides from the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant. (195-200) Ritsema, J, Lay, T., and Kanamari, H. The 2011 Tohoku earthquake. (183-88) Yoshida, N., and Takahashi, Y. Land-surface contamination by radionuclides from the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant accident. (201-06)

Normile, D. 2016. Slow burn. Science (4 March): 1018-23. (Pertains to Fukushima aftermath.)

Parfit, M. 2005. Future power. National Geographic (August): 2-31.

Petroski, H. 2003. Fuel cells. American Scientist 91 (September-October): 398-402.

----------. 2013. Geothermal energy. American Scientist (July—August): 251-55.

Pienkos, P. T., Laurens, L., and Aden, A. 2011. Making bio-fuel from microalgae. American Scientist (November--December): 474-82.

Piore, A. 2011. Nuclear energy: Planning for the black swan. Scientific American (June): 49-53. (Concerns safety of U.S. reactors.)

Sampson, S., Fenimore, C., and Bernandro, C. 2016. Geothermal energy – current status and future possibilities. The Professional Geologist (April/May/June): 55-59.

Scientific American (eds.) 2011. Seven radical energy solutions. Scientific American (May): 38-45.

Sinclair, T. R. 2009. Taking measure of biofuel limits. American Scientist (September -- October): 400-07.

Smil, V. 2011. Global energy: The latest infatuations. American Scientist 9 (May -- June): 212-19

Stone, R. 2006 . The long shadow of Chernobyl. National Geographic (April): 32-53.

Strickland, E. 2011. 24 Hours at Fukushima. IEEE Spectrum (November): 34-42.

----------. 2014. Fukushima's next 40 years. IEEE Spectrum (March): 46-53.

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Voelcker, J. 2009. How green is my plug-in? IEEE Spectrum (March): 42-49.

Wald, M. L. 2003. Dismantling nuclear reactors. Scientific American (March): 60-69.

_____. 2007. Is ethanol for the long haul? Scientific American (January): 42-49.

_____. 2009. The power of renewables. Scientific American (March): 56-61 .

Wayman, E. 2008. The wind over the waves. Geotimes (April): 30-35.

---------. 2009. Water is power. Earth (October): 58-65.

Zehner, O. 2j013. Unclean at any speed. IEEE Spectrum (July): 40-45.

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Chapter 16 Suggested Readings/References

Apted, M. 2004. Locating a radioactive waste repository in the Ring of Fire. EOS 85 (9 November): 465, 467.

Breckel, A.C., et al. 2012. Turning nonrecycled waste into low-carbon fuel. Earth (August): 42-47.

Bruno, J., and Ewing, R.C. 2006. Spent nuclear fuel. Elements 2 (December): 343-49.

Christenson, S.C., and Cozzarelli, I.M. 2003. The Norman Landfill environmental research site: What happens to the waste in landfills? USGS Fact Sheet FS-040-03.

Gates, W.P., Bouazza, A., and Churchman, G.J. 2009. Bentonite clay keeps pollutants at bay. Elements 5 (April): 105-10.

Grant, S.B., et al. 2012. Taking the "waste" out of "wastewater" for human water security and ecosystem sustainability. Science 337 (10 August): 681-86.

Hudson-Edwards, K. A., et al. 2011. Mine wastes: Past, present, future. Elements (December): 375-80.

Jamieson, H.E. 2011. Geochemistry and mineralogy of solid mine waste: Essential knowledge for predicting environmental impact. Elements (December): 381-86.

Kerr, R.A. 2011. Light at the end of the radwaste disposal tunnel could be real. Science 333 (8 July): 150-52.

Lemonick, S. 2013. Drinking toilet water. Earth (February): 38-45.

Normile, D. 2011. Fukushima revives the low-dose debate. Science 332 (20 May): 908-10.

Pegg, I.l. 2015. Turning nuclear waste into glass. Physics Today (February): 33-39.

Riat, A., Blake-Hedges, W., and Peterson, E. 2006. Recovering landfill gas for energy. Geotimes (February): 26-29.

Royte, E. 2006. Corn plastic to the rescue? Smithsonian (August): 84-88.

