student dictionary - mr. houghton -...

STUDENT DICTIONARY Computer Basics and Word Processing 1. ACCEPTABLE USE POLICY: An organization’s rules for computer use. 2. ACTIVE WINDOW: The current viewing area on a computer screen. 3. ADDRESS: Used to reference the cells in a spreadsheet. These are usually made up of column letters along the top and row numbers down the side. 4. ANTI-VIRUS PROGRAM: Software that monitors the system for viruses by looking at irregularities in the system. 5. APPLICATION: another word for a program or software. 6. ARROW KEYS: Located on the right hand side of the keyboard. Used to move the cursor one cell position at a time. 7. AXIS: A horizontal or vertical line drawn on a graph to define points of reference. 8. BAR CHART: A form of graph in which numeric values are represented

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STUDENT DICTIONARYComputer Basics and Word Processing

1. ACCEPTABLE USE POLICY: An organization’s rules for computer use.

2. ACTIVE WINDOW: The current viewing area on a computer screen.

3. ADDRESS: Used to reference the cells in a spreadsheet. These are usually made up of column letters along the top and row numbers down the side.

4. ANTI-VIRUS PROGRAM: Software that monitors the system for viruses by looking at irregularities in the system.

5. APPLICATION: another word for a program or software.

6. ARROW KEYS: Located on the right hand side of the keyboard. Used to move the cursor one cell position at a time.

7. AXIS: A horizontal or vertical line drawn on a graph to define points of reference.

8. BAR CHART: A form of graph in which numeric values are represented by horizontal or vertical rectangles.

9. BIT: The smallest unit of information that a computer can process. It is a binary digit, either 0 or 1.

10.BOLD: A font style that makes letters and words darker.

These words are bold.These words are not.

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11.BROWSER: Software that allows users to access and navigate the contents of the Internet. Firefox and Google Chrome are the two most popular examples of this type of software.

12.BUG: An error or defect in software or hardware that causes a program to malfunction.

13. CELL: The intersection of a row and a column; the smallest element in which you can enter data.

14. CELL POINTER: Highlights the current active cell.

15.CELL RANGE:Two cell references, usually separated by a colon, defining a cell block. The first reference must be to the cell in one corner of the block and the second reference to the cell in the diagonally opposite corner. (A1:C3)

16.CENTRAL PROCESSING UNIT or CPU: where all of the information you put into the computer is stored.

17.CHAT: An electronic conversation.

18.CLICKING: Pointing to something on the screen and then pushing the button on the mouse is called clicking.

19. CLIENT: A computer that is controlled by the server.

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20.CLOSE BOX: Located in the upper right-hand corner of a window and will exit a window.

21.COLD BOOT: Starting the computer by turning on the power source of the computer.

22.COLUMN: Vertical selection of cells identified by one or more letters.

23.COLUMN WIDTH- The distance from one side of a cell to the other side.

24.COOKIE: A small file on your computer that has information and identification allowing you faster access to a website.

25.CRASH: A serious computer failure. It means that the computer itself stops working or that a program aborts unexpectedly. It signifies either a hardware malfunction or a very serious software problem.

26.CURSOR: A marker on the screen that shows where current input or output is going to happen.

27.DELETE: Removing an item of data

from a file or removing a file from a disk.

28.DESKTOP: The screen you see first when your computer turns on. This screen has many icons.

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29.DIALOGUE BOX: A window that opens and asks you questions.

30.DIGITAL CAMERA: A still or video device that stores images in digital form.

31.DISK DRIVE: The place where you put your floppy disk so that you can save files on it.

32.DISKS: One way to save your work, like recording on a video tape.

33.DOCUMENT: Anything you create in Microsoft Word is called a document.

34. DRAGGING: Moving objects around the screen.

35.EMAIL: Electronic messages and mail sent over the Internet.

36.ENTER KEY:The key (on a computer keyboard) that causes the current entry to be accepted by the program, or that ends a paragraph/line.

37.FILE: a piece of computer information such as a document or part of a computer program. Stored information.

38. FOLDER: like a file folder in a filing cabinet, a file is where documents (letters, spreadsheets, etc.) are kept.

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39. FONT: The way letters and words look.

40. FONT SIZE: The size of text.12 point 16 point 24 point

41. FORMAT: Changing the way that text looks on the page.

THIS is formatted. This is not formatted.

42.FORMULA- Used to perform calculations in Excel.


Copyrighted software distributed on a free-will donation; can usually be found on the Internet or passed along from person to person.

44. HACKING: The practice of breaking into a computer’s stored data, usually by gaining access to administrative controls.

45. HARDWARE: All the parts of the computer that you can touch: the monitor, CPU, printer, mouse, and keyboard.

46. HARDCOPY: Printed output or a piece of paper with data on it.

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47. HARD DRIVE: the place inside your computer where programs and files are stored.

48. HEADSET: earphones and a microphone that you wear on your head.

49.HIGHLIGHT/SELECTING: Click and drag across a word or sentence to highlight it. When it is highlighted you can make changes to it.

50.HOME PAGE: The first(opening) page of a website.

51.HTML: HyperText markup language. The computer language that is used to create a website.

52.HYPERLINK: A highlighted word or graphic in a website that takes a user to ta different location on the Internet.

53. ICON: Symbols or pictures that you can click on to perform an action. Each program has its own icon.

54. INPUT: Information or data that is entered into the computer. This may be entered by the use of a mouse, keyboard, microphone, scanner, memory stick or card, digital camera, etc.

55. ITALICS: A font style that slants words to the right.


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that provides access to the Internet.

57.KEYBOARD: Like a typewriter, it’s where you type and enter numbers. It is one way to tell the computer what you want it to do.

