student motivation


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Post on 29-Jun-2015




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2. Motivating Students for Success
By: Erica N. Bell-Barnett
Tall Oaks Technical Academy
3. What is Motivation?
Motivation comes in many forms.
4. Motivation is:
5. Motivation is:
Physical and
6. Motivation is:
Unique to each individual.
Chuck E. Cheese for good grades is a great motivator for 1st graders.Here are my twins when they receive the reward for their hard work. Take a look:
7. In short:
Every person has a different motivation.
8. Motivation is:
Needed to increase the learning potential of our student body.
9. How can we achieve this goal?
Technology Integration is key to capturing our 21st century students attention.
They are bombarded with images from TV and social media.Instead of admonishing this fact, weas educators should embrace it.
Why not show them the right way to utilize online learning andweb 2.0 and resources?
10. Take a look at the following suggestions for ensuring success for students as they learn online:
There are many mediums that can be used.
Internet research, blogging, web quests, online courses and, podcasting are all tools that can be utilized in order to facilitate student success.
Here are some ways that we can introduce effective strategies foronline learning to high school students:
11. Lets look at what we need to do in order to pass this course and graduate:
Set Goals
Join a study group
Apply yourself
Know your learning
Establish a schedule
Ask Questions
Talk about it
Celebrate your Success
12. Set Goals
Do I have adequate access to technology?
I will succeed in this course.
I will graduate.
What should I do
At the beginning of a new course, look through the materials.
Assess what kind of technology you will need.
E.g. Software and hardware requirements
Break the lessons/assignments into manageable chunks based on your due dates.
Is my virus protection up-to-date?
You might not have time to do a full lesson in one night, so plan for how much you can do, then stick to it until you're done.
13. Establish a Regular Study/Learning Schedule.
I will pace myself.

  • Keep a calendar with your study goals and important dates clearly marked.

Look at it every day (a calendar can't help you if it's closed!)
Determine what time is best for you to study. Is it after dinner on Wednesdays? Is it Saturday mornings?

  • Take breaks-

Walk around and stretch. Drink some water or have a light snack.

  • If possible, have a dedicated study place with all the supplies you might need.

Computer, paper, pens, calculator, etc.
Pace yourself. Don't over extend yourself.
There's a reason it takes several years to graduate. You're in this to learn, not just to get a certificate, so make sure you're learning, not just racing through the materials.
14. Talk About it!
I will talk to friends and colleagues to keep me accountable.

  • Tell people what you're doing.

You're more likely to stick to a course if your friends and family know you're doing it.
Networking, even socially on sites like Facebookor Twitter goes a long way.

  • Ask a friend to check up on you.

Ask someone to proof your work before you submit it.
15. Join a Study Group
I will study with a classmate.

  • Joining a discussion group can help you find answers to your questions and retain enthusiasm for your subject. 16.If your class doesn't already have a discussion group, consider joining one on Yahoo Groupsor Google Groups.

Know your learning style and use it.
I will use my learning style to my advantage.

Once you have figured out the way you learn, you will need to use specific strategies to fit into your way of learning.
17. Visual Learners
Use visual materials such as pictures, charts, maps, graphs, etc.
Usecolorto highlight important points in text.
Illustrate your ideas as a picture or brainstorming bubble before writing them down.
Use multi-media (e.g. computers, videos, and web 2.0).
Study in a quiet place away from verbal disturbances.
Visualize information as a picture to aid memorization.
18. Auditory Learners
Read text out aloud.
Create musical jingles to aid memorization.
Create mnemonics to aid memorization.
Discuss your ideas verbally.
Dictate to someone while they write down your thoughts.
Use verbal analogies, and story telling to demonstrate your point.
19. Tactile/Kinesthetic Learners
Take frequent study breaks.
Chew gum while studying.
Use bright colors to highlight reading material.
Dress up your work space with posters.
If If you wish, listen to music while you study.
Skim through reading material to get a rough idea what it is about before settling down to read it in detail.
20. Celebrate Your Success
Yay! I did it!

  • A great way to stay motivated from the beginning and throughout your online learning experience is to celebrate your successes no matter how big or small. 21. Reward yourself for achievements with whatever works for you, along the way.

22. Ask Questions!
If you don't understand something ASK.
It's been said a zillion times: the only dumb question is the one you don't ask.
I will ask questions when I dont understand.
23. I can do it!
Lets Recap
To Be Successful, I must:
24. 25. Thank you for your time and consideration!