stylez july 2011_

StyleZ July 2011 Summer Issue Of POSH Shooz

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Hot fun In the Summer Time ! Great Shopping! Explore The Grid! PartyGoRound ! All in this Month's Issue Of StyleZ !


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StyleZJuly 2011 Summer Issue

Of POSH Shooz

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We at StyleZ Magazine are very excited about the welcoming response ofour Premier Issue. As promised we will continue to keep you in the knowof what is hot, elegant and stylish.. Until next time

~ Gia~


rs C



-Gia Capalini Publisher/Editor and Chief

Kord Twinklestar

Jillian2000 Quintessa

Krimp CosmoGia Capalini

Vinnie Capalini

Kord Twinklestar

Vinnie Capalini



The World


Healthy living

• Positive Vibes• Horoscope


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There are times when you find atreasure in InWorldz and you weren'teven looking. That happened to merecently, when I literally stumbled intoPOSH Shooz. I spent a good bit of timein awe of what I saw, from the storedesign to the incredible details and lookof the shoes. I immediately sent amessage to Veronika to tell her what Ithought of her creations, and got a verypleasant response. From that momenton, I made a great new friend was luckyenough to pull her away to interviewher.

GC: What made you want to designshoes for virtual worlds?VG: My partner Bulli and I arrived inIW to bring our streaming companyhere and naturally, we wanted to makepresentable avatars. I just could notfind any shoes to wear that I liked sothought it might be an idea to make myown. Others seemed to like them andwe thought we might try a range of ourown. GC: What is your favorite part aboutconceptualizing a design? VG: Once the shoe is built, the funbegins. I like the texture creation andget a huge buzz out of coloring each inthe range. Bulli sets to work on thescripting aspect to create user friendlyhuds/menu's, or set of functions. I makethem, and she brings them to life! I amuseless at scripting and she uses me toconduct a 'Hausfrau' test on each newconcept. Effectively what she is sayingis, if I can work it anybody can!!! Notsure what that says about her opinion ofmy technical merit!! lol!

GC: What was the first pair of shoes youcreated and how was that experience? VG: First pair was the little Napa flats.A very simple design that taught memuch about the application of texturesand stitching etc. It was a lot of trial anderror, but satisfying to see the endresult. GC:. How long does it take you to createa pair of shoes? VG:That really depends on the design.Obviously some are much more primmyand complex than others. The textureson a shoe with laces and eyelets cantake days. I sometimes make severaltextures for every prim, until I get whatI want. The scripting aspect can takedays to achieve too. As such, we oftenhave more than one project on the go atany one time.

GC. Do you consider yourself an artist?If so or not can you explain why?VG:I guess you would need an artisticeye to be able to know what works. Iwas always very inclined to draw andsubsequently owned an interior designcompany in rl. I suppose this mustinfluence my tastes and ability tovisualise a concept.

GC: What do you believe makes aquality product? VG: I think its primarily to build reality.To make a product you would like toown in real life. It is however, essentialto remember ease of use, and Bulli dealswith that aspect. She makes the productuser friendly and flexible.

by Gia Capalini

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GC: Are there any RL designerswho have inspired you? Whoand Why? VG: Nobody in particular, I amjust a typical woman who isobsessed with shoes! I cannotshake off real life habits herewhen it comes to footwear. Iwear a lot of shoes, does thatmake me an expert?? I think itmight :) GC: How would you defineyour personal style? VG:I guess ecclectic, biteccentric and kinda boho ifanything. Bulli on the otherhand would walk round in apair of rubber boots and noalpha textures if I let her!!!

GC: What are some of youfashion goals as a shoedesigner? VG: We hope to get moreadventurous and to create somereally exciting new stuff in thenear future. We have juststarted our KiDOO range forkids and that is relativelyinnovative. I think we may bethe first to create a range withsculpted socks and cuffs built in.

One set are even colour change.That should make for some verybrightly clad kids in the nearfuture!

GC: Is there anything youdislike about designing forvirtual worlds? VG: No, I have been buildingfor four years and never gettired of a challenge. Bulli looksin horror sometimes when Imake suggestions or demandsfor functionality. Some reallymake her work hard to createthe necessary functions.However, she has never failedto come up with a solution.

GC:. Do you have any RLexperience as a designer?VG: As I alluded to my previousexistence earlier yes. This washowever in home and hotelrefurbishments mainly. Thenlatterly working on the editorialteam for an interior designmagazine.

GC: Do you have any advice for

someone who wants to become a

designer for IW?

