sucessful image camera 1

S What makes a successful image?

Upload: jesslawrence02

Post on 28-Jul-2015




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What makes a successful image?

Long shot

A long shot allows the viewer to see the full outfit of the chosen cover celebrity. It also gives you an insight to what sort of magazine it is due to the colours of the clothing. This shot is not often used on music magazine front covers.

This shot also shows more of the background than any other shot. This image does not fill up the front over

I would not use this shot for my magazine, this is because I want the

Medium shot

This shot lets you see more of the celebrities face and less of the clothes they are wearing. This is because the photo is only from the waist up allowing us to focus more on the celebrities face.

I will more than likely use this shot whilst creating my music magazine. This is because I want to focus more on the models face than the clothes they are wearing.

Also not much of the background is shown as the image takes up most of the cover. This will allow me to focus more on the model that designing a background.

Close up

This shot only lets you see the artists face. This is because the photo is from the shoulders up. This allows the artist face to be the main topic of the magazine front cover.

I might use this shot on my own magazine. This is because the main focus will be the model not the background.

Extreme close-up

This shot is not often used in any magazines. This shot only includes the model/ artist face. This shows minimal background.

I will not use this photo on my magazine as I think is too much on a cover. The photo is too in your face and it does not leave enough room for text sell lines around the sides of the image.