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Research paper

Cathepsin C and plasma glutamate carboxypeptidase secreted from Fischer ratthyroid cells liberate thyroxin from the N-terminus of thyroglobulin

Dejan Suban, Tajana Zajc, Miha Renko, Boris Turk, Vito Turk, Iztok Dolenc*

Department of Biochemistry and Molecular and Structural Biology, Jo�zef Stefan Institute, Jamova 39, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia

a r t i c l e i n f o

Article history:Received 23 June 2011Accepted 30 October 2011Available online 20 November 2011

Keywords:Cathepsin CPGCPThyroglobulinThyroxinProteolysis

a b s t r a c t

The release of a thyroid hormone from thyroglobulin is controlled by a complex regulatory system. Wefocused on the extracellular action of two lysosomal enzymes, cathepsin C (catC, dipeptidyl peptidase I)and PGCP (lysosomal dipeptidase), on thyroglobulin, and their ability to liberate the hormone thyroxin.Cathepsin C, an exopeptidase, removes dipeptides from the N-terminus of substrates, and PGCPhydrolyses dipeptides to amino acids. In vitro experiments proved that cathepsin C removes up to 12amino acids from the N-terminus of porcine thyroglobulin, including a dipeptide with thyroxin onposition 5. The newly formed N-terminus, Arg-Pro-, was not hydrolysed further by cathepsin C. Cellculture experiments with FRTL-5 cell line showed localization of cathepsin C and PGCP and theirsecretion into the medium. Secretion of the active cathepsin C from FRTL-5 cells is stimulated by TSH,insulin, and/or somatostatin. The released enzymes liberate thyroxin from porcine thyroglobulin addedto media. The hormone liberation can be reduced by synthetic inhibitors of cysteine proteinases andmetalloproteinases. Additionally, we show that TSH, insulin, and/or somatostatin induce up-regulation ofN-acetylglucosaminyltransferase 1, the enzyme responsible for the initiation of biosynthesis of hybridand complex N-glycosylation of proteins.

� 2011 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction

Regulation of mammalian development depends on the libera-tion of the thyroid hormones triiodothyronine (T3) and thyroxin(T4) and on maintenance of their constant levels [1]. Their releasefrom the thyroid gland is controlled by a complex regulatorysystem. Thyroglobulin (Tg) is a protein in the thyroid gland thatprovides the physical backbone for the synthesis of these thyroidhormones. It is produced exclusively by the thyroid gland.Following synthesis, and transport through endoplasmic reticulumand Golgi apparatus, where glycosylation, and phosphorylationoccur, the protein is secreted into the lumen of thyroid follicles,where it is pooled and covalently cross-linked. Additional post-

translational modifications of Tg such as sulfatation, oxidation,and iodination take place at the cell colloid interface [2]. Theiodination of tyrosyl residues leads to the iodine-rich mature formof Tg. Very recent studies on Tg iodination showed only three T4hormonogenic sites [3], the most important being on position 5 atthe N-terminus of the protein [4].

The intracellular route of micro-vesicles that contain Tg has beentraced [5], showing that some Tg molecules are transported throughearly endosomes to lysosomes [6]. In vitro experiments showed thatvarious endo-lysosomal proteinases cleave Tg and liberate hormones[7,8]. The hormone depleted Tg molecules are also cleaved at otherdiscrete sites resulting in structural alterations. The polypeptideshowever remaining bound together [9]. The acidic pH in the organ-elles provides a suitable environment for the action of lysosomalproteinases to degrade proteins [10,11]. Hydrolysis of Tg is probablycontrolled by themacromolecule itself [9,12]. Tg is amodular protein,containing 11 domains of Tg type-1 repeats [13] that are also presentin some thyropin protein inhibitors of cysteine and asparticproteinases [14e16]. After initial cleavage of Tg by lysosomalproteinases, structural alterations probably result in the exposure ofTg type-1 repeats [17,18], which then act as inhibitors and protect Tgfrom uncontrolled action of proteinases.

