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Strategic Technology Infrastructure for Regional

Competitiveness in the Network Economy

Volume 11: Education in the 21st Century

eCorridors Program

2003 Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, VA. All rights reserved.

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Volume 11: Education in the 21st Century


Preface This series of reports, entitled Strategic Technology Infrastructure for Regional

Competitiveness in the Network Economy and packaged in eleven Volumes, is the

culmination of a dedicated effort of the following individuals and organizations. Each

Volume can be viewed as a stand-alone publication; however, it should be noted that

each Volume was written in the context of the overall project. The project utilized the

Southside and Southwest Virginia regions as a model for a low-cost Geodesic Mesh

network design and viable financial model that could be replicated in any region of the


Volumes 1) Rationale, Environment, and Strategic Considerations

2) Connecting the Regional Infrastructure to National and International Networks

3) A Fiber Optic Infrastructure Design for Southside and Southwest Virginia

4) Fiber Optic Infrastructure Design Guide

5) Financial Feasibility and Investment Rationale

6) Leveraging Advanced Optical and Ethernet Technologies

7) Speculative and Alternative Technologies

8) Community, Applications and Services

9) Demographics for Southside and Southwest Virginia

10) Health Information Technology and Infrastructure

11) Education in the 21st Century

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Volume 1: Rationale, Environment, and Strategic Considerations


Acknowledgements The following individuals and organizations contributed to the development and

preparation of this series of reports.

Allen, Morgan

Arellano, Christian

Aughenbaugh, John

Bevis, Jeff

Blythe, Erv

Bohland, James

Bottom, Beth

Bowden, Phillip

Brown, Eric

Charlton, Garland

Chen, Daniel

Cohen, Marc

Colbert, Joy

Croasdale, Hud

Crowder, Jeff

Dalton, Jody

de Vries, Marten

Dwyer, Sharon

Fisher, Tommy

Franklin, Nancy

Gaylord, Clark

Hach, Richard

Hall, Shannon

Hares, Glynn

Harris, Carl

Hey, Bryan

Hoover, Maynard

Horton, Helen

Jones, Brian

Jones, Doug

Kanter, Theresa

Kidd, Jeff

Lee, Steven

Lilly, Judy L.

Martin, David

Martin, Evelyn

Mathai, Mathew

McCann, Jessica

Morrison, Brandon

Neidigh, Brenda

Nichols, John

Pelt, Ranson

Perry, Mike

Pheley, Al

Plymale, V. Jean

Plymale, Bill

Pollard, John

Rodgers, Pat

Sanghvi, Harsh

Shepherd, Scott

Sheppard, Scott

Shumaker, Richard

Stewart, Jeb

Stock, Doris

Tyree, Charles

Waddell, Bobby

Wenrich, John

Woods, Cindy

Zirkle, Mary

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Volume 11: Education in the 21st Century


Organizations and Companies 3com


Advance Fiber Optics

Advanced Network Infrastructure & Services, VA Tech


AFL Telecommunications


Anderson & Associates

Asia Venture Partners



Bristol Virginia Utilities Board


Center for Wireless Telecommunications, VA Tech

Chamber of Commerce, Richlands

Chilson Enterprises

Cisco Systems

Corning Cable Systems

Cox Communications

Dominion Telecom

Economic Development Assistance Center, VA Tech

EngHouse Systems


Extreme Networks

Economic Development Assistance Center, VA Tech

Floyd County High School

Force 10


Future of the Piedmont Foundation

Gamewood, Inc.


Grant County Public Utility District




Institute for Advanced Learning and Research, VA Tech

Institute for Connecting Science Research to the Classroom, VA Tech

ION Consulting

KMI Corporation


Level 3 Communications, Inc.



Marketing Dept., VA Tech

Micrologic, Inc.



Old Dominion Electric Coop


Prince Edward County Office of Economic Development

Progress Telecom


RACO, Inc.





Urban Affairs and Planning Dept., VA Tech





Worldwide Packets

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Volume 11: Education in the 21st Century


Table of Contents Report Overview..............................................................................................................1



Structure and Scope of Study...................................................................................3

Data Collection................................................................................................................5



Reporting Protocols..................................................................................................7

Status of Existing Technology Capacity in Education in the Tobacco Commission Area .9

Demographics of the Education Community...........................................................10

Adult Literacy...................................................................................................10

SOL School Accreditation Ratings:..................................................................11

Local and Regional Data Reflecting Other Current Demographic Statistics .....12

Existing IT Infrastructure at Educational Sites.........................................................13

Case Studies...................................................................................................13

Current IT Applications at Educational Sites...........................................................17

Administrative Applications..............................................................................17

Academic Applications ....................................................................................18

Use Analysis....................................................................................................19

Needs Assessment..........................................................................................19


Barriers to Full Integration of Technology in Schools ..............................................21

Collaborative Partnerships......................................................................................22

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Volume 11: Education in the 21st Century


Summary of Conclusions........................................................................................23

Recommendations ........................................................................................................24

Proposed Ways to Involve the Education Community in Planning, Development and Use

of a New Broadband Infrastructure................................................................................26


Contact Information .......................................................................................................31

Attachments ..................................................................................................................33

Quick Reference to Frequently Asked Questions ..........................................................34

Acknowledgements .......................................................................................................36

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Volume 11: Education in the 21st Century


Lists of Figures and Tables Figure 1: Connection Speed by School Type in the Tobacco Commission Region........37

Figure 2: Internet Connectivity in Tobacco Commission Region....................................38

Figure 3: Student-to-Computer Ratio by Superintendent Region...................................39

Figure 4: Student-to-Computer Ratio in Tobacco Commission Region..........................40

Figure 5: Student-to-Computer Ratio for Instruction (State/National comparison by

school type)............................................................................................................41

Figure 6: Student-to-Computer Raio by School Type in Tobacco Commission Region..42

Figure 7: Student-to-Computer Ratio for Instruction (State/National comparison by

percentage of free/reduced lunch)..........................................................................43

Figure 8: Connection Speed by Superintendents Region ..............................................44

Figure 9: Connection Speed by School Type in Tobacco Commission Region..............45

Figure 10: High School Electrical Capacity....................................................................46

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Volume 11: Education in the 21st Century


Report Overview


It is the rapid and sophisticated development of technology that has facilitated, if not

forced, fundamental changes in our society. American business can be delegated to

workers around the globe through high-speed telecommunications networks oblivious to

national borders. Manufacturing can be completed with fewer defects by using robotics.

Computers have become vital to all companies, from agribusiness to medicine to auto

mechanics. “We are moving toward the capability to communicate anything to anyone,

anywhere, by any form — voice, data, text, or image — at the speed of light.” (Naisbitt

and Aburdene, Megatrends 2000)

This same technology can open the world to students. Satellites perched high above the

earth enable the world’s neighbors to know each other and share information in ways

that far exceed a traditional world history lesson. Technology is approaching the speed

at which we think. Children who have grown up with the visual and mental stimulation of

MTV, home computers and video games will not tolerate slowness in the classroom.

Although teachers should avoid gimmicks for learning, it is appropriate for educators to

utilize all of the tools that bring information, and, ultimately, knowledge to students.

Technology permits learning to move away from limited linear thinking, and allows

learners to integrate many different pieces of information at one time. With high speed

connections to the Internet, schools can provide learning opportunities that will greatly

assist their students in preparing for a world of work that is increasingly knowledge-

based and rooted in information technology.

Employers are no longer looking for a “pair of hands” to train in a specific task, but are

relying on a good mind that will continue learning as jobs become more complex,

change, or are created. All jobs are impacted by technology, and students must be

exposed to computer systems and other technologies that simulate real-world

experiences. However, workplace literacy skills continue to include reading,

mathematics, and writing, now at a higher level of performance as workers create

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Volume 11: Education in the 21st Century


problem statements for computers and read highly technical manuals. The scientific

process, thinking skills, physics and even basic algebraic principles are used in a greater

variety of jobs. “Since workers in the future will experience rapid changes in both work

technologies and jobs themselves, the ability to think and learn quickly can no longer be

limited to top-level management.” (Smey-Richman, School Climate and Restructuring for

Low-Achieving Students)

Students from the Tobacco Region will be competing with students across the world for

jobs. Essentially, they can compete in one of two ways: as the cheapest labor in the

world or the most skilled workforce. America will never offer the cheapest labor, so for

today’s worker to attain a job that offers fulfillment and the promise of the American

Dream, our students — students in the Tobacco Commission area — must develop the

skills and competencies required for jobs that serve a world-wide economy.


This study is undertaken to assist the Tobacco Commission in its efforts to provide

opportunity and support to the education community in its region to improve their

technology capacity. Indeed while it is typically the industry/business world that clears

the path for greater technology capacity in metropolitan areas, in rural areas the

community looks to the schools to provide the impetus for initiating and expanding

technology capacity. For example, many small municipalities even share a computerized

payroll system with the local school board office and send staff to the schools for

professional development in using the technologies required.

By assisting the schools to improve and build the scaffolding to support more

sophisticated technologies, the Tobacco Commission is touching the entire community.

In order for such seminal assistance to be meaningful, efficient and cost-effective, it

should be predicated on a use analysis and needs assessment of the educational sites

in the Tobacco Commission area. Further, the findings, conclusions and

recommendations must be understood in light of the best practices for teaching and


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Volume 11: Education in the 21st Century


In order to ensure maximum use of any technology support provided by the Tobacco

Commission, study is needed to delineate points of action for involving members of the

education community in realistic but imaginative projections for integrating and using a

robust, reliable advanced network infrastructure in instructional design and delivery.

Finally, this component of the overall report to the Commission will contribute the

educational perspective to the complete picture of current technology capacity for the

total community.

Structure and Scope of Study

The study of the technology capacity of education in the Tobacco Commission area is

organized in four main parts: a comprehensive review of existing technology capacity; a

needs assessment of IT infrastructure at educational sites; a use analysis of current

administrative and academic information technology applications; and findings,

conclusions and recommendations.

The scope of the study includes:

• Comprehensive data from all educational sites in the Tobacco Commission area

• 39 school districts (See Attachment [1] for complete listing.)

• 5 superintendent regions

• 230 elementary schools

• 43 middle schools

• 75 high schools

• 24 others (alternative, private)

• 159,073 students

• 91 institutions of higher education, including two and four year institutions (See Attachment [4] for complete listing.)

• 47 related organizations (museums, libraries, consortia) (See Attachment [5] for complete listing.)

• Comparative data from all educational sites in the state

• 132 school districts

• 8 superintendent regions

• 1,164 elementary schools

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• 302 middle schools

• 294 high schools

• 148 others (alternative, private)

• 1,436,228 students

• 145 institutions of higher education, including two and four year institutions

• 47 related organizations (museums, libraries, consortia)

• Comparative statistics from national benchmarks

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Volume 11: Education in the 21st Century


Data Collection


In addition to acquiring information directly from the educational sites, as enumerated in

the methodology section below, this study performs a meta-analysis of eight

comprehensive reports and surveys conducted by the Virginia Department of Education

(VDOE). These reports listed below were submitted to the VDOE by all 132 school

districts in the Commonwealth. Generally reports are available the year after submission;

i.e., 2001 report is available in 2002. Not every report or survey is conducted annually;

i.e., the Internet Connectivity Survey. The information supplied in these documents is

used by the VDOE to inform acquisition and distribution of equipment, eligibility for

participation in certain programs and funding allocations.

• VDOE 2001 Annual Reports

• Fall Membership by School

• Regional Alternative Education Program Final Report

• Division Media Representative Report to Teleproduction Services

• Annual Local School Division Technology Plan

• VDOE Office of Information Technology

• 2000-2001 Technology Capacity in Support of Instruction

• 2001 Total Cost of Ownership Study

• 2000 High School Capacity Survey

• 1999 Internet Connectivity Survey

• Standards of Learning (SOL) data are used from the VDOE as a means of

providing possible correlations between technology capacity of a district and the

level of achievement students demonstrate in mastering the SOLs.

• The National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) is the source for additional

information providing data for comparing the technological status of Commission

area schools with national averages.

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Volume 11: Education in the 21st Century


• The International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) is the source for

national standards that define best practices in administrative and academic

applications of technology.


Data collection for this study is conducted in a variety of ways, including site visits, on-

site interviews, telephone interviews, surveys and reports. Emphasis is placed on

analysis of the data collected to determine the technology capacity of each school and

school district in the Commission area. The definition for technology capacity used in

this study includes the following parameters:

• Internet Connectivity

• Statewide (See Figure 1.)

• Tobacco Commission Area by Counties and Cities (See Figure 2.)

• Student-to-Computer Ratio

• Statewide by Superintendents Regions (See Figure 3.)

• Tobacco Commission Area by Counties and Cities (See Figure 4.)

• Student-to-Computer Ratio for Instruction

• State/Nation Comparison by School Type (See Figure 5.)

• Tobacco Commission Area by School Type (See Figure 6.)

• State/Nation Comparison by Percentage on Free and Reduced Lunch (See Figure 7.)

• Distribution of Internet Connected Computers in Classrooms, Labs and Media

Centers in the Tobacco Commission Area (See Figure 2.)

• Speed of Connectivity to Internet

• Statewide by Superintendents Regions (See Figure 8.)

• Tobacco Commission Area by School Type (See Figure 9.)

• High School Electrical Capacity Statewide (See Figure 10.)

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Capacity comparisons are made to schools and districts throughout the Commonwealth

as well as to national averages.

Use analysis of administrative and academic applications is conducted to determine

types of applications, compliance with best practices and with state and national

standards, and limitations imposed because of available technology infrastructure.

Reporting Protocols

Data related to technology capacity will be compiled and summarized in graphs, charts

and tables under three categories in this report:

• Demographics of the Education Community

• Existing IT Infrastructure at Educational Sites

• Current IT Applications at Educational Sites

Raw data will be included in the Appendices under the following categories:

• K-12 Schools

• Higher Education

• Related Organizations

The needs assessment drawn from all of the data will be analyzed in the Conclusions

and Recommendations sections of the report. Recommendations concerning the

technology infrastructure to support administrative and academic tasks for the Tobacco

Commission area schools will be made in terms of superintendents regions. [Note:

Reporting protocols in the state of Virginia rely heavily on the designation of eight

superintendents regions. The Virginia Department of Education has grouped

approximately 12 to 15 school divisions in each region with the intent of streamlining

reporting between the VDOE and the divisions. As a result, much of the professional

development and basic planning related to the VDOE occurs at the regional level.

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Volume 11: Education in the 21st Century


Sustainability of projects undertaken at the regional level will be discussed in more detail

later in this report.]

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Volume 11: Education in the 21st Century


Status of Existing Technology Capacity in Education in the Tobacco Commission Area

Since the early text-only days of the Internet (Virginia’s PEN) to the networks of the

future (National Light Rail), Virginia has been and is in the forefront of the technology

revolution. Initiatives such as online testing keep pushing the envelope for the

Commonwealth’s K-12 schools. The federally funded eRate program has brought

considerable technology into the schools across Virginia and in particular to the Tobacco

Region. But while the schools in the Tobacco Region have moved forward with

technology purchases, they still lag behind other areas in the state and country.

The Tobacco Region currently does not have the technology base (among other things)

to attract information and high tech industries to the area. They should not look at

catching up in the area of technology, but should attempt to leap frog over emerging

technology and develop cutting-edge instructional technology applications for their

schools. It could be argued that students in the Tobacco Region do not have

opportunities comparable to students in northern Virginia and the “Golden Crescent”

area for developing the necessary skills to compete successfully in a global marketplace.

The Commonwealth of Virginia has traditionally allowed local school boards to determine

the best route to follow in charting a student’s achievement from kindergarten through

grade 12. While local school boards do set policy for their own schools, there are

numerous state and federal laws and mandates that the local boards must follow.

Currently on the horizon is the “No Child Left Behind” Act (NCLB), which will have

implications for school funding as well as for assuring that all students are prepared for

tomorrow’s world of work.

Certainly information technology is the growth engine of the emerging global knowledge

economy. The Tobacco Region of Virginia must re-invent itself in order to survive in the

new global economy. The starting point for this will be in the K–12 environment —

affecting the entire community.

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Volume 11: Education in the 21st Century


Demographics of the Education Community

While people complain that much about the organization of schools has not changed

over the last 100 years, we find that today’s student has changed drastically. Changing

demographics represent complexities of changing family structure, changing work force

requirements, changing ways students access information outside of school, and an

aging teacher and teacher trainer population. Indeed as the adage goes: “change is

mandatory; growth is optional.” Schools respond to what business identifies as needed

in the workforce; what parents want from schools; and what students need to succeed

as well-developed citizens and human beings.

While this total report provides a more complete socio-economic picture of the

demographics in the Tobacco Region, the educational community may be profiled by

considering the following measurable categories and reports:

• Adult Literacy

• SOL School Accreditation Ratings

• School Census

• Report of Dropouts

• Free and Reduced Lunch Count (See Figure 7.)

• Report on Discipline, Crime and Violence

Adult Literacy

According to the National Institute for Literacy (NIFL), there is a correlation between

improvement in educational level of adults and the success of their children in school.

Parental participation in adult literacy programs correlates with their children’s

improvement in grades, test scores, reading skills, and retention in school. Helping low-

literate adults improve their basic skills has a direct and measurable impact on both the

education and quality of life of their children.

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Volume 11: Education in the 21st Century


Nationally, current data indicates that more than 20 percent of adults read at or below a

fifth-grade level. Over 40,000,000 Americans age 16 and older have significant literacy

needs. Forty-three (43) percent of those with the lowest literacy skills live in poverty; 17

percent receive food stamps; 70 percent have no job or a part-time job.

In Virginia, the National Adult Literacy Survey finds that more than 1,000,000 adults

have not completed high school; and another 1,000,000 have finished high school but

are deficient in one or more basic skill areas.

The Office of Adult Education and Literacy at the VDOE provides local and regional

information about programs and area collaborations that serve the Tobacco Region.

Specific data from literacy reports may be obtained through the website

SOL School Accreditation Ratings:

School accreditation ratings for 2002-03 are based on student achievement on

Standards of Learning (SOL) tests in English, mathematics, history/social science, and

science administered during 2001-02, or an average of achievement during the three

most recent years. Schools receive one of the following ratings:

• Fully Accredited: A school is fully accredited if students achieve pass rates of

70 percent or above in all four content areas.

• Provisionally Accredited/Meets State Standards: A school receives this rating

if students achieve a pass rate of less than 70 percent in one or more subject

areas but meet or exceed all of the following benchmarks:

• English: 66 percent

• Mathematics: 65 percent

• History/Social Science: 50 percent

• Science (Elementary and Middle): 66 percent

• Science (High School): 65 percent Schools that meet or exceed the above benchmark pass rates are counted as meeting the Commonwealth's achievement objectives for the year.

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• Provisionally Accredited/Needs Improvement: A school receives this rating if

pass rates in one or more subject areas are below the benchmarks listed above

unless the school is Accredited with Warning.

• Accredited with Warning: A school receives this rating if pass rates are 20 or

more points below the benchmarks listed above in one or more area.

For a detailed look at regulations establishing standards for accrediting public schools in

Virginia, including summaries and timelines, visit this website maintained by the Virginia

Department of Education (VDOE):

To find the 2002-2003 accreditation status of individual schools in the Tobacco Region,

visit this website maintained by the Virginia Department of Education (VDOE):

Local and Regional Data Reflecting Other Current Demographic Statistics

The most up-to-date demographic information that may be useful in filing grant

applications can be accessed through the VDOE website:

Reports found on this website include:

• School Census

• Report of Dropouts

• Free and Reduced Lunch Count

• Report on Discipline, Crime and Violence

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Existing IT Infrastructure at Educational Sites

To see how Instructional Technology was progressing, we took a closer look at three

divisions within the Tobacco Region to get a snap shot of where that division is with

technology integration.

Case Studies

Tazewell County Public Schools

Tazewell County Public Schools has been developing an advanced telecommunications

infrastructure for a decade. Some activities predate the passage of the

Telecommunications Act of 1996 and the benefits of eRate.

Architecture and Technical Specifications

The school division maintains 2,500 workstations all attached to local area networks

running Novell NOS across 51 file servers. Each of the 17 schools is connected via a

wide area network (WAN) with IP protocol. Internet connectivity to the division is by a

DS-3 from Network.Virginia with connections to individual schools at the T-1 level or

higher. Direct fiber connections, wireless, HDSL and frame relay circuits are used to

connect schools. All instructional and administrative spaces in the division are Internet

connected using a 10 meg switched network. Distance education is facilitated with five

fiber-optic classrooms providing real-time, interactive two-way audio and video. Seven

H.323 classrooms are available in the county for conferencing and other instructional



The entire wide area network sits behind a PIX firewall protected by a series of filters,

intrusion detection appliances and anti-viral software.

Use Analysis

Backup of critical administrative and instructional information is done across the WAN

using a series of decentralized SNAP servers as repositories for the data. During regular

school hours, Internet traffic spikes to 8 mbps as monitored by the division. In the spring

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of 2002, the division participated in Virginia’s SOL on-line assessment program with

excellent success.

A full schedule of distance education classes is offered ranging from Latin to Advanced

Placement Government and Advanced Placement Computer Science. Research

materials are on-line and are preferred by students and librarians alike. Efforts have

begun to do outreach to the local business community to show the benefits of

videoconferencing and Internet in the business world.

School Division Website (Site provides hosting services for schools and programs within

the county.)

School Division Technology Contact Steve Peery, Technology Coordinator Phone: (276) 988-5511 E-mail: [email protected]

Prince Edward County Public Schools

Architecture and Technical Specifications

All buildings on the school campus, including maintenance and transportation, have

been connected to form two local area networks, one for administration and one for

scholastic. All classrooms, computer labs, and administrative offices have access to the

Internet. Norton Anti-virus is added to all machines. Live updates are being downloaded

daily from the Internet. The mail server is in place for all professional and classified

staff. At the present time, there are 850 Pentium computers on the network. The

distance learning classroom is using H.323 video equipment. Internet is provided by way

of a wireless 20mb Radar System with 10mb Bandwidth sustained.


The entire wide area network sits behind a PIX firewall protected by various filters and

anti-viral software.

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Use Analysis

Microsoft Office, including Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and Publisher are available in every

building. Age-appropriate software for instructional use in each subject area continues

to be a goal for each classroom, while the annual renewal of licenses for all software

continues to be a large expense.

School Division Website

School Division Technology Contact Bobby Waddell, Technology Coordinator Phone: (434) 315-2100 E-mail: [email protected]

Martinsville City Public Schools

Martinsville City Schools began investing heavily in technology during the mid-1990s,

replacing outdated computers and upgrading wiring enabling each classroom in the city

access to the World Wide Web.

Architecture and Technical Specifications

The division network includes a T-1 line from a service provider to the middle school with

full T-1 lines from the middle school out to each of the other five schools. Each school

has a fiber backbone with Cat5 cable to the desktop. Cisco switches are used in all

schools. Plans are underway to increase bandwidth into the schools in 2003.

There are at least four servers in each school. These servers are used to house the

administrative software, library software, Internet filtering software, and instructional

software and data. Five of the division’s labs have servers specific to the type of

program being run in the classroom.

Each of three elementary schools is equipped with a 30-station computer lab. Every

classroom has at least one Internet-ready computer for student use — most have more

than one.

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At the intermediate school, each of three grade levels has a 30-station computer lab.

Each teacher has an instructional computer with presentation capabilities. Each room

has three to five computers for student use. All rooms are equipped with large-screen

televisions. The media center houses a media-retrieval system that runs all video

materials and a school bulletin board.

The middle school partners with NASA to provide an Aeronautics and Space Lab. The

media center is equipped with high-speed Internet computers and houses a media-

retrieval system that runs all video materials and a school bulletin board. Each grade

level uses a 27-station lab. The school has a portable, wireless 30-laptop computer cart

for teachers to use in classroom instruction.

The high school media center has a 30-station computer lab available to students during

the school day and also offers a portable, wireless, 24-station laptop cart for teachers to

use in the classroom. All classrooms have large screen televisions with presentation

capabilities and there are at least two high-speed computers in each classroom with

Internet access.

The student to computer ratio in each of the six schools is approximately 3:1.


The entire wide area network sits behind a PIX firewall protected by a series of filters

and anti-viral software.

Use Analysis

All kindergarten students participate in the Waterford Early Learning Program, a

computer-based program that helps students with early reading and math skills.

Elementary and middle school students participate in the Accelerated Reader Program,

a server-based program that encourages students to read for comprehension; The

Reading Academy, a self-paced reading lab, designed to raise reading levels; and a

Careers Lab that introduces students to various types of technical work. High school

students are now taking end-of-course tests online for the Virginia Department of


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School Division Website

School Division Technology Contact Jody Dalton, Technology Coordinator Phone: (276) 534-5725 E-mail: [email protected]

Current IT Applications at Educational Sites

Conditions under which computers are used are always changing and hence the

applications continuously change. To understand how this change has been reflected in

educational applications, it is useful to review the shifting emphases on the types of

applications seen as important in schools since computers first appeared in the

classroom in the ‘80s. In 1981, the focus was on teaching students the programming

language of BASIC. In 1983, the emphasis was still on programming but LOGO was the

language. By 1985, integrated learning systems provided a “coherent” set of electronic

lessons and the shift was to using self-paced content software. In 1987 spreadsheets

were the focus for teachers. In 1989, software “tools” for students were preparing the

way for the emphasis of the ‘90s on surfing the Web.

Shifts in perspective will always occur. Currently the emphasis is on ever-expanding

means of extending inquiry, understanding the information acquired, and manipulating

that information for production, dissemination, storage and retrieval. With this context in

mind, the report will examine the current use of applications for administrative and

academic tasks.

Administrative Applications

The State of Virginia requires school divisions to submit various reports via an electronic

format. The state also provides much data back to the schools in an electronic format.

This requirement has forced school divisions to select administrative software programs

to assist in the electronic collection of data.

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Approximately 70% of the divisions in the state use an administrative software package

called SASIxp™ Student Administrative Software. The remaining 30% use Starbase,

Pentamation or a variety of other packages. Some regional partnerships have

developed around these software packages in the form of User Groups.

Unfortunately, since no one system is used by all of the school divisions, training

personnel in the use of these software packages is a local burden. The lack of a

standard administrative software package makes training personnel on a regional basis

difficult. Without virtually continuous feedback on the program updates, data may be

provided to the schools, but there is no guarantee that school personnel with access to

that data understand how to use it as a basis for decision making.

Academic Applications

In a similar vein, instructional software packages vary from division to division and even

from school to school. While no one is advocating that all schools use the same

software for every student, certain grade level/content level needs are consistent across

the region, state, and nation.

One example of collaboration in the purchasing of academic applications for schools in

the Tobacco Region involves video clips that teachers can incorporate into various

lessons. Divisions are able to access a large library of video clips available online from

United Streaming at a reduced price. In addition teachers often locate and/or make

sample lessons available on websites that can be used in a range of content areas,

levels of difficulty and interest.

Currently the most emphasized type of online application in schools across the

Commonwealth is online testing. Some divisions in the Tobacco Region have

participated in the first pilot phase of this project. At this writing final compliance with all

students in grades 4, 6, 8 and 9-12 taking online end-of-course tests has been pushed

back to 2005. Many companies are providing online Standards of Learning practice


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Use Analysis

While data would indicate that schools in the Tobacco Region are using applications

both administratively and academically on a par with the rest of the state, the question is

how to prepare successfully for future growth that is sure to come in quantum leaps in

technology. How do they leap frog ahead to the appropriate use of high bandwidth

applications? There are many curriculum topics that would be enhanced through access

to technology allowing video conferencing on the desktop where students can

collaborate in real time over great distances. This type of educational application is

already available at a number of colleges and universities. For students who often do not

travel beyond the boundaries of their county, this type of exposure to other students in

other cultures is significant.

The fact that over 50 percent of college students need some remedial help indicates that

the local schools need to step up their instruction so that students from the Tobacco

Region entering college are not part of that statistic. Advanced technology applications

available to students at an early age may assist in this process.

Students need to leave school passionate about some content. This passion for

learning in some area is essential in motivating life-long learning. Stimulating technology

applications are feeding these interests now; unfortunately many of the most stimulating

applications are not in the schools. Advanced technology applications available in the

Tobacco Region can contribute to promoting the area as a place where students will

want to stay and work once they have completed formal education training.

Needs Assessment

The educational community will need to make a change in how they use technology

applications to prepare students for the ever-changing world of work, and more

importantly, will need to change the way they prepare teachers to teach with those


Needed: Active Learning/Adventurous Teaching

Teachers need to give up the view that

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• teaching is telling;

• learning is absorbing; and

• knowledge is static.

To buy time in the day for more in-depth treatment of application programs, educators need to compact the curriculum.

Administrators need to reduce the rigidity of organizational features of school such as

• length of class period,

• student grouping parameters,

• where information is located.

Students need to be actively engaged in

• knowledge-making explorations;

• complex, non-routine tasks;

• collaborative situations;

• reflection on learning.

Academic rigor does not equate with highly focused, prescriptive learning activities.

Rigorous learning occurs when students encounter open-ended questions and problems

that relate to the students’ world of interest, experience, and needs.

A component of appropriate challenge is the provision and application of instructional

materials and technologies which enhance opportunities for more individualized learning

experiences, allow for more interactive group experiences, and more closely match the

student with his/her own learning style. When technologies are used in a

developmentally appropriate way, they can provide a powerful assist to student inquiry

and ultimately to an increased sense of responsibility and ownership in the learning

process. As high speed Internet connections continue to make school more of a concept

than a place, the teacher’s role is redefined as facilitator, coordinator, guide, mentor, and

role-model rather than one who lectures or otherwise dispenses knowledge.

Opportunities are created to encourage guessing, comparing, evaluating, examining,

and criticizing ideas. The “right answer” is seen less as a single, undebateable response

than as one that has been carefully considered from among other possible


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Conclusions Technology needs to be ubiquitous in schools. Businesses never talk about technology

because they have the tools. Technology is always under discussion in schools

because they do not have it. Suppose a teacher had to access textbooks the way they

access computers, only during the school day and only when students were there.

Barriers to Full Integration of Technology in Schools

In the education environment there are many barriers imposed against the full

integration of technology, including:

• Frequent turn-over of top leadership, particularly at superintendent level

• Widespread enthusiasm for the flavor-of-the-month approach to educational

reform efforts

• Day-to-day focus with little commitment to working a long-term plan although one

may be on paper

• Too many in-house managers involved in decision making but not

knowledgeable about the topic or situation under consideration

• Sequential tasks often done simultaneously

• Unintended side effects from many adopted plans generally unanalyzed and

often even unacknowledged

• Not at commitment stage in supporting integration of technology into teaching &

learning process

• Little demonstration of applied knowledge about the change process and

systems thinking

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• Little effort to manage “unwritten rules” of organizational culture that emphasize

“making the boss happy, protecting turf and avoiding association with failure.”

• Often misidentify main purpose for integrating technology into the educational


Collaborative Partnerships

Despite these barriers, many school divisions within the Tobacco Region are working

collaboratively on various fronts, such as sharing a teacher for an interactive classroom

or meeting with other technology coordinators in a regional technology consortium.

Many other cross-regional partnerships were discovered in the course of preparing this

report. Unfortunately, there is no data available regionally or at the state level to identify

the various collaborations that a school division is currently involved in.

There are a number of inhibitors to the collaboration between schools and universities.

Most center around cultural differences. The following table delineates the difference in

perspective between K-12 schools and the higher education community around certain

topics: Topic K–12 Schools Universities Research emphasis Solution-oriented Theoretically-based Control base Locality State Policy making Autonomous Consensus Responsiveness to community

Sensitive Relatively immune

Institutional commitment High Moderate to low Relative status Hierarchical Diffused

Institutional differences can be overcome if

• mutual needs and benefits can be identified;

• clear expectations are stated for collaboration;

• administrative structures and support can be established in both agencies;

• communication among participants inspires trust.

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Summary of Conclusions

While a significant number of barriers make integrating technology into the teaching and

learning experiences of teachers and students difficult, schools in the Tobacco Region

are making notable headway. Case studies from three school divisions profile examples

of the architecture and technical specifications of WANs and LANs; security; and use of

technology in the area. While some divisions in the area may lag behind the rest of the

state in high speed connectivity and access, it is important that the Tobacco Commission

not encourage these divisions to engage in “catch-up” planning. Rather, emphasis

should be placed on “leap-frogging” over existing standards to prepare in a cost-

effective, efficient manner for the future.

High speed fiber connections and access to cutting-edge technology, however, will only

be worthwhile so long as students are learning the skills and strategies necessary to use

this technology meaningfully. Professional development for teachers and administrators

will be a key component in designing the teaching and learning environments that best

support improving student achievement through developmentally appropriate use of


While technology is not the answer to school reform, it can be an important part of the

solution to the problem that many divisions face in preparing today’s student for

tomorrow’s career. Systemic planning for sustainable goals is desperately needed.

Sustainability and high levels of integration of technology within the communities may

best be achieved through regional cooperation.

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Recommendations No matter how much pressure, no matter what the rewards, individuals

working in the system are helpless to change things beyond their control.

When the system is the major cause of problems, as happens most often,

only action on the system can make real improvements. Deming

How tasks are designed and managed, and how decisions are made influence

productivity more than ability and talent. With that in mind, school divisions in the

Tobacco Region should establish linkages:

• Identify consortia and partnership programs in the schools, colleges and

universities involving technologies (may already be working within and across


• Identify multi-division professional development programs involving technology


• Support enabling leadership from a consulting firm or education group

• Guide, inform and measure the planning process.

• Determine other organizational structures that are dynamic, interdependent, enabling and fluid for involving the broader community in education through technology.

• Identify a collaborative team with comprehensive vision (representatives from

each region to include school divisions, higher education institutions, local

business and political leaders) Note: The term identify instead of form is used

deliberately. School personnel are already overwhelmed with “opportunities” to

participate in new programs. Work will proceed faster if existing groups can be

used initially and expanded or evolved as members commit to the process.

• Identify regional team(s) (See note above.)

• Identify school division contact persons (a curriculum specialist and a technology


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• Move away from episodic, isolated, dispersed, hierarchical, one-way service-

provider/client relationships

• Invite development of regional, cluster group, and/or consortia action plans

emanating from this framework

• Move beyond identifying needs and goals to focus on means of sharing roles in governance and resources among members of the collaborative teams.

• Invite focus groups to determine themes for partnership.

It has often been said that insanity is doing again what you have done before but

expecting different results. Schools must analyze what needs to change in terms of

expectations, meeting needs of students, social process of learning, pedagogical beliefs

and attitudes. The traditional fault lines of geography, political jurisdiction, and race must

yield to a shared sense of regional destiny. By working together on regional efforts,

such as the development of high bandwidth infrastructure, the education community can

contribute significantly to sustainable growth in the Tobacco Region.

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Proposed Ways to Involve the Education Community in Planning, Development and Use of a New Broadband Infrastructure

Many different kinds of activities fall under the heading of “community connections with

schools.” One researcher may define a school-community connection as a formal

partnership between the school and another local organization. Another may highlight

learning opportunities for students that take them out of the classroom and into the

community for real-life experiences such as job internships and community research

projects. Community connections might involve individual community members as

educational partners, as well as community organizations such as businesses,

nonprofits, and government agencies. Still other researchers may look at the role of the

school in the larger community—as a community center or a community institution that

can play a role in community development efforts. There is even variation in the very

way the term “community” is defined. Cahill (1996) suggests that community can be

defined using geographical, philosophical, political, sociological, or economic terms.

The following are some of the types of community connections with schools that were

discussed in the literature reviewed:

1) Connections that integrate or locate health and human services at school sites and use school facilities and resources for the benefit of the entire community. These kinds of connections are generally called “full service” or “community” schools (Abrams & Gibbs, 2000; Dryfoos, 1998a, 1998b, 2000; Lawson, 1999; Shaul, 2000).

2) School-to-Work initiatives that link career training and real-life experiences with academic content (Hughes et al., 2001; Reynolds, Walberg & Weissberg, 1999).

3) After-school programs that provide remedial or enrichment learning activities for students while maximizing the use of school resources and fulfilling parents’ need for childcare (Miller, 2001).

4) Community-driven school reform efforts that simultaneously seek to improve local schools, build the social networks that exist in the community, build the capacity of local community members to take action and solve problems at the local level, and create “new standards and expectations for life in the community” (Rockefeller Foundation, 1997, as cited in Jehl, Blank, & McCloud, 2001, p. 4).

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5) School-business partnerships in which businesses provide schools with resources, business expertise, and volunteers (Otterbourg, 1998; Sanders, 2000; Shirley, 1997).

6) Connections with community organizations, such as local health and human services providers and community-based youth development organizations, to provide services or enrichment opportunities for students at or near the schools (Center for Mental Health in Schools, 1999b; McMahon, Ward, Pruett, Davidson, & Griffith, 2000).

7) School-university partnerships where universities, usually colleges of education, provide expertise, resources, and professional development to schools while schools participate in research studies or other professional collaboration projects (Restine, 1996; Zetlin & MacLeod, 1995).

8) Direct support from individual community members (church members, neighbors, and other adults) to students, to provide learning opportunities, expectations for educational achievement, and support for overall student well-being (Cordiero & Kolek, 1996; Honig, Kahne, & McLaughlin, 2001; Yancey & Saporito, 1997).

9) Connections with educational organizations, such as museums, libraries, and cultural groups, to provide out-of-school opportunities for informal teaching and learning (Faucette, 2000).

10) Community service or service learning programs that link academic content with activities that allow students to contribute to the well-being of the community (Schine, 1996; Wang, Oates, & Weishew, 1995).

11) Tutoring and academic support in specific school subjects by community-based volunteers (Invernizzi et al., 1997).

12) Deliberative dialogue programs that bring together community members to explore issues affecting schools. These dialogue sessions provide a mechanism for two-way information sharing between the school and community (McDonnell & Weatherford, 2000).

13) Community participation in school decision-making through formal mechanisms such as school governance councils (Lewis & Henderson, 1997; Mapp, 1999; Sarason & Lorentz, 1998).

Several authors have recently attempted to categorize the different kinds of school and

community connections. In one article, Cahill (1996) categorized the different types of

connections by their primary purpose: a) service provision to meet youth needs, b)

school-community educational partnerships, c) school-community partnerships in youth

development, d) school-community economic development collaborations, and e)

community redefined schools.

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A General Accounting Office (GAO) report to Congress (Shaul, 2000) identified a set of

common elements found in school-community connections, including:

• Services and activities tailored to community needs and resources, with the

flexibility to change as community needs change.

• A value for and encouragement of parent participation and individual attention

from caring adults.

• An understanding that support for the family is integral to improving outcomes for

children and youth.

• Active roles for parents, students, community residents, and organizations in

guiding policy and practices through such entities as advisory committees.

• A continuing emphasis on the importance of collaboration and communication

among school and community partners.

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References [1] Aguayo, Rafael. Dr. Deming: The American Who Taught the Japanese About

Quality. Fireside, 1991.