Upson, S. 2009. Finland's nuclear waste solution. IEEE Spectrum (December): 24-29, 48-50.

U.S. Department of Energy. 2000. The Waste Isolation Pilot Plant: Pioneering nuclear waste disposal. Washington, D.C. : U.S. Government Printing Office.

_____. 2003. Why Yucca Mountain? Frequently asked questions. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office.

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U.S Geological Survey. 2001. Obsolete computers: gold mine or high-tech trash? USGS Fact Sheet 060-01; also online at

Wald, M.L. 2009. What now for nuclear waste? Scientific American (August): 46-53.

Weingarten, M. et al. 2015. High-rate injection is associated with the increase in U.S. mid-continent seismicity. Science 348 (19 June): 1336-40.

Xanthos, M. 2012. Recycling of the #5 polymer. Science 337 (10 August): 700-02.

Zeller, T., Jr. 2008. Recycling: the big picture. National Geographic (January): 82-87.

Zhou, W., Beck, B.F., and Josefczyk, R.C. 2005. Disposal of wastes in sinkholes: Hydrogeological significance, environmental implications, and appropriate application of dye tracing. The Professional Geologist (November/December): 46-51.

Zoback, M.D. 2012. Managing the seismic risk posed by wastewater disposal. Earth (April): 38-43.

The August 2016 issue of Elements contains a number of articles pertaining to geological disposal of radioactive waste, including: Ewing, R.C., et al. Geological disposal of nuclear waste: A primer (pp. 233-37) Grambow, B. Geological disposal of radioactive waste in clay. (239-45) Hedin, A., and Olsson, O. Crystalline rock as a repository for Swedish spent nuclear fuel. (247-52) Laverov, N.P., et al. The Russian strategy of using crystalline rock as a repository for nuclear waste. (253-56) Metlay, D.S. Selecting a site for a radioactive waste repository: A historical analysis. (269-74) Swift, P.N., and Bonano, E.J. Geological disposal of nuclear waste in tuff: Yucca Mountain (USA). (263-68) von Berlepsch, T., and Haverkamp, B. Salt as a host rock for the geological repository for nuclear waste. (257-62)

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Chapter 17 Suggested Readings/References

Antizar-Ladislao, B. 2010. Bioremediation: working with bacteria. Elements (December): 389-94.

Butterworth, F., et al. 2010. Artificial recharge in the southwestern U.S.: The problem of emerging chemical contaminants. The Professional Geologist (March/April): 7-12.

Charlet, L. and Polya, D. A. 2006. Arsenic in shallow, reducing groundwaters in southern Asia: An environmental health disaster. Elements (April): 91-96.

Cheng, Y., et al. 2012. Remediation of chromium and uranium contamination by microbial activity. Elements (April): 107-12.

Clark, D.L., Janecky, D.R., and Lane, L.J. 2006. Science-based cleanup of Rocky Flats. Physics Today (September): 34-40.

DiGregorio, B.E. 2012. Tracking plastic in the oceans. Earth (February): 28-35.

Dong, H., and Lu, A. 2012. Mineral-microbe interactions and implications for remediation. Elements (April): 95-100.

Endicott, K. 1998. The trembling edge of science. Dartmouth Alumni Magazine (April): 22-31. (Describes the mercury-poisoning death of chemist Karen Watterhahn and related issues.)

Gupta, S. 2010. Banned chemicals reappear in pristine lakes. Earth (January): 22-23.

Hudson, M.E. 2010. The need for sustainable soil remediation. Elements (December): 363-68.

Hopenhayn, C. 2006. Arsenic in drinking water: Impact on human health. Elements (April): 103-07.

Kasperski, K.L., and Mikula, R.J. 2011. Waste streams of mined oil sands: Characteristics and remediation. Elements (December): 387-92.

Morton, M.C. 2009. A little salt goes a long way. Earth (November): 30-33.

___. 2011. Witness for the remediation. Earth (July): 28-31.

Mueller, N.C., and Nowack, B. 2010. Nanoparticles for remediation: Solving big problems with little particles. Elements (December): 395-400.

