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  • 7/27/2019 Stress Crh Ne


    Molecular Psychiatry (2002) 7, 254275 2002 Nature Publishing Group All rights reserved 1359-4184/02 $25.00


    Organization of the stress system and its dysregulation

    in melancholic and atypical depression: highvs

    lowCRH/NE statesPW Gold1 and GP Chrousos2

    1Clinical Neuroendocrinology Branch, Intramural Research Program, NIMH, NIH, Bethesda, MD, USA; 2Pediatric and

    Reproductive Endocrinology Branch, Intramural Research Program, NICHD, NIH, Bethesda, MD, USA

    Stress precipitates depression and alters its natural history. Major depression and the stressresponse share similar phenomena, mediators and circuitries. Thus, many of the features ofmajor depression potentially reflect dysregulations of the stress response. The stressresponse itself consists of alterations in levels of anxiety, a loss of cognitive and affectiveflexibility, activation of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis and autonomic nervoussystem, and inhibition of vegetative processes that are likely to impede survival during alife-threatening situation (eg sleep, sexual activity, and endocrine programs for growth andreproduction). Because depression is a heterogeneous illness, we studied two diagnostic sub-types, melancholic and atypical depression. In melancholia, the stress response seems hyper-active, and patients are anxious, dread the future, lose responsiveness to the environment,have insomnia, lose their appetite, and a diurnal variation with depression at its worst in themorning. They also have an activated CRH system and may have diminished activities ofthe growth hormone and reproductive axes. Patients with atypical depression present with asyndrome that seems the antithesis of melancholia. They are lethargic, fatigued, hyperphagic,hypersomnic, reactive to the environment, and show diurnal variation of depression that isat its best in the morning. In contrast to melancholia, we have advanced several lines ofevidence of a down-regulated hypothalamic-pituitary adrenal axis and CRH deficiency in atypi-cal depression, and our data show us that these are of central origin. Given the diversity ofeffects exerted by CRH and cortisol, the differences in melancholic and atypical depressionsuggest that studies of depression should examine each subtype separately. In the present

    paper, we shall first review the mediators and circuitries of the stress system to lay thegroundwork for placing in context physiologic and structural alterations in depression thatmay occur as part of stress system dysfunction.Molecular Psychiatry (2002) 7, 254275. DOI: 10.1038/sj/mp/4001032

    Keywords: atypical depression; corticotropin releasing hormone (CRH); melancholic depression;norepinephrine (NE); stress

    Stress precipitates major depression and influences itsincidence, severity and course.1,2 The stress responseand major depression share many features because ofsimilar brain circuitries and mediators (reviewed in 35).Each is associated with a diminution of cognitive and

    affective flexibility, alterations in arousal, and pertur-bations in neuroendocrine and autonomic function(reviewed in 5). Because major depression is a hetero-geneous disorder, we focus here on two subtypes, mel-ancholic and atypical depression. Our data and thoseof others indicate that the principal arousal producingmediators of the stress response, such as the corticotro-pin releasing hormone (CRH) system, are hyperactivein melancholic depression.6 Not surprisingly, melan-

    Correspondence: PW Gold, MD, NIH Clinical Center, Room 2D-46-1284, Bethesda, MD 20892-1284, USA. E-mail: philgoldcodon.nih.govReceived 16 October 2001; accepted 17 October 2001

    cholia is associated with anxiety, dread of the future,insomnia, loss of appetite, and hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal activation.3 Atypical depression seems to bethe reverse of melancholia, in that is characterized bylethargy, fatigue, hypersomnia and hyperphagia.5 We

    have advanced several lines of evidence of a downreg-ulated hypothalamic-pituitary adrenal axis in atypicaldepression, and our data show us that it is of centralorigin.3,7In the present paper, we shall first review themediators and circuitries of the stress system to lay thegroundwork for placing in context physiological andstructural alterations in depression that may occur aspart of stress system dysfunction. We shall then pro-vide an overview of critical stress mediators and struc-tures that we postulate lay significant roles in thepathophysiologies of melancholic and atypicaldepression.

    We would like to emphasize at the outset that themajority of patients with major depression present

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    255with a mixture of cognitive, affective, and physiologicfeatures that do not fully conform to the classificationsof melancholic and atypical depression. Moreover, notall cases of melancholic and atypical depressionresemble one another. We also do not suggest here thatabnormalities in the stress system are primary factorsin the pathophysiology of depression. Rather, we feelthat stress mediators, as likely downstream elementsin depressive pathophysiology, transduce many of theclinical and physiological alterations we are currentlyable to decipher. Therefore, further elucidation ofstress system dysfunction in patients with majordepression could provide improved targets for system-atic research, diagnosis, treatment, and prevention.

    Major depression

    Major depression is a heritable disorder that affectsapproximately 8% of men and 15% of women.1 Forover 75% of patients, major depression is a recurrent,

    lifetime illness, characterized by repeated remissionsand exacerbations.8 Over 50% of patients who recoverfrom a first depressive episode will have a secondwithin 6 months unless they are given maintenanceantidepressant treatment.2 For those who never receivetreatment, as many as 15% will succumb to suicide.9

    Depression not only causes great mental anguish butalso intrudes upon fundamental biological processesthat regulate sleep, appetite, metabolic activity, auto-nomic function, and neuroendocrine regulation(reviewed in 4,8). These disturbances are likely to con-tribute to premature coronary artery disease,1012

    premature osteoporosis,13 and the doubling of mor-tality in patients with major depression at any ageindependent of suicide, smoking, or significantphysical illness.1012 In taking into account the naturalhistory, mental suffering, and medical morbidityassociated with major depression, the World HealthOrganization ranked this disorder as one of the leadingcauses of disability worldwide.14

    It is now clear that a history of childhood traumaincreases the risk for depression in adulthood. More-over, environmental stress or internal conflict duringadult life can precipitate major depression and influ-ence its course and severity.15 Thus, susceptibility tomajor depression includes burdens of internal conflictand external stressors, as well as the sum, intensity,

    and accessibility of emotional memories that recallpast abandonment, failure, or abuse.

    Classification of depressionThe Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Dis-orders IV (DSM-IV) is the principal instrument for psy-chiatric diagnoses in the United States.16 The DSM-IVlists two major divisions of depressive subtypes basedon the phenomenology of recurrent affective episodesrather than the clinical phenotype of the depression.Bipolar affective illness is associated with recurrent

    bouts of both major depression and mania or hypo-mania, affects 12% of the population, and occurs withequal frequency in men and women. Major depression

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    is characterized by recurrent bouts of major depressionalone, occurs in approximately 12% of the population,and presents with a 2:1 female preponderance. Bothdisorders are heritable and involve multiple genes.17,18

    Epidemiological studies suggest overlap in geneticand environmental factors predisposing to bipolar orunipolar disorder. As an example, the offspring of

    bipolar parents have a higher incidence of both bipolarillness and unipolar illness than the general popu-lation. First degree relatives of patients with unipolarillness also have a smaller increase in the incidence ofmajor depression.19

    The DSM-IV lists two distinct clinical depressivesyndromes that seem the antithesis of one another,melancholic and atypical depression This distinctionis based on the pattern of psychological and neuroveg-etative symptoms,20 is independent of the unipolar-

    bipolar distinction, and provides direction for theappropriate choice of antidepressant medication.21

    Melancholic depression belies the term depression

    in that it is a state of pathological hyperarousal. Intenseanxiety is often focused on the self and takes the formof feelings of worthlessness and recollections of pasttransgressions, failures, and helplessness. As a cor-ollary, melancholics are beset by dread about futureprospects for so deficient a self. It matters little thattheir self assessments and emotional memories are dis-cordant with the facts of their lives. Rather, their feel-ings of personal deficiency color and pervade thoughtand affect (reviewed in 5).

    Patients with melancholic depression also manifestevidence of physiological hyperarousal such as hyper-cortisolism, suppression of the growth hormone andreproductive axes, insomnia (most often early morningawakening), and loss of appetite. Another consistentfeature of melancholia is a diurnal variation in theseverity of depressed mood, which is greatest early inthe morning (reviewed in 5).

    Although both atypical and melancholic depressionare associated with dysphoria and anhedonia, atypicaldepression is in many ways the antithesis of melan-cholia. Atypical depression is associated with a dis-turbing sense of disconnectedness and emptiness,punctuated by brief emotional reactions to external cir-cumstances. In contrast to melancholics, who seem tohave ready access to negatively charged memories,patients with atypical depression often seem walled off

    from themselves. They may complain of a cognitiveand mental weariness and avoid others, often with thesense that contact would be too demanding, tiring, andpoorly received. Neurovegetative symptoms in atypicaldepression are the reverse of those in melancholia andconsist of lethargy, fatigue, excessive sleepiness,increased food intake, weight gain, and depressivesymptoms that worsen as the day progresses.22

    Only 2530% of patients with major depressionpresent with pure melancholic features while another1530% present with pure atypical features. Thosewith melancholic or atypical features show a muchmore severe course of illness than those with mixedneurovegetative features.20 Recent data from identical

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    twin and family studies indicate that melancholic andatypical features are each heritable entities.23 However,only a few studies of depression have stratified patientson the basis of clinical subtype.

    We will first describe the stress system prior to ourdiscussion of depression.

