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Strengthening retirement savings An overview of proposals announced in the 2012 Budget 14 May 2012 National Treasury

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Strengthening retirement savings An overview of proposals announced in the 2012 Budget

14 May 2012

National Treasury

| 2 |


INTRODUCTION ............................................................................... 3

BACKGROUND ................................................................................. 4

HOUSEHOLD SAVINGS AND RETIREMENT ............................................................ 4 THE RETIREMENT LANDSCAPE .......................................................................... 6

STRENGTHENING RETIREMENT SAVINGS ......................................... 9

REDUCING RETIREMENT FUND COSTS ................................................................ 9 REFORMING THE ANNUITIES MARKET .............................................................. 12 PRESERVATION AND PORTABILITY ................................................................... 13 HARMONISING RETIREMENT FUND TAXATION .................................................... 13 IMPROVING FUND GOVERNANCE AND THE ROLE OF TRUSTEES ............................... 14 PENSION FUND INVESTMENTS ........................................................................ 15 PENSION LAWS TO BE EXTENDED TO ALL PUBLIC FUNDS ....................................... 15

NEW TAX-FREE SAVINGS INSTRUMENT ......................................... 16

CONCLUSION ................................................................................. 17

| 3 |


“A series of discussion papers will be released this year on promoting household

savings and reforming the retirement industry…..Among the issues are improved

governance over pension funds… and ways to improve preservation of retirement

fund assets and to ensure higher levels of income in retirement.

– Minister of Finance, 2012 Budget Speech

This document provides an overview of government’s proposals to

promote retirement savings, as announced by the Minister of Finance

during the 2012 Budget speech. The need for such reforms is evident:

most South Africans do not save adequately for retirement and only

about half of the country’s workers belong to a retirement fund.

Government is committed to increasing the financial security of all

citizens. To realise this objective, wide-ranging proposals to reform

social security and retirement fund arrangements are under

consideration. The goal is a fair and sustainable social security system,

supported by a mandatory statutory fund that provides pension, life

insurance and disability benefits. Within this framework, government

will encourage additional savings in approved retirement funds for

those earning above a specified threshold.

This overview document focuses on complementary proposals to

improve the retirement funds industry while the broader reform process

is under way. The 2012 Budget Review identified four principal

concerns with retirement and other investment products:

Inadequate lifetime savings

Low levels of preservation and portability

High fees and charges

Low levels of annuitisation.

This document presents an overview of proposals addressing these

matters, centred on:

Reducing the costs of retirement products

Reforming the annuities market

Requiring preservation and portability

A uniform approach to the tax treatment of retirement fund


Improving fund governance and the role of trustees

Tax incentives to promote retirement and other investment


Over the course of 2012, the National Treasury will release a series of

technical discussion papers elaborating on these matters. A separate

process is under way to improve financial sector regulation, moving

towards a twin peaks model with standalone regulators for prudential

and market conduct. Prudential supervision will ensure that retirement

funds are soundly managed; market conduct supervision will make cost

Reforms proposed to

encourage South Africans

to save for retirement

Proposals address lifetime

savings, preservation levels,

high fees and annuitisation

| 4 |

structures more transparent, and protect policyholders from unfair

practices and charges.1

Box 1: Technical discussion papers to be released for consultation during 2012

A. Retirement fund costs – Reviews the costs of retirement funds and measures proposed to reduce them. Paper due to be released by October 2012.

B. Providing a retirement income – Reviews retirement income markets and measures to ensure that cost-

effective, standardised and easily accessible products are available to the public. Paper due to be released by June 2012.

C. Preservation, portability and uniform access to retirement savings – Gives consideration to phasing in preservation on job changes and divorce settlement orders, and harmonising annuitisation requirements. The aim is to strengthen retirement provisioning, long-term savings and fund governance. Paper due to be released by June 2012.

D. Savings and fiscal incentives – Discusses how short- to medium-term savings can be enhanced, and dependency on excessive credit reduced, through tax-preferred individual savings and investment accounts. It also discusses the design of incentives to encourage savings in lower-income households. Paper due to be released by August 2012.

E. Uniform retirement contribution model – Proposes harmonising tax treatment for contributions to retirement funds to simplify the tax regime around retirement fund contributions. Paper due to be released by August 2012.