VG:Learn the building toolbox inside

out, and remember that texture

making and application is the real key

to a quality product. Show your

product to others and ask them for an

honest opinion. The main question is,

would they buy it? If not, go back and

try, try, try again. The only way to get

better is practice. No matter what you

make, it needs to do more than look

good. It must be user friendly and for

that you need good scripting. The two

elements are totally reliant upon one

another to make a great end result.

Is there any wonder now why POSH

Shooz is becoming one of the BEST

places to go for shoes? Veronika and

Bulli Schumann clearly put more than

their talent into their creations. I must

mention here that there's no where

else in InWorldz you will find a perfect

pair of BARE FEET, complete with an

anklet and toe rings.

To be sure, the POSH Shooz HUD is

the easiest I've had period, including in

the other world. Simple, fast, with a

great preset skin tone selection as well

as nail polish options.

I told Veronika when we met she had

made a long lasting customer of me,

and she has also become a great

friend. Don't wait a moment longer, get

to POSH Shooz TODAY.

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One of the most important accessories to anywardrobe is jewelry. We can roam a grid for hourssearching for those perfect pieces that complimentan outfit and make us look fabulous. KatharinaSvarovski is well known for her highly innovative

approach towards jewelry design and breathtakingcraftsmanship, and I had the pleasure of talking withher to get the story of how she creates her beautiful

line of jewels.

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GC: I have to thank you Katharina for taking the time tochat with me for StyleZ Publications. Can you tell us abit about yourself? KS: You're very welcome Gia. I am a business womanin InWorldz selling jewelry, art and decor.

GC: Your jewels are exquisite, can you explain howyou get inspired to make them? KS: I am inspired by nature that is why many containthe word Earth or Crystals. The water sparkles like mydiamonds, color and textures can also inspire an en-tire collection. Most of all my clients have inspired meto create unique jewelry for special events in their lives.

GC: What, in your opinion makes a quality creation? KS: Time and passion in building, with attention to de-tails.

GC: When did you decide to create jewelry for avatarsin virtual worlds? KS: When I first saw the possibilities in Second Life. Iwas making clothing, but the idea kept coming to makejewelry art. I am an artist in real life and my creativity isenhanced in the virtual setting. GC: How long does it take you to create a piece? KS: Some can be very quick like a few minutes, othersweeks. like my carriage. It always depends on degree ofdifficulty and in inspiration. Some days I am in thebuilding zone and can make incredible art and jewelryfast other times I savor the slow build taking time to re-ally enjoy it.

GC: How does designing jewelry differ from designingclothes in your opinion? KS: For me Jewelry is an extension of art. I think itshould enhance the Avatars own beauty not overwhelmit. Clothing is amazing, its just for me I have more

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“the Swarovski Crystals were a big inspiration”

GC: How does designing jewelry differ from designing clothes in your opinion? KS: For me Jewelry is an extension of art. I think it should enhance the Avatarsown beauty not overwhelm it. Clothing is amazing, its just for me I have morecreative freedom with jewelry. I can actually give jewelry a personality as in the sa-fari line for more casual, or now the junk for those that love the grunge. Clothing isgreat, just not so much for me any more as far as designing.

GC: What are some of your personal accomplishments as a designer?KS: I have designed clothing, jewelry, art and decor. I think that learning the tech-nology has been the biggest hurdle to creating amazing builds. I am learning moreeach day and loving it. To take just shapes, just simple shapes and make them intoincredible beauty is for me, the most satisfying of all my accomplishments.GC:. Were you inspired by any RL jewelry designers?KS:Yes. the Swarovski Crystals were a big inspiration with their beauty and thestyle of the shop, it's what we are all about here as well. I honor that business.

GC: What, in your opinion, are the most important aspects of being a designer?KS: I think passion for what you do is foremost, along with a desire to do your best.

GC: What matters to you most when you create your jewelry?KS:How the client feels when they wear my jewelry is utmost in my mind. I wantthem to feel as special wearing my designs and I did in creating them.11. Where can our readers find your designs?

My new main shop is in construction will be sending out announcements when itscompleted. I have moved from Svarovski sim, but I have several locations through-out InWorldz.

You will love the distinction that defines each piece of jewelry, which make up thecollections by Katharina, and it is clear she is motivated by her joy in developingeach creation. Each stunning and exquisite piece is a perfect accessory for yourselfor the special woman in your life.

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Summer Time

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and be inspired spontaneously totake a great shot.

A landmark to her gallery put meright in front of my favorite piece –a still life of purple flowers in a teal-flowered vase. Her use of light andshadow enhances her pictures.

