study report on brick kiln field

A Study report by “ROSA”, Azamgarh, UP, India. Page 1 of 32 Study On Brick kiln field children For Promotion of child Rig hts in dalit & marginalized community in district Azamgarh, UP. A Report By  “ROSA” SANSTHAN ( A T eam & Act io n u ni t of “ ROSA” for Child Rights Prom otion in Azam garh, UP, I ndia supported by CRY- Child Rights and You, New Delhi)

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Brick kiln field children


Promotion of child Rights in dalit

& marginalized community in

district Azamgarh, UP.A Report By


( A Te a m & A ct i on u n it o f “ RO SA ” f o r Ch i l d R i g ht s P r o m o t i o n i n Az a m g a r h , U P, I n d i a

suppo r ted by CRY- Ch i l d Righ t s and You , New De lh i )

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SL. No. Contents Page No.

01 Executive Summary 03

02 About the Organization 03

03 An introduction of br ick k iln field 05

04 Area of study 09

05 Objective of Study 10

06 Methodology of Study 10

07 Tabulation and Analysis Part- A 10

08 Tabulation and Analysis Part- B 20

09 Conclusion and Result 28

10 Need for Action 29

11 Brief profile of team who conducted the study 30

12 Sample Survey form 31

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Executive Summary

Effect was reflective in the area of society as soon as industrialization entered in India.

Strong impact of materialistic effect in the Society was

prominent as uses of machines and development of

information technology developed & expanded by the time.

Use of machine in Kitchen to sky scrappers at every stage isthe measurement of development. One machine is sufficient

to perform the work of so many Labour in less time with

case. But the Brick which is used in the construction of buildings, safe residence of

human is being made by the same technique used in 14th century. In this industry

100% human power is used. Child labour, bondage labour, exploitation & Torture are at

peak in this industry, so the life of the Labour of the industry is unsafe. Unorganized

labors are reeling under the life of hunger, mal nutrition, and untimely early death.

A big question is of the residence of these Labour. No permanent residence for

themselves majority of the Labour comes from the lower sections of the society havingonly a hut or mud house in the name of the residence, Although work of contract has

the reputation of good earning business in the society but in this trade of industry the

condition of the contractors are no different than the Labour. Every year the price of

bricks goes up but the condition of the Labour of brick ki ln is the same.

Situation looks very critical when we found the child labour working here. Generally

these child labors work with their parents/guardian and later or they adopt the

profession as their livelihood & the process goes on generation to generation. This is

not a good sign for India, developing very fast. This is also a black spot for the society.

About the organization:-Rural Organization for Social Advancement- “ROSA” Sansthan . It is a civil society,

currently working in eastern part of Uttar Pradesh, India, The main target group of the

organization is children, women, youth and farmer of rural area of deprived society

(most are the people of the every caste and religion who are most neglected in the

society) who is scattered in different classes and castes. They are struggling on their

level for livelihood and basic rights and entitlements but due to current socio and

political circumstances, their whole development is not progressive as per their basic

need and dignity as a human being.

Members of the "ROSA" team established a society named, “Rural Organization for

Social Advancement” by their experiences for the protection of the families & interface

for the better future of the poor community members in January, 2002. This organization

got registered under the Society Registration Act 21 of 1860; having the registration No

401/2003-04 dated 21.7.2003 & registered under Income Tax Act - 12A, No. 118/2007-

08/2981, dated 30-11-2007, registered under FCRA-1976 No. 136760169 dated

16.12.2009 & PAN No. - AAAAR5396P.

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"ROSA" was established by a group of gandhian ideology social activists, this group

observed that people working a brick field (kiln) with women & children work very hard

but they live in unsafe house & their children did not have the basic right of theirs. They

work in unfavorable working conditions keeping their lives in danger still they at always

fear in mind the danger of livelihood. There families are far away form the bettereducation & health and social securities. Due to these reasons, unorganized labors of

the society are victims of different types of exploitation.


A non-political organization under the power of Indian constitution


To establishment of society full of justice and equity for social advancement


To provide service to the people for entire social advancement so that they can ensure

their wellbeing


1. To build of self dependent society & Nation. 2. To implement program related to education, health, people organization, income

generation & agriculture for the integrated development of the nation. 3. To work for help the women, children, old person, helpless, schedule cast,

schedule tribes, backwards & minorities of the society. 4. To create network with the society with equal objectives & promote the

voluntarisms. 5. To establish the centers for the implementation of programs, research,

documentation, free publication & training of the betterment of the society. 6. To inter change and help, for required resources with local people, government,

non government, national & international society for achieving the objectives ofthe society having the similar objectives. 


Entire development of society for the happy nation and this is possible only when everymember of society will be happy.

Our Principles;- 

We compliance with democratic process and respect each other without any

differentiation on the basis of religion, caste and have equal opportunity for all at every

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level without any gender bias. We believe that ‘To help the people to help


Our Values;- 

To respect each other at every level of the society, feelings of equality, availabilities of

equal opportunities, transparency in development works, dedication towards target, Self

discipline & responsibility.

Our area of Intervention:-

v Now, Easter part of Utter Pradesh in India.

Our core issue:-

1. Child health2. Child education3. Child labor4. Community based Livelihood

Promotion 5. Women empowerment

6. Identity7. Gender8. Self-governance9. Social Securities10. Capacity building

Our Target group:-

Children, women, youth and farmer from deprived society.

Our focus group: -

Charity for Children and Women from deprived society.

An Introduction of brick kiln

Brick, being used in the construction work are generally made up by human power from

the wet soil keeping it into a ready from dried up & then baked in kiln. After baking brick

is graded in to the several categories depending upon the quality of baking.

A. grade- Super/ best Quality.

B. Grade- Second Quality

C. less baked.

D. Over baked

E. Pieces from

At the time of survey, best quality or of bricks are being sold at Rs. 3300 to 3800 per

thousand bricks.

Work on brick kiln starts from the end of October with the making brick. In

December/January the baking of b rick starts & it continued up to the end of june. Work

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in the brick kiln is totally stopped in rainy season. About 95 people are engaged in a

brick kiln in which followings are the main

1- Owner of the brick kiln.