Government’s proposals take into account the increased prudential risks

to retirement funds arising from the global financial crisis, as well as the

need to address industry shortcomings, product design flaws and

inappropriate market conduct. Relevant proposals will be designed to

protect vested rights. Current pensioners or those who are about to retire

soon will not be adversely affected by the transition.

This overview document opens a public consultation process with trade

unions, employers, retirement funds and the broader public to

strengthen the retirement system for all South Africans. It will be

followed by the technical discussion papers noted in the box above.


Household savings and retirement

Retirement savings constitute nearly 60 per cent of South African

household savings. Yet the household savings rate, net of depreciation,

has fallen steadily over time.

Low household savings reduce the ability of individuals to withstand

sudden changes in income or prices, and to maintain their prior levels of

consumption in retirement. In the long term, lower savings lead to lower

growth and higher taxes, as taxpayers fund those who do not provide

sufficiently for their retirement.

Several structural factors explain the decline in South Africa’s

household savings rates. One important factor is increased access to

credit since the late 1990s – primarily secured credit to finance house

purchases, as well as unsecured credit. While irresponsible borrowing

11 See A safer financial sector to serve South Africa better, National Treasury policy document, 2011.

Reforms will protect the

vested rights of pensioners

and pension fund members

South Africa has one of the

world’s lowest household

savings rates

| 5 |

and lending is a concern, credit extended and used responsibly has the

potential to increase economic opportunity, income and welfare.

Growth in credit extension has contributed to increased household

consumption in recent years, as shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1: Household debt, consumption expenditure and disposable income per capita

Source: South African Reserve Bank

Government seeks to broaden financial inclusion – expanding formal

banking and credit systems to previously excluded households – and

there is evidence of progress in this area. More lower-income

households have access to formal savings instruments than ever before,

yet their ability to increase savings through formal channels is likely to

be limited in the short term. In 2007, estimated savings outside the

formal financial sector (“the grey market”) amounted to R33 billion,

mostly in stokvels. A recent survey estimated the value of savings in

stokvels at R44 billion.2

Low-income households saving through the formal sector tend to use

low-cost bank accounts (such as Mzansi accounts) and savings products

that provide liquidity. Some low-income households also save through

retirement funds, particularly provident funds, although their rates of

preservation are very low.

Higher-income households generally use a wider variety of formal

channels, including life insurance policies, retirement annuities, pension

and provident funds, residential housing and collective investment

schemes. Changing the incentives that drive savings decisions among

middle-income households will encourage additional savings or change

its composition. The demand for formal savings among high-income

households, however, is likely to be relatively stable. Many of these

households will presumably have already allocated their savings and

investments on the basis of yield or tax optimisation.

2African Response Survey, 2011, Stokvels are here to stay,



















1980 1990 2000 2010

a) Household debt and savings to disposable income, % (1980-2010)

Ratio of saving to disposableincome (LHS)

Ratio of debt to disposableincome (RHS)









1995 2000 2005 2010

b) Change in household debt, consumption and income, YOY % (1995-2010)

Credit extension to households

Final household consumption expenditure

Disposable income per capita




1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010

c) Household consumption to disposable income (1970-2010)

There has been progress in

expanding access to formal

banking and credit systems,

but low-income households

have limited ability to

increase their savings

| 6 |

Figure 2 shows the distribution of income by South African taxpayers.

Households earning between R150 000 and R400 000 per year

accounted for more than 44 per cent of taxable income in 2010. A more

effective retirement funds industry, alongside additional incentives

under consideration, is likely to increase household savings.

Figure 2: Taxable income and number of taxpayers by taxable income bracket, 2010

Source: South African Revenue Service

The retirement landscape

In many ways, South Africa’s retirement system is successful for

employed individuals earning above the income tax threshold. Yet more

than half of the formally employed workforce falls below this level, and

their degree of retirement coverage depends on the industry in which

they work and its degree of unionisation. Although there are significant

cross-subsidies within most funds, there are missed opportunities for

risk pooling between funds.

