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Published by Faculty of Electrical Engineering Suceava, Romania


Adrian GRAUR


Cristina TURCU

Cornel TURCU



Proceedings of the 7'~ Iolernational Conference onDevelopment Allplicatioll Systems DAS 2004 : 27-29 may2004, SUCCHYII-I{omanla I organized by Focully ofElectrical Engineering "~leflln eel Mare" University ofSucea"a, Romania Suceava: .Edilura Universit<1\ii dinSuceava, 2004

Bibliogr.IndexJSUN 973-666-106-7

l. ~Iefan eel Mare University of Suceava. Facul!)' ofEleClrical Engineering


ISBN 973-666-106-7

Copyright!O 2004, £ditura Uuivcrsiliilii SuccavII

'\~- . i:j)MRA UniVC~)jr&ii.-., lUCUVA,..;-y-..,.

All rights res(!.rved. No pari oj/his book may be reproduced in any form or by anymeans. withollr permission in writing from the publisher.Wording. confents and translarion quality a/the papers are entirely inlhe chargeofauthors.

Cover design by architect C. RABINIUC. eng. M. BUTA

Steering Committee

Nicolac Dumitru ALEXANORU - Technical University la!ji, ROMANIA

Luc De BACKER· Katholieke Hogeschool Sint-Lieven Gent - BELGIUM

Dleg BREKHOV - Moscow Aviation Institute • RUSSIA

Daniel CURIAe - "Politehnica" University ofTimi!ioara - ROMANIA

Jean Michel DUTHILLEUL - Ecole Polytechnique de Lilte - FRANCE

Stefan HOLBAN - "Politehnica" University ofTimi~oara - ROMANIA

Maria IOANN(OES - National Technical University ofAthens - GREECE

lonel JIAN - "Politehnica" University ofTimi$oara - ROMANlA

Eleftherios A. KA YAFAS - National Technical University of Athens - GREECE

V. KRAPIVIN - Moscow Institute of Radioengineering and Electronics­RUSSIA

Vladimir MESYURA - The State Technical University of Vinnitsa - UKRAINE

John MILNER - City University London - GREAT BRITAIN

Bogdan MOROSAN - Scantech Electronics Inc., Toronto - CANADA

Carine NAESSENS - Katholieke Hogeschool Sint-Lieven Gent - BELGIUM

Jose OLIVEIRA e SA -Instituto Politecnico do Po(to - PORTUGAL

Nicola PITRONE - Universita degli Studi Catania -lTALlA

Radu Emil PRECUP - "Politehnica" University ofTimi~oara - ROMANIA

Stefan PREITL - "Politehnica" University ofTimi~oara - ROMANIA

Octavian PROSTEAN - "Polilchnica" University ofTimi~oara - ROMANrA

Jean Paul SlX - Universite des Sciences et Technologies de Litle - fRANCE

Fedor SOPRONIUC - University ofCemau\i - UKRAINE

Mircea STRATULAT - "Politehnica" University ofTimi~oara - ROMANIA

Gavril TOOEREAN - Technical University ofCluj-Napoca

Petre TOOOS - Polytechnic Institute, Chi~inriu - MOLDA VIA

Bemard TOURSEL - Universite des Sciences et Technologies de Lillc - FRANCE

Viorcl TRIFA - Technical University ofCluj-Napoca

Rodger ZIEMER - Colorado Spring University - USA

Organizing Committee

Nicolae Dumitru ALEXANDRU - Technical University I~i

Mihai CER AT - University of Brasov

Constantin FILOTE - "Stefan eel Mare" University Suceava

Dan GALEA - Technical University la~i

Adrian GRAUR - "Stefan eel Mare" University Suceava

loan JUReA - "Politchnica" University Timi~oara

loan Alfred LETIA • Technical University Cluj-Napoca

Leon MAND1Cl - "Stefan eel Marc" University Suceava

Radu MUNTEANU - Technical University Cluj-Napoca

~lefan Gh. PENTIUC - "Stefan eel Mare" University Suceava

Mircea PETRESCU - "Politehnica" University Bucharest

Alin Dan POTORAC - "Stefan eel Mare" University Succava

Cornel TURCU - "Stefan eel Mare" University Suceava

Cristina TURCU - "Stefan eel Mare" University Suceava



Slate a/rite An Adl'onced Process Control, Man.mar BElTAYES, S. Faisal A. SIIAH . 1