Nordstron, D.K. 2011. Minewaters: Acidic to circumneutral. Elements (December): 393-98.

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O'Day, P. 2006. Chemistry and mineralogy of arsenic. Elements (April): 77-83.

O'Day, P.A., and Vlassopulos, D. 2010. Mineral-based amendments for remediation. Elements (December): 375-81.

Oleson, T. 2017. Neonicotinoids: Prominent pesticides excape into the environment. Earth (May/June): 36-46.

Plumlee, G.S., and Norman, S.A. 2011. Mine wastes and human health. Elements (December): 399-404.

Pratt, S.E. 2011. All that glitters...Acid mine drainage: The toxic legacy of gold mining in South Africa. Earth (October): 30-37.

----------. 2016. Bringing geoscience to bear on the problem of abandoned mines. Earth (July/August): 44-53.

Raloff, J. 2007. Counterintitive toxicity. Science News (20 January): 40-42.

Sever, M. 2005. Needling out the arsenic epidemic. Geotimes (May): 36-37.

Sexton, K., Needham, L. L., and Pirkle, J.L. 2004. Human biomonitoring of environmental chemicals. American Scientist 92 (January-February): 38-45.

Stone, R. 2009. A medical mystery in middle China. Science 324 (12 June): 1378-81.

Tack, F.M.G., and Meers, E. 2010. Assisted phytoextraction: Helping plants to help us. Elements (December): 383-88.

U.S. Geological Survey. 2000. Using imaging spectroscopy to map acidic mine waste. Environmental Science and Technology 34: 47-54.

_________. 2007. Understanding metal pathways in mineralized ecosystems. USGS Circular 1317.

Vaughan, D.J. 2006. Arsenic. Elements 2 (April): 71-75.

Vengosh, A. et al. 2004. Natural born contamination in Mediterranean groundwater. Geotimes (May): 20-25.

_____. 2006. Rooting out radioactive groundwater. Geotimes (May): 18-21.

Wayman, E. 2009. Saving energy and water through superior sanitation. Earth (March): 44-51.

Wong, C.I., et al. 2012. Impact of urban development on physical and chemical hydrogeology. Elements (December): 429-34.

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Chapter 18 Suggested Readings/References

Adams, E. E. and Caldeiva, K. 2008. Ocean storage of CO2. Elements (October): 319-24.

Anthony, K. W. 2009. Methane: A menace surfaces. Scientific American (December): 68-75.

Bell, L. 2017. Bad air. Science News (30 September): 18-21.

Bellucci, F., et al. 2012. Greenhouse gas emissions at the urban scale. Elements (December): 445-49.

Benson, S.M., and Cole, D. R. 2008. CO2 sequestration in deep sedimentary formations. Elements (October): 325-31.

Boyd, P. W., et al. 2007. Mesoscale iron enrichment experiments 1993-2005: Synthesis and future directions. Science 315 (2 February): 612-17.

Douglass, A.R., et al. 2014. The Antarctic ozone hole: An update. Physics Today (July): 42-48.

Engelbreckt, J. P., and Derbyshire, E. 2010. Airborne mineral dust. Elements (August): 241-46.

Fiala, N. 2009. The greenhouse hamburger. Scientific American (February): 72-75.

Field, C.B., and Mach, K.J. 2017. Rightsizing carbon dioxide removal. Science (10 May): 706-07.

Filippelli, G. M., et al. 2005 . Urban lead poisoning and medical geology: An unfinished story. GSA Today (January): 4-11.

Friedman, S. J. 2003. Storing carbon in earth. Geotimes (March): 16-20.

Gates, A.E., and Gundersen, L.C.S. (eds.) 1992. Geologic controls on radon. Geol. Soc. Amer. Special Paper 271.

Gieré, R., and Vaughan, D.J. 2013. Minerals in the air. Elements (December): 410-11.

Gramling, C. 2008. Swapping one greenhouse gas for another. Earth (September): 18-19.

____. 2011. Still in a haze: What we don't know about black carbon. Earth (April): 46-53.

Graven, H.D. 2016. The carbon cycle in a changing climate. Physics Today (November): 48-54.