Even though the system is quasi-voluntary,3 coverage of the existing

industry is very high by international standards for workers earning

above the tax threshold. Contribution rates are also high, and the system

provides millions of South Africans with substantial risk benefits that

protect their dependants in the case of premature death. Total assets

under management make South Africa’s retirement funds industry one

of the world’s largest relative to gross domestic product.

Several factors contribute to the size of the industry. Government gives

workers substantial tax incentives to contribute to retirement funds

(about R17 billion in 2009 on contribution tax relief alone); it is easy to

participate in the system because most workers have to make few direct

3 While employers are not required to make retirement provision for their workers,

if they do set up a scheme, employees must join as a condition of employment.

















0 -


20 -


30 -


40 -


50 -


60 -


70 -


80 -


90 -

































-1 …

1 00

0 -…

2 00

0 -…

5 00

0 +



er o

f tax







R b



Taxable income

Number of taxpayers (right axis)

The retirement industry has

high coverage, high

contribution rates and high

assets under management

| 7 |

decisions; and many funds, especially those where employers make co-

payments or bear some of the administration costs, are the most cost-

effective way for workers to save.

As a result, retirement funds, including retirement annuities, are the

destination of more than half of household savings, as shown below.4

Figure 3: Nominal savings flows to various asset classes attributed to households, 1999-2010 R


Source: Association for Savings and Investment South Africa, South African Reserve Bank, JSE

Table 1: Condensed balance sheet of households, 2003-2010

R billion 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010

Non-financial assets 796 1 043 1 256 1 482 1 723 1 790 1 900 1 965

Assets with monetary institutions

285 314 352 400 463 546 563 577

Interest in pension funds and long-term insurers

1 014 1 214 1 410 1 762 1 969 1 927 2 126 2 406

Other financial assets 624 737 978 1 239 1 427 1 151 1 398 1 622

Total household assets 2 719 3 308 3 996 4 883 5 582 5 414 5 987 6 570

Mortgage advances 235 307 395 517 658 731 752 781

Other debt 216 250 302 356 413 426 431 476

Net wealth 2 268 2 751 3 299 4 010 4 511 4 257 4 804 5 313

Source: South African Reserve Bank

4 We are assuming the retirement savings are made up of employee and employer contributions to retirement funds, as well as long-term insurance premiums.

Demand deposits, R203 billion, 11%

Deposits < 6 months, R38 billion, 2%

Deposits > 6 months, R21 billion, 1%

Money market funds, R164 billion, 9%

Unit trust stock, R188 billion, 10%

Exchange traded funds, R23 billion, 1%

Retirement fund contributions by members, R251

billion, 14%

Retirement fund contributions by employers, R388

billion, 21%

Long-term life insurance premiums,

R404 billion, 22%

Mortgage advanced repayments, R131

billion, 7%

Most household savings

flow to retirement funds

| 8 |

South Africa’s retirement funds landscape is complex. Currently there

are more than 2 700 funds, and this fragmentation adds significantly to


The Income Tax Act (1962, as amended) defines four different tax

dispensations for retirement funds (pension funds, provident funds,

preservation funds and retirement annuity funds). The Pension Funds

Act (1956, as amended) makes a distinction between funds set up by a

commercial sponsor and run for profit (such as retirement annuity

funds, umbrella funds and preservation funds) and not-for-profit funds,

which may be set up by standalone employers, or by bargaining

councils, unions or industry associations for their members. Funds also

have different benefit structures: they may be defined benefit, defined

contribution or hybrid structures. Table 2 shows the spread of fund

assets under management.

Table 2: Retirement fund assets under management by type, 2011

R billion Not for-profit For-profit employer-


Individual Total

Public funds (mainly Government Employees Pension Fund)

982 982

Defined benefit pension and provident funds

343 4 2 349

Defined contribution pension and provident funds

549 103 72 724

Retirement annuity funds 264 264

Total 1 874 107 338 2 319

Source: Financial Services Board, National Treasury

Despite high participation rates, high contribution rates and significant

assets under management, only about 10 per cent of South Africans are

able to maintain their pre-retirement level of consumption after they

stop working – primarily because preservation rates are low. In recent

years, the aggregate rand value of flows out of retirement funds – both

pre- and post-retirement – appears to have been greater than total new

contributions. The overall appreciation in the value of fund assets has

largely been a consequence of the general rise in asset prices.

