subfields of psychology presented by the psych society

Subfields of Psychology Presented by the Psych Society

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Subfields of PsychologyPresented by the Psych Society

Social Psychology

• According to psychologist Gordon Allport, social psychology is a discipline that uses scientific methods "to understand and explain how the thought, feeling and behavior of individuals are influenced by the actual, imagined or implied presence of other human beings" (1985).

• Therefore, social psychologists deal with the factors that lead us to behave in a given way in the presence of others. They look at the conditions under which certain behavior, actions, and feelings occur.

Career Paths in Social Psychology

• Human behavior expertise leads to Career opportunities in virtually every type of employment setting

• educational institutions, non profit organizations, corporations, government, and hospitals.

• Some specific examples:• Professor and/ or Researcher • Marketing director• Manager• Consultant

Degree Needed for Social Psychology

•Most social psychologists pursue a PhD• usually needed to become a professor at a college or


•There are Masters programs in social Psychology• Acceptance of degree depend on employer/ specific job• Less common then PhD route

Developmental PsychologyWhat is it?● Developmental psychologists mainly focuses on the process

of developmental growth throughout a person’s lifespan - Early childhood development - Intellectual development - Cognitive development - Aging● Usually developmental psychologists focus on specific age

groups (infancy, adolescence, elderly)

Career Paths in Developmental Psychology

Where?● Primarily in schools, learning centers, children’s homes, and

retirement homes● Universities - May be asked to teach or conduct researchSalary Prospects● In 2010, the median salary was $86,510● Depending on the location of where they work, their salaries vary

Degree Options for Developmental Psychologists

● Master’s programs● Doctoral programs - PhD or PsyD

If you want to go toward counseling patients with developmental disorders then it is best to get a PsyD*If you want to conduct research then it is best to get a PhD

Clinical Psychology

● APA: “Clinical psychologists assess, diagnose, predict, prevent and treat psychopathology, mental disorders and other individual or group problems to improve behavior adjustment, adaptation, personal effectiveness and satisfaction.”

● While all clinical psychologists are interested in mental health, there are actually a wide variety of sub-specialties within this field.• Child and/or Adult Mental Health • Learning Disabilities • Emotional Disturbances • Substance Abuse

Career Paths in Clinical Psychology • Clinical Psychologists often work in hospitals, private practice or, academic settings.

Other settings include performing research, teaching university-level courses and offering consultation services.

• Specific Examples include:

-Assessment and diagnosis of psychological disorders

-Treatment of psychological disorders

-Consultations and therapy

-Conducting research-Creating and administering programs to treat and prevent social problems

Degree Options for Clinical Psychology ● Master’s Degree can be suitable training for many industrial

positions and for clinical or counseling positions but, career opportunities are more limited.

● Ph.D ● Emphasizes the role of research and science● Educate students about issues related to mental health and

treatment● Psy.D

train to be clinicians able to work in a wide range of clinical settings

Focuses on clinical and practitioner work

Counseling Psychology

• Counseling psychology is a field specializing in treating mental illness and psychotherapy

• Counseling psychologists offer similar services as clinical psychologists but treat traditionally less severe mental/emotional problems

• It is more general as counselors help individuals solve problems related to a number of issues and adjust to life’s everyday challenges

• They emphasize the individual’s strengths, cognitive elements, and personality difficulties, through service that is available throughout the life span

Career Paths in Counseling Psychology

• Counseling psychology is found in numerous career settings such as, educational/school, government agencies, private businesses, and mental health clinics

• Specific examples include:• School/academic counselors• Career counselors• Mental health counselors• Researchers & Professors• Marriage & Family counselors• Substance abuse counselors

Degree Options for Counseling Psychology• There are many Master’s programs available for counseling psychology

• Less research focused and more applied focused• Takes 2-3 years• This degree allows graduates to gain limited licensure to practice

• A Ph.D or Psy.D is required in order to be a licensed “counseling psychologist”• More research focused • Takes 4-8 years• Allows private practice

• Licensing requirements vary by state

Forensic Psychology

APA Definition: • “ application of clinical specialties to the legal arena”

Broader Definition: • Applying research and experimentation in other fields of

psychology to the legal system

What does a forensic psychologist do?