Nicci has had to familiarize herselfwith the GIMP and Photoshop tobe able to prepare and import herwork for her virtual galleries. She isable to do custom work for people,and has done wedding photography,and couples or single portraits. Sofar, she hasn’t been asked to docustom sketch portraits, but wouldbe capable of doing so.

Nicci hasn’t displayed any SL or IWphotography in her galleries,though she may do that in the future. Eventually, she hopes toown her own sim on which to

house her shops and gallery.Thiswould give her the opportunity tohost other artists in IW. She findsthat meeting the wonderful peoplein IW is her greatest joy. She alsolikes the wider opportunities for selling herartwork here in InWorldz.

Focus on Art --Nicci Winsmore

A resident of InWorldz since May2010, Nicci Winsmore is an artistand photographer. She came overfrom Second Life, where she ownsseveral businesses, including cloth-ing shops and mini galleries.

Here in IW, she has brought her RLphotography and sketches to the S& S Gallery, as well as her own artstore, Nicci’s Art & Photo Studio.Her favorite subjects are the land-scapes of New Mexico and Califor-nia. She doesn’t really have themesin mind when she takes her photo-graphs – she prefers to look about

By Jillian2000 Quintessa

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San Francisco (219, 211, 902)

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IThe tour begins and ends at the dance pavilion on Tir n

a Gra.


Grand Finale Party May 22nd 1 pm IWT DJ Astoria Luminos

Plenty of places to sit and relax if you prefer.

Tir na Gra, Land of Love, in Iris

h Gaelic.

Hosts: Murdock & Keira Alzael

Tir na Gra is also the location of th

e staging area from which to leap to the other sims on the tour. T

he inter-regional

teleport system provided by Balpien allows you to select by photo which destination you would like to go to. The Prim

& Sim Tour sign will give out th

e LM/NC guidebook.

Enjoy the scenery and remember to smell th

e flowers along the way!



Sunset Beach - Back Bay & Revere Beach Historic Areas - C

aren McCaw, Nyx Breen

This platform build is a recreation of two historic regions in Boston MA. USA. The Back Bay area is a collection of m


to late 1800's brownstones that is part of th

e largest still in use Victorian era brownstones in the world. Revere Beach

is the first public beach in America and the Bandstand and Pavilions are still

used to listen to music and watch the

ocean and its bathers today as it was back in the mid 1800's. So turn on your sound levels. Also the build with the gas

This build was made specially for the Prim

and Sim Tour since our mainland is home to CMC Creations and VRT

Textures the largest Avatar skin store for female and Texture Store respectively in Inworldz and is basically a

commercial area. It still h

as some incredible builds on it and one was recently featured on Treet TV.

There are several exhibitions currently with creations by Soror N

ish in the Crystal Exhibition Hall. V

ictorian and


The recent Prim and SimTour 2011 was a marvelousidea by Kiera Alzael, whichintroduced to the entirecommunity of IW, a whop-ping total of 67 sims to ex-plore. I spoke in depth withmy dear friend Kiera, as tohow and why this spectacu-lar event came to be.

GC: Tell us what inspired youto come up with the idea tohave a Prim and Sim tour?

KA: It came from a sugges-tion on the forum by NyxBreen for Inworldz Day; toinvite everyone we know tocome see Inworldz. I saw itas something to have runlonger than just a day andthought of the GardenTours we have in rl. Nyx alsoprovided the name when Itold him what I planned to

By Gia Capalini

do. Prim & Sim, I loved it in-stantly.

GC: The first idea was to giveawards to participants. Whatmade you change that idea?

KA: LOL, Comments on the

forum from people who wouldhave liked to participate butdidn't want to enter a con-test. So I dropped the con-test portion from it. Being acompetitive person I had noidea that the contest formatwould prevent some from

Ardhon Commons, Ardhon en Ceredir (67, 162, 21)

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listing their sims.

GC: Once the tour was an-nounced, how was the idea tak-en by IW residents?

KA: I was overwhelmed by theinterest! I had no idea therewould be so many. I've kept anote card of all the things I willchange for the next tour, suchas making a longer span be-tween closing of submissionsand the start date! There weremany who found out about itjust in time to get in so I had amad dash to prepare the Guidegetting everyone listed properly.

Balpien Hammerer offered hismarvelous Inter-regional Gate-way teleport system which al-lows the user to teleport via themap to each location. It dis-plays a picture of each location,and uses the vector from thephoto file name to open a map.I was overwhelmed by his gen-erous offer. It is an awesomedevice and it quickly becamethe center-piece of the tour!

GC: How many sims were in-cluded ? and was there a crite-ria to be met in order to beconsidered ?