[2] Cetron, Marvin and Davies, Owen. Probable Tomorrows: How Science and Technology Will Transform Our Lives in the Next Twenty Years. St. Martin’s Press, 1997.

[3] Cetron, Marvin, Gayle, Margaret; and Honig, Bill. Educational Renaissance: Our Schools at the Turn of the Century. St. Martin’s Press, 1991.

[4] Cetron, Marvin J.; Soriano, Barbara; and Gayle, Margaret. Schools of the Future: How American Business and Education Can Cooperate to Save Our Schools. McGraw-Hill, 1985.

[5] Coates, Joseph F., Jarratt, Jennifer; and Mahaffie, John. Future Work: Seven Critical Forces Reshaping Work and the Work Force in North America. Jossey-Bass, 1990.

[6] Coates, Joseph F.; Mahaffie, John B.; and Hines, Andy. 2025: Scenarios of U.S. and Global Society Reshaped by Science and Technology. Oakhill Press, 1996.

[7] Deal, Terrence E. and Peterson, Kent D. Shaping School Culture: The Heart of Leadership. Jossey-Bass, 1998.

[8] Drucker, Peter. The New Realities in Government and Politics in Economics and Business in Society and World View. HarperBusiness, 1994.

[9] Dufour, Richard; Eaker, Robert E.; and Baker, Robert. Professional Learning Communities at Work: Best Practices for Enhancing Student Achievement. National Educational Service, 1998.

[10] Fullan, Michael G. The New Meaning of Educational Change. New York: Teachers College Press, 2001.

[11] Government report. National Goals.

[12] Hammer, Michael and Champy, James A. Reengineering the Corporation: A Manifesto for Business Revolution. HarperBusiness, 2001.

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[13] Hay, Leroy. Futurist Teacher’s Review of the National Commission on Excellence in Education Report. National Education Association, 1983.

[14] Kearns, David T. Winning the Brain Race: A Bold Plan to Make Our Schools Competitive. Institute for Contemporary Studies, 1991.

[15] Lessing, Doris May. Prisons We Choose to Live Inside. HarperCollins, 1987.

[16] MDC Inc. Learning. Working. Winning. Bringing the New Economy to the Dan River Region: A Report of the Future of the Piedmont Foundation. Chapel Hill, N.C., October 2001.

[17] National Center for Family & Community Connections with Schools. A New Wave of Evidence: The Impact of School, Family & Community Connections on Student Achievement. Southwest Educational Development Laboratory, 2002.

[18] National School Boards Association. Connecting Schools and Communities through Technology: A School Leader’s Guide. Alexandria, Va., ITTE: Education Technology Programs, 2002.

[19] Noble, Susan. “A Positive Approach: State Adopts Program to Ease Shortage of Teachers,” 2002 Commentary Columnist for The Richmond Times & Dispatch, November 10, 2002.

[20] Senge, Peter M. The Fifth Discipline. (systems thinking in a learning organization). Currency/Doubleday, 1994.

[21] Thompson, Helen M.; Henley, Susan A.; and Barron, Daniel D. Fostering Information Literacy: Connecting National Standards, Goals 2000, and the SCANS Report. Libraries Unlimited, 2000.

[22] Virginia Commission on Excellence in Education. Virginia Department of Education, 1986.

[23] What Work Requires of Schools: A SCANS Report for America 2000. Secretary’s Commission on Achieving Necessary Skills, U.S. Department of Labor, 1991.

[24] Workforce 2000. (

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Contact Information

Virginia Department of Education: Technology Lan Neugent, Assistant Superintendent: (804) 225-2757 Winona Barnstein, Division Secretary: (804) 225-2757

Educational Technology Gloria Barber, Director: (804) 225-4429 Flora Cosby, Secretary: (804) 225-2855

Information Technology Bethann Canada, Director: (804) 225-2951 Keith Roberts, Secretary: (804) 225-2105

eSOL Technology Initiative and eMeasurement Services Mark J. Schaefermeyer, Associate Director for Web-based Assessment Sarah J. Susbury, Manager of Technology Services

The Office of Educational Technology operates two training facilities. The Ida J. Hill

Educational Technology classroom supports hands-on training and features 29 fully-

networked, multimedia computers, dual-platform multimedia presentation stations with

large-screen projectors and two wall-mounted monitors. This classroom also is capable

of two-way, audio-video communications via satellite and the Internet.

The ET Teleconference and Training Center is a smaller dual-purpose classroom that

supports two-way, audio-video communications and hands-on training on laptops for up

to 12 participants. This room features Smart Board technology and state-of-the-art

telecommunications services via the Internet and satellite. These facilities are available

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for use by Department of Education staff, other state agencies and local school


School Division Contact Information — all Public Schools in Virginia

Virginia Tech Institute for Connecting Science to the Classroom Joy Cobert, Director and Curriculum Specialist: (540) 231-5467 John Wenrich, Associate Director and InstructionalTechnology Specialist: (540) 231-3668

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Attachments [1] Raw Data by Public School Division

[2] Raw Data by Individual Public School

[3] Raw Data by Private School

[4] Higher Education Data

[5] Related Organizations Data

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Quick Reference to Frequently Asked Questions

1) Why is it difficult for an established telecommunications company to make this investment? (Volume 1, Volume 5)

2) There is already too much fiber in the ground. Why not use what’s there? (Volume 1, Volume 2, Volume 6)

3) The principal design criterion driving the development of this infrastructure is that every user has the potential to be a “producer” in the network economy. Is this the same as “broadband”, as it is currently hyped in the industry? (Volume 1)

4) Can we quantify the potential jobs that will be created if a region invests in building advanced telecommunications infrastructure? (Volume 1)

5) What should be the Tobacco Commission’s role in the deployment of first mile technologies? (Volume 1, Volume 3, Volume 5, Volume 7, Volume 8)

6) How can localities ensure that they get early access to the network? (Volume 1, Volume 5, Volume 8)

7) What kind of success have other regions had with the development of network infrastructure for economic development? (Volume 1)

8) What regulatory factors should be considered when investing in wireless technologies? (Volume 1, Volume 7)

9) Why do we need to connect to network points outside of the tobacco regions? (Volume 2)

10) Once the network is in place, what do we do with it? (Volume 2, Volume 8)

11) Since the business model for inter-regional and inter-county infrastructure did not include the use of conduit facilitating blown fiber strands, what are the circumstances in which this technology is appropriate and financially feasible? (Volume 3, Volume 7)

12) How do existing community networks fit into the overall design? (Volume 3, Volume 5, Volume 6)

13) What are some examples for deployment in the first/last mile? (Volume 3, Volume 7)

14) What type of fiber is recommended? (Volume 3)

15) What would a network design for my county look like? (Volume 3)

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16) How much would all this cost? (Volume 3, Volume 5)

17) What is the appropriate organization model for managing and sustaining the Tobacco Commission’s investment in critical technology infrastructure? (Volume 5)

18) Tobacco region communities are underserved because the private sector does not see a profitable business case. What makes this feasible from a business perspective? (Volume 5)

19) If the traditional investment model for developing critical technology infrastructure has failed, what is the alternative? (Volume 5)

20) How much would it cost for consumers in the region to use the network? (Volume 5)

21) What technologies enable use of the fiber? (Volume 6)

22) How does the choice of technology to light the fiber impact the cost? (Volume 6)

23) How do wireless technologies fit into this framework? (Volume 7)

24) What is meant by the term “open access”? (Volume 8)

25) What is the difference between the broadband hype and the “next generation” networks? (Volume 8)

26) What are some next generation Internet (NGI) applications? (Volume 8)

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Acknowledgements This report was prepared for the eCorridors program by the Institute for Connecting

Science Research in the Classroom,, at Virginia Tech.

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Appendix: Raw Data by Public School Division

Divisions sorted by superintendent region


“Free and Reduced Lunch” — a measurement of poverty within a school division. The higher

the percentage, the lower the economic standing of the students in that school.

“FTE” — refers to faculty teaching positions.

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DINWIDDIE 1 Division:

Superintendent Region #

7Number of Schools

0Schools with connection GREATER than T1 = 1Schools with connection AT T1 =

6Schools with connection LESS than T1 = 0Schools NOT connected =

52 way voice communication with Office 181Classroom with Phones

255Number of Classrooms 19Number of Computer Labs

7Number of Library/Media Centers

400Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

408Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

90Number of Internet Computers in Library/Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

4309Student Count

3Schools with 35 % Free & Reduced Lunch 3Schools with 35 to 49% Free & Reduced Lunch

1Schools with 50 to 74% Free & Reduced Lunch 0Schools with 75% Free & Reduced Lunch

5Elementary Schools = 1Middle Schools = 1High Schools =

0Combined Schools = 0Special Ed Schools = 0Alternative Schools =

0Schools with less than 300 Students

5Schools with 300 to 999 Students

2Schools with 1000 or more Students

.709803922Percent of classrooms with phones

281Total instructional Rooms

898Total Computers 4.79844098Students per computer

.335714286Avg. FTE Positions (in technology) per School or Division

.26169265Avg. FTE Positions per 100 computers 382.12766Avg. Computers per FTE Position

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SUSSEX 1 Division:

Superintendent Region #

5Number of Schools

0Schools with connection GREATER than T1 = 1Schools with connection AT T1 =

4Schools with connection LESS than T1 = 0Schools NOT connected =

42 way voice communication with Office 0Classroom with Phones

96Number of Classrooms 7Number of Computer Labs

5Number of Library/Media Centers

5Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

118Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

38Number of Internet Computers in Library/Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

1412Student Count

0Schools with 35 % Free & Reduced Lunch 0Schools with 35 to 49% Free & Reduced Lunch

4Schools with 50 to 74% Free & Reduced Lunch 1Schools with 75% Free & Reduced Lunch

1Elementary Schools = 3Middle Schools = 1High Schools =

0Combined Schools = 0Special Ed Schools = 0Alternative Schools =

3Schools with less than 300 Students

2Schools with 300 to 999 Students

0Schools with 1000 or more Students

0Percent of classrooms with phones

108Total instructional Rooms

161Total Computers 8.77018634Students per computer

0.6Avg. FTE Positions (in technology) per School or Division

1.86335404Avg. FTE Positions per 100 computers 53.6666667Avg. Computers per FTE Position

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APPOMATTOX 5 Division:

Superintendent Region #

4Number of Schools

0Schools with connection GREATER than T1 = 2Schools with connection AT T1 =

2Schools with connection LESS than T1 = 0Schools NOT connected =

32 way voice communication with Office 114Classroom with Phones

324Number of Classrooms 192Number of Computer Labs

23Number of Library/Media Centers

244Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

312Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

23Number of Internet Computers in Library/Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

2376Student Count

2Schools with 35 % Free & Reduced Lunch 2Schools with 35 to 49% Free & Reduced Lunch

0Schools with 50 to 74% Free & Reduced Lunch 0Schools with 75% Free & Reduced Lunch

2Elementary Schools = 1Middle Schools = 1High Schools =

0Combined Schools = 0Special Ed Schools = 0Alternative Schools =

0Schools with less than 300 Students

4Schools with 300 to 999 Students

0Schools with 1000 or more Students

.351851852Percent of classrooms with phones

539Total instructional Rooms

579Total Computers 4.10362694Students per computer

0.25Avg. FTE Positions (in technology) per School or Division

.172711572Avg. FTE Positions per 100 computers 579Avg. Computers per FTE Position

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BEDFORD 5 Division:

Superintendent Region #

21Number of Schools

0Schools with connection GREATER than T1 = 11Schools with connection AT T1 =

10Schools with connection LESS than T1 = 0Schools NOT connected =

212 way voice communication with Office 56Classroom with Phones

654Number of Classrooms 35Number of Computer Labs

21Number of Library/Media Centers

103Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

260Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

82Number of Internet Computers in Library/Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

10738Student Count

11Schools with 35 % Free & Reduced Lunch 7Schools with 35 to 49% Free & Reduced Lunch

3Schools with 50 to 74% Free & Reduced Lunch 0Schools with 75% Free & Reduced Lunch

16Elementary Schools = 2Middle Schools = 3High Schools =

0Combined Schools = 0Special Ed Schools = 0Alternative Schools =

8Schools with less than 300 Students

11Schools with 300 to 999 Students

2Schools with 1000 or more Students

.085626911Percent of classrooms with phones

710Total instructional Rooms

445Total Computers 24.1303371Students per computer

0.16Avg. FTE Positions (in technology) per School or Division

.75505618Avg. FTE Positions per 100 computers 132.440476Avg. Computers per FTE Position

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CAMPBELL 5 Division:

Superintendent Region #

14Number of Schools

0Schools with connection GREATER than T1 = 7Schools with connection AT T1 =

7Schools with connection LESS than T1 = 0Schools NOT connected =

142 way voice communication with Office 5Classroom with Phones

571Number of Classrooms 29Number of Computer Labs

14Number of Library/Media Centers

411Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

416Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

146Number of Internet Computers in Library/Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

8841Student Count

9Schools with 35 % Free & Reduced Lunch 4Schools with 35 to 49% Free & Reduced Lunch

1Schools with 50 to 74% Free & Reduced Lunch 0Schools with 75% Free & Reduced Lunch

8Elementary Schools = 1Middle Schools = 2High Schools =

3Combined Schools = 0Special Ed Schools = 0Alternative Schools =

1Schools with less than 300 Students

13Schools with 300 to 999 Students

0Schools with 1000 or more Students

.008756567Percent of classrooms with phones

614Total instructional Rooms

973Total Computers 9.08633094Students per computer

.321428571Avg. FTE Positions (in technology) per School or Division

.462487153Avg. FTE Positions per 100 computers 216.222222Avg. Computers per FTE Position

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DANVILLE City 6 Division:

Superintendent Region #

15Number of Schools

0Schools with connection GREATER than T1 = 0Schools with connection AT T1 =

15Schools with connection LESS than T1 = 0Schools NOT connected =

132 way voice communication with Office 40Classroom with Phones

492Number of Classrooms 26Number of Computer Labs

15Number of Library/Media Centers

1775Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

557Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

137Number of Internet Computers in Library/Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

7602Student Count

0Schools with 35 % Free & Reduced Lunch 1Schools with 35 to 49% Free & Reduced Lunch

11Schools with 50 to 74% Free & Reduced Lunch 3Schools with 75% Free & Reduced Lunch

10Elementary Schools = 3Middle Schools = 1High Schools =

0Combined Schools = 0Special Ed Schools = 1Alternative Schools =

7Schools with less than 300 Students

7Schools with 300 to 999 Students

1Schools with 1000 or more Students

.081300813Percent of classrooms with phones

533Total instructional Rooms

2469Total Computers 3.07897934Students per computer

0.22Avg. FTE Positions (in technology) per School or Division

.133657351Avg. FTE Positions per 100 computers 748.181818Avg. Computers per FTE Position

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FLOYD 6 Division:

Superintendent Region #

5Number of Schools

0Schools with connection GREATER than T1 = 0Schools with connection AT T1 =

5Schools with connection LESS than T1 = 0Schools NOT connected =

52 way voice communication with Office 139Classroom with Phones

139Number of Classrooms 12Number of Computer Labs

5Number of Library/Media Centers

250Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

292Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

24Number of Internet Computers in Library/Media Centers

1Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

2019Student Count

2Schools with 35 % Free & Reduced Lunch 3Schools with 35 to 49% Free & Reduced Lunch

0Schools with 50 to 74% Free & Reduced Lunch 0Schools with 75% Free & Reduced Lunch

4Elementary Schools = 0Middle Schools = 1High Schools =

0Combined Schools = 0Special Ed Schools = 0Alternative Schools =

2Schools with less than 300 Students

3Schools with 300 to 999 Students

0Schools with 1000 or more Students

1Percent of classrooms with phones

156Total instructional Rooms

566Total Computers 3.56713781Students per computer

0.76Avg. FTE Positions (in technology) per School or Division

.671378092Avg. FTE Positions per 100 computers 148.947368Avg. Computers per FTE Position

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FRANKLIN 6 Division:

Superintendent Region #

16Number of Schools

0Schools with connection GREATER than T1 = 4Schools with connection AT T1 =

12Schools with connection LESS than T1 = 0Schools NOT connected =

22 way voice communication with Office 30Classroom with Phones

427Number of Classrooms 29Number of Computer Labs

15Number of Library/Media Centers

1266Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

587Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

119Number of Internet Computers in Library/Media Centers

1Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

7121Student Count

4Schools with 35 % Free & Reduced Lunch 8Schools with 35 to 49% Free & Reduced Lunch

4Schools with 50 to 74% Free & Reduced Lunch 0Schools with 75% Free & Reduced Lunch

12Elementary Schools = 2Middle Schools = 1High Schools =

0Combined Schools = 0Special Ed Schools = 0Alternative Schools =

8Schools with less than 300 Students

7Schools with 300 to 999 Students

1Schools with 1000 or more Students

.070257611Percent of classrooms with phones

471Total instructional Rooms

1972Total Computers 3.61105477Students per computer

0.3Avg. FTE Positions (in technology) per School or Division

.243407708Avg. FTE Positions per 100 computers 410.833333Avg. Computers per FTE Position

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HENRY 6 Division:

Superintendent Region #

21Number of Schools

21Schools with connection GREATER than T1 = 0Schools with connection AT T1 =

0Schools with connection LESS than T1 = 0Schools NOT connected =

202 way voice communication with Office 16Classroom with Phones

679Number of Classrooms 41Number of Computer Labs

20Number of Library/Media Centers

660Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

1043Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

154Number of Internet Computers in Library/Media Centers

4Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

8775Student Count

8Schools with 35 % Free & Reduced Lunch 10Schools with 35 to 49% Free & Reduced Lunch

3Schools with 50 to 74% Free & Reduced Lunch 0Schools with 75% Free & Reduced Lunch

12Elementary Schools = 4Middle Schools = 4High Schools =

0Combined Schools = 0Special Ed Schools = 1Alternative Schools =

6Schools with less than 300 Students

15Schools with 300 to 999 Students

0Schools with 1000 or more Students

.023564065Percent of classrooms with phones

740Total instructional Rooms

1857Total Computers 4.72536349Students per computer

.235714286Avg. FTE Positions (in technology) per School or Division

.266558966Avg. FTE Positions per 100 computers 375.151515Avg. Computers per FTE Position

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MARTINSVILLE City 6 Division:

Superintendent Region #

6Number of Schools

0Schools with connection GREATER than T1 = 6Schools with connection AT T1 =

0Schools with connection LESS than T1 = 0Schools NOT connected =

02 way voice communication with Office 104Classroom with Phones

223Number of Classrooms 15Number of Computer Labs

6Number of Library/Media Centers

515Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

440Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

69Number of Internet Computers in Library/Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

2675Student Count

2Schools with 35 % Free & Reduced Lunch 1Schools with 35 to 49% Free & Reduced Lunch

1Schools with 50 to 74% Free & Reduced Lunch 2Schools with 75% Free & Reduced Lunch

4Elementary Schools = 1Middle Schools = 1High Schools =

0Combined Schools = 0Special Ed Schools = 0Alternative Schools =

3Schools with less than 300 Students

3Schools with 300 to 999 Students

0Schools with 1000 or more Students

.466367713Percent of classrooms with phones

244Total instructional Rooms

1024Total Computers 2.61230469Students per computer

0.83Avg. FTE Positions (in technology) per School or Division

.486328125Avg. FTE Positions per 100 computers 205.62249Avg. Computers per FTE Position

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PATRICK 6 Division:

Superintendent Region #

7Number of Schools

3Schools with connection GREATER than T1 = 4Schools with connection AT T1 =

0Schools with connection LESS than T1 = 0Schools NOT connected =

72 way voice communication with Office 5Classroom with Phones

150Number of Classrooms 14Number of Computer Labs

7Number of Library/Media Centers

150Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

380Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

42Number of Internet Computers in Library/Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

2650Student Count

1Schools with 35 % Free & Reduced Lunch 4Schools with 35 to 49% Free & Reduced Lunch

2Schools with 50 to 74% Free & Reduced Lunch 0Schools with 75% Free & Reduced Lunch

6Elementary Schools = 0Middle Schools = 1High Schools =

0Combined Schools = 0Special Ed Schools = 0Alternative Schools =

4Schools with less than 300 Students

2Schools with 300 to 999 Students

1Schools with 1000 or more Students

.033333333Percent of classrooms with phones

171Total instructional Rooms

572Total Computers 4.63286713Students per computer

0.2Avg. FTE Positions (in technology) per School or Division

.244755245Avg. FTE Positions per 100 computers 408.571429Avg. Computers per FTE Position

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Superintendent Region #

18Number of Schools

18Schools with connection GREATER than T1 = 0Schools with connection AT T1 =

0Schools with connection LESS than T1 = 0Schools NOT connected =

142 way voice communication with Office 0Classroom with Phones

507Number of Classrooms 51Number of Computer Labs

18Number of Library/Media Centers

169Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

1114Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

89Number of Internet Computers in Library/Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

9186Student Count

8Schools with 35 % Free & Reduced Lunch 7Schools with 35 to 49% Free & Reduced Lunch

3Schools with 50 to 74% Free & Reduced Lunch 0Schools with 75% Free & Reduced Lunch

12Elementary Schools = 2Middle Schools = 4High Schools =

0Combined Schools = 0Special Ed Schools = 0Alternative Schools =

7Schools with less than 300 Students

11Schools with 300 to 999 Students

0Schools with 1000 or more Students

0Percent of classrooms with phones

576Total instructional Rooms

1372Total Computers 6.69533528Students per computer

.144444444Avg. FTE Positions (in technology) per School or Division

.189504373Avg. FTE Positions per 100 computers 527.692308Avg. Computers per FTE Position

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BLAND 7 Division:

Superintendent Region #

4Number of Schools

0Schools with connection GREATER than T1 = 0Schools with connection AT T1 =

4Schools with connection LESS than T1 = 0Schools NOT connected =

32 way voice communication with Office 6Classroom with Phones

70Number of Classrooms 5Number of Computer Labs

4Number of Library/Media Centers

88Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

116Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

20Number of Internet Computers in Library/Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

888Student Count

3Schools with 35 % Free & Reduced Lunch 1Schools with 35 to 49% Free & Reduced Lunch

0Schools with 50 to 74% Free & Reduced Lunch 0Schools with 75% Free & Reduced Lunch

2Elementary Schools = 0Middle Schools = 2High Schools =

0Combined Schools = 0Special Ed Schools = 0Alternative Schools =

4Schools with less than 300 Students

0Schools with 300 to 999 Students

0Schools with 1000 or more Students

.085714286Percent of classrooms with phones

79Total instructional Rooms

224Total Computers 3.96428571Students per computer

0.25Avg. FTE Positions (in technology) per School or Division

.446428571Avg. FTE Positions per 100 computers 224Avg. Computers per FTE Position

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BRISTOL 7 Division:

Superintendent Region #

6Number of Schools

6Schools with connection GREATER than T1 = 0Schools with connection AT T1 =

0Schools with connection LESS than T1 = 0Schools NOT connected =

62 way voice communication with Office 22Classroom with Phones

178Number of Classrooms 9Number of Computer Labs

6Number of Library/Media Centers

649Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

225Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

36Number of Internet Computers in Library/Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

2356Student Count

1Schools with 35 % Free & Reduced Lunch 3Schools with 35 to 49% Free & Reduced Lunch

2Schools with 50 to 74% Free & Reduced Lunch 0Schools with 75% Free & Reduced Lunch

4Elementary Schools = 1Middle Schools = 1High Schools =

0Combined Schools = 0Special Ed Schools = 0Alternative Schools =

3Schools with less than 300 Students

3Schools with 300 to 999 Students

0Schools with 1000 or more Students

.123595506Percent of classrooms with phones

193Total instructional Rooms

910Total Computers 2.58901099Students per computer

0.33Avg. FTE Positions (in technology) per School or Division

.217582418Avg. FTE Positions per 100 computers 459.59596Avg. Computers per FTE Position

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BUCHANAN 7 Division:

Superintendent Region #

10Number of Schools

0Schools with connection GREATER than T1 = 6Schools with connection AT T1 =

4Schools with connection LESS than T1 = 0Schools NOT connected =

32 way voice communication with Office 66Classroom with Phones

314Number of Classrooms 32Number of Computer Labs

10Number of Library/Media Centers

104Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

351Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

65Number of Internet Computers in Library/Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

3979Student Count

0Schools with 35 % Free & Reduced Lunch 0Schools with 35 to 49% Free & Reduced Lunch

6Schools with 50 to 74% Free & Reduced Lunch 4Schools with 75% Free & Reduced Lunch

2Elementary Schools = 0Middle Schools = 4High Schools =

4Combined Schools = 0Special Ed Schools = 0Alternative Schools =

5Schools with less than 300 Students

4Schools with 300 to 999 Students

1Schools with 1000 or more Students

.210191083Percent of classrooms with phones

356Total instructional Rooms

520Total Computers 7.65192308Students per computer

0.263Avg. FTE Positions (in technology) per School or Division

.505769231Avg. FTE Positions per 100 computers 197.718631Avg. Computers per FTE Position

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CARROLL 7 Division:

Superintendent Region #

10Number of Schools

0Schools with connection GREATER than T1 = 2Schools with connection AT T1 =

8Schools with connection LESS than T1 = 0Schools NOT connected =

72 way voice communication with Office 87Classroom with Phones

279Number of Classrooms 18Number of Computer Labs

10Number of Library/Media Centers

199Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

391Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

22Number of Internet Computers in Library/Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

3993Student Count

1Schools with 35 % Free & Reduced Lunch 4Schools with 35 to 49% Free & Reduced Lunch

5Schools with 50 to 74% Free & Reduced Lunch 0Schools with 75% Free & Reduced Lunch

8Elementary Schools = 1Middle Schools = 1High Schools =

0Combined Schools = 0Special Ed Schools = 0Alternative Schools =

5Schools with less than 300 Students

5Schools with 300 to 999 Students

0Schools with 1000 or more Students

.311827957Percent of classrooms with phones

307Total instructional Rooms

612Total Computers 6.5245098Students per computer

0.4Avg. FTE Positions (in technology) per School or Division

.653594771Avg. FTE Positions per 100 computers 153Avg. Computers per FTE Position

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DICKENSON 7 Division:

Superintendent Region #

8Number of Schools

0Schools with connection GREATER than T1 = 0Schools with connection AT T1 =

8Schools with connection LESS than T1 = 0Schools NOT connected =

72 way voice communication with Office 0Classroom with Phones

170Number of Classrooms 24Number of Computer Labs

8Number of Library/Media Centers

52Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

148Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

33Number of Internet Computers in Library/Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

2720Student Count

0Schools with 35 % Free & Reduced Lunch 3Schools with 35 to 49% Free & Reduced Lunch

4Schools with 50 to 74% Free & Reduced Lunch 1Schools with 75% Free & Reduced Lunch

2Elementary Schools = 0Middle Schools = 3High Schools =

3Combined Schools = 0Special Ed Schools = 0Alternative Schools =

3Schools with less than 300 Students

5Schools with 300 to 999 Students

0Schools with 1000 or more Students

0Percent of classrooms with phones

202Total instructional Rooms

233Total Computers 11.6738197Students per computer

0.1Avg. FTE Positions (in technology) per School or Division

.343347639Avg. FTE Positions per 100 computers 291.25Avg. Computers per FTE Position

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GALAX City 7 Division:

Superintendent Region #

3Number of Schools

0Schools with connection GREATER than T1 = 3Schools with connection AT T1 =

0Schools with connection LESS than T1 = 0Schools NOT connected =

32 way voice communication with Office 0Classroom with Phones

75Number of Classrooms 5Number of Computer Labs

3Number of Library/Media Centers

181Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

126Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

22Number of Internet Computers in Library/Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

1279Student Count

0Schools with 35 % Free & Reduced Lunch 2Schools with 35 to 49% Free & Reduced Lunch

1Schools with 50 to 74% Free & Reduced Lunch 0Schools with 75% Free & Reduced Lunch

1Elementary Schools = 1Middle Schools = 1High Schools =

0Combined Schools = 0Special Ed Schools = 0Alternative Schools =

1Schools with less than 300 Students

2Schools with 300 to 999 Students

0Schools with 1000 or more Students

0Percent of classrooms with phones

83Total instructional Rooms

329Total Computers 3.88753799Students per computer

1Avg. FTE Positions (in technology) per School or Division

.911854103Avg. FTE Positions per 100 computers 109.666667Avg. Computers per FTE Position

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GRAYSON 7 Division:

Superintendent Region #

11Number of Schools

0Schools with connection GREATER than T1 = 3Schools with connection AT T1 =

8Schools with connection LESS than T1 = 0Schools NOT connected =

02 way voice communication with Office 0Classroom with Phones

154Number of Classrooms 10Number of Computer Labs

11Number of Library/Media Centers

376Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

263Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

83Number of Internet Computers in Library/Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

2271Student Count

0Schools with 35 % Free & Reduced Lunch 5Schools with 35 to 49% Free & Reduced Lunch

5Schools with 50 to 74% Free & Reduced Lunch 1Schools with 75% Free & Reduced Lunch

7Elementary Schools = 1Middle Schools = 1High Schools =

2Combined Schools = 0Special Ed Schools = 0Alternative Schools =

9Schools with less than 300 Students

2Schools with 300 to 999 Students

0Schools with 1000 or more Students

0Percent of classrooms with phones

175Total instructional Rooms

722Total Computers 3.14542936Students per computer

.272727273Avg. FTE Positions (in technology) per School or Division

.415512465Avg. FTE Positions per 100 computers 240.666667Avg. Computers per FTE Position

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LEE 7 Division:

Superintendent Region #

14Number of Schools

0Schools with connection GREATER than T1 = 10Schools with connection AT T1 =

4Schools with connection LESS than T1 = 0Schools NOT connected =

52 way voice communication with Office 6Classroom with Phones

340Number of Classrooms 17Number of Computer Labs

13Number of Library/Media Centers

519Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

340Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

110Number of Internet Computers in Library/Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

3834Student Count

0Schools with 35 % Free & Reduced Lunch 0Schools with 35 to 49% Free & Reduced Lunch

10Schools with 50 to 74% Free & Reduced Lunch 4Schools with 75% Free & Reduced Lunch

10Elementary Schools = 0Middle Schools = 2High Schools =

2Combined Schools = 0Special Ed Schools = 0Alternative Schools =

8Schools with less than 300 Students

6Schools with 300 to 999 Students

0Schools with 1000 or more Students

.017647059Percent of classrooms with phones

370Total instructional Rooms

969Total Computers 3.95665635Students per computer

.207142857Avg. FTE Positions (in technology) per School or Division

.299277606Avg. FTE Positions per 100 computers 334.137931Avg. Computers per FTE Position

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NORTON City 7 Division:

Superintendent Region #

2Number of Schools

0Schools with connection GREATER than T1 = 0Schools with connection AT T1 =

2Schools with connection LESS than T1 = 0Schools NOT connected =

22 way voice communication with Office 0Classroom with Phones

66Number of Classrooms 4Number of Computer Labs

2Number of Library/Media Centers

164Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

104Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

10Number of Internet Computers in Library/Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

726Student Count

0Schools with 35 % Free & Reduced Lunch 1Schools with 35 to 49% Free & Reduced Lunch

1Schools with 50 to 74% Free & Reduced Lunch 0Schools with 75% Free & Reduced Lunch

1Elementary Schools = 0Middle Schools = 1High Schools =

0Combined Schools = 0Special Ed Schools = 0Alternative Schools =

1Schools with less than 300 Students

1Schools with 300 to 999 Students

0Schools with 1000 or more Students

0Percent of classrooms with phones

72Total instructional Rooms

278Total Computers 2.61151079Students per computer

0.25Avg. FTE Positions (in technology) per School or Division

.179856115Avg. FTE Positions per 100 computers 556Avg. Computers per FTE Position

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RUSSELL 7 Division:

Superintendent Region #

12Number of Schools

0Schools with connection GREATER than T1 = 0Schools with connection AT T1 =

12Schools with connection LESS than T1 = 0Schools NOT connected =

112 way voice communication with Office 9Classroom with Phones

289Number of Classrooms 24Number of Computer Labs

12Number of Library/Media Centers

267Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

608Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

64Number of Internet Computers in Library/Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

4260Student Count

2Schools with 35 % Free & Reduced Lunch 5Schools with 35 to 49% Free & Reduced Lunch

5Schools with 50 to 74% Free & Reduced Lunch 0Schools with 75% Free & Reduced Lunch

9Elementary Schools = 0Middle Schools = 3High Schools =

0Combined Schools = 0Special Ed Schools = 0Alternative Schools =

5Schools with less than 300 Students

7Schools with 300 to 999 Students

0Schools with 1000 or more Students

.031141869Percent of classrooms with phones

325Total instructional Rooms

939Total Computers 4.53674121Students per computer

0.25Avg. FTE Positions (in technology) per School or Division

.319488818Avg. FTE Positions per 100 computers 313Avg. Computers per FTE Position

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SCOTT 7 Division:

Superintendent Region #

13Number of Schools

4Schools with connection GREATER than T1 = 6Schools with connection AT T1 =

3Schools with connection LESS than T1 = 0Schools NOT connected =

112 way voice communication with Office 4Classroom with Phones

234Number of Classrooms 23Number of Computer Labs

13Number of Library/Media Centers

630Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

507Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

150Number of Internet Computers in Library/Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

3635Student Count

2Schools with 35 % Free & Reduced Lunch 4Schools with 35 to 49% Free & Reduced Lunch

7Schools with 50 to 74% Free & Reduced Lunch 0Schools with 75% Free & Reduced Lunch

9Elementary Schools = 1Middle Schools = 3High Schools =

0Combined Schools = 0Special Ed Schools = 0Alternative Schools =

7Schools with less than 300 Students

6Schools with 300 to 999 Students

0Schools with 1000 or more Students

.017094017Percent of classrooms with phones

270Total instructional Rooms

1287Total Computers 2.82439782Students per computer

.686923077Avg. FTE Positions (in technology) per School or Division

.693861694Avg. FTE Positions per 100 computers 144.120941Avg. Computers per FTE Position

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SMYTH 7 Division:

Superintendent Region #

13Number of Schools

1Schools with connection GREATER than T1 = 3Schools with connection AT T1 =

9Schools with connection LESS than T1 = 0Schools NOT connected =

92 way voice communication with Office 8Classroom with Phones

354Number of Classrooms 23Number of Computer Labs

13Number of Library/Media Centers

188Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

396Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

31Number of Internet Computers in Library/Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

5112Student Count

2Schools with 35 % Free & Reduced Lunch 7Schools with 35 to 49% Free & Reduced Lunch

4Schools with 50 to 74% Free & Reduced Lunch 0Schools with 75% Free & Reduced Lunch

6Elementary Schools = 3Middle Schools = 3High Schools =

1Combined Schools = 0Special Ed Schools = 0Alternative Schools =

6Schools with less than 300 Students

7Schools with 300 to 999 Students

0Schools with 1000 or more Students

.02259887Percent of classrooms with phones

390Total instructional Rooms

615Total Computers 8.31219512Students per computer

.307692308Avg. FTE Positions (in technology) per School or Division

.650406504Avg. FTE Positions per 100 computers 153.75Avg. Computers per FTE Position

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TAZEWELL 7 Division:

Superintendent Region #

16Number of Schools

13Schools with connection GREATER than T1 = 3Schools with connection AT T1 =

0Schools with connection LESS than T1 = 0Schools NOT connected =

42 way voice communication with Office 9Classroom with Phones

435Number of Classrooms 53Number of Computer Labs

16Number of Library/Media Centers

802Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

868Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

156Number of Internet Computers in Library/Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

6987Student Count

4Schools with 35 % Free & Reduced Lunch 4Schools with 35 to 49% Free & Reduced Lunch

7Schools with 50 to 74% Free & Reduced Lunch 1Schools with 75% Free & Reduced Lunch

11Elementary Schools = 1Middle Schools = 3High Schools =

1Combined Schools = 0Special Ed Schools = 0Alternative Schools =

4Schools with less than 300 Students

12Schools with 300 to 999 Students

0Schools with 1000 or more Students

.020689655Percent of classrooms with phones

504Total instructional Rooms

1826Total Computers 3.8263965Students per computer

0.10875Avg. FTE Positions (in technology) per School or Division

.095290252Avg. FTE Positions per 100 computers 1049.42529Avg. Computers per FTE Position

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WASHINGTON 7 Division:

Superintendent Region #

15Number of Schools

10Schools with connection GREATER than T1 = 5Schools with connection AT T1 =

0Schools with connection LESS than T1 = 0Schools NOT connected =

152 way voice communication with Office 4Classroom with Phones

533Number of Classrooms 35Number of Computer Labs

15Number of Library/Media Centers

533Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

333Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

89Number of Internet Computers in Library/Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

7327Student Count

5Schools with 35 % Free & Reduced Lunch 6Schools with 35 to 49% Free & Reduced Lunch

4Schools with 50 to 74% Free & Reduced Lunch 0Schools with 75% Free & Reduced Lunch

7Elementary Schools = 3Middle Schools = 5High Schools =

0Combined Schools = 0Special Ed Schools = 0Alternative Schools =

0Schools with less than 300 Students

15Schools with 300 to 999 Students

0Schools with 1000 or more Students

.00750469Percent of classrooms with phones

583Total instructional Rooms

955Total Computers 7.67225131Students per computer

0.5Avg. FTE Positions (in technology) per School or Division

.785340314Avg. FTE Positions per 100 computers 127.333333Avg. Computers per FTE Position

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WISE 7 Division:

Superintendent Region #

15Number of Schools

2Schools with connection GREATER than T1 = 5Schools with connection AT T1 =

8Schools with connection LESS than T1 = 0Schools NOT connected =

152 way voice communication with Office 17Classroom with Phones

478Number of Classrooms 44Number of Computer Labs

15Number of Library/Media Centers

1311Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

980Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

146Number of Internet Computers in Library/Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

7004Student Count

3Schools with 35 % Free & Reduced Lunch 6Schools with 35 to 49% Free & Reduced Lunch

6Schools with 50 to 74% Free & Reduced Lunch 0Schools with 75% Free & Reduced Lunch

6Elementary Schools = 0Middle Schools = 6High Schools =

3Combined Schools = 0Special Ed Schools = 0Alternative Schools =

3Schools with less than 300 Students

12Schools with 300 to 999 Students

0Schools with 1000 or more Students

.035564854Percent of classrooms with phones

537Total instructional Rooms

2437Total Computers 2.87402544Students per computer

.362866667Avg. FTE Positions (in technology) per School or Division

.223348379Avg. FTE Positions per 100 computers 447.731031Avg. Computers per FTE Position

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WYTHE 7 Division:

Superintendent Region #

10Number of Schools

3Schools with connection GREATER than T1 = 6Schools with connection AT T1 =

1Schools with connection LESS than T1 = 0Schools NOT connected =

02 way voice communication with Office 0Classroom with Phones

215Number of Classrooms 16Number of Computer Labs

10Number of Library/Media Centers

166Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

322Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

26Number of Internet Computers in Library/Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

4326Student Count

3Schools with 35 % Free & Reduced Lunch 5Schools with 35 to 49% Free & Reduced Lunch

2Schools with 50 to 74% Free & Reduced Lunch 0Schools with 75% Free & Reduced Lunch

