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CANON BRAND CAMPAIGN A PRESENTATION BY StuDents(u) National School of Political and Administrative Studies Faculty of Communication and Public Relations Bucharest, Romania

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A pRESENTATiON BY StuDents(u)National School of political andAdministrative Studies

Faculty of Communicationand public Relations

Bucharest, Romania


The client, Canon Europe is part of Canon inc. of Japan – a world-leading innovator and provider of imaging solutions.

Canon offers photographic equipment, printers, scanners and binoculars, as well as an advanced range of Digital Compact and SLR cameras for consumers (both professionals and amateur).

The company also has a business to business segment: Canon’s Business Solutions and Canon’s industrial products Business Unit.The name Canon was derived from ‘Kwanon’, the Buddhist goddess of mercy.


1. „You Can is the Canon Europe brand platform and is designed to support the essence of the Canon brand. it embodies all that is good about our products and services. it is designed to inspire and encourage our customers to explore their creativity and be empowered by our technologies.” (source

• Launched in 2002, it was central to Canon’s first ever pan-European advertising programme. Since then it has become an integral part in Canon’s advertising, sponsorship activity, brochure, and package design.

• Weak point: You can is a confirmation, is something passive, mecanic compered to Sony’s go Create for exemple which is provocative and has a call to action.

2. “Take more than pictures. Take stories.” is a concept that Canon launched but did not explore to its maximum potential so we decided to update it and create a new concept and a campaign based on this idea. (for more information, see “A picture is worth one thousand and one words” concept)

3. Image anywhere • was introduced at Canon’s technology

showcase Canon Expo 2005 in New York• represents the company’s ability to create

a borderless environment of people, devices, images and information that lets people live and work the way they want, virtually anytime, anywhere.

• Weak point: “Anywhere” stands for a lot of other companies/products/services and is not helping Canon to stand out.

WhAT’S BEEN DONE - CANON 5. ”Realise the power of image” is Canon’s promise to the world and represents also their positioning (bringing the power of image to life). it is the newest of Canon’s European strategies and had been announced in June 10th 2009.

4. “We speak image” underlines the level of proficiency that Canon has when it comes to anything related to image.

For offering continuity to Canon’s communicational campaigns, we have elaborated a new concept based on this one that highlights once more Canon’s professionalism and help users feel member of a strong and passionate community. (for more information, see “Speak Canon” concept)

WhAT’S BEEN DONENiKON (the main competitor)

The i am Nikon campaign has several TV spots, prints and also online presence (on YouTube, FaceBook, Flickr and a dedicated blog).

The different spots/prints show the versatility of their products, proves that there is a Nikon for every need you have and make you feel part of a community (because a lot of people are Nikon).


Problems to solve:

• during the past few years, Canon changed their brand strategy, positioning and platforms several times, generating different messages sometimes with no continuity.

• also, although they seem to have a strong strategy behind and a clear vision of what they want and who they are, Canon’s communication (including ads) wasn’t consistent enough.

• another issue is represented by the campaigns launched by the competition (especially Nikon’s i am Nikon campaign). Canon has to create and maintain a clear strategy, have a well defined positioning and sustain a durable advertising campaign.


We divided our target into 3 different segments:

a. PRofEssIonal sEgmEnT:• experienced • passionate• invest in the equipment • photography is a passion but also their job• need professional and diverse equipment

b. amaTEuR sEgmEnT:• take photos in important moments of their

life• not so skilled • don’t use all the features of a camera • their attitudes can be influenced by

advertising; brand awareness and top of mind are also relevant to buying decision and dependent on advertising

C. busInEss To busInEss sEgmEnT:• from small businesses to corporate and

even governments• different and complex needs (production

prints & graphic arts, regular office printers, software and programs, lens, ink etc)

all 3 bring significant income to the company but have different needs and values so it’s important that we communicate correctly with each of them.


advertising objectives – being an international image/ brand campaign (not one dedicated to a single product but to the entire company / brand) the objectives we established are general:

• change the consumer perception towards the experience of taking and making pictures, the power of image in general and Canon’s products in particular

• transmit the need of having a good camera and settle Canon as the first choice when someone is thinking about buying one

• make Canon users feel part of a special, strong and dedicated community


positioning – maintain the “Realize the power of Image” message

“Canon helps people realize the power of image by being creative, connected, quietly confident and by speaking image through communications, products and experiences that are imaginative, knowledgeable, passionate and loyal.”


We propose 3 different concepts all with a personal, emotional and passionate approach. Each of them tries to capture Canon’s essence and is internationally valid. They also continue the direction that Canon’s previous strategies have shaped.