There are several reasons for low levels of preservation. Before they

retire, many workers, especially younger and lower-paid employees,

withdraw their entire retirement fund balance when they leave an

employer. Despite recent changes in the way these withdrawals are

taxed to incentivise preservation, this trend has continued.

The South African retirement industry appears to have a relatively high

cost structure with high fees, especially for retirement annuities. Over

many years, annual charges on investments can significantly erode

benefits, leading to much lower replacement rates than anticipated.

The consequences of low retirement income are serious: in addition to

increasing the burden on public finances, it increases the financial

vulnerability of the elderly population, leaving many dependent on

family for support. This in turn lowers the ability of many young

families to save for their own future.

Complexity and

fragmentation of retirement

funds industry adds

significantly to cost

Low preservation rates

mean that few South

Africans can maintain pre-

retirement consumption

when they stop working

Charges in the industry

appear high

| 9 |

In addition, the system stops protecting most workers after retirement.

Members of provident funds can withdraw all of their accumulated

benefits in cash, which is often used quickly. Members of pension funds

and holders of retirement annuities are required to annuitise two-thirds

of their assets when they retire. Many purchase living annuities with

their retirement funds, rather than conventional annuities – which are

the only products that protect them against outliving their assets – and

spend their assets too rapidly or make inappropriate investment

decisions. This increases the risk of poverty in old age.

Strengthening retirement savings

Government is proposing several incremental steps to strengthen

retirement funding, guided by the following principles:

Enhancing protections for individual savers, ensuring that their

retirement assets are invested in their best interests, and that such

protection is of a higher standard than required by consumers of

other goods and services.

Improving efficiency and good governance through consolidation

of private-sector retirement funds.

Encouraging the use of standardised products, promoting

competition to benefit lower- and middle-income households.

Ensuring that changes are consistent with broader social security

reform and government objectives.

Addressing any gaps exposed by the global financial crisis,

promoting financial inclusion and stability, and encouraging

prudential activity that improves market conduct.

Reducing retirement fund costs

Although the South African retirement industry is successful in many

ways, high costs relative to international benchmarks are a concern. A

high cost structure erodes retirement benefits, reduces saving returns

and discourages participation in the voluntary system. Over the long

term, high costs may threaten the industry’s structure.

Annual charges have a particularly negative effect on long-term

savings: while a 1 per cent once-off fee is manageable, that same fee

levied annually over 40 years will substantially reduce savings.

International comparisons need to be conducted with care because

retirement institutions around the world change over time and differ in

the functions they perform, in their level of maturity and in size, all of

which affect cost. One useful comparative tool in assessing cost

differences is the reduction in yield (RiY) method, which measures the

extent to which charges reduce the annual rate of return on an

individual’s holding in a fund. RiY is a forward-looking measure, and is

accurate only to the extent that the assumptions underlying its

calculation are reasonable.

The retirement system

stops protecting most

workers after they retire

‘High costs in savings

products undermine the

national objective of getting

our people to save more.’

– Minister of Finance, 2012

Budget speech

| 10 |

Figure 4 shows the 40-year RiY of some South African retirement

institutions of different types relative to selected peer countries. While

large South African occupational defined contribution funds appear

slightly cheaper than the most expensive mandatory retirement systems

elsewhere, umbrella funds and retirement annuities appear to be more

expensive than their retail equivalents in some other countries.

Charge ratios are significant for retirement annuities, both new and old-

generation, and preservation funds (only new-generation retirement

annuities are shown in the figure). Although the charge ratios for not-

for-profit retirement funds look reasonable, these figures are calculated

for larger funds, and the spread of values is large.

Figure 4: 40-year RiY for selected international retirement systems

Source: Whitehouse (2000) unless otherwise indicated. Figures refer to mandatory national retirement systems, unless otherwise indicated.

1. Treasury analysis, average of three new-generation retirement annuity providers. 2. Gluckman & Esterhuyzen (2011), Davies (2010), figure measures RiY over the average remaining career of current members, excludes guarantee charges and some low-income workers. 3. Bateman and Mitchell (2004), figures show costs rather than charges; retail defined contribution fund figure may therefore exclude costs of providing financial advice, and profit. Some external fund management costs may also be excluded. 4. Davies (2010) and Gluckman and Esterhuyzen (2011); assumes stable membership and assets per member.