2. Accountant (Munshi) + junior

3. Maker of brick

4. Carrier of bricks

5. Loader of coal in to brick kiln

6. There were of coals into brick kiln

7. Carrier of baked bricks.

8. Supplier of coal

9. Taking out of remains of fuels for brick kiln.

Generally 3-8 rounds of baking of 25-30 days. No. of bricks got ready in a round varies

from 400000 to 1400000 depending

upon the size of the brick kiln. About 20-

25 brick kilns are found in the 10 square

kilometer of the survey area.

Usually 12-15 child labors are found on

a brick kiln pressure is being created to

active the target in the situation of illnesson the Labour. Labour is allowed to

meet other person or go to market in the

supervision of a special person kept for

the purpose. Some times muscles man

of the area mis use the circumstances &

misbehave them. Generally payment of wages in make weekly but laborers have

complaint about the payment too long contract system on brick kiln is used for bringing

to laborers. Dadani (one time payment before works is paid to the needy Labour and he

is bound to work against that amount until that amount is not returned). Labour is paid

only to eat the minimum requirement for living. About 5% of the wages of the Labour isgiven to contractor to control the Labour who has taken the Dadani. In average 30-35

Labour takes Dadani on a brick kiln field.

There are several types of dangers to health/life during the work on brick kiln carrying

bricks, dust particles in eyes, etc. But there is no availability of doctor. on any brick kiln.

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According to a contractor, the Labour on brick kiln should be given wood for cooking

food, kerosin.oil for light, hut quarter, medicines, etc. but nothing is given to them. In

case of dadani, contractor should get 5-10% from Labour but he does not get so many


For better quality of brick strong sunlight and hot climate is good & essential. In this

work about 95% work is performed by human power. In such not & skin burning heatLabour of unorganisrd sector did not get the value of their hard work, These labors work

hard from early morning to late night to increase their income. They also motivate their

children to join the work for more earning. Thus this work continues from one generation

to next generation. Burning fire of brick kiln gives the shining brick to the owner but

Labour gets only black smoke from the brick kiln.

This study is dedicated to the children whose life has been darkened due to labour work

this is only an effort for the happy childhood. Analysis of brick kiln field children-

Right to survival- 

If we look upon the data, we find that 69 children of 207 families working a brick kiln with

their parents or self for ensuring the livelihood of

the family members. If we look the datas in view

of child rights for survival under government

schemes, we find that there are 153 children in

the age group of 0-6 years which are 14% of the

total population. If we see the matter of children

of challenging life, we find 06 children in which

04 children are physically challenging life and 02

have mentally challenging life.

If we look the matter for saving the life from 6 life killer diseases, we find that only 29%

children are getting immunization facility while 71% children are miles away from the

safety of immunization. This is more clear from the table 01(i). In the same way table

01(2) tell us that only 17% of the children have been covered under the ICDS schemes.

ICDS services are how fruitful & the quality of services are of which quality, these are

another big questions.

In the same way we look the matter for registration, only 7% children are birth

registered. In another way we can say that 93% children are without identification. Insuch circumstance govt. datas & policies have big question mark, that how they will

ensure the issue?

If we talk about nutrition, states that 86% of the local residents work on the brick kiln in

which 60% is 86% of the local residents work on the brick kiln in which 60% are

illiterate; this is clear from 6(2). Average no. of member of family is 5-6 and the

maximum income of the family does not exceed Rs.20000/- annually after the maximum

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efforts of the whole family. Table no. 9(1) tell us that 70% of the Labour family works for

8-12 hours in a day. So it is very difficult for them to take care of nutrition of their

children. This fact becomes more strong when we observe the table no.11(1) which tell

us that wages on brick kiln is paid on weekly basis and table no. 11(2) tells that 51%

Labour takes dadani(loan) being the very poor economic condition of the family. Table

no.12 clears that 5% Labour get the work for 4-6 months while 93% of the Labour gets

6-8 month work. Remaining period of the year goes in uncertainties of livelihood. So,these are the reasons due to which Labour family on brick kiln are the unable to pay

attention towards the nutrition of the children so these children becomes victim of


Right to development- 

if we talk about development in refrence of child rights, we find that there are 260

children in the age group of 6-14 years in 207 families. This is 24% of total population. If

we consider the education of their population, we find that only 13% are educated up-to



standard, 23% children were enrolled up-to 8


standard, while 63% of children neverwent to school. 69 children of 207 families work on brick kiln. This is clear from Table

No. 04 that 35% of the children have never visited school. Only 19% of the children are

enrolled in school but they also don’t go to school. About 46% children have broken

their relationship with school. While this period of age is very important for education,

children are learning the art of labour in the presence of family member & they study the

work, when they should be in the school and they cross the period of education by

thinking in the direction of work. Table No. 10 (i) tell us that about 11% guardian want

the continuous of education of their children, 13% guardian want the help of their

children in the earning of livelihood of the family 20% of guardian want the self

employment of their children while 74% guardian have no thinking in this directionprobably this is due to the reason when these guardians were children the circumstantly

were the same and now they are thinking with same reference.

Table No. 10(ii) gives as the information about the thinking of the child labors 28% child

labour want to get the education, 26% child labour want to continue the child labour

work, 7% child labour want the self employment while 39% child labour have no thinking

regarding the issue so we can say that children have somewhat advance thinking than


So, on the basis of above description we can say that education level of 6-14 yearschildren are very low & that is affected by the economic condition of the family &

resulting in the poor development of children matter of worry is that this situation is after

the campaign of “education to all” by the government.

Right to protection- 

Situation is not good, in terms of rights to protection, as per the data is concerned.

There are 260 children in 6-14 age groups of 207 families 69 children of them work as

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child labour on brick kiln. Majority of the families belongs to dalit community which is

clear from table. No. 3 explain the religion basis, almost all part of big populated

religious are engaged in this work. Table 2 tells us that about 96%of the local people

are engaged in the work due to availability of work. If we analyses the work, making of

work is at no. /position bringing of bricks upon head is at no. 2, transportation of raw

brick by hand truly at no. 3, transportation of sand at no. 4, transportation of brickes by

tractor at no. 5, are the works where child labors are engaged in heavy & physicallyfired same work which is dangerous to the health 4 life of children.

