stress analysis 3 d auto cad by autodesk inventor

E-booK STRESS ANALYSIS by Autodesk Inventor Professional 2012 SOLID 3D Auto CAD HaGun INSTITUTE 2012

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Autodesk Inventor Professional 2012




Page 2: Stress analysis 3 d auto cad by autodesk inventor

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Dipersembahkan kepada Individu yang ingin meningkatkan kualitas hidup

Presented to individuals who want to improve the quality of life

Представлен лицам, которые хотят улучшить качество жизни

Page 3: Stress analysis 3 d auto cad by autodesk inventor

E-mail: [email protected] iii


Dengan menyebut nama Allah yang Maha Pemurah lagi Maha Penyayang.

Segala puji bagi Allah, Tuhan semesta alam.

Bacalah dengan (menyebut) nama Tuhanmu yang Menciptakan (Qs. Al 'Alaq:1).

Disertasi ini berisi sedikit dari untaian keilmuan di dunia pendidikan, diperuntukkan bagi yang ingin menambah wawasannya. Dengan berkeyakinan bahwa:

Sesungguhnya Allah tidak merobah Keadaan sesuatu kaum sehingga mereka merobah keadaan yang ada pada diri mereka sendiri (Qs. Ar Ra'd:11),

Dengan harapan semoga Allah SWT meridhai, maka tulisan


Autodesk Inventor Professional 2012 Semoga berguna, karena:

Allah akan meninggikan orang-orang yang beriman di antaramu dan orang-orang yang diberi ilmu pengetahuan beberapa derajat. dan Allah Maha mengetahui apa yang kamu kerjakan (QS Al Mujaadilah:11).

Page 4: Stress analysis 3 d auto cad by autodesk inventor

E-mail: [email protected] iv

DAFTAR GAMBAR Figure 1 Object 3D Solid Created by Auto CAD Series ........................................................... 1

Figure 2 Export Object ............................................................................................................. 2

Figure 3 File Name and Folder Position................................................................................... 2

Figure 4 Select Object to Export .............................................................................................. 3

Figure 5 Information Selected Object ...................................................................................... 3

Figure 6 Open Autodesk Inventor Professional 2012 .............................................................. 4

Figure 7 Desktop Autodesk Inventor Professional 2012 .......................................................... 4

Figure 8 Open ACIS.SAT file ................................................................................................... 5

Figure 9 Object in Tab ModeL ................................................................................................. 5

Figure 10 Clik Icon Document Setting at TooLs ....................................................................... 6

Figure 11 Setting Document to Metric Unit .............................................................................. 6

Figure 12 Clik Tab Environtments ............................................................................................ 7

Figure 13 Stress Analysis tab TooLs ....................................................................................... 7

Figure 14 Clik Icon Create Simulation ..................................................................................... 8

Figure 15 Stress Analysis tab Tolls Active ............................................................................... 8

Figure 16 Assign Materials Object ........................................................................................... 9

Figure 17 Select Material ......................................................................................................... 9

Figure 18 Material Selected ................................................................................................... 10

Figure 19 Constraints Menu ................................................................................................... 10

Figure 20 Clik Face to be Fixed Constraint ............................................................................ 11

Figure 21 Clik Other Face to be Constraint ............................................................................ 11

Figure 22 Select Loads .......................................................................................................... 12

Figure 23 Value Magnitude and Surface................................................................................ 12

Figure 24 Clik Icon Simulate .................................................................................................. 13

Figure 25 Press Run to Action ............................................................................................... 13

Figure 26 Simulation on Processing ...................................................................................... 14

Figure 27 First Page After Finish Simulation .......................................................................... 14

Figure 28 Press Icon Report to Create Analysis Reports....................................................... 15

Figure 29 Report in Rich Text Format (Rtf) ............................................................................ 15

Figure 30 Reporting in Progress ............................................................................................ 16

Figure 31 First View of Part2 Stress Analysis Report 7_22_2012 ......................................... 16

Figure 32 Clik Tab View so Clik Icon Print Layout ................................................................. 17

Figure 33 Report After Editing by Micro Soft Word ................................................................ 17

Figure 34 Save As Report format to Micro Soft Word ............................................................ 18

Figure 35 Save As Type Micro Soft Word .............................................................................. 18

Figure 36 Save As Report format to Pdf ................................................................................ 19

Figure 37 Save As Type PDF ................................................................................................ 19

Figure 38 Report in PDF Format ............................................................................................ 20

Figure 39 Show Window Side by Side ................................................................................... 20

Figure 40 Finish ..................................................................................................................... 21

Page 5: Stress analysis 3 d auto cad by autodesk inventor

Solid Object by Auto CAD to Autodesk Inventor 2012

Collaboration With Solid Object by Auto CAD to Autodesk Inventor 2012

Figure 1 Object 3D Solid Created by Auto CAD Series

Page 6: Stress analysis 3 d auto cad by autodesk inventor

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Figure 2 Export Object

Figure 3 File Name and Folder Position

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Figure 4 Select Object to Export

Figure 5 Information Selected Object

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Figure 6 Open Autodesk Inventor Professional 2012

Figure 7 Desktop Autodesk Inventor Professional 2012

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Figure 8 Open ACIS.SAT file

Figure 9 Object in Tab ModeL

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Figure 10 Clik Icon Document Setting at TooLs

Figure 11 Setting Document to Metric Unit

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Figure 12 Clik Tab Environtments

Figure 13 Stress Analysis tab TooLs

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Figure 14 Clik Icon Create Simulation

Figure 15 Stress Analysis tab Tolls Active

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Figure 16 Assign Materials Object

Figure 17 Select Material

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Figure 18 Material Selected

Figure 19 Constraints Menu

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Figure 20 Clik Face to be Fixed Constraint

Figure 21 Clik Other Face to be Constraint

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Figure 22 Select Loads

Figure 23 Value Magnitude and Surface

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Figure 24 Clik Icon Simulate

Figure 25 Press Run to Action

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Figure 26 Simulation on Processing

Figure 27 First Page After Finish Simulation

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Figure 28 Press Icon Report to Create Analysis Reports

Figure 29 Report in Rich Text Format (Rtf)

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Figure 30 Reporting in Progress

Figure 31 First View of Part2 Stress Analysis Report 7_22_2012

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Figure 32 Clik Tab View so Clik Icon Print Layout

Figure 33 Report After Editing by Micro Soft Word

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Figure 34 Save As Report format to Micro Soft Word

Figure 35 Save As Type Micro Soft Word

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Figure 36 Save As Report format to Pdf

Figure 37 Save As Type PDF

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Figure 38 Report in PDF Format

Figure 39 Show Window Side by Side

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Figure 40 Finish