stw commercial profile

Scott Tallon Walker Architects

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Commercial Practice Profile


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Scott Tallon Walker Architects

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3Scott Tallon Walker Architects

Client List

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4 Scott Tallon Walker Architects


Urban Design

Point Village, Dublin, Ireland PricewaterhouseCoopers Headquarters - Spencer Dock, Dublin, Ireland

All of the practice’s schemes are informed and shaped by our Urban Design section who draw from wide

International experience and have completed a number of major Urban Design studies including Point

Village development in Dublin’s North Docklands.


Enterprise Ireland offi ce fi t-out, Ireland

Interior Design

The Scott Tallon Walker Interior Design Team combine imaginative design ides with colour, art and

practical use of space. Our approach is to not only integrate our interiors with the ethos and dynamics

of our client, but equally with the potential of the building and its services.

Scott Tallon Walker’s core activity is the design of buildings. It’s reputation is built on the delivery of

exceptional design quality in virtually every general and specialist fi eld of design. Experience includes

healthcare, commercial, education, scientifi c, residential, transport, communications, administration

and many others.


We prepare strategies that seek to maximise the site potential for development. We consider the

surrounding context - physical, social and economic - working collaboratively with others, to provide vision

that can be delivered. Our masterplanning experience covers all development sectors, from small urban

infi ll to large scale campuses. Eastpoint Business Park, for example, has been successfully transformed

from dereliction in 1995 into a 200,000sqm highly attractive business location today.

East Point Business Park - Dublin, Ireland

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5Scott Tallon Walker Architects


Intense research and appropriate design and detail inform our approach to historic buildings. In particular

we have established a reputation for sensitively combining the architecture of today with that of the past

as illustrated in the Gate Theatre project above. We also have considerable experience of sensitively

upgrading late 20th Century buildings to provide new uses and new energy performance.

Gate Theatre - Dublin, Ireland

One of the core principles of the practice is the integration of Art and Architecture. Close collaboration

with a wide variety of emerging and established artists has enabled Scott Tallon Walker to produce a

considerable number of projects that have been enriched and enhanced by the incorporation of art into

the working environment and into the wider public realm.

Art in Architecture

East Point Business Park - Dublin, Ireland


DKIT School of Informatics & Creative Arts, Ireland Commissioners of Irish Lights Headquarters, Co. Dublin, Ireland

Scott Tallon Walker Architects have extensive experience of advising Clients in the appraisal of the benefi ts

of refurbishment over new build or vice versa and also in comparing the merits of the different levels of

refurbishment, both in vacant or live occupied building environments. Our successful completion of FAS

Training Centres illustrate this experience.


The promotion of sustainability and energy effi cient buildings within our practice is one of the key principles

of our philosophy and design approach. The realization of responsible, dynamic environmental design

is, we believe, central to the creation of healthy, uplifting buildings and environments that benefi ts us all

as a global community.

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Offi ces

“It was very important to us in embarking on this project that we would end up with not just a landmark building but also one which would be practical

in terms of its functionality and design (including interior fi tout design) and built to the highest standards. All of this was achieved to everyone’s

satisfaction within a very tight timeframe and, most importantly within budget”

- Tom O’Connor, A&L Goodbody

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8 Scott Tallon Walker Architects

PricewaterhouseCoopers Headquarters

Value Client Area

£79 Million

Spencer Dock Development Company


Our brief from Clients, Treasury Holdings, was for the design of a

signature headquarters building to house leading accountancy fi rm,

PricewaterhouseCoopers and to include additional accommodation

suitable for sub-letting for single or multiple tenancies, the balance

being eventually occupied by Fortis Bank.

The building is planned on a north south axis, comprising a seven

storey north block and an eight storey south block. The north

block is designed in a u-shape, facing west around a landscaped

courtyard, while the south block is sub divided internally by a full

height landscaped atrium on an east west axis. Both Blocks are

connected by glazed link bridges at upper levels.