KA: A total of 67 locations arelogged by the Inter-regionalGateway, although some are onthe same sim. Sky platformsand such. This is another itemthat I've addressed in my list fornext time, the tour guide itself.Rather than listing all thepoints of interest that are sub-mitted to me I will give eachperson a single landing pointand they can give a nc of theirown of the details of their sim.

This will speed up loading ofthe tour guide itself tremen-dously.

There was a criteria yes, al-though it was not strictly ad-hered to for this first tour. Theidea was to display placeswhere people relax and enjoythemselves, a showcase forthose places not normallyfound in the advertising alreadypresent in Inworldz.. Shopping,it seems, is a relaxing experi-ence for some. grins. Also add-ed to my note card to do list forfuture tours is to define thetheme more clearly and then toadhere more strictly to thetheme.

GC: What has been the feed-back from the IW community?

KA: Awesome! I've made newfriends through this experiencewhich is a big plus. There arethose who found out too late forthe current tour, but they aremaking plans to get into futuretours. It has energized me toplanning future tours already!

GC: How was the tour adver-tised?

KA:It started out on the forumin the discussion that Nyx firstbegan for Inworldz day, whichonce abandoned pointed to thenew thread of Prim & Sim Gar-den Tour 2011! I also put notic-es out on several of the groups.Heh, this demonstrated thatfew people actually read the no-tices. LOL Where I could, I men-tioned it in the chat as well.Once it was ready to begin Ithen utilized Inworldz Event Cal-endar which displays your event

on the front of the viewer!That's a great system.

GC: Are there any future toursplanned?

KA: Yes! The Home and GardenTour will be an annual event. Iwill be organizing a winter Holi-day tour. It will run the month ofDecember and feature holidaycelebrations around the world,ancient and modern, fancifuland futuristic. I adore the cre-ative imaginations we havehere in Inworldz and would liketo see them all.

Rig Torok's Photo Gallery with asection dedicated to the tour!:D

The response from sim ownersand the community was ex-tremely positive as this turnedout to be a grand event. Nodoubt the next Tour will be asamazing if not more so as Kierais clearly dedicated to bringingonly the finest of events to IW.Can't wait until the HolidayTour begins!

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AAcme City, Aion (98, 127, 713)

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Alcazaba Real, Claremont Estates XXVIII (191, 187, 34)

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Andalucia, Andalucia (97, 232, 22)

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Creative Fantasy Meadow- Homes,, Creative Fantasy Meadow(161, 63, 22)

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Cupid's Bow, Claremont Estates XIX (243, 42, 30)

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Farmhaven, Farmhaven (233, 181, 23)

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Tsuki Mura_ Edo Nippon, Angel Beach West (22, 228, 22)

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Mr Pickwick's Landscaping and Ga, Hollywood (107, 160, 22)

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Serenity Park , San Francisco (128, 105, 21)

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Do you remember, as children we were taught that pneumonic Roy G.

Biv (red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, & violet)? Well, today we

will toss out all the other colours except red. Why red? Well how else

will we introduce to you the very awesome group known as The Red

Pyramid Group? This is an invite only group that are producing some

amazing things in world. As a group of artists and builders, headed up

by Nyx Breen, you will discover a group that has the ability to create and

produce in a very short space of time, exhibits and items that are

showcased and displayed sim-wide for 2-3 weeks. After this they do it

all again with a different theme.

Nyx Breen is a very talented artist in real life and in Inworldz. He is the

owner of his own texture shop, where he creates his textures from

pictures he has taken in real life. It is not surprising that Bob Bunderfeld,

the owner of both The Red Pyramid Group and the Sim known as

Courage (221, 101, 27), would choose Nyx to coordinate this merry

band of builders and artists. Nyx even adds, as we speak, “Bob is a

very hands off owner; he actually will not come to the new builds until

the opening, so he can be surprised by the creations like everyone else

that comes.”

Their very first exhibit, “Steampunk” overseen by Nyx opened at the

beginning of June and has been very well received. Opening night

started with a few sim glitches and ended with a whopping success.

With great music and fun gifts, the event was a "must be at" event. If

you missed it, not to worry; you will get to attend the next one and the

next one. You will want to go to all of them, once you have seen the

talent that is this group. Not only are there exhibits to see, you can also

be involved in photo contests, or hire out the space at no cost, for

dances or events. But, mostly it is built to develop and inspire not just

the community at large but also each other, the builder/artists.

