stress management-1224007350940733-8

Stress Management

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Post on 12-May-2015



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Stress Management

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What exactly is Stress???

Stress is what you feel when you have to handle more than you are used to

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What Happens When You’re Stressed?

Body responds as though you’re in danger

Body makes hormones that speed up your heart

You breathe faster May cause a burst of energy

(anxiety) *some stress is helpful

-winning a race

-finishing a job on time

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Being Overstressed

It may cause headaches, upset stomach, back pain, or trouble sleeping

It can weaken your immune system making it harder to fight off disease

-may worsen an existing ailment

Relationship may suffer, you may not do as well at school or work

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What Can You Do About Stress?

Find out what is causing the stress in your life

Look for ways to reduce the amount of stress in your life

Learn healthy ways to relieve stress

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How do you figure your stress level???

Stress can stem from many places-Death in the family-Getting married-Having a baby

Since it may not be clear when you are stressing…keep a stress journal-how you reacted-what caused it-how much stress

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Stress Test

Take as long as you need on the test

When you finish add the points to find your total

Answer “yes” even if only part of the question applies to you

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Stress Test Results

4 points or less-You are not prone to stress and are not likely to suffer from a stress-related illness. You are also not likely to have a stress-related illness.

5-13 points-You are prone to stress and are likely to suffer from the negative effects of stress. You may possibly be open to stress-related illnesses. You should consider stress control management and/or counseling.

14 points or more-You are a very prone to the negative effects of stress and may be open to stress-related illness. You must not delay in doing something about it. Seek professional stress management counseling and consult your medical doctor.

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Coping With Stress

Look around-see if there really is something you can change or control in the situation

Set realistic goals for yourself-reduce the number of events going on in your life and you may reduce the circuit overload

Remove yourself from the stressful situation-give yourself a break if only for a few moments daily

Don't overwhelm yourself-handle each task as it comes, or selectively deal with matters in some priority

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Coping With Stress

Don't sweat the small stuff-try to prioritize a few truly important things and let the rest slide

Learn how to best relax yourself-meditation and breathing exercises have been proven to be very effective in controlling stress

Selectively change the way you react-focus on one troublesome thing and manage your reactions to it

Change the way you see things-learn to recognize stress for what it is

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Coping With Stress

Get enough sleep-lack of rest just aggravates stress

Work off stress-with physical activity, whether it's jogging, tennis, gardening

Avoid self-medication or escape-alcohol and drugs can mask stress

Develop a thick skin-the bottom line of stress management is "I upset myself"

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Let’s Look At Examples of Stressful Situations

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Late for appointment because of traffic…

Response-Became angry with other drivers

Changing it-Allow more time to get there

Adapting to it-The traffic delay is not your fault. It’s not the end of the world

Avoiding it-Can’t be avoided. Stop and notify the doctor if possible

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Family members were arguing with one another…

Response-Got mad at relatives. Felt lack of control.

Changing it-Tell them how much this upsets you. Help them work it out.

Adapting to it-This is not my problem.

Avoiding it-Leave room and do something else for a while.

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Paying bills…

Response-Felt overwhelmed.

Changing it-Get an extension on your bills.

Adapting to it-A day late won’t be a big deal. Don’t put it off for too long though.

Avoiding it-Sign up for automatic bill paying. Get help with it.

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There are so many ways to deal with stress…

Take a walk by the ocean Listen to a favorite song at high volume Drink a hot cup of tea Find a quiet place Go on a drive through the country Write a friend a note or letter Go see a fun, uplifting movie Go visit with a favorite relative Read a good book Get a massage Jump on a trampoline Take a thirty minute nap Take a LONG, hot bath Volunteer some time for a good cause Go for a sailboat ride Get your hair cut and styled Visit the local zoo or botanical gardens

Have a game night with family or friends Eat a picnic outside Do some bird watching Take a walk in the rain Learn to play a musical instrument Go horseback riding Get a pet Take an art class Go to a hands on craft store Find some time and a place to just be

alone Write in a journal Bake some bread or some cookies Have a good, long laugh Take time off from work