The plan form composition permits maximum natural daylight to all

offi ce areas while the main atrium, with its stepped fl oor plates to

the upper levels and glazed planar end walls, all combine to create

a lively transparency within the building. The terracotta coloured

horizontal brise soleil to the PricewaterhouseCoopers facades and

the white suspended brise soleil to the Fortis Bank facades combine

to form a distinctive yet unifi ed interface and corporate identity to

both building occupants. The core towers with their sloped roofs

provide further distinctive identity to the building.

Commercial Offi ces

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9Scott Tallon Walker Architects

Commercial Offi ces

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10 Scott Tallon Walker Architects

A&L Goodbody Solicitors

Client Area

A&L Goodbody Solicitors


Commercial Offi ces

The A&L Goodbody Solicitors building is a purpose built

headquarters. The façade to the river was originally designed to be

part of a continuous and connected street façade, resulting in two

granite clad staircase cores fl anking the shaded south façade, give

the building a clear visual separation from its neighbours.

At Ground and Fifth Floor the glass is set back to create a loggia

and roof top terrace, overlooking the river. Internally, ground fl oor

meeting rooms, conference facilities and dining facilities for both

visitors and staff, overlook a central atrium garden. Mature bamboos

grow towards the pyramidal skylight with its delicate cable structure,

6 stories above.

A series of commissioned works of art are exhibited to atrium

circulation routes at each level, giving a unique vibrancy to the heart

of the building, enjoyed by all who work there.

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Commercial Offi cesA&L Goodbody Solicitors

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Client Area



Commercial Offi ces

This headquarters office building was designed for Citi to

accommodate the expanding front office and global support

operations of the company. The design aim was to create a bright

modern working environment, achieved by arranging the fl oor plates

around two full-height, internal landscaped atria thereby maximising

natural daylight to all areas.

The design of the atria spaces forms a major internal focal point

within the building. The main entrance and reception to the building

are located through the main atrium with both atria linked horizontally

at ground fl oor level and both containing vertical circulation via lifts

and stairs. The sense of movement and transparency within the

space is achieved by glazed-clad lift shafts, open staircases and

interconnecting bridges at each fl oor level.

The main entrance is defi ned externally by a splayed full height

planar glazed wall to the main atrium which creates a major external

civic space.

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13Scott Tallon Walker Architects

Citi Innovation Lab

Client Area



Citi required a fi tout of the an existing ground fl oor offi ce space to

house a newly launched department within the Citi group called the

‘Citi Innovation Lab’. The public face of this department is vital to

its function and therefore the fi tout required attention to detail and

effi cient implementation of the global design strategy for the branch.

The project involved the implementation and launch of the new ‘Citi

Innovation Lab’ into the existing Dublin Citi Head Offi ce. This required

a refurbishment of 750 m2 of existing offi ce space and service core to

contemporary standards and to fall within the global branding concept

design, as set out by the client.

Commercial Offi ces

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14 Scott Tallon Walker Architects

Stockyard Offi ce Development

Client Area

Crosbie Property


The plan was based on a simple design concept of a main circulation

area running across the building in an east west direction from one

stair core to the other. If modular offi ces are to be incorporated then

they will run along the northern and southern facades with open

plan in the middle of the fl oor plates. On the fourth and fi fth fl oors

the circulation route becomes smaller as does the offi ce space

provided with the omission of fl oor space to the rear (north) of the

building. The sixth fl oor is further reduced as a result of the set back

at this level. Vertical circulation is provided via two staircores, one

on each gable wall.

The north elevation is stepped by means of a terrace at fourth fl oor

level. This reduces massing toward the residential units on Abercorn

Road and establishes a contextual empathy with the two storey

houses. The curved outline of fi fth and sixth fl oor offi ce space partly

cantilevers over the fourth fl oor terrace.

Commercial Offi ces

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15Scott Tallon Walker Architects

Webworks Innovation Centre

Client Area

Howard Holding Plc


Commercial Offi ces

This 5,000 square meter regional Innovation Centre provides small

starter unit offi ces, sharing reception, waiting, cafe and meeting

rooms. The four/fi ve storey over basement building is entered off

Eglinton Street by forming an opening, with views to the atrium, in

the existing limestone wall which is retained along with other historic

features such as railings and gates.

