stuart gregg - php cgi vulnerability report

PHP-CGI Argument Injection (CVE-2012-1823) Stuart Gregg

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PHP-CGI Argument Injection


Stuart Gregg

Table of Contents

Introduction ........................................................................................................... 1.0

Vulnerability ........................................................................................................... 2.0

Exploit & Attack Software ..................................................................................... 2.1

Anatomy of Attack................................................................................................. 3.0

Information Gathering .......................................................................................... 3.1

Exploitation .......................................................................................................... 3.2

Post exploitation ................................................................................................... 3.3

Actions for maintaining access and covering tracks ............................................. 3.4

Recommendations for Preventing an Attack ...................................................... 4.0

Related Software ................................................................................................... 5.0

Critical Reflection .................................................................................................. 6.0

Conclusions ........................................................................................................... 7.0

References ............................................................................................................ 8.0

1.0 - Introduction

This report will cover all the stages of an attack on a vulnerable piece of software.

The report will go into technical depth and show all aspects of the attack from the

information gathering stage right through to covering your tracks and maintaining


The attack software that will be used in this report is the Metasploit framework. This

can be found preinstalled within Kali Linux, a version of Linux preloaded with a wide

range of tools. “Metasploit Framework, the Metasploit Project's best-known creation,

is a software platform for developing, testing, and executing exploits. It can be used

to create security testing tools and exploit modules and also as a penetration testing

system. It was originally created as a portable network tool in 2003 by HD Moore.”

(Rouse, 2011)

The vulnerability that will be looked at sits within the PHP execution engine. The

vulnerability allows the attacker to execute arbitrary PHP code on the server. This

vulnerability relies on the server being configured to redirect PHP files to PHP CGI.

This is configured within the php.ini file. The vulnerability works when the web server

runs in a CGI environment. Common Gateway Interface (CGI) is a method used by a

lot of developers as a way to dynamically generate content on webpages and

applications. This works by the PHP interpreter using the CGI mode (PHP CGI). The

model for this is the web server will input a PHP file (normally already on the

webserver) and the output will be HTML code (this usually displays on the browser)

(Cid, 2012). Simply putting ‘?-s’ (“show source”) at the end of an URL you are

looking at can reveal if it’s vulnerable and produces the PHP source code (see fig 1),

an example of this; http://localhost/index.php?-s

(Fig 1 – Example source code with the ‘?-s’ vulnerability)

2.0 - Vulnerability

PHP is the most dominate server side language used within the majority of web

applications today (see fig 2). This among many other factors demands a lot of

enquiry into the security and vulnerability of the language.

(Fig 2 – Statistics showing PHP as the most used online programming language)

The vulnerability researched within this report is a programming mistake which

allows the attackers to see the PHP source code and even achieve code execution.

Remote code execution is gained in this instance by the attacked using the ‘-d’

option (this allows the manipulation of PHP and the security settings) this will then

bypass any security checks and allow the attacker to place PHP command line

options in the query string (Shulman, 2014).

This vulnerability can only be seen if the PHP is being used in a CGI based

environment which usually includes an Apache mod_cgid. Once the attackers knows

that the victim’s set up they can pass multiple command line switches including -s, -d

and even -c, this then gets processed by the php-cgi binary which in result can

reveal source code or allow arbitrary code execution (Cid, 2012) .

This vulnerability has been rated CVSS v2 base score of 7.5 (HIGH) with and impact

score of 6.4.

This vulnerability exists due to developers modifying php.ini files to allow their sites

to run through a CGI wrapper. The vulnerability exists in all earlier PHP versions

including 5.2.0/17 - 5.3.0/13 and 5.4.0/2 but before 5.4.3. This vulnerability can only

been exploited if the PHP files are configured as a CGI script.

This vulnerability could allow the follow;

1. Modify database and retrieve password information

2. Locate files on the server – including download and edit files

3. DoS – Denial of service attack

4. Execute code on the server

The category this vulnerability sits in is a command injection (see fig 3). Command

injection enables the attacker execution of arbitrary commands. This usually is

possible through a vulnerable application which does not validate input/output

options to an extent that it should. This happens by the attacker adding code

injection between the client and the server. The server which normally allows the

query from the client also allows the additional commands from the attacker. Which

have not been properly filtered. Resulting in the retrieval of additional information

from the server.