• Ph.D

- Must have Doctorate’s degree to become a licensed Forensic Psychologist.

• Dual degree in Psychology and Law

- Adds competitiveness

• Master’s Programs

- May not be the best route due to the amount of people with Ph.D’s competing in the field.

Career Options

• Steady job growth has been seen over the last 20 years

• Anticipated growth in the field of Forensic Psychology.

• Growth is predicted to be seen in areas such as:

- research work

- clinical practice in forensic psychology

- working with an attorney and courts*

Tips for pursuing Forensic Psychology

• Internships

• Classes

• Research


What is Neuropsychology?

• Neuropsychology is the study of brain-behavior relationships

• Various career paths

• Commonly mistaken careers

• Training

• Future of the field

The Modern-Day Sherlock

• The relationship between brain-functioning and human behavior is enormously complex

• Investigating the origins of behavior

• With understanding, comes applicability

• Exciting opportunities and a rewarding career

The Journey

• Getting into the field of neuropsychology begins during undergrad

• Building a strong interest in the Brain and its effects on Human Functioning

• Receiving Specialized Training and Mastery of the science

The Career Neuropsychologist

• Graduate training in Neuropsychology

• Assessment and Diagnosis of Brain Disorders

• Evaluation of Current Functioning

• Treatment Planning

• Remediation / Solutions to Challenges

Many careers are available when Studying the Brain

• Frequent Overlap

• Significant Difference

• Neurology

• Psychiatry

• Neuroscience

• Neurosurgeon

• Others..

Clinical Neuropsychologists

• Specialized Competencies of structure and the function of the CNS

• Extensive Training in Assessment, Evaluation, and Intervention

• Techniques

• Employment Settings

• Salary

Industrial/Organization Psychology

• Overview• APA: “Industrial and

organizational (I/O) psychologists study and assess individual, group and organizational dynamics in the workplace. They apply that research to identify solutions to problems that improve the well-being and performance of organizations and their employees.”

• In Other Words…– Testing/Assessment– Leadership

Development– Staffing (H.R.)– Management– Teams/Teamwork– Work-Life Balance– Diversity

I/O Psychology: The Data

• Degrees:• 48% Doctoral

• 47% Master’s

• 5% Post-doctoral

• Median Wages (2013)• $80,330/yr

• Projected Growth (2012-2022)• >22%

• Related Occupations– HR Managers / HR

Specialists– Training & Development

Managers / Training & Development Specialists

– Market Research Analysts & Marketing Specialists

I/O Psychology: At UCF

• Staff:• Dr. Dipboye

• Dr. Fritzsche*

• Dr. Salas

• Dr. Smith-Jentsch*

• Ph.D. Program• 4th in research productivity

• 2nd at SIOP

Applied Experimental and Human Factors Psychology

• Overview• APA: “Human factors and

engineering psychologists study how people interact with machines and technology. They use psychological science to guide the design of products, systems and devices we use every day. They often focus on performance and safety.”

• In Other Words…• Training• Simulation• Virtual Reality• Hardware Design

(architecture – product)

• Graphic Design• Perception

HF Psychology: The Data

• Degrees:• 71% Master’s

• 13% Bachelor’s

• 8% Post-Master’s

• Median Wages (2013)• $80,300/yr

• Projected Growth (2012-2022)• 3-7%

• Related Occupations–Manufacturing

(69%)–Human Factors

Engineer– Research Analysts–UI/UE Design

HF Psychology: At UCF

• Staff:• Dr. Bowers

• Dr. Hancock

• Dr. Jentsch

• Dr. Mouloua*

• Dr. Salas

• Dr. Sims

• Dr. Smither

• Dr. Szalma

Further Resources

APA Careers in Psychology •

Online Psychology Career Center •

UCF Undergraduate Advising•

The Sky is The Limit!

• There are endless possibilities within Psychology

• Do your research

• Find your niche and go after it

• We believe in you!