struktur tanah. soil structure structure – arrangement of individual particles in relation to each...


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Page 1: STRUKTUR TANAH. Soil Structure Structure – arrangement of individual particles in relation to each other. Soil structure is the arrangement of particles


Page 2: STRUKTUR TANAH. Soil Structure Structure – arrangement of individual particles in relation to each other. Soil structure is the arrangement of particles

Soil Structure• Structure – arrangement of individual particles in relation to

each other. Soil structure is the arrangement of particles into small groups, or aggregates.

• Aggregates may be bound together with other aggregates in larger masses called peds.

• Peds come in different shapes that roughly resembel sphere, blocks, columns and plates.

• If the individual particles are arranged in small aggregates with rounded edges, we speak granular structure. This is very desirable for plant growth bc it provides both large and small pores.

• Some soils lack structure. Sandy soils the individual grains act independently of each other. No binding substances hold the particles together, so the soil has no peds.

Page 3: STRUKTUR TANAH. Soil Structure Structure – arrangement of individual particles in relation to each other. Soil structure is the arrangement of particles

Struktur tanah

Struktur granular

Struktur prismatic

Cause and Effect

(description in laboratory)

Page 4: STRUKTUR TANAH. Soil Structure Structure – arrangement of individual particles in relation to each other. Soil structure is the arrangement of particles

+ Flocculation

Pembentukan strktur tanah


Page 5: STRUKTUR TANAH. Soil Structure Structure – arrangement of individual particles in relation to each other. Soil structure is the arrangement of particles

Luas Permukaan

- aggregate of small particles

- large grain


Page 6: STRUKTUR TANAH. Soil Structure Structure – arrangement of individual particles in relation to each other. Soil structure is the arrangement of particles


Pembentukan struktur tanah

Organik dan Anorganik ‘glues’

Page 7: STRUKTUR TANAH. Soil Structure Structure – arrangement of individual particles in relation to each other. Soil structure is the arrangement of particles


Stress Forces(what breaks the ‘glue’)



Page 8: STRUKTUR TANAH. Soil Structure Structure – arrangement of individual particles in relation to each other. Soil structure is the arrangement of particles



Sruktur tanah :

Surface Horizons

Page 9: STRUKTUR TANAH. Soil Structure Structure – arrangement of individual particles in relation to each other. Soil structure is the arrangement of particles

Pengelolaan yang tidak baik



Page 10: STRUKTUR TANAH. Soil Structure Structure – arrangement of individual particles in relation to each other. Soil structure is the arrangement of particles

Pemadatan horison permukaan

- Platy Structure - compaction

Page 11: STRUKTUR TANAH. Soil Structure Structure – arrangement of individual particles in relation to each other. Soil structure is the arrangement of particles

---- Prismatik ----

Struktur tanah:Lapisan bawah

Increased length in vertical direction

lateral stress > vertical stress

Page 12: STRUKTUR TANAH. Soil Structure Structure – arrangement of individual particles in relation to each other. Soil structure is the arrangement of particles

Blocky Structure:(subsurface horizons)

Increased (relative) age equates stress fractures

Page 13: STRUKTUR TANAH. Soil Structure Structure – arrangement of individual particles in relation to each other. Soil structure is the arrangement of particles

Volcanic Ash Soil

Timber Harvest

Page 14: STRUKTUR TANAH. Soil Structure Structure – arrangement of individual particles in relation to each other. Soil structure is the arrangement of particles

(With Structure)Granular Block





Soil Structure

Page 15: STRUKTUR TANAH. Soil Structure Structure – arrangement of individual particles in relation to each other. Soil structure is the arrangement of particles

Columnar structure occurs in dry, desert soils with high sodium content

Page 16: STRUKTUR TANAH. Soil Structure Structure – arrangement of individual particles in relation to each other. Soil structure is the arrangement of particles

Single GrainedMassive

Soil Structure (continued)Without Structure

Pencil is 19 cm

Page 17: STRUKTUR TANAH. Soil Structure Structure – arrangement of individual particles in relation to each other. Soil structure is the arrangement of particles

Soil ConsistenceSqueeze a moist soil ped to see if it is:

Loose* You have trouble picking out a single ped and the structure falls apart before you handle it.*

Extremely Firm The ped can’t be crushed with your

fingers (you need a hammer!).

Firm The ped breaks when you apply a good amount of pressure and dents your fingers before it breaks.

Friable The ped breaks with a small amount of pressure

* Soils with “single grained” structure always have loose consistence.