Children of this age group work 8-9 hours on brick kiln which is too much heavy for their

age this is very strange that parent who worries most about the future of the children

took themselves with work or agree for doing the work by children. About 91% of the

wages earned by the children is used by the parents. This is very clear from the table

No. 7, 23% of child labour rest in the huts made on brick kiln after too long & hard

physical work. This can understood from table no. 8. Table 10(1) proves that 13%

guardian want that their children should support them in the earning for the livelihood of

the family, the situation becomes more critical when 26% of child labour want tocontinue the labour work. This is clear from table No. 10(2). 39% of the child labour has

no thinking about this, so we can say that child labour thinks around the situation in

which they are living they are unable to think about the world out of their thought

because there is no connectivity to the outer world.

These situation are not positive as per the life & protection of child only a part of

guardian & children have positive approach for education this will be case line for other

guardians & children who will took over them near to child rights. 

Area of survey- 

Survey was conducted on the brick kiln situated in the area of village panchayat

uchahua, faddupur, and rasepur in the north of Tarwan development block of district

Azmgarh in Uttar Pradesh. This area is border area of district Azamgarh touches the

development block of Ranipur of mau district and development block of jakhaniya of

district Azmgarh. Tarwan block is ore of the 22 development blocks of Azamgarh.

Generally, dalit community of the society who lives in the villages of this area works on

the brick kiln. They are the members of Mushar,(Banbasi), chamar, Chauhan(lonia)

Rajbhar, Muslim, Castes. Specially Banbasi and chamar community works as lobour on

the brick kiln. Labours are brought from orissa & Jharkhand states through the means of


This are is fully of rural atmosphere. Block head quarter is about 25km. away from this

area. While Tehsil and district head quarters are away about 30-35 km and 40-45 km

respectively from the area. Usually only two crops Rabi and Kharif are possible from the

agricultural land. Jaiyad is possible only in the areas where irrigation facility is available.

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Soil for the formation of bricks are taken from the fields of the are so these fields are not

suitable for growing crops in the many coming years.

Objective of the survey-

This survey was conducted by rural organization for social Advancement under the

project supported by CRY, New Delhi who works in the field of child rights with following


1. To know the situation of chi ldren of the 0-18 years of age on the brick kiln.

2. To study the situation of the children working on brick kiln

3. To trace out the possibilities of intervention for the child rights of children working

on the brick kiln.

Method of survey-

“ROSA” - organization prepared Questionnaires for the survey on 5 brick, kilns of thearea. Then field test information was collected on 5 laboures. Survey format was printed

on the basis of result of field test and interview of the working laboures on brick kiln was

taken by the member of the “ROSA” team. Interview of the working Contractors was

taken & photography session on the brick kiln was also observed. Information’s were

collected from the local labours by visiting their homes. Laboures from the other states

denied to answer the questions. Probable language was the main obstacle. Any how it

took a lot of time & motivation to get information from them. As there is no fix time table

of the working on brick kiln so the team member has to visit morning/eveering as per the

suitability of the Labour. So in these conditions 207 labours were inteviewed or 5 brick

kilns, which is about 25-40% of the total labors. R.T.I. was also used.

Tabulation & Analysis-  Part - A 

207 families were surveyed for the information burring survey and then dates were

tabulated. Analysis of the data’s was done after tabulation which is as follows-

Table No. 01

Sl. No. Cast No. of families

01 Chamar 108

02 Kumhar 04

03 Brahman 01

04 Rajput 01

05 Lonia 28

06 Mushar 40

07 Gond 02

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Cast wise detailsChamar



















On the basis of table & Pie no.1 we observed that member of chamar caste from dalit

community are in one Of maximum

engaged in the work of brick kiln. At no.2

position the members from Mushar caste

of dalit community stands. lonia castes

are at no.3 passi are at no.4 and kumhar

stands at no.5 position which are

engaged in the work. Other remaining

castes members come after these. Itvery clear from the table that chamar

caste which is at no.1 position in brick

field work are about 45-50% of the

population in the society but they are at

lowest step in the society. In the same

way Mushar castes are very less in

population but they are engaged in large

number at the work of brick kiln. On this

basis we can say that weakest section of

the society is Mushar caste which is

weak in economical social, political every

condition. Chamer caste followed the musher caste in terms of weakness and engaged

in the work of brick kiln of their livelihood.

08 Dhobi 02

09 Pathan 01

10 Tanti 01

11 Isai 02

12 Richhimuni 03

13 Lodhi 03

14 Kori 01

15 Pasi 06

16 Adivasi 01

17 Ahir 01

18 Rajbhar 01

19 udia 01

Total 207

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Types of work













Troly man

Putting fire

Breaking of kol

Making of brick

Carrying sand

Carrying bricks ondunki

Seting of raw

bricks into kiln

Taking out of

beaked bricks

Table & pie No. -02 (Types of work at the brick kiln field)

Sl. No Types of work No. of families engages

01 Munib 03

02 Driver 05

03 Troly man 31

04 Putting fire 04

05 Breaking of kol 06

06 Making of brick 135

07 Carrying sand 01

08 Carrying bricks on dunki 07

09 Seting of raw bricks into kiln 06

10 Taking out of beaked bricks 09

Total 207

Table no.-2-

About 95

people work ona brick kiln an

average. This

also depends

upon the size of

the brick kiln.

ROSA team

interviewed only

35-40% of the

labour which

gives the


about the type

of work in which

labour are engaged in table no.2 Maximum no. of Labour are engaged in the

construction of brick from soil & then transportation of dried brick to kiln is the work

where and largest no. of Labour are engaged. Then the work of fixing the brick in the

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Hindu Muslim Isai

kiln, putting of cool to kiln & other related works followed the transportation of dried

brick. Usually 10 types of work are listed on the brick kiln in which majority of the people

are from Dalit community. There few works in which less people are required & these

people belongs to extreme backward, backward and general castes. The people from

dalit community are generally engaged in the work which are very hand & physically

tiresome so the labour engage their children in the work for their support.

Table No. 03- Religion based work

Religion No.

Hindu 204

Muslim 01

Isai 02

Total 207

Table-3- Gives the information about the

religion of the labour. Maximum no. of

people belongs to Hindu religion. People

from christian religion comes at no.2 while

Mulim religion people are at last no. 3

position. It is clear from the table that a big

part of Hindu religion which belongs to

dalit community are engaged in the workof brick kiln Along with them the people of Muslim & Christian community which are at

the some level of society & economic condition are also engaged in the work of brick

kiln. So it is very clear that no monopoly of specific caste/religion in the work of brick kiln


Table No. 04

At state level 


3% 1% 




Labour on regional base 



Local labour 

Out side labour 

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Age group demography




25% 0-6 years

6-14 years

15-35 years

over 35 years







Education age 6-14 years




5th class

8th class


Table no. 04 (1) Details of labors on the basis of region or district level. This table

shows that 86% of the families working on the brick kiln are from Azamgarh district

while 30 families are from out side the district of Azamgarh.