    Phenomenology of the stress response

    The acute response to danger consists of a relativelystereotyped series of physiological and behavioral pro-grams that promote survival during threatening situ-ations. Physiological changes include increases inheart rate and blood pressure, shifts in blood flow tothe brain and to the stressed body site, and breakdownof tissue in the mobilization of fuel. In addition, thereis inhibition of a repertoire of neurovegetative func-tions whose execution would be likely to diminish thelikelihood of surviving a life threatening situation (egfeeding, sleep, sexual behavior, and the endocrine pro-

    grams for growth and reproduction) (reviewed in6,24

    ).Fear-related behaviors predominate during stressful

    situations and are crucial for survival during emerg-encies. For this reason, an extensive circuitry for gener-ating and modulating fear has evolved.25 Depending onthe context and constitutional factors (eg gender, stresssystem set point), fear leads to either defensive

    behavior that protects from harm or stimulates a strug-gle for survival. Speed and simplicity are essential,leading to a rapid deployment of simple, well-rehearsed behavioral and cognitive responses. At thesame time, there is an inhibition of more complex,novel, or untested responses that require considerabletime to assemble.26

    Consistency is also essential for surviving stressfulsituations and is most apparent in the inhibition ofmood shifts from one state to the another. Thus, affectis often confined to a distressed, fearful mode. Asnoted, cognitive and behavioral repertoires are alsorelatively stereotyped during stressful situations. Dur-ing the acute crisis, the mesolimbic dopaminergicreward system is stimulated to help maintain morale.27

    Different stressors activate different components of thestress system. The response to a physiological stressorlike hypoxia may require the involvement of onlyhypothalamus and brainstem; structures such as theamygdala and prefrontal cortex must be recruited to

    effectively respond to somewhat more complexenvironmental danger.28

    The neurobiology of the stress response

    The core stress systemFor the purpose of this review, the core stress systemconsists of the (CRH) system and the locus ceruleus-norepinephrine (LC-NE) systems and their peripheralmediators, NE and cortisol. These systems play keyroles in physiological responses to stressful situations,promoting arousal, essential for identifying a givensituation as important, as well as for maintaining thelimbic system and the cortex in states that most favor

    survival during stressful situations. The core compo-nent also serves as a homeostat for the overall stresssystem, utilizing inputs from many areas in the brainand periphery in contributing to the modulation of theintensity and duration of the stress response.

    The CRH systemCRH was first isolated as the principal hypothalamichormone that releases corticotropin (ACTH), which inturn activates adrenocorticosteroid secretion. Over theyears, a series of painstaking studies in rodents hasestablished roles for CRH in the stress response otherthan that of HPA axis regulation. These include acti-vation of the locus ceruleus, the sympathetic nervoussystem and the adrenal medulla, as well as inhibitionof a variety of neurovegetative functions such as foodintake, sexual activity, and the endocrine programs forgrowth and reproduction (reviewed in 3,6,24). Extrahy-pothalamic CRH-containing neurons in the amygdala,though technically outside of the core stress system,

    also play a key role in the stress response by activatingfear-related behaviors while inhibiting exploration(reviewed in 3,6,24). Taken together, CRH in the rat par-ticipates in virtually the entire cascade of the physiol-ogic and behavioral alterations occurring in responseto stressors.

    CRH-mediated glucocorticoid secretion has an abun-dance of adaptive and adverse effects. Acute glucocort-icoid secretion during stress serves several roles,including enhancement of cardiovascular function andmobilization of fuel. Cortisol (along with CRH) also sig-nificantly contributes to the inhibition of programs forgrowth and reproduction via inhibition of the growthhormone and gonadal axes, as well as to feedbackrestraint upon an activated immune system.

    For the most part, the adaptive advantages conferredby cortisol secretion during stress are limited to itsacute rather than chronic release. Chronic cortisolexcess is almost always deleterious and includesexcessive fear, insulin resistance/visceral fat depo-sition and their many pro-atherogenic sequelae,osteopenia/osteoporosis, sarcopenia, inhibition of Thelper-1 directed cellular immunity, and chronicsuppression of the mesolimbic dopaminergic rewardsystem.24,29 Glucocorticoid receptors are widelydistributed in brain. Acutely, activation of glucocort-icoid receptors located in the prefrontal cortex, hippo-

    campus, amygdala, and the hypothalamus, inhibit theHPA axis. McEwen, Sapolsky, and their colleaguesfound that chronic activation of glucocorticoid recep-tors located in the hippocampous can damage hippo-campal neurons containing glucocorticoid receptors,potentially leading to more severe hypercortisolism.30

    Not all glucocorticoid receptors transduce inhibitoryeffects. We found that activation of glucocorticoidreceptors located in the central nucleus of the amyg-dala and the bed nucleus of the stria terminalisincrease rather than decrease CRH mRNA. Glucocort-icoids also raise CRH mRNA levels located in a distinctpopulation of PVN neurons that send descending ter-minals to brainstem noradrenergic neurons.31

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    257Corticotropin releasing hormone and its receptorsin brain

    In addition to the PVN CRH pathway to the medianeminence, as noted, a separate pathway emanatingfrom a distinct population of PVN CRH neuronsdescends for activation of brainstem noradrenergic

    neurons.32 An intrahypothalamic pathway for trans-synaptic release of CRH33 was shown to inhibit thegrowth hormone34 and reproductive axes35 (in concertwith cortisol) and to inhibit feeding36 and sexual

    behavior.37 An extrahypothalamic CRH system in theamygdala was subsequently shown to play a key rolein classical fear conditioning.38,39 Thus, CRH wasshown to participate in the behavioral, neuroendo-crine, neurovegetative, and autonomic components ofthe stress response. The CRH receptor type 1 (CRHR 1)is widely distributed in brain to transduce its effectsduring stress and other situations.40

    While the CRHR-1 knockout mice show decreased



    CRH type 2 receptor knockout mice showaccentuation of arousal and anxiety, suggesting thatthis receptor may counter-regulate the anxiogeniceffects mediated by type 1 receptor activation.42,43 Type2 receptors also mediate diminished food intake. ACRH binding protein parallels CRH receptors in brainand functions as an endogenous CRH antagonist bycomplexing with CRH; its antagonism promotes arou-sal and diminishes feeding.44

    We have recently shown in rhesus macaques that theoral administration of a non-peptide CRH type 1receptor antagonist (antalarmin) that penetrates the

    bloodbrain barrier significantly inhibited stress-induced anxiety-like responses while promoting explo-

    ration (Figure 1). We also found that antalarmin sig-nificantly inhibited increases in plasma ACTH, NE,epinephrine and cortisol (Figure 1). These data indi-cate that CRH plays a tonic role in the comprehensivemodulation of the stress response not only in rodents,

    but also in primates.45 In rodent studies, we found thatantalarmin not only blocked the expression of con-ditioned fear, but also its development and consoli-dation (Figure 2).46 These data, if applicable tohumans, suggest that a CRH antagonist could be help-ful after an acute traumatic event or in preventing theadverse secondary CNS changes that occur duringchronic stress (Figure 2). We have also found that anta-larmin significantly reduces stress ulcer in the rat.47 Inthe light of the important processes transduced by thetype 1 CRH, many laboratories, including ours, areattempting to synthesize a small CRH antagonist withoptimal lipophilicity that would be suitable as a PETligand.48 In an effort to develop such a ligand, in col-laboration with Dr Kenner Rice, we have synthesizedover 60 analogs of antalarmin.49

    The LC-NE system

    The LC-NE system resides in the mid-pons and con-tains the highest concentration of noradrenergic cell

    bodies in the brain. A single LC neuron can have as

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    many as 100 000 nerve terminals and can innervatecells in several different portions of the brain. At nor-mal firing rates, the LC is thought to increase the signalto noise ratio at disparate sites in brain by specificallyenhancing responses to either excitatory or inhibitorystimuli. At faster LC rates, the general enhancement ofsignal to noise ratio decreases and the LC becomes the

    brains alarm system. In addition, activation of the LCcontributes to sympathetic nervous system and HPAaxis stimulation. At the same time, LC activationinhibits the parasympathetic nervous system as wellas neurovegetative functions such as feeding and sleep(reviewed in 50).

    During stress, the LC enhances the role of the amyg-dala and other structures involved in the encoding ofaversively charged memories. Thus, the LC not onlypromotes survival during an acute crisis, but helps inpreparing for subsequent dangers as well. Arnsten etal have recently found another important role of theLC-NE during stress, namely in the inhibition of the

    prefrontal cortex, thereby favoring rapid instinctualresponses over more complex ones in the service ofsurviving acute life-threatening situations (see below51).

    Taken together, at fast firing rates, the LC, like theCRH system, plays a role in promoting arousal,inhibiting several vegetative functions, and biasingtowards a loss of affective and cognitive flexibility.

    The central role of the amygdala as a fear generatorBecause fear is essential for surviving serious threats,the stress system must be capable of producing theexperience of being afraid. The amygdala is a key struc-ture that transforms experiences into feeling.25 Toaccomplish this task, the amygdala provides workingmemory with information about whether something isgood or bad and, along with the core stress system,activates disparate arousal centers to maintain focusupon the current danger.25 Like the core stress system,the amygdala evolved relatively early compared tohigher cortical centers.