Initial studies of Tg degradation were limited to degradation inan acidic environment. However cathepsins B and L, found on the

Abbreviations: T3, triiodothyronine; T4, thyroxin; Tg, thyroglobulin; TSH,thyroid stimulating hormone or thyrotropin; 3H, three components added; 6H, sixcomponents added; catC, cathepsin C; PGCP, blood plasma glutamate carboxy-peptidase; FRTL-5, Fischer Rat Thyroid Low Serum 5%; GnT1, a-13-mannosyl-glycoprotein 2-b-N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase 1 protein; Mgat1, a-13-mannosyl-glycoprotein 2-b-N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase 1 gene; DTPA, dieth-ylene triamine pentaacetic acid; E-64, [(2S,3S)-3-carboxyoxirane-2-carbonyl]-L-Leucyl-4-(guanidobutyl)amide L-trans-epoxysuccinyl-Leu-agmatine; E-64d,[(2S,3S)-3-carboxyoxirane-2-carbonyl]-L-leucine(3-methylbutyl)amide.* Corresponding author. Tel.: þ386 1 47 73 776; fax: þ386 1 47 73 984.

E-mail address: [email protected] (I. Dolenc).

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0300-9084/$ e see front matter � 2011 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.doi:10.1016/j.biochi.2011.10.018

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cell surface of the thyrocytes, were able to liberate thyroxin [19].Extracellular action of lysosomal enzymes requires them to besecreted from thyrocytes and to be active at neutral pH. It wasshown that thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) regulates extra-cellular proteolysis of Tg by enhancing the rate of exocytosis oflysosomal proteins at the apical pole of thyrocytes [20]. Cysteinecathepsins B, K, L and S are localized in the endo-lysosomal systemof thyroid epithelial cells. Additionally, they are present in theextracellular space, on the apical pole of thyrocytes and within thefollicular lumen of the thyroid gland [17,20e23].

In in vitro degradation studies of Tg it was shown that the releaseof thyroxin is the result of concerted action of cathepsin B andlysosomal dipeptidase I, now known as plasma glutamatecarboxypeptidase (PGCP) [7]. It is well established that catC, anunusual oligomeric enzyme from the papain family [24,25],removes dipeptides sequentially from the N-termini of granzymesA and B, elastase, cathepsin G, and chymase from T cells, NK cells,neutrophils and mast cells respectively [26]. CatC is localized inendo-lysosomal compartments, although it has also been detectedin an apical extracellular lacuna [27].

Plasma glutamate carboxypeptidase is localized in vesicularcompartments, as well as being secreted to extracellular space [28].When isolated from human kidney [29] it was found to be identicalto the enzyme isolated from human placenta [28]. Human PGCP isa metallopeptidase with five potential glycosylation sites [28],whose activity depends on dimerization [30]. It has been reported tobe a carboxypeptidase [28], although earlier described as a dipepti-dase [7]. The enzyme isolated from thyroid gland has the ability torelease the hormone from T4-Gln [7]. It is predicted to play a role inhepatitis C virus associated hepatocellular carcinoma, because of itshigh levels in the plasma of patients with this disease [31]. Theenzyme has been heterologously expressed inmammalian cells [28],in Escherichia coli [30], and in a baculovirus system [32].

In the present study we have investigated the release of thehormone thyroxin by the action of catC and PGCP secreted fromFRTL-5 cells.

2. Materials and methods

2.1. Materials

Rabbit and mouse antibodies directed against human PGCP wereprepared in our laboratory, monoclonal anti-human catC antibodiesmapping to the heavy chain of catC, and anti-LAMP2 were fromSanta Cruz (USA), anti-GnT1 antibodies were from Sigma (Germany),rabbit anti-PDI, and anti Golgin-97 antibodies were from Abcam(UK), HRPO conjugated goat anti rabbit and goat anti mouse anti-bodies were from Jackson ImmunoResearch (UK), goat anti rabbitand goat anti mouse antibodies were Alexa Fluor 488 (green) andAlexa Fluor 546 (red) conjugated secondary antibodies fromDianova(Germany). E-64 and E-64d were from PeptaNova (Germany), DTPAwas from Sigma (Germany), Gly-Phe-CHN2, Gly-Phe-4MbNA, andSer-Met were from Bachem (Switzerland). All other reagents, unlessotherwise stated, were from Sigma (Germany).