7Elementary Schools = 0Middle Schools = 3High Schools =

0Combined Schools = 0Special Ed Schools = 0Alternative Schools =

1Schools with less than 300 Students

9Schools with 300 to 999 Students

0Schools with 1000 or more Students

0Percent of classrooms with phones

241Total instructional Rooms

514Total Computers 8.41634241Students per computer

0.29Avg. FTE Positions (in technology) per School or Division

.564202335Avg. FTE Positions per 100 computers 177.241379Avg. Computers per FTE Position

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AMELIA 8 Division:

Superintendent Region #

3Number of Schools

1Schools with connection GREATER than T1 = 2Schools with connection AT T1 =

0Schools with connection LESS than T1 = 0Schools NOT connected =

32 way voice communication with Office 57Classroom with Phones

107Number of Classrooms 7Number of Computer Labs

3Number of Library/Media Centers

188Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

170Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

26Number of Internet Computers in Library/Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

1733Student Count

1Schools with 35 % Free & Reduced Lunch 2Schools with 35 to 49% Free & Reduced Lunch

0Schools with 50 to 74% Free & Reduced Lunch 0Schools with 75% Free & Reduced Lunch

1Elementary Schools = 1Middle Schools = 1High Schools =

0Combined Schools = 0Special Ed Schools = 0Alternative Schools =

0Schools with less than 300 Students

3Schools with 300 to 999 Students

0Schools with 1000 or more Students

.53271028Percent of classrooms with phones

117Total instructional Rooms

384Total Computers 4.51302083Students per computer

0.331Avg. FTE Positions (in technology) per School or Division

0.25859375Avg. FTE Positions per 100 computers 386.706949Avg. Computers per FTE Position

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BRUNSWICK 8 Division:

Superintendent Region #

6Number of Schools

0Schools with connection GREATER than T1 = 6Schools with connection AT T1 =

0Schools with connection LESS than T1 = 0Schools NOT connected =

62 way voice communication with Office 39Classroom with Phones

192Number of Classrooms 12Number of Computer Labs

6Number of Library/Media Centers

371Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

224Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

34Number of Internet Computers in Library/Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

2495Student Count

0Schools with 35 % Free & Reduced Lunch 0Schools with 35 to 49% Free & Reduced Lunch

6Schools with 50 to 74% Free & Reduced Lunch 0Schools with 75% Free & Reduced Lunch

4Elementary Schools = 1Middle Schools = 1High Schools =

0Combined Schools = 0Special Ed Schools = 0Alternative Schools =

2Schools with less than 300 Students

4Schools with 300 to 999 Students

0Schools with 1000 or more Students

0.203125Percent of classrooms with phones

210Total instructional Rooms

629Total Computers 3.96661367Students per computer

0.66Avg. FTE Positions (in technology) per School or Division

.629570747Avg. FTE Positions per 100 computers 158.838384Avg. Computers per FTE Position

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BUCKINGHAM 8 Division:

Superintendent Region #

6Number of Schools

2Schools with connection GREATER than T1 = 4Schools with connection AT T1 =

0Schools with connection LESS than T1 = 0Schools NOT connected =

62 way voice communication with Office 0Classroom with Phones

146Number of Classrooms 12Number of Computer Labs

6Number of Library/Media Centers

164Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

300Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

22Number of Internet Computers in Library/Media Centers

1Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

2258Student Count

1Schools with 35 % Free & Reduced Lunch 0Schools with 35 to 49% Free & Reduced Lunch

5Schools with 50 to 74% Free & Reduced Lunch 0Schools with 75% Free & Reduced Lunch

4Elementary Schools = 1Middle Schools = 1High Schools =

0Combined Schools = 0Special Ed Schools = 0Alternative Schools =

4Schools with less than 300 Students

2Schools with 300 to 999 Students

0Schools with 1000 or more Students

0Percent of classrooms with phones

164Total instructional Rooms

486Total Computers 4.64609053Students per computer

1.22Avg. FTE Positions (in technology) per School or Division

1.50617284Avg. FTE Positions per 100 computers 66.3934426Avg. Computers per FTE Position

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CHARLOTTE 8 Division:

Superintendent Region #

6Number of Schools

0Schools with connection GREATER than T1 = 2Schools with connection AT T1 =

4Schools with connection LESS than T1 = 0Schools NOT connected =

62 way voice communication with Office 143Classroom with Phones

146Number of Classrooms 15Number of Computer Labs

6Number of Library/Media Centers

175Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

452Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

58Number of Internet Computers in Library/Media Centers

2Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

2214Student Count

0Schools with 35 % Free & Reduced Lunch 3Schools with 35 to 49% Free & Reduced Lunch

2Schools with 50 to 74% Free & Reduced Lunch 1Schools with 75% Free & Reduced Lunch

4Elementary Schools = 1Middle Schools = 1High Schools =

0Combined Schools = 0Special Ed Schools = 0Alternative Schools =

3Schools with less than 300 Students

3Schools with 300 to 999 Students

0Schools with 1000 or more Students

.979452055Percent of classrooms with phones

167Total instructional Rooms

685Total Computers 3.23211679Students per computer

1.25Avg. FTE Positions (in technology) per School or Division

1.09489051Avg. FTE Positions per 100 computers 91.3333333Avg. Computers per FTE Position

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CUMBERLAND 8 Division:

Superintendent Region #

3Number of Schools

0Schools with connection GREATER than T1 = 3Schools with connection AT T1 =

0Schools with connection LESS than T1 = 0Schools NOT connected =

32 way voice communication with Office 51Classroom with Phones

94Number of Classrooms 10Number of Computer Labs

3Number of Library/Media Centers

29Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

138Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

23Number of Internet Computers in Library/Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

1318Student Count

0Schools with 35 % Free & Reduced Lunch 0Schools with 35 to 49% Free & Reduced Lunch

3Schools with 50 to 74% Free & Reduced Lunch 0Schools with 75% Free & Reduced Lunch

1Elementary Schools = 1Middle Schools = 1High Schools =

0Combined Schools = 0Special Ed Schools = 0Alternative Schools =

0Schools with less than 300 Students

3Schools with 300 to 999 Students

0Schools with 1000 or more Students

.542553191Percent of classrooms with phones

107Total instructional Rooms

190Total Computers 6.93684211Students per computer

.666666667Avg. FTE Positions (in technology) per School or Division

1.05263158Avg. FTE Positions per 100 computers 95Avg. Computers per FTE Position

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Superintendent Region #

5Number of Schools

2Schools with connection GREATER than T1 = 0Schools with connection AT T1 =

3Schools with connection LESS than T1 = 0Schools NOT connected =

32 way voice communication with Office 213Classroom with Phones

254Number of Classrooms 24Number of Computer Labs

4Number of Library/Media Centers

440Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

672Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

64Number of Internet Computers in Library/Media Centers

2Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

2784Student Count

0Schools with 35 % Free & Reduced Lunch 1Schools with 35 to 49% Free & Reduced Lunch

4Schools with 50 to 74% Free & Reduced Lunch 0Schools with 75% Free & Reduced Lunch

2Elementary Schools = 1Middle Schools = 1High Schools =

0Combined Schools = 0Special Ed Schools = 1Alternative Schools =

1Schools with less than 300 Students

3Schools with 300 to 999 Students

1Schools with 1000 or more Students

.838582677Percent of classrooms with phones

282Total instructional Rooms

1176Total Computers 2.36734694Students per computer

0.4Avg. FTE Positions (in technology) per School or Division

.170068027Avg. FTE Positions per 100 computers 588Avg. Computers per FTE Position

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HALIFAX 8 Division:

Superintendent Region #

18Number of Schools

0Schools with connection GREATER than T1 = 2Schools with connection AT T1 =

16Schools with connection LESS than T1 = 0Schools NOT connected =

02 way voice communication with Office 31Classroom with Phones

511Number of Classrooms 36Number of Computer Labs

16Number of Library/Media Centers

525Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

313Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

114Number of Internet Computers in Library/Media Centers

1Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

6000Student Count

1Schools with 35 % Free & Reduced Lunch 1Schools with 35 to 49% Free & Reduced Lunch

15Schools with 50 to 74% Free & Reduced Lunch 1Schools with 75% Free & Reduced Lunch

15Elementary Schools = 1Middle Schools = 1High Schools =

0Combined Schools = 0Special Ed Schools = 1Alternative Schools =

13Schools with less than 300 Students

4Schools with 300 to 999 Students

1Schools with 1000 or more Students

.060665362Percent of classrooms with phones

563Total instructional Rooms

952Total Computers 6.30252101Students per computer

.127777778Avg. FTE Positions (in technology) per School or Division

.241596639Avg. FTE Positions per 100 computers 413.913043Avg. Computers per FTE Position

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LUNENBURG 8 Division:

Superintendent Region #

4Number of Schools

0Schools with connection GREATER than T1 = 0Schools with connection AT T1 =

4Schools with connection LESS than T1 = 0Schools NOT connected =

42 way voice communication with Office 0Classroom with Phones

127Number of Classrooms 10Number of Computer Labs

4Number of Library/Media Centers

248Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

252Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

50Number of Internet Computers in Library/Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

1794Student Count

0Schools with 35 % Free & Reduced Lunch 1Schools with 35 to 49% Free & Reduced Lunch

3Schools with 50 to 74% Free & Reduced Lunch 0Schools with 75% Free & Reduced Lunch

2Elementary Schools = 1Middle Schools = 1High Schools =

0Combined Schools = 0Special Ed Schools = 0Alternative Schools =

0Schools with less than 300 Students

4Schools with 300 to 999 Students

0Schools with 1000 or more Students

0Percent of classrooms with phones

141Total instructional Rooms

550Total Computers 3.26181818Students per computer

0.37Avg. FTE Positions (in technology) per School or Division

.269090909Avg. FTE Positions per 100 computers 371.621622Avg. Computers per FTE Position

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Superintendent Region #

11Number of Schools

0Schools with connection GREATER than T1 = 0Schools with connection AT T1 =

11Schools with connection LESS than T1 = 0Schools NOT connected =

112 way voice communication with Office 2Classroom with Phones

316Number of Classrooms 15Number of Computer Labs

11Number of Library/Media Centers

371Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

394Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

120Number of Internet Computers in Library/Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

4941Student Count

0Schools with 35 % Free & Reduced Lunch 4Schools with 35 to 49% Free & Reduced Lunch

7Schools with 50 to 74% Free & Reduced Lunch 0Schools with 75% Free & Reduced Lunch

7Elementary Schools = 2Middle Schools = 2High Schools =

0Combined Schools = 0Special Ed Schools = 0Alternative Schools =

4Schools with less than 300 Students

7Schools with 300 to 999 Students

0Schools with 1000 or more Students

.006329114Percent of classrooms with phones

342Total instructional Rooms

885Total Computers 5.58305085Students per computer

0.25Avg. FTE Positions (in technology) per School or Division

.310734463Avg. FTE Positions per 100 computers 321.818182Avg. Computers per FTE Position

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NOTTOWAY 8 Division:

Superintendent Region #

6Number of Schools

0Schools with connection GREATER than T1 = 6Schools with connection AT T1 =

0Schools with connection LESS than T1 = 0Schools NOT connected =

42 way voice communication with Office 131Classroom with Phones

184Number of Classrooms 15Number of Computer Labs

6Number of Library/Media Centers

182Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

338Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

44Number of Internet Computers in Library/Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

2436Student Count

0Schools with 35 % Free & Reduced Lunch 1Schools with 35 to 49% Free & Reduced Lunch

5Schools with 50 to 74% Free & Reduced Lunch 0Schools with 75% Free & Reduced Lunch

4Elementary Schools = 1Middle Schools = 1High Schools =

0Combined Schools = 0Special Ed Schools = 0Alternative Schools =

2Schools with less than 300 Students

4Schools with 300 to 999 Students

0Schools with 1000 or more Students

.711956522Percent of classrooms with phones

205Total instructional Rooms

564Total Computers 4.31914894Students per computer

1Avg. FTE Positions (in technology) per School or Division

1.06382979Avg. FTE Positions per 100 computers 94Avg. Computers per FTE Position

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Superintendent Region #

3Number of Schools

0Schools with connection GREATER than T1 = 0Schools with connection AT T1 =

3Schools with connection LESS than T1 = 0Schools NOT connected =

32 way voice communication with Office 1Classroom with Phones

197Number of Classrooms 13Number of Computer Labs

3Number of Library/Media Centers

270Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

312Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

54Number of Internet Computers in Library/Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

2699Student Count

0Schools with 35 % Free & Reduced Lunch 1Schools with 35 to 49% Free & Reduced Lunch

2Schools with 50 to 74% Free & Reduced Lunch 0Schools with 75% Free & Reduced Lunch

1Elementary Schools = 0Middle Schools = 1High Schools =

1Combined Schools = 0Special Ed Schools = 0Alternative Schools =

0Schools with less than 300 Students

2Schools with 300 to 999 Students

1Schools with 1000 or more Students

.005076142Percent of classrooms with phones

213Total instructional Rooms

636Total Computers 4.24371069Students per computer

.666666667Avg. FTE Positions (in technology) per School or Division

.314465409Avg. FTE Positions per 100 computers 318Avg. Computers per FTE Position

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Appendix: Raw Data by Individual School

Schools listed in order by school division number


“Free and Reduced Lunch” — a measurement of poverty within a school division. The higher

the percentage, the lower the economic standing of the students in that school.

“FTE” — refers to faculty teaching positions.

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AMELIA COUNTY HIGH School 6Sup Region #

YESIs this school connected to the internet

1.544 megabits/sec (T1)Upstream Data Rate 1.544 megabits/sec (T1)Downstream Data Rate

12 way voice communication with the school office?

0How many classrooms in this school have phones?

0.33FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

27# of Classrooms 5# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

27Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

110Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

12Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

517Student Count

0% of classrooms with phones

33Total instructional Rooms 149Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 0Teachers with Palms

3.46979866Students per computer

Most communicate at > 10 mpsLAN Connection Speed

HIGH-SCHSchool Type

004Division #

0010School #

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YESIs this school connected to the internet

> 1.544 megabits/secUpstream Data Rate > 1.544 megabits/secDownstream Data Rate

12 way voice communication with the school office?

0How many classrooms in this school have phones?

0.33FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

23# of Classrooms 1# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

31Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

30Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

2Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

438Student Count

0% of classrooms with phones

25Total instructional Rooms 63Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 0Teachers with Palms

6.95238095Students per computer

Most communicate at > 10 mpsLAN Connection Speed

MID-SCHSchool Type

004Division #

0210School #

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AMELIA COUNTY ELEM. School 8Sup Region #

YESIs this school connected to the internet

1.544 megabits/sec (T1)Upstream Data Rate 1.544 megabits/sec (T1)Downstream Data Rate

12 way voice communication with the school office?

57How many classrooms in this school have phones?

0.333FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

57# of Classrooms 1# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

130Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

30Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

12Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

778Student Count

1% of classrooms with phones

59Total instructional Rooms 172Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 0Teachers with Palms

4.52325581Students per computer

Most communicate at > 10 mpsLAN Connection Speed

ELEM-SCHSchool Type

004Division #

0220School #

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APPOMATTOX ELEM. School 5Sup Region #

YESIs this school connected to the internet

768 kilobits/secUpstream Data Rate 768 kilobits/secDownstream Data Rate

22 way voice communication with the school office?

0How many classrooms in this school have phones?

0.25FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

103# of Classrooms 54# of Computer Labs 6# of Library_ Media Centers

80Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

54Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

5Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

511Student Count

0% of classrooms with phones

163Total instructional Rooms 139Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 0Teachers with Palms

3.67625899Students per computer

Most communicate at 10 mps.LAN Connection Speed

ELEM-SCHSchool Type

006Division #

0110School #

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APPOMATTOX MIDDLE School 5Sup Region #

YESIs this school connected to the internet

1.544 megabits/sec (T1)Upstream Data Rate 1.544 megabits/sec (T1)Downstream Data Rate

12 way voice communication with the school office?

35How many classrooms in this school have phones?

0.25FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

71# of Classrooms 108# of Computer Labs 11# of Library_ Media Centers

71Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

108Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

9Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

561Student Count

?% of classrooms with phones

190Total instructional Rooms 188Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 0Teachers with Palms

2.98404255Students per computer

All communicate at 100 mpsLAN Connection Speed

MID-SCHSchool Type

006Division #

0160School #

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YESIs this school connected to the internet

768 kilobits/secUpstream Data Rate 768 kilobits/secDownstream Data Rate

12 way voice communication with the school office?

35How many classrooms in this school have phones?

0.25FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

106# of Classrooms 25# of Computer Labs 5# of Library_ Media Centers

40Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

25Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

4Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

581Student Count

?% of classrooms with phones

136Total instructional Rooms 69Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 0Teachers with Palms

8.42028986Students per computer

Most communicate at > 10 mpsLAN Connection Speed

ELEM-SCHSchool Type

006Division #

0250School #

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YESIs this school connected to the internet

1.544 megabits/sec (T1)Upstream Data Rate 1.544 megabits/sec (T1)Downstream Data Rate

12 way voice communication with the school office?

44How many classrooms in this school have phones?

0.25FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

44# of Classrooms 5# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

53Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

125Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

5Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

723Student Count

1% of classrooms with phones

51Total instructional Rooms 208Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 0Teachers with Palms

3.47596154Students per computer

All communicate at 100 mpsLAN Connection Speed

HIGH-SCHSchool Type

006Division #

0260School #

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BIG ISLAND ELEM. School 5Sup Region #

NOIs this school connected to the internet

< Select Bit Rate >Upstream Data Rate < Select Bit Rate >Downstream Data Rate

12 way voice communication with the school office?

0How many classrooms in this school have phones?

0.16FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

23# of Classrooms 1# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

0Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

0Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

0Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

238Student Count

0% of classrooms with phones

25Total instructional Rooms 1Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 0Teachers with Palms

238Students per computer

<Select LAN Data Rate >LAN Connection Speed

ELEM-SCHSchool Type

010Division #

0030School #

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BOONSBORO ELEM. School 5Sup Region #

YESIs this school connected to the internet

1.544 megabits/sec (T1)Upstream Data Rate 1.544 megabits/sec (T1)Downstream Data Rate

12 way voice communication with the school office?

0How many classrooms in this school have phones?

0.16FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

16# of Classrooms 1# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

1Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

20Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

2Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

335Student Count

0% of classrooms with phones

18Total instructional Rooms 46Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 0Teachers with Palms

7.2826087Students per computer

All communicate at 100 mpsLAN Connection Speed

ELEM-SCHSchool Type

010Division #

0160School #

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MONTVALE ELEM. School 5Sup Region #

NOIs this school connected to the internet

< Select Bit Rate >Upstream Data Rate < Select Bit Rate >Downstream Data Rate

12 way voice communication with the school office?

0How many classrooms in this school have phones?

0.16FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

20# of Classrooms 1# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

0Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

0Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

0Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

291Student Count

0% of classrooms with phones

22Total instructional Rooms 1Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 0Teachers with Palms

291Students per computer

<Select LAN Data Rate >LAN Connection Speed

ELEM-SCHSchool Type

010Division #

0180School #

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THAXTON ELEM. School 5Sup Region #

NOIs this school connected to the internet

< Select Bit Rate >Upstream Data Rate < Select Bit Rate >Downstream Data Rate

12 way voice communication with the school office?

0How many classrooms in this school have phones?

0.16FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

13# of Classrooms 1# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

0Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

0Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

0Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

216Student Count

0% of classrooms with phones

15Total instructional Rooms 1Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 0Teachers with Palms

216Students per computer

<Select LAN Data Rate >LAN Connection Speed

ELEM-SCHSchool Type

010Division #

0450School #

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BEDFORD ELEM. School 5Sup Region #

YESIs this school connected to the internet

1.544 megabits/sec (T1)Upstream Data Rate 1.544 megabits/sec (T1)Downstream Data Rate

12 way voice communication with the school office?

0How many classrooms in this school have phones?

0.16FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

33# of Classrooms 1# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

33Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

20Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

2Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

684Student Count

0% of classrooms with phones

36Total instructional Rooms 160Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 0Teachers with Palms

4.275Students per computer

All communicate at 100 mpsLAN Connection Speed

ELEM-SCHSchool Type

010Division #

0480School #

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BEDFORD MIDDLE School 5Sup Region #

YESIs this school connected to the internet

1.544 megabits/sec (T1)Upstream Data Rate 1.544 megabits/sec (T1)Downstream Data Rate

12 way voice communication with the school office?

0How many classrooms in this school have phones?

0.16FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

22# of Classrooms 2# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

2Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

20Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

22Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

521Student Count

0% of classrooms with phones

25Total instructional Rooms 150Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 0Teachers with Palms

3.47333333Students per computer

All communicate at 100 mpsLAN Connection Speed

MID-SCHSchool Type

010Division #

0490School #

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FOREST ELEM. School 5Sup Region #

YESIs this school connected to the internet

1.544 megabits/sec (T1)Upstream Data Rate 1.544 megabits/sec (T1)Downstream Data Rate

12 way voice communication with the school office?

0How many classrooms in this school have phones?

0.16FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

21# of Classrooms 1# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

21Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

20Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

1Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

360Student Count

0% of classrooms with phones

23Total instructional Rooms 84Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 0Teachers with Palms

4.28571429Students per computer

All communicate at 100 mpsLAN Connection Speed

ELEM-SCHSchool Type

010Division #

0500School #

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YESIs this school connected to the internet

1.544 megabits/sec (T1)Upstream Data Rate 1.544 megabits/sec (T1)Downstream Data Rate

12 way voice communication with the school office?

0How many classrooms in this school have phones?

0.16FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

23# of Classrooms 1# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

1Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

20Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

1Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

256Student Count

0% of classrooms with phones

25Total instructional Rooms 66Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 0Teachers with Palms

3.87878788Students per computer

All communicate at 100 mpsLAN Connection Speed

ELEM-SCHSchool Type

010Division #

0610School #

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STEWARTSVILLE ELEM. School 5Sup Region #

NOIs this school connected to the internet

< Select Bit Rate >Upstream Data Rate < Select Bit Rate >Downstream Data Rate

12 way voice communication with the school office?

0How many classrooms in this school have phones?

0.16FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

37# of Classrooms 1# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

0Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

0Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

0Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

445Student Count

0% of classrooms with phones

39Total instructional Rooms 1Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 0Teachers with Palms

445Students per computer

<Select LAN Data Rate >LAN Connection Speed

ELEM-SCHSchool Type

010Division #

0640School #

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MONETA ELEM.School 5Sup Region #

NOIs this school connected to the internet

< Select Bit Rate >Upstream Data Rate < Select Bit Rate >Downstream Data Rate

12 way voice communication with the school office?

0How many classrooms in this school have phones?

0.16FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

22# of Classrooms 1# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

0Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

0Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

0Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

238Student Count

0% of classrooms with phones

24Total instructional Rooms 1Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 0Teachers with Palms

238Students per computer

<Select LAN Data Rate >LAN Connection Speed

ELEM-SCHSchool Type

010Division #

0970School #

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HUDDLESTON ELEM.School 5Sup Region #

NOIs this school connected to the internet

< Select Bit Rate >Upstream Data Rate < Select Bit Rate >Downstream Data Rate

12 way voice communication with the school office?

0How many classrooms in this school have phones?

0.16FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

13# of Classrooms 1# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

0Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

0Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

0Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

234Student Count

0% of classrooms with phones

15Total instructional Rooms 1Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 0Teachers with Palms

234Students per computer

<Select LAN Data Rate >LAN Connection Speed

ELEM-SCHSchool Type

010Division #

0980School #

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BODY CAMP ELEM. School 5Sup Region #

YESIs this school connected to the internet

1.544 megabits/sec (T1)Upstream Data Rate 1.544 megabits/sec (T1)Downstream Data Rate

12 way voice communication with the school office?

0How many classrooms in this school have phones?

0.16FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

16# of Classrooms 1# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

4Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

20Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

1Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

199Student Count

0% of classrooms with phones

18Total instructional Rooms 110Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 0Teachers with Palms

1.80909091Students per computer

All communicate at 100 mpsLAN Connection Speed

ELEM-SCHSchool Type

010Division #

1160School #

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OTTER RIVER ELEM. School 5Sup Region #

NOIs this school connected to the internet

< Select Bit Rate >Upstream Data Rate < Select Bit Rate >Downstream Data Rate

12 way voice communication with the school office?

0How many classrooms in this school have phones?

0.16FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

16# of Classrooms 1# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

0Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

0Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

0Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

252Student Count

0% of classrooms with phones

18Total instructional Rooms 1Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 0Teachers with Palms

252Students per computer

<Select LAN Data Rate >LAN Connection Speed

ELEM-SCHSchool Type

010Division #

1170School #

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LIBERTY HIGH School 5Sup Region #

YESIs this school connected to the internet

1.544 megabits/sec (T1)Upstream Data Rate 1.544 megabits/sec (T1)Downstream Data Rate

12 way voice communication with the school office?

56How many classrooms in this school have phones?

0.16FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

56# of Classrooms 4# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

1Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

20Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

8Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

963Student Count

0% of classrooms with phones

61Total instructional Rooms 173Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 0Teachers with Palms

5.56647399Students per computer

All communicate at 100 mpsLAN Connection Speed

HIGH-SCHSchool Type

010Division #

1180School #

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STAUNTON RIVER HIGH School 5Sup Region #

YESIs this school connected to the internet

256 kilobits/secUpstream Data Rate 256 kilobits/secDownstream Data Rate

12 way voice communication with the school office?

0How many classrooms in this school have phones?

0.16FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

74# of Classrooms 5# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

1Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

20Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

16Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

1019Student Count

0% of classrooms with phones

80Total instructional Rooms 227Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 0Teachers with Palms

4.48898678Students per computer

All communicate at 100 mpsLAN Connection Speed

HIGH-SCHSchool Type

010Division #

1190School #

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YESIs this school connected to the internet

256 kilobits/secUpstream Data Rate 256 kilobits/secDownstream Data Rate

12 way voice communication with the school office?

0How many classrooms in this school have phones?

0.16FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

46# of Classrooms 2# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

1Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

20Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

1Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

814Student Count

0% of classrooms with phones

49Total instructional Rooms 88Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 0Teachers with Palms

9.25Students per computer

All communicate at 100 mpsLAN Connection Speed

MID-SCHSchool Type

010Division #

1191School #

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BEDFORD PRIMARY School 5Sup Region #

YESIs this school connected to the internet

1.544 megabits/sec (T1)Upstream Data Rate 1.544 megabits/sec (T1)Downstream Data Rate

12 way voice communication with the school office?

0How many classrooms in this school have phones?

0.16FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

21# of Classrooms 1# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

1Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

20Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

1Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

349Student Count

0% of classrooms with phones

23Total instructional Rooms 64Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 0Teachers with Palms

5.453125Students per computer

All communicate at 100 mpsLAN Connection Speed

ELEM-SCHSchool Type

010Division #

1200School #

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FOREST MIDDLE School 5Sup Region #

YESIs this school connected to the internet

1.544 megabits/sec (T1)Upstream Data Rate 1.544 megabits/sec (T1)Downstream Data Rate

12 way voice communication with the school office?

0How many classrooms in this school have phones?

0.16FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

40# of Classrooms 2# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

1Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

20Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

8Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

969Student Count

0% of classrooms with phones

43Total instructional Rooms 117Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 0Teachers with Palms

8.28205128Students per computer

All communicate at 100 mpsLAN Connection Speed

ELEM-SCHSchool Type

010Division #

1211School #

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YESIs this school connected to the internet

1.544 megabits/sec (T1)Upstream Data Rate 1.544 megabits/sec (T1)Downstream Data Rate

12 way voice communication with the school office?

0How many classrooms in this school have phones?

0.16FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

71# of Classrooms 5# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

1Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

20Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

13Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

1216Student Count

0% of classrooms with phones

77Total instructional Rooms 218Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 0Teachers with Palms

5.57798165Students per computer

All communicate at 100 mpsLAN Connection Speed

HIGH-SCHSchool Type

010Division #

1212School #

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YESIs this school connected to the internet

1.544 megabits/sec (T1)Upstream Data Rate 1.544 megabits/sec (T1)Downstream Data Rate

12 way voice communication with the school office?

0How many classrooms in this school have phones?

0.16FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

35# of Classrooms 1# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

35Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

20Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

6Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

602Student Count

0% of classrooms with phones

37Total instructional Rooms 122Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 0Teachers with Palms

4.93442623Students per computer

All communicate at 100 mpsLAN Connection Speed

ELEM-SCHSchool Type

010Division #

1213School #

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GOODVIEW ELEM School 5Sup Region #

NOIs this school connected to the internet

< Select Bit Rate >Upstream Data Rate < Select Bit Rate >Downstream Data Rate

12 way voice communication with the school office?

0How many classrooms in this school have phones?

0.16FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

36# of Classrooms 1# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

0Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

0Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

0Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

537Student Count

0% of classrooms with phones

38Total instructional Rooms 1Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 0Teachers with Palms

537Students per computer

<Select LAN Data Rate >LAN Connection Speed

ELEM-SCHSchool Type

010Division #

1214School #

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ROCKY GAP HIGH School 5Sup Region #

YESIs this school connected to the internet

256 kilobits/secUpstream Data Rate 256 kilobits/secDownstream Data Rate

12 way voice communication with the school office?

2How many classrooms in this school have phones?

0.25FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

13# of Classrooms 2# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

23Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

40Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

8Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

158Student Count

?% of classrooms with phones

16Total instructional Rooms 71Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 0Teachers with Palms

2.22535211Students per computer

All communicate at 100 mpsLAN Connection Speed

HIGH-SCHSchool Type

011Division #

0061School #

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ROCKY GAP ELEM. School 7Sup Region #

YESIs this school connected to the internet

256 kilobits/secUpstream Data Rate 256 kilobits/secDownstream Data Rate

22 way voice communication with the school office?

1How many classrooms in this school have phones?

0.25FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

22# of Classrooms 1# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

22Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

24Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

3Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

267Student Count

?% of classrooms with phones

24Total instructional Rooms 49Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 0Teachers with Palms

5.44897959Students per computer

All communicate at 100 mpsLAN Connection Speed

ELEM-SCHSchool Type

011Division #

0062School #

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BLAND HIGHSchool 7Sup Region #

YESIs this school connected to the internet

256 kilobits/secUpstream Data Rate 256 kilobits/secDownstream Data Rate

12 way voice communication with the school office?

2How many classrooms in this school have phones?

0.25FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

13# of Classrooms 1# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

21Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

27Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

7Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

189Student Count

?% of classrooms with phones

16Total instructional Rooms 70Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 0Teachers with Palms

2.7Students per computer

All communicate at 100 mpsLAN Connection Speed

HIGH-SCHSchool Type

011Division #

0231School #

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BLAND ELEM. School 7Sup Region #

YESIs this school connected to the internet

256 kilobits/secUpstream Data Rate 256 kilobits/secDownstream Data Rate

12 way voice communication with the school office?

1How many classrooms in this school have phones?

0.25FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

22# of Classrooms 1# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

22Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

25Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

2Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

274Student Count

?% of classrooms with phones

24Total instructional Rooms 49Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 0Teachers with Palms

5.59183673Students per computer

All communicate at 100 mpsLAN Connection Speed

ELEM-SCHSchool Type

011Division #

0232School #

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BRUNSWICK SR. HIGH School 6Sup Region #

YESIs this school connected to the internet

1.544 megabits/sec (T1)Upstream Data Rate 1.544 megabits/sec (T1)Downstream Data Rate

12 way voice communication with the school office?

19How many classrooms in this school have phones?

0.66FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

45# of Classrooms 4# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

61Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

63Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

8Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

487Student Count

?% of classrooms with phones

54Total instructional Rooms 220Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 1Teachers with Palms

2.21363636Students per computer

Most communicate at 10 mps.LAN Connection Speed

HIGH-SCHSchool Type

013Division #

0650School #

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JAMES S. RUSSELL JR. HIGH School 8Sup Region #

YESIs this school connected to the internet

1.544 megabits/sec (T1)Upstream Data Rate 1.544 megabits/sec (T1)Downstream Data Rate

12 way voice communication with the school office?

3How many classrooms in this school have phones?

0.66FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

46# of Classrooms 3# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

57Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

56Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

10Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

548Student Count

?% of classrooms with phones

52Total instructional Rooms 163Total Computers

1Student with Palm devices 1Teachers with Palms

3.36196319Students per computer

Most communicate at 10 mps.LAN Connection Speed

MID-SCHSchool Type

013Division #

0660School #

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YESIs this school connected to the internet

1.544 megabits/sec (T1)Upstream Data Rate 1.544 megabits/sec (T1)Downstream Data Rate

12 way voice communication with the school office?

8How many classrooms in this school have phones?

0.66FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

27# of Classrooms 1# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

43Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

23Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

5Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

360Student Count

?% of classrooms with phones

29Total instructional Rooms 71Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 0Teachers with Palms

5.07042254Students per computer

Most communicate at 10 mps.LAN Connection Speed

ELEM-SCHSchool Type

013Division #

0690School #

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RED OAK ELEM. School 8Sup Region #

YESIs this school connected to the internet

1.544 megabits/sec (T1)Upstream Data Rate 1.544 megabits/sec (T1)Downstream Data Rate

12 way voice communication with the school office?

3How many classrooms in this school have phones?

0.66FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

21# of Classrooms 1# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

59Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

19Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

3Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

231Student Count

?% of classrooms with phones

23Total instructional Rooms 81Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 1Teachers with Palms

2.85185185Students per computer

Most communicate at 10 mps.LAN Connection Speed

ELEM-SCHSchool Type

013Division #

0700School #

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STURGEON ELEM. School 8Sup Region #

YESIs this school connected to the internet

1.544 megabits/sec (T1)Upstream Data Rate 1.544 megabits/sec (T1)Downstream Data Rate

12 way voice communication with the school office?

3How many classrooms in this school have phones?

0.66FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

16# of Classrooms 1# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

85Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

21Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

3Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

245Student Count

?% of classrooms with phones

18Total instructional Rooms 109Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 1Teachers with Palms

2.24770642Students per computer

Most communicate at 10 mps.LAN Connection Speed

ELEM-SCHSchool Type

013Division #

0710School #

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TOTARO ELEM. School 8Sup Region #

YESIs this school connected to the internet

1.544 megabits/sec (T1)Upstream Data Rate 1.544 megabits/sec (T1)Downstream Data Rate

12 way voice communication with the school office?

3How many classrooms in this school have phones?

0.66FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

37# of Classrooms 2# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

66Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

42Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

5Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

624Student Count

?% of classrooms with phones

40Total instructional Rooms 113Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 0Teachers with Palms

5.52212389Students per computer

Most communicate at 10 mps.LAN Connection Speed

ELEM-SCHSchool Type

013Division #

0720School #

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RUSSELL PRATER ELEM. School 8Sup Region #

YESIs this school connected to the internet

128 kilobits/secUpstream Data Rate < 128 kilobits/secDownstream Data Rate

22 way voice communication with the school office?

0How many classrooms in this school have phones?

0.27FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

12# of Classrooms 1# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

0Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

25Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

5Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

136Student Count

0% of classrooms with phones

14Total instructional Rooms 30Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 0Teachers with Palms

4.53333333Students per computer

Most communicate at 10 mps.LAN Connection Speed

ELEM-SCHSchool Type

014Division #

0010School #

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J. M. BEVINS ELEM. School 7Sup Region #

YESIs this school connected to the internet

128 kilobits/secUpstream Data Rate < 128 kilobits/secDownstream Data Rate

22 way voice communication with the school office?

0How many classrooms in this school have phones?

0.27FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

12# of Classrooms 1# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

4Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

10Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

3Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

172Student Count

0% of classrooms with phones

14Total instructional Rooms 17Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 0Teachers with Palms

10.1176471Students per computer

Most communicate at 10 mps.LAN Connection Speed

ELEM-SCHSchool Type

014Division #

0020School #

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COUNCIL ELEM. School 7Sup Region #

YESIs this school connected to the internet

256 kilobits/secUpstream Data Rate 256 kilobits/secDownstream Data Rate

22 way voice communication with the school office?

0How many classrooms in this school have phones?

0.27FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

36# of Classrooms 1# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

5Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

15Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

5Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

317Student Count

0% of classrooms with phones

38Total instructional Rooms 25Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 0Teachers with Palms

12.68Students per computer

Most communicate at 10 mps.LAN Connection Speed

COMB-SCHSchool Type

014Division #

0090School #

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HURLEY MIDDLE School 7Sup Region #

YESIs this school connected to the internet

256 kilobits/secUpstream Data Rate 256 kilobits/secDownstream Data Rate

22 way voice communication with the school office?

0How many classrooms in this school have phones?

0.27FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

32# of Classrooms 4# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

10Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

34Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

5Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

497Student Count

0% of classrooms with phones

37Total instructional Rooms 49Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 0Teachers with Palms

10.1428571Students per computer

All communicate at 100 mpsLAN Connection Speed

COMB-SCHSchool Type

014Division #

0120School #

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GRUNDY HIGH School 7Sup Region #

YESIs this school connected to the internet

1.544 megabits/sec (T1)Upstream Data Rate 1.544 megabits/sec (T1)Downstream Data Rate

22 way voice communication with the school office?

0How many classrooms in this school have phones?

0.27FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

42# of Classrooms 7# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

10Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

75Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

8Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

554Student Count

0% of classrooms with phones

50Total instructional Rooms 93Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 0Teachers with Palms

5.95698925Students per computer

All communicate at 100 mpsLAN Connection Speed

HIGH-SCHSchool Type

014Division #

0990School #

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COUNCIL HIGHSchool 7Sup Region #

YESIs this school connected to the internet

1.544 megabits/sec (T1)Upstream Data Rate 1.544 megabits/sec (T1)Downstream Data Rate

22 way voice communication with the school office?

0How many classrooms in this school have phones?

0.27FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

13# of Classrooms 3# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

5Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

21Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

4Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

135Student Count

0% of classrooms with phones

17Total instructional Rooms 30Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 0Teachers with Palms

4.5Students per computer

All communicate at 100 mpsLAN Connection Speed

HIGH-SCHSchool Type

014Division #

1000School #

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HURLEY HIGHSchool 7Sup Region #

YESIs this school connected to the internet

1.544 megabits/sec (T1)Upstream Data Rate 1.544 megabits/sec (T1)Downstream Data Rate

22 way voice communication with the school office?

0How many classrooms in this school have phones?

0.27FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

23# of Classrooms 3# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

10Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

25Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

5Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

231Student Count

0% of classrooms with phones

27Total instructional Rooms 40Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 0Teachers with Palms

5.775Students per computer

All communicate at 100 mpsLAN Connection Speed

HIGH-SCHSchool Type

014Division #

1020School #

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YESIs this school connected to the internet

1.544 megabits/sec (T1)Upstream Data Rate 1.544 megabits/sec (T1)Downstream Data Rate

12 way voice communication with the school office?

66How many classrooms in this school have phones?

0.27FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

66# of Classrooms 6# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

30Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

45Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

15Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

1134Student Count

% of classrooms with phones

73Total instructional Rooms 90Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 0Teachers with Palms

12.6Students per computer

All communicate at 100 mpsLAN Connection Speed

COMB-SCHSchool Type

014Division #

1040School #

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YESIs this school connected to the internet

1.544 megabits/sec (T1)Upstream Data Rate 1.544 megabits/sec (T1)Downstream Data Rate

12 way voice communication with the school office?

0How many classrooms in this school have phones?