Costs on umbrella funds deserve special attention. These funds have

charge ratios that lie between retirement annuities and large standalone

funds, although the estimates presented above may be low given the

effect of high guarantee charges on underlying investment portfolios.

Costs on umbrella funds may fall as the sector matures.

The establishment of a market conduct supervisor is expected to

improve transparency, making the retirement industry more competitive

and lowering its cost structure.

0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3



Australia (median-sized occupational DC) (3)




El Salvador



SA (large occupational DC) (4)


Australia (median-sized retail DC) (3)

UK (stakeholder)



SA (umbrella fund) (2)

SA (retirement annuity) (1)

40-year RiY, % p.a.

South African umbrella

funds and retirement

annuities appear much

more costly than their

international equivalents

| 11 |

The National Treasury has reviewed existing work on retirement fund

costs. The results of this review will be published in a forthcoming

discussion paper. In summary, the review notes that:

South Africa has relied almost entirely on market mechanisms

to design products, charging structures and fee levels.

Many retirement products have multiple layers of charges, such

as administration and investment management charges, and

brokerage, advisor and performance fees, making comparisons

across products and channels difficult. Costs of investment

management in particular are high.

The extent of product differentiation may inhibit competition.

Passive investment management, which is significantly cheaper

and not demonstrably inferior to active management over the

long term, is under-utilised in South Africa.

Distribution channels may encourage conflicts of interest

between financial advisors and their clients in wholesale and

retail markets.

Government is discussing these issues with the industry to help shape

policy proposals in the near future. While the issues are complex,

options under discussion include:

Standardising retirement products to increase competition on

the basis of price rather than product design.

Exploring exemption from the Financial Advisory and

Intermediary Services Act (2002) requirements for certain

standardised products.

Mandating charging structures to prevent price discrimination

against small firms or employers with lower-paid workers.

Harmonising disclosure requirements across different products

to facilitate comparison and competition.

Finding ways to encourage a greater use of passive investment

management, particularly in the retail sector.

Limiting the inappropriate use of guaranteed and smoothed

bonus funds in retirement funds.

Discouraging direct payments from providers to intermediaries,

especially in the group market.

Ensuring that trustees, particularly of umbrella and retirement

annuity funds, are aware of their responsibilities to members.

Preventing cross-subsidisation of services to give consumers

sufficient price information to make informed choices.

Forthcoming paper presents

extensive review of

retirement fund costs

Government is working with

the industry to find the best

way to reduce costs

| 12 |

Reforming the annuities market

The current system guards policyholders when they contribute, but the

quality of protection mechanisms declines when members retire. Most

defined contribution funds, after automating the savings and investment

choices of members over their working lives, leave them to the retail

market when they retire.

Members of pension funds and holders of retirement annuities are

required to purchase either a living annuity or a conventional life

annuity with two-thirds of their accumulated balance. Table 3 outlines

the features of these products. Most retirees purchase living annuities,

which require complex choices. Many draw down their assets too

quickly and invest them in high-risk funds, while others bear the risk of

outliving their savings and of poor asset returns.

If members of retirement funds are to be required to annuitise their

retirement assets, the annuity market must be structured in a way that

encourages members to make good choices.

A living annuity with an underlying investment in South African retail

bonds is being developed to provide an additional simple, low-cost

product to meet retirement income needs.

Table 3: Compulsory annuity products for purchase by members of pension funds and retirement

annuity holders upon retirement

Product Description Features

Conventional life annuity

Pays an income to individuals until they die, pooling longevity risk across individuals.

Insurer uses its own capital to guarantee the income in the case of mismatches between its assets and liabilities and unanticipated fluctuations in mortality.

Living annuity A phased withdrawal savings account with no longevity risk protection.

Individuals must withdraw between 2.5% and 17.5%

5 of the account each year. A wide range

of investments is possible. Individual exposure to investment risks may be substantial.

However, more needs to be done. The forthcoming paper on providing a

retirement income includes a review of the annuities market and

identifies the following concerns:

Conventional annuities are the only products available that

offer individuals protection against outliving their assets, but

they may not offer lower-income households value for money.