    The amygdala is responsible for acquiring and stor-ing classic fear conditioned responses that can beimmediately mobilized even though they remain out-side of conscious awareness.26 Because the amygdalacannot store complex, explicit, aversively chargedemotional memories, it relays them to areas such as the

    hippocampus and striatum for retrieval during sub-sequent emergencies.52

    Like the core stress system, the amygdala is thoughtto inhibit key functions of the prefrontal cortex. Theamygdala also stimulates hypothalamic CRH releaseand brainstem autonomic centers resulting inincreased HPA and LC activity. These core stress sys-tem mediators not only confer adaptive physiologicaladvantages, but are also thought to encode visceralresponses that provide bodily feedback as part of theoverall affective experience. In addition, both norepi-nephrine and cortisol significantly enhance the relayand encoding of aversively charged emotional memor-ies from the amygdala to elsewhere in brain.26 Taken

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    Figure 1 Effects of antalarmin on behavior and neuroendocrine responses in rhesus macaques. (a) pharmacokinetics in plasma;(b) effects on anxiety; (c) effects on exploration; (d) effects on CSF CRH; (e) effects on plasma norepinephrine; (f) antalarmineffects on dose response curve for arousal vs CSF CRH. At a given level of CSF CRH, arousal levels are lower for antalarmintreated macaques. From Habib et al. Proc Natl Acad Sci 2000; 97: 60796084.

    together, there are multiple feed forward loops amongthe amygdala, the hypothalamus, and brainstem norad-renergic neurons. Thus, the stress system contains theelements for a sustained and powerful stress response.

    The prefrontal cortexThe prefrontal cortex accounts for approximately one-third of human brain volume. In many respects the pre-frontal cortex exerts cognitive, behavioral, affective,and physiological responses that are the virtual antith-esis of those set into motion during stress. At the same

    time, the prefrontal cortex and the stress system inhibiteach others activity.5355

    The dorsolateral prefrontal cortex plays key roles incomplex, time consuming planning and problem solv-ing (reviewed in 5355) in part, by sequentially schedul-ing complex tasks by switching focused attention

    between tasks.56 The dorsal prefrontal cortex also pro-vides a perspective on whether a given task is proceed-ing satisfactorily.56 In contrast, successful responses todanger depend upon simplicity and speed, generallyantithetical to complex planning and problem solving.Indeed, Arnsten et al have shown that an activatedLC-NE inhibits many key functions of the prefrontalcortex.51,57 Therefore, optimal functioning of the dorso-

    lateral prefrontal cortex requires a relatively quiescentstress system.

    The progression from dorsolateral to ventromedialprefrontal cortex is associated with a progressive shiftfrom attention/cognitive matters to the modulation ofaffect, neuroendocrine regulation, and autonomicactivity. The ventral prefrontal cortex (especially theorbital cortex) promotes extinction of responses tostimuli that are not reinforced, including the extinctionof conditioned fear responses encoded in the amyg-dala.51,5760 Humans with lesions of the orbital cortex,

    like endangered individuals, seem driven and disin-clined or unable to shift intellectual strategies andaffect on the basis of changing demands.51,5760

    Flexibility in affect and cognition requires not only anactivated prefrontal cortex, but also an inhibited stresssystem (and vice versa).

    Another component of the ventral prefrontal cortex,the subgenual prefrontal cortex, participates indetermining whether a given situation is likely to resultin punishment or reward and in the adjustment ofaffect based on changes in the environment.61 Thiscapacity contrasts to the unconditional maintenance offear during stress, even if there is preliminary indi-cation that the danger is about to subside. Similarly, it

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    Figure 2 Antalarmin inhibits both the (a) development and(b) expression of conditioned fear. Antalarmin given bothbefore and after conditioning produces a greater effect thaneither. From Deak et al. Endocrinology 1999; 140: 7986.

    is adaptive during stress to expect the worst. An effec-tive prediction about whether punishment or reward ison the way requires not only an intact prefrontal cor-tex, but also lack of interference by an activatedstress system.

    The ventral and prefrontal and subgenual prefrontalcortex also exert cortical inhibition upon the HPA axisand the sympathetic nervous system. Humans withlesions that include the anterior cingulate gyrus and/orsubgenual prefrontal cortex show exaggerated auto-nomic and endocrine responses even when in appar-ently non-stressful situations.56 In the rat, bilaterallesioning of the infralimbic region disinhibits the HPAaxis.62 Further study in the rat revealed that lesioningof the left infralimbic cortex disinhibited the core stresssystem, while lesioning of the right resulted in subnor-mal activity of the HPA axis and the LC-NE systems.62

    Thus, in the rat, the left prefrontal cortex inhibits theright. We have found evidence of the lateralization ofneuroendocrine function as well.63 It is of potential

    interest that the most replicated neuroimaging resultsin depression are those showing abnormalities in theleft amygdala and left subgenual prefrontal cortex. Fig-ure 3 provides a schematic diagram of the variousreciprocal positive reinforcing loops among stress sys-tem components, hypothesizing defects on the left formelancholia (see below).

    Mayberg has advanced data that nicely illustrate bi-directionally the reciprocity between cortical and sub-cortical sites and suggest that the reciprocity betweenthese sites is immediate and obligatory.64 The capacityof the stress system to inhibit prefrontal cortex functionis but one of several mechanisms that insure a vigorousand sustained stress response. Figure 3 schematically

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    illustrates the many potential positive feedback loopsthat emerge during activation of the stress response inwhich each component activates the other.

    Role of the stress system in the pathophysiologyof melancholic and atypical depression

    We shall next discuss the role of the stress system inthe clinical, biochemical, and structural alterationsdocumented in patients with major depression. Weshall begin with core system abnormalities and thenreview abnormalities of amygdala and prefrontal cortexas well. We focus not only on the role of stress systemdysregulation in the classic symptoms of depression,

    but also on the long-term medical consequences ofthis disorder.

    The hypercortisolism of depression is one of themost frequent findings in biological psychiatry, thoughmany papers cited normal cortisol levels as well. It isgenerally accepted that hypothalamic CRH is elevated

    in depression. We were the first to report a CRH abnor-mality in patients with depression. In our first originalarticle, we showed that hypercortisolemic patients hadsignificantly blunted plasma ACTH response to ovineCRH, in association with a substantial cortisolresponse.65 These data were subsequently replicated byHolsboer and colleagues, and were published in a let-ter.66 These data indicated that the hypercortisolism ofdepression appropriately restrained the HPA axis, sug-gesting a defect above the hypothalamus. Thus, thehigher the basal cortisol, the lower the plasma ACTHresponse. The substantial cortisol response to a bluntedACTH response indicated that the adrenals had beenchronically overstimulated, and therefore hypertro-phied and hyperresponded to ACTH. Our studies inpatients with Cushings disease, a peripherally(pituitary) mediated form of hypercortisolism, helpedsubstantiate the central origin of the hypercortisolismof major depression. In contrast to patients with majordepression, patients with Cushings disease showedprofound ACTH and cortisol responses to CRH, indi-cating that the pituitary itself was resistant to cortisolnegative feedback. Our subsequent studies further con-firmed that the hypothalamic component of Cushingsdisease responded normally to glucocorticoid negativefeedback. The pronounced differences of the responsesto CRH in depression and Cushings disease, based on

    their distinct pathophysiology, proved to be clinicallyuseful in the often difficult differential diagnosis

    between major depression with pronounced hypercort-isolism and early or mild Cushings disease.67

    Many other lines of evidence support a role for thehypersecretion of CRH in the pathophysiology of hyp-ercortisolism. Nemeroff et al found that CRH receptornumbers were reduced in frontal cortex in post mortemsamples taken from patients who had died by suicide.68

    Nemeroff also found that CSF CRH levels in depressedpatients69 were elevated and later showed that CSFCRH levels in patients fell significantly after treat-ment.70 In our group, DeBellis found that fluoxetinesignificantly lowered CSF CRH levels when

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    Figure 3 Schematic diagram of the interrelation of stress system mediators and circuitries in melancholic and atypicaldepression. (middle) Normal. In the absence of stressful stimuli, the stress system is not quiescent, but rather resides in adynamic state of bidirectional interactions among stress mediators. Such a homeostatic equilibrium can react flexibly to a range

    of different stimuli that may preferentially affect one component over another. Available data in primates suggest that underordinary circumstances: (1) the prefrontal cortex inhibits the amygdala, HPA axis, and LC-NE system; (2) an activated amygdalainhibits the prefrontal cortex and stimulates both the HPA axis and the LC-NE. In the reverse direction: (3) the LC-NE activatesthe amygdala and HPA axis and inhibits the prefrontal cortex; (4) the HPA axis activates the LC-NE and the amygdala. Dottedlines inhibitory, solid lines excitatory. Schematically, in the normal state, the relative strength of each component is similar,denoted by circles of identical diameter. (left) Melancholic depression can be conceptualized as a prolonged and intensifiedstress response that does not yield to its ordinary counter-regulatory restraints. The net effect is a pronounced shift in equilib-rium with the following results: (1) diminished activity of the prefrontal cortex; (2) activation of the amygdala; (3) activationof the core stress system. The primary defect could arise from any of the structures pictured in the schematic diagram orcircuits in which they participate. Note reciprocal relations between prefrontal cortex and subcortical stress components. Alsonote that the amygdala, LC, and CRH system are all excitatory to one another so that an increase in the activation of onecomponent could set off a reverberate sequence of further activations unless overtaken by inhibitory stimuli. Similarly, theprefrontal cortex and the components of the stress system exhibit bi-directional inhibition on one another. (right) Atypicaldepression can be conceptualized as a state of stress system hypoactivity that has yielded too readily to its counter-regulatoryrestraints. The net effect is a pronounced shift in equilibrium with hypoactivity of each of the components of the stress system.

