succession planning in the victim/survivor services field

Succession Planning in the Victim/Survivor Services Field ROUNDTABLE DISCUSSION FACILITATED BY: Anne Seymour National Crime Victim Advocate Washington, DC 2014 VOCA National Training Conference 1

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Succession Planning in the Victim/Survivor Services Field. ROUNDTABLE DISCUSSION FACILITATED BY: Anne Seymour National Crime Victim Advocate Washington, DC. Roundtable Objectives. Explore issues that may facilitate or inhibit successful transitions - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


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Succession Planning in the Victim/Survivor Services Field


Anne SeymourNational Crime Victim Advocate

Washington, DC

2014 VOCA National Training Conference 1

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Roundtable Objectives Explore issues that may facilitate or

inhibit successful transitions Identify strategies for state

administrators to prepare and guide agencies as they experience succession planning and the resulting changes

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Succession Planning Defined

The process to identity and develop potential future leaders or senior managers, as well as individuals to fill other positions critical to an organization, either in the short- or the long-term.

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Or……in Brief “Build our bench strength”

“Create a pipeline of leaders”

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Succession Planning Should: Link to organization’s strategic

vision, mission and goals Refrain from building around

individuals Address leadership development

for ALL staff

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Benefits of Succession PlanningDISCUSSION Support continuity of services Continuing supply of qualified, motivated

people (or system for identifying them) Alignment between an organization’s

strategic vision and human resources Commitment to employee career paths,

personal development and advancement OTHERS?

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In the victim services field, what are some of the

CHALLENGES to successful succession


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Three Ways of Thinking about Succession Planning

1. Emergency succession2. Departure-defined succession

planning3. Strategic leader development

(focus on shared leadership)

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Strategic Leader Development Train and mentor existing staff Recruit new staff OR both INVOLVEMENT OF:

Executive Director Staff managers/leaders Board of Directors Other stakeholders who can provide

guidance2014 VOCA National Training

Conference 9

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Basic Steps… Develop a strategic vision or plan

with long-term, measurable goals Identify leadership competencies

needed to get there “Skills sets” and skills-building plans Professional development plan

(internal) Recruitment plan (external)

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Succession Readiness Checklist

Please refer to participant handout

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Leadership Self-Reflection(please see participant handout)

My ongoing effectiveness Personal barriers to leaving Organizational barriers to leaving

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excerpted from Leigh Branham’s book, The 7 Hidden Reasons Employees

Seven Hidden Reasons Why Employees Leave

The Job or Workforce was Not as Expected The Mismatch Between Job and Person Too Little Coaching and Feedback Too Few Growth and Advancement

Opportunities Feeling Devalued and Unrecognized Stress from Overwork and Work-Life Imbalance Loss of Trust and Confidence in Senior Leaders


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Current Case Study, 2014 Founder planning to leave in two years Succession planning developed:

ED position description (please see handout)

Short- and long-term funding strategy HUGE focus on Board development Program development/priorities


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2006 National SurveyWhat Do LEADERS

in Our Field Need?

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Leaders in Our Field Need: Courage of

convictions Knowledge, skills

and compassion and a willingness to share these skills

Ability to inspire others

Patience Integrity

Honesty Empathy Ability to observe

and listen Strong ethical

standards Strong management

skills Organize, delegate

and provide structure

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“It takes the heart of a fighter, and a passion for the work. It takes knowledge, dedication and the ability to think on your feet, coupled with the desire and ability to work with others.”

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A Leader in Our Field….. Remembers “why” we are here. “Not about personal status or gain, but a

genuine desire to make a difference.” Is willing to “take risks, speak up, not be

afraid, not “hog opportunities,” and be consistent in philosophy and attitude.

Is open to new and different ideas. Recognizes that “It is important to have the

big picture in mind, and not the small pieces.”

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A Leader in Our Field….. Is a “continual student” (EBPs are critical!) Has a true sense of social justice. Understands and can navigate the various

systems that involve victims and survivors. “Speaks truth honestly and don’t cover it up with

a mask for some kind. You can do that without being angry or rude.”

Knows that he or she is good – you can “acknowledge the things that you are good at, and act upon those strengths.”

Has the ability to take charge.

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“Effective leadership and succession mean that policies and practices are integrated into a structure of any organization, and are not dependent upon the skill or personality of one individual.”

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Helpful Resources Building Leaderful Organizations: Succession Planning for Nonprofits

Annie E. Casey Foundation   Nonprofit Executive Succession Planning Toolkit, Federal Reserve Bank

  Sustaining Great Leadership: Succession Planning for Nonprofits, First


Succession Planning. HR Council of Canada

 Twelve Ways to Get a New Executive Director Off on the Right Foot, Blue Avocado


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For More Information…..

Anne [email protected]

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