Another part of the tables 04 (2) shows that 197 families from the Uttar Pradesh while

07 families belongs to Orisa state. So we can say that participation of local people in the

work of brick kiln is much more while people from out-side are very few.Table No. 05 on Demography of the surveyed families

Table no.- 5- (i) tell us that 584 male & 474 female

members in the 207 families of the works. In this

only 194 labors are married and 13 labors are

unmarried which works on the brick kiln. On the

basis of age group people in the age group of 15-

35 years age arein maximum which

in the age group of 6-14 years and above 35 years the

people are same and they came at no. 2 position. At no.

3 position, are a

child in the age

group of 0-6 years

and this group is

most affiliated by the

work of brick kiln.

Table No. 06 (Education under 6-14 years)

Table No.-6- This table. Shows the education

level of the working force on brick Kiln. 34

children are educated up 5th standard in the

age group of 6-14 years which 60 are

educated up to 8th standard. 166 children are

without education and they are attached as

child labor. If we observe this in the age group

of 15 years or above then 104 are literatewhich 156 are illiterate. 16 members are

educated up to 12th standard. So we came to the conclusion that families working on the

brick kiln have very low level of education & they are not able to get the education due

to their situation/circumstances.

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Challenging life


Challenging life

MentallyChallenging life

Working hours






01-08 Hours 08-12 Hours 12-16 Hours Above 18

Hours Timing of work

0 50 100 150 200



Day & Night

Litracy over 15 year






Annual Income-

Annual Income- Rs. 20,323.67/ labour. This table

shows that a labor can earn only Rs. 20,323.67 in

a period of 9 month working with his maximum

efforts. But this income is also not available to him

on time & in full payment. Few labors have to pay

5-10% of their income to the contractors against

work charge/loan charges.

Table No.-07- Specially challenging situation.

This table tell us about 06 members of the 207families are in the state of challenging life. 04

members have physically challenging life and 2

members have mentally challenging life. There

members of the families are living the life of

social & economic negligence.

Table No.-08- Working hours-

Table 8-1 shows that about 33 labour work 8

hours daily. 144 labour work for 12 hours daily

and 28 labour work for 16 hours daily. 02 labour

work more than 18 hours daily.



shows that 176 labour work in day hours and20 labour works in the night hours while 11

labour works both in day and night.

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basis work

Daily basis


Base of work





Accident No accident






Yes No



Weekly Fortnight Onetime



7 6

Payment of wages

Yes No



Dadni (Loan)

Table-09- Base of work

This table shows that about 23% of the labour work ocontract basis while 77% labour work on daily basis. Labowork on contract basis has to pay 5-10% of their wages contractor as taken money for providing the work to labour.

Table-10- Insurance-

This table shows that 19% of the 207 Labour have

accepted that accident has been occurred during work

e.g.-injury during preparation of brick falling of chimney,

falling during carrying brick, entering of dust particles in to

the eyes during work while 81% of the works accepted

that there is no such accidents occurred with them.

There is no any arrangement of first aid box/relief aid on

the brick kilns. Table 2 shows that there is no accident

insurance of the Labour so there safety of life only

depend upon upon almighty god.

Table-11- (1) payment of wages 

Table 11(1) show that payment of the Labour on

brick kiln is paid weekly to 94% of the Labour.

03% get their payment fortnightly & remaining 3%

of the Labour gets their payment at time monthly.

Table 11(2) shows that 5% of the labour took

dadani (loan) while 49% Labour work directly &

get their wages. The Labour who takes dadoni is a type of bondage labour. He can not

work any other balance until he has not paid the amount taken in Dadani (loan).

Although there is no charge on Dadani amount but

the labour gets 5% less wages and he has to work

more. The Labour who took Dadani belongs to the

families of very poor economic condition this help to

contractors to get the benefit and he keeps the right

to work being done by the labor. Labour has no

option to do work only.

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4- 6






Opportunity of work

work situation after the work of brick







10%Agriculture labour

Daily work





No work

6 13


4021 23

















Working hour after work of brick kiln.




0 50 100 150

Less than Rs.100

Rs.100 to 200

Not certain

Average Daily Wages

Table-12- Opportunity of work

Table12 shows that 5% of the brick kiln Labour

get work for 4-6 months only. While 93%

Labour get the work for 6-8 months and

remaining 2% labour get the work for whose


Table – 13 work situation after the work of brick kiln

This table tells us that all labour did not get the

work for the whole year on brick kiln. So they join

the other works for their livelihood. About 29% of

the labour joins the agriculture labour work after

the brick kiln work is over, 40% of the Labour

work as daily ways Labour and about 2% Labour

migrate to other cities in reach of work. About 1%

works pull the Rikshaw for their livelihood. 1% of the Labour work on then own filed and

10% of the Labour does not work any where, about 93% of the Labour lives at local

level while 7% Labour work about side. 

Table- 14 – Working hour after work of brick kiln.

They also get less working opportunities. 3%

Labour work for only 4 hours, 6% Labour workfor 6 hours 50% of the Labour work for 8

hours and 19% Labour work for 10 hours

while 10% of the Labour were not able to

measure the working hours and 11% of the

Labour have no definite working hours.

Table – 15- Average Daily Wages-

Table No. 15 tell us that 53% of the labour earn

less than Rs. 100. About 12% labour earn inbetween Rs. 200.00 daily while 35% Labour have

no definite income daily. So it is very clear that

35% Labour are workless for 4-5 months &

suffered economic Crisis Compelled to take

“Dadani” to meet the survival expresses.

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Maintenance of Cash/Savings








Cash Bank


Information about Work

5% 4%


25%2% Owner




Loan status





Loan Payment




Half Yearly


When it is posible


Table – 16- Maintenance of Cash/Savings-

This table explains that 98% of the Labour does

not maintain the cash but they expend the whole

amount they earn, while 2% Labour kept the

money in bank after savings. This means that 98%

of the Labour does not get sufficient wages to meet

their daily expenses so there is no savings.