How many are involved in the group and how does one become

involved if they want to? “There are about 35 members involved

currently -- some are very active, some just work on a specific style

of builds and creations ,” Nyx offers and continues to say, “Red

Pyramid is an invite group and most of the individuals were

recommended by a current member, or they have had a build or

creation seen by a member, and are then sought out and asked to

join the group.”

As a builder and artist in a virtual world, there are always the nuts and

bolts as to the abilities that are open to the artist to create with. So,

we wanted to know how Nyx himself finds building in this virtual world

and how it compares to other worlds. “Well Inworldz has a few

advantages but it’s all the same in fundamentals of building with

prims; a few more to use here and a larger link, so it’s a nice

advantage,” Nyx comments.

Committed to his chosen trade of artist, he has also found time to find

someone to share his passions with, and that would be his partner

Caren McCaw. We really do owe her a big thank-you for bringing Nyx

to Inworldz. Looking to the future, what more will The Red Pyramid

Group create? Nyx said it best when looking ahead. “More creative

collaboration with some talented and highly creative individuals with

diverse backgrounds in skills taste and concepts, while building

community and enjoying the project every step of the way.

Thanks for the interview; was a pleasure -- hope you enjoy the

themes and to your readers, come on by the Courage sim and see

currently Steampunk and in the future: Kingdoms, an elven, fae,

LOTR, middle-earth fantasy theme build.” So, what are you still doing

sitting here reading? Go see and enjoy, as the man says.

As a builder and artist in a virtualworld, there are always the nuts andbolts as to the abilities that are opento the artist to create with

By Krimp Cosmo

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By Krimp Cosmo

Landing in Wild Beach at first glance one can see some pretty tamevegetation. This cannot be right, the search button said Wild?Scratch on the head and stepping forth ---oh a stage?----Wow nowthat is some sandcastle! Easing oneself into the feel of the land, andits surroundings, a growing relaxation comes. Guess the search waswrong. Wandering further in ------halt hold up who is that. Shock!!Cover your eyes PG readers. We have a streaker! Eyebrows raised thisreporter goes to investigate. Turns out it is naked Tuesday.Wild Beach (36, 65, 23) is a mature sim owned and maintained byLavi Breuer and Devin Rewell. As one of the oldest and lasting clubvenues in Inworldz it has with stood the teething pains of a newworld. Today we will find out more about them and their passionknown as Wild Beach.Sitting with Devin and Lavi, it is apparent that they are relaxed easyfun loving souls. Digging deeper into their world to discover whothey are and why they created Wild Beach. Lavi was the first to an-swer, “We both love the beach, and wanted a live music venue on thebeach.” This is where we discover that Devin is a man of few words.“We like the beach and open spaces.” Smile, oh the differences be-tween men andwomen.

Now that we have our foundation for our Wild Beach sand castlelets work on those walls. Asking what made for a typical week at thebeach. Both agreed that music, fun, dancing, and people come tojust enjoy themselves. Okay, you didn’t think we’d leave our streak-er out in the cold, did ya? One of the recurring events is NakedTuesday. Like you dear reader this reporter needs to know, howdid this event become a permanent atWild Beach.

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. Lavi started with this response“Some of our members came upwith the idea of nude Tuesday.The idea caught on, everyone likedit, and they have fun and comeback every week for the event.”Are there any rules that come withsuch an event? Devin jumped inon this one “So far, none...peopleare very respectful and don't haveto be nude.”As well as their patrons coming tohave fun and enjoy themselves sotoo do Devin and Lavi. Loungingin some sun chairs by the hugesand castle, we drift to some sillybanter and chatter. This eventu-ally leads to other topics of con-versation. Lavi has her own shopand is constantly building and cre-ating. This is something she lovesto do and has a passion for. “Imake antiques from sculpts, andbuild my own furniture. I enjoymaking furniture and decorations.I make everything from flowers togreenhouses to sell in my shop.”She says.Inquiring if Lavi has built the sandcastle and other places on the sim,

leads us to discover that there is somuch more than just the live mu-sic venue. “There are swimmingparties, beach parties. Wild Beachis open 24 hours so people cancome and hang out, listen to themusic and dance. There's a ClubHouse for members to hang out orset home there if they need to.”Lavi replies.Saying all that, their favorite placeis still the beach. If they had a per-fect day in real life to go to thebeach and relax they would behappy to bring with them all themakings of a fine BBQ picnic.Devin reminds us that we can’tforget the beer. So, now that weknow Devin and Lavi’s perfectbeach bag items; what wouldyours be? As well as the picnic;this parent would add items ofbeach toys, sunscreen, bug spray,and first aid kit. Splash into sum-mer with a spring in your step andsun on your back (if the blastedrain ever stops)

On Stage

Sun bathing

Devin and Lavi

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Phanta Sea, owner of Phanta Sea Land, is a veteran SL dweller, but she is now delighted to call IWhome. At present she is setting up her landscape-sim design business. And she will be using hersim, Phanta Sea Land to showcase various landscape styles and designs.

