subjunctive (no pictures)

Subjuntivo Present Subjunctive, Imperfect Subjunctive, Present Perfect Subjunctive, and Pluperfect Subjunctive

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SubjuntivoPresent Subjunctive, Imperfect Subjunctive, Present Perfect Subjunctive, and Pluperfect Subjunctive

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When to Use the SubjunctiveSubjunctive is used when the

situation is not factual, but rather when the action is subjective or hypothetical.

In Spanish, the speaker simply needs to recognize when the action is real and objective (He brings me the towel) and when it is subjective (I hope that he brings me the towel) to know which endings to use.

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When to Use SubjunctiveIf the answer to the following two

questions is yes, the subjunctive mood should be used:

1. Is there a possibility that this action has not occurred or is not now occurring?

2. Is the action or event contained in a dependent clause?

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When to Use SubjunctiveIn Spanish, just as in English,

there are 3 grammatical moods:

1. The Imperative (Commands)2. The Indicative (Describes real or

objective actions or events)3. The Subjunctive (Describes

subjective or hypothetical actions or events)

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When to Use SubjunctiveIn English, very few structural

changes are employed to signify a change in mood.

In Spanish, mood changes necessitate different verb endings.

Correctly using the subjunctive is one of the most non-intuitive aspects of Spanish for English-speaking students.

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When to Use SubjuctiveWEIRDO

W – wishes, hopes, and desiresE – emotions I – impersonal expressionsR – requests D – doubts O – opinions

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Wishes, Hopes, and DesiresWhen the verb in the

independent clause is a verb such as desear (to wish), querer (to want), esperar (to hope), or preferir (to prefer), the dependent clause uses the subjunctive.

Example: I prefer that you not watch that show.

Prefiero que no veas ese programa.

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EmotionsWhen verbs such as alegrarse (to be happy), sorprenderse (to surprise), sentir (to regret), or temer (to fear), are used in the independent clause, the subjunctive is used in the dependent clause.

Example: I am afraid that he won’t return on time.

Temo que no vuelva a tiempo.

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Impersonal ExpressionsUse subjunctive after the

following conjunctions, if doubt or anticipation is implied:

A menos que – unlessA pesar de que – in spite ofAntes de que – before Aunque - although

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Impersonal Expressions

Después de que – afterEn caso de que – in caseEn cuanto – as soon asHasta que – untilPara que – so that

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RequestsWhen using verbs such as

aconsejar (to advise), pedir (to ask for), or recomendar (to recommend) in the independent clause, use the subjunctive in the dependent clause.

Example: They advised me to leave.

Me aconsejaron que saliera.

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DoubtsWhen doubt is expressed by

verbs in the independent clause such as dudar (to doubt), no creer (to disbelieve), or negar (to deny), then use the subjunctive in the dependent clause.

Example: They don’t believe I know.

No creen que sepa.Example: We deny that it is the

truth.Negamos que sea la verdad.

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OpinionUse subjunctive in the dependent

clause after the following expressions, provided that doubt, uncertainty, or emotion is suggested or implied:

Quizás, acaso, tal vez – perhapsEs bueno – It is goodEs difícil – It is hard

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OpinionEs dudoso – It is doubtfulEs importante – It is importantEs imposible – It is impossibleEs incierto – It is uncertainEs malo – It is badEs mejor – It is betterEs necesario – It is necessaryEs posible – It is possible

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OpinionEs una lástima – It is a pity

Example: Perhaps she is visiting this fall.

Quizás visite este otoño.

Example: It is good that she knows.

Es bueno que ella sepa.

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Present SubjunctiveWhile the present indicative

mood is used to describe an actual situation, the present subjunctive mood expresses uncertainty, feelings, desires, and hypothetical situations.

To form the present subjunctive, drop the –o from the first person singular form of the present indicative and add the subjunctive endings.

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Present SubjunctiveIn the subjunctive, -ar verbs take

–e and –er/-ir verbs take –a.-ar endings: -e, -es, -e, -emos, -

en-er/-ir endings: -a, -as, -a, -amos,


Example: I will go to the movies when I have money.

Iré al cine cuando tenga dinero.

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IrregularsThere are only 6 irregular verbs

total in the subjunctive tense.

Dar – to giveDé DemosDesDé Den

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IrregularsEstar – to be (temporary)Esté EstemosEstésEsté Estén

Haber – to have (auxiliary)Haya HayamosHayasHaya Hayan

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IrregularsIr – to goVaya VayamosVayasVaya Vayan

Saber – to know (facts/information)Sepa SepamosSepasSepa Sepan

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IrregularsSer – to be (permanent)Sea SeamosSeasSea Sean

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Imperfect SubjunctiveThe imperfect or past subjunctive

is used in situations where the verb in the independent clause is in the past or conditional tense.

This tense is used to express something that might have been or would have been.

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Imperfect SubjunctiveThe imperfect subjunctive tense

is formed by:1. Taking the verb’s third person

plural (ellos) form of the preterite tense (-ar verb ending is –aron and –er/-ir verb ending is –ieron),

2. Dropping the –ron from the end, and

3. Adding the endings on the next slide.

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Imperfect SubjunctiveThe following are the endings for

all –ar, -er, and –ir verbs:

-ra, -ras, -ra, -ramos, -ran

Example: I doubted that he killed the cat.

Dudaba que matara el gato.

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Imperfect SubjunctiveThere are no irregularities in the

imperfect subjunctive tense because any irregularities in conjugation will already be reflected in the third person plural preterite form.

The imperfect subjunctive expresses the same set of situations as the present subjunctive (WEIRDO) in the past.

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Present Perfect Subjunctive

The present perfect subjunctive is used to express the English term “may have”.

It is formed by having the subjunctive conjugation of the verb Haber (to have – auxiliary) together with the past participle.

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Present Perfect Subjunctive

Haber – to have (auxiliary)Haya HayamosHayasHaya Hayan

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Present Perfect Subjunctive

Example: We may have thought that we used to know all the answers.

Hayamos pensado que sabíamos todas las contestas.

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Pluperfect Subjunctive

The pluperfect (or past perfect) subjunctive is used to express the English “might have”.

It is formed by having the imperfect subjunctive conjugation of Haber (to have – auxiliary) together with the past participle.

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Pluperfect Subjunctive

Haber – to have (auxiliary)Hubiera HubiéramosHubierasHubiera Hubieran

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Pluperfect Subjunctive

Example: It might have rained if the wind changed direction.

Hubiera llovido si el viento cambiaría dirección.