2.2. Cell culture and treatment conditions

Fischer Rat Thyroid Low Serum 5% (FRTL-5) cells from theEuropean Collection of Cell Culture (ECACC, UK), were maintainedin F-12 Ham Coon’s modified mediumwith 5% newborn calf serum,10 mM NaHCO3, and a six component mix (1 mU/ml bovine TSH,2 mg/ml bovine insulin, 5 nM hydrocortisone, 5 mg/ml transferrin,10 ng/ml somatostatin, and 2 ng/ml L-glycyl-histidyl-lysine) withthe combination of 100 U/ml penicillin, 100 mg/ml streptomycinand 2 mg/ml Amphotericin B. Where stated, a three component mix

(5 nM hydrocortisone, 5 mg/ml transferrin, and 2 ng/ml L-glycyl-histidyl-lysine) was used. Unless otherwise specified, stock flaskswere transferred for culture twice weekly or as required, to main-tain optimal cell growth. Two days after the onset of cultures, themedium was withdrawn and replaced for metabolic experimentswith fresh “serum-free” medium containing Nutridoma-SP (Roche,Germany) in the presence of a three or six component mixture. Thecells were maintained in a 37 �C humidified incubator with 5% CO2.

2.3. Immunofluorescence

Immunofluorescence was performed by the following procedure.Cells were fixed in 4% paraformaldehyde and blocked with 3% BSA inpermeabilizing buffer (0.1% Triton X-100, 3% BSA in PBS) for 1 h. Afterincubation with primary antibodies for 1 h, cells were washed withPBS buffer followed by 1 h incubation with conjugated secondaryantibodies. Slides weremountedwith ProLong Gold antifade reagent(Invitrogen, Germany). All immunolabelled proteins were detectedand visualized with an Olympus IX81 microscope (Olympus, Japan).

2.4. Western blot analysis

Total proteins were electrophoresed in 12.5% SDS-PAGE gel,transferred to nitrocellulose NC-45 membranes (Serva, Germany),and probed with specific antibodies. Immunoreactive polypeptideswere detected by chemiluminescence using enhanced Electro-ChemiLuminescence (ECL) reagents (GE Healthcare, Germany)developed on films (Kodak, USA).

2.5. In vitro deglycosylation of PGCP and cathepsin C

To remove N-linked glycans, endoglycosidases PNGase F (NewEngland Biolabs, UK) or EndoH (New England Biolabs, UK) wereused under reducing conditions according to the manufacturer’sinstructions. All reactions were performed in duplicate. Deglyco-sylated lysates and mediawere characterized by SDS-PAGE analysisand Western blotting.

2.6. Cathepsin C activity assay

CatC activity was measured fluorometrically by monitoringhydrolysis of Gly-Phe-4MbNA (Bachem, Switzerland) as described[24], with the followingmodification. Cells were grown in a 12-wellplate with 500 ml medium supplemented with several components(1 mU/ml bovine TSH, 2 mg/ml bovine insulin, 5 nM hydrocortisone,5 mg/ml transferrin, 10 ng/ml somatostatin, and 2 ng/ml L-glycyl-histidyl-lysine). For the activity measurement 150 ml of mediumwas sampled. Cells were dissolved in 150 ml of non-denaturingbuffer supplemented with 0.5% detergent Nonidet P-40 (Roche,Germany), and 50 ml was sampled. Each sample of the enzyme wasmixed with reaction buffer (100 mM Na2HPO4, 20 mM NaCl, 1 mMEDTA, 2 mM DTT, pH 6.0) and, after 1 min, substrate was added toa final concentration of 200 mM (final concentration of DMSO was1%). Product release was then monitored continuously at excitationand emission wavelengths of 335 and 415 nm. Each measurementwas repeated at least five times and results were averaged.

2.7. In vitro cleavage of Tg with cathepsin C

Porcine Tg was isolated according to [33]. 50 mg of Tg was mixedwith 0.25 mg of catC in a two-component buffer system of 200 mMcitric acid and 200 mM dibasic sodium phosphate as described in[8] and incubated at 40 �C for 2 and 24 h. Liberated free thyroxinlevels were measured by the enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay(ELISA) using the ELISA free T4 kit (Calbiotech, USA) according to

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Fig. 1. Localization of PGCP and cathepsin C in FRTL-5 cells. The enzymes are partially colocalized (A). Co-localization is seen in endoplasmic reticulum (B, C) and in Golgi (D, E).Delivery to lysosomes was rare (F, G), because both enzymes were secreted. Bars represent the micrometre (mm) scale.