Phanta indicates that color is very important to her in simdesign. She says, "Color tends to set a mood, tone, and caneven trigger emotional responses, as that relates to mood. Thus,color can calm, excite, reassure, elicit memories and "paint" apicture, among other things." She feels that "when the land tellsa story, it becomes much more than trees, water, shrubs. If thedesign of the land seduces someone to believe they can be apart of the story, then it suggests to me a good landscape,versus just a mechanical placement of things."

She has an eclectic taste in homes and land design. Some of thehomes on Phanta Sea Land have been created by one of hertenants (Nemo Maurer), who is a genius with texture. Shecounts those homes with a Japanese influence among herfavorites. She's also quite fond of the houseboats on her sim, asthey are done with completely different tones and textures, butthey calmly and quietly remind her of her own RL coastalliving (these houseboats are built by Amelie Carulucci). Shealso has a few homes built by Julia Hathor, that wonderfullyprofilic and creative builder. She likes homes that quietly"live" in the environments she has created as if they were bornthere. She says, "Any home that is well built with great originaltextures is a plus, but frankly is not always easy to find."

Phanta Sea had four sims in Second Life at one point, whichshe had designed and developed for residential living. Atpresent, she only has two there. Given the high cost of land in

Second Life, she decided to try out InWorldz. She says, "One Sim now and one on the way!"

Mechanically, she sees differences between the terrain tools in Second Life and InWorldz. Shefinds it easier and smoother to work the land in SL, but she suspects that in time that will change.Of course, she had an enormous inventory of landscaping supplies built up in Second Life, and it'staking time for her to build up her inventory here in InWorldz. "More and more wonderful buildersare coming into InWorldz with materials worth having," according to Phanta Sea. She finds herbiggest challenge here to be that sometimes her customers make requests that are inconsistent withgood design. So it is a challenge to pull things together in a way that is artistic, but satisfactory tothe client. The most important challenge is to keep her work organic and artistic, as opposed tofocusing on engineer-like precision...she feels that too much precision robs the land design ofwarmth, artistry and character.

Phanta Sea finds that pleasing her customers with a land design that paints a picture they feel theycan live in is very satisfying and the best part of her job. Her advice for others wishing to dolandscaping is: "Build your own materials for landscaping, and then buy your own sims. Listen toyour inner poet."

She loves all styles of landscaping, as long as they have character and are livable. She feels thatland design is a creative work, and as such, it evolves and grows over time. No one plan should staystatic, and as the customer's needs change, a good design should be easily modifiable to meetcurrent and future needs. She loves to make others feel at home in their land and also knows that asthings change for them, she can help adjust the design to change with them. Her goal is to makepeople happy in their virtual evironments, plain and simple.

Phanta Sea Land features a suspension bridge that straddles the water and is quite unique. PhantaSea feels that a bridge is a beginning journal to another part of the picture, so every good landdesign should make room for bridges. Some of the views from the heights of Phanta Sea Land arestunning...Phanta Sea hopes that the cliffs there evoke feelings of whimsy, imagination, romanceand dreams realized.

When asked: If she could live anywhere, where would Phanta Sea choose to call home, she said,"I am always working and have no time to really live in a home, per se. I prefer to live in my"designs"...creating environments for others is more important to me than living somewhere. Iguess you could say I live everywhere and nowhere at the same time...."



a L


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Looking for musical instrumentsfor your club or home? Want toplay the guitar?Then look no further than CTMMusicThe amazing and talentedcreator, ChrisThomasUnderwood, has a HUGEselection of instruments, cluband dj items, tip jars and muchmore.

The detail and care going into thebuilds of each instrument isclearly seen in every single item.The grand pianos make it easy topicture yourself at a night at thesymphony listening to the musicof Bach, with the bongos, electricorgans, plus incredible selectionof acoustic and electric guitarswill have you reminiscing ofattending some of the greatestbands there are at a rockingconcert.

Need a custom item? Noproblem. ChrisThomaswelcomes custom orders.If you've never been to CTMMusic Store you don't knowwhat your missing, so giveyourself a treat and visit today!