0.2FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

39# of Classrooms 3# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

20Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

66Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

10Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

569Student Count

% of classrooms with phones

43Total instructional Rooms 96Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 0Teachers with Palms

5.92708333Students per computer

All communicate at 100 mpsLAN Connection Speed

COMB-SCHSchool Type

014Division #

1041School #

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TWIN VALLEY HIGH School 7Sup Region #

YESIs this school connected to the internet

1.544 megabits/sec (T1)Upstream Data Rate 1.544 megabits/sec (T1)Downstream Data Rate

12 way voice communication with the school office?

0How many classrooms in this school have phones?

0.27FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

39# of Classrooms 3# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

10Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

35Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

5Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

234Student Count

% of classrooms with phones

43Total instructional Rooms 50Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 0Teachers with Palms

4.68Students per computer

All communicate at 100 mpsLAN Connection Speed

HIGH-SCHSchool Type

014Division #

1042School #

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YESIs this school connected to the internet

1.544 megabits/sec (T1)Upstream Data Rate 1.544 megabits/sec (T1)Downstream Data Rate

12 way voice communication with the school office?

0How many classrooms in this school have phones?

0.33FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

15# of Classrooms 1# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

15Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

25Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

3Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

242Student Count

0% of classrooms with phones

18Total instructional Rooms 93Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 0Teachers with Palms

2.60215054Students per computer

All communicate at 100 mpsLAN Connection Speed

ELEM-SCHSchool Type

015Division #

0010School #

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DILLWYN PRIMARY School 8Sup Region #

YESIs this school connected to the internet

1.544 megabits/sec (T1)Upstream Data Rate 1.544 megabits/sec (T1)Downstream Data Rate

12 way voice communication with the school office?

0How many classrooms in this school have phones?

0.33FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

15# of Classrooms 1# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

15Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

25Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

3Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

264Student Count

0% of classrooms with phones

17Total instructional Rooms 73Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 0Teachers with Palms

3.61643836Students per computer

All communicate at 100 mpsLAN Connection Speed

ELEM-SCHSchool Type

015Division #

0510School #

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YESIs this school connected to the internet

> 1.544 megabits/secUpstream Data Rate > 1.544 megabits/secDownstream Data Rate

12 way voice communication with the school office?

0How many classrooms in this school have phones?

3FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

41# of Classrooms 4# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

50Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

100Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

6Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

1Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

716Student Count

0% of classrooms with phones

47Total instructional Rooms 156Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 0Teachers with Palms

4.58974359Students per computer

All communicate at 100 mpsLAN Connection Speed

HIGH-SCHSchool Type

015Division #

0700School #

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BUCKINGHAM CO. MIDDLE School 8Sup Region #

YESIs this school connected to the internet

> 1.544 megabits/secUpstream Data Rate > 1.544 megabits/secDownstream Data Rate

12 way voice communication with the school office?

0How many classrooms in this school have phones?

3FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

41# of Classrooms 4# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

50Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

100Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

6Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

557Student Count

0% of classrooms with phones

47Total instructional Rooms 296Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 0Teachers with Palms

1.88175676Students per computer

All communicate at 100 mpsLAN Connection Speed

MID-SCHSchool Type

015Division #

0721School #

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DILLWYN ELEM. School 8Sup Region #

YESIs this school connected to the internet

1.544 megabits/sec (T1)Upstream Data Rate 1.544 megabits/sec (T1)Downstream Data Rate

12 way voice communication with the school office?

0How many classrooms in this school have phones?

0.33FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

16# of Classrooms 1# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

16Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

25Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

2Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

228Student Count

0% of classrooms with phones

18Total instructional Rooms 98Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 0Teachers with Palms

2.32653061Students per computer

All communicate at 100 mpsLAN Connection Speed

ELEM-SCHSchool Type

015Division #

0722School #

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GOLD HILL ELEM. School 8Sup Region #

YESIs this school connected to the internet

1.544 megabits/sec (T1)Upstream Data Rate 1.544 megabits/sec (T1)Downstream Data Rate

12 way voice communication with the school office?

0How many classrooms in this school have phones?

0.33FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

18# of Classrooms 1# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

18Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

25Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

2Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

251Student Count

0% of classrooms with phones

20Total instructional Rooms 95Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 0Teachers with Palms

2.64210526Students per computer

All communicate at 100 mpsLAN Connection Speed

ELEM-SCHSchool Type

015Division #

0730School #

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BROOKVILLE MIDDLE School 5Sup Region #

YESIs this school connected to the internet

1.544 megabits/sec (T1)Upstream Data Rate 1.544 megabits/sec (T1)Downstream Data Rate

12 way voice communication with the school office?

0How many classrooms in this school have phones?

0.25FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

43# of Classrooms 2# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

21Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

26Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

11Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

742Student Count

0% of classrooms with phones

46Total instructional Rooms 58Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 0Teachers with Palms

12.7931034Students per computer

All communicate at 100 mpsLAN Connection Speed

MID-SCHSchool Type

016Division #

0020School #

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TOMAHAWK ELEM. School 5Sup Region #

YESIs this school connected to the internet

< 128 kilobits/secUpstream Data Rate < 128 kilobits/secDownstream Data Rate

12 way voice communication with the school office?

0How many classrooms in this school have phones?

0.25FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

43# of Classrooms 1# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

26Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

19Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

11Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

718Student Count

0% of classrooms with phones

45Total instructional Rooms 56Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 0Teachers with Palms

12.8214286Students per computer

All communicate at 100 mpsLAN Connection Speed

ELEM-SCHSchool Type

016Division #

0060School #

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CONCORD ELEM. School 5Sup Region #

YESIs this school connected to the internet

< 128 kilobits/secUpstream Data Rate < 128 kilobits/secDownstream Data Rate

12 way voice communication with the school office?

0How many classrooms in this school have phones?

0.25FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

23# of Classrooms 1# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

25Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

0Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

9Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

380Student Count

0% of classrooms with phones

25Total instructional Rooms 35Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 0Teachers with Palms

10.8571429Students per computer

All communicate at 100 mpsLAN Connection Speed

ELEM-SCHSchool Type

016Division #

0130School #

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ALTAVISTA HIGH School 5Sup Region #

YESIs this school connected to the internet

1.544 megabits/sec (T1)Upstream Data Rate 1.544 megabits/sec (T1)Downstream Data Rate

12 way voice communication with the school office?

1How many classrooms in this school have phones?

0.5FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

48# of Classrooms 4# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

46Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

45Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

14Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

769Student Count

0% of classrooms with phones

54Total instructional Rooms 129Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 0Teachers with Palms

5.96124031Students per computer

All communicate at 100 mpsLAN Connection Speed

COMB-SCHSchool Type

016Division #

0200School #

Page 154: Strategic Technology Infrastructure for Regional ... · PDF fileInfrastructure for Regional Competitiveness in the ... entitled Strategic Technology Infrastructure for Regional Competitiveness

RUSTBURG MIDDLE School 5Sup Region #

YESIs this school connected to the internet

1.544 megabits/sec (T1)Upstream Data Rate 1.544 megabits/sec (T1)Downstream Data Rate

12 way voice communication with the school office?

0How many classrooms in this school have phones?

0.25FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

56# of Classrooms 2# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

18Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

25Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

10Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

884Student Count

0% of classrooms with phones

59Total instructional Rooms 56Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 0Teachers with Palms

15.7857143Students per computer

All communicate at 100 mpsLAN Connection Speed

COMB-SCHSchool Type

016Division #

0210School #

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RUSTBURG HIGHSchool 5Sup Region #

YESIs this school connected to the internet

1.544 megabits/sec (T1)Upstream Data Rate 1.544 megabits/sec (T1)Downstream Data Rate

12 way voice communication with the school office?

0How many classrooms in this school have phones?

0.5FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

55# of Classrooms 4# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

24Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

73Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

12Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

839Student Count

0% of classrooms with phones

61Total instructional Rooms 133Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 0Teachers with Palms

6.30827068Students per computer

All communicate at 100 mpsLAN Connection Speed

HIGH-SCHSchool Type

016Division #

0222School #

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YESIs this school connected to the internet

1.544 megabits/sec (T1)Upstream Data Rate 1.544 megabits/sec (T1)Downstream Data Rate

12 way voice communication with the school office?

0How many classrooms in this school have phones?

0.5FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

44# of Classrooms 5# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

45Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

94Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

19Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

687Student Count

0% of classrooms with phones

51Total instructional Rooms 178Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 0Teachers with Palms

3.85955056Students per computer

All communicate at 100 mpsLAN Connection Speed

COMB-SCHSchool Type

016Division #

0542School #

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ALTAVISTA ELEM. School 5Sup Region #

YESIs this school connected to the internet

< 128 kilobits/secUpstream Data Rate < 128 kilobits/secDownstream Data Rate

12 way voice communication with the school office?

1How many classrooms in this school have phones?

0.25FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

47# of Classrooms 1# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

43Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

25Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

9Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

681Student Count

?% of classrooms with phones

49Total instructional Rooms 77Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 0Teachers with Palms

8.84415584Students per computer

All communicate at 100 mpsLAN Connection Speed

ELEM-SCHSchool Type

016Division #

0560School #

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BROOKNEAL ELEM. School 5Sup Region #

YESIs this school connected to the internet

< 128 kilobits/secUpstream Data Rate < 128 kilobits/secDownstream Data Rate

12 way voice communication with the school office?

0How many classrooms in this school have phones?

0.25FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

25# of Classrooms 1# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

25Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

10Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

7Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

344Student Count

0% of classrooms with phones

27Total instructional Rooms 42Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 0Teachers with Palms

8.19047619Students per computer

All communicate at 100 mpsLAN Connection Speed

ELEM-SCHSchool Type

016Division #

0640School #

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GLADYS ELEM. School 5Sup Region #

YESIs this school connected to the internet

< 128 kilobits/secUpstream Data Rate < 128 kilobits/secDownstream Data Rate

12 way voice communication with the school office?

1How many classrooms in this school have phones?

0.25FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

21# of Classrooms 1# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

21Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

0Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

7Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

217Student Count

?% of classrooms with phones

23Total instructional Rooms 28Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 0Teachers with Palms

7.75Students per computer

All communicate at 100 mpsLAN Connection Speed

ELEM-SCHSchool Type

016Division #

0670School #

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LEESVILLE ROAD ELEM. School 5Sup Region #

YESIs this school connected to the internet

< 128 kilobits/secUpstream Data Rate < 128 kilobits/secDownstream Data Rate

12 way voice communication with the school office?

0How many classrooms in this school have phones?

0.25FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

40# of Classrooms 1# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

28Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

13Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

7Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

684Student Count

0% of classrooms with phones

42Total instructional Rooms 48Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 0Teachers with Palms

14.25Students per computer

All communicate at 100 mpsLAN Connection Speed

ELEM-SCHSchool Type

016Division #

0690School #

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YELLOW BRANCH ELEM. School 5Sup Region #

YESIs this school connected to the internet

< 128 kilobits/secUpstream Data Rate < 128 kilobits/secDownstream Data Rate

12 way voice communication with the school office?

0How many classrooms in this school have phones?

0.25FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

31# of Classrooms 1# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

28Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

0Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

11Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

349Student Count

0% of classrooms with phones

33Total instructional Rooms 39Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 0Teachers with Palms

8.94871795Students per computer

All communicate at 100 mpsLAN Connection Speed

ELEM-SCHSchool Type

016Division #

0710School #

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BROOKVILLE HIGH School 5Sup Region #

YESIs this school connected to the internet

1.544 megabits/sec (T1)Upstream Data Rate 1.544 megabits/sec (T1)Downstream Data Rate

12 way voice communication with the school office?

2How many classrooms in this school have phones?

0.5FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

51# of Classrooms 4# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

38Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

74Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

10Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

914Student Count

0% of classrooms with phones

57Total instructional Rooms 146Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 0Teachers with Palms

6.26027397Students per computer

All communicate at 100 mpsLAN Connection Speed

HIGH-SCHSchool Type

016Division #

0720School #

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RUSTBURG ELEM School 5Sup Region #

YESIs this school connected to the internet

1.544 megabits/sec (T1)Upstream Data Rate 1.544 megabits/sec (T1)Downstream Data Rate

12 way voice communication with the school office?

0How many classrooms in this school have phones?

0.25FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

44# of Classrooms 1# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

23Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

12Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

9Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

633Student Count

0% of classrooms with phones

46Total instructional Rooms 44Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 0Teachers with Palms

14.3863636Students per computer

All communicate at 100 mpsLAN Connection Speed

ELEM-SCHSchool Type

016Division #

0821School #

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CARROLL COUNTY INTSchool 7Sup Region #

YESIs this school connected to the internet

1.544 megabits/sec (T1)Upstream Data Rate 1.544 megabits/sec (T1)Downstream Data Rate

22 way voice communication with the school office?

2How many classrooms in this school have phones?

0.4FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

42# of Classrooms 4# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

11Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

87Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

10Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

621Student Count

0% of classrooms with phones

47Total instructional Rooms 108Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 0Teachers with Palms

5.75Students per computer

Most communicate at 10 mps.LAN Connection Speed

MID-SCHSchool Type

018Division #

0360School #

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WOODLAWN School 7Sup Region #

YESIs this school connected to the internet

512 kilobits/secUpstream Data Rate 512 kilobits/secDownstream Data Rate

12 way voice communication with the school office?

3How many classrooms in this school have phones?

0.4FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

53# of Classrooms 2# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

20Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

12Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

0Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

720Student Count

?% of classrooms with phones

56Total instructional Rooms 32Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 0Teachers with Palms

22.5Students per computer

Most communicate at 10 mps.LAN Connection Speed

ELEM-SCHSchool Type

018Division #

0450School #

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ST. PAUL School 7Sup Region #

YESIs this school connected to the internet

256 kilobits/secUpstream Data Rate 256 kilobits/secDownstream Data Rate

12 way voice communication with the school office?

1How many classrooms in this school have phones?

0.4FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

31# of Classrooms 2# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

12Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

12Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

1Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

466Student Count

?% of classrooms with phones

34Total instructional Rooms 25Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 0Teachers with Palms

18.64Students per computer

Most communicate at 10 mps.LAN Connection Speed

ELEM-SCHSchool Type

018Division #

1110School #

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OAKLAND ELEM.School 7Sup Region #

YESIs this school connected to the internet

256 kilobits/secUpstream Data Rate 256 kilobits/secDownstream Data Rate

12 way voice communication with the school office?

15How many classrooms in this school have phones?

0.4FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

15# of Classrooms 1# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

2Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

25Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

0Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

231Student Count

1% of classrooms with phones

17Total instructional Rooms 27Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 0Teachers with Palms

8.55555556Students per computer

Most communicate at > 10 mpsLAN Connection Speed

ELEM-SCHSchool Type

018Division #

1130School #

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GLADESBORO ELEM. School 7Sup Region #

YESIs this school connected to the internet

384 kilobits/secUpstream Data Rate 384 kilobits/secDownstream Data Rate

12 way voice communication with the school office?

10How many classrooms in this school have phones?

0.4FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

10# of Classrooms 1# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

1Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

25Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

0Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

147Student Count

1% of classrooms with phones

12Total instructional Rooms 26Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 0Teachers with Palms

5.65384615Students per computer

Most communicate at > 10 mpsLAN Connection Speed

ELEM-SCHSchool Type

018Division #

1150School #

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LAUREL ELEM. School 7Sup Region #

YESIs this school connected to the internet

384 kilobits/secUpstream Data Rate 384 kilobits/secDownstream Data Rate

12 way voice communication with the school office?

19How many classrooms in this school have phones?

0.4FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

19# of Classrooms 1# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

16Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

25Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

1Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

292Student Count

1% of classrooms with phones

21Total instructional Rooms 42Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 0Teachers with Palms

6.95238095Students per computer

Most communicate at > 10 mpsLAN Connection Speed

ELEM-SCHSchool Type

018Division #

1160School #

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HILLSVILLE ELEM. School 7Sup Region #

YESIs this school connected to the internet

384 kilobits/secUpstream Data Rate 384 kilobits/secDownstream Data Rate

22 way voice communication with the school office?

1How many classrooms in this school have phones?

0.4FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

24# of Classrooms 1# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

5Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

25Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

0Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

337Student Count

?% of classrooms with phones

26Total instructional Rooms 30Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 0Teachers with Palms

11.2333333Students per computer

Most communicate at 10 mps.LAN Connection Speed

ELEM-SCHSchool Type

018Division #

1170School #

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FANCY GAP ELEM. School 7Sup Region #

YESIs this school connected to the internet

384 kilobits/secUpstream Data Rate 384 kilobits/secDownstream Data Rate

12 way voice communication with the school office?

13How many classrooms in this school have phones?

0.4FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

13# of Classrooms 1# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

6Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

25Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

0Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

150Student Count

1% of classrooms with phones

15Total instructional Rooms 31Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 0Teachers with Palms

4.83870968Students per computer

Most communicate at > 10 mpsLAN Connection Speed

ELEM-SCHSchool Type

018Division #

1180School #

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GLADEVILLE ELEM. School 7Sup Region #

YESIs this school connected to the internet

256 kilobits/secUpstream Data Rate 256 kilobits/secDownstream Data Rate

12 way voice communication with the school office?

16How many classrooms in this school have phones?

0.4FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

16# of Classrooms 1# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

5Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

25Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

0Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

236Student Count

1% of classrooms with phones

18Total instructional Rooms 30Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 0Teachers with Palms

7.86666667Students per computer

Most communicate at > 10 mpsLAN Connection Speed

ELEM-SCHSchool Type

018Division #

1210School #

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YESIs this school connected to the internet

1.544 megabits/sec (T1)Upstream Data Rate 1.544 megabits/sec (T1)Downstream Data Rate

22 way voice communication with the school office?

7How many classrooms in this school have phones?

0.4FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

56# of Classrooms 4# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

121Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

130Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

10Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

793Student Count

?% of classrooms with phones

61Total instructional Rooms 261Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 0Teachers with Palms

3.03831418Students per computer

Most communicate at > 10 mpsLAN Connection Speed

HIGH-SCHSchool Type

018Division #

1230School #

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EUREKA ELEM. School 8Sup Region #

YESIs this school connected to the internet

384 kilobits/secUpstream Data Rate 384 kilobits/secDownstream Data Rate

12 way voice communication with the school office?

39How many classrooms in this school have phones?

2FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

42# of Classrooms 2# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

42Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

107Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

5Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

569Student Count

?% of classrooms with phones

45Total instructional Rooms 266Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 0Teachers with Palms

2.13909774Students per computer

Most communicate at 10 mps.LAN Connection Speed

ELEM-SCHSchool Type

020Division #

0100School #

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PHENIX ELEM. School 8Sup Region #

YESIs this school connected to the internet

128 kilobits/secUpstream Data Rate 128 kilobits/secDownstream Data Rate

12 way voice communication with the school office?

11How many classrooms in this school have phones?

1FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

11# of Classrooms 1# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

11Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

25Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

2Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

144Student Count

1% of classrooms with phones

14Total instructional Rooms 71Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 0Teachers with Palms

2.02816901Students per computer

Most communicate at 10 mps.LAN Connection Speed

ELEM-SCHSchool Type

020Division #

0110School #

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CENTRAL MIDDLE School 8Sup Region #

YESIs this school connected to the internet

1.544 megabits/sec (T1)Upstream Data Rate 1.544 megabits/sec (T1)Downstream Data Rate

12 way voice communication with the school office?

31How many classrooms in this school have phones?

1FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

31# of Classrooms 3# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

31Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

85Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

17Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

1Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

523Student Count

1% of classrooms with phones

36Total instructional Rooms 254Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 0Teachers with Palms

2.05905512Students per computer

Most communicate at 10 mps.LAN Connection Speed

MID-SCHSchool Type

020Division #

0210School #

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J. MURRAY JEFFRESS ELEM. School 8Sup Region #

YESIs this school connected to the internet

128 kilobits/secUpstream Data Rate 128 kilobits/secDownstream Data Rate

12 way voice communication with the school office?

10How many classrooms in this school have phones?

1FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

10# of Classrooms 1# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

10Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

25Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

2Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

151Student Count

1% of classrooms with phones

12Total instructional Rooms 68Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 0Teachers with Palms

2.22058824Students per computer

Most communicate at 10 mps.LAN Connection Speed

ELEM-SCHSchool Type

020Division #

0450School #

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YESIs this school connected to the internet

1.544 megabits/sec (T1)Upstream Data Rate 1.544 megabits/sec (T1)Downstream Data Rate

12 way voice communication with the school office?

35How many classrooms in this school have phones?

1.5FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

35# of Classrooms 7# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

64Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

181Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

27Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

1Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

638Student Count

1% of classrooms with phones

45Total instructional Rooms 598Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 1Teachers with Palms

1.06688963Students per computer

Most communicate at 10 mps.LAN Connection Speed

HIGH-SCHSchool Type

020Division #

0460School #

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BACON DISTRICT ELEM. School 8Sup Region #

YESIs this school connected to the internet

128 kilobits/secUpstream Data Rate 128 kilobits/secDownstream Data Rate

12 way voice communication with the school office?

17How many classrooms in this school have phones?

1FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

17# of Classrooms 1# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

17Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

29Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

5Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

189Student Count

1% of classrooms with phones

20Total instructional Rooms 89Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 0Teachers with Palms

2.12359551Students per computer

Most communicate at 10 mps.LAN Connection Speed

ELEM-SCHSchool Type

020Division #

0470School #

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CUMBERLAND ELEM. School 8Sup Region #

YESIs this school connected to the internet

1.544 megabits/sec (T1)Upstream Data Rate 1.544 megabits/sec (T1)Downstream Data Rate

12 way voice communication with the school office?

48How many classrooms in this school have phones?

0.6FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

48# of Classrooms 2# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

12Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

27Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

12Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

655Student Count

1% of classrooms with phones

51Total instructional Rooms 51Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 0Teachers with Palms

12.8431373Students per computer

All communicate at 100 mpsLAN Connection Speed

ELEM-SCHSchool Type

025Division #

0140School #

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CUMBERLAND HIGH School 8Sup Region #

YESIs this school connected to the internet

1.544 megabits/sec (T1)Upstream Data Rate 1.544 megabits/sec (T1)Downstream Data Rate

12 way voice communication with the school office?

3How many classrooms in this school have phones?

0.8FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

28# of Classrooms 6# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

14Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

85Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

7Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

333Student Count

?% of classrooms with phones

35Total instructional Rooms 106Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 0Teachers with Palms

3.14150943Students per computer

All communicate at 100 mpsLAN Connection Speed

HIGH-SCHSchool Type

025Division #

0151School #

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CUMBERLAND MIDDLE School 8Sup Region #

YESIs this school connected to the internet

1.544 megabits/sec (T1)Upstream Data Rate 1.544 megabits/sec (T1)Downstream Data Rate

12 way voice communication with the school office?

0How many classrooms in this school have phones?

0.6FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

18# of Classrooms 2# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

3Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

26Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

4Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

330Student Count

0% of classrooms with phones

21Total instructional Rooms 33Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 0Teachers with Palms

10Students per computer

All communicate at 100 mpsLAN Connection Speed

MID-SCHSchool Type

025Division #

0152School #

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CLINTWOOD ELEM. School 7Sup Region #

YESIs this school connected to the internet

128 kilobits/secUpstream Data Rate 128 kilobits/secDownstream Data Rate

12 way voice communication with the school office?

0How many classrooms in this school have phones?

0.1FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

26# of Classrooms 1# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

12Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

0Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

5Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

425Student Count

0% of classrooms with phones

28Total instructional Rooms 17Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 0Teachers with Palms

25Students per computer

All communicate at 100 mpsLAN Connection Speed

COMB-SCHSchool Type

026Division #

0020School #

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CLINCHCO ELEM. School 7Sup Region #

YESIs this school connected to the internet

< 128 kilobits/secUpstream Data Rate < 128 kilobits/secDownstream Data Rate

12 way voice communication with the school office?

0How many classrooms in this school have phones?

0.1FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

16# of Classrooms 1# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

6Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

7Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

4Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

203Student Count

0% of classrooms with phones

18Total instructional Rooms 17Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 0Teachers with Palms

11.9411765Students per computer

All communicate at 100 mpsLAN Connection Speed

ELEM-SCHSchool Type

026Division #

0040School #

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HAYSI HIGH School 7Sup Region #

YESIs this school connected to the internet

768 kilobits/secUpstream Data Rate 768 kilobits/secDownstream Data Rate

12 way voice communication with the school office?

0How many classrooms in this school have phones?

0.1FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

18# of Classrooms 5# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

4Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

40Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

5Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

331Student Count

0% of classrooms with phones

24Total instructional Rooms 49Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 0Teachers with Palms

6.75510204Students per computer

All communicate at 100 mpsLAN Connection Speed

HIGH-SCHSchool Type

026Division #

0120School #

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CLINTWOOD HIGH School 7Sup Region #

YESIs this school connected to the internet

768 kilobits/secUpstream Data Rate 768 kilobits/secDownstream Data Rate

12 way voice communication with the school office?

0How many classrooms in this school have phones?

0.1FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

21# of Classrooms 5# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

3Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

45Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

6Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

325Student Count

0% of classrooms with phones

27Total instructional Rooms 54Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 0Teachers with Palms

6.01851852Students per computer

All communicate at 100 mpsLAN Connection Speed

HIGH-SCHSchool Type

026Division #

0271School #

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ERVINTON ELEM. School 7Sup Region #

YESIs this school connected to the internet

128 kilobits/secUpstream Data Rate 128 kilobits/secDownstream Data Rate

12 way voice communication with the school office?

0How many classrooms in this school have phones?

0.1FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

17# of Classrooms 3# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

1Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

4Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

2Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

261Student Count

0% of classrooms with phones

21Total instructional Rooms 7Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 0Teachers with Palms

37.2857143Students per computer

All communicate at 100 mpsLAN Connection Speed

ELEM-SCHSchool Type

026Division #

0530School #

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ERVINTON HIGH School 7Sup Region #

YESIs this school connected to the internet

768 kilobits/secUpstream Data Rate 768 kilobits/secDownstream Data Rate

22 way voice communication with the school office?

0How many classrooms in this school have phones?

0.1FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

17# of Classrooms 4# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

10Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

20Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

3Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

214Student Count

0% of classrooms with phones

22Total instructional Rooms 33Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 0Teachers with Palms

6.48484848Students per computer

All communicate at 100 mpsLAN Connection Speed

HIGH-SCHSchool Type

026Division #

0840School #

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LONGS FORK ELEM. School 7Sup Region #

YESIs this school connected to the internet

128 kilobits/secUpstream Data Rate 128 kilobits/secDownstream Data Rate

12 way voice communication with the school office?

0How many classrooms in this school have phones?

0.1FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

23# of Classrooms 3# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

11Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

0Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

4Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

353Student Count

0% of classrooms with phones

27Total instructional Rooms 15Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 0Teachers with Palms

23.5333333Students per computer

All communicate at 100 mpsLAN Connection Speed

COMB-SCHSchool Type

026Division #

0850School #

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SANDLICK ELEM. School 7Sup Region #

YESIs this school connected to the internet

128 kilobits/secUpstream Data Rate 128 kilobits/secDownstream Data Rate

12 way voice communication with the school office?

0How many classrooms in this school have phones?

0.1FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

32# of Classrooms 2# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

5Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

32Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

4Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

608Student Count

0% of classrooms with phones

35Total instructional Rooms 41Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 0Teachers with Palms

14.8292683Students per computer

All communicate at 100 mpsLAN Connection Speed

COMB-SCHSchool Type

026Division #

0860School #

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SOUTHSIDE ELEM. School 1Sup Region #

YESIs this school connected to the internet

256 kilobits/secUpstream Data Rate 256 kilobits/secDownstream Data Rate

12 way voice communication with the school office?

0How many classrooms in this school have phones?

0.3FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

32# of Classrooms 1# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

64Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

20Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

7Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

369Student Count

0% of classrooms with phones

35Total instructional Rooms 107Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 0Teachers with Palms

3.44859813Students per computer

Most communicate at > 10 mpsLAN Connection Speed

ELEM-SCHSchool Type

027Division #

0010School #

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SUNNYSIDE ELEM. School 1Sup Region #

YESIs this school connected to the internet

256 kilobits/secUpstream Data Rate 256 kilobits/secDownstream Data Rate

22 way voice communication with the school office?

0How many classrooms in this school have phones?

0.3FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

16# of Classrooms 1# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

42Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

20Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

5Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

322Student Count

0% of classrooms with phones

18Total instructional Rooms 67Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 0Teachers with Palms

4.80597015Students per computer

Most communicate at > 10 mpsLAN Connection Speed

ELEM-SCHSchool Type

027Division #

0180School #

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MIDWAY ELEM. School 1Sup Region #

YESIs this school connected to the internet

256 kilobits/secUpstream Data Rate 256 kilobits/secDownstream Data Rate

12 way voice communication with the school office?

27How many classrooms in this school have phones?

0.3FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

27# of Classrooms 1# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

42Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

25Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

6Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

398Student Count

1% of classrooms with phones

30Total instructional Rooms 89Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 0Teachers with Palms

4.47191011Students per computer

Most communicate at > 10 mpsLAN Connection Speed

ELEM-SCHSchool Type

027Division #

0250School #

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DINWIDDIE ELEM. School 1Sup Region #

YESIs this school connected to the internet

256 kilobits/secUpstream Data Rate 256 kilobits/secDownstream Data Rate

22 way voice communication with the school office?

0How many classrooms in this school have phones?

0.3FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

26# of Classrooms 1# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

26Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

25Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

5Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

416Student Count

0% of classrooms with phones

28Total instructional Rooms 56Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 0Teachers with Palms

7.42857143Students per computer

Most communicate at > 10 mpsLAN Connection Speed

ELEM-SCHSchool Type

027Division #

0310School #

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YESIs this school connected to the internet

256 kilobits/secUpstream Data Rate 256 kilobits/secDownstream Data Rate

12 way voice communication with the school office?

60How many classrooms in this school have phones?

0.6FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

60# of Classrooms 5# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

134Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

113Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

20Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

1112Student Count

1% of classrooms with phones

67Total instructional Rooms 283Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 0Teachers with Palms

3.92932862Students per computer

Most communicate at > 10 mpsLAN Connection Speed

MID-SCHSchool Type

027Division #

0471School #

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YESIs this school connected to the internet

1.544 megabits/sec (T1)Upstream Data Rate 1.544 megabits/sec (T1)Downstream Data Rate

12 way voice communication with the school office?

58How many classrooms in this school have phones?

0.25FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

58# of Classrooms 9# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

20Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

180Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

42Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

1199Student Count

1% of classrooms with phones

69Total instructional Rooms 258Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 0Teachers with Palms

4.64728682Students per computer

Most communicate at > 10 mpsLAN Connection Speed

HIGH-SCHSchool Type

027Division #

0500School #

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ROHOIC ELEM. School 1Sup Region #

YESIs this school connected to the internet

256 kilobits/secUpstream Data Rate 256 kilobits/secDownstream Data Rate

12 way voice communication with the school office?

36How many classrooms in this school have phones?

0.3FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

36# of Classrooms 1# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

72Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

25Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

5Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

493Student Count

1% of classrooms with phones

38Total instructional Rooms 102Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 0Teachers with Palms

4.83333333Students per computer

Most communicate at > 10 mpsLAN Connection Speed

ELEM-SCHSchool Type

027Division #

0520School #

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CHECK ELEM. School 6Sup Region #

YESIs this school connected to the internet

512 kilobits/secUpstream Data Rate 768 kilobits/secDownstream Data Rate

12 way voice communication with the school office?

22How many classrooms in this school have phones?

1FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

22# of Classrooms 1# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

44Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

28Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

4Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

350Student Count

1% of classrooms with phones

24Total instructional Rooms 76Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 1Teachers with Palms

4.60526316Students per computer

All communicate at 100 mpsLAN Connection Speed

ELEM-SCHSchool Type

031Division #

0090School #

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FLOYD ELEM. School 6Sup Region #

YESIs this school connected to the internet

512 kilobits/secUpstream Data Rate 768 kilobits/secDownstream Data Rate

12 way voice communication with the school office?

38How many classrooms in this school have phones?

0.8FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

38# of Classrooms 2# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

55Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

48Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

5Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

536Student Count

1% of classrooms with phones

41Total instructional Rooms 108Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 1Teachers with Palms

4.96296296Students per computer

All communicate at 100 mpsLAN Connection Speed

ELEM-SCHSchool Type

031Division #

0360School #

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WILLIS ELEM.School 6Sup Region #

YESIs this school connected to the internet

512 kilobits/secUpstream Data Rate 768 kilobits/secDownstream Data Rate

12 way voice communication with the school office?

19How many classrooms in this school have phones?

0.6FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

19# of Classrooms 1# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

36Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

30Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

4Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

217Student Count

1% of classrooms with phones

21Total instructional Rooms 70Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 1Teachers with Palms

3.1Students per computer

All communicate at 100 mpsLAN Connection Speed

ELEM-SCHSchool Type

031Division #

0500School #

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INDIAN VALLEY ELEM. School 6Sup Region #

YESIs this school connected to the internet

512 kilobits/secUpstream Data Rate 768 kilobits/secDownstream Data Rate

12 way voice communication with the school office?

9How many classrooms in this school have phones?

0.4FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

9# of Classrooms 1# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

27Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

26Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

4Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

159Student Count

1% of classrooms with phones

11Total instructional Rooms 57Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 1Teachers with Palms

2.78947368Students per computer

All communicate at 100 mpsLAN Connection Speed

ELEM-SCHSchool Type

031Division #

0650School #

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FLOYD COUNTY HIGH School 6Sup Region #

YESIs this school connected to the internet

512 kilobits/secUpstream Data Rate 768 kilobits/secDownstream Data Rate

12 way voice communication with the school office?

51How many classrooms in this school have phones?

1FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

51# of Classrooms 7# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

88Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

160Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

7Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

1Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

757Student Count

?% of classrooms with phones

59Total instructional Rooms 255Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 1Teachers with Palms

2.96862745Students per computer

All communicate at 100 mpsLAN Connection Speed

HIGH-SCHSchool Type

031Division #

0660School #

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HENRY ELEM. School 6Sup Region #

YESIs this school connected to the internet

< 128 kilobits/secUpstream Data Rate 256 kilobits/secDownstream Data Rate

22 way voice communication with the school office?

0How many classrooms in this school have phones?

0.32FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

11# of Classrooms 1# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

53Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

25Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

3Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

225Student Count

0% of classrooms with phones

13Total instructional Rooms 81Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 1Teachers with Palms

2.77777778Students per computer

Most communicate at < 10 mps.LAN Connection Speed

ELEM-SCHSchool Type

033Division #

0010School #

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DUDLEY ELEM. School 6Sup Region #

YESIs this school connected to the internet

< 128 kilobits/secUpstream Data Rate 256 kilobits/secDownstream Data Rate

22 way voice communication with the school office?

0How many classrooms in this school have phones?

0.32FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

18# of Classrooms 1# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

60Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

31Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

4Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

340Student Count

0% of classrooms with phones

20Total instructional Rooms 95Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 1Teachers with Palms

3.57894737Students per computer

Most communicate at 10 mps.LAN Connection Speed

ELEM-SCHSchool Type

033Division #

0020School #

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YESIs this school connected to the internet

384 kilobits/secUpstream Data Rate 1.544 megabits/sec (T1)Downstream Data Rate

22 way voice communication with the school office?

0How many classrooms in this school have phones?

0.32FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

42# of Classrooms 2# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

61Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

47Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

13Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

858Student Count

0% of classrooms with phones

46Total instructional Rooms 141Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 1Teachers with Palms

6.08510638Students per computer

Most communicate at 10 mps.LAN Connection Speed

MID-SCHSchool Type

033Division #

0031School #

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YESIs this school connected to the internet

1.544 megabits/sec (T1)Upstream Data Rate 384 kilobits/secDownstream Data Rate

22 way voice communication with the school office?

1How many classrooms in this school have phones?

0.32FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

37# of Classrooms 3# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

76Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

65Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

9Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

624Student Count

?% of classrooms with phones

41Total instructional Rooms 150Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 0Teachers with Palms

4.16Students per computer

Most communicate at 10 mps.LAN Connection Speed

ELEM-SCHSchool Type

033Division #

0032School #

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CALLAWAY ELEM. School 6Sup Region #

YESIs this school connected to the internet

128 kilobits/secUpstream Data Rate 256 kilobits/secDownstream Data Rate

22 way voice communication with the school office?

2How many classrooms in this school have phones?

0.32FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

18# of Classrooms 1# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

68Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

18Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

2Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

258Student Count

?% of classrooms with phones

20Total instructional Rooms 88Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 1Teachers with Palms

2.93181818Students per computer

Most communicate at 10 mps.LAN Connection Speed

ELEM-SCHSchool Type

033Division #

0350School #

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LEE M. WAID ELEM. School 6Sup Region #

YESIs this school connected to the internet

128 kilobits/secUpstream Data Rate 256 kilobits/secDownstream Data Rate

22 way voice communication with the school office?

1How many classrooms in this school have phones?

0.32FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

28# of Classrooms 1# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

52Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

45Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

1Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

345Student Count

?% of classrooms with phones

30Total instructional Rooms 98Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 1Teachers with Palms

3.52040816Students per computer

Most communicate at 10 mps.LAN Connection Speed

ELEM-SCHSchool Type

033Division #

0660School #

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GLADE HILL ELEM. School 6Sup Region #

YESIs this school connected to the internet

< 128 kilobits/secUpstream Data Rate 256 kilobits/secDownstream Data Rate

22 way voice communication with the school office?

0How many classrooms in this school have phones?

0.32FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

16# of Classrooms 1# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

65Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

18Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

6Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

253Student Count

0% of classrooms with phones

18Total instructional Rooms 89Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 1Teachers with Palms

2.84269663Students per computer

Most communicate at 10 mps.LAN Connection Speed

ELEM-SCHSchool Type

033Division #

0690School #

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SONTAG ELEM. School 6Sup Region #

YESIs this school connected to the internet

128 kilobits/secUpstream Data Rate 256 kilobits/secDownstream Data Rate

22 way voice communication with the school office?

1How many classrooms in this school have phones?

0.32FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

20# of Classrooms 2# of Computer Labs 2# of Library_ Media Centers

63Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

32Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

4Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

306Student Count

0.05% of classrooms with phones

24Total instructional Rooms 99Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 1Teachers with Palms

3.09090909Students per computer

Most communicate at 10 mps.LAN Connection Speed

ELEM-SCHSchool Type

033Division #

0960School #

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SNOW CREEK ELEM. School 6Sup Region #

YESIs this school connected to the internet

128 kilobits/secUpstream Data Rate 256 kilobits/secDownstream Data Rate

22 way voice communication with the school office?

1How many classrooms in this school have phones?

0.32FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

14# of Classrooms 1# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

28Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

25Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

5Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

166Student Count

?% of classrooms with phones

16Total instructional Rooms 58Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 1Teachers with Palms

2.86206897Students per computer

Most communicate at > 10 mpsLAN Connection Speed

ELEM-SCHSchool Type

033Division #

1170School #

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YESIs this school connected to the internet

384 kilobits/secUpstream Data Rate 1.544 megabits/sec (T1)Downstream Data Rate

22 way voice communication with the school office?

15How many classrooms in this school have phones?

0FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

107# of Classrooms 12# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

180Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

206Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

25Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

2055Student Count

?% of classrooms with phones

120Total instructional Rooms 411Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 1Teachers with Palms

5Students per computer

Most communicate at > 10 mpsLAN Connection Speed

HIGH-SCHSchool Type

033Division #

1311School #

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BURNT CHIMNEY ELEM. School 6Sup Region #

YESIs this school connected to the internet

128 kilobits/secUpstream Data Rate 256 kilobits/secDownstream Data Rate

22 way voice communication with the school office?