Regulatioll d'iln sy:>'/eme de dwu./fage des bcitimems. Daniel POPESCU ............................................ 6

Simulation a/Optima! LoadflulI' Contrul a/Electric Power Systems Using SCADAPelTO LEZI-lNUK, Volodymyr HAJOAMAKA. Oleksandr IIONCIIARUK . ................ 10

HARETlCK: a Real-Time Compact Kernel/or Critical Applications 0/1 Embedded Plarform.~.

l\iihai V. MICEA . 16

A Hardware Implementation ojPelri Nels MndeisViorica SUDACEVSCJ-I(, Ludmila GUTULEAC, Victor AOAI311 .........................................2~

Time .. Oplimal COntrol S)'lIIhesis UsinJ!, !\ieural Networks. D. G. TOSI [KOVA 29

Computer Tec1mologyjor Simlilation o/Behavio/" o/Nonlinear NOIl-Stalio/lm)' SystemsSergey YUKJ i1MCJ-IUK, Yurij POREMSK YY .3\

TUllif/1: oILin('a/" Regulators to rhe Third and Fourth Order iJt!\'(/fIce De/a.I' Models ofObjeclswith NUl1/11inimal Phase. BartoJomeu IZVOREANU, Ion FIODOROV, Maxim PISARENCO 37

The ApprUX/I1utle Models o/Objec:rs H'if" Second Order Illertia and Time Delay andTl//1ing o/CollrrofferJ, 1011 FJODOROV, Barlolomeu IZVOREANU .43

Ecological Measurements ofthe SlIIfan! COl1cellfrations ofOJ. NO!, SO!, 01lst andl..lereol"OloKical Parameters in City ofDel·ill. BulgariaI. IVANOV. V. GRJGORJEVA. M. MlllALEV. S. ARSOVA ..49

Applicmioll ofa Generalist Knowledge Based System/or AwhorinK Semantic NetworksComcliu NITU 52

Biocomplexity Problem Relmed to the Okhotsk Sea FisheriesJohn J. KELLEY. Vladimir F. KRAPIVIN .

Remote Sensing offhe Water ObjeclJ with the Optical Adaptil'e Idemifie!"


SimI/lUI/on Model afOkhotsk Sea Eco.\ysfem. V. KRAPIVIN. C. NITU ..

. 58

. 62

. 65

A New Technology ofVexetation Micruwaw MOflitori,,~,G.\\l. PI llLLlPS, C. NITU. A.A.CIIUKHLANTSEV, S.P. GOLOVACIIEV, V.F. KRAPIVIN, A.M. SIIUTKO .


. 70


The Tl1eorl!ms aboullhe Syslem ',~ Pra('lica! St(/bili~\' wirh rhe Mea.Wlrahilityoj the Phase Space, Ycvgcny SOPRONIUK .

A New Enel'g; Meters Imerfitee UsillK Illlel'llel Communicatiun,\', Eugen COCA .

Appiicalion o/the Maximum Principle 10 Sillgllla,.~v Perturbed Systems 1\'itll VariableRange a/Phase Space Soilltion. Fedir SOPRONIUK. Maxim NEGADA YLOV

MOil/loring System ofBee Fami/ie.( ActivilY, Octavian Coste I VORNICU, JosifOLAI I..

.. ..... 75

....... 80



Livestock RF Identificarion Qnd Management - Part I: '3.56 MH: RnD Sy~'fel1l

Valentin POPA, Toader STRUGARIU, Catalin SIICU, EugclI COCA 95

Livestock RF Idenrijication Qnd Managemel1l- Portl!: The Lil'eslOck Mal1agt'mem ProgramValentin POPA, Eugen COCA, Mircla DANUBIANU. Remus PRODAN 103

Improving Process Control Applications by Using IP Comml/nicotiolls, Eugcn COCA 109

The Stmistical Properfie.l' 0/PerNirbotioll Allalysi.\' in ,~I'stelllldellfific(lfiofl

Victoria BOGJ-IANASTJUC. Nicolac KOBiLEATZK Y, Ale.wi VASCAN, AlexandruLORCENCOV, Vcaccslav Ricu 114


