strategic planning seminar

Ministry Action Plan Going from Here to There

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Ministry Action PlanGoing from Here to There

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My purpose is to provide the Why, What and How of a Ministry Action

Plan so that every church can share their story effectively and


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A leader's role is to raise people's aspirations for what they can become and to release their energies so they

will try to get there." David Gergen

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Every Church and Attender have a Mission and a Vision!

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Where Are We? - AssessWhere Are We going? – Assess, AlignHow will we get there? – Align

Who, What, When - Action

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Vision, Mission and Strategy Development Our Purpose is to articulate a clear, compelling and contagious mission and vision for the church that fuels our passion, guides our decisions

and sets boundaries for our journey.

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“The future is purchased at the price of vision in the present.”

Samuel Johnson

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You choose your future long before it arrives.

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Our purpose is to inspire people. We want people to look at us and say “Because of you, I

didn't give up. I found Jesus”

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Dr. Steve Gedon

Leadership 49 million

Church Leadership – 4.1


Leadership 175,000

Church leadership over


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Dr. Steve Gedon Mission & Vision

“In those days, Israel didn't yet have a king, so each person did whatever seemed right in his own opinion. Judges 21:25

"Unless there is within us that which is above us, we shall soon yield to that which is about us." — P.T. Forsyth

28 [Jesus] is the one we proclaim, admonishing and teaching everyone with all wisdom, so that we may present everyone fully mature in Christ. 29 To this end I strenuously contend with all the energy Christ so powerfully works in me. Colossians 1:28-29 New International Version (NIV)

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Strategic Planning

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Mission – What is our noble purpose?

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Mission – What is our noble purpose?

Vision – What do you intend the future to be?

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MissionWho we AreWhat we do

Our mission is to be a ‘bridge’ in our community that leads others to Christ, to discover their divine design, and to impact that world.

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MissionWhy are we here?

Church is not just a place to go, it is who you become.

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MissionWhy are we here?

Make Disciples of Jesus Christ for the Transformation of the World(1) Is it about Jesus?(2) Will it make Disciples?(3) Is it going to transform the World?

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What will it be like?What we want to be

A vision is ‘a picture of a future reality

that ignites passion’.

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A community of such contagious worship that can only be explained by the presence of Jesus, a partnership where people are stretched, connected and helping others reach their full potential in Christ.


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Vision is the ministry compass that helps our leaders navigate through the

ocean of decision.

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“A leader's role is to raise people's aspirations for what they can become and to release their energies so they will try to get there.”

- David Gergen

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strat·e·gyA method or plan chosen to bring about a

desired future, such as achievement of a goal or solution to a problem.


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“If you do not know to which port you are sailing, no wind is favorable.” Seneca

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The Church is not just a remnant of what was or security against what could be; it is

an appeal to our better selves; a call to become something more.

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Church links together:The Story of God - Past

The Promise of God - FutureThe Mission of God - Present

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Where there is no vision, people cast off restraint.

Pr 29:18

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IntimidationBully Tactics

Passive AggressiveGossip, complaining

Parking Lot Mtgs

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Its really all about Me!Once Saved Always Saved

Membership has its privileges

The Church is a gas Station

Church is a theater

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Survival of the FittestYoung FamiliesContemporary

MinistryConnectionalLow income


MembershipIndependentHigh Income

Church Council

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Strategic Pyramid

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Mission Statement (What You Do): A one-sentence statement describing the reason an organization or program exists and was called into being. It guides decisions about priorities, actions, and responsibilities.

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A Mission Statement describes why we exists; its purpose is to clarify and set boundaries.

It answers the questions:  What defines success according to God! What is our Scriptural Mandate?What actions and activities define who we


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Vision Statement (Desired End-State, long):

A one-sentence statement describing the clear and inspirational long-term desired change resulting from an organization or program’s work.

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Vision Statement (Desired End-State, short):A short memorable statement describing the clear and inspirational long-term desired change resulting from an organization or program’s work.

Own Your Vision

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• Who we are…Community needs, financial, culture, social issues Hopes, Fears, Needs, Desires, history

• What we believe…Values, Boundaries, Wesleyan tradition, Apostle’s Creed

Own Your Vision

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• Where we’re going…Vision for the future, dreams, goals, hopes, etc.Begin with the end in mind

• How we’ll get there…Priorities, initiatives, imperatives, programs, technology

Own Your Vision

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Align with God’s Mission

Assess Current Reality

Act to Achieve

“Why we exist?”

“What we want to be?”


Specific Targets

Action Plan

Developing a Strategic Plan

Strategic Pyramid






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Clarity – Who are we and where are we going?Community – interdependence, opennessCommitment – ownership & responsibilityCourage – Strength, Support, and Steps

Why Bother?

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The greatest barriers to creating a realistic/useful

strategyis Honesty and Time.

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HonestyHonesty is the best policy,Unless you want people to like you.

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HonestyHow much do you trust your team?

Is confidentiality a problem?How emotionally mature is your team?