0How many classrooms in this school have phones?

0.32FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

28# of Classrooms 1# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

55Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

10Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

23Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

452Student Count

0% of classrooms with phones

30Total instructional Rooms 88Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 1Teachers with Palms

5.13636364Students per computer

Most communicate at 10 mps.LAN Connection Speed

ELEM-SCHSchool Type

033Division #

1320School #

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FERRUM ELEM.School 6Sup Region #

YESIs this school connected to the internet

128 kilobits/secUpstream Data Rate 256 kilobits/secDownstream Data Rate

22 way voice communication with the school office?

0How many classrooms in this school have phones?

0.32FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

20# of Classrooms 1# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

59Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

10Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

3Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

288Student Count

0% of classrooms with phones

22Total instructional Rooms 72Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 1Teachers with Palms

4Students per computer

Most communicate at 10 mps.LAN Connection Speed

ELEM-SCHSchool Type

033Division #

1360School #

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BOONES MILL ELEM. School 6Sup Region #

YESIs this school connected to the internet

128 kilobits/secUpstream Data Rate 256 kilobits/secDownstream Data Rate

12 way voice communication with the school office?

0How many classrooms in this school have phones?

0.32FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

25# of Classrooms 1# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

75Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

30Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

4Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

393Student Count

0% of classrooms with phones

27Total instructional Rooms 109Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 1Teachers with Palms

3.60550459Students per computer

Most communicate at 10 mps.LAN Connection Speed

ELEM-SCHSchool Type

033Division #

1370School #

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ROCKY MOUNT ELEM. School 6Sup Region #

YESIs this school connected to the internet

128 kilobits/secUpstream Data Rate 256 kilobits/secDownstream Data Rate

22 way voice communication with the school office?

1How many classrooms in this school have phones?

0.32FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

25# of Classrooms 1# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

85Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

25Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

17Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

264Student Count

0.04% of classrooms with phones

27Total instructional Rooms 127Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 1Teachers with Palms

2.07874016Students per computer

Most communicate at 10 mps.LAN Connection Speed

ELEM-SCHSchool Type

033Division #

1380School #

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School 6Sup Region #

YESIs this school connected to the internet

384 kilobits/secUpstream Data Rate 1.544 megabits/sec (T1)Downstream Data Rate

12 way voice communication with the school office?

8How many classrooms in this school have phones?

0.32FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

14# of Classrooms 0# of Computer Labs 0# of Library_ Media Centers

274Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

0Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

0Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

1Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

272Student Count

?% of classrooms with phones

14Total instructional Rooms 274Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 1Teachers with Palms

.99270073Students per computer

All communicate at 100 mpsLAN Connection Speed

MID-SCHSchool Type

033Division #

1481School #

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School 6Sup Region #

YESIs this school connected to the internet

384 kilobits/secUpstream Data Rate 1.544 megabits/sec (T1)Downstream Data Rate

22 way voice communication with the school office?

0How many classrooms in this school have phones?

0.32FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

4# of Classrooms 0# of Computer Labs 0# of Library_ Media Centers

12Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

0Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

0Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

22Student Count

% of classrooms with phones

4Total instructional Rooms 12Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 1Teachers with Palms

1.83333333Students per computer

Most communicate at 10 mps.LAN Connection Speed

SCH-CHRTSchool Type

033Division #

1482School #

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YESIs this school connected to the internet

1.544 megabits/sec (T1)Upstream Data Rate 1.544 megabits/sec (T1)Downstream Data Rate

22 way voice communication with the school office?

0How many classrooms in this school have phones?

0.25FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

14# of Classrooms 1# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

25Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

27Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

7Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

358Student Count

0% of classrooms with phones

16Total instructional Rooms 59Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 0Teachers with Palms

6.06779661Students per computer

Most communicate at > 10 mpsLAN Connection Speed

MID-SCHSchool Type

038Division #

0011School #

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PROVIDENCE ELEM. School 7Sup Region #

YESIs this school connected to the internet

128 kilobits/secUpstream Data Rate 128 kilobits/secDownstream Data Rate

22 way voice communication with the school office?

0How many classrooms in this school have phones?

0.22FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

14# of Classrooms 0# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

47Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

0Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

20Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

182Student Count

0% of classrooms with phones

15Total instructional Rooms 67Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 0Teachers with Palms

2.71641791Students per computer

Most communicate at > 10 mpsLAN Connection Speed

ELEM-SCHSchool Type

038Division #

0030School #

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FRIES MIDDLE School 7Sup Region #

YESIs this school connected to the internet

256 kilobits/secUpstream Data Rate 256 kilobits/secDownstream Data Rate

22 way voice communication with the school office?

0How many classrooms in this school have phones?

0.22FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

14# of Classrooms 1# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

31Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

26Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

7Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

225Student Count

0% of classrooms with phones

16Total instructional Rooms 64Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 0Teachers with Palms

3.515625Students per computer

Most communicate at > 10 mpsLAN Connection Speed

COMB-SCHSchool Type

038Division #

0070School #

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ELK CREEK ELEM. School 7Sup Region #

YESIs this school connected to the internet

< 128 kilobits/secUpstream Data Rate < 128 kilobits/secDownstream Data Rate

22 way voice communication with the school office?

0How many classrooms in this school have phones?

0.22FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

7# of Classrooms 0# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

38Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

0Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

4Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

80Student Count

0% of classrooms with phones

8Total instructional Rooms 42Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 0Teachers with Palms

1.9047619Students per computer

Most communicate at > 10 mpsLAN Connection Speed

ELEM-SCHSchool Type

038Division #

0160School #

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GRAYSON COUNTY HIGH School 7Sup Region #

YESIs this school connected to the internet

1.544 megabits/sec (T1)Upstream Data Rate 1.544 megabits/sec (T1)Downstream Data Rate

22 way voice communication with the school office?

0How many classrooms in this school have phones?

0.75FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

35# of Classrooms 4# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

46Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

101Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

12Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

624Student Count

0% of classrooms with phones

40Total instructional Rooms 159Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 0Teachers with Palms

3.9245283Students per computer

Most communicate at > 10 mpsLAN Connection Speed

HIGH-SCHSchool Type

038Division #

0421School #

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INDEPENDENCE ELEM. School 7Sup Region #

YESIs this school connected to the internet

128 kilobits/secUpstream Data Rate 128 kilobits/secDownstream Data Rate

22 way voice communication with the school office?

0How many classrooms in this school have phones?

0.22FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

20# of Classrooms 1# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

40Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

25Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

9Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

241Student Count

0% of classrooms with phones

22Total instructional Rooms 74Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 0Teachers with Palms

3.25675676Students per computer

Most communicate at > 10 mpsLAN Connection Speed

ELEM-SCHSchool Type

038Division #

0422School #

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BAYWOOD ELEM. School 7Sup Region #

YESIs this school connected to the internet

128 kilobits/secUpstream Data Rate 128 kilobits/secDownstream Data Rate

22 way voice communication with the school office?

0How many classrooms in this school have phones?

0.22FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

13# of Classrooms 1# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

26Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

36Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

3Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

171Student Count

0% of classrooms with phones

15Total instructional Rooms 65Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 0Teachers with Palms

2.63076923Students per computer

Most communicate at > 10 mpsLAN Connection Speed

ELEM-SCHSchool Type

038Division #

0440School #

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FAIRVIEW ELEM. School 7Sup Region #

YESIs this school connected to the internet

128 kilobits/secUpstream Data Rate 128 kilobits/secDownstream Data Rate

22 way voice communication with the school office?

0How many classrooms in this school have phones?

0.22FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

13# of Classrooms 1# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

26Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

36Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

3Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

147Student Count

0% of classrooms with phones

15Total instructional Rooms 65Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 0Teachers with Palms

2.26153846Students per computer

Most communicate at > 10 mpsLAN Connection Speed

ELEM-SCHSchool Type

038Division #

0480School #

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BRIDLE CREEK ELEM. School 7Sup Region #

YESIs this school connected to the internet

128 kilobits/secUpstream Data Rate 128 kilobits/secDownstream Data Rate

22 way voice communication with the school office?

0How many classrooms in this school have phones?

0.22FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

8# of Classrooms 0# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

45Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

0Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

9Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

110Student Count

0% of classrooms with phones

9Total instructional Rooms 54Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 0Teachers with Palms

2.03703704Students per computer

Most communicate at > 10 mpsLAN Connection Speed

ELEM-SCHSchool Type

038Division #

0570School #

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MT. ROGERS COMB. School 7Sup Region #

YESIs this school connected to the internet

1.544 megabits/sec (T1)Upstream Data Rate 1.544 megabits/sec (T1)Downstream Data Rate

22 way voice communication with the school office?

0How many classrooms in this school have phones?

0.25FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

12# of Classrooms 1# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

33Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

12Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

5Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

104Student Count

0% of classrooms with phones

14Total instructional Rooms 50Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 0Teachers with Palms

2.08Students per computer

Most communicate at > 10 mpsLAN Connection Speed

COMB-SCHSchool Type

038Division #

0710School #

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FLATRIDGE ELEM. School 7Sup Region #

YESIs this school connected to the internet

< 128 kilobits/secUpstream Data Rate < 128 kilobits/secDownstream Data Rate

22 way voice communication with the school office?

0How many classrooms in this school have phones?

0.21FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

4# of Classrooms 0# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

19Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

0Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

4Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

29Student Count

0% of classrooms with phones

5Total instructional Rooms 23Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 0Teachers with Palms

1.26086957Students per computer

Most communicate at > 10 mpsLAN Connection Speed

ELEM-SCHSchool Type

038Division #

0810School #

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GREENSVILLE ELEM School 8Sup Region #

YESIs this school connected to the internet

768 kilobits/secUpstream Data Rate 768 kilobits/secDownstream Data Rate

12 way voice communication with the school office?

83How many classrooms in this school have phones?

0.25FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

83# of Classrooms 4# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

124Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

116Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

11Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

1072Student Count

1% of classrooms with phones

88Total instructional Rooms 419Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 0Teachers with Palms

2.55847255Students per computer

All communicate at 100 mpsLAN Connection Speed

ELEM-SCHSchool Type

040Division #

0050School #

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EDWARD W. WYATT MIDDLESchool 8Sup Region #

YESIs this school connected to the internet

> 1.544 megabits/secUpstream Data Rate > 1.544 megabits/secDownstream Data Rate

12 way voice communication with the school office?

65How many classrooms in this school have phones?

0.25FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

65# of Classrooms 8# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

128Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

220Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

24Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

1Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

420Student Count

1% of classrooms with phones

74Total instructional Rooms 679Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 0Teachers with Palms

.618556701Students per computer

Most communicate at > 10 mpsLAN Connection Speed

MID-SCHSchool Type

040Division #

0190School #

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YESIs this school connected to the internet

> 1.544 megabits/secUpstream Data Rate > 1.544 megabits/secDownstream Data Rate

12 way voice communication with the school office?

65How many classrooms in this school have phones?

1FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

65# of Classrooms 8# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

128Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

220Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

24Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

1Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

762Student Count

0% of classrooms with phones

74Total instructional Rooms 679Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 0Teachers with Palms

1.12223859Students per computer

Most communicate at > 10 mpsLAN Connection Speed

HIGH-SCHSchool Type

040Division #

0200School #

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BELFIELD ELEM. School 8Sup Region #

YESIs this school connected to the internet

768 kilobits/secUpstream Data Rate 768 kilobits/secDownstream Data Rate

22 way voice communication with the school office?

0How many classrooms in this school have phones?

0.25FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

38# of Classrooms 3# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

57Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

92Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

5Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

463Student Count

0% of classrooms with phones

43Total instructional Rooms 310Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 0Teachers with Palms

1.49354839Students per computer

Most communicate at > 10 mpsLAN Connection Speed

ELEM-SCHSchool Type

040Division #

0260School #

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ZION ALTERNATIVE ED School 8Sup Region #

YESIs this school connected to the internet

128 kilobits/secUpstream Data Rate 128 kilobits/secDownstream Data Rate

22 way voice communication with the school office?

0How many classrooms in this school have phones?

0.25FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

3# of Classrooms 1# of Computer Labs 0# of Library_ Media Centers

3Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

24Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

0Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

67Student Count

% of classrooms with phones

4Total instructional Rooms 51Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 0Teachers with Palms

1.31372549Students per computer

Most communicate at > 10 mpsLAN Connection Speed

ALT-SCHSchool Type

040Division #

0361School #

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HALIFAX COUNTY HIGH School 8Sup Region #

YESIs this school connected to the internet

1.544 megabits/sec (T1)Upstream Data Rate 1.544 megabits/sec (T1)Downstream Data Rate

22 way voice communication with the school office?

15How many classrooms in this school have phones?

0.6FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

110# of Classrooms 7# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

135Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

137Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

27Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

1Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

1616Student Count

?% of classrooms with phones

127Total instructional Rooms 323Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 1Teachers with Palms

5.00309598Students per computer

Most communicate at 10 mps.LAN Connection Speed

HIGH-SCHSchool Type

041Division #

0010School #

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VOLENS ELEM.School 8Sup Region #

NOIs this school connected to the internet

< Select Bit Rate >Upstream Data Rate < Select Bit Rate >Downstream Data Rate

22 way voice communication with the school office?

0How many classrooms in this school have phones?

0FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

0# of Classrooms 0# of Computer Labs 0# of Library_ Media Centers

0Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

0Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

0Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

150Student Count

0% of classrooms with phones

0Total instructional Rooms 0Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 0Teachers with Palms

#DIV/0!Students per computer

<Select LAN Data Rate >LAN Connection Speed

ELEM-SCHSchool Type

041Division #

0210School #

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CLOVER ELEM. School 8Sup Region #

NOIs this school connected to the internet

< Select Bit Rate >Upstream Data Rate < Select Bit Rate >Downstream Data Rate

22 way voice communication with the school office?

0How many classrooms in this school have phones?

0FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

11# of Classrooms 1# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

0Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

0Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

0Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

129Student Count

0% of classrooms with phones

13Total instructional Rooms 0Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 0Teachers with Palms

#DIV/0!Students per computer

<Select LAN Data Rate >LAN Connection Speed

ELEM-SCHSchool Type

041Division #

0480School #

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TURBEVILLE ELEM. School 8Sup Region #

YESIs this school connected to the internet

128 kilobits/secUpstream Data Rate 128 kilobits/secDownstream Data Rate

22 way voice communication with the school office?

0How many classrooms in this school have phones?

0.1FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

16# of Classrooms 1# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

16Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

0Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

5Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

160Student Count

0% of classrooms with phones

18Total instructional Rooms 21Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 1Teachers with Palms

7.61904762Students per computer

Most communicate at < 10 mps.LAN Connection Speed

ELEM-SCHSchool Type

041Division #

1060School #

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VIRGILINA ELEM. School 8Sup Region #

YESIs this school connected to the internet

128 kilobits/secUpstream Data Rate 128 kilobits/secDownstream Data Rate

22 way voice communication with the school office?

0How many classrooms in this school have phones?

0.1FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

9# of Classrooms 1# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

9Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

0Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

5Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

87Student Count

0% of classrooms with phones

11Total instructional Rooms 14Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 1Teachers with Palms

6.21428571Students per computer

Most communicate at < 10 mps.LAN Connection Speed

ELEM-SCHSchool Type

041Division #

1420School #

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HALIFAX ELEM. School 8Sup Region #

YESIs this school connected to the internet

128 kilobits/secUpstream Data Rate 128 kilobits/secDownstream Data Rate

22 way voice communication with the school office?

0How many classrooms in this school have phones?

0.1FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

22# of Classrooms 1# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

22Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

0Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

5Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

293Student Count

0% of classrooms with phones

24Total instructional Rooms 27Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 1Teachers with Palms

10.8518519Students per computer

Most communicate at < 10 mps.LAN Connection Speed

ELEM-SCHSchool Type

041Division #

1440School #

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YESIs this school connected to the internet

1.544 megabits/sec (T1)Upstream Data Rate 1.544 megabits/sec (T1)Downstream Data Rate

22 way voice communication with the school office?

16How many classrooms in this school have phones?

0.3FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

84# of Classrooms 10# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

84Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

94Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

22Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

959Student Count

?% of classrooms with phones

97Total instructional Rooms 248Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 1Teachers with Palms

3.86693548Students per computer

Most communicate at 10 mps.LAN Connection Speed

MID-SCHSchool Type

041Division #

1480School #

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YESIs this school connected to the internet

128 kilobits/secUpstream Data Rate 128 kilobits/secDownstream Data Rate

22 way voice communication with the school office?

0How many classrooms in this school have phones?

0.1FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

33# of Classrooms 1# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

33Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

0Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

5Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

176Student Count

0% of classrooms with phones

35Total instructional Rooms 38Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 1Teachers with Palms

4.63157895Students per computer

Most communicate at < 10 mps.LAN Connection Speed

ELEM-SCHSchool Type

041Division #

1490School #

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CLUSTER SPRINGS ELEM. School 8Sup Region #

YESIs this school connected to the internet

128 kilobits/secUpstream Data Rate 128 kilobits/secDownstream Data Rate

22 way voice communication with the school office?

0How many classrooms in this school have phones?

0.1FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

16# of Classrooms 1# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

16Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

0Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

5Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

247Student Count

0% of classrooms with phones

18Total instructional Rooms 21Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 1Teachers with Palms

11.7619048Students per computer

Most communicate at < 10 mps.LAN Connection Speed

ELEM-SCHSchool Type

041Division #

1500School #

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SCOTTSBURG ELEM. School 8Sup Region #

YESIs this school connected to the internet

< 128 kilobits/secUpstream Data Rate < 128 kilobits/secDownstream Data Rate

22 way voice communication with the school office?

0How many classrooms in this school have phones?

0.1FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

25# of Classrooms 1# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

25Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

0Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

5Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

163Student Count

0% of classrooms with phones

27Total instructional Rooms 30Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 1Teachers with Palms

5.43333333Students per computer

Most communicate at < 10 mps.LAN Connection Speed

ELEM-SCHSchool Type

041Division #

1510School #

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SINAI ELEM. School 8Sup Region #

YESIs this school connected to the internet

128 kilobits/secUpstream Data Rate 128 kilobits/secDownstream Data Rate

22 way voice communication with the school office?

0How many classrooms in this school have phones?

0.1FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

28# of Classrooms 1# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

28Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

0Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

5Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

368Student Count

0% of classrooms with phones

30Total instructional Rooms 33Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 1Teachers with Palms

11.1515152Students per computer

Most communicate at < 10 mps.LAN Connection Speed

ELEM-SCHSchool Type

041Division #

1520School #

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SOUTH OF DAN ELEM. School 8Sup Region #

YESIs this school connected to the internet

128 kilobits/secUpstream Data Rate 128 kilobits/secDownstream Data Rate

22 way voice communication with the school office?

0How many classrooms in this school have phones?

0.1FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

27# of Classrooms 1# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

27Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

0Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

5Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

283Student Count

0% of classrooms with phones

29Total instructional Rooms 32Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 1Teachers with Palms

8.84375Students per computer

Most communicate at < 10 mps.LAN Connection Speed

ELEM-SCHSchool Type

041Division #

1530School #

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WILSON MEMORIAL ELEM. School 8Sup Region #

YESIs this school connected to the internet

128 kilobits/secUpstream Data Rate 128 kilobits/secDownstream Data Rate

22 way voice communication with the school office?

0How many classrooms in this school have phones?

0.1FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

12# of Classrooms 1# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

12Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

0Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

5Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

120Student Count

0% of classrooms with phones

14Total instructional Rooms 17Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 1Teachers with Palms

7.05882353Students per computer

Most communicate at < 10 mps.LAN Connection Speed

ELEM-SCHSchool Type

041Division #

1540School #

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MEADVILLE ELEM. School 8Sup Region #

YESIs this school connected to the internet

128 kilobits/secUpstream Data Rate 128 kilobits/secDownstream Data Rate

22 way voice communication with the school office?

0How many classrooms in this school have phones?

0.1FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

21# of Classrooms 1# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

21Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

0Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

5Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

235Student Count

0% of classrooms with phones

23Total instructional Rooms 26Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 1Teachers with Palms

9.03846154Students per computer

Most communicate at < 10 mps.LAN Connection Speed

ELEM-SCHSchool Type

041Division #

1550School #

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CLAYS MILL ELEM. School 8Sup Region #

YESIs this school connected to the internet

128 kilobits/secUpstream Data Rate 128 kilobits/secDownstream Data Rate

22 way voice communication with the school office?

0How many classrooms in this school have phones?

0.1FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

28# of Classrooms 1# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

28Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

0Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

5Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

339Student Count

0% of classrooms with phones

30Total instructional Rooms 33Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 1Teachers with Palms

10.2727273Students per computer

Most communicate at < 10 mps.LAN Connection Speed

ELEM-SCHSchool Type

041Division #

1560School #

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YESIs this school connected to the internet

128 kilobits/secUpstream Data Rate 128 kilobits/secDownstream Data Rate

22 way voice communication with the school office?

0How many classrooms in this school have phones?

0.1FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

26# of Classrooms 1# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

26Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

0Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

5Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

272Student Count

0% of classrooms with phones

28Total instructional Rooms 31Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 1Teachers with Palms

8.77419355Students per computer

Most communicate at < 10 mps.LAN Connection Speed

ELEM-SCHSchool Type

041Division #

1662School #

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C.H. FRIEND ELEM School 8Sup Region #

YESIs this school connected to the internet

128 kilobits/secUpstream Data Rate 128 kilobits/secDownstream Data Rate

22 way voice communication with the school office?

0How many classrooms in this school have phones?

0.1FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

32# of Classrooms 2# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

32Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

12Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

5Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

349Student Count

0% of classrooms with phones

35Total instructional Rooms 49Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 1Teachers with Palms

7.12244898Students per computer

Most communicate at < 10 mps.LAN Connection Speed

ELEM-SCHSchool Type

041Division #

1663School #

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YESIs this school connected to the internet

128 kilobits/secUpstream Data Rate 128 kilobits/secDownstream Data Rate

22 way voice communication with the school office?

0How many classrooms in this school have phones?

0.1FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

11# of Classrooms 4# of Computer Labs 0# of Library_ Media Centers

11Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

70Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

0Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

54Student Count

0% of classrooms with phones

15Total instructional Rooms 81Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 1Teachers with Palms

.666666667Students per computer

Most communicate at > 10 mpsLAN Connection Speed

ALT-SCHSchool Type

041Division #

1664School #

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JOHN M. GANDY ELEM. School 1Sup Region #

YESIs this school connected to the internet

1.544 megabits/sec (T1)Upstream Data Rate 1.544 megabits/sec (T1)Downstream Data Rate

22 way voice communication with the school office?

23How many classrooms in this school have phones?

1.3FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

23# of Classrooms 0# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

32Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

0Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

10Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

379Student Count

1% of classrooms with phones

24Total instructional Rooms 84Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 0Teachers with Palms

4.51190476Students per computer

All communicate at 100 mpsLAN Connection Speed

ELEM-SCHSchool Type

042Division #

0162School #

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YESIs this school connected to the internet

> 1.544 megabits/secUpstream Data Rate > 1.544 megabits/secDownstream Data Rate

12 way voice communication with the school office?

26How many classrooms in this school have phones?

1.3FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

26# of Classrooms 0# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

11Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

0Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

5Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

521Student Count

1% of classrooms with phones

27Total instructional Rooms 32Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 0Teachers with Palms

16.28125Students per computer

All communicate at 100 mpsLAN Connection Speed

ELEM-SCHSchool Type

042Division #

0290School #

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YESIs this school connected to the internet

> 1.544 megabits/secUpstream Data Rate > 1.544 megabits/secDownstream Data Rate

12 way voice communication with the school office?

33How many classrooms in this school have phones?

1.3FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

33# of Classrooms 0# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

4Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

0Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

5Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

609Student Count

1% of classrooms with phones

34Total instructional Rooms 18Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 0Teachers with Palms

33.8333333Students per computer

Most communicate at < 10 mps.LAN Connection Speed

ELEM-SCHSchool Type

042Division #

0360School #

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LEE DAVIS HIGH School 1Sup Region #

YESIs this school connected to the internet

> 1.544 megabits/secUpstream Data Rate > 1.544 megabits/secDownstream Data Rate

12 way voice communication with the school office?

84How many classrooms in this school have phones?

1.3FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

84# of Classrooms 8# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

79Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

150Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

48Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

1696Student Count

0% of classrooms with phones

93Total instructional Rooms 554Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 0Teachers with Palms

3.06137184Students per computer

All communicate at 100 mpsLAN Connection Speed

HIGH-SCHSchool Type

042Division #

0370School #

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PATRICK HENRY HIGH School 1Sup Region #

YESIs this school connected to the internet

> 1.544 megabits/secUpstream Data Rate > 1.544 megabits/secDownstream Data Rate

12 way voice communication with the school office?

75How many classrooms in this school have phones?

1.3FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

75# of Classrooms 8# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

141Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

196Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

40Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

1601Student Count

0% of classrooms with phones

84Total instructional Rooms 766Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 0Teachers with Palms

2.09007833Students per computer

All communicate at 100 mpsLAN Connection Speed

HIGH-SCHSchool Type

042Division #

0400School #

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PEARSON'S CORNER ELEM. School 1Sup Region #

YESIs this school connected to the internet

> 1.544 megabits/secUpstream Data Rate > 1.544 megabits/secDownstream Data Rate

12 way voice communication with the school office?

36How many classrooms in this school have phones?

1.3FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

36# of Classrooms 0# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

8Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

0Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

5Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

857Student Count

1% of classrooms with phones

37Total instructional Rooms 26Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 0Teachers with Palms

32.9615385Students per computer

All communicate at 100 mpsLAN Connection Speed

ELEM-SCHSchool Type

042Division #

0410School #

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BASSETT HIGH School 6Sup Region #

YESIs this school connected to the internet

> 1.544 megabits/secUpstream Data Rate > 1.544 megabits/secDownstream Data Rate

12 way voice communication with the school office?

0How many classrooms in this school have phones?

0.25FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

63# of Classrooms 4# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

63Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

94Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

12Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

1Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

665Student Count

0% of classrooms with phones

74Total instructional Rooms 303Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 0Teachers with Palms

2.19471947Students per computer

All communicate at 100 mpsLAN Connection Speed

HIGH-SCHSchool Type

044Division #

0010School #

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MAGNA VISTA HIGH School 6Sup Region #

YESIs this school connected to the internet

1.544 megabits/sec (T1)Upstream Data Rate > 1.544 megabits/secDownstream Data Rate

12 way voice communication with the school office?

0How many classrooms in this school have phones?

0.25FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

54# of Classrooms 3# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

54Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

94Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

12Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

1Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

771Student Count

0% of classrooms with phones

62Total instructional Rooms 315Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 0Teachers with Palms

2.44761905Students per computer

All communicate at 100 mpsLAN Connection Speed

HIGH-SCHSchool Type

044Division #

0020School #

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SANVILLE ELEM. School 6Sup Region #

YESIs this school connected to the internet

> 1.544 megabits/secUpstream Data Rate > 1.544 megabits/secDownstream Data Rate

12 way voice communication with the school office?

0How many classrooms in this school have phones?

0.2FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

29# of Classrooms 1# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

29Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

30Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

6Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

375Student Count

0% of classrooms with phones

31Total instructional Rooms 68Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 0Teachers with Palms

5.51470588Students per computer

Most communicate at 10 mps.LAN Connection Speed

ELEM-SCHSchool Type

044Division #

0220School #

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FIELDALE ELEM. School 6Sup Region #

YESIs this school connected to the internet

> 1.544 megabits/secUpstream Data Rate > 1.544 megabits/secDownstream Data Rate

12 way voice communication with the school office?

0How many classrooms in this school have phones?

0.2FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

19# of Classrooms 1# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

19Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

30Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

6Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

268Student Count

0% of classrooms with phones

31Total instructional Rooms 55Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 0Teachers with Palms

4.87272727Students per computer

Most communicate at 10 mps.LAN Connection Speed

ELEM-SCHSchool Type

044Division #

0272School #

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AXTON MIDDLE School 6Sup Region #

YESIs this school connected to the internet

> 1.544 megabits/secUpstream Data Rate > 1.544 megabits/secDownstream Data Rate

12 way voice communication with the school office?

0How many classrooms in this school have phones?

0.25FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

31# of Classrooms 3# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

31Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

62Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

8Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

411Student Count

0% of classrooms with phones

48Total instructional Rooms 161Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 0Teachers with Palms

2.55279503Students per computer

All communicate at 100 mpsLAN Connection Speed

MID-SCHSchool Type

044Division #

0360School #

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SPENCER PENN ELEM.School 6Sup Region #

YESIs this school connected to the internet

> 1.544 megabits/secUpstream Data Rate > 1.544 megabits/secDownstream Data Rate

12 way voice communication with the school office?

0How many classrooms in this school have phones?

0.2FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

20# of Classrooms 1# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

20Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

30Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

6Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

272Student Count

0% of classrooms with phones

22Total instructional Rooms 59Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 0Teachers with Palms

4.61016949Students per computer

Most communicate at > 10 mpsLAN Connection Speed

ELEM-SCHSchool Type

044Division #

0480School #

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RIDGEWAY ELEM. School 6Sup Region #

YESIs this school connected to the internet

> 1.544 megabits/secUpstream Data Rate > 1.544 megabits/secDownstream Data Rate

12 way voice communication with the school office?

0How many classrooms in this school have phones?

0.25FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

30# of Classrooms 1# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

30Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

30Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

6Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

462Student Count

0% of classrooms with phones

32Total instructional Rooms 69Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 0Teachers with Palms

6.69565217Students per computer

Most communicate at 10 mps.LAN Connection Speed

ELEM-SCHSchool Type

044Division #

0530School #

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CAMPBELL COURT ELEM. School 6Sup Region #

YESIs this school connected to the internet

> 1.544 megabits/secUpstream Data Rate > 1.544 megabits/secDownstream Data Rate

12 way voice communication with the school office?

0How many classrooms in this school have phones?

0.2FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

37# of Classrooms 1# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

37Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

30Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

6Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

428Student Count

0% of classrooms with phones

39Total instructional Rooms 76Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 0Teachers with Palms

5.63157895Students per computer

Most communicate at 10 mps.LAN Connection Speed

ELEM-SCHSchool Type

044Division #

0590School #

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YESIs this school connected to the internet

> 1.544 megabits/secUpstream Data Rate > 1.544 megabits/secDownstream Data Rate

12 way voice communication with the school office?

0How many classrooms in this school have phones?

0.25FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

46# of Classrooms 3# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

46Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

75Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

12Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

585Student Count

0% of classrooms with phones

64Total instructional Rooms 213Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 0Teachers with Palms

2.74647887Students per computer

All communicate at 100 mpsLAN Connection Speed

MID-SCHSchool Type

044Division #

0620School #

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IRISBURG ELEM. School 6Sup Region #

YESIs this school connected to the internet

> 1.544 megabits/secUpstream Data Rate > 1.544 megabits/secDownstream Data Rate

12 way voice communication with the school office?

16How many classrooms in this school have phones?

0.25FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

19# of Classrooms 1# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

19Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

30Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

6Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

232Student Count

?% of classrooms with phones

37Total instructional Rooms 55Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 0Teachers with Palms

4.21818182Students per computer

Most communicate at > 10 mpsLAN Connection Speed

ELEM-SCHSchool Type

044Division #

0630School #

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YESIs this school connected to the internet

> 1.544 megabits/secUpstream Data Rate > 1.544 megabits/secDownstream Data Rate

12 way voice communication with the school office?

0How many classrooms in this school have phones?

0.25FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

41# of Classrooms 3# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

41Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

62Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

7Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

555Student Count

0% of classrooms with phones

65Total instructional Rooms 215Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 0Teachers with Palms

2.58139535Students per computer

All communicate at 100 mpsLAN Connection Speed

MID-SCHSchool Type

044Division #

0640School #

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JOHN REDD SMITH ELEM.School 6Sup Region #

YESIs this school connected to the internet

> 1.544 megabits/secUpstream Data Rate > 1.544 megabits/secDownstream Data Rate

12 way voice communication with the school office?

0How many classrooms in this school have phones?

0.2FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

22# of Classrooms 1# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

3Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

30Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

6Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

289Student Count

0% of classrooms with phones

24Total instructional Rooms 42Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 0Teachers with Palms

6.88095238Students per computer

Most communicate at 10 mps.LAN Connection Speed

ELEM-SCHSchool Type

044Division #

0661School #

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YESIs this school connected to the internet

> 1.544 megabits/secUpstream Data Rate > 1.544 megabits/secDownstream Data Rate

12 way voice communication with the school office?

0How many classrooms in this school have phones?

0.25FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

18# of Classrooms 1# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

18Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

30Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

5Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

326Student Count

0% of classrooms with phones

35Total instructional Rooms 53Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 0Teachers with Palms

6.1509434Students per computer

Most communicate at 10 mps.LAN Connection Speed

ELEM-SCHSchool Type

044Division #

0662School #

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DREWRY MASON MIDDLE School 6Sup Region #

YESIs this school connected to the internet

> 1.544 megabits/secUpstream Data Rate > 1.544 megabits/secDownstream Data Rate

12 way voice communication with the school office?

0How many classrooms in this school have phones?

0.25FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

44# of Classrooms 3# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

44Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

62Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

7Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

608Student Count

0% of classrooms with phones

67Total instructional Rooms 206Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 0Teachers with Palms

2.95145631Students per computer

All communicate at 100 mpsLAN Connection Speed

MID-SCHSchool Type

044Division #

0670School #

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YESIs this school connected to the internet

> 1.544 megabits/secUpstream Data Rate > 1.544 megabits/secDownstream Data Rate

12 way voice communication with the school office?

0How many classrooms in this school have phones?

0.25FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

43# of Classrooms 4# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

43Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

80Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

12Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

1Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

642Student Count

0% of classrooms with phones

52Total instructional Rooms 278Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 0Teachers with Palms

2.30935252Students per computer

All communicate at 100 mpsLAN Connection Speed

HIGH-SCHSchool Type

044Division #

0720School #

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FIGSBORO ELEM. School 6Sup Region #

YESIs this school connected to the internet

> 1.544 megabits/secUpstream Data Rate > 1.544 megabits/secDownstream Data Rate

12 way voice communication with the school office?

0How many classrooms in this school have phones?

0.25FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

12# of Classrooms 1# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

12Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

30Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

7Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

163Student Count

0% of classrooms with phones

24Total instructional Rooms 49Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 0Teachers with Palms

3.32653061Students per computer

Most communicate at 10 mps.LAN Connection Speed

ELEM-SCHSchool Type

044Division #

0730School #

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RICH ACRES ELEM. School 6Sup Region #

YESIs this school connected to the internet

> 1.544 megabits/secUpstream Data Rate > 1.544 megabits/secDownstream Data Rate

12 way voice communication with the school office?

0How many classrooms in this school have phones?

0.25FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

24# of Classrooms 1# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

24Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

30Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

6Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

346Student Count

0% of classrooms with phones

41Total instructional Rooms 60Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 0Teachers with Palms

5.76666667Students per computer

Most communicate at 10 mps.LAN Connection Speed

ELEM-SCHSchool Type

044Division #

0740School #

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MT. OLIVET ELEM. School 6Sup Region #

YESIs this school connected to the internet

> 1.544 megabits/secUpstream Data Rate > 1.544 megabits/secDownstream Data Rate

12 way voice communication with the school office?

0How many classrooms in this school have phones?

0.25FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

33# of Classrooms 1# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

33Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

30Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

6Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

476Student Count

0% of classrooms with phones

35Total instructional Rooms 72Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 0Teachers with Palms

6.61111111Students per computer

Most communicate at 10 mps.LAN Connection Speed

ELEM-SCHSchool Type

044Division #

0750School #

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STANLEYTOWN ELEM. School 6Sup Region #

YESIs this school connected to the internet

> 1.544 megabits/secUpstream Data Rate > 1.544 megabits/secDownstream Data Rate

12 way voice communication with the school office?

0How many classrooms in this school have phones?

0.2FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

29# of Classrooms 1# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

29Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

30Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

6Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

375Student Count

0% of classrooms with phones

31Total instructional Rooms 68Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 0Teachers with Palms

5.51470588Students per computer

Most communicate at 10 mps.LAN Connection Speed

ELEM-SCHSchool Type

044Division #

0760School #

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LAUREL PARK HIGH School 6Sup Region #

YESIs this school connected to the internet

1.544 megabits/sec (T1)Upstream Data Rate > 1.544 megabits/secDownstream Data Rate

12 way voice communication with the school office?

0How many classrooms in this school have phones?

0.25FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

54# of Classrooms 3# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

54Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

84Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

12Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

1Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

467Student Count

0% of classrooms with phones

61Total instructional Rooms 296Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 0Teachers with Palms

1.5777027Students per computer

All communicate at 100 mpsLAN Connection Speed

HIGH-SCHSchool Type

044Division #

0770School #

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YESIs this school connected to the internet

> 1.544 megabits/secUpstream Data Rate > 1.544 megabits/secDownstream Data Rate

22 way voice communication with the school office?

0How many classrooms in this school have phones?

0.25FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

11# of Classrooms 3# of Computer Labs 0# of Library_ Media Centers

11Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

70Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

0Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

59Student Count

0% of classrooms with phones

14Total instructional Rooms 81Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 0Teachers with Palms

.728395062Students per computer

Most communicate at 10 mps.LAN Connection Speed

ALT-SCHSchool Type

044Division #

0871School #

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KEOKEE ELEM.School 7Sup Region #

YESIs this school connected to the internet

1.544 megabits/sec (T1)Upstream Data Rate 1.544 megabits/sec (T1)Downstream Data Rate

22 way voice communication with the school office?

0How many classrooms in this school have phones?

0.23FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

10# of Classrooms 1# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

10Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

14Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

16Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

111Student Count

0% of classrooms with phones

12Total instructional Rooms 70Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 0Teachers with Palms

1.58571429Students per computer

Most communicate at < 10 mps.LAN Connection Speed

ELEM-SCHSchool Type

052Division #

0020School #

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DRYDEN PRIMARY School 7Sup Region #

YESIs this school connected to the internet

1.544 megabits/sec (T1)Upstream Data Rate 1.544 megabits/sec (T1)Downstream Data Rate

12 way voice communication with the school office?

1How many classrooms in this school have phones?

0.23FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

30# of Classrooms 1# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

32Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

22Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

8Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

339Student Count

?% of classrooms with phones

32Total instructional Rooms 94Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 0Teachers with Palms

3.60638298Students per computer

Most communicate at < 10 mps.LAN Connection Speed

ELEM-SCHSchool Type

052Division #

0160School #

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ST. CHARLES ELEM. School 7Sup Region #

YESIs this school connected to the internet

1.544 megabits/sec (T1)Upstream Data Rate 1.544 megabits/sec (T1)Downstream Data Rate

12 way voice communication with the school office?

5How many classrooms in this school have phones?

0.23FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

25# of Classrooms 1# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

25Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

22Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

6Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

165Student Count

0.2% of classrooms with phones

27Total instructional Rooms 78Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 0Teachers with Palms

2.11538462Students per computer

Most communicate at < 10 mps.LAN Connection Speed

ELEM-SCHSchool Type

052Division #

0200School #

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PENNINGTON MIDDLE School 7Sup Region #

YESIs this school connected to the internet

1.544 megabits/sec (T1)Upstream Data Rate 1.544 megabits/sec (T1)Downstream Data Rate

12 way voice communication with the school office?

0How many classrooms in this school have phones?