58. LAPTOP: a portable computer that you can carry with you.

59.Left and Right Arrows: Moves the contents of a window horizontally.

60. LINE GRAPH- An axis-type graph in which data points are joined by a line.

61. Mac or MACINTOSH: A computer that is made to use the Macintosh operating system. There are two basic kinds of computers: PCs and Macs.

62.MEMORY: Data stored on a computer either temporarily or permanently.

63.MENU BAR: The words at the

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top of the screen. Click on these words and you see menus of other things you can do.

64. MENU: A list of commands you can do. You see a menu when you click on one of the words on the Menu Bar.

65. MICROSOFT: A software company owned by Bill Gates.

66. MICROSOFT POWERPOINT: a software program for making presentations that you can show to others.

67. MICROSOFT WINDOWS: an operating system made by the Microsoft company.

68.MICROSOFT WORD: A word-processing program for typing letters, resumes, school papers and more.

69. MINIMIZE: to collapse a window to the bottom of the screen/task bar without closing the window.

70.MAXIMIZE: to expand a window to the full size of the screen.

71.RESTORE: to make a window smaller so that you can change the size or position.

72.MODEM: A device that provides a computer a gateway to the Internet.

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73.MONITOR: Your computer’s screen

74. MOTHERBOARD: The printed circuit board that is the foundation of a computer, this board contains a computer’s CPU, RAM chips, and expansion slots.

75. MOUSE: The tool you can use tell the computer what to do. For example you can open programs and files by clicking or double clicking.

76.MULTIMEDIA: Any combination of audio, video, animation, text, and graphics.

77.NETIQUETTE: The set of manners and rules of conduct for Internet users.

78. NETWORK: A group of connected computers that allows people to share information and equipment.

79. NUMERIC- Anything that is a number.

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80. OPEN: A command on the File Menu that brings files onto the screen so that you can see them.

81. OPERATING SYSTEM: the most important program in your computer. This program is like the “manager” of all of the other programs.

82. OPTICAL DRIVE: Uses a laser to rewrite CDs or DVDs. Protects your data on a disk by keeping it in a sleeve.

83.OUTPUT: Any computer-generated information displayed on a screen or printed on a piece of paper.

84.PATH: The steps for navigating to a specific location on the Internet.

85. PC = PERSONAL COMPUTER a computer that is made to use the Windows operating system. There are two basic kinds of computers: PCs and Macs.

86.PIE CHART-A form of graph which represents numeric values as segments of a circle.

87.POINTING: The line or arrow that you control by moving the mouse.

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88. POWER SUPPLY: Usually sits at the top of the computer case and supplies power. A high=end machine can burn up to 800 watts.

89. PROGRAMS: Another word for software or applications.

90.RAM or RANDOM ACCESS MEMORY: Sits on the motherboard. Holds the data of running software.

91.ROM or READ ONLY MEMORY: Computer memory on which data has been prerecorded. It is permanent memory that can be only be read and cannot be erased.

92.ROW- The horizontal cells in one line of a spreadsheet

93.SCANNER: A device that reads printed material and converts it into an image for the computer.

94. SCREEN SAVER: A design on the screen that turns on if you don’t use your computer for a few minutes.

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95. SCROLL BARS: The bars on the sides of the screen that allow you to move up or down the page.

96.SEARCH ENGINE: A program that searches a database of websites for words that you enter into the program. Google, Bing, Yahoo

97. SELECTING: Pointing to an object and highlighting it.

98.SERVER: A computer or device on a network that manages network resources.

99. SOFTWARE: another word for programs, instructions in the computer that help it do different tasks

100. SOFTWARE PIRACY: The illegal use, copying, or distribution of software.

101. SPAM: Unwanted and unsolicited email.

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102. SPELL CHECK: When you’re using Microsoft Word, you can click on this button to look for spelling and grammar mistakes.

103. SPREADSHEET: A worksheet arranged in a matrix allowing for computation and analysis in an easy-to-read format.

104. SURFING THE WEB: Moving from one website to another.

105. SURGE PROTECTOR: A device that connects a computer to an electrical outlet and protects the computer against sudden increases in electrical power.

106. TELECOMMUNICATIONS: Transmitting and receiving data over a long distance.

107. TITLE BAR: Located at the top of a window. The name of a window is located on this icon.

108. TOOL BARS: The bars across the top of the screen that have icons you click on to do different things.

109. Up and Down Arrows: Moves the contents of a window vertically.

110. URL(Uniform Resource Locator): The address required to connect to a website.

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111. USB DRIVE: a disk that you can save information on. Also called a flash drive, jump drive, or thumb drive.

112. USERNAME: A code used by individuals, in addition to a password, that lets them access a network computer, an online service, etc.

113. VIDEO CARD: Creates the images that appear on the monitor.

114. VIRUS: A manmade program or piece of code that is loaded onto your computer without your knowledge and runs against your wishes. These can also replicate themselves.

115. WARM BOOT: Reloading a computer's operating system by using a reset operation. Like using the log-off/log -on function.

116. WEBSITE: A location on the Internet where information is presented using graphics, text, and sound.

117. WORD PROCESSING: Typing documents on a computer. Word processing also allows you to format, save, and edit your writing.

118. WORLD WIDE WEB: An information system on the

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Internet that allows documents to be connected to other documents by hypertext links, enabling the user to search for information by moving from one document to another.

119. WORM: A program or algorithm that replicates itself over a computer network and usually performs malicious actions such as using up the computer's resources and possibly shutting the system down.

120. Y-AXIS- The vertical axis of an axis-type graph

121. X-AXIS- The horizontal axis of an axis-type graph.