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the manufacturer’s instructions. Absorbance was measured onTecan Safire fluorescent plate reader (Tecan, Switzerland). Eachmeasurement was repeated at least five times. Arithmetic averageand the intra- and inter-assay CVs (Coefficients of Variability)were calculated from raw data. Human catC was expressed asreported [34].

2.8. N-Terminal sequencing

The protein band of degraded Tg on SDS-PAGE gel was elec-troblotted onto a polyvinylidene difluoride Sequi-Blot membrane(Bio-Rad, USA). The membrane was stained with 0.1% (w/v) Coo-massie Brilliant Blue R250 (Merck, Germany) in 40% (v/v) ethanoland 1% (v/v) acetic acid, and destained with 50% (v/v) ethanol. TheN-terminal sequence was determined on an Applied Biosystemsliquid phase Sequenator model 475 A, connected on-line toa 120A phenylthiohydantoin-derivative analyser from the samemanufacturer.

2.9. Reverse-phase HPLC analysis

The removal of dipeptides from Tg by catC, and their subsequenthydrolysis was followed by RP-HPLC (Waters, USA). Dipeptideswere separated on an analytical scale using a 4.6 � 7.7 mm Sym-metryC18 3.5 column (Waters, USA). The column was equilibratedwith 10 column volumes of water containing 0.1% trifluoroaceticacid (TFA) at a flow rate of 1 ml/h. 100 ml of sample was loaded onthe column which was washed with an additional two columnvolumes of equilibration solvent. Bound cleavage products wereeluted with a linear gradient (2e50%) of acetonitrile with 0.85%TFA. Cleavage products were detected by absorbance at 215 nm.

2.10. Free T4 assay

Free thyroxin levels were measured by the enzyme-linkedimmunosorbent assay (ELISA) using the ELISA free T4 kit (Calbio-tech, USA) according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Eachmeasurement was repeated at least five times. Arithmetic averageand the intra- and inter-assay CVs (Coefficients of Variability) werecalculated from raw data. The sensitivity of the assay was 0.05 ng/dl. The intra- and inter-assay CVs were 3.4 and 6.3%, respectively.The statistical significance of the experimental results was deter-mined by Student’s t-test. For all analyses, p < 0.05 was accepted asa significant probability level. FRTL-5 cells were used for cell cultureexperiments on thyroxin liberation from Tg. Porcine Tg was addedto cell culture medium at a final concentration of 30 nM. Theconcentration of free T4 was measured after 1 h incubation. Wheninhibitors were used, their concentrations were: 10 mME-64, 10 mME-64d, 250 mM EDTA, 1 mM DTPA, 10 mM Gly-Phe-CHN2.

Thyroxin liberation in in vitro experiments was determined withthe diagnostic kit. Final concentrations of Tg, catC, and PGCP were1.5 mM,10 nM, and 10 nM, respectively. Human PGCPwas expressedas reported [32].

2.11. Dipeptidase activity

Dipeptidase activity was determined by assay as described [32].100 ml of 6H supplemented cell culture medium was added to

the reaction mixture at 37 �C and the non-hydrolysed dipeptideSer-Met (Sigma, Germany) was determined. One unit was definedas the amount of enzyme required to convert 1 mmol of substrateper minute under the described conditions. Inhibition of dipepti-dase activity was measured in the presence of 20 mM EDTA. Eachmeasurement was repeated five times and results were averaged.

Fig. 2. Control of active cathepsin C by components added to the media, monitored bythe hydrolysis of the specific substrate Gly-Phe-4MbNA. All samples include hydro-cortisone, transferrin and L-glycyl-histidyl-lysine (3H). Addition of thyrotropin (TSH),insulin (I), and/or somatostatin (S) is marked. (A) Intracellular activity of catC underthe control of added components. (B) Secretion of active catC under the control ofadded components.