Table – 17 – Information about Work

On the basis of table no. 18 we can say that 5% of

the Labour gets information about the work direct

from the owner 4% of the labour get information

through middleman or contractors. 64% of the

worker know about the work by themselves. 25% ofthe Labour gets information about work through the

neighbor while 2% of the Labour gets the

information about work through the relatives 

Table – 18 Loan status –

Table No. 19 (i) Clears that 45% of the Labour take

loans to meet the expensive of livelihood and


Table No. 18 (ii) shows the repayment of loan by

means of term 46% of the Labour repay the loan

monthly, 1% of the Labour repay it half yearly

and 4% of the Labour repay it annually while

48% of the Labour repay the loan whenever they

are in the position to repay it.

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Immunization complited




Birth Registration




Place of child labour






Orissa Jharkhand Local

Tabulation & Analysis-  Part – B Situation of Child Rights at brick kiln field

Table No. – 01 status of rights to survival

Table 01 (1) tell us that only 29% children are

immunized against the 6 life killing diseases while

71% children are miles away from these services of

health, resulting their life in danger

Table 01 (2) gives the information about the health &

nutrition of 0-6 year’s children which is available to

only 17% of children. Although this is biggest project

of the world for the child development but 83%

children are out of the reach of the project.

Table 01 (3) explains that only 7% of children have

the identification certificate i.e. birth certificate 93%

Children are deprived of their basic right

Thus it very clear that children of 0-6 years have the facility & services only for the 17%

of the children Remaining 83% children are deprived from then basic right.

Situation of child labour in the families working on brick kiln-

There are total 260 children in the age group of 6-14 years in the 207 families working

on the brick kiln 69 of them are related to child labour, so we can say that 27% of the

children of Labour are engaged in child labour there are 11 girls & 58 boys engaged in

the child labour. Detail information about child labour can be known to us by following


Table – 02 basic Native place of child labour-

Tables 02 tell us that child labour of 207 families

belongs to 3% from Orissa state 1 % belongs to

Jharkhand. While 96% child labour belongs to local

area. So we can say that opportunities of

work/employment in rural areas are very less. 33%

of the 207 families on brick kiln are engaged as

child labour & they are supporting their families to improve the economic condition of

the family.

Pre-primary education17%




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   R  a   j   b

   h  a  r


  a  s   i

   C   h  a  u   h

  a  n

   R   i  s   h   i

   M  u

  n   i

   C   h  r   i  s   t   i  a  n

   C   h  a  m  a  r

   M  u  s  a   h  a









Types of child labour













  C  a  r  r  y   i  n

  g    s  a  n  d


   P  r  e  p  a

  r  a   t   i o

  n  o  f

   w  e   t 

  s o   i  p 

   M  a   k   i  n

  g   o  f    b  r   i  c   k

  C  a  r  r  y   i  n

  g   o  f    b  r   i  c   k


   B  r  e  a   k   i  n

  g   o  f   C

 o  a   l

  C  a  r  r  y   i  n  g  

 o  f    R  a  w

    b  r   i  c   k    b

  y    t  r  r   l   l  y 

  C  a  r  r  y   i  n

  g   o  f    b

  r   i  c   k 

 o  n    h  e  a


6 Hours


8 Hours


10 Hours


More than

10 Hours


Table – 03 – Details of child labors on the basis of Caste. –

Table 03 gives the information that 1% of

child labour are Rajbhar, 3% of child labour

are from Pasi Community, 12% child labour

from lonia Community, 1% child labour from

Rishi Muni, 1% child labour from Christiancommunities 58% child labour belongs to

chamar community. On the basis of abase

data it is very clear that 81% child labour belongs to Dalit Community this community is

very backward in the terms of social and economic conditions & they have rare

opportunities for the employment. Besides of this community is also very backward in

education so it is resulting in the killing of child right on large scale. We can understand

the physical, mental condition of the child labors on brick. Kiln in the whole district and

we can easily imagine the future of these child labour.

Table – 04 – Type of child labour-

This table shows us that which type of work are

generally performed by the child labour on brick kiln

about 14% child labour carry over the sand, soil on

the brick kiln, 7% work in the preparation of soil, 25%

are engaged in the Making of raw brick, 12% of the

Labour are engaged in the carrying of brick 3% are

engaged in breaking of coal in to small pcs, 17% carry

the raw bricks by truly while 22% children carry the

bricks on the head.

So, we come to the conclusion that child labour at

brick kiln is used at every liked for earning more income to meet the expenses of

livelihood. But these works are done on contract basis so the family wants to earn more

monthly by doing work as much as possible. This resulted in the form of killing of right of

child as they are cursed to lift the burden of the family in the childhood.

Table – 05 – Work Hours of child labour-

This table tell us about the working hours of the

child labour about 3% child labour worksmaximum for 6 hour, 43% of the child labour

works maximum for 8 hours 39% child labour

works while 15% of the child labour are

engaged more than 10 hours. So, it is very

clear that on average about 9 hours children

are engaged in the labour work due to which

they are unable to play, think about themselves, meet then friends.

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Education status of child labour







Drop out

Uses of child wages


2 1 2 10


   B  y   F  a   t   h  e  r

   S  e   l   f

   B  r  o   t   h  e  r   /   U  n  c   l  e

   I  n   t   h  e  w  o  r   k  o   f

   f  a  m   i   l  y

   B  y  m  o   t   h  e  r

Residence of child labour (Affer the work)



Table – 06 – Education status of child labour-

Education level of child labour table no. 06

gives information that 25% of 69 child labors

have not gone to school. They are totally,

illiterate. 19% of child labour has registration

in school but they don’t go to school regularly.They visit school at the time of examination

otherwise they are engaged in child labour

work. 46% of child labours have been broken

up their relationship with school compelled by their circumstance and fully engaged in

child labour work.

Table – 07 – Uses of child wages-

This table shows that 91% of wages is used by the

father of child labour, 3% of the child labour uses

their wages themselves. In case of 1% wages isused by brother/ uncle. 3% cases of child labour

used the wages for the expended through of the

family collectively. In case of 1% this is used by the

mother. So it is clear from this table that only 3% of

child labour have the right to expend the earned

money while remaining 97% cases the decision to expended the money is take by the

family/ guardian.

Table – 08 – Residence of child labour (Affer the work)

This table fell us that about 77% of child labour

resides with the family in their parental house

while 23% of child labour lives in the hut on

brick kiln with then guardian or alone. So we

can say that local child labour return to their

home daily & help to the guardian in their family


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Payment of wa ges of child labour





With father

With Brother

Less than


On the basis ofwork





No plan





No plan

Future plan of child labour



39% Education

Labour Work

Self employment

Don’t know

Table – 09 – Payment of wages of child labour 

This table gives the details about the payment

of the child labour on the brick kiln. 39% of

child labour gets thin wages along with the

wages of their father. 1% child labour get thin

wages alogn with then brothers wages 4% ofchild labour get less than Rs. 50/- as then

daily wages 46% of child labour gets labour

gets their wages depending upon their work.

So it is clear that the value of child labour is

not within the participation reach of children.

Table – 10 – Future planning of the guardian regarding child labour

Table No. 10 (1) tell us about the future plan of

the parents of child labour. On this question

majority of the guardians have differentreactions but on the basis of their forced &

strong will it can be said that 11% of the

guardians want to educate their children up to

minimum required for daily work 13% guardians

want the help in earning the livelihood of the

family. 2% guardian wants the self employment

of their children while 74% guardians have no

idea about the issue & also tell have no plan about it.

Table no 10 (2) explains that 28% child labour want to get education while 26% child

labour want to engage in the labour work. 7% of child labour wants to start self

employment while 39% of child labour has

no idea about the issue.

So on the basis of the two tables it is very

clear that guardian & children both are

understanding the importance of education

but they are unable to take initiation

compelled by the in circumstance children

are more interested in getting education but due to social infrastructure/big burden of

family responsibility is too heavy upon the childhood ambitions.

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About the labors working on brick kiln






















   A   P   L

   B   P   L

   A  n   t  y  o   d  a  y  a

   N  o   C  a  r   d

Rason card status







Available Not Available

Availability of Ration card

Table – 11 – About the labors working on brick kiln.

This table gives us the information about the Labor’s possession of agricultural land.

They have very nominal possession of land.

About 64% of the labour told that they have

parental agricultural land but that is limited

to few biswa only 2% Labour admitted thatthey have possession of land given by the

panchayat on lease, 1% of Labour are in

two category i.e. newasa & registry each,

while 42% of the works have no agricultural

land, Although nor then part of India

particularly eastern part of Uttar Pradesh resident’s main livelihood is agricultural land.

Table – 12 – Public Distribution System.

This table show us about the situation of P.D.S.

(Ration Shop). Table 12(1) shows that 14% ofthe Labour have APL Ration card, 46% families

of Labour have BPL Card 13% of the Labour

family have antyodaya Ration Card while 27%

of the Labour family have no ration card.

In we look the matter of availability of materials to the families of the Labour 12 (2) we

found that only 50% of the family Labour

receives the ration material. Regularity indistribution, increased price, low quality is the

problems with PDS system. About 50% of the

family Labour is not in the position to receive the

materials distributed by ration shop although few

of them have ration card.

Table – 13 – Mahatma Gandhi national rural guaranty act

If we look the matter for 207 families of the brick kiln Labour we find that they are not

getting the benefits of MNAEGA although these Labour do hand work more than the

standard work of MANEGA of 70 cubic feet at a time. If we take about eh Mushar

families they are well known for their laborious & hard work in the local area

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Awareness on MNREGA




Get jobs





Aplication for Job





Got job card





Who has the job card





Demand of jobs






If we analysis the table 13 (i) we know the about 48% of

Labour have no information about the MANEGA work while

52% admitted that they have no. information about


Table 13(ii) this table shows that only 22% Labour

accepted that they have applied for job card while

78% Labour have not applied for the job card about

27% of the Labour have information about MANAEGA

but they have not given the application.

Table 13 (iii) shows that 30% of the families have jobcards but only 22% families had applied for the

same about 70% of the Labour have no job card.

Table 13(iv) tell us that about 79% of the families have proper information about job

card. While remaining 21% families have no proper

information about job card. Like where is job card,

who has kept it, what is the wages, what payment has

been made what amount of payment is remaining,

nobody knows.

Table 13 (v) this table gives the information about

demand of work only 59% of the card holders have

demanded for work verbally while remaining 41%

have not demanded for the work even verbally.

Table 13 (vi) explains that 37 out of 63 card holders

have demanded for the for the work in which 54%

means 20 gets the work for a week about 17 means

46% have not get the job.

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Payment of wages






About the payment of the wages table 13(vii) tel l

us that 13 out of 20 means only 65% of Labour

gets the payment of work while 7 family’s means

35% did not get the payment/ full payment.

So these details explain that whether it the private work of brick kiln or public work

Labour are exploited at both the places. The persons who are responsible for the

development of the society, they are the part of the same society in which different

differentiations are spread over.

Conclusion – 

Following conclusions comes out after the study of children working/ living on brick kiln


1. Child labour working on brick kiln belongs to bottom low situation community,

socially & economically i.e. chamar & mushar (Banwasi).

2. Brick kiln is the only resource of employment at local level, so few children works

there but majority of the children migrate to big cities in search of work/job as

lack of opportunities in rural part of this region is big issue.

3. Children join the child labour being burden is not successfully tackled by the heal

of the family.

4. Poor economic condition of the family creates the circumstances due to which

children are diverted towards child labour.

5. Too much busyness in the work of child labour/family burden is the reasons due

to which children are leaving the schools.

6. Children having challenging life are also in the families of child labors which have

no security for future life and also no arrangement for their rehabilitation.

7. Too long working hours and heavy physical work, are giving dangerous effect to

the health of children due to which they are unable to think about their future life.

8. There are chances of accidents on the work, of brick kiln because these works

are risky for the children but there is no proper arrangement for the safety of the

life of children.

9. Although work done by child labour on brick kiln is on large scale but there is no

recognition of children for that work. That work is connected to the work of their

parents & credit goes to them instead of child labour.

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10. Being dadani taken from the owner of the brick kiln, the whole family works hard

to repay the dadani amount as soon as possible.

11. There is no alternative arrangement of economic security for the Labour of brick

kiln so they accept the bondage of dadani & whole family join the work to repay


12. There is no availability of the work for whole year, so they want to utilize the

opportunities maximum resulting the birth of child labour.

13. Family working on brick kiln is compelled to take the help of child labour because

wages is less & corruption in the calculation of wages is very common so family

wants to compensate it by the help of child labour.

14. A contractor plays an active role on brick kiln and he motivates the needy people

to work on brick kiln and gives dadani to them and controls them to work for the

whole season of work.

15. Immunization services are not reaching to the families of child labour. Main

reason is that these families belongs to chamar or Mushar community and

health & ICDS services does not reach to these communities second reason is

that arrangement of the families are focused to livelihood so there is no demand

for health services.

16. Generally, there is no demand for birth registration on from the family side

because they are unknown about this. As per act there is provision for intimating

the information of berth/death to appropriate employee. Due to this the

responsible employee escapes from the duty.

17. In the eastern part of the state land are permanent resources of livelihood. But

the families working on brick kiln have less land on no land they are unable to

make the arrangement of food grains, so they are bound to work on brick kiln.

18. PDS is for ensuring the availability of food grains but working families on brick

kiln have no reach to the PDS. Because ration shop does not open regularly and

if it opens, no availability of the materials so these families ignore these shops &

go to the market for the purchasing of required materials. A large group of Labour

has no ration cards.

19. If we talk about right for work, MNERGA, a big scheme has not reached to these

Labour. If same on has job card, he gets no work, any how gets work but no

payment of wages/ partially payment of wages, so these Labour ignore the


So, we can say that for the critical situation of child labour on brick kiln, there are so

many circumstances that create the situation.

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Need for Action-

1. Some part of guardian and children are giving importance to the education. This

is an opportunity for the interference in reference of child right in

families/information & awareness to community uses of these opportunities will

bring the information & awareness in child labour family & community about the

child rights.

2. Public Advocacy is required in the form of campaign for the issues of social

security schemes like NARGA, PDS, ICDS, health service for the activation of

related departments and reach of services to the needful people and reach of

community to the services.

3. Livelihood promotion – Main obstacle for the protection rights of children is the

issue of livelihood. Study shows that main reason for their situation of families is

the lack of opportunities for the livelihood. So it the need of hour that alternative

arrangements for the livelihood of the family, 100 days work should be ensured in

MNAREGA. Labour should get their full wages for the work with proper respect.Distribution of land on lease to landless will also support their livelihood.

4. Occupational Education- Average age of child labours is above 9-10 years. So

they feel shame to join the main stream of education, traditionally & socially. But

they will be happy to join the occupational education depending upon then

knowledge, capacity & ability. This education not only improve their knowledge

but that will also help them to earn better livelihood and co-ordinate them for the

betterment of next generation.

5. To make responsible to village Panchayat- Development work is being do not invillage panchayat through village panchayat after the panchayati raj but the

elected representative of the village panchayat have no relationship with these

problems nor he consider these his responsibility. due to these reasons village

panchayat does not take initiative for these issues. So it is required to strengthen

the gram sabha so that coming village panchayat will be sensitize and

responsible for the child right issues.

6. Exposure- one or two village should be developed as model village for the

development of child labour/guardian thinking. Exposure of such model village

will inspire to others for the development of understanding the issues.

Brief profile of the survey team 

A team was agenized for their study by the “ROSA” Expectation from the team was

that they will study the situation along with their basic work by taking out time some

there schedule. This will improve his skill & knowledge & study will also complete.

The team was selected from of the organization considering the basic requirements

of study like local level in formation, identification with local people ability of

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preparation of questions & to explain that, capacity to fake interview on the basis of

questions, ability for the tabulation of datas, Reporting ability & knowledge after the

analysis of datas, special skill to take the situation being related to the brick kiln & its

challenging aspects. Considering all these factors following were selected in the



Mr. Mustaque Ahmad·  Mr. Kamlesh Chandra Pandeya

·  Mr. Ramesh Kumar


Mr. Deenanath Yadav·  Mr. Sarfuddin Ali


Mustaque Ahmad

Chief functionary 

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HkBBksai j d k; Z j r i fj okj ksad sc PPkksad ksf” k{kk l st ksM+u s g sr qv / ; ; u

1- i f j o kj d s e qf [ k; k d k foo j . k& ¼; fn cPp k Lo ; aesa e qf [ k; k d h Hkwfed k esagSr kscPp sad kseqf[ k; k d s: i e ku d j Hkj k t k; sx k½&

1-  i fj o kj d s eqf[ k; k d k u ke ---------------------------------------------------------------i q= -------------------------------------------------2-  t kfr ----------------------------------------/keZ-----------------------------------------------ukx fj d r k-----------------------------------------------3-  LFkk; h i r k & x zke --------------------------------------------------------------------------------i ksLV-------------------------------------------4-  fo d kl [ k. M d k u ke -------------------------------------t u i n d k u ke----------------------------------------------------i zn s” k------------------------- 

2- i fj o kj d s l n L; ksad k l kekU; foo j . k%& ¼, d pqYgsi j c uk Hkkst u d j u so ky s l n L; a½

l n L; d k

u kefy ax e qf[ k; k

l sl Ec a / k

v k; q

¼fnl Ec j

2009d ks½so ’kZ

e sa

o r Ze ku

O; kol k;

c Sokfgd


l j d kj h

l qfo /kkv ksal s t qM+ko

f” k{ kk d h



v k;

d ksbZ

fo” ks’kfLFkfr

i y k; u

d hfLFkfr

3- i fj o kj d s e qf[ k; k d k d k; Zl s t qM+ko d k foo j . k ¼; fn c Pp k Lo; ae saeqf[ k; k d h Hkwfe d k esagSr ksc Ppsad kseqf[ k; k d s: i e ku d j

Hkj k t k; sx k½&

1- b l d k; Zl s t qM+u s d k o ’ kZ& --------------------------------------d k; Zd s i zd kj -------------------------------------------------------------------

2- d k; Zd s?kaVs-----------------------------d k; Zd k e k/ ; e--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

3- d k; Zd k l e; & ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

4- Bsd k d sv k/kkj i j d k; Z; k O; fDr x r Lr j i j -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

5- d k; Zd s fy ; s d ksbZca / ku v kfn t ksd k; Zo l e ; d ks c k/ kr k g ks-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

6 - d k; Zd snkS  j ku d Hkh nq?kZVu k v kfn ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

7 - d k; Zd snkS  j ku d Hkh nq?kZVu k v kfn l Ec a /kh c hek@l q  j { kk ; fn d ksb Zg ks-------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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8- Hkqx r ku d s i zd kj o fn u -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

9- d k; Zd k v o l j e kg----------------------------------l s----------------------------------------------r d

10- b l d k; Zd s c an gksu sd s i ” p kr D; k d k; Zd j r s gS--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

11- d g k i j d k; Zd j r s gS---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

12- d k; Zd s?kaVsD; k gksr s gS--------------------------------------------e t nw j h fd r u h g ksr h g S-------------------------------------------------

13- / ku j kf” k d k j [ kj [ kko----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+

14- b l HkBBs i j v kd j d k; Zd j u sd h t ku d kj h d Sl s fe y h----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

15 - d t Zv kfn d k fo oj . k------------------------------------C; kt d h n j -----------------------------Hkqx r ku d h v o f/ k-------------------

4- 0&06 l ky d sc Pp ksa d s c kj s e sat ku d kj h d k foo j . k&

c Pp sd k u ke v k; q fy ax Vhd kd j . k

d k foo j . k

v kx uo kM+h f” k{ kk l s

t qM+ko d k fo oj . k

i ks’k. k Lr j d k

fo o j . k

t Ue i at hd j . k d k

fo o j . k


5- 6&18 l ky d sc Pp ksa d s c kj s e sat ku d kj h d k foo j . k&

HkBBsi j d k; Zd j usoky scPPkksad k foo j . k&

c Pp sd k u ke v k; q fy ax d k; Zd s c kj s esa f” k{ kk d s c kj se sa Lo kLF; d sc kj s esa fo ” ks’ k x q. k v kfn d k

fo o j . k


6 - c ky J fe d c Pp sad s d ke d k fo oj . k

c Pp s d k

u keme z fy x a d ke d k

i zd kj

d ke d h

l e ; ko f/ k

e t n w j h

fd r u hf e y r h g S

i Sl sd k mi ; ksx

d kSu d j r k gS

fd l e n es

mi ; ksx g ksr kg S

d ke d sckn

c Pp k d g k j g r k gS


7- c Ppsd sf ”k{kk d sckj sesa&

c Pp sd k u ke me z fy x a o r Ze kuf ”k{kk Lr jl k{ kj

@fu j { kj

D; k d Hkhu ke kad u

g qv k Fkk

fd r u hd { kk r dd h f ”k{kk

i zkIr fd ; k

fd l d { kke saFkk t co g d ke

i j y x k

i < +kb ZN ksM+u sd k

d kj . k

f ” k{kk d si zfr c PPksd k Hkko h

l ksp

f ” k{kk d si zfrv fHkHkko dd h Hkko h

l ksp

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A Study report by “ROSA”, Azamgarh, UP, India. Page 31 of 32

8- Hkwfe d k foo j . k%& ¼Hkwfe d k e ki LFkku h; Lr j i j i zp f y r c h?kk l s gSA½

d z0 Hkwf e d s i zd kj e k= k fl af p r @ v f

l afp r

d f̀’k

; ksX; @

v ; ksX;

g d n kj h d h


o r Zeku esa

fd l d s i kl gS

d f̀ ’k l sokf ’kZd

v k;

Hkwf e d s i zd kj & i Sr d̀ Hkwfe] uso kl k d h Hkwfe ] i VVk d h Hkwfe] cSukek d h Hkwfe] n ku d h Hkwfe] c kx d h Hkwfe ] v U;  

9- l ke kft d l q j { kk ; kst u kv ksa d h mi y C/ kr k d k fo o j . k%&

d z0 ; kst u k@l qfo / kk d k

u ke

t ku d kj h gS

; k u gh

v kosn u fd ; kg S] g kW; k

u g h

mi y C/ kr k d h


mi y C/kr kd s f y ; s

fd r u k: i ; s [ kp Z

fd ; k

fd l d ks

fn ; k

v U;

t ku d kj h


; kst u k d k u ke & Lo . kZt ; Ur h x zkeh. k Loj kst x kj ; kst u k] v ko kl l qfo/ kk] fo/kok i sa” ku] fod y kax i sa” ku] o }̀ k i sa” ku ] u j sx k

10- l koZt fu d fo r j . k i z. kky h l s l Ec a /kh t ku d kj h%&

d z0l 0   j k” ku d kMZd kSu l kg Sv kS  j D; k& D; k

l ke x zh v ki y sr asgS

mi y C/kr kg S; k

u g h

; fn g kWr ks  j k” ku y su st kr sgS; k

u g h

; fn t kr s gSr ksj k” kuf e y r k g S

; k u g h

; fn g k r ks  j k” ku i w j kf e y r k g S

; k u g h

  j k” ku d k e wY;r ; ewY; l sv f/ kd n su ki M+r k g S; k

u g h

; fn v ki d sfg r e saughgSr ksD; kd Hkh

f” kd k; r

fd ; k gS


 j k” ku d kMZfd l d s i kl j g r k gS \ --------------------------------------------------v ki d s i kl d kSu l k d kMZg ksu k p kkfg ; s \ ----------------------

11- i fj o kj d k e uj sx k r d i gqp d h t ku d kj h %& ¼x r , d o ’ kZd s n kS  j ku &2009½

d z0 l ad sr kad fLFkfr d k fo oj . k

00 u j sx k d s c kj s e sat kud kj h g S; k u g h ; fn gSr ks

01 D; k d k; Zd s fy ; sav kosn u fd ; k\

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0 2 D; k t kc d kMZmi y C/ k g S \

03 t kc d kMZfd l d s i kl es g S \

04 D; k d ke d h e kax fd ; k

05 fd r us fnuksad k d ke fe y k\

06 ; fn d ke u g h fe y k r ks D; k HkRr k d s fy ; sv kosn u fd ; k


07 D; k HkRr k fey k\

08 ; fn d ke fe y k r ks i w  j k i Sl k fe y k

09 ; fn l Hkh u g h g Sr ks D; k i z; kl fd ; k

l osZ{ k. k d k fn u kad -------------------------------- l osZ{ k. k d r kZd k g Lr k{ kj

u ke -----------------------------------------------------