Particfllari/(!s du ca/clIl electromagnetiqlle du Xemjra/clw ~J'I/dlrolle (/);101 (IIIX aimall/x permanel1f!>'Tudor AMBROS. Leonid IAZLOVETCl-Il, Daniela GULPESCU 120

Torque Comrol of011 Electrical Dril'c System wirh Permanent Afagnct Synchronous Machiflr.'lulian M. T. BIROU, ClUin RUSU .. 125

The Implementing ufNonlinear Malhematical Funclions Using Log-Domain Ci}'(:uif.~

Radu Gabriel BOZOMITU, Vlad CEllAN. Liviu GORAS .. 131

Design of(I PrOSlhesis Forejinger, Catrina CI nyU .................................................................... 137

DOUBLE/ND: Simulari0n. Tool fiJI' Calcufation (~/Ferrile f;MI Slfppre.I'sor ImpedanceMir:jana [)AMNJANOVIC. Ljiljana ZIVANOV ...1-1 I

Olle-Stage and Two-Singe Strategies oj fhe Flexible DiKital PIt'MValentin OLESCJJUK, Vasily ERMURA TSKI, AlcxanJr SIZOV, Evgeny YAROSJ IENKO J49

High Amrocc.\-' Current-Mode Precision Reclifier Based 011 Ullity-Gain Cells. DODI TILlUTE ....... 155

Three-Phase AC Chopper with IGBT'sOvidiu URSARU, Mihai LUCANU, Cristian AGI liON, Liviu TIGAERl)


.............................. 159

ItH'f!stigarioll u/Variable Relm:rance Stepping Molo/'s Dynamics US/"JI, Matluh-SimlllmkEnvironmenl. V. TRIFA. C. MARGINEAN. L. ZARNESCU 164

DSP Based Robusl Comroller o/BLOC Servo Molor. Calin RUSU. Julian UIROU 167

lnj/llence of Voltage Sags 011 PM Synchr0l1OIIS Molor Driw!sVlado POROBIC, Vladimir KATIC 172

Harmonic Am'(\'slS oja Three-Phase PWM Im'erterGabnela RATA.. Mihai RATA.. Dan MILlCJ, CrenguJa Elena BOBRIC 178

£t:penmemal Cons/dc/'{uiol1S ahoUi a T/"'f!e-Phase Ga/e Drn'f! IeUsed ill A C. MoMr Con/rolMihm RA TA.. Niculai BARBA. Gabriela RATA. Crengula Elena BOBRIC , 182

Using AD1SIOO Vector Processor in Adwlnced Mo/ioll ControlMihai RATA. Gabriela RATA. Crengu\a Elena BOBRJC 186


A Spcc/ml Charoc/erizarion ojTa:zaki CodeNicolae Dumitnl ALEXANDRU, Maria Liliana ALEXANDRU 191

Space - Time Cot/inK Using Modulatioll lI'i/1I Memor)'. Daniel130JNEAGU I95

£ncryp/illg 0flrimis(l/ion Techniques with Par/ial AII/hen/lcariollCi'llalin CERlJULESCU. Monica CERBULESCU . . , 202

Video Camera PO.l';/iu"l1/g Using CAl"i PrO/ueo!. Ci"tt~lin CI II VU .................................................... ~08

Design I.uue:.· of(I DigITal Baseband CMSK-Modlliaror jor WI AllfOllomolisWin!leJs ComJII/lfl;C(l/ion s'1·s/em. Licven DE STRYCKER. Luc UF. BACKER. Leen IDE.\Vim VAN IIOUCKE. Jean-Pierre GOEMAERE .. .. .. :::!12

All Embedded Real-Time s'\'s/em for Daw Processing. Based 011 BAC/1o!l Dtl/a CU/lJI1//Inil'l1fionProtocol. luric GUZUN. Viaceslav OUZUN 218

Choice ofForward Error Correctionjor Digital Wireless CommU11ICu/lOfILeen IDE. \Vim VAN 1-IOUCKE. Lieven DE STRYCKER. Jean-Pierre GOEMAERE 226

ImeJitgem Techmquesjor Sm'illg £"er1O' in Wireles.~ Ad Hoc Netll'orks U:,'ed /he Broadcas/Maria Rodica IIOJBOTA. 231