• FACT: a famous quote says “a picture is worth one thousand words”

• pROBLEm: nowadays, the photographic technology has advanced so far that cameras from the same category (price, technical features) are very much alike

• SOLUTiON: it is true that an image expresses more than words can, but this is applicable to any graphic representation of the world. Canon brings this common experience to the next level, giving it the extra edge

CONCEpT 1.TVC 1 (30”)

A girl tries on a new dress in front of a mirror. girl: honey, does this dress make me look fat?Zoom out: a couple of minutes fast forwarded in which the man tries to show and explain something to her, gesticulating a lot. (SFX: a lot of talking on fast forward)Zoom-in: The girl facing the mirror, her boyfriend behind her, reflectedman: (catching his breath): …No!The girl smiles. Freeze frame. (SFX: camera shot)super (slogan and logo): A picture is worth one thousand and ONE WORD i

CONCEpT 2. TVC 1 (30”) - Storyboard

CONCEpT 1.TVC 2 (30”)

A couple in a restaurant.The girl leans over. girl: Do you love me?Zoom out: a couple of minutes fast forwarded in which the man tries to show and explain something to the girl, gesticulating a lot. (SFX: a lot of talking on fast forward)Zoom-in: the couple facing each otherman (catching his breath): …Yes! The girl smiles. Freeze frame. (SFX: camera shot)super (slogan and logo): A picture is worth one thousand and ONE WORD i


What we mean:

• FACT: we are all different

• pROBLEm: we often have trouble finding the right words to express ourselves, even in our native language

• SOLUTiON: images are well known as being internationally recognizable and easy to understand

CONCEpT 2.TVC (30”)A man enters a restaurant, in Thailand. The waiter comes to take the order. man: i would like some friesThe waiter looks at him with a dumb Je voudrai des fritesThe dumb expression is still (exasperated): patatas fritas?! Finally the man sighs and makes a “wait” sign. Then he takes out his Canon camera and starts browsing pictures. Suddenly the waiter starts nodding happily and says Mạnfr̄ạ̀ng thxd, translating what the man is showing.Fade to black. The waiter and the man shaking hands happily, as he exits the restaurant.super and Vo: Do you speak Canon?

CONCEpT 2. TVC 1 (30”) - Storyboard


What we mean:

• FACT: it’s natural to want what’s best for the ones you care about, especially when it comes to images, because photos capture their lives and yours

• pROBLEm: it is a common mistake to think of a camera as a relatively non-important accessory, only to regret it at some point in time

• SOLUTiON: love life, give it a Canon!

CONCEpT 3.TVC (30”)music: nostalgicinterior. Strips of sunset light through half closed blinds.An old couple’s home. Lots of photographs in frames, on the furniture. Cut to: An old man is looking at a photo, on the fire place. he puts on his glasses and leans over, to take a better look. he then takes the photo to the window and struggles to see the details. Cut to:his finger caresses the blurred face of the woman in the old b&w picture. his eyes are wide open, reflecting the bars of light and darkness. fade to black.Cut to:Exterior. Sun. 16mm footage, 70’s film grain. Couple at a picnic, on a cliff hanging above the sea.mVo: if i were to live it all again, i wouldn’t change a thing… Beautiful, life is… and her… i’d just buy a better camera.

super: life deserves a Canon

LiFE DESERVES A CANON BTLThis idea came out for a BTL campaign, but can easily be used as a viral, on the internet. Our plan is to build a big camera that should imitate perfectly one of Canon’s models. inside of the huge camera, a real Canon camera is connected to the shooting button of the replica. We want to Buy media and get approvals to place the big replica in some of the most famous squares of the biggest cities in EmEA

Our idea is to make friends interact with the big camera. Some will stay in front of the lens and one of them will go and push the shooting button. After a big flash and a shot sound, the image will be directly projected on huge digital screens from the square ( for example, in Romania, near the Unirii Square there is a Cocor Store which has the second digitalized façade in Europe – Cocor Channel ). The picture will remain there for 2 minutes for them to be able to film or capture this experience with their own cameras, phones or whatever.

LiFE DESERVES A CANON BTLFor example, piccadilly Circus, Trafalgar Square in London, Unirii Square or Constitutiei Square in Romania). The selected squares must have big digital screens or panels on which we will instantly display the pictures made with the big camera.

To make it even more interesting, we can put live webcams for others to see people’s live reaction to this Canon activation. We can also record their moments and post them on a website or YouTube channel for them to be able to view themselves afterwards. most of them will surely want to show everybody that their picture has appeared on a big screen in piccadilly Circus or any other famous square with big digital media.