    Theoretically, the prefrontal cortex could be disinhibited or primarily hyperactive. Abbreviations: PFC, prefrontal cortex;AMYG, amygdala.

    depressions remitted.71 In addition, we found that thechronic administration of imipramine to healthy vol-unteers produced effects compatible with a centraldownregulation of the HPA axis.72 CSF CRH. Finally,in experimental animals, we showed that the chronic,

    but not acute, administration of imipramine signifi-cantly reduced CRH mRNA levels while significantlyincreasing the mRNA levels of the type I glucocorticoidreceptor in the hippocampus, thought to be animportant element in the feedback inhibition of the

    HPA axis.73

    In a study of the 30-h pattern of CSF CRH levels inseverely depressed inpatient melancholic subjects andcontrols, we found inappropriately normal integrated30-h CSF CRH concentrations despite significant hyp-ercortisolism and around-the-clock elevations of CSFNE74 ( Figure 4). Because the overall pool of CSF CRHand plasma ACTH levels are glucocorticoid suppress-ible,75 we previously suggested that quantitatively nor-mal CSF CRH and plasma ACTH levels in the face ofhypercortisolism are, nevertheless, inappropriate forthe patients degree of hypercortisolism.76 Our reason-ing was as follows: we compared levels of CSF CRHin patients with depression associated with Cushings

    disease (a pituitary disorder), who had matchingdegrees of hypercortisolism. We found extremely lowlevels of CSF CRH in our patients with Cushings dis-ease, whose CNS was normal but in whom very highlevels of pituitary driven cortisol bombarded the hypo-thalamic CRH system, profoundly suppressing it.67 Incontrast, in a group of patients with major depressionassociated with hypercortisolism of similar magnitudeto the group of patients with Cushings CSF CRH levelswere substantially and significantly higher in

    depressed patients than in those with Cushings dis-ease. Thus, cortisol itself has a highly significant sup-pressive effect on the overall levels of CSF CRH. In con-trast, CSF levels in the depressed patients were notsuppressed at all. The failure of hypercortisolism tosuppress CSF CRH levels in depressed patients sug-gests either resistance to glucocorticoid negative feed-

    back at several potential sites or an overdriven HPAaxis whose drive overcomes normal glucocorticoidfeedback, a possibility that we favor. This formulationis compatible with the finding that the significant nega-tive correlation between CSF CRH and plasma cortisolfound in controls was lost in patients with melancholicdepression74 (Figure 5). We had previously found that

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    Figure 4 Thirty hour levels of CSF CRH, CSF norepinephrine, plasma ACTH and plasma cortisol. Diurnal curves of (a) plasmacortisol, (b) plasma ACTH, (c) CSF NE and (d) CSF CRH levels (mean SE) in 14 healthy volunteers and 10 patients with majordepression, melancholic type. Curves are resultant from the averaged measurement per time point across a group of subjectsusing the cropped hormonal series. The shaded area represents lights off (23000700 h). In the right corner insets under each

    pair of curves, the bar graphs represent the average of the mean value for each series of hormonal measurements (mean SE). *P 0.02. Despite around-the-clock increases in plasma cortisol and CSF NE levels, CSF CRH and plasma ACTH are similarto those in controls, though inappropriately high for the degree of hypercortisolism. Note that the diurnal rhythms for plasmacortisol and CSF NE are virtually superimposable. From Wong et al. Proc Natl Acad Sci 2000; 97: 325330.

    CSF CRH levels were normal in a hypercortisolemicgroup of patients with melancholia, utilizing singlemeasurements of CSF CRH, while Geracioti found sig-nificant decrements in CSF CRH in a group of eucorti-solemic depressed patients (see below).

    The interpretation of the meanings of CSF CRH indepression is complicated by the fact that the PVN-median eminence component is restrained by gluco-

    corticoid negative feedback. Glucocorticoids, on theother hand, increase CRH mRNA levels in the amyg-dala, bed nucleus of the stria terminalis, and in thePVN CRH pathway descending to brainstem norad-renergic neurons. We have found that lesioning thePVN in the rat decreases CSF CRH by 5060%(Mamalaki E, unpublished observations). Thus, acti-vations of amygdala CRH neurons and of those thatdescend from the PVN to the brainstem would be neu-tralized by the potent suppressive effects of glucocort-icoids on the CRH involved in the HPA axis. Given thevarious permutations and combinations of multiplesites secreting CRH into the CSF, we would not be sur-prised by findings of increased CSF CRH levels in

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    patients vs controls. The pathophysiologic meanings ofthe two are virtually identical.

    Although there are many intriguing lines of infor-mation implicating CRH in the pathophysiology ofmajor depression, especially melancholia, it should beemphasized, that this has by no means been defini-tively substantiated, but merely supported by circum-stantial evidence. The availability of a CRH type 1

    antagonist that crosses the bloodbrain barrier shouldprovide further important information about the role ofCRH in depression.

    The locus ceruleus norepinephrine system

    Studies of biological factors in major depression havelargely relied on serendipitous discovery of antide-pressants and the determination of their mechanismsof action. The most important hypothesis to emergefrom this work was the catecholamine hypothesis ofdepression.77 This hypothesis was based on theassumptions that pharmacologic depletion of NE byreserpine apparently induced major depression, while

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    Figure 5 Cross correlations of the 30-h levels of CSF CRHand cortisol and between CSF NE and cortisol. Cross corre-lation analysis of the mean coefficients of variation betweenCSF CRH and plasma cortisol (a and b), and between CSF NEand plasma cortisol (c and d). Note the negative correlationbetween cortisol and CRH in controls which is lost inpatients. A positive correlation exists between NE and cor-tisol during standard cross correlational analysis and in thedetrended analysis as well (e, f). The detrended CSF analysiscorrects for the effect of diurnal variation and is an index ofrapid changes in hormone levels between CSF NE and plasmacortisol level. Note that the positive detrended correlationbetween CSF NE and plasma cortisol is almost as robust asthat between plasma ACTH and plasma cortisol. From Wong

    et al. Proc Natl Acad Sci 2000; 97: 325330.

    apparent pharmacologic augmentation of norad-renergic activity by MAO inhibitors and NE uptakeinhibitors (tricyclic antidepressants) exerted anti-depressant effects.78 By positing that depression could

    be caused by a deficiency of NE rather than only byearly psychological trauma or a lifetime of adverseevents, the catecholamine hypothesis served as a majorimpetus for the emergence of modern biological psy-chiatry.

    Although the original catecholamine hypothesis ofmajor depression stated that a deficient NE delivery to

    its receptors in the CNS was one of the main causes ofdepression,77 studies of NE or its metabolites in CSF,plasma, or urine, or of components of the norad-renergic system in post-mortem brain samples,reported indices suggestive of decreased,7996 nor-mal,97105 or increased106110 delivery of NE to itsintended receptors in the CNS or periphery. It should

    be noted that almost all of the prior studies of CSF NEor its metabolites in depressed patients were based onsingle time points. Moreover, neither in vivo nor postmortem studies stratified patients on the basis ofdepressive symptomatology of melancholic or atypi-cal subtype.

    In an attempt to clarify in vivo central noradrenergicfunction in major depression, we studied a groupconsisting only of very severely, drug-free depressedmelancholic patients who were to receive ECT for thetreatment of their depression. Via an indwelling lum-

    bar drain, we measured CSF CRH and NE 30 consecu-tive hours. We also took half-hourly samples of plasma

    ACTH and cortisol. We found unequivocal evidence ofa pronounced central hypernoradrenergic state in mel-ancholic patients. CSF NE levels were elevated aroundthe clock, including during sleep74 (Figure 4c).Although there has been debate about the origin of CSFNE, Goldstein et al found that patients with theShyDrager syndrome, a neurodegenerative diseasethat features loss of central noradrenergic cells butintact post-ganglionic sympathetic nerves,111 have adissociation between normal plasma NE and DHPGlevels and low CSF NE and DHPG levels (D Goldstein,unpublished observations). These data indicated thatthe hypernoradrenergic state of depression was notrelated to the conscious distress of the disorder.