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Club Enigma

is owned by Airy Miles with hispartner Fyenora Warwillow.Airy has been a DJ on SL forsome 2 years, working at avariety of venues such asMuddy's Music Cafe and MalibuNights club. He was alwaysfrustrated not to be able to playhis style of modern dancemusic which is cutting edgesoulful and deep house that youwould hear in a RL Club. He hasa large variety of music old andnew, and especially loves the80's sound and aknowledges theimportance of older tracks, forexample the Motown classics.

Club Enigma is as far as I knowthe only Club dedicated toplaying upfront soul, disco andsoulful house dance music hereInworldz.At present we have DJ's onFridays and Saturday evenings,based on UK time. DJ Evieplays a mixed set of clubclassics and chilled beats, and DJAiry plays mostly modernsoulful house and soul music,but has a wide repertoire andaccepts requests. At othertimes we always have greatsoulful music playing, and Airy'spartner Fye is often at the clubto say Hi.

The building is an unusual contemporary design, inspired by DakotaNeumann's work on his GOL Elements Clubs in SL.It was built by Airy on his sim, The Isle Of Everywhere, overlookingthe ocean. There is a large dance area with couples slow dancesets, and up the steps a chillout area with more slow dances on adeck overlooking the water.

We have been open since March 2011 and are developing agrowing following over time. As we concentrate more on goodquality music, we do not have shops, dance poles or sploders.

If you havent been over, check us out - it's something a bitdifferent!

Club Enigma

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While I was out exploring, Ifound Portugal; I was intriguedby the nightclub there (calledThe Rock Palace) and tooksome time to poke around therest of the sim. It features ashopping mall, as well as TheRock Palace, which bills itselfas the Best and Only RockClub in InWorldz. That may betrue, as there are few clubs thatfeature rock music in IW, mostof the others focusing on jazzor blues. Mic Rotten, DJ Julianaand DJMikey MacIntyre are theDJs who have put on musicthere. DJ shows are on Monday,Wednesday, and Saturdays.

The decor features largeposters of rock performers andflashing, rotating lights. Theyhave a Laser Torrent by ArnBlanco -- very realistic looking;

“The Bestand Only

Rock Clubin InWorldz”

Hovering rotatingflower petalsprovide an overviewof the club whilerelaxing betweendances. There'seven a PortugueseBeer VendingMachine near theentrance.

Wolfrock Gotick andhis partner, PatitaGothic own thePortugal sim, andbuilt the mall andclub. Portugal ismanaged byMinethere Always.Minethere sellsstock gestures. Sheis ready and willingto create customgestures for patrons.Herpartner, Teejoo,exhibits hisphotography in theshop Teejoo Shoots-- Teejoo'ssubjectsare mainly theBelgian countryside.Both vendors havetheir main stores atPortugal.

BY Jillian2000 Quintessa


it reminds me of RL danceclubs.

Dance spheres are available forsingle dancers, as well as somecouples dances scatteredabout. There are several linedances available, which shouldbe fun for all. Line dancing hasto be one of my favorite VWactivities, as it doesn't require apartner, and it looks so cool tosee avatars moving in unison tothe music.

There are inspirationalexpressions printd on the wallof the club: Life is about beingyourself...Someone only Youcan be...Someone only Youcan understand...Someone thatis unlike everyone else.Someone that doesn't copyothers to look the same.Someone who is extremelyunique. Because You are You.Be original. Be creative. BeYourself.

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Moving out of the club, there is theshopping mall. I immediately noticedLill' Fish, which is a template shop forclothing creators owned by Evely Wolf.You can make yourself some nice haltertops or a sexy bikini with what you'llfind in this shop. There's room forexpansion here, as her entire top flooris empty -- so I'm curious to see whatshe'll come up with to fill it.

There are several shops that have theirmain stores located at Portugal. GreenTrees Plantation sells...well trees, butthey are nicely priced. Chandeliers &Lighting, owned by Peter Veliz, hassome really nice Crystal chandeliers, todecorate your virtual home. Odisarksells fine furniture. J & J Custom Cyclesand Gearhead Design Studio havemain shops here too.

In all, there are 43 shops at Portugal,40 of them are currently rented. Othershops include outlets for AAA Poses,Kukulcan Retro Furniture, Singularities(where you can buy an alien machinemade by Tom Swift!), Magnolia Jules,Bootylicious, Matahari Style, WinsletsBoutique, Kim's Shop, Quadranon,DulceDeisgns, SBG by Shelly LeMayand Gurl 6.

Truly, this is only a sampling of themany shops that are available forbrowsing in the Portugal Mall. Youreally need to visit for yourself to see itall.

There's an outdoor performance stage,complete with green room and lightingand sound booth. Ceci Dover will betheir first live performer on July 9th -- somark your calendar!