Hansell, D.A., and Carlson, C.A. 2015. Dissolved organic matter in the ocean carbon

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cycle. EOS (15 August): 8-12.

Haszeldine, R. S. 2009 Carbon capture and storage: How green can black be? Science 325 (25 September): 1644-52.

Herzog, H., Eliasson, B., and Kaarstad , O. 2000. Capturing greenhouse gases. Scientific American (February): 72-79.

Jackson, R. B., et al. 2005. Trading water for carbon with biological carbon sequestration. Science 310 (23 December): 1944-47.

Kramer, D. 2012. Scientists poke holes in carbon dioxide sequestration. Physics Today (August): 22-24.

Lovins, A. B. 2005 . More profit with less carbon. Scientific American (September): 74-83.

Marquardt, M. 2011. When the dust settles: Investigating lingering health questions 10 years after 9/11. Earth (September): 28-31.

McKibben, B. 2007. Carbon's new math. National Geographic (October): 33-37.

Menon, S., et al. 2002. Climate effects of black carbon aerosols in China and India. Science 297 (27 September): 2250-53.

Mole, B. 2014. Carbon quagmire. Science News (6 September): 22-26.

Morman, S. A. 2010. Arsenic: A detective story in dusts. Earth (June): 40-47.

Morton, M.C. 2015. Toxic gardens: The long legacy of urban lead. Earth (September/October): 62-69.

Oelkers, E. H., and Cole, D. R. 2008. Carbon dioxide sequestration: A solution to a global problem. Elements (October): 305-10.

_____, Gislason, S. R., and Matter, J. 2008. Mineral carbonation of CO2. Elements (October): 333-37.

Parrish, D.D., and Stockwell, W.R. 2015. Urbanization and air pollution: Then and now. EOS (15 January): 10-15.

Petit, C. 2015. Carbon quakes. Science News (24 January): 14-18.

Power, I.M., et al. 2013. Serpentinite carbonation for CO2 sequestration. Elements (April): 115-21.

Pratt, S. 2012. Carbon and the city. Earth (June): 36-43.

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Rasmussen, C. 2009. Hiding carbon in terrestrial soils. Earth (June): 46-53.

Ravishankara, A. R., Daniel , J. S., and Portmann, R. W. 2009. Nitrous oxide (N2O): The dominant ozone-depleting substance emitted in the 21st century. Science 326 (2 October): 123-25.

Roueché, B. 1965. "The Fog," in Eleven Blue Men. New York: Berkeley.

Rubin, E. S. 2008. CO2 capture and transport. Elements (October): 311-17.

Shi, D. et al. 2010 Effect of ocean acidification on iron availability to marine phytoplankton. Science 327 (5 February): 676-79.

U.S. Geological Survey. 2002. USGS environmental studies of the World Trade Center Area, New York City, after September 11,2001. USGS Fact Sheet 050-02.

_______. 2013. National assessment of geologic carbon dioxide storage resources – Results. USGS Circular 1386.

Wayman, E. 2013. Cool idea. Science News (5 October): 26-29.

Webber, M.E. 2011. A dirty secret. Earth (January): 36-43.

Willyard, C. 2009. Capturing carbon from coal plants: Is it feasible? Earth (April): 36-43.

Wuebbles, D. J. 2009. Nitrous oxide: No laughing matter. Science 326 (2 October): 56-57.

Yurman, S.N., and Deocampo, D.M. 2013. Carbon sequestration potential in simulated saline lake waters. The Professional Geologist (March/April): 42-44.

Zalzal, K.S. 2017. Burying the sky: Turning carbon dioxide into rock. Earth (July/August): 50-59.

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Chapter 19 Suggested Readings/References

Borrell, B. 2017. The California effect. Nature Conservancy Magazine (Winter): 40-45. (Examines the effects of California's carbon market.)

Combellick, R. 2006. Building a natural gas pipeline through earthquake country. Geotimes (November): 18–22 .

Fawcett, A.A., et al. 2015. Can Paris pledges avert severe climate change? Science 350 (4 December): 1168-69.