    Plasma cortisol levels were also significantlyincreased. Melancholic patients, like controls, showeddiurnal rhythms of CSF NE and plasma cortisol levelsthat were virtually superimposable and positively cor-related (Figure 5 ). These data suggest the hypothesisthat cortisol stimulates centrally directed NE, and arecompatible with our in vitro finding that NE stimulatesCRH from hypothalamus, subsequently replicated byItoi and colleagues.24,112

    In this regard, a post mortem study by Radesheer etal of brains taken from depressed patients who hadcommitted suicide showed a significant increase inhypothalamic neurons expressing CRH that was pre-

    dominantly found in neurons sending descending pro-jections to brainstem noradrenergic nuclei113 (Figure6). These data suggest that a specific, relatively smallhypothalamic CRH pathway which just goes to the

    brainstem may play a disproportionate role in thepathophysiology of melancholia and implicate a parti-cularly important way in which CRH and NE mayinteract in this disorder. As noted earlier, glucocortico-ids increase CRH mRNA levels in the separate PVN-containing population of CRH neurons that descend to

    brainstem noradrenergic neurons. Therefore, these datasuggest a specific way in which glucocorticoids canactivate a CRH pathway which then goes on to activate

    brainstem noradrenergic neurons, providing another

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    Figure 6 A specific PVN CRH pathway to brainstem noradrenergic nuclei independent of the HPA axis. Post mortem studies inpatients who had been diagnosed with major depression reveal a signi ficant increase in hypothalamic CRH-containing neurons.Surprisingly, this increase was much more pronounced in hypothalamic CRH-containing neurons that send descending projec-tions to brainstem noradrenergic nuclei. The fact that glucocorticoids seem to activate rather than restrain this pathway intro-duces another context for a positive feedback loop in which an activated HPA axis leads to increased CRH secretion, whichin turn activates brainstem noradrenergic nuclei. This feedback loop may contribute to the pronounced hypernoradrenergicstate seen in melancholic depression as well as the positive correlation we found between CSF NE and plasma cortisol levelsseen in both patients and controls. The postulated activating effects of glucocorticoids upon hypothalamic CRH containingneurons that send descending fibers to brainstem noradrenergic nuclei establishes yet another positive feedback loop withinthe stress system and in melancholic depression.

    context for mutual reverberatory loops between CRH,NE, and cortisol. These relationships in melancholicdepression are detailed in Figure 3.

    Re-interpretation of neuropharmacological data ofrelevance to depression

    Scientists were initially convinced that norepinephrineuptake blockers and MAO inhibitors enhanced norad-renergic function by either preventing the removal ofNE from the synaptic cleft78 or by interfering with itsenzymatic degradation. However, the elegant work ofWeiss and others has shown that tricyclic antidepress-ants, MAO inhibitors, and specific serotonin uptakeinhibitors consistently decrease the firing rate of the LCduring stress.114

    Although the purported capacity of reserpine toinduce depression played a prime role in the originalcatecholamine hypothesis of depression, a carefully-written review of the cases of reserpine-induceddepression suggests that, in retrospect, most patientsmay have experienced a neuroleptic like syndrome

    consisting of sedation, hyperphagia, apathy, and Park-insonism.115

    It should be emphasized that we do not believe thatall melancholics have activated noradrenergicsecretion. The pathophysiology of this state is, ofcourse very complex and influenced by multiple genes.There may be many melancholic patients who havenormal noradrenergic function but combined abnor-malities in other genes in the context of adverseenvironmental factors that lead to melancholia. It isalso, of course, clear that norepinephrine is not theonly or principal neurotransmitter involved in thepathophysiology of major depression. Norepinephrineand serotonin uptake inhibitors each exert effects on

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    both systems, suggesting an important role for sero-tonin as well.

    Over a dozen 5HT receptors have been identified. Insome cases, multiple receptors are found on the sameneuron that exert antithetical effects on cell firing. Inthe midst of this diversity and complexity, the hypo-thesized role for 5HT in the pathophysiology ofdepression is based largely on data showing that effec-tive antidepressants of all classes (including NE uptakeinhibitors) increase the release of 5HT.116 In addition,effective antidepressants, including specific norepi-nephrine as well as serotonin uptake inhibitors,increase the density of post-synaptic 5HT1a receptorsand decrease the density of 5HT 2a receptors.117 As acorollary, post-synaptic 5HT1a are reduced in the

    brains of suicides, while post-synaptic 2a receptors areincreased in suicide post-mortem brains.118 The inter-dependence of the LC-NE and serotonergic systems isillustrated by the fact that activation of 5HT1areceptors leads to a decrease in LC firing119 and in thedensity of cortical beta adrenergic receptors, whileactivation of 5HT 2a receptors increases the LC firing


    The confluence of long-term activation of the CRHand noradrenergic systems in depression, in associ-ation with glucocorticoid hypersecretion, is a highlypathologic state that could readily produce the pro-found hyper-arousal and anxiety that occurs in melan-cholic depression. The capacity for components of theCRH and NE systems to activate one another, to leadto glucocorticoid excess, and for key components ofeach to respond (eg the amygdala CRH neurons) posi-tively to glucocorticoids, establishes the context for apernicious cycle of stress-mediator activation that can

    be exceedingly difficult to break (Figure 3). Excessivesecretion of norepinephrine and cortisol, regardless of

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    the primary cause, could intensify this pathophysiolog-ical picture in several ways. By activating the amygdalaand inhibiting the medial prefrontal cortex, norepi-nephrine would promote well rehearsed rather thannovel programs of behavior and accentuate the activityof the amygdala. Glucocorticoid excess could set intomotion several vicious cycles, including damage tohippocampal glucocorticoid responsive neurons thatrestrain the HPA axis, activation of the amygdala andextra-amygdala sites involved in conditioned fear anddeclarative emotionally-laden memories (that would inturn lead to more hypercortisolism), and activation ofdescending hypothalamic CRH pathways to furtherpotentiate brainstem noradrenergic activity.

    To support a role for glucocorticoids acceleratingthis vicious cycle, are the data of Schatzbergs on theseveral-day glucocorticoid antagonist administration inpatients with psychotic depression. RU 486 induced arapid decrease in depressive symptoms of at least 50%in the majority of his patients. This study lays the

    groundwork for the potential use of RU 486 as a rapidlyacting agent for ameliorating very severe depressivesyndromes that require immediate intervention(Belanoff et al in press, PNAS).

    Neuroimaging studies of stress system componentsin major depression

    Neuroimaging studies in patients with majordepression reveal changes at local synaptic sites in sev-eral areas, most notably the amygdala and prefrontalcortex. Such regional abnormalities will ultimatelyprovide the basis for the construction of models thatplace these abnormalities in the context of the variouscycles in which these structures partake.

    Patients with major depression show increased cer-ebral blood flow and metabolism in the amygdala.121

    Activation in the left amygdala persisted after recoveryfrom depression. During depression, amygdala acti-vation correlated positively with depression severityand baseline plasma cortisol levels.121 The latter find-ing is of interest in the light of the fact that the amyg-dala activates the HPA axis.31 Glucocorticoids in turn,accentuate the amygdala CRH system.122 A recentstudy found that neural activity in several 5-HT-related

    brain areas, eg dorsal raphe, habenula, septal region,amygdala, and orbitofrontal cortex, covaried signifi-

    cantly with plasma levels of tryptophan and ratings ofdepressed mood. Antidepressant-treated patients whorelapsed upon tryptophan depletion had higher base-line amygdala metabolism than similar subjects whodid not relapse.

    A series of studies in patients with major depressionhave reported significant decreases in activation of thedorsolateral prefrontal cortex and significant increasesin ventral prefrontal and paralimbic structures.123

    Higher depression ratings correlated negatively withthe activity of left dorsolateral prefrontal cortex, whileanxiety levels were positively correlated with paralim-

    bic system activity. Successful treatment of depressionwas associated with inhibition of overactive paralimbic

    regions and normalization of hypoactive dorsolateralprefrontal cortex sites.124 Thus, major depressionseems associated with hypoactivity of cortical struc-tures and a corresponding hyperactivity of paralimbic/subcortical loci.

    A key finding that has been well replicated is that ofa significant loss of volume in the left subgenual pre-frontal cortex, an area that is closely connected to theamygdala and that contributes to the inhibition of theHPA axis and sympathetic nervous system.125 Thesepatients had predominantly melancholic depression(W Drevets, personal communication). Scanning andexamination of post mortem brain samples taken frompatients who had committed suicide revealed a 40%decrease in the volume of the left sub-genual cortex. Itis of interest that the lateralization found in patientswith depression is compatible with data in the ratshowing that lesioning of the left infralimbic cortexcauses activation of the HPA axis and of sympatheticfunction, while lesioning of the right produced a dec-

    rement in the activity of these systems. These dataindicate that the left infralimbic region inhibits theright.126 We therefore postulate that the left-sideddefect in melancholic depressed patients leads to hyp-eractivity of both the amygdala and core stress systemcomponents. In patients with atypical depression,however, the left could be hyperactive or hypertro-phied, leading to excessive restraint of the right andhypoactivity of core stress system components. Thus,in patients with this subtype of depression, a primarydefect in the right side may emerge, in contrast to thatseen in melancholia (Figure 7).