The atrium is the heart and focal point for all the circulation routes

within the new Webworks building, connecting all levels with open

access accommodation stairs and maximising the natural light.

The open plan areas are broken up and are arranged to allow the

circulation routes around the atrium to enjoy views to the outside.

Attractive highly visible breakout spaces are provided at each level,

with views over the atrium.

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16 Scott Tallon Walker Architects

McCann FitzGerald Headquarters

Value Client Area


McCann FitzGerald Solicitors


McCann FitzGerald Solicitors have a commitment to providing the

highest quality legal services both in Ireland and abroad. Scott

Tallon Walker Architects were chosen, following a limited design

competition, to create a new Headquarters Offi ce building, providing

the best possible working environment capable of responding

to the immediate and future needs of a dynamic corporate legal


The highly glazed twin-wall façade allows maximum natural light into

the generous work areas. This ‘smart –skin’ responds automatically

to changes in imposed thermal loads providing thermal protection

and solar control, helping the building cope with Ireland’s ever

changing weather and light conditions. This façade automation,

together with the building’s sophisticated mechanical systems,

reduces raw energy demand and creates a consistently comfortable

and regulated working environment ensuring that the building is a

show case for sustainable design in Ireland.

Commercial Offi ces

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Commercial Offi ces

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18 Scott Tallon Walker Architects

The client is a statutory government body operating and maintaining

the most technologically advanced Aids to Navigation around the

coastline. A conscious decision was made at an early stage to design

a landmark modern structure, refl ecting the ethos of the client, and

also to provide a counterpoint to the various historic structures

nearby, themselves prominent landmark buildings.

The enclosing façade is a sophisticated glazed twin-wall system,

maximising natural light, panoramic views both out from, and into, the

building and yet providing sustainable environmental control over the

internal offi ce space. A distinctive central lantern provides abundant

natural light into the building’s core and the photovoltaic panels that

skirt the recessed second fl oor level, nod politely, to the highly evolved

functional navigational aids that the client is responsible for.

Commissioners of Irish Lights Headquarters

Value Client Area

£18 Million

Commissioners of Irish Lights


Commercial Offi ces

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Commercial Offi ces

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20 Scott Tallon Walker Architects

The architectural concept for the Department of the Environment

is a simple one, a sustainable building for the twenty fi rst century

using two curved and sliding interlocked building forms to create

a sheltering and protective image while cutting into the hillside to

integrate with its gently sloping green fi eld site.

The building uses a wood chip boiler as primary heat source, is

naturally ventilated uses solar water heaters for domestic hot water,

has a green sedum roof, green permeable car parking, uses grey

water to minimise water consumption and has an exposed eco-cem

concrete slab acting as a heat sink which is cooled at night with

automatic opening high level hopper windows.

Department of the Environment Offi ces

Value Client Area

£13.7 Million

Department of the Environment


Commercial Offi ces

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Commercial Offi ces

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The scheme consists of four separate four storey offi ce blocks

organised about a central glazed pedestrian spine. Major vertical

circulation is located in the atrium and serves a system of bridges

linking the offi ce blocks. The central spine unites the buildings into

one readily identifi able development and also provides a clearly

defi ned circulation route across the site. The fi rst offi ce block is

curved on plan while the remaining three are rectilinear in form. The

fi rst blocks provide accommodation for Fingal County Council. The

remaining two blocks are speculative offi ce units. The buildings

are clad with buff coloured terracotta cladding and grey aluminium

curtain walling system. Cedar brise-soleil soften the elevations on

the southeast and southwest facades. The building is energy effi cient

using passive and active environmental control technology. Windows

are user operable and the offi ce space is naturally ventilated. A

mixed mode displacement ventilation system, coupled with a heat

exchanger, provides fresh or warm air through the raised fl oor.

Exposed concrete ceiling panels utilise thermal mass cooling to

avoid the need for air conditioning.

Fingal Civic Offi ces

Value Client Area

Commercial Offi ces

£36 Million

Fingal County Council


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Commercial Offi ces

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24 Scott Tallon Walker Architects

East Point Business Park

Client Area

East Point Development Group


East Point Business Park is located on the edge of Dublin’s

Docklands. The challenges for Scott Tallon Walker included managing

the environmental and landfi ll gas issues, master planning the 13.75

Ha (34 Acre) site as well as designing all of the 34 buildings.