Foster, K. R., Vecchia, P., and Repachioli, M. H. 2000. Science and the precautionary principle. Science 288 (12 May): 979–81 .

Funk, M. 2009. Arctic land qrab. National Geographic (May): 104-21.

Gardner, J. V., Mayer, L.A., and Armstrong, A. 2006. Mapping supports potential submission to U.N. Law of the Sea. EOS 87 (18 April): 157, 160.

Hansen, K. 2006. Alaskan villages weigh in on mining debate. Geotimes (November): 30–33.

Jayachandran, S., et al. 2017. Cahs for carbon: A randomized trial of payments for ecosystem services to reduce deforestation. Science 357 (21 July): 267-73.

Kautz, S. 2005. Floods, technology and ramifications on insurance coverage. The Professional Geologist (January/February): 11–14.

Kemper, J. 2013. Keystone XL: The controversial pipeline extension with the uncertain future. The Professional Geologist (September/October): 14-15.

King, C.W. 207. Delusions of grandeur in building a low-carbon future. Earth (July/August): 76-81.

Kintisch, E. 2015. Climate crossroads. Science 350 (27 November): 1016-27.

Kubasek, N., and Silverman, G. 2002. Environmental Law. 4th ed. New York: Prentice-Hall.

Marquis, A. 2007. Spreading the wealth. National Parks (Winter): 12–15. (Concerns rights to resources in national parks.)

Michel-Kerjan, E., and Kunrether, H. 2011. Redesigning flood insurance. Science 33 (22 July): 408-9.

Office of Surface Mining. 2003. Surface coal mining reclamation: 25 years of progress, 1977–2002. Washington, D. C.: U. S. Department of the Interior.

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Paskevitch, V. F., Wong, F. L., O'Malley, J. J., Stevenson, A. J., and Gutmacher, C. E. 2010. GLORIA sidescan-sonar imagery for parts of the U.S Exclusive Economic Zone and adjacent areas. USGS Open-File Report 2010-1332. [online]

Perkins, N. 2014. Staking a claim. Earth (June): 26-43.

Rockström, J. et al. 2017. A roadmap for rapid decarbonization. Science 355 (24 March): 1269-71.

Stokstad, E. 2009. Putting chemicals on a path to better risk assessment. Science 325 (7 August):694-95.

Service, R.F. 2016. Cost of carbon capture drops, but does anyone want it? Science 354. (16 December): 1362-63.

Starr, D. 2016. The carbon accountant. Science 353 (26 August): 858-61.

Tank, R. W. 1983. Legal aspects of geology. New York: Plenum Press.

Velders, G. J. M., et al. 2012. Preserving Montreal Protocol climate benefits by limiting HFCs. Science 335 (24 February): 922-23.

Wedding, L.M., et al. 2015. Managing mining of the deep seabed. Science 349 (10 July): 144-45.

Wilson, K. L. 2010. Unable to break the ice: U. S. Arctic policy and the Law of the Sea. The Professional Geologist (November/December): 20-21.

Wuebbles, D. J. 2009. Nitrous oxide: No laughing matter. Science 326 (2 October): 56-7.

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Chapter 20 Suggested Readings/References

Allen, F. 1996. Inside the Panama Canal. Invention and Technology (Fall): 9–24 .

Allison, M., et al. 2006. Hurricanes and the U.S. Gulf Coast: Science and sustainable rebuilding. EOS 87 (20 June): 245, 250.

Avery, B. 1996. Garbage in, golf out. Golf Journal (March/April): 12–17.

Brock, J., and Sallenger, A. 2001. Airborne topographic LIDAR mapping for coastal science and resource management. USGS Open-File Report 01–46.

Burgess, N. 2011. Geotubes: What's next? Earth (November): 22-25. (Describes use of “geotextile tubes” in coastal structures and for improving water quality.)

Cobb, J.C., et al. 2007. Rolling across the roof of the world. Geotimes (February): 24-27. (Describes building of the Qinghai-Tibet railway.)

Cook, T. 2015. Iraq's biggest dam on unsure footing. Earth (May/June): 36.

Covington, R. 2001. The Leaning Tower straightens up. Smithsonian (June): 40–47.