Fig. 3. Expression of N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase 1 (GnT1), the starting enzyme incomplex N-glycosylation, under the presence of three (3H) or six components (6H)supplemented to the media (A). TSH, insulin and/or somatostatin induced up-regulation of N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase 1 expression, while the level of b-actin remained constant (B).

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2.12. Iodine content determination

The procedure used for determining iodine content is based ontreatment of the sample with bromine in an acidic solution, fol-lowed by measuring the rate of decrease of the cerium (IV) colourdue to iodine as published [35], with the following modifications.100 mg of Tg was combined with 0.5 mg catC under conditionsdescribed for in vitro cleavage in Section 2.7. Proteins wereprecipitated with 4 M ammonium sulphate, and the precipitantdissolved in water, then acidified. A blind sample was performed inthe same way, except that no catC was added.

3. Results and discussion

In the present study we show the extracellular action of twolysosomal enzymes, catC and PGCP, on Tg and their ability to liberatea thyroid hormone, thyroxin from position 5 of Tg. It is known thatonly three fully iodinated hormonogenic sites on thyroglobulin areoccupied by iodine [3]. Tyrosine 5 is the preferential thyroxinforming site in all vertebrate species examined and its importancehas been shown [4,36]. The involvement of PGCP and cathepsin B in

the release of thyroxin from Tg has been shown in vitro [7], but theparticipation of catC has not previously been reported.

The role of PGCP and catC in Tg hydrolysis was demonstrated,using FRTL-5 cells. The endogenous distribution of both enzymes inthe cells was observed by fluorescence microscopy, using specificantibodies. PGCP and catC were observed to be partially colocalizedin the cells (Fig. 1A). They were enriched, particularly in theendoplasmic reticulum and Golgi apparatus (Fig. 1BeE), organelleswhere N-glycosylation of proteins takes place. N-glycosylation ofcatC and PGCP has already been reported [28,34]. N-glycosylatedproteins in lysosomes have the same dependence on the ER eGolginetwork localization as classically secreted proteins. Subsequently,multiple pathways and endosomal stations in trafficking routesexist for lysosomal and secretory proteins. Indeed, PGCP and catCare rarely directed into lysosomes (Fig. 1F and G). They were evensegregated in different vesicles of secretory nature.

Secretion of endosomalelysosomal enzymes from FRTL-5 cellswas realized by using six components: (6H) TSH, insulin, hydro-cortisone, transferrin, somatostatin, L-glycyl-histidyl-lysine in themedium [23]. The intracellular accumulation of glycosylated PGCPobserved with three components (3H) hydrocortisone, transferrin

Fig. 4. Deglycosylation and Western blot of cathepsin C and PGCP in FRTL-5 cells and their secretion from the cells. EndoH deglycosylation of catC and PGCP enzymes from celllysates (A, C) indicates the presence of high-mannose N-glycosylation. The secreted cathepsin C (B) showed only the proenzyme form of the protein. The secreted PGCP (D) hybrid orcomplex N-glycosylation, as determined by endoglycosidase PNGase F.

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and L-glycyl-histidyl-lysine was accompanied by significantlydecreased secretion. When only 3H were present in the culturemedium secretion of catC or PGCP was not detected by Westernblot. When activity was monitored by the specific substrate Gly-Phe-4MbNA however, secretion of catC was detected in the pres-ence of 3H and also found to be greater in the presence of 6H. Nodifference in catC activity was observed in lysates, except onaddition of insulin to 3H medium, where catC activity wasincreased (Fig. 2A). Observing the influence of TSH, insulin, and/orsomatostatin on the secretion of catC from FRTL-5 cells howevershowed that cathepsin C activity is higher when two of these threecomponents are included in 3H media (Fig. 2B). These findingsclearly demonstrate that catC and PGCP are directed out of cellsunder the control of TSH, insulin, and/or somatostatin (Fig. 4B andD), similarly as reported for some cathepsins. Secretion of cysteinecathepsins B, K, L from thyroid epithelial cells has been shown inthyroid gland and from FRTL-5 cells [17,20,21,23]. The cathepsinswere shown to have been excluded from the endosomalelysosomaltrafficking route and were transported to the apical pole of thyro-cytes. This resulted in subsequent secretion to the extracellularfollicle lumen under physiological conditions [21].