The design concept for East Point is one of cost effective, fl exible

and well serviced buildings designed as sculptural elements within a

heavily landscaped environment. Each building is different in form yet

all use the same limited palette of materials - Irish limestone, glass

and aluminium. The campus setting, on-site telecom exchange and

hard-wired IT backbone all marry to provide the occupants with an

environment that promotes synergy, interaction and growth.

Flat concrete slabs, generous ceiling and fl oor voids, as well as

high levels of insulation and solar shading all combine to create an

effi cient building system. The refi ned detailing of the bespoke STW

designed curtain walling system, married with the varying forms of

brise soleil all create a precision in assembly that refl ects the quality

of the companies that now occupy the development. The British

Council for Offi ces has located events at the park as part of its 1998

and 2006 Annual Conferences.

Commercial Offi ces

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Commercial Offi ces

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26 Scott Tallon Walker Architects

Commercial Offi cesGE Money

Client Area

GE Money


GE Money wished to develop a building to house their expanding

European Customer Services Centre. The building is mainly a call

centre resulting in a heavy cooling load, normally requiring full

air-conditioning. The client had expressed an interest in a low-energy


Scott Tallon walker rose to the challenge by designing on the principle

of using the mass of the structure for thermal cooling. Designed on

three levels around a large central garden atrium, the reinforced-

concrete frame and precast fl oor slabs with smooth coffered soffi ts

forming the ceiling act as the thermal fl y wheel.

Ventilation is by displacement with heat recovery through an air/air

heat exchanger. The building won the Best corporate workplace

award from the British Council for Offi ces and the innovation in M&E

services award from the ACEI for the low energy design strategy.

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27Scott Tallon Walker Architects

Tower 42 Remodelling


25 Old Broad Street, London

McCann FitzGerald Solicitors

Tower 42 (NatWest Tower) was originally home to the National

Westminster Bank. The building is now multi-tenanted and

comprises Grade A offi ce space over 41 fl oors and a Michelin Star

restaurant on the 42nd Floor.

Scott Tallon Walker Architects were commissioned to provide a

high quality fi t-out and interior design service for McCann FitzGerald

Solicitors on the 38th fl oor of the building.

Offi ces and Meeting Rooms are located at the fl oor perimeter

ensuring maximum use is made of the spectacular views and

abundant natural light. Partitions parallel to the façade are double

glazed with fully glazed doors ensuring light penetration into the inner

circulation zone and secretarial workstations. Photocopy, storage

and server rooms are located in the inner zone, adjacent to the

building core, where natural light and views are not a priority.

Commercial Offi ces

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28 Scott Tallon Walker Architects

Eircom Network Management Centre

Client Area



Commercial Offi ces

The building is the nerve centre from which Ireland’s entire

telecommunications network is monitored. The Network Management

Centre allows network availability to be matched to demand, while

at the same time ensuring speedy identifi cation and resolution

of network problems. In the design of the building, the network

operations centre and the technical support offi ces are expressed

as two distinct elements, and are linked by a glazed reception hall.

A 30m high telecommunications mast on a landscaped mound,

punctuates the resulting T-shaped plan.

The network operations centre forms the north leg of the T-plan.

Enclosed by granite walls, it is virtually windowless for security

reasons. This space is the hub of the network. It is manned around

the clock, and air-conditioned for comfort. A restaurant is located

at ground fl oor under the network operations centre, and a visitors’

gallery/demonstration area overlooks the centre. The technical

support offi ces in the other leg are open-plan and naturally ventilated.

The south façade is fully glazed, and is shaded by brise-soleil and a

colonnade. Six service towers act as ‘buffers’ between the motorway

and the technical support offi ces.

The building is energy-effi cient, using innovative passive and active

environmental control technology. Windows are openable, and the

interior planted garden atria create a stack effect which channels

warm air out of the building. A mixed-mode displacement ventilation

system, coupled with a heat exchanger, provides fresh or warm

air through the raised fl oor. Exposed concrete ceiling panels utilise

thermal-mass cooling to avoid the need for air conditioning.

