student voice twitter e-how

S TUDENT V OICE –T WITTER EH OW 1 STUDENT VOICE –TWITTER EHOW C REATING A T WITTER A CCOUNT ! Before you start, create a Twitter Account: T HE B ASICS –T ERMINOLOGY ! A Tweet is either a phrase or sentence that is no longer than 140characters in length. ! Your username is called your twitter handle. o Example: the Twitter Handle for Student Voice is @stu_voice. ! A Hashtag can be a phrase or word prefixed with the # Symbol. There are no spaces between words and phrases. You can create your own hashtag, or search for one already in use. o Example: the Twitter Hashtag for Student Voice is #StuVoice A Tweet Twitter Handle Hashtag The Benefits of Twitter You can share your thoughts, ask questions, find resources and read news that interests you. Because of limits on how long “Tweets” can be, you begin to formulate your ideas into a concise manner. You can connect with people from throughout the world and stay updated on your favorite organizations. Student Voice (#StuVoice) Twitter Chats Join us every Monday at 8:30 PM EST to share your perspective on student voice! Follow @Stu_Voice on Twitter for updates about upcoming chats and follow the #StuVoice hashtag on Twitter to join our chats.

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Page 1: Student Voice Twitter E-How


S TUDENT  VO I C E   –   TW I T T E R   E -­‐HOW   1  


CREATING  A  TWITTER  ACCOUNT  ! Before  you  start,  create  a  Twitter  Account:    

THE  BASICS  –  TERMINOLOGY    ! A  Tweet  is  either  a  phrase  or  sentence  that  is  no  longer  than  140-­‐characters  in  length.  ! Your  username  is  called  your  twitter  handle.    

o Example:  the  Twitter  Handle  for  Student  Voice  is  @stu_voice.  ! A  Hashtag  can  be  a  phrase  or  word  prefixed  with  the  #  Symbol.  There  are  no  spaces  between  words  and  phrases.    

You  can  create  your  own  hashtag,  or  search  for  one  already  in  use.    o Example:  the  Twitter  Hashtag  for  Student  Voice  is  #StuVoice    



A  Tweet  

Twitter  Handle  


The  Benefits  of  Twitter  

You  can  share  your  thoughts,  ask  questions,  find  resources  and  read  news  that  interests  you.  

Because  of  limits  on  how  long  “Tweets”  can  be,  you  begin  to  formulate  your  ideas  into  a  concise  manner.  

You  can  connect  with  people  from  throughout  the  world  and  stay  updated  on  your  favorite  organizations.  


Student  Voice  (#StuVoice)  Twitter  Chats  

Join  us  every  Monday  at  8:30  PM  EST  to  share  your  perspective  on  student  voice!    

Follow  @Stu_Voice  on  Twitter  for  updates  about  upcoming  chats  and  follow  the  #StuVoice  hashtag  

on  Twitter  to  join  our  chats.  


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! Click  the  Compose  Tweet  Icon;  then  write  either  a  sentence  or  phrase  that  is  no  longer  then  140-­‐characters.    





FAVORITING,  RETWEETING  AND  REPLYING  TO  A  TWEET  1. If  you  want  to  reply  to  a  Tweet,  click  reply.  You  can  respond  to  any  tweet  this  way,  but  remember  the  140-­‐

character  count  limit  still  applies.  2. If  you  like  a  Tweet  and  want  to  share  on  your  profile,  click  Retweet.      3. If  you  like  a  Tweet,  you  can  click  Favorite.  This  allows  the  person  who  tweeted  the  tweet  to  know  you  like  his  or  

her  tweet.  




! If  there  is  a  specific  person  you  want  to  find,  begin  to  type  his  or  her  name  in  the  search  bar.  If  you  know  their  Twitter  Handle,  type  the  @  symbol  in  front  of  their  handle.  

o Example:  if  you  want  to  follow  Zak  Malamed,  type  @zakmal  

! If  you  want  to  search  for  a  Hashtag,  go  to  the  search  bar  and  type  the  #  symbol  followed  by  the  hashtag.    

o Example:  want  to  learn  who  is  discussing  #StuVoice?  Type  #StuVoice  to  find  tweets  that  include  the  #StuVoice  hashtag.  

