strength and courage zine issue 4 (re-edited)

EMPOWERMENT TRUTH THROUGH FIGHT some texts, reviews, photos and some silly things more. nº4

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hardcore punk zine


Page 1: STRENGTH AND COURAGE zine issue 4 (re-edited)


some texts, reviews, photos and some silly things more.


Page 2: STRENGTH AND COURAGE zine issue 4 (re-edited)

INTROIt has taken ages since last issue edited of this fanzine. Many things have happened during this time, like touring/playing shows with the band i used to do the vocals, fell in love of a german guy (which means spend your time fying/traveling), then moved from Barcelona to a small city in the north-east of Bayern (Germany), and the most big one: pregnancy and current maternity, plus that i've been so lazy, that's why i has taken me long time for working on this new issue.

Since the boom/hype of blogspot, wordpress and the social networks, seems like print fanzines are nearly dead. I am a fan of fanzines, I like check 'em out and get one for reading when I have some spare time, maybe with this new century thru a fanzine you can't get up dated info about a band, or so, as facebook, reverbnation etc, but at least you could check out something interesting about a band, the scene of any city somewhere in this fucked up world, about the edge, about politics, etc.

So, maybe it will take long time again for next issue but let's keep this shit alive, fanzines deserves to keep its place in this scene. Remember: DON'T FORGET THE STRUGGLE, DON'T FORGET YOUR ROOTS!

Michelle For comments write to: [email protected]

Thanks:To Jogges & EMPOWERMENT, Fede and the TTF crew and you who read this cause this mean you still support fanzines.

Photo cover by DREW CAROLANE, taken early 80's at CBGB's matinee.

Some music inspiration while I was working in this zine:



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MY FAVOURITE HC-PUNK BANDS During the first decade of the XXI century some hc-punk bands have came along and hit the pit hard. So I decided to make somekind of top list choosing my favourite ones.

Black Ss

This band is on the top of my favourite bands of this rate. Such a good hc-punk band they were! DC HC in maximum level.

They're still alive and bringing the mosh. Maybe you love 'em or you hate 'em, but one thing is true: SCOTT VOGEL is da' best frontman!

This band brought that sound that WARZONE's fan were missing. WHO LAUGHS LAST!

One of the best straight edge hc-punk band of this last years, straight forward hc and punk as fuck!

Clevo style straight from GENT-BELGIUM!

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This band has become in one of my favourite bands in this lately time. True hc sound and spirit. These guys come from Stuttgart (Germany) for bringing the real deal. Check it out!Photos: xmdmxhcx photos

Guys, tell a lil' bit about how the band started off. mainly for those who (unfortunately) dont know the band yet (but after this i think they will love

Yeah. hi Michelle, nice to get some questions from you. Well, what can I say??!! we are 5 dudes straight outta Stuttgart, good friends and hangarounds since years. After the split of our old bands we started jamming and writtin songs. I guess the first song we wrote was “Stuttgart asozial” our strong bond of friendship – we call it kollektiv. In Fact there are much more people involved in the band than just us 5 motherfuckers. All our close friends are part of the EPM family.

Let's talk about your music. Nearly all your releases are sold out! So that means it's a really good shit. Tell us some about. We recorded a demotape on a friends label. Matze our world. He is a Stuttgart hardcore legend. No doubt about that he put the demo out. First show – demotape fuckin sold out. Jesus!So another Stuttgart punkrock legend, peter punk aka peter puma, put the songs out on seveninch. It was that crazy pizza design thing you know…In the blink of an eye - sold out. Malakka. So we went into the studio and recorded 2 songs which will also come out on our upcoming album “gegen.kult” .

Cobra put it out on seveninch but its was also sold out in 48 hours. I cant believe that and I cant understand. I guess we are not doin really special sound. What seperates us from other bands is, that we sing in german. That’s why we call it “deutschpunk” where ever we can. Of course our sound is 100% new york hardcore influenced, but I guess our antifascist attitude brings us to that so called deutschpunk level. We are free birds and give a fuck about norms, trends and bullshit. Like JJ Cro-Mag said “ feels right go out and do it”

Your lyrics are nearly all in german so for those you don't understand the language, could you explain a lil bit about what exactly mean (at least the ones you like most)? All my lyrics are in german, and when you read this interview you know why… my englisch sucks. Hahahaha. Its hard to explain the word into another language, cuz I play with the words, have some “wortspiele” in it. I would say my lyrics describe 100% my standing and my “fighting against society and government and all that bullshit they call authority. One of the deepest lyrics I wrote where from that song “stadtfalke” . it’s a song about friendship. It’s a positive song. I wrote it when I was down and had trouble times in my life. I am glad to have my sistas and brothers around, they are like family and that gives me strength and all that. Hard to explain it in another language. A line goes “das ist mein script, das ist mein leben – bedingungslos frei” That’s it. Be free, don’t let anybody control you or tell you what to do.