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29Scott Tallon Walker Architects

Commercial Offi ces

Set in a parkland overlooking the Grand Canal the brief called for

15,200m2 of offi ce space in 6 blocks ranging in size from 3,880m2 to

1,860m2. Each block is designed to accommodate a single tenant

but can be easily subdivided to suit multiple occupancy.

The buildings are arranged to create an architectural vista and ‘gate’

between 3 storey high granite walls leading from the entrance side

with carparking and access roads to the landscaped canalside


The buildings are clad in granite and aluminium curtain walling

purpose designed by Scott Tallon Walker.

Millennium Park

Client Area



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30 Scott Tallon Walker Architects

Civic Offi ces

Client Area

Dublin City Council


Commercial Offi ces

Dublin City Council held an international architectural competition

to complete their headquarters at Wood Quay. The existence of the

phase 1 buildings, completed in 1986, together with the remaining

archaeological artifacts on the site, made this a complex and

challenging brief.

Although the new building has a totally different character from the

original towers, it shares some of their architectural features – the

sheer granite cladding without mouldings, the prismatic geometry,

and the horizontal strip windows. Rather than turning its back on the

towers, the new building steps up towards them, and stretches out

a large wing that fi lls the space between them. The existing towers

are linked by a glazed atrium.

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31Scott Tallon Walker Architects

West Pier Offi ce Development

Client Area

Cosgrave Brothers


Commercial Offi ces

The project at West Pier is located on an unusual site, to the north it

has stunning views of Dublin Bay and to the south a steep 15-20m

high escarpment bounded the site, so effectively is was at the base

of a cliff.

The design maximised the potential of the site providing naturally

ventilated car parking under a roof garden at the base of the cliff,

reducing its dominance over the site while giving optimum views and

orientation to the 12,000m2 of commercial offi ces provided in three

individual but connected blocks.

A natural limestone faced precast concrete panel was used

throughout with stone curved to make the characteristic rounded

form of the front of the buildings. The gables and other in-situ

elements were clad in the same stone, but hand fi xed.

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32 Scott Tallon Walker Architects

BSkyB New Contact Centre

Client Area



The development comprised the full “Cat A” and Cat B” fi tout to one

and a half fl oors of the recently complete Burlington Plaza, Block 1

Building for BSkyB, Burlington Road, Dublin 4, which involved the

establishment of a call centre including the partial relocation of their

existing Dublin business units into the building spread over the two

levels with options on expansion to fl oors above and below.

The facility has been designed to accommodate a 330 workstation

call centre with support staff in an open offi ce environment, a

number of cellular offi ces, a training centre, a restaurant and general

recreational breakout tea stations area on each fl oor. The facility

which operates between 7am to 11pm is manned on a fl exitime

shift basis and employs over 800 staff.

The total gross fl oor area of the BSkyB facility is 45,000ft2. Average

occupancy density including meeting, training and restaurant – 6m2

per person.

Commercial Offi ces

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33Scott Tallon Walker Architects

Xerox Project Global Offi ces

Client Area

Xerox The Document Company


The complex of three new office buildings and the complete

renovation and extension of the existing Claris building at Ballycoolin

while in use has generated a facility to accommodate approximately

1700 staff for Xerox Europe against a very demanding budget and

programme of occupation.

The three new atrium buildings are stepped in plan and section to

maximise daylight and views. They can each operate on a stand-

alone basis but are linked at fi rst fl oor level to the centre building,

which contains the main entrance, canteen and other shared facilities.

They are designed for dense occupation using motorised windows

for natural ventilation and an exposed concrete slab as a heat sink.

Back-up ventilation is available through the raised fl oor and cooling

from a chilled ceiling installation, making it a uniquely sustainable

combination of natural ventilation and air conditioning.