Living annuities – tax-protected savings accounts in which all

investment risk is borne by the member, and which offer no

protection against outliving their assets – expose many retirees

to longevity and investment risk, particularly in late old age.

Charges, especially in living annuities, are too high.

5 Proposals intend to reduce the minimum 2.5 per cent withdrawal rate to 0 per cent.

Most defined contribution

funds leave members to the

retail market when they


A retail bond-based living

annuity product is being


| 13 |

Options being explored with the retirement industry include developing

standardised products into which retirement funds can automatically

place members when they retire, without requiring financial advice.

These products will have to meet design, access and cost conditions.

Another option is to allow funds to default members into new types of

annuity products that share risks between providers and members,

making annuity provision more cost effective and attractive. Higher-

income retirees will continue to make their own choices about

additional retirement savings.

Preservation and portability

Despite high participation and contribution rates, most South Africans

reach retirement financially unprepared. Only about 10 per cent of

South Africans are able to maintain their pre-retirement level of

consumption after retirement, largely because of a lack of preservation

of retirement fund assets when members leave their jobs.

Government proposes to phase in, over time, a preservation

requirement. When employees change jobs, their balances can remain in

their employer’s fund, or be transferred to a preservation fund or to their

new employer’s fund, rather than be withdrawn in cash. The proposal to

preserve may be partially waived to allow those who are unemployed

and have exhausted their Unemployment Insurance Fund benefits to

access a maximum of one-third of their accumulated funds. Access will

also be allowed in cases of demonstrated medical need.

This measure will be phased in over a number of years, following

thorough consultation. Protection will be given to vested rights to

prevent any short-term disruption to retirement savings, and to minimise

the impact on current workers who may view their retirement savings as

precautionary or medium-term consumption smoothing.6

A forthcoming discussion document will detail these proposals.

Harmonising retirement fund taxation

To simplify the retirement system, government proposes a uniform

retirement contribution model, under which all contributions to

retirement funds – including annuities, pension and provident funds –

and all benefits from these funds will be subject to the same tax


Employer contributions to all types of funds will be included in an

employee’s remuneration as a fringe benefit, but individuals will be

permitted a deduction of up to 22.5 per cent of their income if they are

under 45 and 27.5 per cent if they are 45 and above. This will apply to

both employer and employee contributions.

6 Consumption smoothing refers to the ways that people try to balance saving and

spending over their lifetime to achieve an optimal living standard, including after retirement.

Standardised products

under consideration will

have to meet cost, design

and access conditions

Proposal to phase in a

preservation requirement

aims to help improve

financial security in


To simplify the retirement

system, contributions to and

benefits from all retirement

funds will be harmonised

| 14 |

To cater for the self-employed and partially self-employed, and to ease

administration, the income base upon which this deduction is calculated

will be changed to the greater of remuneration and taxable income.

To improve equity in the tax system, and to enable lower-income

individuals and those with variable incomes to contribute more, it is

proposed that the maximum permitted deduction will be greater than

R20 000 and less than R250 000 (R300 000 for those of 45 and above),

regardless of income. The higher limits for older workers make

allowance for those who did not save earlier in their lives.

A special arrangement will be made for defined benefit funds that still

exist, including the Government Employees Pension Fund, to prevent

excess contributions regarding current fund surpluses or deficits, or

complications caused by ageing schemes, to have negative tax

consequences for current members.

These changes are unlikely to affect the tax liabilities of the vast

majority of taxpayers. By increasing pension contributions, such

liabilities could even be reduced.

Harmonising the annuitisation requirements of all retirement funds will

help protect members from the risk of outliving their assets. To reduce

the consequences of this change for older and lower-income workers, it

is proposed that this shift be phased in for the over-50s, with a possible

increase in the de minimus annuitisation requirement from its current

level of R75 000. This change will not affect most low-income

retirement fund members who are nearing retirement.

The forthcoming discussion paper on a uniform retirement contribution

model will describe this approach in detail.

Improving fund governance and the role of trustees

Good governance and trust are the foundation of any sound retirement

system. Members contribute in the present to save for the future. They

have a right to expect that their funds will be managed prudently, in

their best interests and in accordance with the law. Several recent high-

profile lapses highlight a broader problem with fund governance that, if

unchecked, will damage the trust underpinning the system.