As N-glycosylation has been shown to be important for a varietyof functions of glycoproteins, including trafficking, we speculatedthat the secretion of endosomalelysosomal enzymes is caused bythe complex N-glycosylation of proteins. The enzyme responsiblefor the initiation of biosynthesis of hybrid and complex glycosyla-tion is N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase 1 (GnT1), encoded by theMgat1 gene [37,38]. We checked for expression of the protein inFRTL-5 cells in the presence of 6H and compared it to that where 3Hwere used. We found an increase in GnT1 expression when all sixcomponents were added to the medium of FRTL-5 cells (Fig. 3). Tofocus on the nature of N-glycosylation of catC or PGCP in cell lysatesand in media, Western blot analysis was performed followingenzymatic deglycosylation (Fig. 4). The intracellular catC and PGCPwere deglycosylated with EndoH and PNGase F. However, onlyPNGase F was effective in deglycosylating the secreted PGCP. Thisindicates that the intracellular forms of PGCP and catC weremodified mainly by mannose-type glycans, whereas the secretedPGCP was modified by hybrid or complex type oligosaccharidechains. The Western blot for catC showed the enzyme to be presentonly in the precursor form. The difference in molecular weight dueto deglycosylation was too small to draw significant conclusions.Nevertheless, the low amount of active enzymewas detected in themedium using the specific fluorogenic substrate Gly-Phe-4MbNA,as shown in Fig. 2.

Lysosomal enzymes, such as cathepsin L, are relatively stable atacidic pH, but unstable at neutral or higher pH [39], allowing rapidand continuous activity in the endosomalelysosomal environment.When exposed to the extracellular milieu they act differently.Recently, it was shown that cathepsins B, L, and K do not liberatethyroxin from Tg at neutral pH without the addition of cathepsin S[8]. The influence of pH can be even greater; for example, catC isable at neutral pH to shift the direction of the reaction fromhydrolytic to transferase activity [40]. As shown, the secretion ofcatC and PGCP from FRTL-5 cells is greatly increased in the presenceTSH, insulin and/or somatostatin. However the ability of catC tohydrolyse Tg has never been shown. We therefore performedin vitro experiments to show the functionality of catC at neutral pH.The ability of catC to remove the N-terminal amino acids fromisolated porcine Tg at pH 7.2, as well as at pH 6.0, demonstrated thatcatC is an appropriate enzyme to release thyroxin from Tg. Theconditions in the experiment were chosen to simulate the naturalenvironments in thyroid follicle lumen and in endosomal condi-tions, as is recommended for enzyme action in vitro [8]. N-Terminalsequencing of the product resulted in progressive truncation of Tg.

Dipeptides were removed rapidly, as observed using the ELISA freeT4 kit (Fig. 5A) and HPLC analysis (Fig. 5B), from the N-terminal partof Tg, including the thyroxin on Tyr5 (Fig. 5C). The reaction wasterminated at Arg13-Pro14. Higher concentrations or prolongedaction of catC did not cleave Tg any further. Termination of Tghydrolysis by catC is expected, since substrates having a terminalarginyl residue with a penultimate prolyl residue are resistant to

Fig. 5. Gradual cleavage of the N-terminal part of porcine thyroglobulin by humancathepsin C. (A) Time depended liberation of thyroxin from thyroglobulin by cathepsinC. Thyroxin was assayed with the free T4 Elisa diagnostic kit. (B) HPLC analysis ofthyroglobulin (dashed line), its hydrolysis with cathepsin C (dotted line) or itshydrolysis with cathepsin C and PGCP (solid line). (C) N-Terminus of porcine thyro-globulin. Newly formed terminals after cleavage with cathepsin C are marked byarrows, as determined by protein sequence analysis. Thyroxin on position 5 is markedas an inverse Y. The reaction is stopped at Arg-Pro-, marked by inverse RP.

Fig. 6. Liberation of free thyroxin by cathepsin C and PGCP from porcine thyroglobulinin vitro. Porcine thyroglobulin was treated for 1 h at pH 7.2 without enzymes (1), orwith recombinant human cathepsin C (2) or with cathepsin C and PGCP (3). Liberationwas stopped by adding 10 mM E-64d (4). Thyroxin was assayed with the free T4 Elisadiagnostic kit.