Xerox Project Global Ballycoolin Innovation - Research & Development:

Use of advanced themal modelling of building air dynamics.•

Stack effect ventilation.•

Large chilled ceiling design.•

Use of themal mass of RC structure.•

Use of automatic motorised windows.•

Sun shading.•

Post tensioned concrete fl at slab design.•

Commercial Mixed Use

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34 Scott Tallon Walker Architects

Bank of New York Mellon

The Bank of New York Mellon Regional Offi ces, Cork, occupies

both fl oors of a new development located a short distance from

Cork’s new airport terminal. The building was selected following a

due diligence process carried out in conjunction with the client on a

number of potential properties in the area. The site has commanding

views of Cork City and the Atlantic Ocean beyond.

The fi t out was carried out in two phases, beginning with the main

Reception area, executive meeting rooms, open plan and cellular

offi ce space. The second phase followed with the completion of

the open plan and cellular offi ce space, meeting rooms, main

Comms room and a staff restaurant. All aspects of the fi t out were

considered from the selection of furniture to the artwork, which was

sourced from a local collective.

The Bank of New York Mellon Regional Headquarters, Dublin, offi ce

fi t-out project occupies fi ve fl oors of a new developer’s shell building

on the south bank of the River Liffey in central Dublin.



Cork & Dublin - IrelandHarbour Exchange, Canary Wharf, South Quay Plaza, Mastmaker Court - London, UkBank of New York Mellon

Commercial Offi ces

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35Scott Tallon Walker Architects

Arthur Street Offi ces - Belfast, BT1, UK


Michael Kelly


The site is in a tight urban environment in central Belfast, with listed

buildings to the west and north. The aim of the design was to provide

a modern building to stand alongside the listed Trustee Savings Bank

and the State Building.

Arthur House, with its distinctive white steel-framed structure and

fourth-fl oor pergola, is a dramatic contrast in style, colour and

materials to its listed brick, terracotta and stone neighbours. It

also anticipates the scale and architecture of the proposed Erskine

House on the adjoining site, and it steps down the scale from the

new building to the State Building. The pergola provides a bright

roof terrace, accessed from the building’s fourth fl oor, with dramatic

views across the city.

The structure is entirely steel frame, with pre-cast concrete staircases

set within the structural frame. The structural grid was dictated by

the locations of the original pile foundations, as these were reused

within the new scheme.

Commercial Offi ces

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36 Scott Tallon Walker Architects

Point Village District Centre

Value Client Area

Point Village is located on a 3.5 hectare site at the most easterly

part of the Dublin Docklands development. The name is taken from

the Point Theatre which occupies a 19th century train terminus on

the site.

The scheme is designed around a major new public square, Point

Square, which is bounded by a shopping and leisure complex, the

reconfi gured Point Theatre and the landmark 130 metre high tower.

It includes a District Centre (with shops, cafes and bars), a multiplex

cinema, 250 bedroom hotel, 10,000m2 of offi ces and a shopping

centre. A core urban ‘place making’ element includes a terminus of

the extended Dublin tram system (the LUAS). This District Centre,

fronting onto Point Square, is designed that the boutique shops,

cafes and bars will animate the square.

£212 Million

Crosbie Property


Commercial Mixed Use

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Commercial Mixed Use

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38 Scott Tallon Walker Architects

Lapp’s Quay Development

Value Client Area

£51.5 Million

Howard Holdings PLC


The 191-bedroom, four-star Clarion hotel occupies the western

block. Inside the hotel a generous atrium space provides open

access to hotel facilities and overhead suspends an array of

sculptures. A glazed bridge lightly spans across Anderson Street

linking the hotel to a popular conference centre.

The 6,900m2 six-storey City Quarter Offi ce building, comprises of

ground fl oor bars and restaurants providing daylong vibrancy to the

boardwalk with fl agship offi ces overhead. A two-level basement

accommodates the hotel’s leisure centre, underground car-parking,

and numerous back-of-house facilities.

The pedestrian timber boardwalk is delicately cantilevered from the

reinstated stone quay wall though the use of a carefully detailed

and refi ned steel framework. This reclaimed landscaped public

realm features ‘Reed pod’ a site specifi c major public sculpture, two

glazed café kiosks, fabric canopies and glass lifts to the basement

below. This creative ‘place-making’ at City Quarter is recognized by

numerous architectural awards.