Don't miss the Feather Tour, which willwhisk you in a large circle from oneend of the sim to the other. It's rightoutside the door of the rock club andit's a good way to figure out whereeverything sits. Once you hop off,you're on your own! Enjoy your visit toPortugal!

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Shopping on the beachBari Isles

Sunbather towels, beach chairs, patio lounge

chair, furniture, posters, decor surfboards,

plants, wall hangings, rugs, mermaid bed,

treasure chest, frames, outdoor bar, beachball

and much more!



Bari (150, 225, 33)

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ContactGia Capalini

For More Information

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F or so many people, feeling JOY is something that only happens during a specific event. The birth of a baby, getting the job you applied for, moving into a new home etc. Joy is a feeling that makes us happy and excited, yet how often do we really experience it?

B eing joyful is something that should be a regular part of us at all times, but how exactly can that be done? Here are several ways for you to find joy for your life everyday..........

S tart by living in the present, yesterday is gone and tomorrow is the future. Stop worrying about things that are over, or "may" come. We have this very moment to savor and we have the control of it. Take life moment by moment, we choose what we want to feel, so for just this moment feel joy! T hink of something that makes you happy. Visualize it, feel sunshine on your skin, hear the sound of gentle rain on your window, taste that wonderful favorite dessert. By doing these simple things, you create feelings of joy. Whenever you find yourself feeling bad, remember to replace those thoughts with something good. L earn to be thankful for what you have. Don't waste time mourning what you don't have right now. Are you able to eat when you're hungry? When you want to take a walk, can you? Do you have a place


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t o live? If we really look at what we do have, we can all learn to be thankful in the present and create joy in knowing these things.

L et go of anger and guilt. The 2 emotions do nothing but create havoc for the self. They can overtake your thoughts and actions, therefore they spill out to others and steal your joy. By thinking of either emotion, we are giving away our power to something else. Don't focus on either, allow these feeling to come, but give them just a moment of your time, then release them. We all are going to feel these emotions at sometime or another, but we do NOT have to dwell on them.These type of emotions do more harm to us than anyone else.

G ive a smile away freely. The simplest things create joy. Find someone and give them a smile or a helping hand. There are many opportunities for us to share joy with another person. Send a funny email, call a friend and share a fun memory. When we give joy, we get joy. Practice paying it forward.

I ncrease your spiritual self. There is so much material readily available to us that there is no excuse but the one you make. It can be a book, an online article, a class of some sort. When we consciously want to be happy, it will come. Joy is a state of mind, that can spread from our heads to our toes. So what are you waiting for? FIND YOUR JOY STARTING RIGHT NOW.


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Party over here!! Party over there!! Get your social on! The founders arehappy to announce that with the help of the InWorldz Events committee, leadby TIGGS Beaumont, there will be events held at various locations through-outInWorldz. Each month the InWorldz Events Committee will bring to theresidents of Inworldz; Party Go Round. This is a group full of fun themed eventsfor the world to enjoy, for residents to explore, for land and venue holders toshow off, and just for fun!

Joining the committee is open to all at this point, and will afford each theinformation and opportunities available. InWorldz residents will be able toexplore our ever expanding world at their leisure;also Region/Estate, Venue andParcel owners will have opportunities to show their creativity while hostingthemed events.

“This is for all to enjoy, without cost or obligation, just to enjoy! This is not a "forprofit”, or advertising group :-). We all just want to have fun, meet more goodpeople, and see this world. The possibilities are never ending," shares TIGGS.

If you are interested in being placed on the schedule for a Themed Event, pleasejoin the Inworldz Events Committee group, then send TIGGS Beaumont a notecard to discuss getting the event scheduled. All times and descriptions will beposted for you on the calendar ( for each event.If you have any inquiries you are welcome to contact these event planners:TIGGS Beaumont or Drakon Cortes.

Kord TwinkleStar

July Calendar

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Freedom Business Park ishosting the first of the Party-GoRound events of InWorldz,at it's grand opening. Thisbeautiful sim is home toBuilders Choice, owned byBob Bunderfeld.

You will also find BA De-signs, OLE HUSS Gallery, and Beautiful Organic SoulStylez here.

Freedom Business Park has many stores available. Info onrenting these stores is available from Buddy Aaron orPattisue Haefele.

Some of the events planned are a 1950's theme dance, acustom car contest, and the grand opening of the OLEHUSS Art Gallery.

Mark this on you calender as a MUST ATTEND!

See you there.........

PLACE: Freedom BusinessPark

DATE: July 9

TIME: 12pm to 4pm

FreedomBusiness Park

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Are YoureadyForThe


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