ProlOcoljor COlllmunicalion Between Teleme/ry Sysrem and Semors in Borehole Mf.'(lS/Iremelll'mlrumems. filo~ SLANKAMENAC. Kresimir KNAPP. Milos ZIVANOV 235


'The Technology ofPJychology.liE. D. VOUKALlS, N. KONSTANDINOU, M. TSIKADILAKIS 241

Data Acquisition S.vstemfor Breathing MonitoringValentin NEGURA,Victor ABABIL Sergiu SIVACOV ......................................................... 246

Optical Switch Using Total Reflection in Liquid CrystalsSergey DOVGALETS, Yulia SEMENOVA, Vasyl PRYSYAZHNYUK 251


Simulation (I Microwave E Class MESFET Amplifier wilh Adaptive ElemenlS Used inDO/(l Transmission, Gabriel ANASTASIU, Elena ANASTASIU . 256

The LabamlOlY of Visual Projeclion tile COPRAS_FW_7.0 ~Tool 5I1b.\ystem ofRealTime SARs. Anatolyi BALABANOV, 19ori ALBINA............. . 258

.NA.~VCs and J,1A~VVsMethods: New Powerful ApproachesG. E. CHATZARAKJS. V. S. PAPANIKOLAOU, P. U. MALATESTAS. P. E. SINIOROS 264

Obrainl11g Stale Equationsfor Nondegenerate LECs Using NA-VCSsG. E. C1IATZARAKIS, P. B. MALATESTAS, P. E. SINIOROS . . , 272

Timed Hybrid Petri NelS Visl/al Siml/lalioll in VPNPEmilian GUTULEAC, Vasile alSCA, Ludmila GUTULEAC, Sergiu ZAPOROJAN 279

A VHDL Eased Approach to Model Fuzzy Logic Systems. Liviu TIGAERU, Ovidiu URSARU 287

Complex Circuils Design. Finite Awomata Decomposition, Coorin PRUTEANU 294

Electric Penlllllilliry Behavior a/Theorerical Modeled Dic/('c/rin.USlI1g fhe Equivalefll CirCllit Method, Daniela IONESCU . 299

Some Consideralions on 8~Lel'e1 /-IDL Stack Implementationluliana PATENTARJU. Alin Dan POTORAC . . 303

Utilization ojNelirul Nelworks for Obsen:inK ,he Infernal Combusfion Engine's FllnctionVasile GjscA, Alcxandru MEREACRE, Maxim PISARENCO................ . 309

PfD Robll.\·f Con/rol via Symbolic Calcltlus and Glohal Optimizarion TechniquesCAta-lin Nicolae CALISTRU , 313

Concepts ofElaborafion and OrgaJliz(/{ion oj Complemelllmy Recol~/iglfrableElementaryDigital Stl'llctures (CREDS) on Two LOf!,ical Levels,Ion COJOCARU . . ......319

Analyse ofPassive Methods to Increase Tesrabilify (If Digital 5fl"ll('lllI"e$, Ion COJOCARU 326



Simulation and Valida/ion ofMolecular Genetic Triggers Ne/n'orks with Timed Hybrid Petri NetsAurelia PROFIR, Emilian GUTULEAC, Elena BOlAN 333

XML-Based Query Languages Used in MIi/limeJia, Sabin BURAGA, Mihaela BRUT ......... 337

Using XML Technologies for lriformatioll Integration within an e-EnlerprLreSabin-Corneliu BURAGA, Marius CIOCA 343

Queryin~ Web Documents to Retrie)'e Disrribllled Da/a.Diana CIUPEc, $tefan-Ciprian TANASA . . 349

An Overview ofa Computational Approach/or Linguistic Rules oJ/the X-Bar li'eesKonstantinos FOUSKAKIS .353

e.-Evaluation 0/ProlOtyping Boards, Cristian-Gyozo HABA,Vasile BAHRIN 361

Development afSurvivable Systems. Valeotin METGHFR 366

Nitllral Networks/or Intrusions Detection in Computer NetJl'orks, \'. Yeo MUKH1N 372

Internet Based Distributed A4ethods in Support ofRemote and Col/aboratil'e DesignManus PISLARU, Alexandru TRANDABAT, Cornelia VARGA, Stefan HANGANV ............. 378

Conceptual ArchiteclUre (or a Virtual Distribllled Internet Laboraton' tn Engineer;"${ FieldAlexandT1l TRANDABAT, Marius PISLARU, Codrin DONC1U, Stefan HANGANU ... 383

Model-Based Approaches in Global Environme.ntal GiS ApplicationsBui Ta LONG, V.F. KRAPIVI ,D.V. OLINICI ,Ngyuen Minh NAM.