Commercial Mixed Use

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Commercial Mixed Use

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43Scott Tallon Walker Architects

Hospitality - Introduction

Hotel and leisure projects provide the opportunity to combine our

skills in architecture and urban design with our extensive experience

in providing innovative interior designs.

Each building design is developed in response to the specifi c nature

of the site and to create highly fl exible spaces and uplifting interiors

to suit the needs and budgets of our clients within the hospitality

and leisure industry. The specifi c design of each project is carefully

considered in a response that transcends fashion and aims to

produce a hotel experience that will last the test of time.

Every scheme is based on sound and experience-driven design

principles and is developed in close collaboration with the client to

always provide an innovative and bespoke solution, in an always

evolving and adaptive industry.


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44 Scott Tallon Walker Architects

Gibson Hotel - Point Village

Value Client Area

£56 Million

Crosbie Property


The 120,000sq.m Point Village development is located on a 3.5

hectare site at the most easterly part of the Dublin Docklands

development to the north of Dublin’s River Liffey. The scheme is

designed around a major new public space, Point Square, whcih

also provides the terminus for the extended Luas Red Line. The 3.5

storey basement of the scheme with capacity for 850 cars extends

beneath the Luas terminus, which required particular co-ordination

at construction stage.

The 8 storey over triple-basement scheme comprises a District

Centre (with shops, cafes and bars), a 6 screen multiplex cinema,

252 bedroom hotel, 10,000m2 of offi ces and 20,000m2 shopping

centre - one of the largest mixed use schemes ever constructed

in Ireland. The triple-height entrance foyer of the hotel features a

spectacular curving glazed wall supported by glu-lam beams, whose

elegant and dramatic form belies the extensive design challenges

overcome to realise the vision.

The Point Village was a fi nalist at The 2010 World Architecture

Festival and was Commended in the Sustainability category of the

2011 RIAI Awards.

The project also included the detailed design of a landmark 130m

tall 32 storey residential tower. Construction of this project has since

been placed on hold, but the design has addressed and resolved

the many specifi c issues encountered with tall buildings.


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46 Scott Tallon Walker Architects

Clarion Hotel

Value Client Area

£11 Million

Howard Holdings PLC


The 191-bedroom 4 star Clarion Hotel, which occupies the

western block of a €60 million mixed development at Lapp’s Quay

designed by Scott Tallon Walker Architects. The hotel’s reception

area is accessed from the high profi le entrance on the corner of

Lapp’s Quay and Clontarf Street, which was developed to provide

maximum visibility through the use of projecting balconies and an

entrance canopy. The spaces within the reception area are created

by overlapping screens, creating anticipation prior to entering the 6

storey atrium, with its sculptural mobile (created by Pat Scott), the

gallery and balconies. The differing moods and characters of the

atrium lounge, the restaurant and the bar were created through the

use of bespoke furniture, fi ttings and lighting, much of which was

designed by Scott Tallon Walker. A Bremen blue-grey marble fl oor

runs from the reception into the atrium and restaurant, broken by

islands of soft brown carpet, which creates a quiet and understated

background. The bedrooms are designed using carefully detailed

bespoke white oak furniture and fi ttings. The colour palette is once

again predominantly quiet, with splashes of colour introduced

through large striped scatter cushions.


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Sport & Event Design - Introduction

Scott Tallon Walker, with HOK SVE, won the international competition

for the design and delivery of the new Aviva Stadium at Lansdowne

Road, which was completed in April 2010. The business model for

the new stadium requires its 63,000 sq.m. of internal accommodation

to compete with purpose built conferencing and event centres,

enabling the broad experience base within Scott Tallon Walker

from University facilities, to theatres and hotels through to television

and radio studios to be applied to the creation of multi use fl exible

spaces suitable for creating an effi cient backdrop to most event


The broad base experience within Scott Tallon Walker, as well as the

most recent specifi c knowledge in sports stadium and conference

centre design, will enable us to provide clients with the optimum

design solution.