(Fig 3 – Example code injection illustration)

2.1 - Exploit & Attack Software

The attack software used to exploit the vulnerability is Metasploit. The Metasploit

framework is used by many people, including penetration testers. It contains a huge

database of exploits, payloads and much more. The framework allows for very little

set up and simply requires the attackers to choose the exploit, set the parameters

and exploit. The framework will then do all the work for you, including setting up a

shell for your code execution (Goodin, 2012). The Metasploit framework will be used

as it has the exploit preloaded into the framework. The exploit is a Ruby file and all

that is needed is a few parameters to be set and the vulnerability is ready to be


The vulnerability itself has a multiple of different avenues it can be exploited;

1. The most used and well-known attack vector is code disclosure with the ‘?-s’.

If the webserver is vulnerable this will reveal the source code. The source

code will then be displayed in the client’s browser. The code will be PHP code

stored on the server.

2. DoS attack. This can be executed with the ‘?-T+1000’. This will then request

the webpage as many times as you have stated. Be aware with this attack as

it will render your browser in an unusable state when the attack is happening.

3. Remote code execution ‘/?-d%20allow_url_include%3DOn+-

d%20auto_prepend_file%3dhttp’ this can be seen on line 14 on fig 4. This

then allows the attacker to place code execution on the server. This is the

biggest vulnerability, as this allows the attacker to gain information from the

server or edit anything on the server with the correct read/write permissions.

The vulnerability is within the PHP set up. When the webserver or application is set

up in CGI environment the attacker is able to exploit the vulnerability where the

query string cannot handle the absence of an = (equals sign) character. This then

allows the attacker execute command line code within the string. Once this is sent to

the server the command line code is also sent and executed. This then allows the

attacker unauthorised options on the server. A quick and easy way to exploit this

vulnerability is using attack software such as Metasploit, where the exploit is

preconfigured. All the attacker needs to do is set the remote host to attack the

payload and let the script scan the host, see if vulnerable and then use the exploit to

gain root access to the server. Once the attacker has this ability they can send any

commands they wish. They can even edit, delete or move any files they wish; they

have the same privileges as the server’s admin.

(Fig 4 – PHP-CGI exploit code)

3.0 - Anatomy of Attack

3.1 - Information Gathering

In this stage the report will talk about how the attacker is able to gain information

about the victim’s machine in order to deem them vulnerable and then in case launch

an attack. First off the attacker will check the broadcast length on their network and

identify their own IP address. This will then allow the attacker to see the IP address

range they need to scan. Within Kali Linux this can be done with the command

‘ifconfig’ (see fig 5)

Looking at fig 5 the attacker can identify the network address range of 255. This can

be seen by looking at the Bcast: the last digits show the range the

network is broadcasting on, therefore the attacker knows the range to scan. Within

this the attacker can also identify their own local IP address

Now the attacker knows the network range, a ping sweep can be performed to see

what hosts are alive. This can be done with a tool within Kali Linux called nmap.

Using the command ‘nmap -sn’ will tell nmap to ping sweep the IP

range and list live hosts within the range of 0-255. The -sn command will do this

scan without listing any ports that are open this can be done at a later stage (see fig


(Fig 6 – nmap ping sweep command)

(Fig 5 – ifconfig command in Kali Linux)

Now the attacker had identified the live hosts, they can start to dig deeper and see

what ports are open. This also can be done within Kali Linux using nmap. The

command ‘nmap -sS’ will scan the chosen host and list any open

services. The -sS indicates that you are performing TCP SYN scan, this type of scan

does not perform a full TCP connection and is classed as unobtrusive and stealthy.

This is performed by sending a SYN packet and waiting for a SYN/ACK (response)

this then indicates the port it alive and listening. If you were to receive a RST (reset)

this then indicates the port is inactive. The type of scan does not open a full TCP

connection (see fig 7) (Lyon, 2012).

Now the attacker knows the IP

address range, the victims IP

address and the services running

on the host. The next stage will be

to find the current operating system

running on the victim’s machine.

This can be done running the

command ‘nmap -O’ with the -O stating

you wish to see the OS information

(see fig 8).

With this information the attacker now knows the OS version the machine is running

on. As can be seen the machine is running Linux 2.6.9 – 2.6.33. Another test the

hacker can do is type the victims IP address into a web browser to see if the

machine is hosting anything, this could detect if the machine is a web server.

By doing this the

attacker can now see the

server is hosting

webpages (see fig 10)

and start to plan an

attack. Using another

Kali Linux tool amap the

attacker can see what

applications and

versions are being run.

(Fig 7 – nmap TCP SYN scan)

(Fig 9 – amap scan)

(Fig 8 – nmap OS scan)

Using the command ‘amap -bqv 80’ while the 80 on the end of the

command states the port you wish to see (see fig 9).

As you can see within the output, the application used is Apache 2.2.8 (Ubuntu)

DAV/2. The attacker can also see the

version of PHP 5.2.4 being used.

Another way the attacker could find

this information out is by using a tool

within Kali Linux called netcat. This

tool uses TCP/UDP protocol to read

data across network connections. The

command required is ‘nc 80’ and then ‘HEAD /

HTTP/1.0’ (see fig 11).

Now the attack knows the IP address, the open ports, the operating system software

and the application services being used. Once all this is known the attacker can pick

a vulnerability which exploits the current set up of the victim. Knowing that the server

is running on Apache and a vulnerable version of PHP the attacker can start to plan

the vulnerability they are going to use. In this case a PHP-CGI vulnerability is the

choice. One way to see if the server is vulnerable to this exploit is by using the ‘?-s’

(see fig 12).

(Fig 11 – netcat scan)

(Fig 10 – Victim’s hosted home webpage)

(Fig 12 – Vulnerability showing source code)

3.2 - Exploitation

The attack software Metasploit will be used for launching the exploit against the

vulnerability. Now the attacker has identified all the possible attack vectors, the next

stage will be picking an exploit and using it. Looking into vulnerability databases

such as Security Focus (see fig 13) you can see if an exploit you wish to use

matches with the victim’s current setup. This website also provides example attack

codes and solutions for the fix. This is not needed as Metasploit has the exploit


First you need to open the Metasploit framework; to

do this the command is ‘msfconsole’ (see fig 14).

Once the console is open you can search for the specific exploit you wish to use.

Metasploit has a huge database full of exploit and payloads for an attacker to use.

Once you have found the relevant exploit that will work on the victim’s current set up

use the command ‘use exploit/multi/http/php_cgi_arg_injection’ and that exploit

will be loaded.

Once you have selected your exploit the attacker will then need to set the victims IP

address as the remote host within Metasploit. The RHOST is the remote host you

wish the exploit to connect on. This is the victims IP address. The LHOST is the local

IP address and should automatically be set as your own IP address. If not you will

need to set this.

Next stage will be selecting a payload to use. In this case we are using payload

php/meterpreter/blind_tcp. This will set up a blind TCP connection to the victim’s

machine (see fig 15).

(Fig 14 – Metasploit framework) (Fig 13 – Security Focus database)

(Fig 15 – Payload loaded within Metasploit)

3.3 - Post exploitation

Once the exploit has finished there are many additional things they can do. The

attacker can edit the web pages that have been hosted. This is possible by using

standard Linux editing commands. Metasploit will make a temporary copy of the file

you wish to edit. Once you have finished making alterations to the file you can simply

use the writequit command to save the new version to the server. The command ‘ls’

will list all the current directory contents (see fig 16).

Looking at the directory listing we can see the hosted webpage ‘index.php’ (see fig

17) the command ‘edit index.php’ will allow the attacker to make any alterations to

the document (see fig 18).

(Fig 16 – ls command)

(Fig 17 – Victim’s home page before attack)

Now the attacker has made the changes to the document the command ‘:wq’ will

then write the new changes to the document and quit out of the editor. The changes

will now be hosted on the server (see fig 19). The attacker can also edit any links

within the home page to direct to another website of their choice. This could be

dangerous if the visitor to the webpage trusts the site and links and is unaware of the

changes made to the document.

(Fig 18 – Linux file editor)

(Fig 19 – Victim’s home page after attack)

Another post exploitation attack that can be performed is creating new directories.

The attacker as the ability to not only create new directories but to upload files into

them directories (see fig 20). This therefore could trick the admin of the server into

thinking it is a genuine file and even execute it. This could include a backdoor into

the server for future access.

The attacker can also download any files that resides on the server. This could be

dangerous if there are files that contain user’s passwords or any other valuable

information (see fig 21).

(Fig 20 – Creating directories and uploading files into them)

(Fig 21 – Downloading files from the victim’s server)

3.4 - Actions for maintaining access and covering tracks

Covering your tracks once you have made an attack is just as important as the initial

information gathering. If the attacker wants any chance to exploit the victim again

you need to ensure any trails you left behind are removed or overwritten. One way to

do this is by removing any files left on the victim’s machine that could suggest a

possible attack has happened. The command “shred” can write over a file to delete

any trace of an attack (see fig 22).

The attacker could also change the process they are using to another one to

maintain access. Using the command ‘getpid’ will show the current process you are

using. The attacker can then use ‘ps’ to load all current running processes and use

the migrate function to switch to another process.

The attacker could also use the following;

1. Persistent Backdoors – After the attacker has successfully completed an

exploit on a vulnerable they will want a way to get back into the system on a

later date. This is particularly useful if the vulnerability has been fixed by the

victim, having another way into the system will ensure the attacker can keep

gaining information while the victim is unaware. The attacker can use already

made backdoors or even create their own using the Metasploit framework and

simply upload this to the victim’s machine.

2. Clear event logs – On Linux system the event logs are stored under the

directory /var/log/messages. Once you have located the event history logs

you need to open these up in a text editor and delete all the entries, or if you

have more time and probably the better option would be to delete only the

entries that apply to the actions you have done on the system.

(Fig 22 – Shred command on victim’s machine)

4.0 - Recommendations for Preventing the Attack

Since this vulnerability has been made public there has been a multiple of patches

released by PHP to try and solve this issue. The main attack avenue was to use the

query string to directly input commands to the server. In fig 23 shows a patch from

PHP which has a small wrapper which strips any argument that tries to invocate the

php-cgi when called as a CGI handler. Looking at fig 23 on line 31 you can see the

start of the wrapper which only passes to the next function on line 40 if meets the

new patch requirements. The function that starts on line 40 will then show relevant

information about the server and software.

The main way to preventing attacks of this kind is ensuring you are keeping you

programs up to date with the latest patches. In particular this kind of attack relies on

the fact that the victims does not properly validate input or output queries.

Training developers on this issues is a massive factor to help resolve and reduce

possible attacks. The more training that has been given on this the less likely

attackers are going to find exploits in the code in the first place.

(Fig 23 – PHP wrapper fix for php-cgi argument vulnerability)

5.0 - Related Software

The attack software used within this report is the Metasploit framework. The

framework consists of a huge database of ruby scripts which are used to launch

attacks against vulnerable systems. The software can be used to launch any exploit

which is loaded within the database. The framework also has the ability to upload

custom made scripts and launch them against vulnerable systems. Armitage is a

GUI version to Metasploit. Armitage is very easy to use and eliminates the need to

work on a CLI. Any input within Armitage is translated into a command the Metasploit

framework understands.

6.0 - Critical Reflection

Overall the underlying deficiency within this vulnerability is developers not fully

testing for all the different vectors the language can be manipulated. The

vulnerability simply comes from the developer not understanding the possible ways

an attacker can retrieve information they should not be allowed. The information the

attacker can retrieve is only possible due to the data that is inputted and outputted

has not been fully sanitized and therefore leaks information. This then allows for

commands to be directly injected into the query without proper validation.

Any business or organisation who have this set up and may be vulnerable should

update and fix with the latest patches available from PHP. Any information stored on

servers that have this vulnerability can be seen by an attacker and even downloaded

or edited. The attacker also has the ability to deface your hosted webpages and

cause a DoS attack. These all can be extremely damaging to your organisations

image and may lead to a loss in business.

To solve this more training and education needs to be provided for anyone using the

language and this setup. The more training around security and vulnerabilities will

then give developers a greater understanding of the attacks that may happen and

resolutions to fight against them.

7.0 - Conclusion

To conclude this report showed all the stages of an attack on a vulnerable system. It

showed how information is gathered and used to gear up for an attack. It

demonstrated in both images and illustration the loading of an exploit within the

Metasploit framework and how to use your previously gained information about the

victims IP address and current set up to your advantage to launch an exploit.

The report also talks about a multiple of different attack vectors for the same

vulnerability, giving the attacker a wide range of attack vectors so they are not just

limited to just one. Along with the attack the report also demonstrates how to cover

your tracks once the exploit has happened and how to maintain access while you’re

in the victims system.

The report shows a multiple of different options you can use while in the post

exploitation phase including the uploading of files to the victim’s server which could

involve a backdoor for future access.

The report also talks about how a victim can fight against possible attacks and what

the necessary steps are including the PHP patch source code.

8.0 - References

Margaret Rouse. (2011). Metasploit Project - Metasploit Framework. Available:

Framework. Last accessed 1st April 2015.

Daniel Cid. (2012). PHP-CGI Vulnerability Exploited in the Wild. Available: Last

accessed 1st April 2015.

Amichai Shulman. (2014). Threat Advisory: PHP-CGI At Your Command. Available: Last

accessed 1st April 2015.

Christopher Kunz. (2012). NEW PHP-CGI EXPLOIT: CVE-2012-1823, POC

EXPLOIT. Available:

CVE-2012-1823,-PoC-exploit.html. Last accessed 2nd April 2015.

Michael Orlando. (2013). Vulnerability Note VU#520827. Available: Last accessed 2nd April 2015.

OWASP. (2104). Command Injection. Available: Last accessed 2nd April


Dan Goodin . (2012). Attackers target unpatched PHP bug allowing malicious code

execution. Available:

unpatched-php-bug-allowing-malicious-code-execution/. Last accessed 2nd April


Imperva, (2014), Fig 1. Available at: Last accessed

2nd April 2015

Wikibon, (2011), Fig 2. Available at:

Last accessed 2nd April 2015

Gordon Lyon. (2010). Port Scanning Techniques. Available: Last accessed 7th April