    Long-term medical consequences of melancholicdepression

    Patients with major depression show a doubling of themortality rate at any age, independent of suicide.10,127

    Premature ischemic heart disease is likely to play animportant role, and the relative risk for clinically sig-nificant coronary artery disease in patients with majordepression is 2.0 or more in studies that independentlycontrolled for risk factors such as smoking and hyper-tension.10,127 Figure 7 details the potential mechanismsfor premature ischemic heart disease that includes avicious spiral between insulin resistance and increasedvisceral fat, potentially leading to hypertension, dysli-

    pidemia, hypercoagulation, and enhanced endothelialinflammation.128,129 Increased sympathetic outflowsseen in both our severely depressed inpatients and lessseverely depressed outpatients also further add to car-diac risk in several other ways. Norepinephrine is wellknown to promote insulin resistance,130 left ventricularhypertrophy,131 and increases in myocyte growth, art-eriolar and ventricular remodeling,132,133 blood volumeand blood viscosity.134 In addition, NE also activatesplatelets, cytokine release and is arrhythmogenic135

    (Figure 7).We have also shown that as many as 40% of

    premenopausal women (average age 41) with severeaffective disorder have peak bone density that is two

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    Figure 7 Factors in major depression that promote susceptibility to heart disease. Hypercortisolism and a deficiency of sexsteroids and growth hormone each contribute to increases in the visceral fat mass, leading to increases in both portal andperipheral free fatty acids. Hypercortisolism and the increases in portal and peripheral free fatty acids both contribute to insulinresistance, which exacerbates the increase in visceral fat mass and promotes activation of the sympathetic nervous system andhypertension. Elevated portal free fatty acids lead to dyslipidemia associated with increased triglycerides (TG) and decreasedHDL cholesterol. Increased portal and peripheral free fatty acid levels also promote endothelial inflammation through increasesin tumor necrosis factor (TNF-), interleukin 6 (IL-6), and C-reactive protein (CRP). Peripheral free fatty acids increase thehepatic production of fibrinogen and the level of plasminogen activator inhibitor 1, leading to increased clotting and deficientfibrinolysis. GH denotes growth hormone; T, testosterone; E2, estradiol; PAI-1, plasminogen activator inhibitor. From Gold andChrousos. Proc Assoc Am Phys 1999; 111: 2234.

    standard deviations or (20%) below their peak13 (forbiopsy sample in a 40-year-old woman, please see Fig-ure 8). We have also shown that these women showan almost 40% incidence of premature osteoporosis ateither the hip or spine, which usually occurs in themid-to-late twenties.13 Ordinarily, bone mineral den-sity does not fall 20% below peak density until womenare in their 60s. For every 10% loss below peak den-sity, the fracture rate doubles.136 For 40-year-oldwomen, this is not a great risk. However, for 40-year-old women who were already 20% below peak density,this means that they have lost 1.52% per year sinceattaining peak bone density at 2830. At age fifty, theycould potentially have bone mineral density that is35% below peak density and enter the menopause withalready very compromised bones.136 It is of interest thatin our depressed women, in contrast to the usual pres-entation of osteoporosis or osteopenia, the greater lossof bone mineral density was at the hip rather than atthe spine. We must emphasize that this degree of boneloss is likely to reflect the fact that our patients had

    severe affective illness. Thus, large studies of patientswith major depression in outpatient settings are likelyto find a lower incidence of osteopenia/ osteoporosis.

    Many factors could contribute to this loss of bonemineral density in women with past or currentdepression. Hypercortisolism is an obvious potentialcause.137 In patients given glucocorticoids, maximal

    bone loss occurs at 34 months after treatment.138,139

    Since depressed, hypercortisolemic patients have gluc-ocorticoid concentrations that are often equivalent to apatient receiving 10 mg of prednisone for 4 months orlonger, the loss of bone in hypercortisolemic depressedpatients can be quite severe. These data make a clearplea for the early and effective treatment of melan-

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    cholic depression. In addition to hypercortisolism,other factors could also contribute to bone mineraldensity loss in women with depression, including sup-pression of the growth hormone and gonadal axes. Thehypersecretion of NE in patients with melancholiacould also contribute to bone loss via activation of thesecretion of IL-6. In postmenopausal women, it is IL-6hypersecretion in the face of falling estrogen levels thatis primarily responsible for post-menopausal osteo-porosis.

    Neuroimaging studies of stress system componentsin major depression

    Neuroimaging studies in patients with majordepression reveal changes at local synaptic sites in sev-eral areas, most notably the amygdala and prefrontalcortex. Such regional abnormalities will ultimatelyprovide the basis for the construction of models thatplace these abnormalities in the context of the variouscycles in which these structures partake.

    Patients with major depression show increased cer-ebral blood flow and metabolism in the amygdala.140 Arecent study found that neural activity in several 5-HT-related brain areas, eg dorsal raphe, habenula, septalregion, amygdala, and orbitofrontal cortex, covariedsignificantly with plasma levels of tryptophan and rat-ings of depressed mood. Antidepressant-treatedpatients who relapsed upon tryptophan depletion hadhigher baseline amygdala metabolism than similar sub-jects who did not relapse.

    A series of studies in patients with major depressionhave reported significant decreases in activation of thedorsolateral prefrontal cortex and significant increasesin ventral prefrontal and paralimbic structures.141

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    Figure 8 Bone biopsy of the anterior iliac crest in a 40-year-old female with major depression currently in remission (right)compared to the biopsy of a gender, age and BMI-matched control (left). There are two striking features. The trabeculationsare markedly reduced in the depressed patient. These trabeculae are critical scaffolding for the bone and confer much of itsstrength. Note that the cortex is also thinner in the depressed patient. Ordinarily, glucocorticoids have much more effect ontrabeculae per se than on the cortex. This suggests that factors other than glucocorticoids are operative in the bone loss ofdepression. Parenthetically, bone loss in depression is greater in the hip than in the spine. Glucocorticoid mediated bone lossoccurs predominantly in the spine.

    Higher depression ratings correlated negatively withthe activity of left dorsolateral prefrontal cortex, whileanxiety levels were positively correlated with paralim-

    bic system activity. Successful treatment of depressionwas associated with inhibition of overactive paralimbicregions and normalization of hypoactive dorsolateralprefrontal cortex sites.124 Thus, major depressionseems associated with hypoactivity of cortical struc-tures and a corresponding hyperactivity ofparalimbic/subcortical loci. A recent very importantfinding by Drevets et al using in vivo scanning andexamination of post mortem brain samples revealed a40% decrease in the volume of the left sub-genual cor-tex, an area extremely important in emotion and inregulation of the HPA axis and the LC-NE system.124

    These patients were predominantly patients withmelancholic depression (W Drevets, personalcommunication). As noted, it is of interest that the lat-eralization found in patients with depression is com-patible with data in the rat showing that lesioning ofthe left infralimbic cortex causes activation of the HPAaxis and of sympathetic function, while lesioning ofthe right produced a decrement in the activity of thesesystems. These data indicate that the left infralimbicregion inhibits the right.126 We therefore postulate thatthe left-sided defect in melancholic depressed patientsleads to hyperactivity of both the amygdala and corestress system components (Figure 3, left). Conversely,in patients with atypical depression, a primary defect

    in the right side may emerge, in contrast to that seenin melancholia (Figure 3, right).

    Whether decrements in the volumes of the subgenualmedial prefrontal cortex and hippocampus in patientswith major depression are reversible or representenduring neuropathic change is not yet clear. However,

    both glucocorticoids and CRH have been shown to beneurotoxic in experimental animals, so that core stresssystems could participate in this neurodegeneration. Inan important hypothesis by Nestlers group, and in theexcellent work of Manji et al, abnormalities in growthfactors and in other intracellular transductionmediators may play a highly significant role in the neu-rodegeneration in depressed patients.142,143 The idea issupported by the fact that antidepressants such as lith-

    ium can cause a regrowth of this lost tissue. Theresponse of tissue trophic factors to stress and theirinteraction among stress mediators has not yet beenelucidated.

    Atypical depression

    Rene Spitz made seminal observations regarding devel-opmental abnormalities that befell infants placed inunderstaffed orphanages shortly after birth.144,145 Forthe first 5 or 6 months, most of the infants cried bitterlyfor hours until attended. Subsequently, they withdrewand ceased crying altogether, even if they were leftalone or had gone without eating for many hours. In

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    267addition, they lost apparent interest in the environ-ment around them. It was as if the trauma and over-stimulation of their early deprivation had led to a vir-tual shutdown of their affective existence to protectthem from unenduarable pain. Subsequent studies innon-human primates who were abandoned or abused

    by their mothers reveal a similar behavioral with-drawal in association with hypoactivity of the HPAaxis.

    One of the implications of these findings is that theclinical presentation of melancholic depression mayrelate, in part, to systematic activation of stressmediators. Prompted many years ago by the idea thatarousal symptoms paralleled stress system activity inmelancholia, we hypothesized that the lethargy,fatigue, and hypersomnia of atypical depression wasassociated with a pathological reduction of stress sys-tem mediators (reviewed in 3,6,24). This possibility wassupported in the previously cited data in experimentalanimals showing that specific lesions in infralimbic

    cortex resulted in pathological suppression of the corestress system. The recent seminal findings of Yahudaand her colleagues showing exaggerated cortisolresponses to low dose dexamethasone and other datarevealing decreased urinary free cortisol excretion sug-gest HPA axis hypoactivity in patients with post-trau-matic stress disorder.146 To date, we have not foundfrank decreases in 24-hour urinary free cortisol inpatients with atypical depression or excessiveresponses to dexamethasone, although a much largerseries is now pending. Therefore, detecting a centrallymediated decrement in HPA axis function patientswith atyical depression was initially difficult until wedeveloped an endocrine paradigm for the differentialdiagnosis between adrenal, pituitary, and hypothal-amic CRH-mediated hypoactivity of the HPA axis.76,147

    Prior efforts to document a centrally-mediated hypoac-tivity of the HPA axis were complicated by the factsthat the HPA axis could be normally quiescent formany hours per day, and that low level pulses occur-ring many times a day were missing in samplingstudies.