Feder, T. 2017. A spray-on material can retrofit walls to save lives in earthquakes. Physics Today (December): 30-31.

Foley, J. A., et al. 2005. Global consequences of land use. Science 309 (22 July): 570–74 .

Gramling, C. 2006. China’s massive dam alters weather. Geotimes (September): 14–15.

Hansen, M.C., et al. 2013. High-resolution global maps of 21st-century forest cover change. Science 342 (15 November): 850-53.

Hapgood, F. 2004. The underground cutting edge. Invention and Technology (Fall): 42–48. (Describes high-tech tunnel excavation.)

Highland, L. M. 2008. Geographical overview of the Three Gorges Dam and Reservoir, China—Geologic hazards and environmental impacts. USGS Open-File Report 2008–1241. [online]

Holzer, T.L. 2009. Living with unstable ground. Alexandria, VA: American Geosciences Institute Environmental Awareness Series no. 11.

Hooke, R.L. 2012. Land transformation by humans: A review. GSA Today (December): 4-10.

Howe, B. R. 2002. The plan to nuke Panama. Invention and Technology (Spring): 62–63.

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(Describes a plan to excavate a new canal with nuclear explosions.)

Miller, B. A. 2002. Digging up Boston. Geotimes (October): 16–19.

Nixon, S. W. 2004. The artificial Nile. American Scientist 92 (March– April): 158–65.

Oleson, T. 2018. February 12, 1986: France and the U.K. sign the treaty of Canterbury, paving the way for the Chunnel. Earth (January/February): 107-111. (Includes some information on the geology of the English Channel and construction challenges.)

Page, R. A., Boore, D. M., and Yerkes. R. F. 1995. The Los Angeles Dam Story. USGS Fact Sheet 096-95.

Pattison, K. 1998. Why did the dam burst? Invention and Technology (Summer): 22–31. (Describes the St. Francis Dam story, including modern re-analysis of the causes of failure.)

Petroski, H. 1993. The Panama Canal. American Scientist 81 (January –February): 13–18.

_____. 2003. St. Francis Dam. American Scientist 91 (March–April): 114–18.

_____. 2004. Big Dig, big bridge. American Scientist 92 (July– August): 316–20.

Poppick, L. 2017. Engineering new foundations for a thawing Arctic. EOS (October): 6-7.

Qiu, J. 2012. Trouble on the Yangtze. Science 336 (20 April): 288-91.

Stone, R. 2008. Three Gorges Dam: Into the unknown. Science 321 (1 August): 628–32.

Xu, K., et al. 2006. Yangtze sediment decline partly from Three Gorges Dam. EOS (9 May): 185,190–91.

Page 47: Suggested Readings/References - · Suggested Readings/References The Suggested Readings/References for Environmental Geology offer the reader further resources. Some

Appendix A Suggested Readings/References Badash, L. 1996. The discovery of radioactivity. Physics Today (February): 21-26. Corcoran, P.L. 2014. An anthropogenic marker horizon in the future rock record. GSA Today (June): 4-8. *Dickin, A.P. 2018. Radiogenic isotope geology (3d ed.). New York: Cambridge University Press. *Faure, G., and Mensing, T.M. 2005. Isotopes: Principles and applications (3d ed.). New York: John Wiley and Sons. Gramling, C. 2009. A matter of time: The Quaternary's back. Earth (September): 12-13. Hurley, P.M. 1959. How old is the Earth? Garden City, NY: Doubleday. (This is a classic work tracing the early development of geochronology.) Kerr, R.A. 2008. A war over the period we live in. Science 319 (25 January): 402-03. Prothero, D.R. 2018. Zircons: More precious than diamonds. American Scientist (January–February): 50-53. (Relates to the ancient Jack Hills zircons.) Rampino, M. R. 2017. Reexamining Lyell's Laws. American Scientist (July--August): 224-231. Vince, G. 2011. An epoch debate. Science 334 (7 October): 32-37. (Reviews the debate about the "Anthropocene".) *These are both advanced textbooks but would be excellent references for students wanting to dig more deeply into the science of geochronology and isotope geology.