Compose  Tweet  

Want  to  reply  to  the  question?  Click  reply!  

Like  this  Tweet?  Retweet  to  your  followers!  

Favorite  if  you  want  the  person  to  know  you  like  

their  Tweet!  

Write  Your  Tweet  

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! With  Facebook,  you  can  submit  a  Friend  Request  to  follow  ones’  updates.    For  Twitter,  you  can  follow  another  Twitter  user  to  receive  ones’  updates.    

o Note:  you  have  the  option  to  make  your  profile  public  or  private.  Most  profiles  are  public  so  you  can  engage  in  Twitter  Chats  and  connect  with  more  people.  

! Your  followers  are  those  who  follow  



ENGAGING  IN  A  TWITTER  CHAT  Below  is  a  step-­‐by-­‐step  process  in  how  to  effectively  engage  in  a  Twitter  Chat.


'Like'  Student  Voice  on  Facebook  -­‐                                                  

Want  to  continue  the  conversation?  Use  the  #StuVoice  hashtag  anytime!  

For  more  information,  contact  Daniel  Kao  ([email protected]).  


Mondays  at  8:30  PM  EST,  search  the  #StuVoice  Hashtag  to  learn  and  share  

Retweet,  favorite  and  Tweet  your  thoughts  to  questions  asked  

Follow  new  people,  Tweet  out  pictures  or  websites  to  support  the  conversation  


Create  a  Twitter  Account  &  Follow  @Stu_Voice  

Check  out  for  this  week's  topic  and  special  guest(s)  

Follow  Fellow  Student  Voice  Supporters  -­‐  

Click  follow  to  receive  

updates  from  @Stu_Voice  

The  is  the  number  of  people  who  follow  you.  

This  is  the  number  of  people  you  follow.  

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Fellow  Student  Voice  Supporters  who  already  engage  in  our  weekly  Twitter  Chats  share  tips  and  tricks  for  using  Twitter:  

! You  can  access  Twitter  from  your  Internet  Browser,  or  download  applications  such  as  Tweetdeck  and  Hootsuite  to  make  it  easier  to  engage  in  a  Twitter  Chat.  

! Twitter  is  powerful  tool  for  continuous  professional  development  –  find  ways  to  invest  time  throughout  the  week  to  learn  and  connect  with  new  people.  

! Review  the  Student  Voice  Top  Ten  Tips  to  Keep  in  Mind  While  Using  Social  Media  Resource  –    ! There  are  hundreds  of  Twitter  Chats  –  check  out  (  to  find  other  chats  to  join!  


ABOUT STUDENT VOICE It  is  incredible  to  look  back  on  May  7th,  2012  and  realize  that  Student  Voice  was  inspired  by  a  weekly  Twitter  chat  that  has  engaged  millions  on  Mondays  at  8:30  PM  EST  ever  since.  The  conversation  that  has  taken  place,  the   community   that   has   formed,   and   the   change   we   have   seen   as   a   result   of   Student   Voice's   work   have  exceeded  the  wildest  dreams  of  us  all.    

We  hosted  Student  Voice  Live!  with  the  support  of  the  Asia  Society,  Dell,   Intel,  and  Microsoft  and  created  a  previously  non-­‐existent  conversation  with  a  reach  of  over  5  million  people,  hosting  events  in  22  countries  on  six   continents.   Our   website  has   become   the   digital   hub   of   student   voice   content,   specifically  with  this  summer's  launch  of  our  Digital  Backpack.    

With  our  recent  Design  Lounge  in  NYC,  supportive  partnerships  with  the  world's  top  up-­‐and-­‐coming  student-­‐led   initiatives,  plans   for  Student  Voice  Live!  2014,   just   to  name  a   few,   exemplifies  how  we  are  moving   full  speed  ahead  with  so  much  exciting  work  ahead  of  us.   @stu_voice