How do you handle conflict? Can you deal with Sacred Cows?

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Approval BiasWhat if your mission is really to make everyone


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Unspoken Mission StatementIs your mission really to make everyone happy?

“Face reality as it is, not as it was or as you wish it to be.”

Jack Welch

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Preserve the building.Keep everyone happy.Maintain the organ.Protect the pastor.Get rid of the pastor.Never upset the secretary.Don’t offend the choir.

Never ask for money.Protect the endowment.Maintain a family feel.Never increase the budget.Avoid disagreement.Focus on current members.Survive at all costs.

Shadow Mission

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TimeDiscipline is choosing between what you

want now and what you want most.The choice is between what is right, and

what is easy.

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TimeDiscipline is choosing between

what you want now and what you want most.How invested is your team?

Quick solutions are rarely good solutions

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Spiritual MaturityFaith

Healthy RelationshipsLove

Life SatisfactionJoy


Wisdom AcceptanceFaith

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1. What is your noble purpose?2. What do you stand for? What are the non-

negotiable?3. How are cultural forces are shaping your

survival?4. What is moving people to choose other


Vision & Mission Questions

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1. What is your essential offering?2. How will you delight and engage visitors?3. Where will you invest to grow in the future?4. What is your discipleship model?

Vision & Mission Questions

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In those days, Israel didn't yet have a king, so each person did whatever seemed right in his own opinion.

Judges 21:25 NIV

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Reactive / Problem Solving Orientation

vsCreative / Outcome Orientation

Two Distinct Approaches

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1. Energy and Focus is to make something go away or to make someone happy 2. After Problem Solved – you may be farther away from what you really wanted3. Highly Risk Averse

Reactive / Problem Solving

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1. Energy and Focus is to bring something into existence

2. Action is taken deliberately to move toward something.

3. Requires risk into the Unknown

Creative / Outcome

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What are your highest Aspirations?

What Price are you willing to pay?

What do you Value?

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Strategic PlanningRisk

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Risk, Commitment, Faith and Togetherness

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2. What is current reality in contrast to your Goals

1. What do you truly want?Values and Highest Aspirations(Membership > Ministry?)

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3. What Actions will move you toward your Goals

4. Focus on accomplishing actions Measurable, Assignable, Specific, Simple

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Where Are We? - AssessWhere Are We going? – Assess, AlignHow will we get there? – Align

Who, What, When - Action

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Align Act

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AssessAssess your current reality

1. What is the real condition of the ministry? (facts, numbers, trends )

2. Where are the real opportunities? 3. What are the real costs? money, time, etc.

4. What is the real goal? 5. Is it a pet – project?6. Can you describe it quickly and simply?


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AlignIs it inspiring and motivational?

1. What is God’s Spirit and Word saying regarding your vision?

2. Is it a calling, competition or sacred cow3. Is your perspective, purpose and priority in

line with the Lord’s Vision / Mission?4. Is it confirmed by your team?



Prayer is asking God to align you to His willrather than us asking Him to be aligned with ours.

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ActMap clear steps toward implementation

1. This is where assessment and biblical alignment meet execution.

2. What training, reading or collaboration3. Who will do what, when? (champion)4. Reporting Structure - accountability5. End goal


Align Act

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3Phone calls


Voice mailReportsDrop-ins


Clarifying ValuesRelationshipsVision/Mission

Process - Improvement

1 CrisisDeadlinesMeetingsRepairs



“Escapes”Junk Mail

Busy Work3

Phone callsInterruptions

E-mailVoice mailReportsDrop-ins

Tyranny of the Urgent

1 CrisisDeadlinesMeetingsRepairs

Urgent Not Urgent



Not I




PlanningClarifying Values



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Internal factors



SWOT Analysis

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Strengths• Location & Parking• Facilities• Pre-School Center

Strengths:  Characteristics of this particular church that may give it an advantage over others;Ask someone outside the membership of the church

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Strengths• Location• Facilities• Pre-School Centers

Strength:  The church is located on a busy street and has high visibility in the community.

Ask someone outside the membership of the church


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Weaknesses• Location & parking• Aging Congregation• Worship Style

Weaknesses:  Characteristics of thisparticular church that may be a disadvantage as compared to others;

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Weaknesses• Location & parking• Aging Congregation, Family • Worship Style

Weakness:  A small percentage of the church population is young families.

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Opportunities• Economic forces• Social Forces • Demographics

Opportunities:  Conditions outside the church that could potentially increase attendance or revenues;

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Opportunities• Economic forces• Social Forces • Demographics

Opportunities:  The church is located in an area with a high population of Hispanic families.


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Threats• Economic forces• Social Forces • Demographics

Threats:  Conditions outside the church that could create problemsfor the church.

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Threats• Economic forces• Social Forces • Demographics

Threats:  The church is located in a small town with an aging population


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We value connections that awakens the soul, engage the imagination and set aflame the hope of adventure. By engaging the Word of God in worship, study and service, we seek to elevate the ordinary and routine to become the extraordinary and radical.