Smart Card Technology Based on Jm'(l, Philip KEERSFBILCK " .

n,e Implementation ojan Open Source Syslemjor the CreattOll ofe-Learning COlltentwilhin an Irish Universi~v. Kc\tn JOHNSON, Dorel PICOVICl, Timolhy IIALL

. 391

........ 398


About One Problem ojMulticriteria Oplimi=ation. Vasyl KUSHNIRCI JUK. Yuriy STETCKO, ,410

Optimizing Observation Parameters in the Estimating Process, Mykola RUSNAK 4 I3

Petri Nets Liveness Confroiler for Flexible Manu!c.lc1uring SystemsCHin CIUFUDEAN, Alexandru LARIONESCU. Constanlin ... ILOTE. George MAnALU .... .416

X Tier Applications. XML-XSLT in Vata Tropic Optimisation(j'Ahn CERBULESCU, Monica CERBULESClJ . . ...........422

Nenrork Model Control o/Traffic Updates in De{'l!nlrali:.ed Routing ,}trategll·.1 Tran,<;fer and irsOptimbltlon. VictoriJ BOGHANASTlUC, Vea~eslav RictJ, Alexei VASeAN,Olesea HERDAGA, Svetlana MUTU ....... .... 430


The E./!ective Decisions ofModel's Construction ollnformalion Resources Managementon Distance LearningVolodymyr MESYURA, Oleksandr HOSHABA, Serhiy YUHIMCHUK, Nalalia MESYURA 436

Dalabase Qualify· Some Problems. Allgustin.llllian IONESCU, Eugen DUMlTRASCU 441

Improving e·Perjormance by End-User Applicalion DtJ\·e/opment. Ileana HAMBURG .449

A "\;fltlli-Agent System Architecture to Improve District Heating SystemsCornel TURCU, Cristina TURCU .


Virtual Reality Applications and Frame-Rate ControlLaurent GRISONI, Jeremie DEQUIDT, ChrislOphe CHAILLOU

Adaptive Nellro Fuzzy Inference System ofIndustrial Processes Fallit DiagnosisMarius PISLARU, Alexandm TRANDABAT. Cristina SCHREINER

. .455


......................... .466

Bui/ding Systems for Rapidly Analysis and Modeling a/Speech for Creation ofLanguageResources, Nicolae OBJELEAN , , " , , 472

Content-Based Image Retrieval Using Composite Rep,ion Templates MethodLiana STANESCU, Dumitm Dan BUROESCU, Anca ION .475

Inlerpretation ofSignal by Using Neural Ne/lVorks, Dumitru OSTA FE 480

Using Neural Netwoksfor Geomelrica! Shapes Recognition. VaJeriy FRATAVCIIAN 484

Collision Defection a/Convex Polytopes Using Pseudoinverse MatrixMykola KIRICHERNKO, Vasyl LAZORYK .487

Linguistic Modelingfor Automatic Speech Recognition in Romanian Lan8uageDan CIRE~AN, Cosmin CERNAzANU .490

Systems Analysis under Fractal Numerical TechnicsGeorge MAHALU, Adrian GRAUR, C.lin CIUFUDEAN , .49R

Using the Differenl Llghting Models During Realistic image CreafionAlexandr ROMANYUK, Anatolii CHORN1L .

Knoll1edge Based Transcriptioll ofHandll'rillen Pitman's ShorthandUsing Wn,.d Frequency ond Call/extSwe MYO HTWE, Colin HIGGINS, Graham LEEDHAM, Ma YANG ..

........ 504

. .. 508

Moving Tw>get Deteclio, in 7'1• u~1,}r-l .............. ;'U! T~(- \, ~!l;

,'. ViJ... ,J S·, .. -\'t'Jl1anr:t:I "JUC .. s

ISBN 973-666-106-7

13, University Street, 720229 Suceava, ROMANIA