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The main meaning of punk and hardcore for me.Another song is a antifascist song with the title “brauner rand” it’s a clear statement where we stand and I say NAZIS RAUS. So many of these bastards try to claim our scene, try to come into our clubs and all that. We have to fight them where ever we can. Its important for me to make clear statements. I see so many bands today which are just sayin nothing. Fuck that – hardcore its about lookin behind the curtain and speak out your mind.

Im wonder how you deal about with the band promo, you are someway "out of the step", i mean cause you haven't myspace, facebook or some social network like that (you know nowadays, nearly all the bands has one profile!) You just have your blogspot and you spread the word thru it and emailing and it works!

Yeah its works and maybe it’s a mission to show the kids, that you don’t need all that Babylon internet bullshit. Its ok – but there are also other ways. Iam so fed up with all that facebook bullshit.fuck, when I see all the motherfuckers early in the morning, sittin infront of the fuckin I phone an checkin facebook every fuckin minute. Malakka, there is so much more in life. For example - I love it when I sit in the tube and watch the sun risin above the concrete.Look in peoples faces and try to read whats goin on. On the other hand, we couldn’t communicate without internet, so iam not old fashioned dude who is in total war against it. I have no facebook or other bullshit - but it is ok – but use it and don’t let it use you. I think it’s a small boarder….

Do you think that in some way internet is killing the real spirit of hardcore-punk scene?

I don’t know if it is killin it. Like I wrote before. It is killing the real communication between people. It kills our perception.

I got the chance to see you at live last january in Nürnberg, and the show was great. watching photos of another shows, always people go nuts with your perfomance. That's EPM real deal or? ;) I think people like it what we do. I speak my mind on stage. We are all real – no fakes. Doing this shit for years. Maybe the people realise that and feel it. A fire burns.

It is clear in some of your lyrics an antifascist standing. What do you think about that shitty "hc bands" supporting fascism/nazism? NAZIS RAUS!!!!!

Fuckin' beat this bastards down. That what I wrote with my old band SIDEKICK and I still do it with EMPOWERMENT. There is no place in our scene for these bastards. Every Hardcore kid should scream it out loud, a clear statement. There is nothing more to say…

What is your opinion about the current worldwide situation nowadays? "The big tower" of capitalism is gonna fall?

I think the boarder between rich and poor ist gettin bigger and bigger. Its good to me when people get up, stand up for their rights. I think that’s the only way we can handle that shit. But when you stand up for your right and go out on the streets, fuckin police beats you down. So in these days stick tight to your friends and don’t let these motherfuckers get you. Revoulution!!

You guys come from Stuttgart (motorcity rock&roll). how is the hc-punk scene there? Which bands from your city could you advice us and off course also some germans else.

Here is a really cool scene and we are close friends to a lot of punks and skinhead dudes.Me for expamle went to football with my rudeboys. They are all skinheads and punkrockers. We alos hang out with the rock n roll dudes, skater, writers, hip hop dudes……… We stand united…hahaha. Stuttgart is not the biggest city, so when you go out you run into all these subcultured brothers and sistas and hangaround with. In our city it doesn’t matter if you are straight edge or not. We all stick together. To name some cool bands. Cool antifascist oi – produzenten der froide. Pessimistic lines – cool hardcore punk and the other band of our drummer. We have a new band here in town called hell and back – the are like kid dynamite, hot water music, civ… I love em. Deliver is also a new star in the sky. Hysteresis is a cool wipers like band from the area. The list goes on and on… keep a eye on Stuttgart, we are always on the attack…

Well, here finish this questionary... Thanks a lot for your cooperation. Any else you wanna add, just do it!

Thank you for the interview, thanks for the interest in EPM Check our blog You find photos, thoughts, videos and other bullshit..

Keep on fighting the good fight

Szerelem and Cheers - jogges

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HAS THE EDGE GONE DULL?Since some months ago I've started to think about this phrase which I decided to tittle this “article”. I've seen lately how more and more the name of STRAIGHT EDGE is taken and used for stupid and shitty things. I've been for nearly 9 years till now, I'm 29 and there're things about the straight edge that I am agree with and some else with not, and following you can know which are:

HATE EDGE – STRAIGHT EDGE NAZIS.I've could seen several websites where some ssholes claim the edge and they promote the racial supremacy, patriotism, making demos and organizing attacks to people into anti-fascistracist movement. In Eastern Europe and mainly in Russia this shit is getting bigger, but also in Germany there are several hc sxe bands which claim the nazism and the edge. In Spain there isa blog called XTERRORXEDGEX which claim sxe, animal liberation and nazionalsocialism, posting nazi shit mixed with music: hardcore, but the most stupid is that they also post about bands from center/south-america and these bands stand against fascism, sincerely I found it so pathetic.

THE 100 OF CLOTHING COMPANIES.Ok, we like to wear cool t-shirts and so on. Mainly if we are straight edge and we like to show it on, but is it necessary to make 100 of shitty t-shirts designs? Until now I've never supported these kind of “companies” cause I think is ridiculous, with phrases like “KILL YOUR DRUG LOCAL DRUG DEALER”, just cause the pose and being “tough”. Once I made a hoodie with a DIY edge design, and also bought a t-shirt with an anti-drugs message “NO NECESITO ESTUPIDAS DROGAS” (I dont need stupid drugs).. I mean, most of the sxe clothing companies have designs that are so fucking uglies! (just some few ones are good). Handgranades, knifes, guns, razors and some bullshit else. Please, let's have some good taste!And the worst, people making pictures of themselves wering those ugly t-shirts to show “how strong is their straight edge”. The edge is more than a cool tshirt or the infamous X watch.

Really? WTF?!!!

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This band comes from the south of Spain, they are one of my favourite hc-punk bands from that country and I have to say that they're cool dudes.Who is replying this is Fede, vocalist of the band. If you haven't listened yet, here you can know about 'em and get interested about their music.

HOW'S LIFE DOING WITH TTF LATELY?Well, we have just come from a little break since half our band moved out abroad for studying/working. After that, Adri our long time friend joined the band on drums so he is not in the “merchguy” or roadie in TTF anymore and we are (again) a fve piece band. We are working in new positive songs for an upcoming release and planning our next tour in Latin America. So we are extra motivated!!!

YOU'VE BEEN SINCE 2004 ROCKING ON, SO FOR THOSE WHO DONT KNOW TTF YET COULD YOU MAKE A BRIEF BIO ABOUT.Mmm, I will try to do it without being boring: We started in the summer of 2004 with the intention of make some old school hardcore music with powerful lyrics. From that moment till now we managed to release a demo, three CD’s,

a 7” and two 12” and we have toured Europe two times, the whole Iberic peninsula many times, Canary Islands and a wonderful tour through USA (Texas), Mexico, Guatemala and El Salvador. It is more than we could imagine!!!

WHAT YOU COULD TELL ABOUT THE TOUR YOU MADE AROUND CENTER-AMERICA? IT WAS A CLEAR PROOF THAT IT IS STILL POSSIBLE MAKE A TOUR IN A DIY WAY AND WITHOUT BIG TOUR BOOKINGS MAKING PROFIT, WASN'T IT?Make tours keeping a DIY/punk spirit is the most romantic and incredible thing you can do in life. Better than anything!! Better than passing a diffcult exam, better than falling in love with the girl/boy of your dreams, better than beating a cop (well kind of that!),… I think it is possible if you work hard, save some money and keep in your mind that you have to risk a little bit. Listen, if four gipsy kids did it, everybody can! Of course we lost money, I mean we had to pay our plain tickets and we travel in bus, rent cars and even a boat made of trees through the jungle (no jokes!)

ANY NEW RECORD ON SIGHT THAT WE CAN EXPECT FROM TTF?YES! I only can say that we are gonna record 4 songs and release them in a new 7”. I can't give more details!

*note: we made this interview early months of this year, so now the secret is revealed about the new record, it's called “KEEP IT ALIVE”

WHAT IS YOUR OPINION ABOUT THE HC SCENE IN THE SPANISH STATE?We have the common view on Spanish hc scene(s) about how different is depending on the area. That’s very understable, because of the many difference you can see in the different peoples that habit the State. We love to play anywhere in the state, but honestly we have an special attraction with places like Salamanca, Murcia or Andalusia. Those scenes has that honest and friendly atmosphere that make you feel at home even if you are 600kms away your city.

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DO YOU THINK THAT THERE IS SOME KINDA "PREJUDICE" (ABOUT THE STYLES INTO HC-PUNK) AND ELITISM INTO HARDCORE SCENE NOWADAYS?Totally yes! Elitism exists and it really sucks. We see it in almost every scene and sadly we will see it forever. It is part of the scene, you know we think the scene, the hardcore scene, is an extrapolation of what is happening in the “normal” world, even accepting there is more “real” people in the hardcore scene than in the normal life we cannot deny the scene is still part of society and that means there will be always some kind of shit like elitism, competition and envy. We can extend that on prejudices and believes that divide the scene between hardcore and punk, or youth crew and new school,

THIS LAST TIME I'VE SEEN YOU PLAYING IN BARCELONA, YOU SAID SOMETHING I REALLY LIKED ABOUT SOME PEOPLE (MOST 'EM THE YOUNG ONES) SAYING "WHAT HC KIDS HAVE TO DO" , WHAT IS HC OR NOT". COULD YOU SAY THOSE WORDS AGAIN PLEASE? I THINK IT IS WORTHYOU EXPRESS IT THROUGH THIS FANZINE.There is anecdote back in 2005 when a label from BCN wanted to release our frst CD and they suggested us to change the name of our band and even the appearance! Those kids get involved in the hc/punk scene even after that us and they were like trying to teach us how to improve our “hardcoreness”. Now in 2012 there are no one of those kids, where are they? I think we can sum up this idea in a sentence: “the harder they come, the harder they fall”. What we said in that show you are talking about, at least what I remember, is that we are not better or worse than anyone for being here more or less time, but please, don’t tell us what to do because we neverwanted to prove anyone how hardcore or punk we are and we are not gonna get into that game, we never did it and we’ll never do. Those kids who standed the straight edge fag back then as if they were gods are now drinking alcohol and

sniffng coke, those kids with that ultra vegan message are eating meat, those ultra anarchist guys are working for mcdonalds, c’mon, where have you left all ofwhat you tried to teach us? We know perfectly how we are and who we are. Time will tell!

THE ECONOMIC SITUATION IN SPAIN IS GETTING WORSE, NOW MORE WITH THIS NEW RIGHT-WING GOVERMENT. HOW YOU SEE IS GONNA BE THIS ISSUE IN THE COMING TIME, DO YOU THINK "THERE WILL BE QUIET AFTER THE STORM"?It seems everything is getting worse in Spain and especially in Andalusia, where unemployment is reaching the 30%. I am seeing many friend of us moving out Spain or even Europe (Germanyand England) I am very lucking for still having a job, althought I work 12 hours/day for less than 1000€. I think it is not a matter of which party is governing the state. It is a question of capitalism.Don’t want to seem demagogic, but the system doesn’t work and I dream with a revolution where people kills any kind of power! Hail the anarchist!!! There won’t be quiet, after the storm “ untill thelast burocrat is dissolved in the blood of the last capitalist”

SOME MEMBERS OF TTF HAVE SIDE PROJECT BANDS. TELL US ABOUT. (C'MON PROMOTE 'EM!)Everybody of us except Javi plays in a melodic hardcore project called Minority Of One (GB, Good Riddance, Lifetime style) Ángel, Adri and Jose play in Pacto de Sangre, a beatdown hardcore band.Javi, Adri and me play in Second Division, olde tyme hardcore band in the vein of cromags or warzone.

WELL, THAT'S ALL FOLKS. ANY LAST WORDS YOU WANT SAY... HERE IS YOUR CHANCE.Thank you Michi for giving us the chance to express ourselves in your fanzine. Support your local hardcore scene. Fuck the elite!

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It has been long time that I has been willing to make a report scene of my hometown, but since I left the city 11 years ago i am not too much the right person for doing a good report, so I decided to request to one of my dudes there, Moncho, who plays in a band and is involved in local the hc-punk scene

Writing this words is Ramón “Moncho” Villacreses, vocalist for the band G.O.E. My dear friend Michelle (or Micha as I use to call her) requested me to write this report. She was and still being the first and only "punkerita" (punky girl) that I've ever met in Guayaquil. I say this cause I've seen a lot of girls dress up and go to shows for a short season, but they left the "fashion" when they stop being the girlfriends of some guy who plays in a band or when they get tired of the adulation and flattery that some young punk kid tell 'em.

My friend Michelle is living in Spain since nearly 11 years ago. She asked me that if I could write down some words to tell how is the hardcore-punk scene in Guayaquil-Ecuador, main port of this southamerican country, which despite being the most populous and wealthy city, is the most disrespectful to the rock and its derivatives, product fashions and novelties of the day coming on the radio and commercial TV stations. So, Guayaquil, craddle of rock and other alternative music stiles, see how comes a solid ground of bands which give the chance to what will come in 1998. Until that year, the undergroung shows weren't much and it used to be more shows at school-colleges. There wasn't enough friendship between bands, each one by their own did their small shows.

In that context the UNION PUNK born, the first and only strong scene which was consolidated in Guayaquil and got, not just shaped by a circle of local bands with a regular crowd, but obtained the feat of book the shows of international bands like MISFITS or NOFX, an another else. The "UP" (union punk) was composed in its beginnings by GOE, 69 SEGUNDOS, REK, SK-VAN and KOMO LA TUSA. Now just left GOE and 69segundos, the others broken up, but a subsequent bunch of bands like MARCA ACME, PAVIMENTO, NO BIG DEAL, ACABA UN DÍA, ARMADA DE JUGUETE, NIGHT CLUB SJA, LOS MUY ILUSTRES, 7 DE BRILLO, PROMEDIO ROKO, PORTRAIT, LOS AYUDANTES DE SANTA and others else joined to.

Let's start from the beggining: 1983, one of the first bands in born was LOS DESCONTROLADOS, their were the pionners, fronted by the self-destructive argentine, Prema, who died horribly stabbed. So this way born the legend, and the punk rock music comes to Ecuador. In the 90's born some legendary bands which still present until now: NOTOKEN and KAOS. This way Guayaquil is still being the pionner city in this music style, and the city with the best exponents of this country. In the middle of 90's came several bands like ULTRATUMBA, SK8, MORAL ABAJO, CAMISA DE FUERZA and AGENTE 86; this last one was the best representative band of ska-punk music in Ecuador.

So, Guayaquil, the craddle of rock and another subculture music, is the witness of the born of several bands that give the chance for what came in 1998. Until that year, the underground music circuits were not much present and there were more present the college/highschool festivals. There were not friendship/brotherhood between bands, every one for themselves, organzing exclusive shows. In this context Union Punk was born, the first and only scene that was consolidated in Guayaquil and got stronger, not just form by a circle of fixed public local groups, but accomplished the feat of bringing the city to foreign idols as Misfits and NOFX , etc.

THE “UP” (as the UNION PUNK is known) was composed at the beggining by G.O.E, 69 Segundos, Rek, Sk-Van and Komo la Tusa. Now just stand G.O.E y 69”, the another bands broke up but later came a new blood of bands that nowadays are Marca Acme, Pavimento, No Big Deal, Acaba Un Día, Armada de Juguete, Night Club Ska, Los Muy Ilustres, 7 de Brillo, Promedio Rojo, Los Ayudantes de Santa, The Cassetes. Bands like Notoken and Kaos, the oldest ones, they move all around the country, at their shows there're lot of people-. Also they have had the chance to be abroad and put the name of Guayaquil and Ecuador in the hc-punk scene map. But the crowd from Guayaquil is more and more apathic. It's so shame, to see at show sometimes around 30 people, meanwhile bands are playing on the stage. Now the task is a question: ¿What to do for more people attending at show?That's something that the bands are working for. Searching the formula which allows to keep alive what some years ago was done.I want to tell you that we don't give up, stand for! Reminiscent of those moments of triumph, we drew a new north: to create a solid scene will not fall down as the first.

My friend Michelle was a witness of that beggining. I hope that when she comes back someday she can see a better scene than the one she knew when she moved to Europe. That's our goal. We are dedicated to reach it.This is the real deal in Guayaquil, the main harbor of this country called ECUADOR, historically plagued by fires, pirates and politicians that keep the city structurally beautiful, but with the corroded soul, as the ambitious metropolis became a rejecting their past, because it is not as lucrative as the revenues of the modern globalization. The struggle continues and the hope is unwavering.

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BJ PAPAS - NYHC PHOTOGRAPHERBJ PAPAS - NYHC PHOTOGRAPHEREDITRESS NOTE: This interview is a reproduction of the original interview published April 2008 on As photographer of hc-punk EDITRESS NOTE: This interview is a reproduction of the original interview published April 2008 on As photographer of hc-punk shows, I though it would be good to show about the work of this woman into the nyhc scene.shows, I though it would be good to show about the work of this woman into the nyhc scene.

BJ Papas may be the most legendary photographer of NYHC. Pretty cool considering the bad rap hardcore has always gotten for the lack of female BJ Papas may be the most legendary photographer of NYHC. Pretty cool considering the bad rap hardcore has always gotten for the lack of female involvement. Seemingly elusive and interview-shy despite still photographing bands and being connected to the scene which she grew up in, we were involvement. Seemingly elusive and interview-shy despite still photographing bands and being connected to the scene which she grew up in, we were psyched as hell to be able to chat with her. Thanks BJ! -DCXXpsyched as hell to be able to chat with her. Thanks BJ! -DCXX

DCXXX:How, when, and why did you get into hardcore?DCXXX:How, when, and why did you get into hardcore?I love the music! I grew up in Woodstock, NY. I would go to the local record store, "The Collector," I love the music! I grew up in Woodstock, NY. I would go to the local record store, "The Collector," and purchase punk rock records. When I moved to NYC to go college in 1984, I was able to go to shows and purchase punk rock records. When I moved to NYC to go college in 1984, I was able to go to shows because there weren't any in Woodstock (Punk Rock, Hardcore and Metal etc.)! It was a great escape from because there weren't any in Woodstock (Punk Rock, Hardcore and Metal etc.)! It was a great escape from the world. I hated school so going to shows and skateboarding is what got me through it.the world. I hated school so going to shows and skateboarding is what got me through it.

DCXXX: DCXXX: What was your photography background before taking photos of bands and Packed NYC What was your photography background before taking photos of bands and Packed NYC clubs?clubs?I took photography classes in high school. I didn't like school, and art classes were the only classes I could I took photography classes in high school. I didn't like school, and art classes were the only classes I could deal with. I loved processing my negatives and working in the darkroom making prints. I hated school but deal with. I loved processing my negatives and working in the darkroom making prints. I hated school but I loved NYC and I had to figure out how to move there. I figured if I went to college there, I would not only I loved NYC and I had to figure out how to move there. I figured if I went to college there, I would not only get out of my parents's house and Woodstock, but also get to be in NYC. So, I choose a cheap school, with get out of my parents's house and Woodstock, but also get to be in NYC. So, I choose a cheap school, with only a 2-year degree, The Fashion Institute of Technology. I did graduate with an associate's degree only a 2-year degree, The Fashion Institute of Technology. I did graduate with an associate's degree in photography.

DCXXX: DCXXX: How did you feel being not just a girl in a mid 80s hardcore scene, How did you feel being not just a girl in a mid 80s hardcore scene, but a girl prominently on stage with a camera?but a girl prominently on stage with a camera?I was a tomboy and most of my friends were guys. I never really thought about it until I started to sell my photos. I was a tomboy and most of my friends were guys. I never really thought about it until I started to sell my photos. BJ is the initials of my full name, so everyone assumed I was a male. They sounded shocked when they heard my voice BJ is the initials of my full name, so everyone assumed I was a male. They sounded shocked when they heard my voice on the phone. As much as I hated my name, it actually helped me out. I can't imagine getting hired to shoot those on the phone. As much as I hated my name, it actually helped me out. I can't imagine getting hired to shoot those bands with a girly name.bands with a girly name.

DCXXX: DCXXX: Who were your closest friends within the scene?Who were your closest friends within the scene?My closest friends in the scene were the "Alleyway Crew"/Sick Of It All, Rest In Pieces, Bad Brains, Leeway, My closest friends in the scene were the "Alleyway Crew"/Sick Of It All, Rest In Pieces, Bad Brains, Leeway, Agnostic Front, Cro-Mags, Murphy's Law, Warzone, Token Entry, Gorilla Biscuits, Youth of Today, Straight Ahead, Agnostic Front, Cro-Mags, Murphy's Law, Warzone, Token Entry, Gorilla Biscuits, Youth of Today, Straight Ahead, Nausea, Big Charlie, Brendan, Alexa, Gwyn and more.Nausea, Big Charlie, Brendan, Alexa, Gwyn and more.

DCXXX: DCXXX: Who were your favorite bands as a fan from the mid to late 80's hardcore scene?Who were your favorite bands as a fan from the mid to late 80's hardcore scene?Bad Brains, Agnostic front, Cro-Mags, Sick of it All, Leeway, and Murphy's Law.Bad Brains, Agnostic front, Cro-Mags, Sick of it All, Leeway, and Murphy's Law.

DCXXX: DCXXX: Who were your favorite hardcore bands to photograph, and why?Who were your favorite hardcore bands to photograph, and why?My favorite bands to photograph were very energetic and interesting on stage. Bad Brains...HR did back flips! My favorite bands to photograph were very energetic and interesting on stage. Bad Brains...HR did back flips! Sick Of It All were constantly moving and jumping. Leeway, Eddie moved around a lot and jumped off Sick Of It All were constantly moving and jumping. Leeway, Eddie moved around a lot and jumped off speakers. Murphy's Law was always full of fun.speakers. Murphy's Law was always full of fun.

DCXXX: DCXXX: A packed CBGB dance floor at a 1987 hardcore matinee put out some unbelievable A packed CBGB dance floor at a 1987 hardcore matinee put out some unbelievable energy. Do you remember wanting to capture specific people dancing or stage diving? If so, energy. Do you remember wanting to capture specific people dancing or stage diving? If so, who are those people?who are those people?I wish I photographed the stage diving, it is what everyone asks me for. I rarely photographed the dancing, I wish I photographed the stage diving, it is what everyone asks me for. I rarely photographed the dancing, I mostly shot the bands. I couldn't afford to shoot film on the crowd. The few stage diving shots I have were of I mostly shot the bands. I couldn't afford to shoot film on the crowd. The few stage diving shots I have were of my friends or when I was hired to shoot the friends or when I was hired to shoot the crowd.

Are there any specific photos (which you took) that you automatically think of when the Are there any specific photos (which you took) that you automatically think of when the phrase "New York Hardcore" is brought up?phrase "New York Hardcore" is brought up?I just think of the photo used on The Way It Is record cover. I guess because the album was titled NYC Hardcore, even though it was taken in Connecticut.I just think of the photo used on The Way It Is record cover. I guess because the album was titled NYC Hardcore, even though it was taken in Connecticut.

Did you know when you got it developed that it was just a classic, timeless photo? Did you know when you got it developed that it was just a classic, timeless photo? What do you remember about it that photo and the show?What do you remember about it that photo and the show?

Well, I was never happy with any of the photographs I took. Most of my photos that you see were chosen by Well, I was never happy with any of the photographs I took. Most of my photos that you see were chosen by someone else. I don't remember much at all about the show, but I have been to over a thousand shows and shot atsomeone else. I don't remember much at all about the show, but I have been to over a thousand shows and shot at

least 3 thousand rolls of film. I think Jordan had asked me for some stage diving photos for an album. I am not least 3 thousand rolls of film. I think Jordan had asked me for some stage diving photos for an album. I am not sure if this was all I had or if he picked it out of the contact sheet. I think I found out it was the cover when Jordan sure if this was all I had or if he picked it out of the contact sheet. I think I found out it was the cover when Jordan

asked if he could use it. To me, it looked better as a record cover than on my contact sheet. But ultimately, asked if he could use it. To me, it looked better as a record cover than on my contact sheet. But ultimately, I think the photo summed up NYHC because of all the NY hardcore kids in it, even if it wasn't in New York. I think the photo summed up NYHC because of all the NY hardcore kids in it, even if it wasn't in New York.

Just now while looking at it I noticed Ray Bees (Warzone) was in it! Ray Cappo (Youth of Today), Just now while looking at it I noticed Ray Bees (Warzone) was in it! Ray Cappo (Youth of Today), Matt (Crippled Youth/Bold), Gus Pena, and of course Civ and Arthur (GB).Matt (Crippled Youth/Bold), Gus Pena, and of course Civ and Arthur (GB).

In that pre-internet time period, the first place you would see your photos pop up In that pre-internet time period, the first place you would see your photos pop up was in a fanzine. Were there any fanzines you specifically looked forward to and was in a fanzine. Were there any fanzines you specifically looked forward to and

truly enjoyed seeing your photos in from back then or even over the years?truly enjoyed seeing your photos in from back then or even over the years?Hmmmm, I can't really remember the names. Some of the more recent ones I liked were Hmmmm, I can't really remember the names. Some of the more recent ones I liked were

"the village noize"and "Schism." There was a small one, it was the 1/4 size of an 8 1/2 x 11 page. "the village noize"and "Schism." There was a small one, it was the 1/4 size of an 8 1/2 x 11 page. But I can't remember what it was called. Sorry, I have the worst memory.But I can't remember what it was called. Sorry, I have the worst memory.

Any good stories involving broken cameras or injury from people stage diving,Any good stories involving broken cameras or injury from people stage diving, flying guitars, or kids getting on stage?flying guitars, or kids getting on stage?

My camera sure did break often, but there weren't any good stories about the amount My camera sure did break often, but there weren't any good stories about the amount or cost of those repairs. There was always stage divingstories at every show, but there or cost of those repairs. There was always stage divingstories at every show, but there

are too many to list. I did break my wrist at an Agnostic Front show though. It was a Rock are too many to list. I did break my wrist at an Agnostic Front show though. It was a Rock Hotel show that I wasn't photographing. I had just graduated college and was there for Hotel show that I wasn't photographing. I had just graduated college and was there for

fun. Jimmy G was on stage he was flinging me off. He took me by the arm and leg and swung fun. Jimmy G was on stage he was flinging me off. He took me by the arm and leg and swung me into the crowd.I could get a lot farther that way. I am not sure what happened next except me into the crowd.I could get a lot farther that way. I am not sure what happened next except

I met my longtime friend Brian Friedman because of it. He got me some ice for my wrist I met my longtime friend Brian Friedman because of it. He got me some ice for my wrist and took care of me. It hurt a lot so I asked Big Charlie to take a look at it. and took care of me. It hurt a lot so I asked Big Charlie to take a look at it.

He said it was fine, so I didn't worry about it. I spent the night at a friend's and went He said it was fine, so I didn't worry about it. I spent the night at a friend's and went to a matinee at CB's the next day. My wrist hurt and it was hard to take photos. I just used my arm to rest to a matinee at CB's the next day. My wrist hurt and it was hard to take photos. I just used my arm to rest

the camera on so I could shoot. I had Charlie look at it again and he was shocked how bad it looked. the camera on so I could shoot. I had Charlie look at it again and he was shocked how bad it looked. He said it was definitely broken! My friend drove me home to my Mom's in Woodstock two hours He said it was definitely broken! My friend drove me home to my Mom's in Woodstock two hours

away, and my Mom took me to the hospital. My wrist was broken and too swollen for a cast. away, and my Mom took me to the hospital. My wrist was broken and too swollen for a cast. We had to go back the next day. All my mom did was just laughWe had to go back the next day. All my mom did was just laugh..

BJ back in BJ back in the days.the days.

bj nowadays.

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ReviewsADULT CRASH PHOTOBOOK & 7INCH COMPILATIONThis is a cool book of photographs by Dave Brown, from USA. It compilates hundreds of photos at hc-punk shows, since 80's till mid 2000's. Sincerely for me, as a photographer, it was such a good thing find this book. It's not “professional” photo book design, just as would be on a hc fanzine. This book includes a 7inch featuring bands like DOWN TO NOTHING, CLOAK/DAGGER, KILL YOUR IDOLS, THE SLUMLORDS.

BACK ON THE BINS FANZINEMaybe this is one of the best and funniest vegan sxe hc fanzines that I've ever read 'til now. It is just pure sarcastic articles, like “WHAT SORTS OF SINGERS INTO HC: THE MESSIAH, THE FREAK, THE JOURNEY MAN” , a compilation of anti-sxe songs, or a guide of how you should take drugs when you seel out edger. I think you MUST get a copy and check it out by yourself, it deserves your laughs!

PETTYBONE "From desperate times comes radical minds" LP, EMANCYPUNX RECORDSPowerful and sincere hc-punk with a clear feminist stand from UK. This record contains 10 tracks, the most i liked .C.O.W. (Conspiracy Of Women, To hell with this Culture and the one which give the tittle to this record.I think that this record is some kinda like BIKINI KILL meets UNBROKEN.

TAKE OFFENSE "UNDER THE SAME SHADOW” LP, REAPER RECORDS.It's clear that these guys in some wayare influenced by bands like SUICIDAL TENDENCIES & CRO-MAGS and now they are the “bastards” sons of the Venice Beach gang and the NYHC legends. As their previous releases, they keep this hc essence, without to dissapoint those who like hit the pit with every song. It is just 4 tracks that makes you willing to listen more good shit!

IT'S JUST A PHASE. FANZINEThe same autor of “BACK ON THE BINS” brings this fanzine with the same hilarious touch, filled with good and funny texts, opinions, show organizing “TIPS”, vegan recipes and more interested things. Really, if you've checked out yet, you must!

OUT CROWD “JUST US”. EP, REAPER RECORDSThis Ep contains 7 tracks filled with rage and straight forward oldschool hc, BLITZ meets AGNOSTIC FRONT! The song DEAFENING SOUNDS OF FREEDOM which has playing of phrases from bands like AF and WARZONE, and which is my fav song without doubt.

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i cant believe another year has gone by i cant believe another year has gone by

and still nothing, as if we dont even try and still nothing, as if we dont even try

and theres nothing to be proud of and and theres nothing to be proud of and

nothing you can truly stand by nothing you can truly stand by

Its Time To Believe ive got some things to Its Time To Believe ive got some things to

say and i cant save those thoughts say and i cant save those thoughts

forever i want to see a change but you forever i want to see a change but you

dont feel a thing i cover you up with dont feel a thing i cover you up with

words, so nicely said just to make you words, so nicely said just to make you

sound good I want to Believe sound good I want to Believe

oh, sure people fucking buy it, but oh, sure people fucking buy it, but

nothing is standing up with time and if nothing is standing up with time and if

you really want to say something, were you really want to say something, were

we ever really saying something?we ever really saying something?