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cleavage by catC [41]. Sequence comparison of Tgs from highervertebrates indicates that they possess conserved N-terminalsequences, including thyroxin on position 5, and could be expectedin all higher vertebrates.

The structure of the thyroxin molecule suggests that an enzymewith a very particular active site pocket is required for docking ofthe substrate. The ability of catC to liberate thyroxin can in fact beexplained by the structure of its active site [42]. The active site cleftis designed to bind the N-terminal amino acid of the substrate atthe S2 binding site. This site comprises a deep hydrophobic pocketwith a chloride ion at the bottom. The thyroxin can thus beaccepted correctly and the dipeptide with its large residue cleaved.The level of the released thyroxin was measured with Free T4 Elisediagnostic kit assay (Fig. 6). Addition of PGCP made only a smalldifference in rate, because the kit was unable to distinguishbetween free T4 and T4-Gln. However, it has already been shownthat the dipeptide T4-Gln is rapidly degraded by PGCP [7]. Possiblefeedback inhibition of catC with thyroxin, as additional regulation,was considered. However, when thyroxin in 5 mM concentrationwas added to active catC, no inhibition was observed. Additionally,the effectiveness of N-terminal hydrolysis of Tg by catC wasconfirmed by determination of released iodine. Measuring iodinecontent before and after the enzyme action on Tg showed that catC

released 20e25% of the iodine. The result emphasizes the impor-tance of catC in thyroxin liberation from position 5 at the N-terminus of Tg (Fig. 5).

Secretion of proteinases from FRTL-5 cells is required for theliberation of thyroxin from Tg, however, the cells are not capable ofiodinating the hormone residues within the Tg they synthesize[43], therefore porcine Tg was added to the medium. The ability ofcatC and PGCP secreted from the cells to liberate thyroxin wasevaluated in cell culture experiments. The released hormone wasquantified by the diagnostic kit Free T4. The ratio of catC to PGCPwas determined using general inhibitors of cysteine proteinases E-64 and cell permeable E-64d, and of metalloproteinases (cell non-permeable EDTA and DTPA), and the specific inhibitor of catC(Gly-Phe-CHN2) (Fig. 7). We observed no influence of inhibitors oncell viability. Comparing the residual proteolytic activities afterapplication of inhibitors, it is evident that E-64d and EDTA cannotabolish the action of proteinases on Tg. Other types of proteinasesare obviously present, however we can conclude that involvementof catC in the process is important, because more than half of theactivity ascribed to cysteine proteinases is attributed to catC, basedon inhibition by its specific inhibitor. The substrate Ser-Met wasused to confirm dipeptidase activity in the FRTL-5 cell culturemedium (Fig. 7B).

In conclusion, it is difficult to speculate about the contribution ofa particular proteinase to thyroxin liberation. Nevertheless, theexperiments presented here provide evidence that PGCP and catCmay indeed have an important role in this process. Furthermore,our data support the earlier findings about the secretion of endo-somal/lysosomal enzymes to the medium, controlled by sixcomponents (6H). The mechanism of release of these enzymes isstill not known. Understanding thismechanism should increase ourunderstanding of the proteolysis that results in the liberation ofthyroid hormones.


We thank Prof. Roger Pain and Prof. Veronika Stoka for criticalreading of the manuscript. This work was supported by theSlovenian Research Agency research program P1-0140 (Boris Turk).


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Fig. 7. (A) Free thyroxin liberated from porcine thyroglobulin in the presence ofinhibitors in cell culture experiments using FRTL-5 cells. Thyroglobulin was added tothe cell culture and the liberation of thyroxin was observed. Control e represents thelevel of released hormone without inhibitors. Control þ represents the level ofthyroxin at the beginning of incubation (t ¼ 0). Thyroxin was assayed with the free T4Elisa diagnostic kit. (B) (1) Hydrolysis of the substrate Ser-Met in medium proveddipeptidase activity. (2) EDTA reduced dipeptidase activity. One unit is defined as theamount of enzyme required to convert 1 mmol of substrate per minute.

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