0.23FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

40# of Classrooms 3# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

40Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

60Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

8Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

466Student Count

0% of classrooms with phones

44Total instructional Rooms 176Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 0Teachers with Palms

2.64772727Students per computer

Most communicate at < 10 mps.LAN Connection Speed

COMB-SCHSchool Type

052Division #

0290School #

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LEE HIGH School 7Sup Region #

YESIs this school connected to the internet

768 kilobits/secUpstream Data Rate 768 kilobits/secDownstream Data Rate

22 way voice communication with the school office?

0How many classrooms in this school have phones?

0.23FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

79# of Classrooms 3# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

135Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

60Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

12Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

806Student Count

0% of classrooms with phones

83Total instructional Rooms 335Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 0Teachers with Palms

2.40597015Students per computer

Most communicate at < 10 mps.LAN Connection Speed

HIGH-SCHSchool Type

052Division #

0300School #

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ELK KNOB ELEM. School 7Sup Region #

YESIs this school connected to the internet

768 kilobits/secUpstream Data Rate 768 kilobits/secDownstream Data Rate

22 way voice communication with the school office?

0How many classrooms in this school have phones?

0.23FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

26# of Classrooms 1# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

28Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

22Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

6Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

252Student Count

0% of classrooms with phones

28Total instructional Rooms 86Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 0Teachers with Palms

2.93023256Students per computer

Most communicate at < 10 mps.LAN Connection Speed

ELEM-SCHSchool Type

052Division #

0330School #

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STICKLEYVILLE ELEM. School 7Sup Region #

YESIs this school connected to the internet

1.544 megabits/sec (T1)Upstream Data Rate 1.544 megabits/sec (T1)Downstream Data Rate

22 way voice communication with the school office?

0How many classrooms in this school have phones?

0.23FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

9# of Classrooms 1# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

16Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

16Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

6Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

109Student Count

0% of classrooms with phones

11Total instructional Rooms 67Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 0Teachers with Palms

1.62686567Students per computer

Most communicate at < 10 mps.LAN Connection Speed

ELEM-SCHSchool Type

052Division #

0340School #

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JONESVILLE MIDDLE School 7Sup Region #

YESIs this school connected to the internet

1.544 megabits/sec (T1)Upstream Data Rate 1.544 megabits/sec (T1)Downstream Data Rate

12 way voice communication with the school office?

0How many classrooms in this school have phones?

0.23FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

27# of Classrooms 1# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

70Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

26Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

12Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

367Student Count

0% of classrooms with phones

29Total instructional Rooms 189Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 0Teachers with Palms

1.94179894Students per computer

Most communicate at < 10 mps.LAN Connection Speed

COMB-SCHSchool Type

052Division #

0470School #

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YESIs this school connected to the internet

1.544 megabits/sec (T1)Upstream Data Rate 1.544 megabits/sec (T1)Downstream Data Rate

12 way voice communication with the school office?

0How many classrooms in this school have phones?

0.23FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

35# of Classrooms 1# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

39Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

20Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

6Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

300Student Count

0% of classrooms with phones

37Total instructional Rooms 95Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 0Teachers with Palms

3.15789474Students per computer

Most communicate at < 10 mps.LAN Connection Speed

ELEM-SCHSchool Type

052Division #

0630School #

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ROSE HILL ELEM. School 7Sup Region #

YESIs this school connected to the internet

1.544 megabits/sec (T1)Upstream Data Rate 1.544 megabits/sec (T1)Downstream Data Rate

22 way voice communication with the school office?

0How many classrooms in this school have phones?

0.23FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

14# of Classrooms 1# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

27Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

22Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

6Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

190Student Count

0% of classrooms with phones

16Total instructional Rooms 96Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 0Teachers with Palms

1.97916667Students per computer

Most communicate at < 10 mps.LAN Connection Speed

ELEM-SCHSchool Type

052Division #

0670School #

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EWING ELEM. School 7Sup Region #

YESIs this school connected to the internet

1.544 megabits/sec (T1)Upstream Data Rate 1.544 megabits/sec (T1)Downstream Data Rate

22 way voice communication with the school office?

0How many classrooms in this school have phones?

0.23FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

11# of Classrooms 1# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

23Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

20Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

6Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

167Student Count

0% of classrooms with phones

13Total instructional Rooms 87Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 0Teachers with Palms

1.91954023Students per computer

Most communicate at < 10 mps.LAN Connection Speed

ELEM-SCHSchool Type

052Division #

0760School #

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ELYDALE ELEM. School 7Sup Region #

YESIs this school connected to the internet

1.544 megabits/sec (T1)Upstream Data Rate 1.544 megabits/sec (T1)Downstream Data Rate

22 way voice communication with the school office?

0How many classrooms in this school have phones?

0.23FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

10# of Classrooms 1# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

18Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

14Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

6Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

133Student Count

0% of classrooms with phones

12Total instructional Rooms 66Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 0Teachers with Palms

2.01515152Students per computer

Most communicate at < 10 mps.LAN Connection Speed

ELEM-SCHSchool Type

052Division #

0820School #

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THOMAS WALKER HIGH School 7Sup Region #

YESIs this school connected to the internet

768 kilobits/secUpstream Data Rate 768 kilobits/secDownstream Data Rate

22 way voice communication with the school office?

0How many classrooms in this school have phones?

0.14FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

24# of Classrooms 1# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

56Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

22Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

12Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

413Student Count

0% of classrooms with phones

26Total instructional Rooms 178Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 0Teachers with Palms

2.32022472Students per computer

Most communicate at < 10 mps.LAN Connection Speed

HIGH-SCHSchool Type

052Division #

0880School #

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NoIs this school connected to the internet

< Select Bit Rate >Upstream Data Rate < Select Bit Rate >Downstream Data Rate

22 way voice communication with the school office?

How many classrooms in this school have phones?

FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

# of Classrooms # of Computer Labs # of Library_ Media Centers

Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

16Student Count

% of classrooms with phones

0Total instructional Rooms 0Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 0Teachers with Palms

#DIV/0!Students per computer

<Select LAN Data Rate >LAN Connection Speed

ELEM-SCHSchool Type

052Division #

0981School #

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VICTORIA ELEM. School 8Sup Region #

YESIs this school connected to the internet

384 kilobits/secUpstream Data Rate 384 kilobits/secDownstream Data Rate

12 way voice communication with the school office?

0How many classrooms in this school have phones?

0.37FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

32# of Classrooms 1# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

52Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

24Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

2Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

439Student Count

0% of classrooms with phones

34Total instructional Rooms 78Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 0Teachers with Palms

5.62820513Students per computer

All communicate at 100 mpsLAN Connection Speed

ELEM-SCHSchool Type

055Division #

0140School #

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LUNENBURG MIDDLE School 8Sup Region #

YESIs this school connected to the internet

384 kilobits/secUpstream Data Rate 384 kilobits/secDownstream Data Rate

12 way voice communication with the school office?

0How many classrooms in this school have phones?

0.37FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

32# of Classrooms 2# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

65Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

60Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

8Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

459Student Count

0% of classrooms with phones

36Total instructional Rooms 157Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 0Teachers with Palms

2.92356688Students per computer

All communicate at 100 mpsLAN Connection Speed

MID-SCHSchool Type

055Division #

0171School #

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KENBRIDGE ELEM. School 8Sup Region #

YESIs this school connected to the internet

384 kilobits/secUpstream Data Rate 384 kilobits/secDownstream Data Rate

12 way voice communication with the school office?

0How many classrooms in this school have phones?

0.37FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

29# of Classrooms 1# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

61Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

24Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

20Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

303Student Count

0% of classrooms with phones

31Total instructional Rooms 105Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 0Teachers with Palms

2.88571429Students per computer

All communicate at 100 mpsLAN Connection Speed

ELEM-SCHSchool Type

055Division #

0240School #

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CENTRAL HIGH School 8Sup Region #

YESIs this school connected to the internet

384 kilobits/secUpstream Data Rate 384 kilobits/secDownstream Data Rate

12 way voice communication with the school office?

0How many classrooms in this school have phones?

0.37FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

34# of Classrooms 6# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

70Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

144Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

20Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

593Student Count

0% of classrooms with phones

43Total instructional Rooms 264Total Computers

1Student with Palm devices 1Teachers with Palms

2.24621212Students per computer

All communicate at 100 mpsLAN Connection Speed

HIGH-SCHSchool Type

055Division #

0560School #

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SOUTH HILL ELEM. School 8Sup Region #

YESIs this school connected to the internet

512 kilobits/secUpstream Data Rate 512 kilobits/secDownstream Data Rate

12 way voice communication with the school office?

0How many classrooms in this school have phones?

0.25FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

21# of Classrooms 1# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

21Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

24Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

9Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

250Student Count

0% of classrooms with phones

23Total instructional Rooms 54Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 0Teachers with Palms

4.62962963Students per computer

Most communicate at 10 mps.LAN Connection Speed

ELEM-SCHSchool Type

058Division #

0190School #

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CHASE CITY ELEM. School 8Sup Region #

YESIs this school connected to the internet

512 kilobits/secUpstream Data Rate 512 kilobits/secDownstream Data Rate

12 way voice communication with the school office?

0How many classrooms in this school have phones?

0.25FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

19# of Classrooms 1# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

19Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

28Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

5Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

510Student Count

0% of classrooms with phones

21Total instructional Rooms 52Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 0Teachers with Palms

9.80769231Students per computer

Most communicate at 10 mps.LAN Connection Speed

ELEM-SCHSchool Type

058Division #

0910School #

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SOUTH HILL PRIMARY School 8Sup Region #

YESIs this school connected to the internet

512 kilobits/secUpstream Data Rate 512 kilobits/secDownstream Data Rate

12 way voice communication with the school office?

0How many classrooms in this school have phones?

0.25FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

19# of Classrooms 1# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

19Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

28Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

5Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

274Student Count

0% of classrooms with phones

21Total instructional Rooms 52Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 0Teachers with Palms

5.26923077Students per computer

Most communicate at 10 mps.LAN Connection Speed

ELEM-SCHSchool Type

058Division #

0920School #

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BOYDTON ELEM. School 8Sup Region #

YESIs this school connected to the internet

512 kilobits/secUpstream Data Rate 512 kilobits/secDownstream Data Rate

12 way voice communication with the school office?

0How many classrooms in this school have phones?

0.25FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

19# of Classrooms 1# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

19Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

28Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

5Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

191Student Count

0% of classrooms with phones

21Total instructional Rooms 52Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 0Teachers with Palms

3.67307692Students per computer

Most communicate at 10 mps.LAN Connection Speed

ELEM-SCHSchool Type

058Division #

0930School #

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PARK VIEW MIDDLE School 8Sup Region #

YESIs this school connected to the internet

512 kilobits/secUpstream Data Rate 512 kilobits/secDownstream Data Rate

12 way voice communication with the school office?

0How many classrooms in this school have phones?

0.25FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

36# of Classrooms 3# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

41Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

78Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

32Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

573Student Count

0% of classrooms with phones

40Total instructional Rooms 151Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 0Teachers with Palms

3.79470199Students per computer

Most communicate at > 10 mpsLAN Connection Speed

MID-SCHSchool Type

058Division #

0950School #

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BLUESTONE MIDDLE School 8Sup Region #

YESIs this school connected to the internet

512 kilobits/secUpstream Data Rate 512 kilobits/secDownstream Data Rate

12 way voice communication with the school office?

2How many classrooms in this school have phones?

0.25FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

38# of Classrooms 2# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

58Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

48Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

22Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

653Student Count

?% of classrooms with phones

41Total instructional Rooms 128Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 0Teachers with Palms

5.1015625Students per computer

Most communicate at > 10 mpsLAN Connection Speed

MID-SCHSchool Type

058Division #

0960School #

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BLUESTONE HIGH School 8Sup Region #

YESIs this school connected to the internet

768 kilobits/secUpstream Data Rate 768 kilobits/secDownstream Data Rate

12 way voice communication with the school office?

0How many classrooms in this school have phones?

0.25FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

48# of Classrooms 1# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

50Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

30Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

10Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

722Student Count

0% of classrooms with phones

53Total instructional Rooms 165Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 0Teachers with Palms

4.37575758Students per computer

Most communicate at > 10 mpsLAN Connection Speed

HIGH-SCHSchool Type

058Division #

0980School #

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PARK VIEW HIGH School 8Sup Region #

YESIs this school connected to the internet

768 kilobits/secUpstream Data Rate 768 kilobits/secDownstream Data Rate

12 way voice communication with the school office?

0How many classrooms in this school have phones?

0.25FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

47# of Classrooms 2# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

50Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

50Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

10Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

727Student Count

0% of classrooms with phones

53Total instructional Rooms 185Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 0Teachers with Palms

3.92972973Students per computer

Most communicate at > 10 mpsLAN Connection Speed

HIGH-SCHSchool Type

058Division #

0990School #

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CLARKSVILLE ELEM. School 8Sup Region #

YESIs this school connected to the internet

512 kilobits/secUpstream Data Rate 512 kilobits/secDownstream Data Rate

12 way voice communication with the school office?

0How many classrooms in this school have phones?

0.25FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

34# of Classrooms 1# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

41Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

31Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

12Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

458Student Count

0% of classrooms with phones

36Total instructional Rooms 84Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 0Teachers with Palms

5.45238095Students per computer

Most communicate at 10 mps.LAN Connection Speed

ELEM-SCHSchool Type

058Division #

1000School #

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BUCKHORN ELEM.School 8Sup Region #

YESIs this school connected to the internet

512 kilobits/secUpstream Data Rate 512 kilobits/secDownstream Data Rate

12 way voice communication with the school office?

0How many classrooms in this school have phones?

0.25FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

16# of Classrooms 1# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

30Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

23Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

4Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

237Student Count

0% of classrooms with phones

18Total instructional Rooms 57Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 0Teachers with Palms

4.15789474Students per computer

Most communicate at 10 mps.LAN Connection Speed

ELEM-SCHSchool Type

058Division #

1010School #

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LACROSSE ELEM. School 8Sup Region #

YESIs this school connected to the internet

512 kilobits/secUpstream Data Rate 512 kilobits/secDownstream Data Rate

12 way voice communication with the school office?

0How many classrooms in this school have phones?

0.25FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

19# of Classrooms 1# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

23Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

26Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

6Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

346Student Count

0% of classrooms with phones

21Total instructional Rooms 55Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 0Teachers with Palms

6.29090909Students per computer

Most communicate at 10 mps.LAN Connection Speed

ELEM-SCHSchool Type

058Division #

1020School #

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YESIs this school connected to the internet

1.544 megabits/sec (T1)Upstream Data Rate 1.544 megabits/sec (T1)Downstream Data Rate

22 way voice communication with the school office?

0How many classrooms in this school have phones?

1FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

28# of Classrooms 2# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

64Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

35Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

5Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

419Student Count

0% of classrooms with phones

31Total instructional Rooms 104Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 0Teachers with Palms

4.02884615Students per computer

Most communicate at > 10 mpsLAN Connection Speed

ELEM-SCHSchool Type

067Division #

0300School #

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NOTTOWAY HIGH School 8Sup Region #

YESIs this school connected to the internet

1.544 megabits/sec (T1)Upstream Data Rate 1.544 megabits/sec (T1)Downstream Data Rate

12 way voice communication with the school office?

46How many classrooms in this school have phones?

1FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

46# of Classrooms 8# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

12Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

160Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

15Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

721Student Count

1% of classrooms with phones

57Total instructional Rooms 251Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 0Teachers with Palms

2.87250996Students per computer

Most communicate at > 10 mpsLAN Connection Speed

HIGH-SCHSchool Type

067Division #

0301School #

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NOTTOWAY MIDDLE School 8Sup Region #

YESIs this school connected to the internet

1.544 megabits/sec (T1)Upstream Data Rate 1.544 megabits/sec (T1)Downstream Data Rate

22 way voice communication with the school office?

0How many classrooms in this school have phones?

1FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

25# of Classrooms 4# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

1Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

128Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

18Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

406Student Count

0% of classrooms with phones

30Total instructional Rooms 147Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 0Teachers with Palms

2.76190476Students per computer

Most communicate at > 10 mpsLAN Connection Speed

MID-SCHSchool Type

067Division #

0302School #

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BURKEVILLE ELEM School 8Sup Region #

YESIs this school connected to the internet

1.544 megabits/sec (T1)Upstream Data Rate 1.544 megabits/sec (T1)Downstream Data Rate

12 way voice communication with the school office?

15How many classrooms in this school have phones?

1FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

15# of Classrooms 0# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

32Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

0Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

2Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

159Student Count

1% of classrooms with phones

16Total instructional Rooms 34Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 0Teachers with Palms

4.67647059Students per computer

Most communicate at > 10 mpsLAN Connection Speed

ELEM-SCHSchool Type

067Division #

0310School #

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CREWE PRIMARY School 8Sup Region #

YESIs this school connected to the internet

1.544 megabits/sec (T1)Upstream Data Rate 1.544 megabits/sec (T1)Downstream Data Rate

12 way voice communication with the school office?

28How many classrooms in this school have phones?

1FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

28# of Classrooms 1# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

20Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

15Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

2Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

276Student Count

1% of classrooms with phones

30Total instructional Rooms 37Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 0Teachers with Palms

7.45945946Students per computer

Most communicate at > 10 mpsLAN Connection Speed

ELEM-SCHSchool Type

067Division #

0330School #

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YESIs this school connected to the internet

1.544 megabits/sec (T1)Upstream Data Rate 1.544 megabits/sec (T1)Downstream Data Rate

12 way voice communication with the school office?

42How many classrooms in this school have phones?

1FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

42# of Classrooms 0# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

53Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

0Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

2Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

455Student Count

1% of classrooms with phones

43Total instructional Rooms 55Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 0Teachers with Palms

8.27272727Students per computer

Most communicate at > 10 mpsLAN Connection Speed

ELEM-SCHSchool Type

067Division #

0340School #

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WOOLWINE ELEM.School 6Sup Region #

YESIs this school connected to the internet

1.544 megabits/sec (T1)Upstream Data Rate 1.544 megabits/sec (T1)Downstream Data Rate

12 way voice communication with the school office?

0How many classrooms in this school have phones?

0.2FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

16# of Classrooms 1# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

16Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

30Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

6Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

253Student Count

0% of classrooms with phones

18Total instructional Rooms 82Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 0Teachers with Palms

3.08536585Students per computer

Most communicate at > 10 mpsLAN Connection Speed

ELEM-SCHSchool Type

070Division #

0080School #

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MEADOWS OF DAN ELEM. School 6Sup Region #

YESIs this school connected to the internet

1.544 megabits/sec (T1)Upstream Data Rate 1.544 megabits/sec (T1)Downstream Data Rate

12 way voice communication with the school office?

0How many classrooms in this school have phones?

0.2FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

8# of Classrooms 1# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

8Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

30Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

6Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

115Student Count

0% of classrooms with phones

10Total instructional Rooms 74Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 0Teachers with Palms

1.55405405Students per computer

All communicate at 100 mpsLAN Connection Speed

ELEM-SCHSchool Type

070Division #

0150School #

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STUART ELEM. School 6Sup Region #

YESIs this school connected to the internet

> 1.544 megabits/secUpstream Data Rate > 1.544 megabits/secDownstream Data Rate

12 way voice communication with the school office?

0How many classrooms in this school have phones?

0.2FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

29# of Classrooms 1# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

29Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

30Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

6Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

484Student Count

0% of classrooms with phones

31Total instructional Rooms 95Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 0Teachers with Palms

5.09473684Students per computer

Most communicate at > 10 mpsLAN Connection Speed

ELEM-SCHSchool Type

070Division #

0320School #

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HARDIN REYNOLDS ELEM. School 6Sup Region #

YESIs this school connected to the internet

1.544 megabits/sec (T1)Upstream Data Rate 1.544 megabits/sec (T1)Downstream Data Rate

12 way voice communication with the school office?

0How many classrooms in this school have phones?

0.2FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

12# of Classrooms 1# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

12Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

30Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

6Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

213Student Count

0% of classrooms with phones

14Total instructional Rooms 78Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 0Teachers with Palms

2.73076923Students per computer

Most communicate at > 10 mpsLAN Connection Speed

ELEM-SCHSchool Type

070Division #

0350School #

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BLUE RIDGE ELEM. School 6Sup Region #

YESIs this school connected to the internet

1.544 megabits/sec (T1)Upstream Data Rate 1.544 megabits/sec (T1)Downstream Data Rate

12 way voice communication with the school office?

0How many classrooms in this school have phones?

0.2FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

16# of Classrooms 1# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

16Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

30Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

6Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

317Student Count

0% of classrooms with phones

18Total instructional Rooms 82Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 0Teachers with Palms

3.86585366Students per computer

Most communicate at > 10 mpsLAN Connection Speed

ELEM-SCHSchool Type

070Division #

0440School #

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PATRICK SPRINGS ELEM. School 6Sup Region #

YESIs this school connected to the internet

> 1.544 megabits/secUpstream Data Rate > 1.544 megabits/secDownstream Data Rate

12 way voice communication with the school office?

0How many classrooms in this school have phones?

0.2FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

13# of Classrooms 1# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

13Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

30Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

6Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

264Student Count

0% of classrooms with phones

15Total instructional Rooms 79Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 0Teachers with Palms

3.34177215Students per computer

Most communicate at > 10 mpsLAN Connection Speed

ELEM-SCHSchool Type

070Division #

0680School #

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PATRICK COUNTY HIGH School 6Sup Region #

YESIs this school connected to the internet

> 1.544 megabits/secUpstream Data Rate > 1.544 megabits/secDownstream Data Rate

12 way voice communication with the school office?

5How many classrooms in this school have phones?

0.2FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

56# of Classrooms 8# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

56Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

200Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

6Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

1004Student Count

?% of classrooms with phones

65Total instructional Rooms 462Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 0Teachers with Palms

2.17316017Students per computer

All communicate at 100 mpsLAN Connection Speed

HIGH-SCHSchool Type

070Division #

0700School #

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JOHN L. HURT ELEM. School 6Sup Region #

YESIs this school connected to the internet

1.544 megabits/sec (T1)Upstream Data Rate > 1.544 megabits/secDownstream Data Rate

12 way voice communication with the school office?

0How many classrooms in this school have phones?

0.2FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

39# of Classrooms 1# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

0Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

25Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

5Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

263Student Count

0% of classrooms with phones

41Total instructional Rooms 30Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 0Teachers with Palms

8.76666667Students per computer

All communicate at 100 mpsLAN Connection Speed

ELEM-SCHSchool Type

071Division #

0030School #

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GRETNA ELEM. School 6Sup Region #

YESIs this school connected to the internet

> 1.544 megabits/secUpstream Data Rate > 1.544 megabits/secDownstream Data Rate

12 way voice communication with the school office?

0How many classrooms in this school have phones?

0.2FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

16# of Classrooms 1# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

0Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

25Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

1Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

736Student Count

0% of classrooms with phones

18Total instructional Rooms 26Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 0Teachers with Palms

28.3076923Students per computer

All communicate at 100 mpsLAN Connection Speed

ELEM-SCHSchool Type

071Division #

0280School #

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GRETNA MIDDLE School 6Sup Region #

YESIs this school connected to the internet

1.544 megabits/sec (T1)Upstream Data Rate > 1.544 megabits/secDownstream Data Rate

12 way voice communication with the school office?

0How many classrooms in this school have phones?

0.2FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

39# of Classrooms 1# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

0Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

25Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

5Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

574Student Count

0% of classrooms with phones

41Total instructional Rooms 30Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 0Teachers with Palms

19.1333333Students per computer

All communicate at 100 mpsLAN Connection Speed

MID-SCHSchool Type

071Division #

0290School #

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CHATHAM ELEM. School 6Sup Region #

YESIs this school connected to the internet

> 1.544 megabits/secUpstream Data Rate > 1.544 megabits/secDownstream Data Rate

12 way voice communication with the school office?

0How many classrooms in this school have phones?

0.2FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

16# of Classrooms 1# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

0Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

25Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

1Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

251Student Count

0% of classrooms with phones

18Total instructional Rooms 26Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 0Teachers with Palms

9.65384615Students per computer

All communicate at 100 mpsLAN Connection Speed

ELEM-SCHSchool Type

071Division #

0640School #

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DAN RIVER MIDDLE School 6Sup Region #

YESIs this school connected to the internet

> 1.544 megabits/secUpstream Data Rate > 1.544 megabits/secDownstream Data Rate

12 way voice communication with the school office?

0How many classrooms in this school have phones?

0FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

45# of Classrooms 7# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

45Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

153Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

8Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

216Student Count

0% of classrooms with phones

53Total instructional Rooms 206Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 0Teachers with Palms

1.04854369Students per computer

All communicate at 100 mpsLAN Connection Speed

ELEM-SCHSchool Type

071Division #

1090School #

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BROSVILLE MIDDLE School 6Sup Region #

YESIs this school connected to the internet

> 1.544 megabits/secUpstream Data Rate > 1.544 megabits/secDownstream Data Rate

12 way voice communication with the school office?

0How many classrooms in this school have phones?

0.2FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

12# of Classrooms 1# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

1Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

28Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

5Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

269Student Count

0% of classrooms with phones

14Total instructional Rooms 34Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 0Teachers with Palms

7.91176471Students per computer

All communicate at 100 mpsLAN Connection Speed

ELEM-SCHSchool Type

071Division #

1130School #

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SOUTHSIDE ELEM. School 6Sup Region #

YESIs this school connected to the internet

1.544 megabits/sec (T1)Upstream Data Rate > 1.544 megabits/secDownstream Data Rate

12 way voice communication with the school office?

0How many classrooms in this school have phones?

0.2FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

39# of Classrooms 1# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

0Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

25Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

5Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

508Student Count

0% of classrooms with phones

41Total instructional Rooms 30Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 0Teachers with Palms

16.9333333Students per computer

All communicate at 100 mpsLAN Connection Speed

ELEM-SCHSchool Type

071Division #

1460School #

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BLAIRS MIDDLE School 6Sup Region #

YESIs this school connected to the internet

1.544 megabits/sec (T1)Upstream Data Rate > 1.544 megabits/secDownstream Data Rate

12 way voice communication with the school office?

0How many classrooms in this school have phones?

0.2FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

39# of Classrooms 1# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

0Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

25Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

5Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

633Student Count

0% of classrooms with phones

41Total instructional Rooms 30Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 0Teachers with Palms

21.1Students per computer

All communicate at 100 mpsLAN Connection Speed

MID-SCHSchool Type

071Division #

1462School #

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CENTRAL MIDDLE School 6Sup Region #

YESIs this school connected to the internet

> 1.544 megabits/secUpstream Data Rate > 1.544 megabits/secDownstream Data Rate

12 way voice communication with the school office?

0How many classrooms in this school have phones?

0.2FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

20# of Classrooms 1# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

0Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

27Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

5Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

272Student Count

0% of classrooms with phones

22Total instructional Rooms 32Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 0Teachers with Palms

8.5Students per computer

All communicate at 100 mpsLAN Connection Speed

ELEM-SCHSchool Type

071Division #

1660School #

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DAN RIVER SR. HIGH School 6Sup Region #

YESIs this school connected to the internet

> 1.544 megabits/secUpstream Data Rate > 1.544 megabits/secDownstream Data Rate

22 way voice communication with the school office?

0How many classrooms in this school have phones?

0FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

30# of Classrooms 7# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

30Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

153Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

8Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

741Student Count

0% of classrooms with phones

38Total instructional Rooms 191Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 0Teachers with Palms

3.87958115Students per computer

All communicate at 100 mpsLAN Connection Speed

HIGH-SCHSchool Type

071Division #

1680School #

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KENTUCK ELEM. School 6Sup Region #

YESIs this school connected to the internet

> 1.544 megabits/secUpstream Data Rate > 1.544 megabits/secDownstream Data Rate

12 way voice communication with the school office?

0How many classrooms in this school have phones?

0.2FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

28# of Classrooms 1# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

1Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

30Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

1Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

547Student Count

0% of classrooms with phones

30Total instructional Rooms 32Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 0Teachers with Palms

17.09375Students per computer

All communicate at 100 mpsLAN Connection Speed

ELEM-SCHSchool Type

071Division #

1690School #

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GRETNA SR. HIGH School 6Sup Region #

YESIs this school connected to the internet

> 1.544 megabits/secUpstream Data Rate > 1.544 megabits/secDownstream Data Rate

22 way voice communication with the school office?

0How many classrooms in this school have phones?

0FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

30# of Classrooms 6# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

30Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

147Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

8Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

722Student Count

0% of classrooms with phones

37Total instructional Rooms 185Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 0Teachers with Palms

3.9027027Students per computer

All communicate at 100 mpsLAN Connection Speed

HIGH-SCHSchool Type

071Division #

1700School #

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STONY MILL ELEM. School 6Sup Region #

YESIs this school connected to the internet

> 1.544 megabits/secUpstream Data Rate > 1.544 megabits/secDownstream Data Rate

12 way voice communication with the school office?

0How many classrooms in this school have phones?

0.2FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

28# of Classrooms 1# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

1Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

31Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

1Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

504Student Count

0% of classrooms with phones

30Total instructional Rooms 33Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 0Teachers with Palms

15.2727273Students per computer

All communicate at 100 mpsLAN Connection Speed

ELEM-SCHSchool Type

071Division #

1710School #

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CHATHAM HIGH School 6Sup Region #

YESIs this school connected to the internet

> 1.544 megabits/secUpstream Data Rate > 1.544 megabits/secDownstream Data Rate

22 way voice communication with the school office?

0How many classrooms in this school have phones?

0FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

30# of Classrooms 7# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

30Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

153Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

8Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

763Student Count

0% of classrooms with phones

38Total instructional Rooms 191Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 0Teachers with Palms

3.9947644Students per computer

All communicate at 100 mpsLAN Connection Speed

HIGH-SCHSchool Type

071Division #

1720School #

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TUNSTALL SR. HIGHSchool 6Sup Region #

YESIs this school connected to the internet

> 1.544 megabits/secUpstream Data Rate > 1.544 megabits/secDownstream Data Rate

22 way voice communication with the school office?

0How many classrooms in this school have phones?

0FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

30# of Classrooms 7# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

30Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

153Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

8Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

939Student Count

0% of classrooms with phones

38Total instructional Rooms 191Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 0Teachers with Palms

4.91623037Students per computer

All communicate at 100 mpsLAN Connection Speed

HIGH-SCHSchool Type

071Division #

1730School #

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UNION HALL ELEM. School 6Sup Region #

YESIs this school connected to the internet

> 1.544 megabits/secUpstream Data Rate > 1.544 megabits/secDownstream Data Rate

12 way voice communication with the school office?

0How many classrooms in this school have phones?

0.2FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

28# of Classrooms 5# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

1Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

31Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

5Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

218Student Count

0% of classrooms with phones

34Total instructional Rooms 37Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 0Teachers with Palms

5.89189189Students per computer

All communicate at 100 mpsLAN Connection Speed

ELEM-SCHSchool Type

071Division #

1740School #

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MT. AIRY ELEM. School 6Sup Region #

YESIs this school connected to the internet

1.544 megabits/sec (T1)Upstream Data Rate > 1.544 megabits/secDownstream Data Rate

12 way voice communication with the school office?

0How many classrooms in this school have phones?

0.2FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

19# of Classrooms 1# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

0Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

29Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

5Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

218Student Count

0% of classrooms with phones

21Total instructional Rooms 34Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 0Teachers with Palms

6.41176471Students per computer

All communicate at 100 mpsLAN Connection Speed

ELEM-SCHSchool Type

071Division #

1750School #

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TWIN SPRINGS ELEM. School 6Sup Region #

YESIs this school connected to the internet

1.544 megabits/sec (T1)Upstream Data Rate > 1.544 megabits/secDownstream Data Rate

12 way voice communication with the school office?

0How many classrooms in this school have phones?

0.2FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

19# of Classrooms 1# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

0Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

29Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

5Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

812Student Count

0% of classrooms with phones

21Total instructional Rooms 34Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 0Teachers with Palms

23.8823529Students per computer

All communicate at 100 mpsLAN Connection Speed

ELEM-SCHSchool Type

071Division #

1851School #

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PRINCE EDWARD ELEM. School 8Sup Region #

YESIs this school connected to the internet

< 128 kilobits/secUpstream Data Rate < 128 kilobits/secDownstream Data Rate

12 way voice communication with the school office?

1How many classrooms in this school have phones?

1FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

70# of Classrooms 2# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

110Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

48Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

20Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

1064Student Count

?% of classrooms with phones

73Total instructional Rooms 178Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 0Teachers with Palms

5.97752809Students per computer

Most communicate at 10 mps.LAN Connection Speed

ELEM-SCHSchool Type

073Division #

0010School #

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YESIs this school connected to the internet

< 128 kilobits/secUpstream Data Rate < 128 kilobits/secDownstream Data Rate

12 way voice communication with the school office?

0How many classrooms in this school have phones?

0.5FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

63# of Classrooms 3# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

80Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

72Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

10Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

885Student Count

0% of classrooms with phones

67Total instructional Rooms 162Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 0Teachers with Palms

5.46296296Students per computer

All communicate at 100 mpsLAN Connection Speed

COMB-SCHSchool Type

073Division #

0020School #

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YESIs this school connected to the internet

< 128 kilobits/secUpstream Data Rate < 128 kilobits/secDownstream Data Rate

12 way voice communication with the school office?

0How many classrooms in this school have phones?

0.5FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

64# of Classrooms 8# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

80Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

192Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

24Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

750Student Count

0% of classrooms with phones

73Total instructional Rooms 296Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 0Teachers with Palms

2.53378378Students per computer

All communicate at 100 mpsLAN Connection Speed

HIGH-SCHSchool Type

073Division #

0400School #

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SOUTH ELEM. School 1Sup Region #

YESIs this school connected to the internet

256 kilobits/secUpstream Data Rate 256 kilobits/secDownstream Data Rate

12 way voice communication with the school office?

0How many classrooms in this school have phones?

0.1FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

28# of Classrooms 1# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

30Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

25Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

6Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

361Student Count

0% of classrooms with phones

30Total instructional Rooms 91Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 0Teachers with Palms

3.96703297Students per computer

Most communicate at 10 mps.LAN Connection Speed

ELEM-SCHSchool Type

074Division #

0300School #

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L. L. BEAZLEY ELEM. School 1Sup Region #

YESIs this school connected to the internet

256 kilobits/secUpstream Data Rate 256 kilobits/secDownstream Data Rate

12 way voice communication with the school office?

0How many classrooms in this school have phones?

0.1FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

40# of Classrooms 1# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

46Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

25Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

15Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

733Student Count

0% of classrooms with phones

43Total instructional Rooms 167Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 0Teachers with Palms

4.38922156Students per computer

Most communicate at 10 mps.LAN Connection Speed

ELEM-SCHSchool Type

074Division #

0310School #

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J. E. J. MOORE MIDDLE SCHOOLSchool 1Sup Region #

YESIs this school connected to the internet

1.544 megabits/sec (T1)Upstream Data Rate 1.544 megabits/sec (T1)Downstream Data Rate

12 way voice communication with the school office?

81How many classrooms in this school have phones?

0.2FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

81# of Classrooms 4# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

90Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

100Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

15Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

1050Student Count

1% of classrooms with phones

86Total instructional Rooms 330Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 0Teachers with Palms

3.18181818Students per computer

Most communicate at 10 mps.LAN Connection Speed

MID-SCHSchool Type

074Division #

0320School #

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DAVID A. HARRISON ELEM. School 1Sup Region #

YESIs this school connected to the internet

256 kilobits/secUpstream Data Rate 256 kilobits/secDownstream Data Rate

12 way voice communication with the school office?

0How many classrooms in this school have phones?

0.1FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

25# of Classrooms 1# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

30Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

25Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

6Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

406Student Count

0% of classrooms with phones

27Total instructional Rooms 116Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 0Teachers with Palms

3.5Students per computer

Most communicate at 10 mps.LAN Connection Speed

ELEM-SCHSchool Type

074Division #

0340School #

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LEBANON HIGH School 7Sup Region #

YESIs this school connected to the internet

512 kilobits/secUpstream Data Rate 512 kilobits/secDownstream Data Rate

12 way voice communication with the school office?

1How many classrooms in this school have phones?

0.25FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

50# of Classrooms 5# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

50Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

125Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

7Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

726Student Count

?% of classrooms with phones

56Total instructional Rooms 307Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 0Teachers with Palms

2.36482085Students per computer

Most communicate at > 10 mpsLAN Connection Speed

HIGH-SCHSchool Type

083Division #

0140School #

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LEBANON ELEM. School 7Sup Region #

YESIs this school connected to the internet

512 kilobits/secUpstream Data Rate 512 kilobits/secDownstream Data Rate

12 way voice communication with the school office?

0How many classrooms in this school have phones?

0.25FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

29# of Classrooms 1# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

29Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

28Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

7Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

416Student Count

0% of classrooms with phones

31Total instructional Rooms 94Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 0Teachers with Palms

4.42553191Students per computer

Most communicate at > 10 mpsLAN Connection Speed

ELEM-SCHSchool Type

083Division #

0390School #

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LEBANON MIDDLE School 7Sup Region #

YESIs this school connected to the internet

512 kilobits/secUpstream Data Rate 512 kilobits/secDownstream Data Rate

12 way voice communication with the school office?

2How many classrooms in this school have phones?

0.25FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

28# of Classrooms 1# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

28Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

27Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

7Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

450Student Count

?% of classrooms with phones

30Total instructional Rooms 89Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 0Teachers with Palms

5.05617978Students per computer

Most communicate at > 10 mpsLAN Connection Speed

ELEM-SCHSchool Type

083Division #

0410School #

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HONAKER HIGH School 7Sup Region #

YESIs this school connected to the internet

512 kilobits/secUpstream Data Rate 512 kilobits/secDownstream Data Rate

12 way voice communication with the school office?

2How many classrooms in this school have phones?

0.25FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

42# of Classrooms 5# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

42Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

130Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

7Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

474Student Count

0% of classrooms with phones

48Total instructional Rooms 309Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 0Teachers with Palms

1.53398058Students per computer

Most communicate at > 10 mpsLAN Connection Speed

HIGH-SCHSchool Type

083Division #

0540School #

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YESIs this school connected to the internet

512 kilobits/secUpstream Data Rate 512 kilobits/secDownstream Data Rate

12 way voice communication with the school office?

0How many classrooms in this school have phones?

0.25FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

12# of Classrooms 1# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

12Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

12Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

1Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

181Student Count

0% of classrooms with phones

14Total instructional Rooms 37Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 0Teachers with Palms

4.89189189Students per computer

Most communicate at 10 mps.LAN Connection Speed

ELEM-SCHSchool Type

083Division #

0580School #

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SWORDS CREEK ELEM. School 7Sup Region #

YESIs this school connected to the internet

512 kilobits/secUpstream Data Rate 512 kilobits/secDownstream Data Rate

12 way voice communication with the school office?

1How many classrooms in this school have phones?

0.25FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

8# of Classrooms 1# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

8Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

26Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

4Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

143Student Count

?% of classrooms with phones

10Total instructional Rooms 64Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 0Teachers with Palms

2.234375Students per computer

Most communicate at 10 mps.LAN Connection Speed

ELEM-SCHSchool Type

083Division #

0710School #

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CASTLEWOOD HIGH School 7Sup Region #

YESIs this school connected to the internet

512 kilobits/secUpstream Data Rate 512 kilobits/secDownstream Data Rate

12 way voice communication with the school office?

3How many classrooms in this school have phones?

0.25FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

27# of Classrooms 4# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

27Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

120Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

6Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

329Student Count

0% of classrooms with phones

32Total instructional Rooms 273Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 0Teachers with Palms

1.20512821Students per computer

Most communicate at > 10 mpsLAN Connection Speed

HIGH-SCHSchool Type

083Division #

0791School #

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CASTLEWOOD ELEM. School 7Sup Region #

YESIs this school connected to the internet

512 kilobits/secUpstream Data Rate 512 kilobits/secDownstream Data Rate

12 way voice communication with the school office?