In 2007, the Financial Services Board issued PF Circular 130 on good

governance of retirement funds. The circular recommends that trustees

put in place a documented code of conduct, an investment statement, a

communication strategy for members and a performance appraisal

system for trustees. The circular also places an obligation on board

members to receive training. The Financial Services Board has launched

an online education programme, known as the trustee toolkit, to develop

and educate retirement fund trustees. Currently, both PF Circular 130

and the use of the trustee toolkit are voluntary.

The active support of both industry and union leaders to improve

governance is welcomed. The industry recognises that practices like

surplus stripping (where employers obtain surplus assets from a fund

illegally) and bulking (where administrators pool the assets of many

A special arrangement for

the defined benefit funds

that still exist, including the

GEPF, will be made

Annuitisation proposals will

be phased in and will not

affect most low-income fund

members nearing retirement

‘Among the issues is

improved governance of

pension funds, including

more effective interventions

to eliminate corruption and


– Minister of Finance, 2012

Budget speech

| 15 |

funds to obtain higher deposit rates, but keep the interest for

themselves) undermine the entire industry.

Improving fund governance also requires dealing with conflicts of

interest. The current system of 50:50 representation requires both

employers and workers to take joint responsibility for managing such

funds. Under this system, trustees do not represent the constituency that

appointed them; rather, whether appointed by employers or unions,

trustees must act independently and without fear or favour in exercising

their fiduciary duties to promote the interests of all members of the

fund. To ensure this is achieved, it could become a statutory

requirement that trustees have relevant qualifications and expertise in

the management of pension funds, with training completed within a set

period after appointment.

To strengthen fund governance, PF Circular 130 will become legally

enforceable by the Registrar of Pension Funds. In line with this

approach, government will consider a statutory requirement that trustees

be “fit and proper”, with no criminal history. Trustees will be declared

prohibited persons by the regulator if they are found to have been

involved in past transgressions of good pension fund governance.

Government and the industry are also considering professionalising the

role of principal officer and are evaluating different methods to

strengthen the enforcement of laws.

The discussion paper on preservation, portability and uniform access

will set out these proposals in detail.

Pension fund investments

Government reissued Regulation 28 in 2011, which sets out the

prudential framework under which retirement funds must invest their

assets. The regulation establishes principles by which trustees are

required to determine their investment policies, and sets maximum

permissible limits for investment by asset class and by issuer to ensure

that funds are adequately diversified.

Trustees are required to invest assets in the best interests of the

members of the fund. In addition, they are now required to consider the

environmental and social factors underlying investments. This gives

trustees the opportunity, where they deem it in the best interests of their

members, to align their investment policies more consistently with

national goals, such as contributing to infrastructure development.

Pension laws to be extended to all public funds

Pension fund legislation is not uniform across the retirement industry.

Several public-sector funds, including funds from Transnet, Telkom, the

Post Office, the Associated Institutions Pension Fund, the Temporary

Employees Pension Fund and the Government Employees Pension

Fund, are exempt from the provisions of the Pension Funds Act. While

most of these funds are defined benefit funds, and the frameworks

applying to these funds and defined contribution funds will differ, the

same principles of member protection and good governance apply.

It could become a statutory

requirement for trustees to

have relevant qualifications

and training

Under the new Regulation

28, trustees must invest

assets only in the best

interests of the members of

the fund

Public-sector funds

currently exempt from the

Pension Funds Act will be

brought under its jurisdiction

| 16 |

Extending the provisions of the Pension Funds Act to give members of

public-sector funds the same protections offered to members of private-

sector funds is being considered. Where there are exemptions, they will

be transparent and subject to review on a regular basis.

New tax-free savings instrument

Given that retirement savings are part of household savings, any

changes to the regulation of retirement funds must take into account the

effect on the savings. Proposals to enhance short- and medium-term

savings are under consideration.

The current regulatory framework allows individuals to use their

retirement assets to fill short- and medium-term consumption-

smoothing needs. Low rates of preservation indicate that this function is

important for many people.

