strength weakness

Strengths & Weakness………………….

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Post on 15-Jan-2017




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Page 1: Strength weakness

Strengths & Weakness………………….

Page 2: Strength weakness

Strengths & Weakness………………….

Page 3: Strength weakness

What is Strength………………………???Strength is capability or characteristic of an individual or team which can

be performed up to almost a level of perfection. It can be also described as the toughness of an individual or team to resist pressure in non-favorable situations and remain positive and constructive to come out from these situations as a winner.

This can be described in two ways i.e.Physical strength…… This is much more related to do the works where

muscle power or different other parts of body are used to complete the process like hands,legs,shoulders,chest etc.. Some of the places where physical strength is must are like sports,

labor work, transportation etc..Mental strength…..This is prominently related to brain to perform works

more focused towards intelligence, thought process,stressfull conditions,deceision making, management etc.. Some examples where mental strength is must are reasoning, art,music,education,coaching,guidance,motivation, etc….

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Page 5: Strength weakness

What is Weakness…………………????Weakness can be described as the failure or attribute of an individual or

team where they are not able to perform the work completely or not up to a level of satisfaction also. This may be due to having very weak physical strength or mentally not strong to come out from the non-favorable situations to perform that activity.

This can be also described in two ways i.e. Physical weakness….This is related to weakness where the work can not be

performed because work is heavy and need lot of strength to perform. For example….Lifting heavy boxes, wood a diseases person,

Mental weakness…..This is related to attitude and mind set. Very dangerous situation as in this person may be very strong or healthy but still not able to perform the work properly. There may be several reasons for this type of weakness depending on climate,inter-personal relations,emotions,working atmosphere, financial situation etc.. For example …….A healthy guy based in office not performing his duties up to the level of

satisfaction, People capable of cleaning their premises but not doing etc..

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Difference……………………………………..Strength Weakness

People loves to work on this and enjoy with enthusiasm

Always search opportunity to perform this work

An atmosphere of positivity and constructiveness around them while performing

Work is completed on time with discipline behavior

Perseverance,Happiness,agile and optimistic approach

Problems becomes miniscule and people try to find solutions

People mostly try to avoid this and dislike with dullness

Always try to make sure that work is not given to them

If allotted then atmosphere of disagreement and level of disinterest

More and more time required and indiscipline behavior

Let-it-go, sadness, lethargic and pessimistic approach

Problems are exaggerated and people try to stay away from

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Ideal situation………………………….

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Have this attitude………………………….