0How many classrooms in this school have phones?

0.25FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

25# of Classrooms 2# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

1Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

52Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

5Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

541Student Count

0% of classrooms with phones

28Total instructional Rooms 113Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 0Teachers with Palms

4.78761062Students per computer

Most communicate at 10 mps.LAN Connection Speed

ELEM-SCHSchool Type

083Division #

0792School #

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GIVENS ELEM. School 7Sup Region #

YESIs this school connected to the internet

512 kilobits/secUpstream Data Rate 512 kilobits/secDownstream Data Rate

12 way voice communication with the school office?

0How many classrooms in this school have phones?

0.25FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

6# of Classrooms 0# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

6Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

0Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

2Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

106Student Count

0% of classrooms with phones

7Total instructional Rooms 8Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 0Teachers with Palms

13.25Students per computer

Most communicate at 10 mps.LAN Connection Speed

ELEM-SCHSchool Type

083Division #

0800School #

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COPPER CREEK ELEM. School 7Sup Region #

YESIs this school connected to the internet

512 kilobits/secUpstream Data Rate 512 kilobits/secDownstream Data Rate

22 way voice communication with the school office?

0How many classrooms in this school have phones?

0.25FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

6# of Classrooms 1# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

6Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

14Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

2Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

82Student Count

0% of classrooms with phones

8Total instructional Rooms 36Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 0Teachers with Palms

2.27777778Students per computer

Most communicate at > 10 mpsLAN Connection Speed

ELEM-SCHSchool Type

083Division #

0820School #

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CLEVELAND ELEM. School 7Sup Region #

YESIs this school connected to the internet

512 kilobits/secUpstream Data Rate 512 kilobits/secDownstream Data Rate

12 way voice communication with the school office?

0How many classrooms in this school have phones?

0.25FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

15# of Classrooms 1# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

15Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

22Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

10Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

156Student Count

0% of classrooms with phones

17Total instructional Rooms 71Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 0Teachers with Palms

2.1971831Students per computer

Most communicate at 10 mps.LAN Connection Speed

ELEM-SCHSchool Type

083Division #

0880School #

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HONAKER ELEM. School 7Sup Region #

YESIs this school connected to the internet

512 kilobits/secUpstream Data Rate 512 kilobits/secDownstream Data Rate

12 way voice communication with the school office?

0How many classrooms in this school have phones?

0.25FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

41# of Classrooms 2# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

43Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

52Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

6Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

656Student Count

0% of classrooms with phones

44Total instructional Rooms 221Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 0Teachers with Palms

2.96832579Students per computer

Most communicate at 10 mps.LAN Connection Speed

ELEM-SCHSchool Type

083Division #

0890School #

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RYE COVE INT. School 7Sup Region #

YESIs this school connected to the internet

> 1.544 megabits/secUpstream Data Rate 1.544 megabits/sec (T1)Downstream Data Rate

12 way voice communication with the school office?

0How many classrooms in this school have phones?

0.73FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

11# of Classrooms 1# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

33Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

26Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

5Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

186Student Count

0% of classrooms with phones

13Total instructional Rooms 117Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 0Teachers with Palms

1.58974359Students per computer

All communicate at 100 mpsLAN Connection Speed

ELEM-SCHSchool Type

084Division #

0020School #

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YESIs this school connected to the internet

> 1.544 megabits/secUpstream Data Rate 1.544 megabits/sec (T1)Downstream Data Rate

12 way voice communication with the school office?

0How many classrooms in this school have phones?

0.73FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

7# of Classrooms 1# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

28Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

20Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

5Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

89Student Count

0% of classrooms with phones

9Total instructional Rooms 100Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 0Teachers with Palms

0.89Students per computer

All communicate at 100 mpsLAN Connection Speed

ELEM-SCHSchool Type

084Division #

0042School #

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FORT BLACKMORE ELEM. School 7Sup Region #

YESIs this school connected to the internet

> 1.544 megabits/secUpstream Data Rate 1.544 megabits/sec (T1)Downstream Data Rate

12 way voice communication with the school office?

0How many classrooms in this school have phones?

0.73FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

7# of Classrooms 1# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

24Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

20Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

6Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

94Student Count

0% of classrooms with phones

9Total instructional Rooms 94Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 0Teachers with Palms

1Students per computer

All communicate at 100 mpsLAN Connection Speed

ELEM-SCHSchool Type

084Division #

0102School #

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NICKELSVILLE ELEM. School 7Sup Region #

YESIs this school connected to the internet

> 1.544 megabits/secUpstream Data Rate 1.544 megabits/sec (T1)Downstream Data Rate

12 way voice communication with the school office?

0How many classrooms in this school have phones?

0.73FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

18# of Classrooms 1# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

72Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

25Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

5Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

281Student Count

0% of classrooms with phones

20Total instructional Rooms 189Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 0Teachers with Palms

1.48677249Students per computer

All communicate at 100 mpsLAN Connection Speed

ELEM-SCHSchool Type

084Division #

0220School #

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RYE COVE HIGH School 7Sup Region #

YESIs this school connected to the internet

> 1.544 megabits/secUpstream Data Rate > 1.544 megabits/secDownstream Data Rate

22 way voice communication with the school office?

2How many classrooms in this school have phones?

0.73FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

23# of Classrooms 3# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

46Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

75Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

24Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

310Student Count

?% of classrooms with phones

27Total instructional Rooms 145Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 0Teachers with Palms

2.13793103Students per computer

All communicate at 100 mpsLAN Connection Speed

HIGH-SCHSchool Type

084Division #

0260School #

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SHOEMAKER ELEM. School 7Sup Region #

YESIs this school connected to the internet

> 1.544 megabits/secUpstream Data Rate 1.544 megabits/sec (T1)Downstream Data Rate

12 way voice communication with the school office?

0How many classrooms in this school have phones?

1.23FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

27# of Classrooms 2# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

81Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

45Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

5Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

407Student Count

0% of classrooms with phones

30Total instructional Rooms 131Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 0Teachers with Palms

3.10687023Students per computer

All communicate at 100 mpsLAN Connection Speed

ELEM-SCHSchool Type

084Division #

0641School #

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HILTON ELEM. School 7Sup Region #

YESIs this school connected to the internet

256 kilobits/secUpstream Data Rate 256 kilobits/secDownstream Data Rate

12 way voice communication with the school office?

0How many classrooms in this school have phones?

0.73FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

13# of Classrooms 2# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

42Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

42Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

4Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

182Student Count

0% of classrooms with phones

16Total instructional Rooms 168Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 0Teachers with Palms

1.08333333Students per computer

All communicate at 100 mpsLAN Connection Speed

ELEM-SCHSchool Type

084Division #

0670School #

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WEBER CITY ELEM. School 7Sup Region #

YESIs this school connected to the internet

256 kilobits/secUpstream Data Rate 256 kilobits/secDownstream Data Rate

12 way voice communication with the school office?

0How many classrooms in this school have phones?

1.23FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

19# of Classrooms 1# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

66Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

22Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

6Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

379Student Count

0% of classrooms with phones

21Total instructional Rooms 170Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 0Teachers with Palms

2.22941176Students per computer

All communicate at 100 mpsLAN Connection Speed

ELEM-SCHSchool Type

084Division #

0740School #

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YESIs this school connected to the internet

> 1.544 megabits/secUpstream Data Rate 1.544 megabits/sec (T1)Downstream Data Rate

12 way voice communication with the school office?

0How many classrooms in this school have phones?

1.23FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

21# of Classrooms 2# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

46Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

26Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

5Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

299Student Count

0% of classrooms with phones

24Total instructional Rooms 136Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 0Teachers with Palms

2.19852941Students per computer

All communicate at 100 mpsLAN Connection Speed

ELEM-SCHSchool Type

084Division #

0750School #

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GATE CITY HIGH School 7Sup Region #

YESIs this school connected to the internet

> 1.544 megabits/secUpstream Data Rate > 1.544 megabits/secDownstream Data Rate

22 way voice communication with the school office?

2How many classrooms in this school have phones?

0.21FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

28# of Classrooms 3# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

56Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

66Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

30Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

477Student Count

?% of classrooms with phones

32Total instructional Rooms 259Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 0Teachers with Palms

1.84169884Students per computer

All communicate at 100 mpsLAN Connection Speed

HIGH-SCHSchool Type

084Division #

0770School #

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GATE CITY MIDDLE School 7Sup Region #

YESIs this school connected to the internet

> 1.544 megabits/secUpstream Data Rate > 1.544 megabits/secDownstream Data Rate

12 way voice communication with the school office?

0How many classrooms in this school have phones?

0.21FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

31# of Classrooms 2# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

64Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

55Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

30Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

464Student Count

0% of classrooms with phones

34Total instructional Rooms 149Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 0Teachers with Palms

3.11409396Students per computer

All communicate at 100 mpsLAN Connection Speed

MID-SCHSchool Type

084Division #

0771School #

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TWIN SPRINGS HIGH School 7Sup Region #

YESIs this school connected to the internet

> 1.544 megabits/secUpstream Data Rate > 1.544 megabits/secDownstream Data Rate

12 way voice communication with the school office?

0How many classrooms in this school have phones?

0.21FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

20# of Classrooms 2# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

40Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

50Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

20Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

305Student Count

0% of classrooms with phones

23Total instructional Rooms 185Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 0Teachers with Palms

1.64864865Students per computer

All communicate at 100 mpsLAN Connection Speed

HIGH-SCHSchool Type

084Division #

0780School #

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YUMA ELEM. School 7Sup Region #

YESIs this school connected to the internet

256 kilobits/secUpstream Data Rate 256 kilobits/secDownstream Data Rate

12 way voice communication with the school office?

0How many classrooms in this school have phones?

0.23FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

9# of Classrooms 2# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

32Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

35Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

5Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

162Student Count

0% of classrooms with phones

12Total instructional Rooms 72Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 0Teachers with Palms

2.25Students per computer

All communicate at 100 mpsLAN Connection Speed

ELEM-SCHSchool Type

084Division #

0790School #

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NORTHWOOD MIDDLE School 7Sup Region #

YESIs this school connected to the internet

< 128 kilobits/secUpstream Data Rate < 128 kilobits/secDownstream Data Rate

22 way voice communication with the school office?

0How many classrooms in this school have phones?

0.25FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

21# of Classrooms 2# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

12Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

15Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

5Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

264Student Count

0% of classrooms with phones

24Total instructional Rooms 32Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 0Teachers with Palms

8.25Students per computer

Most communicate at > 10 mpsLAN Connection Speed

MID-SCHSchool Type

086Division #

0120School #

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NORTHWOOD HIGH School 7Sup Region #

YESIs this school connected to the internet

1.544 megabits/sec (T1)Upstream Data Rate 1.544 megabits/sec (T1)Downstream Data Rate

12 way voice communication with the school office?

1How many classrooms in this school have phones?

0.25FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

22# of Classrooms 3# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

22Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

51Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

2Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

276Student Count

?% of classrooms with phones

26Total instructional Rooms 75Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 0Teachers with Palms

3.68Students per computer

Most communicate at > 10 mpsLAN Connection Speed

HIGH-SCHSchool Type

086Division #

0250School #

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ATKINS ELEM. School 7Sup Region #

YESIs this school connected to the internet

< 128 kilobits/secUpstream Data Rate < 128 kilobits/secDownstream Data Rate

12 way voice communication with the school office?

0How many classrooms in this school have phones?

0.25FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

15# of Classrooms 1# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

4Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

16Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

0Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

168Student Count

0% of classrooms with phones

17Total instructional Rooms 20Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 0Teachers with Palms

8.4Students per computer

Most communicate at 10 mps.LAN Connection Speed

ELEM-SCHSchool Type

086Division #

0290School #

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CHILHOWIE HIGHSchool 7Sup Region #

YESIs this school connected to the internet

1.544 megabits/sec (T1)Upstream Data Rate 1.544 megabits/sec (T1)Downstream Data Rate

12 way voice communication with the school office?

1How many classrooms in this school have phones?

0.25FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

25# of Classrooms 3# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

28Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

90Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

3Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

420Student Count

0.04% of classrooms with phones

29Total instructional Rooms 121Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 0Teachers with Palms

3.47107438Students per computer

Most communicate at > 10 mpsLAN Connection Speed

HIGH-SCHSchool Type

086Division #

0460School #

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SUGAR GROVE COMB.School 7Sup Region #

YESIs this school connected to the internet

< 128 kilobits/secUpstream Data Rate < 128 kilobits/secDownstream Data Rate

12 way voice communication with the school office?

0How many classrooms in this school have phones?

0.25FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

20# of Classrooms 1# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

6Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

14Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

1Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

236Student Count

0% of classrooms with phones

22Total instructional Rooms 21Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 0Teachers with Palms

11.2380952Students per computer

Most communicate at 10 mps.LAN Connection Speed

COMB-SCHSchool Type

086Division #

0530School #

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MARION MIDDLE School 7Sup Region #

YESIs this school connected to the internet

< 128 kilobits/secUpstream Data Rate < 128 kilobits/secDownstream Data Rate

12 way voice communication with the school office?

0How many classrooms in this school have phones?

0.25FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

38# of Classrooms 1# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

15Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

24Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

5Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

519Student Count

0% of classrooms with phones

40Total instructional Rooms 44Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 0Teachers with Palms

11.7954545Students per computer

Most communicate at > 10 mpsLAN Connection Speed

MID-SCHSchool Type

086Division #

0680School #

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MARION INT. School 7Sup Region #

YESIs this school connected to the internet

< 128 kilobits/secUpstream Data Rate < 128 kilobits/secDownstream Data Rate

22 way voice communication with the school office?

0How many classrooms in this school have phones?

0.25FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

34# of Classrooms 1# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

8Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

16Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

2Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

501Student Count

0% of classrooms with phones

36Total instructional Rooms 26Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 0Teachers with Palms

19.2692308Students per computer

Most communicate at 10 mps.LAN Connection Speed

ELEM-SCHSchool Type

086Division #

0690School #

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MARION SENIOR HIGH School 7Sup Region #

YESIs this school connected to the internet

> 1.544 megabits/secUpstream Data Rate > 1.544 megabits/secDownstream Data Rate

12 way voice communication with the school office?

3How many classrooms in this school have phones?

0.75FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

40# of Classrooms 5# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

54Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

121Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

8Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

815Student Count

?% of classrooms with phones

46Total instructional Rooms 184Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 0Teachers with Palms

4.42934783Students per computer

Most communicate at > 10 mpsLAN Connection Speed

HIGH-SCHSchool Type

086Division #

0700School #

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MARION PRIMARY School 7Sup Region #

YESIs this school connected to the internet

< 128 kilobits/secUpstream Data Rate < 128 kilobits/secDownstream Data Rate

12 way voice communication with the school office?

0How many classrooms in this school have phones?

0.25FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

39# of Classrooms 0# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

15Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

0Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

1Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

442Student Count

0% of classrooms with phones

41Total instructional Rooms 17Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 0Teachers with Palms

26Students per computer

Most communicate at 10 mps.LAN Connection Speed

ELEM-SCHSchool Type

086Division #

0710School #

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RICH VALLEY ELEM School 7Sup Region #

YESIs this school connected to the internet

< 128 kilobits/secUpstream Data Rate < 128 kilobits/secDownstream Data Rate

22 way voice communication with the school office?

0How many classrooms in this school have phones?

0.25FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

14# of Classrooms 1# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

3Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

14Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

1Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

191Student Count

0% of classrooms with phones

16Total instructional Rooms 18Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 0Teachers with Palms

10.6111111Students per computer

All communicate at 100 mpsLAN Connection Speed

ELEM-SCHSchool Type

086Division #

0720School #

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CHILHOWIE ELEM. School 7Sup Region #

YESIs this school connected to the internet

< 128 kilobits/secUpstream Data Rate < 128 kilobits/secDownstream Data Rate

12 way voice communication with the school office?

2How many classrooms in this school have phones?

0.5FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

44# of Classrooms 2# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

10Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

6Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

1Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

687Student Count

?% of classrooms with phones

48Total instructional Rooms 18Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 0Teachers with Palms

38.1666667Students per computer

Most communicate at > 10 mpsLAN Connection Speed

ELEM-SCHSchool Type

086Division #

0730School #

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SALTVILLE ELEM. School 7Sup Region #

YESIs this school connected to the internet

< 128 kilobits/secUpstream Data Rate < 128 kilobits/secDownstream Data Rate

12 way voice communication with the school office?

1How many classrooms in this school have phones?

0.25FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

23# of Classrooms 1# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

5Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

4Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

1Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

287Student Count

?% of classrooms with phones

26Total instructional Rooms 11Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 0Teachers with Palms

26.0909091Students per computer

Most communicate at 10 mps.LAN Connection Speed

ELEM-SCHSchool Type

086Division #

0740School #

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CHILHOWIE MIDDLESchool 7Sup Region #

YESIs this school connected to the internet

1.544 megabits/sec (T1)Upstream Data Rate 1.544 megabits/sec (T1)Downstream Data Rate

22 way voice communication with the school office?

0How many classrooms in this school have phones?

0.25FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

19# of Classrooms 2# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

6Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

25Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

1Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

306Student Count

0% of classrooms with phones

22Total instructional Rooms 32Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 0Teachers with Palms

9.5625Students per computer

Most communicate at > 10 mpsLAN Connection Speed

MID-SCHSchool Type

086Division #

0851School #

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ANNIE B. JACKSON ELEM. School 1Sup Region #

YESIs this school connected to the internet

< 128 kilobits/secUpstream Data Rate < 128 kilobits/secDownstream Data Rate

12 way voice communication with the school office?

0How many classrooms in this school have phones?

0.6FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

15# of Classrooms 1# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

1Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

26Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

9Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

238Student Count

0% of classrooms with phones

17Total instructional Rooms 36Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 0Teachers with Palms

6.61111111Students per computer

Most communicate at < 10 mps.LAN Connection Speed

HIGH-SCHSchool Type

091Division #

0020School #

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ELLEN W. CHAMBLISS ELEM. School 1Sup Region #

YESIs this school connected to the internet

< 128 kilobits/secUpstream Data Rate < 128 kilobits/secDownstream Data Rate

12 way voice communication with the school office?

0How many classrooms in this school have phones?

0.6FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

14# of Classrooms 1# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

1Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

20Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

8Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

182Student Count

0% of classrooms with phones

16Total instructional Rooms 29Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 0Teachers with Palms

6.27586207Students per computer

Most communicate at < 10 mps.LAN Connection Speed

ELEM-SCHSchool Type

091Division #

0050School #

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SUSSEX CENTRAL HIGH School 1Sup Region #

YESIs this school connected to the internet

1.544 megabits/sec (T1)Upstream Data Rate 1.544 megabits/sec (T1)Downstream Data Rate

12 way voice communication with the school office?

0How many classrooms in this school have phones?

0.6FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

26# of Classrooms 2# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

1Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

25Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

8Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

378Student Count

0% of classrooms with phones

29Total instructional Rooms 34Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 0Teachers with Palms

11.1176471Students per computer

Most communicate at > 10 mpsLAN Connection Speed

MID-SCHSchool Type

091Division #

0340School #

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JEFFERSON ELEM. School 1Sup Region #

YESIs this school connected to the internet

< 128 kilobits/secUpstream Data Rate < 128 kilobits/secDownstream Data Rate

12 way voice communication with the school office?

0How many classrooms in this school have phones?

0.6FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

17# of Classrooms 1# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

1Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

22Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

8Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

235Student Count

0% of classrooms with phones

19Total instructional Rooms 31Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 0Teachers with Palms

7.58064516Students per computer

Most communicate at < 10 mps.LAN Connection Speed

MID-SCHSchool Type

091Division #

0380School #

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YESIs this school connected to the internet

< 128 kilobits/secUpstream Data Rate < 128 kilobits/secDownstream Data Rate

22 way voice communication with the school office?

0How many classrooms in this school have phones?

0.6FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

24# of Classrooms 2# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

1Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

25Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

5Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

379Student Count

0% of classrooms with phones

27Total instructional Rooms 31Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 0Teachers with Palms

12.2258065Students per computer

Most communicate at 10 mps.LAN Connection Speed

MID-SCHSchool Type

091Division #

0481School #

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GRAHAM MIDDLE School 7Sup Region #

YESIs this school connected to the internet

1.544 megabits/sec (T1)Upstream Data Rate > 1.544 megabits/secDownstream Data Rate

12 way voice communication with the school office?

0How many classrooms in this school have phones?

0.1FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

27# of Classrooms 4# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

44Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

56Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

10Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

390Student Count

0% of classrooms with phones

32Total instructional Rooms 110Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 0Teachers with Palms

3.54545455Students per computer

Most communicate at 10 mps.LAN Connection Speed

ELEM-SCHSchool Type

092Division #

0010School #

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TAZEWELL MIDDLE School 7Sup Region #

YESIs this school connected to the internet

1.544 megabits/sec (T1)Upstream Data Rate > 1.544 megabits/secDownstream Data Rate

12 way voice communication with the school office?

0How many classrooms in this school have phones?

0.1FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

38# of Classrooms 3# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

93Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

49Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

9Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

473Student Count

0% of classrooms with phones

42Total instructional Rooms 151Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 0Teachers with Palms

3.13245033Students per computer

Most communicate at 10 mps.LAN Connection Speed

ELEM-SCHSchool Type

092Division #

0100School #

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NORTH TAZEWELL ELEM. School 7Sup Region #

YESIs this school connected to the internet

1.544 megabits/sec (T1)Upstream Data Rate > 1.544 megabits/secDownstream Data Rate

22 way voice communication with the school office?

0How many classrooms in this school have phones?

0.1FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

20# of Classrooms 0# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

41Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

0Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

15Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

393Student Count

0% of classrooms with phones

21Total instructional Rooms 56Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 0Teachers with Palms

7.01785714Students per computer

Most communicate at 10 mps.LAN Connection Speed

HIGH-SCHSchool Type

092Division #

0450School #

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DUDLEY PRIMARYSchool 7Sup Region #

YESIs this school connected to the internet

1.544 megabits/sec (T1)Upstream Data Rate > 1.544 megabits/secDownstream Data Rate

22 way voice communication with the school office?

0How many classrooms in this school have phones?

0.1FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

21# of Classrooms 0# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

30Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

0Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

7Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

307Student Count

0% of classrooms with phones

22Total instructional Rooms 37Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 0Teachers with Palms

8.2972973Students per computer

Most communicate at 10 mps.LAN Connection Speed

ELEM-SCHSchool Type

092Division #

0750School #

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RICHLANDS HIGHSchool 7Sup Region #

YESIs this school connected to the internet

1.544 megabits/sec (T1)Upstream Data Rate 1.544 megabits/sec (T1)Downstream Data Rate

22 way voice communication with the school office?

3How many classrooms in this school have phones?

0.16FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

34# of Classrooms 7# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

110Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

144Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

13Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

822Student Count

?% of classrooms with phones

42Total instructional Rooms 267Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 0Teachers with Palms

3.07865169Students per computer

Most communicate at 10 mps.LAN Connection Speed

MID-SCHSchool Type

092Division #

0821School #

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RICHLANDS ELEM. School 7Sup Region #

YESIs this school connected to the internet

1.544 megabits/sec (T1)Upstream Data Rate > 1.544 megabits/secDownstream Data Rate

22 way voice communication with the school office?

0How many classrooms in this school have phones?

0.1FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

35# of Classrooms 4# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

71Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

56Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

8Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

536Student Count

0% of classrooms with phones

40Total instructional Rooms 135Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 0Teachers with Palms

3.97037037Students per computer

Most communicate at 10 mps.LAN Connection Speed

ELEM-SCHSchool Type

092Division #

0822School #

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RICHLANDS MIDDLE School 7Sup Region #

YESIs this school connected to the internet

1.544 megabits/sec (T1)Upstream Data Rate > 1.544 megabits/secDownstream Data Rate

12 way voice communication with the school office?

0How many classrooms in this school have phones?

0.1FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

49# of Classrooms 5# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

125Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

110Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

9Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

674Student Count

0% of classrooms with phones

55Total instructional Rooms 244Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 0Teachers with Palms

2.76229508Students per computer

Most communicate at 10 mps.LAN Connection Speed

HIGH-SCHSchool Type

092Division #

0823School #

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CEDAR BLUFF ELEM. School 7Sup Region #

YESIs this school connected to the internet

1.544 megabits/sec (T1)Upstream Data Rate > 1.544 megabits/secDownstream Data Rate

22 way voice communication with the school office?

0How many classrooms in this school have phones?

0.1FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

29# of Classrooms 1# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

25Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

25Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

7Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

537Student Count

0% of classrooms with phones

31Total instructional Rooms 57Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 0Teachers with Palms

9.42105263Students per computer

Most communicate at 10 mps.LAN Connection Speed

ELEM-SCHSchool Type

092Division #

0830School #

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TAZEWELL HIGH School 7Sup Region #

YESIs this school connected to the internet

> 1.544 megabits/secUpstream Data Rate > 1.544 megabits/secDownstream Data Rate

22 way voice communication with the school office?

4How many classrooms in this school have phones?

0.16FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

32# of Classrooms 7# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

55Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

146Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

17Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

636Student Count

?% of classrooms with phones

40Total instructional Rooms 218Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 0Teachers with Palms

2.91743119Students per computer

Most communicate at 10 mps.LAN Connection Speed

COMB-SCHSchool Type

092Division #

0890School #

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RAVEN ELEM. School 7Sup Region #

YESIs this school connected to the internet

768 kilobits/secUpstream Data Rate > 1.544 megabits/secDownstream Data Rate

22 way voice communication with the school office?

0How many classrooms in this school have phones?

0.1FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

24# of Classrooms 4# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

51Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

21Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

6Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

242Student Count

0% of classrooms with phones

29Total instructional Rooms 78Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 0Teachers with Palms

3.1025641Students per computer

Most communicate at 10 mps.LAN Connection Speed

HIGH-SCHSchool Type

092Division #

0920School #

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POCAHONTAS HIGHSchool 7Sup Region #

YESIs this school connected to the internet

1.544 megabits/sec (T1)Upstream Data Rate 1.544 megabits/sec (T1)Downstream Data Rate

22 way voice communication with the school office?

0How many classrooms in this school have phones?

0.16FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

13# of Classrooms 3# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

49Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

61Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

13Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

209Student Count

0% of classrooms with phones

17Total instructional Rooms 123Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 0Teachers with Palms

1.69918699Students per computer

Most communicate at 10 mps.LAN Connection Speed

ELEM-SCHSchool Type

092Division #

0930School #

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GRAHAM HIGH School 7Sup Region #

YESIs this school connected to the internet

1.544 megabits/sec (T1)Upstream Data Rate 1.544 megabits/sec (T1)Downstream Data Rate

22 way voice communication with the school office?

2How many classrooms in this school have phones?

0.16FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

29# of Classrooms 7# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

19Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

103Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

14Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

502Student Count

?% of classrooms with phones

37Total instructional Rooms 136Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 0Teachers with Palms

3.69117647Students per computer

Most communicate at 10 mps.LAN Connection Speed

ELEM-SCHSchool Type

092Division #

0940School #

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YESIs this school connected to the internet

1.544 megabits/sec (T1)Upstream Data Rate > 1.544 megabits/secDownstream Data Rate

22 way voice communication with the school office?

0How many classrooms in this school have phones?

0FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

20# of Classrooms 1# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

27Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

18Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

7Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

308Student Count

0% of classrooms with phones

22Total instructional Rooms 52Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 0Teachers with Palms

5.92307692Students per computer

Most communicate at 10 mps.LAN Connection Speed

ELEM-SCHSchool Type

092Division #

0960School #

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SPRINGVILLE ELEM. School 7Sup Region #

YESIs this school connected to the internet

1.544 megabits/sec (T1)Upstream Data Rate > 1.544 megabits/secDownstream Data Rate

12 way voice communication with the school office?

0How many classrooms in this school have phones?

0.1FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

12# of Classrooms 2# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

14Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

24Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

7Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

172Student Count

0% of classrooms with phones

15Total instructional Rooms 45Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 0Teachers with Palms

3.82222222Students per computer

Most communicate at 10 mps.LAN Connection Speed

ELEM-SCHSchool Type

092Division #

0980School #

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YESIs this school connected to the internet

1.544 megabits/sec (T1)Upstream Data Rate > 1.544 megabits/secDownstream Data Rate

22 way voice communication with the school office?

0How many classrooms in this school have phones?

0.1FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

17# of Classrooms 2# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

21Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

29Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

7Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

198Student Count

0% of classrooms with phones

20Total instructional Rooms 57Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 0Teachers with Palms

3.47368421Students per computer

Most communicate at 10 mps.LAN Connection Speed

ELEM-SCHSchool Type

092Division #

1020School #

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TAZEWELL ELEM. School 7Sup Region #

YESIs this school connected to the internet

1.544 megabits/sec (T1)Upstream Data Rate > 1.544 megabits/secDownstream Data Rate

22 way voice communication with the school office?

0How many classrooms in this school have phones?

0.1FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

35# of Classrooms 3# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

27Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

26Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

7Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

588Student Count

0% of classrooms with phones

39Total instructional Rooms 60Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 0Teachers with Palms

9.8Students per computer

Most communicate at 10 mps.LAN Connection Speed

ELEM-SCHSchool Type

092Division #

1030School #

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MEADOWVIEW ELEM. School 7Sup Region #

YESIs this school connected to the internet

> 1.544 megabits/secUpstream Data Rate > 1.544 megabits/secDownstream Data Rate

12 way voice communication with the school office?

0How many classrooms in this school have phones?

0.5FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

40# of Classrooms 1# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

40Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

41Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

6Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

638Student Count

0% of classrooms with phones

42Total instructional Rooms 134Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 0Teachers with Palms

4.76119403Students per computer

Most communicate at > 10 mpsLAN Connection Speed

ELEM-SCHSchool Type

094Division #

0020School #

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DAMASCUS MIDDLESchool 7Sup Region #

YESIs this school connected to the internet

1.544 megabits/sec (T1)Upstream Data Rate 1.544 megabits/sec (T1)Downstream Data Rate

12 way voice communication with the school office?

0How many classrooms in this school have phones?

0.5FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

31# of Classrooms 1# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

31Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

41Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

5Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

322Student Count

0% of classrooms with phones

33Total instructional Rooms 149Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 0Teachers with Palms

2.16107383Students per computer

Most communicate at > 10 mpsLAN Connection Speed

ELEM-SCHSchool Type

094Division #

0040School #

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RHEA VALLEY ELEM. School 7Sup Region #

YESIs this school connected to the internet

1.544 megabits/sec (T1)Upstream Data Rate 1.544 megabits/sec (T1)Downstream Data Rate

12 way voice communication with the school office?

0How many classrooms in this school have phones?

0.5FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

31# of Classrooms 2# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

31Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

20Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

6Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

398Student Count

0% of classrooms with phones

34Total instructional Rooms 95Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 0Teachers with Palms

4.18947368Students per computer

Most communicate at > 10 mpsLAN Connection Speed

ELEM-SCHSchool Type

094Division #

0050School #

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WATAUGA ELEM. School 7Sup Region #

YESIs this school connected to the internet

> 1.544 megabits/secUpstream Data Rate > 1.544 megabits/secDownstream Data Rate

12 way voice communication with the school office?

0How many classrooms in this school have phones?

0.5FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

37# of Classrooms 3# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

37Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

12Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

6Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

482Student Count

0% of classrooms with phones

41Total instructional Rooms 99Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 0Teachers with Palms

4.86868687Students per computer

Most communicate at > 10 mpsLAN Connection Speed

MID-SCHSchool Type

094Division #

0070School #

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GREENDALE ELEM. School 7Sup Region #

YESIs this school connected to the internet

1.544 megabits/sec (T1)Upstream Data Rate 1.544 megabits/sec (T1)Downstream Data Rate

12 way voice communication with the school office?

0How many classrooms in this school have phones?

0.5FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

28# of Classrooms 1# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

28Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

12Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

5Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

348Student Count

0% of classrooms with phones

30Total instructional Rooms 93Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 0Teachers with Palms

3.74193548Students per computer

Most communicate at > 10 mpsLAN Connection Speed

ELEM-SCHSchool Type

094Division #

0260School #

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WALLACE MIDDLE School 7Sup Region #

YESIs this school connected to the internet

> 1.544 megabits/secUpstream Data Rate > 1.544 megabits/secDownstream Data Rate

12 way voice communication with the school office?

0How many classrooms in this school have phones?

0.5FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

35# of Classrooms 3# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

35Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

20Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

6Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

444Student Count

0% of classrooms with phones

39Total instructional Rooms 149Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 0Teachers with Palms

2.97986577Students per computer

Most communicate at > 10 mpsLAN Connection Speed

HIGH-SCHSchool Type

094Division #

0620School #

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YESIs this school connected to the internet

> 1.544 megabits/secUpstream Data Rate > 1.544 megabits/secDownstream Data Rate

12 way voice communication with the school office?

0How many classrooms in this school have phones?

0.5FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

22# of Classrooms 1# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

22Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

18Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

4Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

394Student Count

0% of classrooms with phones

24Total instructional Rooms 87Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 0Teachers with Palms

4.52873563Students per computer

Most communicate at > 10 mpsLAN Connection Speed

HIGH-SCHSchool Type

094Division #

1020School #

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ABINGDON HIGH School 7Sup Region #

YESIs this school connected to the internet

> 1.544 megabits/secUpstream Data Rate > 1.544 megabits/secDownstream Data Rate

12 way voice communication with the school office?

1How many classrooms in this school have phones?

0.5FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

63# of Classrooms 5# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

63Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

24Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

8Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

919Student Count

?% of classrooms with phones

69Total instructional Rooms 275Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 0Teachers with Palms

3.34181818Students per computer

Most communicate at > 10 mpsLAN Connection Speed

HIGH-SCHSchool Type

094Division #

1030School #

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JOHN S. BATTLE HIGH School 7Sup Region #

YESIs this school connected to the internet

> 1.544 megabits/secUpstream Data Rate > 1.544 megabits/secDownstream Data Rate

12 way voice communication with the school office?

1How many classrooms in this school have phones?

0.5FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

43# of Classrooms 4# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

43Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

24Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

7Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

560Student Count

?% of classrooms with phones

48Total instructional Rooms 201Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 0Teachers with Palms

2.78606965Students per computer

Most communicate at > 10 mpsLAN Connection Speed

HIGH-SCHSchool Type

094Division #

1040School #

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PATRICK HENRY HIGH School 7Sup Region #

YESIs this school connected to the internet

> 1.544 megabits/secUpstream Data Rate > 1.544 megabits/secDownstream Data Rate

12 way voice communication with the school office?

1How many classrooms in this school have phones?

0.5FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

26# of Classrooms 3# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

26Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

24Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

6Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

475Student Count

?% of classrooms with phones

30Total instructional Rooms 197Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 0Teachers with Palms

2.41116751Students per computer

Most communicate at > 10 mpsLAN Connection Speed

ELEM-SCHSchool Type

094Division #

1050School #

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HOLSTON HIGH School 7Sup Region #

YESIs this school connected to the internet

1.544 megabits/sec (T1)Upstream Data Rate 1.544 megabits/sec (T1)Downstream Data Rate

12 way voice communication with the school office?

1How many classrooms in this school have phones?

0.5FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

26# of Classrooms 3# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

26Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

24Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

6Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

305Student Count

?% of classrooms with phones

30Total instructional Rooms 155Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 0Teachers with Palms

1.96774194Students per computer

Most communicate at > 10 mpsLAN Connection Speed

ELEM-SCHSchool Type

094Division #

1060School #

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HIGH POINT ELEM. School 7Sup Region #

YESIs this school connected to the internet

> 1.544 megabits/secUpstream Data Rate > 1.544 megabits/secDownstream Data Rate

12 way voice communication with the school office?

0How many classrooms in this school have phones?

0.5FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

32# of Classrooms 1# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

32Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

18Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

6Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

550Student Count

0% of classrooms with phones

34Total instructional Rooms 90Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 0Teachers with Palms

6.11111111Students per computer

Most communicate at > 10 mpsLAN Connection Speed

MID-SCHSchool Type

094Division #

1070School #

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ABINGDON ELEM. School 7Sup Region #

YESIs this school connected to the internet

1.544 megabits/sec (T1)Upstream Data Rate 1.544 megabits/sec (T1)Downstream Data Rate

12 way voice communication with the school office?

0How many classrooms in this school have phones?

0.5FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

32# of Classrooms 1# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

32Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

15Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

6Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

451Student Count

0% of classrooms with phones

34Total instructional Rooms 84Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 0Teachers with Palms

5.36904762Students per computer

Most communicate at > 10 mpsLAN Connection Speed

MID-SCHSchool Type

094Division #

1080School #

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YESIs this school connected to the internet

> 1.544 megabits/secUpstream Data Rate > 1.544 megabits/secDownstream Data Rate

12 way voice communication with the school office?

0How many classrooms in this school have phones?

0.5FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

32# of Classrooms 3# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

32Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

18Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

5Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

344Student Count

0% of classrooms with phones

36Total instructional Rooms 151Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 0Teachers with Palms

2.2781457Students per computer

Most communicate at > 10 mpsLAN Connection Speed

HIGH-SCHSchool Type

094Division #

1090School #

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E. B. STANLEY MIDDLE School 7Sup Region #

YESIs this school connected to the internet

> 1.544 megabits/secUpstream Data Rate > 1.544 megabits/secDownstream Data Rate

12 way voice communication with the school office?

0How many classrooms in this school have phones?

0.5FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

55# of Classrooms 3# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

55Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

22Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

7Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

697Student Count

0% of classrooms with phones

59Total instructional Rooms 199Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 0Teachers with Palms

3.50251256Students per computer

Most communicate at > 10 mpsLAN Connection Speed

ELEM-SCHSchool Type

094Division #

1110School #

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APPALACHIA ELEM. School 7Sup Region #

YESIs this school connected to the internet

1.544 megabits/sec (T1)Upstream Data Rate 1.544 megabits/sec (T1)Downstream Data Rate

12 way voice communication with the school office?

0How many classrooms in this school have phones?

0.4FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

34# of Classrooms 3# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

85Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

65Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

6Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

424Student Count

0% of classrooms with phones

38Total instructional Rooms 156Total Computers

1Student with Palm devices 0Teachers with Palms

2.71794872Students per computer

Most communicate at > 10 mpsLAN Connection Speed

ELEM-SCHSchool Type

096Division #

0020School #

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POUND HIGH School 7Sup Region #

YESIs this school connected to the internet

1.544 megabits/sec (T1)Upstream Data Rate 1.544 megabits/sec (T1)Downstream Data Rate

12 way voice communication with the school office?

0How many classrooms in this school have phones?

0.4FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

34# of Classrooms 3# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

79Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

71Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

8Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

239Student Count

?% of classrooms with phones

39Total instructional Rooms 182Total Computers

1Student with Palm devices 0Teachers with Palms

1.31318681Students per computer

Most communicate at > 10 mpsLAN Connection Speed

HIGH-SCHSchool Type

096Division #

0071School #

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YESIs this school connected to the internet

1.544 megabits/sec (T1)Upstream Data Rate 1.544 megabits/sec (T1)Downstream Data Rate

12 way voice communication with the school office?

0How many classrooms in this school have phones?

0.4FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

34# of Classrooms 3# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

101Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

59Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

8Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

637Student Count

0% of classrooms with phones

38Total instructional Rooms 168Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 0Teachers with Palms

3.79166667Students per computer

Most communicate at > 10 mpsLAN Connection Speed

ELEM-SCHSchool Type

096Division #

0073School #

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L. F. ADDINGTON MIDDLE School 7Sup Region #

YESIs this school connected to the internet

768 kilobits/secUpstream Data Rate 768 kilobits/secDownstream Data Rate

12 way voice communication with the school office?