As preservation of retirement funds is phased in, with some exceptions,

such funds will no longer be available for short and medium-term

consumption smoothing. Taking this into account, government is

considering a tax-preferred savings vehicle to encourage individuals to

save for short- and medium-term needs without relying on their

retirement funds. Many countries have similar accounts, including the

United Kingdom (individual savings account), Canada (registered

educational savings plan) and the United States (the Roth Individual

Retirement Account).

Individuals will be able to save up to R30 000 per year into this

account, with a lifetime limit of R500 000. These caps ensure that the

wealthy do not benefit excessively from the incentives on offer.

Holdings in the account will be exempt from income and capital gains

taxes. A broad variety of assets will be permitted, including bank

deposits, shares, RSA retail bonds and collective investment schemes.

Changes to the existing tax-free thresholds on interest income are

considered as part of this reform, and will be phased in to ensure that

existing savers are not prejudiced.

This account will raise the after-tax rate of return on accessible savings,

and it is hoped that this will boost the overall savings level and the

incidence of saving, especially for middle-income households.

The savings account will not benefit those who fall below the tax

threshold. To help low-income earners increase their savings,

mechanisms similar to the Fundisa scheme are under consideration. In

Fundisa, for every rand that households contribute to a savings account,

an additional 25 per cent is contributed from funds provided by the

Association for Savings and Investment South Africa and the

Department of Education through the National Student Financial Aid

Scheme. The co-contribution is capped at R600 per year, although

members’ contributions to the fund are not capped.

To date, more than 11 000 individuals have participated in Fundisa,

mainly from lower-income households. These individuals represent

about 17 000 beneficiaries. The programme is small because it has not

been actively marketed, due in part to regulatory constraints on

A new savings account, with

tax-free interest and capital

gains, is proposed to boost

household savings

Additional measures to help

low-income earners

increase savings are under


| 17 |

advisors. It also only has a limited amount of money available to fund


Increased funding support to such initiatives is being considered. In the

coming year government will also examine the extent to which they

should be given exemption from the market conduct regulations

governing the sale of other financial products, and under what terms.

The proposed tax-free savings instrument and the Fundisa scheme are

reviewed in the forthcoming paper on savings and fiscal incentives.


In line with the broader package of social security reforms and the shift

towards a twin peaks model of regulation, government is making a

number of proposals to strengthen retirement funding and savings now

and in the future.

To address the high rate of leakage out of the retirement system, and to

ensure that more workers are financially secure when they reach

retirement, government is proposing to phase in preservation of

retirement fund balances.

Uniform tax treatment for retirement fund contributions and benefits

will simplify the retirement system. Several initiatives to reform the

annuities market, lower retirement fund costs and strengthen fund

governance are under consideration. Annuitisation requirements for all

types of retirement funds will be harmonised. To limit the effect on

low-income households, the de minimus7 annuitisation requirement will

also be raised in tandem with the reform.

Over time, consideration will be given to bringing public-sector pension

funds that are outside the framework of the Pension Funds Act,

including the Government Employees Pension Fund, into that

regulatory framework.

Under the current tax regime, retirement fund savings are often used for

other purposes. Government recognises that households have a range of

medium and long-term financial requirements and does not wish to

inadvertently raise the cost of such consumption. The introduction of a

tax-protected savings account to increase the after-tax rate of return on

short- and medium-term savings for mainly middle-income earners is

also being considered.

Government is also investigating providing new savings products, for

example, RSA Retail bond backed living annuity at a cost lower than

those offered by the private sector. The National Treasury welcomes

suggestions from the public and the financial sector for suitable new

savings products.

7 The requirement to annuitise assets is currently waived if the rand value of the portfolio is below R75 000.

Proposal to phase in

preservation requirement

will help to ensure workers’

financial security after


Treasury welcomes

suggestions for suitable

new savings products

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Comments by 31 July 2012

Comments on this overview document can be submitted by 31 July

2012. Further comments will also be invited for each of the technical

discussion papers after they are published, and will therefore have later

submission dates.

Further consultative meetings will also be convened with trade unions,

employers, retirement funds and other interested stakeholders.

Comments to be submitted to:

The Chief Director of Financial Investments and Savings, Olano

Makhubela, Private Bag X115, Pretoria, 0001; or per facsimile to (012)

315 5206; or per e-mail to [email protected].