    Because there were no known forms of a non-trau-matically induced, centrally mediated HPA axishypoactivity in humans, we studied patients with adre-nal insufficiency as a consequence of either hypothal-amic tumor or traumatic pituitary stalk section.148 In

    the course of these studies, we identified a unique pat-tern of delayed plasma ACTH responses to CRH, asso-ciated with very attenuated cortisol responses to theACTH released during CRH stimulation (Fig 9a, ii). Wepostulated that the blunted and delayed plasma ACTHresponses reflected a lack of priming of pituitary ACTHsecreting cells by endogenous CRH, similar to the

    blunted and delayed TSH response to TSH in patientswith centrally mediated hypothyroidism. Thus, thoughthe pituitary ACTH secreting cells are making someACTH, they are not releasing it, so that it is kept in asecondary releasable pool and is more slowly released.In response to synthetic CRH, they eventually releasesome ACTH, though the response is delayed, and can

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    be prolonged. The blunted rather than the exaggeratedcortisol responses to the blunted ACTH responsesmeant that their adrenals had not been hyperstimul-ated by excessive CRH-driven hypercortisolism, andindeed, had been hypostimulated. To support thispremise, we gave these patients repeated priming pul-ses of human CRH prior to their next CRH stimulationtest. In this context, they significantly increased theircorticotroph capacity to respond to CRH challenge.149

    This hypothalamic CRH deficiency pattern sub-sequently served as a template for our search of othersyndromes of hypothalamic CRH deficiency. It should

    be noted that in contrast to hypothalamic CRHdeficiency, the characteristic pattern in primary adre-nal insufficiency is that of low cortisols, a very highACTH response to CRH, and little cortisol response tothese high levels of ACTH. Here, the hypothalamusand pituitary are normal, so that can respond to disin-hibition mediated by an inability of the adrenals to pro-duce adequate cortisol (Figure 9a, iii).

    Like hypothalamic CRH deficiency, patients withmelancholia have a blunted ACTH response to CRH.However, the response is not delayed in melancholia.A key feature of melancholia is that the cortisolresponse to the diminished amount of ACTH releasedduring CRH stimulation was very robust rather thanalso blunted. Thus, the adrenals had become hyperres-ponsive to ACTH as a consequence of a hyperactivehypothalamic CRH neuron (Figure 9b, i).

    We next studied patients with Cushings disease, anillness frequently associated with depression. We hadshown that in comparison to patients with melancholiawho had centrally mediated hypercortisolism, the hyp-ercortisolism of Cushings disease is pituitarymediated150 Figure 9ci). We had also shown that morethan 80% of their depressions were of the atypical pat-tern.151 We chose to study these patients after surgerywhen they were without the complication of the pitu-itary microadenoma, but left with a full complementof previously normal pituitary ACTH secreting cells.Often, these subjects are adrenally insufficient because,after the microadenoma is removed, their normalresidual ACTH secreting cells are silent. This adrenalinsufficiency could thus reflect long-term suppressionof hypothalamic CRH or pituitary ACTH secretion inthe context of many years of pre-existing hypercortisol-ism, much as patients on supraphysiologic doses of

    glucocorticoids, who must be given steroids after taper-ing. To study the source of the adrenal insufficiencyin our Cushings patients, we stimulated these patientswith CRH. They responded with delayed and bluntedplasma ACTH response and very reduced cortisolresponses (the hypothalamic CRH deficiency pattern,Figure 9c, ii). We surmised that since their pituitaryACTH secreting cells could respond to exogenous CRH,they would have had levels of plasma ACTH postoper-atively, if their own hypothalamic CRH cells were stillsecreting some CRH. These patients showed the clearhypothalamic pattern in response to CRH stimulation(Figure 9c, ii). In addition, after many priming dosesof synthetic human CRH, the ACTH response to CRH

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    was partially restored, indicating successful priming ofpituitary ACTH secreting cells. To further support thepremise of a decrement in hypothalamic ACTH

    secretion in Cushings disease due to longstandinghypercortisolism, we found that, compared to controls,their CSF CRH levels were profoundly suppressed.75

    We were then ready to study patients with affectivedisorder. To determine whether patients with atypicaldepression show evidence of a centrally mediatedhypoactivity of the HPA axis, we first studied patientswith depression of seasonal affective disorder, a syn-drome virtually identical to that of atypicaldepression.152,153 Patients with seasonal affective dis-order responded to ovine CRH with all of the featuresof the CRH deficient phenotype (Figure 3, right).154

    Blunted delayed plasma ACTH responses were associa-ted with small rather than exaggerated cortisol

    responses to CRH. Moreover, the CRH deficient pat-tern resolved after non-pharmacologically inducedremission from depression.154 We have recently found

    that depressed children of mothers who also had his-tories of major depression whose parental style washostile and overbearing showed the CRH deficiencyphenotype. These individuals had participated in theNIMH Longitudinal Study of depressed mothers andtheir children, started over 20 years ago. Many of thechildren had been followed since infancy.155

    Almost simultaneously, we studied patients with aclassic fatigue state, chronic fatigue syndrome. This ill-ness is by no means synonymous with depressionthough the two disorders share some features. We alsoshowed that these subjects had blunted ACTH and cor-tisol responses to CRH. They also had bimodalresponse in their ACTH/cortisol dose response

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    269Figure 9 Contrasting plasma ACTH and cortisol responsesto synthetic corticotropin-releasing hormone in various states.Graphs on the left show the plasma ACTH and cortisolresponses to synthetic ovine corticotropin releasing hormone(CRH). The gray shaded area denotes the normal range. Dia-grams on right show pathways from hypothalamus to pitu-itary to adrenals (triangles). Line thickness denotes relative

    amounts of corticotropin-releasing hormone or cortisolsecreted. Negative signs denote feedback inhibition.(a) Normal (i), hypothalamic CRH deficiency (ii) , and primaryadrenal insufficiency (iii). Compared to controls, patientswith known hypothalamic CRH deficiency have an unusualcombination of a low basal plasma ACTH and cortisol levelswith blunted (and delayed) plasma ACTH and cortisolresponses to synthetic CRH. This pattern reflects the lack ofpriming of pituitary ACTH-secreting cells by endogenousCRH, and contrasts markedly with the brisk and exaggeratedplasma ACTH responses seen in primary adrenal insuf-ficiency, in which primed pituitary ACTH-secreting cellsrespond to synthetic CRH unrestrained by the glucocorticoidnegative feedback. (b) Melancholic depression (i), and atypi-cal depression (ii). In melancholic depression, elevated

    plasma cortisol levels appropriately restrain pituitary ACTHsecreting cells in their response to synthetic CRH. Due tochronic centrally-mediated stimulation of the adrenals, theyshow an exaggerated plasma cortisol response during syn-thetic CRH stimulation. In chronic fatigue syndrome, seasonalaffective disorder, and postpartum depression, blunted andoften delayed plasma ACTH responses to synthetic CRHoccur in the context of either normal or significantly reducedbasal cortisol levels. Plasma cortisol responses are also sig-nificantly reduced, indicating relatively long-term hyposti-mulation of the adrenals by ACTH. (c) Cushings disease:untreated (i), post-surgery (ii), and primed post-surgery (iii).The profound basal hypercortisolism of Cushings disease isassociated with exaggerated rather than restrained plasmaACTH responses (as in melancholia), indicating a gross lack

    of glucocorticoid negative feedback at the pituitary. Low basalcortisol levels after surgery reflect either residual suppressionof remaining pituitary ACTH secreting cells or hypothalamicCRH neurons due to exposure to long-standing and profoundbasal hypercortisolism. This suppression lasts up to a year.Postoperative Cushings disease patients show a blunted anddelayed plasma ACTH response to synthetic CRH, suggestingthat remaining pituitary ACTH secreting cells can respond toCRH when it is available. Priming with multiple pulses ofsynthetic human CRH largely restores the plasma ACTHresponse to synthetic CRH. From Gold et al. Proc Assoc AmPhys 1999; 111: 2234.

    curve.156 In response to low dose ACTH, patients with

    chronic fatigue responded with exaggerated plasmacortisol responses to ACTH. This probably reflectedtwo factors: (1) the presence of increased sensitivity ofadrenal ACTH receptors to ACTH on account of long-standing hypostimulation; and (2) the fact that eventhough their adrenals were small, they could produceaugmented cortisol responses from an adrenal of lowmass in the context of a very low dose of ACTH.156 Athigh doses, patients with chronic fatigue syndrome hadattenuated responses to ACTH. This response presum-ably reflects the fact that the low adrenal mass inunderstimulated adrenal cortices in chronic fatiguewas unable to fully respond to a high dose of ACTH.

    To further test the hypothesis of a centrally-mediated

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    HPA axis deficiency in patients with classic atypicaldepression, we measured plasma ACTH and cortisollevels every 3 minutes for 24 hours in four patientswith atypical depression and in four controls. We rea-soned that such sampling might provide sufficient res-olution to detect low level pulses of ACTH and cortisolthat were otherwise missed with less frequent sam-pling. Our data showed that patients with atypicaldepression had significant reductions in plasma ACTHsecretion in the face of normal pituitary and adrenalcomponents of the HPA axis, suggesting a hypothal-amic CRH deficiency (Licinio and Gold, unpublishedobservations). Normal plasma cortisol levels may have

    been maintained by compensatory mechanisms. Weknow that in the context of unilateral adrenalectomy,the residual adrenal is stimulated by factors otherthan ACTH.