VIEWERs(000s) Reach(%) Timing 2011 frequency (per month) buget(£)Discovery Travel & Living 712 51 1st of July - 1st of August 600 1,500,000.00Euronews 690 29 2nd of July - 1st of August 210 525,000.00Nat. geo 570 42 3rd of July - 1st of August 600 1,500,000.00mTV 930 38 4th of July - 1st of August 300 510,000.00Eurosport 1230 39TV ChANNELS FOR SpECiFiC COUNTRiESKanal D (Turkey) 193 40 4th of July - 1st of August 120 216,000.00mBC2 (Dubai) 122 33 5th of July - 1st of August 120 216,000.00TOTAL 1950 4,467,000.00

mAgAziNESfREquEnCY Circ. Cost per unit (full page) buget (£)

plus magazine pY 67160 1500 1,500,000.00Cosmopolitan m 80,705 1650 2,475,000.00Readers Digest m 1000000 1500 1,500,000.00gQ m 107000 1500 1,500,000.00Nat. geo 15py 1500 2,250,000.00Top gear m 134000 1600 2,400,000.00

Computer Sweden 104 pY 450000 1500 1,500,000.00TOTAL 13,125,000.00

units unit Cost (£)

Total Cost specification


ONLiNE web-site 2.00 15,000.00 30,000.00 web-site desing, administration, server, domani - for the reality show with the five bloggers and the BTL activity with the huge camera

there can be applied discounts, depending on the offers and the deals agreed

OOh the huge camera 50.00 5,000.00 250,000.00

OOh prints throught the main cities 0.00

TV SpOT the main TV spot 1.00 6,000.00 6,000.00

TV SpOT the translation of the spots 70.00 150.00 10,500.00

Facebook Application 1.00 5,000.00 5,000.00

ToTal 301,500.00

mEdIa OOh 50.00 5,000.00 250,000.00 the rent for the public squares

OOh 500,000.00 prints

TELEViSiON 1,650.00 4,467,000.00

pRiNT 6,000.00 13,125,000.00

ToTal mEdIa 18,342,000.00

OThER COSTS 6.00 5,000.00 30,000.00 tickets and pocket money for the 6 bloggers

HR CREATiVE 80.00 70.00 5,600.00

ACCOUNT mANAgEmENT 150.00 50.00 7,500.00

COpYWRiTiNg 50.00 70.00 3,500.00

ToTal HR 16,600.00

AgENCY FEE 650,000.00

TOTAL AgENCY 666,600.00

ToTal ValuE 19,340,100.00

pERiOD: 1st OF JULY - 1st OF SEpTEmBER prices are denominated in pOUNDS, free of VAT


• For the outdoor prints we will use a new monitoring system which uses recording cameras located behind each print. These cameras detect each “pair of eyes” that see the prints, having a certain visual angle. This way, there will be recorded only the persons who actually look at the print.

• For the TV stations we will use the monitoring provided by each station, regarding the number of viewers and the reach of the TV spots.

• For the Facebook applications we will use the insights of the fan page which we will create.

• For the BTL action with the six bloggers we will monitor the number of people who access the web page specially created for this reality-show.

• For the other BTL action, with the huge camera placed in famous squares, we will use the monitoring system of each digital display that will be used to show the pictures taken by the passers-by.

• At the end of the campaign we will gather all the information and we will make a survey in supermarkets and squares to find out what is the people’s opinion about Canon. Then we will compare the results with the results obtained in the past years.


• For the outdoor prints we will use a new monitoring system which uses recording cameras located behind each print. These cameras detect each “pair of eyes” that see the prints, having a certain visual angle. This way, there will be recorded only the persons who actually look at the print.

• For the TV stations we will use the monitoring provided by each station, regarding the number of viewers and the reach of the TV spots.

• For the Facebook applications we will use the insights of the fan page which we will create.

• For the BTL action with the six bloggers we will monitor the number of people who access the web page specially created for this reality-show.

• For the other BTL action, with the huge camera placed in famous squares, we will use the monitoring system of each digital display that will be used to show the pictures taken by the passers-by.

• At the end of the campaign we will gather all the information and we will make a survey in supermarkets and squares to find out what is the people’s opinion about Canon. Then we will compare the results with the results obtained in the past years.

ACCOUNTS: Elena matei, Camelia moroianuARTS: Andrei pascale, Andrei NiculescuCOpYWRiTER: Andrei NebunoiupLANNER: georgiana Bulagea

COORDiNATOR: gabriel Branescu, Associate professor