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“A community of such contagious worship that can only be explained by the presence of Jesus, a partnership where

people stretch and grow to reach their full potential in Christ, and a contagious enthusiasm that fills the emptiness created

by poverty of mind, body and spirit.





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Filling the Emptiness



Initiative #1: Inspirational Worship ExperiencesInitiative #2: Intentional Christian DiscipleshipInitiative #3: Impacting our WorldInitiative #4: Inviting Faith Conversations

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We want as many people as possible to be brought into close proximity to the gospel, so that they will experience Jesus. That’s the starting point, for most people, on the journey to spiritual maturity. So what can we do in the upcoming year to provide opportunities for true worship?

Goal OneInspirational Worship

ExperiencesOur Goal: To inspire people through powerful praise and intimate worship of our loving Father to become passionate disciples of Jesus and build a community of caring.

Increase average weekly worship attendance by 10 % within 12 months, create an environment invites participation, reflection and commitment to the journey

Current: Average weekly attendance is ~ 230

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How will you use social media?How will you utilize local media outlets?How can you leverage local events or host special events?What invite tools will you put in the hands of your members?What major campaigns will you use as an entry point for new people?





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The real issue is, how do we help people see that they really belong, and that the best way to grow spiritually is to be a committed part of the body. As we face another year, we’re wrestling with questions such as:





Goal TwoIntentional Christian

DiscipleshipCreate an environment for people to discover,

develop and pursue their full potential in Christ

Current: Appr. 85% of 2+ givers give less than $100/yr. Median gift of 2+ givers is ~ $200

/ yearAverage Adult Sunday School Attendance ~

50Average Youth Sunday School Attendance

~ 50Average Children Sunday School Attendance ~ 50

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Disciples follow Jesus. They imitate his character and learn to be more like him, which only happens as they grow deeper in his truth and grace. Growing disciples don’t depend solely on the weekend message as their source of spiritual nourishment. They become self-feeders who study the Bible, pray, give, and serve.Our role as church leaders isn’t to produce spiritual maturity. Only the Holy Spirit can do that. But it is certainly our job to create the environment and supply the tools for God to work with.





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PartnershipA relationship between individuals characterized by mutual cooperation

and responsibility, for the achievement of a specified goal.





Covenant – Commitment – Cooperation

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How can you get every member into a small group?How can you give every member a job, a role serving the body?How can you best challenge more people to commit to membership?How do you get people to take ownership of the mission of your church?How do you reward long-term faithfulness?






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Stretch and grow

Filling the Emptiness


How will your next twelve months challenge people to be like Jesus?

How can you get devotional material into people’s hands daily?

How can you remind people of the power and potential of prayer?

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Stretch and grow

Filling the Emptiness


When your members get involved in ministry, they are far more likely to become bringers. And the more leaders you have involved in ministry, the more your members feel connected and cared for. Your church’s capacity to grow increases as people leave their seats to serve others.How can you help people discover their unique, God-given SHAPE for ministry?

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Stretch and grow

Filling the Emptiness


How can you make people aware of all the opportunities there are to serve?How can you create more opportunities for people to serve?

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Inspireto excite, energize, and breathe life into

InvestTo commit in order to grow, produce, yield

ImpactTo make a strong, lasting impression

“The mind cannot think without a picture.”Aristotle

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Inspireto excite, energize, and breathe life into

InvestTo commit in order to grow, produce, yield

ImpactTo make a strong, lasting impression

Strategic Planning

I want to Impact this world in light of the next.

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Inspireto excite, energize, and breathe life into

(1)Engage– Experiential, Image -rich,

Sacraments, Fasting, Solitude, Personal

(2)Communication – Slides, Podcast,

Sermon Notes

(3)Experiential – Healing, Emmaus,

(4)Practical – Next Steps, “Unless there is within us that which is above us, we shall soon yield to that which is about us.” — P.T. Forsyth

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InvestTo commit in order to grow, produce or yield

“Then you will understand what is right and just -- every good path. For wisdom will enter your heart, and knowledge will be pleasant to your soul. Discretion will protect you, and understanding will guard you.”

Proverbs 2: 9-11 (NIV)

Strategic Planning

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InvestTo commit in order to produce

Strategic Planning

(1) Bible Study / Wisdom / Confidence

(2) Stewardship / Generosity

(3) Small Groups / Fellowship / Compassion

(4) Ministry Teams / Awareness / Gifts

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Impact the WorldTo make a strong, lasting impression.

Strategic Planning

“If you spend yourselves in behalf of the hungry and satisfy the needs of the oppressed, then your light will rise in the darkness, and your night will

become like the noonday.” Isa 58:10

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Impact the WorldTo make a strong, lasting impression.

Strategic Planning

(1) Innovation / Creativity / Cultural Awareness

(2) Testimony / Leadership / Disciple

(3) Small Groups / Fellowship / Compassion

(4) Ministry Teams / Awareness / Gifts