    Only one study reports reduced CSF CRH levels inpatients with major depression. This was an exceed-ingly carefully done study from a highly respected

    group that utilized an indwelling lumbar catheter fordetermination of CSF CRH levels over some hours. Ger-acioti et alnoted that many, but not all of the subjectsof this study had atypical features.157 It is noteworthythat these patients were eucortisolemic rather thanhypercortisolemic. Eucortisolism in the context of acentral CRH deficiency would not be surprising, giventhe multiple redundant mechanisms for maintainingnormal glucocorticoid secretion such as enhancedsympathetic stimulation of the adrenal cortex.147

    Hypoactivity of one of the core stress system compo-nents that promotes arousal and diminishes foodintake could contribute to the lethargy, fatigue, andhyperphagia characteristic of atypical depression.7

    These data indicate that hypercortisolism may not bethe only abnormality of HPA axis function in depress-ive illness. Thus, optimal functioning of the CNSrequires that core stress system components remainwithin a carefully-maintained range, and that deficitsin CNS function can occur in the context of either hyp-er- or hypoactive LC-NE and CRH systems.

    Recent data indicate that inflammatory mediatorssuch as IL-1 recruit hypothalamic CRH containing neu-rons in a negative feedback loop in which glucocortico-ids exert immunosuppressive effects to prevent theimmune response from overshooting.158 If hypo-thalamic CRH neurons fail to respond adequately to

    cytokine stimulation, the resultant failure of adequateglucocorticoid-mediated restraint of the immune sys-tem results in a hyper-immune state. Esther Sternbergin our group found rats whose hypothalamic CRH neu-rons responded insufficiently to inflammatorymediators and developed a range of autoimmune dis-eases dependent on the trigger administered. Thus, anintact HPA axis seems necessary for an immuneresponse of normal magnitude. In this regard, patientswith chronic fatigue syndrome not only present withfatigue, but also with inflammatory symptoms such asmuscle ache and joint pain and feverishness.159 It iswell known that many patients visit primary carefacilities with complaints of fatigue and low-grade

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    inflammatory symptoms that have no apparent patho-physiologic basis. Many of these patients could havedisinhibited immune systems on the basis of a hypoac-tive HPA axis.

    The hyperphagia that is a defining characteristic ofatypical depression is likely to lead either to obesity ora cycle of weight gain and weight loss occurringthroughout recurrent episodes of depression. Becauseweight that is regained after weight loss may be prefer-entially distributed as intra-abdominal fat, either sus-tained obesity or weight cycling could result in adverse

    Table 1 Postulated clinical differences and differential long-term medical consequences of melancholic and atypicaldepression

    Melancholic AtypicalClinical PhenotypeLevel of arousal Hyperaroused Hypoaroused, apatheticAnxiety level Anxious Generally not anxiousReactivity Relatively unreactive to environment Reactive to environment

    Affect Stereotyped affect Stereotyped affect, intermittentreactivity

    Emotional memory Predominance of painful emotional Relatively out of touch with pastmemory

    Capacity for pleasure Anhedonic AnhedonicCognition Decreased concentration, perseveration Loss of focusBehavior Shift to relatively well-rehearsed Unmotivated, inactive


    NeurovegetativeSleep Decreased sleep; poor quality Increased sleep; poor qualityAppetite Decreased food intake, weight loss Increased food intake, weight gainEnergy level Overt energy level variable Marked lethargy and fatigueLibido Diminished Diminished


    HPA axis Centrally-activated Centrally-mediated hypoactivityGH axis Suppressed SuppressedReproductive axis Suppressed Suppressed

    AutonomicSympathetic activity Increased Decreased

    Body CompositionBody Mass Index (BMI) Normal HighLean body mass Decreased (sarcopenia) NormalTotal body fat Normal or increased IncreasedVisceral fat Increased Increased

    MetabolicInsulin sensitivity Decreased DecreasedLipid metabolism Dyslipidemia Dyslipidemia

    Coagulation Hypercoagulable/decreased fibrinolysis Hypercoagulable/decreased fibrinolysisImmune Function Relatively immunosuppressed Relatively immunoenhanced

    Medical SequelaeHeart disease Premature ischemic heart disease Premature ischemic heart diseaseOsteoporosis Premature osteoporosis Normal boneInfection/inflammation Increased susceptibility to infection Increased susceptibility to

    inflammationNeurodegeneration Hippocampus/medial prefrontal cortex ?

    Melancholic depressed patients, in many instances, should have different medical complications than patients with atypicaldepression. We suggest that the common medical complications we predict might be the same, occur because of differentmechanisms. For instance, we predict that melancholic patients will have decreased insulin sensitivity because of hypercortisol-ism and increased NE secretion, while atypical patients will be insulin-resistant because of low growth hormone secretion anda non-cortisol mediated increase in visceral fat.

    metabolic consequences conducive to coronary arterydisease. As noted, the visceral fat mass is metabolicallyvery active and can lead to several problems such aspremature cardiac disease. On the other hand, our datain patients with the atypical depression of seasonalaffective disorder suggest that bone mineral density isnot reduced (Gold et al, unpublished observations), incontrast to the group of depressed patients in whommean 24-hour urinary free cortisol excretion was elev-ated.

    For a systematic comparison of the potential long-

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    271term medical complications of melancholic and atypi-cal depression, please see Table 1.

    Summary and conclusions

    In summary, the available data suggest that there isconcomitant activation of the CRH and LC-NE systemsin melancholic depression, and that CRH, NE, and cor-tisol participate in mutually reinforcing positive feed-

    back loops that can generate a tremendous and pro-longed response involving many brain areas. Both CRHand NE activation may potentiate the intensity offuture stress responses by enhancing the encoding ofadverse emotional memory and by sensitizing specificsubstrates so that subsequent responses are enhanced.Because CRH and the glucocorticoids are neurotoxic, aprogressive loss of critical tissue may theoreticallyoccur. It is of interest that as early as 1984, investi-gators postulated a role for CRH that included not onlytransducing symptoms of melancholic depression but

    also in sensitizing the stress system (Figure 10). We arenow, of course, armed with the revolution in moleculargenetics, have gotten inside the cell, and have manynew mediators to understand, including CRHR-1 andCRHR-2, their endogenous ligands, and the CRH bind-ing protein.

    The neurobiology of major depression with melan-cholic features suggests a syndrome reflecting a dysreg-ulation of an essential adaptive response system calledinto play frequently in all of us, rather than exoticpathophysiologic changes that are otherwise rarelyseen. The dysregulation of stress system function thatinvolves genetic, constitutional, and environmentalfactors allows the interposition of multiple reinforcingfeedback loops that are likely to contribute to the clini-cal and biochemical manifestations of majordepression.

    The association of a syndrome characterized by leth-

    Figure 10 Early formulation of relation between CRH anddepression. From Gold et al. Am J Psychiat 1984; 311: 1127.

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    argy, fatigue, apathy, hyperphagia, and hypersomnia,with a pathologic downregulation of a critical stress-responsive arousal-producing component of the stresssystem, is of both practical and theoretical significance.This finding provides new targets for diagnosis andtherapeutic intervention. In addition, the definitive dif-ferentiation of depressive syndromes into distinct bio-chemical phenotypes has implications for moleculargenetic studies and the search for additional long-termmedical consequences. In particular, failure to effec-tively differentiate biochemically distinct subgroups ofpatients with melancholic and atypical majordepression, on the basis of factors that differentiallyinfluence susceptibility to medical illness, could com-plicate the systematic identification of individualswith depressive illness at risk for cardiovascular dis-ease, osteoporosis, and inflammatory disease. Inaddition, failure to stratify depression on these, andhopefully more precisely identified abnormalities inthe future, could impede scientific inquiry.

    The enhanced susceptibility of patients with majordepression to the premature onset of complex diseasesthat are frequently seen as we age suggests that thepathophysiological changes of major depression,especially with melancholic features, leads to a formof premature aging. Melancholic patients have thepremature onset of complex disorders such as coronaryartery disease and osteoporosis and are likely to diesooner. Other stigmata of aging such as the more fre-quent awakenings during sleep in the elderly are alsopresent in melancholic depression. We postulate thatpatients with melancholic depressive episodes alsohave premature progressive decrements in growth hor-mone and DHEA secretion.

    In a recent screen for gene mutations that extend lifein drosophila, the mutant line methuselah displayedan approximately 35% increase in average life spanand enhanced resistance to various forms of stressincluding starvation, high temperature, and free radicalgeneration.160 Preliminary analysis of the methuselahgene predicted a protein with homology to the well-known family of seven transmembrane receptorsinvolved in neurotransmission, endocrine regulation,and metabolism. In C. elegans, life span and stress arealso closely associated, and organisms selected forpostponed senescence also show increased tolerance toheat, starvation, and oxidative damage.161 Thus, there

    is likely to be a price for each activation of the stressresponse, and a higher price for patients with an illnessthat involves its long-term activation.

    Emotional responses call upon disparate sites inbrain for the integration of previously encoded memor-ies and their significance, assessment of the presentreality, and initiation of a relatively well-rehearsedplan of action and reflexive physiological and meta-

    bolic changes. Much of the brain is called into play toaccomplish these tasks.162 Similarly, the pronouncedchanges in neuroendocrine function and autonomicoutflow associated with depression potentially influ-ence an enormous number of somatic cells and neu-rons. Consequently, previous concepts of depression as

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    a specific disorder affecting mood have now given wayto an appreciation of this disorder as a systemic illnessthat exerts enormous effects on the CNS and periphery.


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    2 Frank EKD, Perel JM et al. Three year outcomes for maintenancein therapies in recurrent depression. Arch Gen Psychiat1990; 47:10931099.

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