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Aviva Stadium - Lansdowne Road

Value Client Area

Lansdowne Road, Dublin is the site of the world’s oldest international

rugby ground, with the fi rst international matches having been played

there in 1878. Lansdowne Road has been the traditional home of

Irish Rugby for over 150 years, international football has been played

there since the 1970’s, with the new stadium being a joint venture

between the two sporting organisations.

In late 2004, Scott Tallon Walker and HOK SVE (Populous) came

together to enter the international competition to act as architects

for the creation of a new international stadium for rugby and football,

to replace the aging stadium at Lansdowne Road. The bid was

successful, and the team was appointed in April 2005.

During the design development stage, Scott Tallon Walker worked

closely with both the IRFU (Irish Rugby Football Union) and the FAI

(Football Association of Ireland) in developing a scheme that suited

the requirements of both parties. The players’ facilities can be quite

similar, the business plans of each organisation and for the stadium

operator differed. Both organisations have their own requirements

for their supporters and the experience that they wished to create,

and each had a different offering, particularly for corporate guests.

In addition, the requirements of the stadium operator had to be

incorporated into the designs, to ensure that the stadium, as a venue,

competed within the conferencing, catering and event market .

£207 Million




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College of Sports Science and Physical Activity - King Saud University, Riyadh

King Saud University is the largest and most prestigious university

in the Middle East. Established in 1957, the university has currently

over 60,000 students. In late 2010 Scott Tallon Walker Architects

were appointed architects to design and deliver the new academic

buildings and sports campus, which are part of the ongoing

expansion and upgrading of academic facilities at the university.

The College of Sports Science and Physical Activity has two primary

elements – the College Building, to accommodate the academic

activities of the Faculty, and the Sports Campus.

The College Building opens off the shaded street that is the main

spine of the college campus. The Sports Campus is on an elevated

site to the rear connected to the College Building by an enclosed

pedestrian bridge. The sports campus includes an arena with 10,000

seats for spectators suitable for both athletics, to international

standards, as well as acting as the University’s Aula Maxima.

Other facilities in the campus include a 50m Olympic standard

swimming pool, with separate diving and 25m training pools, halls

to accommodate racquet sports, gymnastics, ball sports and

marshal arts, a dedicated gym facility as well as associated teaching,

conditioning and changing rooms.


ValueClientArea Completion Date

Confi dential

Saudi Bin Laden Group



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UK Projects - Other Sectors

Clinical Sterile Services Department, Eastman Dental Hospital, LondonNational Hospital for Neurology and Neurosurgery, Queen’s Square

University of Surrey, 5G Centre

St. Andrew’s Healthcare, Birmingham

Proton Beam Therapy Centre - University College London Hospital

Proton Beam Therapy Centre - The Christie, Manchester

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DirectorsDr. Ronald Tallon - KSG BArch FRIAI RIBA

Niall Scott - DipArch FRIAI RIBA (Chairman)

Michael Tallon - BArch FRIAI RIBA (Managing Director)

Peter Dudley - BArch FRIAI RIBA

Eoin O’Morain - BArch FRIAI RIBA

Bryan Roe - DipArch BArchSc FRIAI RIBA ARB

Padraic Halligan - DipArch Tech. MRIAI RIBA ARB

David Cahill - DipArch BArchSc ARB DipProjMan

Donal Blake - BA (Hons) BArch (Hons) MRIAI RIBA

David Flannery - BArch MRIAI

Ronan Phelan - BArch MRIAI

Sheila Carney - DipArch BSc MRIAI RIBA ARB

Dr. Ronald Tallon Niall Scott Michael Tallon

Peter Dudley

Padraic Halligan David Cahill

Ronan Phelan Sheila CarneyDavid Flannery

Donal Blake

Eoin O’Morain Bryan Roe

Dublin19 Merrion Square, Dublin 2, Ireland

Tel: +353 (1) 669 3000

Fax: +353 (1) 661 3300

Email: [email protected]

London10 Cromwell Place, London, SW7 2JN, UK

Tel: +44 (207) 589 4949

Fax: +44 (207) 225 1005

Email: [email protected]

RiyadhAl Akariyah 2, Olaya Street

P.O. Box 34183, Riyadh 11468, Saudi Arabia

Tel: +966 (0) 1 419 1992

Email: [email protected]