0How many classrooms in this school have phones?

0.33FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

37# of Classrooms 2# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

81Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

51Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

16Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

507Student Count

0% of classrooms with phones

40Total instructional Rooms 148Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 0Teachers with Palms

3.42567568Students per computer

Most communicate at > 10 mpsLAN Connection Speed

COMB-SCHSchool Type

096Division #

0320School #

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COEBURN MIDDLE School 7Sup Region #

YESIs this school connected to the internet

512 kilobits/secUpstream Data Rate 512 kilobits/secDownstream Data Rate

12 way voice communication with the school office?

0How many classrooms in this school have phones?

0.333FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

28# of Classrooms 2# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

93Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

51Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

6Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

407Student Count

0% of classrooms with phones

31Total instructional Rooms 150Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 0Teachers with Palms

2.71333333Students per computer

Most communicate at > 10 mpsLAN Connection Speed

COMB-SCHSchool Type

096Division #

0651School #

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COEBURN HIGH School 7Sup Region #

YESIs this school connected to the internet

512 kilobits/secUpstream Data Rate 512 kilobits/secDownstream Data Rate

12 way voice communication with the school office?

3How many classrooms in this school have phones?

0.33FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

23# of Classrooms 5# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

88Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

108Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

11Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

416Student Count

?% of classrooms with phones

29Total instructional Rooms 207Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 0Teachers with Palms

2.00966184Students per computer

Most communicate at > 10 mpsLAN Connection Speed

HIGH-SCHSchool Type

096Division #

0652School #

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COEBURN PRIMARY School 7Sup Region #

YESIs this school connected to the internet

1.544 megabits/sec (T1)Upstream Data Rate 1.544 megabits/sec (T1)Downstream Data Rate

12 way voice communication with the school office?

0How many classrooms in this school have phones?

0.33FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

37# of Classrooms 2# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

102Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

44Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

11Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

556Student Count

0% of classrooms with phones

40Total instructional Rooms 157Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 0Teachers with Palms

3.54140127Students per computer

Most communicate at > 10 mpsLAN Connection Speed

ELEM-SCHSchool Type

096Division #

0653School #

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APPALACHIA HIGH School 7Sup Region #

YESIs this school connected to the internet

1.544 megabits/sec (T1)Upstream Data Rate 1.544 megabits/sec (T1)Downstream Data Rate

12 way voice communication with the school office?

4How many classrooms in this school have phones?

0.4FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

19# of Classrooms 3# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

79Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

68Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

8Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

237Student Count

?% of classrooms with phones

23Total instructional Rooms 155Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 0Teachers with Palms

1.52903226Students per computer

Most communicate at > 10 mpsLAN Connection Speed

HIGH-SCHSchool Type

096Division #

0710School #

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ST. PAUL ELEM. School 7Sup Region #

YESIs this school connected to the internet

> 1.544 megabits/secUpstream Data Rate > 1.544 megabits/secDownstream Data Rate

12 way voice communication with the school office?

4How many classrooms in this school have phones?

0.4FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

19# of Classrooms 3# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

79Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

68Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

8Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

387Student Count

?% of classrooms with phones

23Total instructional Rooms 155Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 0Teachers with Palms

2.49677419Students per computer

Most communicate at > 10 mpsLAN Connection Speed

ELEM-SCHSchool Type

096Division #

0871School #

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ST. PAUL HIGHSchool 7Sup Region #

YESIs this school connected to the internet

768 kilobits/secUpstream Data Rate 768 kilobits/secDownstream Data Rate

12 way voice communication with the school office?

4How many classrooms in this school have phones?

0.4FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

16# of Classrooms 2# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

73Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

56Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

9Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

205Student Count

0.25% of classrooms with phones

19Total instructional Rooms 138Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 0Teachers with Palms

1.48550725Students per computer

Most communicate at > 10 mpsLAN Connection Speed

HIGH-SCHSchool Type

096Division #

0872School #

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J. J. KELLY HIGH School 7Sup Region #

YESIs this school connected to the internet

> 1.544 megabits/secUpstream Data Rate > 1.544 megabits/secDownstream Data Rate

12 way voice communication with the school office?

2How many classrooms in this school have phones?

0.33FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

40# of Classrooms 5# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

103Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

100Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

10Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

577Student Count

0.05% of classrooms with phones

46Total instructional Rooms 213Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 0Teachers with Palms

2.70892019Students per computer

Most communicate at > 10 mpsLAN Connection Speed

HIGH-SCHSchool Type

096Division #

1000School #

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POWELL VALLEY HIGH School 7Sup Region #

YESIs this school connected to the internet

512 kilobits/secUpstream Data Rate 512 kilobits/secDownstream Data Rate

12 way voice communication with the school office?

How many classrooms in this school have phones?

0.4FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

29# of Classrooms 4# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

90Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

82Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

11Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

536Student Count

?% of classrooms with phones

34Total instructional Rooms 183Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 0Teachers with Palms

2.92896175Students per computer

Most communicate at > 10 mpsLAN Connection Speed

HIGH-SCHSchool Type

096Division #

1010School #

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YESIs this school connected to the internet

512 kilobits/secUpstream Data Rate 512 kilobits/secDownstream Data Rate

12 way voice communication with the school office?

0How many classrooms in this school have phones?

0.33FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

41# of Classrooms 1# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

120Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

25Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

14Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

720Student Count

0% of classrooms with phones

43Total instructional Rooms 159Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 0Teachers with Palms

4.52830189Students per computer

Most communicate at > 10 mpsLAN Connection Speed

ELEM-SCHSchool Type

096Division #

1012School #

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YESIs this school connected to the internet

512 kilobits/secUpstream Data Rate 512 kilobits/secDownstream Data Rate

12 way voice communication with the school office?

0How many classrooms in this school have phones?

0.33FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

41# of Classrooms 4# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

64Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

82Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

13Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

497Student Count

0% of classrooms with phones

46Total instructional Rooms 159Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 0Teachers with Palms

3.12578616Students per computer

Most communicate at > 10 mpsLAN Connection Speed

COMB-SCHSchool Type

096Division #

1013School #

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WISE PRIMARY School 7Sup Region #

YESIs this school connected to the internet

768 kilobits/secUpstream Data Rate 768 kilobits/secDownstream Data Rate

12 way voice communication with the school office?

0How many classrooms in this school have phones?

0.33FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

46# of Classrooms 2# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

74Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

50Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

7Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

659Student Count

0% of classrooms with phones

49Total instructional Rooms 131Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 0Teachers with Palms

5.03053435Students per computer

Most communicate at > 10 mpsLAN Connection Speed

ELEM-SCHSchool Type

096Division #

1020School #

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MAX MEADOWS ELEM. School 7Sup Region #

YESIs this school connected to the internet

> 1.544 megabits/secUpstream Data Rate 1.544 megabits/sec (T1)Downstream Data Rate

22 way voice communication with the school office?

0How many classrooms in this school have phones?

0.3FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

20# of Classrooms 0# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

15Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

0Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

1Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

324Student Count

0% of classrooms with phones

21Total instructional Rooms 31Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 0Teachers with Palms

10.4516129Students per computer

Most communicate at 10 mps.LAN Connection Speed

ELEM-SCHSchool Type

097Division #

0100School #

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SPILLER PRIMARY School 7Sup Region #

YESIs this school connected to the internet

> 1.544 megabits/secUpstream Data Rate 1.544 megabits/sec (T1)Downstream Data Rate

22 way voice communication with the school office?

0How many classrooms in this school have phones?

0.3FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

20# of Classrooms 1# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

30Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

0Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

4Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

593Student Count

0% of classrooms with phones

22Total instructional Rooms 64Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 0Teachers with Palms

9.265625Students per computer

Most communicate at 10 mps.LAN Connection Speed

ELEM-SCHSchool Type

097Division #

0190School #

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RURAL RETREAT ELEM. School 7Sup Region #

YESIs this school connected to the internet

> 1.544 megabits/secUpstream Data Rate 1.544 megabits/sec (T1)Downstream Data Rate

22 way voice communication with the school office?

0How many classrooms in this school have phones?

0.2FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

20# of Classrooms 1# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

15Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

26Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

4Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

506Student Count

0% of classrooms with phones

22Total instructional Rooms 60Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 0Teachers with Palms

8.43333333Students per computer

Most communicate at 10 mps.LAN Connection Speed

ELEM-SCHSchool Type

097Division #

0201School #

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RURAL RETREAT HIGH School 7Sup Region #

YESIs this school connected to the internet

> 1.544 megabits/secUpstream Data Rate > 1.544 megabits/secDownstream Data Rate

22 way voice communication with the school office?

0How many classrooms in this school have phones?

0.3FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

20# of Classrooms 4# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

19Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

83Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

3Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

470Student Count

0% of classrooms with phones

25Total instructional Rooms 207Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 0Teachers with Palms

2.2705314Students per computer

Most communicate at > 10 mpsLAN Connection Speed

HIGH-SCHSchool Type

097Division #

0202School #

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SPEEDWELL ELEM. School 7Sup Region #

YESIs this school connected to the internet

< 128 kilobits/secUpstream Data Rate < 128 kilobits/secDownstream Data Rate

22 way voice communication with the school office?

0How many classrooms in this school have phones?

0.3FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

16# of Classrooms 1# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

13Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

1Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

3Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

193Student Count

0% of classrooms with phones

18Total instructional Rooms 29Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 0Teachers with Palms

6.65517241Students per computer

Most communicate at 10 mps.LAN Connection Speed

ELEM-SCHSchool Type

097Division #

0440School #

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GEORGE WYTHE HIGH School 7Sup Region #

YESIs this school connected to the internet

> 1.544 megabits/secUpstream Data Rate > 1.544 megabits/secDownstream Data Rate

22 way voice communication with the school office?

0How many classrooms in this school have phones?

0.3FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

28# of Classrooms 3# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

17Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

96Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

3Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

574Student Count

0% of classrooms with phones

32Total instructional Rooms 229Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 0Teachers with Palms

2.50655022Students per computer

Most communicate at > 10 mpsLAN Connection Speed

HIGH-SCHSchool Type

097Division #

0721School #

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AUSTINVILLE ELEM. School 7Sup Region #

YESIs this school connected to the internet

> 1.544 megabits/secUpstream Data Rate 1.544 megabits/sec (T1)Downstream Data Rate

22 way voice communication with the school office?

0How many classrooms in this school have phones?

0.3FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

17# of Classrooms 1# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

8Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

19Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

2Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

314Student Count

0% of classrooms with phones

19Total instructional Rooms 37Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 0Teachers with Palms

8.48648649Students per computer

Most communicate at 10 mps.LAN Connection Speed

ELEM-SCHSchool Type

097Division #

0730School #

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SHEFFEY ELEM. School 7Sup Region #

YESIs this school connected to the internet

> 1.544 megabits/secUpstream Data Rate 1.544 megabits/sec (T1)Downstream Data Rate

22 way voice communication with the school office?

0How many classrooms in this school have phones?

0.3FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

20# of Classrooms 0# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

15Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

0Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

1Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

349Student Count

0% of classrooms with phones

21Total instructional Rooms 32Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 0Teachers with Palms

10.90625Students per computer

Most communicate at 10 mps.LAN Connection Speed

ELEM-SCHSchool Type

097Division #

0740School #

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SCOTT MEMORIAL ELEM. School 7Sup Region #

YESIs this school connected to the internet

> 1.544 megabits/secUpstream Data Rate 1.544 megabits/sec (T1)Downstream Data Rate

22 way voice communication with the school office?

0How many classrooms in this school have phones?

0.3FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

19# of Classrooms 1# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

9Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

5Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

1Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

359Student Count

0% of classrooms with phones

21Total instructional Rooms 30Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 0Teachers with Palms

11.9666667Students per computer

Most communicate at 10 mps.LAN Connection Speed

ELEM-SCHSchool Type

097Division #

0750School #

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FORT CHISWELL HIGH School 7Sup Region #

YESIs this school connected to the internet

> 1.544 megabits/secUpstream Data Rate > 1.544 megabits/secDownstream Data Rate

22 way voice communication with the school office?

0How many classrooms in this school have phones?

0.3FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

35# of Classrooms 4# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

25Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

92Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

4Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

644Student Count

0% of classrooms with phones

40Total instructional Rooms 242Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 0Teachers with Palms

2.66115702Students per computer

Most communicate at > 10 mpsLAN Connection Speed

HIGH-SCHSchool Type

097Division #

0760School #

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VIRGINIA MIDDLESchool 7Sup Region #

YESIs this school connected to the internet

> 1.544 megabits/secUpstream Data Rate > 1.544 megabits/secDownstream Data Rate

12 way voice communication with the school office?

2How many classrooms in this school have phones?

0.33FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

40# of Classrooms 1# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

158Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

25Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

5Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

549Student Count

0.05% of classrooms with phones

42Total instructional Rooms 188Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 0Teachers with Palms

2.92021277Students per computer

Most communicate at > 10 mpsLAN Connection Speed

MID-SCHSchool Type

102Division #

0010School #

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HIGHLAND VIEW ELEM. School 7Sup Region #

YESIs this school connected to the internet

> 1.544 megabits/secUpstream Data Rate > 1.544 megabits/secDownstream Data Rate

12 way voice communication with the school office?

2How many classrooms in this school have phones?

0.33FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

12# of Classrooms 1# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

55Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

25Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

4Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

198Student Count

?% of classrooms with phones

14Total instructional Rooms 84Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 0Teachers with Palms

2.35714286Students per computer

Most communicate at > 10 mpsLAN Connection Speed

ELEM-SCHSchool Type

102Division #

0060School #

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YESIs this school connected to the internet

> 1.544 megabits/secUpstream Data Rate > 1.544 megabits/secDownstream Data Rate

12 way voice communication with the school office?

2How many classrooms in this school have phones?

0.33FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

20# of Classrooms 1# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

83Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

25Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

2Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

294Student Count

0.1% of classrooms with phones

22Total instructional Rooms 110Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 0Teachers with Palms

2.67272727Students per computer

Most communicate at > 10 mpsLAN Connection Speed

ELEM-SCHSchool Type

102Division #

0070School #

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VIRGINIA HIGHSchool 7Sup Region #

YESIs this school connected to the internet

> 1.544 megabits/secUpstream Data Rate > 1.544 megabits/secDownstream Data Rate

12 way voice communication with the school office?

10How many classrooms in this school have phones?

0.33FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

58# of Classrooms 3# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

212Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

75Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

17Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

701Student Count

?% of classrooms with phones

62Total instructional Rooms 304Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 0Teachers with Palms

2.30592105Students per computer

Most communicate at > 10 mpsLAN Connection Speed

HIGH-SCHSchool Type

102Division #

0080School #

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WASHINGTON LEE ELEM. School 7Sup Region #

YESIs this school connected to the internet

> 1.544 megabits/secUpstream Data Rate > 1.544 megabits/secDownstream Data Rate

12 way voice communication with the school office?

2How many classrooms in this school have phones?

0.33FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

17# of Classrooms 1# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

57Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

25Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

4Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

231Student Count

?% of classrooms with phones

19Total instructional Rooms 86Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 0Teachers with Palms

2.68604651Students per computer

Most communicate at > 10 mpsLAN Connection Speed

ELEM-SCHSchool Type

102Division #

0090School #

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JOSEPH VAN PELT ELEM. School 7Sup Region #

YESIs this school connected to the internet

> 1.544 megabits/secUpstream Data Rate > 1.544 megabits/secDownstream Data Rate

12 way voice communication with the school office?

4How many classrooms in this school have phones?

0.33FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

31# of Classrooms 2# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

84Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

50Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

4Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

383Student Count

?% of classrooms with phones

34Total instructional Rooms 138Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 0Teachers with Palms

2.77536232Students per computer

Most communicate at > 10 mpsLAN Connection Speed

ELEM-SCHSchool Type

102Division #

0100School #

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FOREST HILLS ELEM. School 6Sup Region #

YESIs this school connected to the internet

768 kilobits/secUpstream Data Rate 768 kilobits/secDownstream Data Rate

22 way voice communication with the school office?

0How many classrooms in this school have phones?

0.2FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

16# of Classrooms 0# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

48Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

0Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

6Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

239Student Count

0% of classrooms with phones

18Total instructional Rooms 74Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 0Teachers with Palms

3.22972973Students per computer

All communicate at 100 mpsLAN Connection Speed

ELEM-SCHSchool Type

108Division #

0020School #

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SCHOOLFIELD ELEM School 6Sup Region #

YESIs this school connected to the internet

768 kilobits/secUpstream Data Rate 768 kilobits/secDownstream Data Rate

12 way voice communication with the school office?

0How many classrooms in this school have phones?

0.2FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

43# of Classrooms 1# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

227Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

16Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

7Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

565Student Count

0% of classrooms with phones

45Total instructional Rooms 250Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 0Teachers with Palms

2.26Students per computer

All communicate at 100 mpsLAN Connection Speed

ELEM-SCHSchool Type

108Division #

0040School #

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EDWIN A. GIBSON MIDDLE School 6Sup Region #

YESIs this school connected to the internet

768 kilobits/secUpstream Data Rate 768 kilobits/secDownstream Data Rate

12 way voice communication with the school office?

0How many classrooms in this school have phones?

0.2FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

35# of Classrooms 2# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

210Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

50Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

15Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

528Student Count

0% of classrooms with phones

38Total instructional Rooms 275Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 0Teachers with Palms

1.92Students per computer

All communicate at 100 mpsLAN Connection Speed

MID-SCHSchool Type

108Division #

0050School #

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W. TOWNES LEA ELEM. School 6Sup Region #

YESIs this school connected to the internet

768 kilobits/secUpstream Data Rate 768 kilobits/secDownstream Data Rate

12 way voice communication with the school office?

0How many classrooms in this school have phones?

0.2FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

19# of Classrooms 0# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

55Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

0Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

7Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

261Student Count

0% of classrooms with phones

21Total instructional Rooms 82Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 0Teachers with Palms

3.18292683Students per computer

All communicate at 100 mpsLAN Connection Speed

ELEM-SCHSchool Type

108Division #

0170School #

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GALAX HIGH School 7Sup Region #

YESIs this school connected to the internet

1.544 megabits/sec (T1)Upstream Data Rate 1.544 megabits/sec (T1)Downstream Data Rate

12 way voice communication with the school office?

0How many classrooms in this school have phones?

1FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

19# of Classrooms 3# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

40Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

74Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

8Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

445Student Count

?% of classrooms with phones

23Total instructional Rooms 122Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 1Teachers with Palms

3.64754098Students per computer

Most communicate at > 10 mpsLAN Connection Speed

HIGH-SCHSchool Type

111Division #

0031School #

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GALAX MIDDLE School 7Sup Region #

YESIs this school connected to the internet

1.544 megabits/sec (T1)Upstream Data Rate 1.544 megabits/sec (T1)Downstream Data Rate

12 way voice communication with the school office?

0How many classrooms in this school have phones?

1FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

19# of Classrooms 1# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

40Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

30Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

8Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

288Student Count

0% of classrooms with phones

21Total instructional Rooms 78Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 0Teachers with Palms

3.69230769Students per computer

Most communicate at > 10 mpsLAN Connection Speed

MID-SCHSchool Type

111Division #

0032School #

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GALAX ELEM. School 7Sup Region #

YESIs this school connected to the internet

1.544 megabits/sec (T1)Upstream Data Rate 1.544 megabits/sec (T1)Downstream Data Rate

12 way voice communication with the school office?

0How many classrooms in this school have phones?

1FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

37# of Classrooms 1# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

101Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

22Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

6Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

546Student Count

0% of classrooms with phones

39Total instructional Rooms 129Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 1Teachers with Palms

4.23255814Students per computer

Most communicate at > 10 mpsLAN Connection Speed

ELEM-SCHSchool Type

111Division #

0010School #

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YESIs this school connected to the internet

1.544 megabits/sec (T1)Upstream Data Rate 1.544 megabits/sec (T1)Downstream Data Rate

22 way voice communication with the school office?

48How many classrooms in this school have phones?

0.83FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

48# of Classrooms 3# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

136Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

90Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

18Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

591Student Count

1% of classrooms with phones

52Total instructional Rooms 488Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 0Teachers with Palms

1.21106557Students per computer

Most communicate at 10 mps.LAN Connection Speed

ELEM-SCHSchool Type

116Division #

0052School #

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PATRICK HENRY ELEM. School 6Sup Region #

YESIs this school connected to the internet

1.544 megabits/sec (T1)Upstream Data Rate 1.544 megabits/sec (T1)Downstream Data Rate

22 way voice communication with the school office?

1How many classrooms in this school have phones?

0.83FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

23# of Classrooms 2# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

56Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

28Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

8Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

219Student Count

?% of classrooms with phones

26Total instructional Rooms 187Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 0Teachers with Palms

1.17112299Students per computer

Most communicate at 10 mps.LAN Connection Speed

ELEM-SCHSchool Type

116Division #

0070School #

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YESIs this school connected to the internet

1.544 megabits/sec (T1)Upstream Data Rate 1.544 megabits/sec (T1)Downstream Data Rate

22 way voice communication with the school office?

52How many classrooms in this school have phones?

0.83FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

52# of Classrooms 4# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

156Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

115Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

12Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

651Student Count

1% of classrooms with phones

57Total instructional Rooms 594Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 0Teachers with Palms

1.0959596Students per computer

All communicate at 100 mpsLAN Connection Speed

MID-SCHSchool Type

116Division #

0010School #

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PATRICK HENRY ELEM. School 6Sup Region #

YESIs this school connected to the internet

1.544 megabits/sec (T1)Upstream Data Rate 1.544 megabits/sec (T1)Downstream Data Rate

22 way voice communication with the school office?

1How many classrooms in this school have phones?

0.83FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

23# of Classrooms 2# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

56Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

28Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

8Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

219Student Count

?% of classrooms with phones

26Total instructional Rooms 187Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 0Teachers with Palms

1.17112299Students per computer

Most communicate at 10 mps.LAN Connection Speed

ELEM-SCHSchool Type

116Division #

0070School #

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CLEARVIEW ELEM. School 6Sup Region #

YESIs this school connected to the internet

1.544 megabits/sec (T1)Upstream Data Rate 1.544 megabits/sec (T1)Downstream Data Rate

22 way voice communication with the school office?

1How many classrooms in this school have phones?

0.83FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

17# of Classrooms 1# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

17Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

30Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

8Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

125Student Count

?% of classrooms with phones

19Total instructional Rooms 126Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 0Teachers with Palms

.992063492Students per computer

Most communicate at 10 mps.LAN Connection Speed

ELEM-SCHSchool Type

116Division #

0080School #

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DRUID HILLS ELEM. School 6Sup Region #

YESIs this school connected to the internet

1.544 megabits/sec (T1)Upstream Data Rate 1.544 megabits/sec (T1)Downstream Data Rate

22 way voice communication with the school office?

2How many classrooms in this school have phones?

0.83FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

16# of Classrooms 1# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

16Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

27Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

8Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

261Student Count

?% of classrooms with phones

18Total instructional Rooms 134Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 0Teachers with Palms

1.94776119Students per computer

Most communicate at 10 mps.LAN Connection Speed

ELEM-SCHSchool Type

116Division #

0090School #

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MARTINSVILLE HIGH School 6Sup Region #

YESIs this school connected to the internet

1.544 megabits/sec (T1)Upstream Data Rate 1.544 megabits/sec (T1)Downstream Data Rate

22 way voice communication with the school office?

0How many classrooms in this school have phones?

0.83FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

67# of Classrooms 4# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

134Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

150Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

15Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

828Student Count

0% of classrooms with phones

72Total instructional Rooms 598Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 0Teachers with Palms

1.38461538Students per computer

All communicate at 100 mpsLAN Connection Speed

HIGH-SCHSchool Type

116Division #

0110School #

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J. I. BURTON HIGH School 7Sup Region #

YESIs this school connected to the internet

256 kilobits/secUpstream Data Rate 256 kilobits/secDownstream Data Rate

12 way voice communication with the school office?

0How many classrooms in this school have phones?

0.25FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

33# of Classrooms 2# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

82Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

52Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

5Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

263Student Count

?% of classrooms with phones

36Total instructional Rooms 139Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 0Teachers with Palms

1.89208633Students per computer

Most communicate at < 10 mps.LAN Connection Speed

HIGH-SCHSchool Type

119Division #

0020School #

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NORTON ELEM.School 7Sup Region #

YESIs this school connected to the internet

256 kilobits/secUpstream Data Rate 256 kilobits/secDownstream Data Rate

12 way voice communication with the school office?

0How many classrooms in this school have phones?

0.25FTE Positions currently dedicated to providing Technology

33# of Classrooms 2# of Computer Labs 1# of Library_ Media Centers

82Number of Internet Computers in Classrooms

52Number of Internet Computers in Computer Labs

5Number of Internet Computers in Library Media Centers

0Number of locations in this school with 2 way digital video conferencing

463Student Count

0% of classrooms with phones

36Total instructional Rooms 139Total Computers

0Student with Palm devices 0Teachers with Palms

3.33093525Students per computer

Most communicate at < 10 mps.LAN Connection Speed

ELEM-SCHSchool Type

119Division #

0040School #

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Appendix: Raw Data by Private School

Alphabetical list of Private K–12 Schools


“Free and Reduced Lunch” — a measurement of poverty within a school division. The higher

the percentage, the lower the economic standing of the students in that school.

“FTE” — refers to faculty teaching positions.

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Amelia AcademyPrivate School:

Gr: K-02Grade covered:

P.O. Box 106Address:

Amelia VA 23002City, State, Zip:

(804) 561-2270School Phone:

Jeffrey Rick DavisPrincipal:

Discovery School of Virginia, Inc.Private School:

Gr: 06-12Grade covered:

P.O. Box 1160Address:

Dillwyn VA 23936City, State, Zip:

(804) 983-5616School Phone:

Chris YatesPrincipal:

Fuqua SchoolPrivate School:

Gr: PK-12Grade covered:

P.O. Drawer 328Address:

Farmville VA 23901-0328City, State, Zip:

(804) 392-4131School Phone:

Ruth MurphyPrincipal:

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New Dominion SchoolPrivate School:

Gr: 07-12Grade covered:

P.O. Box 540Address:

Dillwyn VA 23936City, State, Zip:

(804) 983-2051School Phone:

Julia Ann GreenwoodPrincipal:

Carlisle SchoolPrivate School:

Gr: PK-12Grade covered:

P.O. Box 5388Address:

Martinsville VA 24115City, State, Zip:

(276) 632-7288School Phone:

Colin P. FergusonPrincipal:

Christian Heritage AcademyPrivate School:

Gr: PK-12Grade covered:

625 Glenwood Dr., Extn.Address:

Rocky Mount VA 24151City, State, Zip:

(540) 483-5855School Phone:

Edward WoodroofPrincipal:

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Eagle Christian AcademyPrivate School:

Gr: PK-10Grade covered:

P.O. Box 48Address:

Willis VA 24380City, State, Zip:

(540) 789-4900School Phone:

Nora BentleyPrincipal:

Echo Valley Christian SchoolPrivate School:

Gr: 01-08Grade covered:

265 Echo Valley RoadAddress:

Wytheville VA 24382City, State, Zip:

(276) 228-2749School Phone:

Cheryl WilliamsPrincipal:

New Life Christian SchoolsPrivate School:

Gr: KG-12Grade covered:

P.O. Box 1268Address:

Hillsville VA 24343City, State, Zip:

(276) 730-0706School Phone:

Leon GoadPrincipal:

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Oak Hill AcademyPrivate School:

Gr: 08-12Grade covered:

2635 Oak Hill RoadAddress:

Mouth of Wilson VA 24363City, State, Zip:

(540) 579-2619School Phone:

Ed. F. PattonPrincipal:

Powell Valley ChristianPrivate School:

Gr: 01-08Grade covered:

Rt. 1 Box 1015Address:

Dryden VA 24243City, State, Zip:

(276) 523-0464School Phone:

Norma CollsonPrincipal:

St. Anne Catholic SchoolPrivate School:

Gr: PK-06Grade covered:

300 Euclid AvenueAddress:

Bristol VA 24201City, State, Zip:

(540) 669-0048School Phone:

Jean GreenPrincipal:

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Step by Step Christian SchoolPrivate School:

Gr: PS-03Grade covered:

122 Apache Run RoadAddress:

Max Meadows VA 24360City, State, Zip:

(540) 637-4522School Phone:

TiJuana OdumPrincipal:

Sullins AcademyPrivate School:

Gr: PS-08Grade covered:

22218 Sullins Academy DriveAddress:

Bristol VA 24202-5968City, State, Zip:

(540) 669-4101School Phone:

Dr. Alice HulburtPrincipal:

White Oak SchoolPrivate School:

Gr: KG-12Grade covered:

7180 U.S. Hwy 29 NorthAddress:

Blairs VA 24527City, State, Zip:

(434) 836-0573School Phone:

Nancy MartinPrincipal:

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Wilderness Outdoor Opportunity &Private School:

Gr: 06-12Grade covered:

P.O. Box 307Address:

New Castle VA 24127City, State, Zip:

(540) 343-6983School Phone:

Dr. Tommy BarberPrincipal:

Wise County Christian SchoolsPrivate School:

Gr: PK-12Grade covered:

P.O. Box 3297Address:

Wise VA 24293City, State, Zip:

(540) 328-3297School Phone:

Gary HillPrincipal:

The Word AcademyPrivate School:

Gr: KG-09Grade covered:

139 Anthony DriveAddress:

Patrick Springs VA 24133City, State, Zip:

(276) 629-9739School Phone:

Sarah L. MichelPrincipal:

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Abundant Life AcademyPrivate School:

Gr: K-07Grade covered:

955 Mount Cross RoadAddress:

Danville VA 24540City, State, Zip:

(434) 799-8542School Phone:

Kenneth LewisPrincipal:

Appomatox 7th-Day AdventistPrivate School:

Gr: 01-08Grade covered:

P.O. Box 2259Address:

Appomattox VA 24522City, State, Zip:

(434) 352-2660School Phone:

Barbara CorePrincipal:

Brunswick AcademyPrivate School:

Gr: PS-12Grade covered:

2100 Planters RoadAddress:

Lawrenceville VA 23868City, State, Zip:

(434) 848-2220School Phone:

Jean H. GrizzardPrincipal:

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Chatham HallPrivate School:

Gr: 09-12 GirlsGrade covered:

800 Chatham Hall CircleAddress:

Chatham VA 24531-3085City, State, Zip:

(434) 432-2941School Phone:

Marlene R. ShawPrincipal:

Danville 7th-Day AdventistPrivate School:

Gr: KG-08Grade covered:

212 Ingram RoadAddress:

Danville VA 24541City, State, Zip:

(434) 822-0356School Phone:

Bob YoungPrincipal:

Faith Christian AcademyPrivate School:

Gr: PK-11Grade covered:

P.O. Box 670Address:

Hurt VA 24563City, State, Zip:

(434) 324-8276School Phone:

Lisa WhartonPrincipal:

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Hargrave Military AcademyPrivate School:

Gr: 07-PGGrade covered:

200 Military DriveAddress:

Chatham VA 24531City, State, Zip:

(434) 432-2481School Phone:

Col. Wheeler L. Baker, Ph.D.Principal:

Jackson-Field HomesPrivate School:

Gr: UG-UGGrade covered:

546 Walnut Grove DriveAddress:

Jarratt VA 23867-9988City, State, Zip:

(434) 634-3217School Phone:

Brent SinnettPrincipal:

Kenston Forest SchoolPrivate School:

Gr: PK-12Grade covered:

73 Ridge RoadAddress:

Blackstone VA 23824City, State, Zip:

(434) 292-7218School Phone:

Duncan AllingPrincipal:

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Presbyterian Homes & FamilyPrivate School:

Gr: PK-12Grade covered:

1501 Franklin TurnpikeAddress:

Danville VA 24540City, State, Zip:

(434) 836-7050School Phone:

E. Peter GeitnerPrincipal:

Sacred Heart SchoolPrivate School:

Gr: PK-09Grade covered:

540 Central Blvd.Address:

Danville VA 24541City, State, Zip:

(434) 793-2656School Phone:

Kimberly W. MeadowsPrincipal:

Wee-Care Learning CenterPrivate School:

Gr: PSGrade covered:

1704 Whitfield DriveAddress:

Bedford VA 24523City, State, Zip:

(540) 586-2232School Phone:

Charlotte StossPrincipal:

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Wellspring AcademyPrivate School:

Gr: 06-12Grade covered:

4131 Birch Elmo RoadAddress:

South Boston VA 24592City, State, Zip:

(434) 753-1522 School Phone:

Bob GluhareffPrincipal:

White Oak SchoolPrivate School:

Gr: K-12Grade covered:

7180 U.S. Hwy 29 NorthAddress:

Blairs VA 24527City, State, Zip:

(434) 836-0573School Phone:

Nancy MartinPrincipal:

Woodlawn AcademyPrivate School:

Gr: PS-07Grade covered:

P.O. Drawer 939Address:

Chatham VA 24531City, State, Zip:

(434) 432-9244School Phone:

Dr. Stan T. CockePrincipal:

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Appendix: Higher Education Data

Alphabetical list of Colleges

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Accomack County Extension OfficeEducation Facility:

23203 Front StreetAddress:

Accomac VA 23301-0060City, State:


Albemarle County Extension OfficeEducation Facility:

168 Spotnap RoadAddress:

Charlottesville VA 22911City, State:


Alexandria Extension OfficeEducation Facility:

1108 Jefferson StreetAddress:

Alexandria VA 22314City, State:


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Alleghany County Extension OfficeEducation Facility:

100 Central CircleAddress:

Low Moor VA 24457-0150City, State:


Amherst County Extension OfficeEducation Facility:

100 Goodwin StreetAddress:

Amherst VA 24521-0580City, State:


Arlington County Extension OfficeEducation Facility:

Fairlington Community CenterAddress:

Arlington VA 22206-1904City, State:


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Augusta County Extension OfficeEducation Facility:

13 Goverment Center LaneAddress:

Verona VA 24482-0590City, State:


Brunswick County Extension OfficeEducation Facility:

100-A Tobacco StreetAddress:

Lawrenceville VA 23868City, State:


Buckingham County Extension OfficeEducation Facility:

Rt. 60 Buckingham Court HouseAddress:

Buckingham VA 23921-0227City, State:


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Campbell County Extension OfficeEducation Facility:

163 Kabler LaneAddress:

Rustburg VA 24588-0067City, State:


Chesterfield County Extension OfficeEducation Facility:

6803 West Krause RoadAddress:

Chesterfield VA 23832City, State:


Fairfax County Extension OfficeEducation Facility:

12011 Government Center Pkwy, Ste.Address:

Fairfax VA 22035-1111City, State:


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Fauquier County Extension OfficeEducation Facility:

24 Pelham StreetAddress:

Warrenton VA 20186City, State:


Franklin County Extension OfficeEducation Facility:

90 East Court StreetAddress:

Rocky Mount VA 24151-1732City, State:


Frederick County Extension OfficeEducation Facility:

107 North Kent StreetAddress:

Winchester VA 22601-5000City, State:


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Gloucester County Extension OfficeEducation Facility:

7400 Carriage Court, Mobile #2Address:

Gloucester VA 23061-0156City, State:


Hampton Extension OfficeEducation Facility:

26 West Queens WayAddress:

Hampton VA 23669City, State:


Hanover County Extension OfficeEducation Facility:

13224 Hanover Courthouse Road, Ste.Address:

Hanover VA 23069-0009City, State:


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Henry County/Martinsville Extension OfficeEducation Facility:

3300 King's Mountain Road, Rm.102Address:

Collinsville VA 24078-0007City, State:


Loudoun County Extension OfficeEducation Facility:

30 B Catoctin Circle SEAddress:

Leesburg VA 20175-3614City, State:


Montgomery County Extension OfficeEducation Facility:

755 Roanoke Street, Suite 1GAddress:

Christiansburg VA 24073-3176City, State:


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NASA LangleyEducation Facility:



Hampton, VACity, State:


Newport News Extension OfficeEducation Facility:

12388 Warwick Blvd. Suite 307Address:

Newport News VA 23606-3850City, State:


Norfolk Extension OfficeEducation Facility:

830 Southampton AvenueAddress:

Norfolk VA 23510-1001City, State:


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Pittsylvania County Extension OfficeEducation Facility:

1 Center StreetAddress:

Chatham VA 24531-0398City, State:


Prince Edward County Extension OfficeEducation Facility:

100 Dominion DriveAddress:

Farmville VA 23901-0322City, State:


Prince William County Extension OfficeEducation Facility:

8033 Ashton Avenue, Suite 105Address:

Manassas VA 20109-8202City, State:


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Pulaski County Extension OfficeEducation Facility:

143 Third Street, NW, Ste. 3Address:

Pulaski VA 24301-4999City, State:


Richmond Extension OfficeEducation Facility:

701 N. 25th Street, Rm. 104Address:

Richmond VA 23223City, State:


Roanoke Extension OfficeEducation Facility:

3738 Brambleton Ave., S.W. Address:

Roanoke VA 24018-3639City, State:


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Rockbridge County Extension OfficeEducation Facility:

150 South Main StreetAddress:

Lexington VA 24450City, State:


Rockingham County Extension OfficeEducation Facility:

965 Pleasant Valley RoadAddress:

Harrisonburg VA 22801-9630City, State:


Southwest District OfficeEducation Facility:

12326 VPI Farm RoadAddress:

Glade Spring VA 24340City, State:


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Southwest Virginia Agricultural and Extension CenterEducation Facility:

One Partnership Circle, Ste. 126Address:

Abingdon VA 24210City, State:


Tazewell County Extension OfficeEducation Facility:

552 East Riverside DriveAddress:

Tazewell VA 24651-0229City, State:


Virginia Beach Extension OfficeEducation Facility:

2449 Princess Anne Road, Bldg #14Address:

Virginia Beach VA 23456-9002City, State:


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Virginia Living MuseumEducation Facility:


524 J.Clyde Morris Ave.Address:

Newport News, VA 23601City, State:


Virginia Marine Science MuseumEducation Facility:


717 General Booth Blvd.Address:

Virginia Beach, VA 23451City, State:


Virginia Museum of Natural HistoryEducation Facility:


428 N. Main St.Address:

Blacksburg, VA 24060City, State:


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Virginia Museum of Natural HistoryEducation Facility:

104 Emmet St.Address:

Charlottesville, VA 22904City, State:


Virginia Museum of Natural HistoryEducation Facility:


1001 Douglas Ave.Address:

Martinsville, VA 24112City, State:


Wallops Flight FacilityEducation Facility:



Wallops, VACity, State:


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Warren County Extension OfficeEducation Facility:

220 North Commerce Avenue, Ste. 500Address:

Front Royal VA 22630City, State:


Washington County Extension OfficeEducation Facility:

234 West Valley Street, Suite BAddress:

Abingdon VA 24210City, State:


Wise County Extension OfficeEducation Facility:

P.O. Box 1156Address:

Wise VA 24293-1156City, State:


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Wythe County Extension OfficeEducation Facility:

275 South 4th Street, Ste. 201Address:

Wytheville VA 24382-2596City, State:


York County Extension OfficeEducation Facility:

100 County DriveAddress:

Yorktown VA 23690-0532City, State:
