students role-in-invisible-learning-

Educational Technology

Upload: maresther09

Post on 15-Jul-2015




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1. Systemic thinking .

• the process of understanding how things, regarded as systems, influence one another within a whole.

• your ability to see things as a whole (or holistically) including the many different types of relationships between the many elements in a complex system.

• It has unique qualities that makes it aninvaluable tool for modeling complex systems:

•emphasizes the observation of the whole and notof its parts

• It is a circular language instead of linear

• Opens a window in our thinking, which convertsthe individual perceptions in explicit images thatgive meaning to the views of each person.

2. Think simulating

Students should ask themselves what would happen if ¡? Thinking this througha mental and experimiental and tests conducted by the imagination of theprojection, using the imagination to create simulations, young people can create stories with the eyes open both inside and outside of their cultural patterns and social.

3. Thrive in the midst of changes, challenges and


Develop perspectives, knowledge and alternatives to deal with complexity and uncertainty. This means that young people must generate new mental tools that help them cope with future problems and the ambiguity of a changing world.

Create and manage a virtual time developing flexible definitions of social and personal time.

Set goals and objectives, identify and anticipate obstacles to success.

Log in and use selectively the information to seek opportunities and solve problems.

7. Construir y utilizar conocimiento aplicable a nivel individual:

Transformar intencionalmente la información en conocimiento personal; crear un estilo personal para ampliar las alternativas durante la “toma de decisión” a través de la formación de nuevos entendimientos.

8. Construir y utilizar nuevos conocimientos relacionados con los contextos, procesos y culturas:

• Los jóvenes se convertirán cada vez más en diseñadores y arquitectos capaces de crear conocimientos y culturas alternativas que les permitan mejorar sus vidas.

9. Effective use of current and emerging information and communication technologies: Staying ahead of those technologies that enable an actual

learning, making an effective use of latest technologies

10. Acquire and evaluate knowledge of several

global trends: To create a global picture of the world consisting of

different specific images; become a citizen with global

thinking and employ diverse viewpoints to contextualize

the problems, identify opportunities, goals and means

11. Escribir y hablar de manera independiente:

Desarrollar y utilizar las particularidades de cada sujeto, aplicar sus cualidades a nivel individual, pero también con grupos y equipos, desarrollando un carácter e identidad propios.

12. Asumir el compromiso personal de hacer las cosas bien:

Haciéndose responsables tanto de las acciones personales como de las omisiones, y respondiendo constructivamente a las evaluaciones personales y colectivas acordes al nivel alcanzado.