strategic flood risk assessment · strategic flood risk assessment november 2008 halcrow group...


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Page 1: STRATEGIC FLOOD RISK ASSESSMENT · Strategic Flood Risk Assessment November 2008 Halcrow Group Limited Halcrow Group Limited Griffin House 135 High Street Crawley West Sussex RH10

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Page 2: STRATEGIC FLOOD RISK ASSESSMENT · Strategic Flood Risk Assessment November 2008 Halcrow Group Limited Halcrow Group Limited Griffin House 135 High Street Crawley West Sussex RH10

Page 3: STRATEGIC FLOOD RISK ASSESSMENT · Strategic Flood Risk Assessment November 2008 Halcrow Group Limited Halcrow Group Limited Griffin House 135 High Street Crawley West Sussex RH10

London Borough of Bromley

Bromley Town Centre Area Action Plan

Strategic Flood Risk Assessment

November 2008

Halcrow Group Limited

Halcrow Group Limited Griffin House 135 High Street Crawley West Sussex RH10 1DQ Tel +44 (0)1293 434500 Fax +44 (0)1293 434599 Halcrow Group Limited has prepared this report in accordance with the instructions of their client, London Borough of Bromley, for their sole and specific use. Any other persons who use any information contained herein do so at their own risk. © Halcrow Group Limited 2008

Page 4: STRATEGIC FLOOD RISK ASSESSMENT · Strategic Flood Risk Assessment November 2008 Halcrow Group Limited Halcrow Group Limited Griffin House 135 High Street Crawley West Sussex RH10

Page 5: STRATEGIC FLOOD RISK ASSESSMENT · Strategic Flood Risk Assessment November 2008 Halcrow Group Limited Halcrow Group Limited Griffin House 135 High Street Crawley West Sussex RH10

London Borough of Bromley

Bromley Town Centre Area Action Plan

Strategic Flood Risk Assessment �

Contents Amendment Record ����������������� ��������� ����� ��������������

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Page 6: STRATEGIC FLOOD RISK ASSESSMENT · Strategic Flood Risk Assessment November 2008 Halcrow Group Limited Halcrow Group Limited Griffin House 135 High Street Crawley West Sussex RH10

Page 7: STRATEGIC FLOOD RISK ASSESSMENT · Strategic Flood Risk Assessment November 2008 Halcrow Group Limited Halcrow Group Limited Griffin House 135 High Street Crawley West Sussex RH10


1 Executive Summary 1

2 Background Information 2 ��� �������� ���� ������� ������������������ ���������������� �� � ��� ��������������������������� �� � ��� �������������� � ��� ��� ���� !����������������������������� �� �

3 Requirement for a Level 2 Strategic Flood Risk Assessment 2

4 Relevant Documents 4 ��� "#�$� %����������&���'� � ��� (��!� �)�����#� �%�!� ���� �� � ��� ���� ����� ��������* �� + ��� #� �%� %����������$�����%���������!� � + ��, ��� � %����������!� ��,�-����,.� /

5 Sequential Test and Exception Test 9 ,�� )�����0� ���� ��)�����#���� 1 ,�� 2�����3�� ����2���4���������� �5 ,�� ��3�� ����2�������6��!����2�� �(� ��� �� ,�� 2���78���� �2��� �� ,�, 78���� �2�������6��!����2�� �(� ��� �� ,�+ 78��� %�9������!� �� ��:� %4��!�)��������������!� � ��

6 Flood Risk and Proposal Sites 17 +�� �������������� �/ +�� ;��� ������)����� %� �/ +�� )������������� %� �< +�� �������&����)����� %� �1 +�, ���������)�������)��������$� �1 +�+ ������%��)����� %� �1

7 Drainage Strategy 20 /�� ������ � �5 /�� 2����8��� %����� �%������!� �5

Page 8: STRATEGIC FLOOD RISK ASSESSMENT · Strategic Flood Risk Assessment November 2008 Halcrow Group Limited Halcrow Group Limited Griffin House 135 High Street Crawley West Sussex RH10

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8 Flood Warning 29 <�� ������ � �1 <�� )�����&�� � %�(����� �1 <�� 7����� �����)�����&�� � %�������� �5

9 Recommended Policies 31 1�� ���!��������� �� 1�� )����� %� �� 1�� ���������� ����� �� �� 1�� ������� ����������������������� ����� �� �� 1�, 9��� �%��9���% � �� 1�+ 9������!� �:����� ��

Page 9: STRATEGIC FLOOD RISK ASSESSMENT · Strategic Flood Risk Assessment November 2008 Halcrow Group Limited Halcrow Group Limited Griffin House 135 High Street Crawley West Sussex RH10


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Page 10: STRATEGIC FLOOD RISK ASSESSMENT · Strategic Flood Risk Assessment November 2008 Halcrow Group Limited Halcrow Group Limited Griffin House 135 High Street Crawley West Sussex RH10

Page 11: STRATEGIC FLOOD RISK ASSESSMENT · Strategic Flood Risk Assessment November 2008 Halcrow Group Limited Halcrow Group Limited Griffin House 135 High Street Crawley West Sussex RH10

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Page 12: STRATEGIC FLOOD RISK ASSESSMENT · Strategic Flood Risk Assessment November 2008 Halcrow Group Limited Halcrow Group Limited Griffin House 135 High Street Crawley West Sussex RH10

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Page 13: STRATEGIC FLOOD RISK ASSESSMENT · Strategic Flood Risk Assessment November 2008 Halcrow Group Limited Halcrow Group Limited Griffin House 135 High Street Crawley West Sussex RH10

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Page 14: STRATEGIC FLOOD RISK ASSESSMENT · Strategic Flood Risk Assessment November 2008 Halcrow Group Limited Halcrow Group Limited Griffin House 135 High Street Crawley West Sussex RH10

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Page � Sustaining & Improving the Quality of People’s Lives

1 Executive Summary

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3 Requirement for a Level 2 Strategic Flood Risk Assessment

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Page 19: STRATEGIC FLOOD RISK ASSESSMENT · Strategic Flood Risk Assessment November 2008 Halcrow Group Limited Halcrow Group Limited Griffin House 135 High Street Crawley West Sussex RH10

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4 Relevant Documents

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Page 22: STRATEGIC FLOOD RISK ASSESSMENT · Strategic Flood Risk Assessment November 2008 Halcrow Group Limited Halcrow Group Limited Griffin House 135 High Street Crawley West Sussex RH10

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Page 46: STRATEGIC FLOOD RISK ASSESSMENT · Strategic Flood Risk Assessment November 2008 Halcrow Group Limited Halcrow Group Limited Griffin House 135 High Street Crawley West Sussex RH10

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Page 47: STRATEGIC FLOOD RISK ASSESSMENT · Strategic Flood Risk Assessment November 2008 Halcrow Group Limited Halcrow Group Limited Griffin House 135 High Street Crawley West Sussex RH10

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Page 50: STRATEGIC FLOOD RISK ASSESSMENT · Strategic Flood Risk Assessment November 2008 Halcrow Group Limited Halcrow Group Limited Griffin House 135 High Street Crawley West Sussex RH10

Appendix A

Page 51: STRATEGIC FLOOD RISK ASSESSMENT · Strategic Flood Risk Assessment November 2008 Halcrow Group Limited Halcrow Group Limited Griffin House 135 High Street Crawley West Sussex RH10

1km grid point location 8hr 100 yr rainfall541000 170000 83.6540000 690000 83.8541000 169000 82.4540000 168000 84.4average 83.55

Page 52: STRATEGIC FLOOD RISK ASSESSMENT · Strategic Flood Risk Assessment November 2008 Halcrow Group Limited Halcrow Group Limited Griffin House 135 High Street Crawley West Sussex RH10

Landuse areas Percentage Area as given in Bromley AAPTotal Site area = Roof area + Green area + Permeable pavement area 100 2.62 HaTotal Site area = Roof area + Green area + Permeable pavement area 100 26200 sq mGreen areas (not discharging into system) 10 2620.0 sq m rainfall falling on green areas infiltrates and does not contribute to runoffArea where landuse = buildings 60 15720.0 sq m total built area on site comprising of buildings Potential Permeable pavement area 30 7860.0 sq m total paving area on site

Permeable pavement characteristicsDepth 0.3 mPermeable pavement volume 2358.0 cubic mWater storage volume = 1/3 of permeable pavement volume 786.0 cubic m 1/3 of the permeable paving depth is void space - this is where the water is stored

Underground storage tanks characteristicsDepth of tanks 1.2 mArea available for underground tanks 1572.0 sq m assume 60% of green spaces can be underlain with storage tanksWater storage volume 1886.4 cubic m

OutflowEA permitted discharge rate from non-green areas 2 l/s per haNon-green area, in hectares (1ha = 10,000 sq m) 2.358 haPermitted discharge from non-green area 4.7 l/s

RainfallStorm duration 8 hours100 year storm at 1km point 83.55 mm this is the average value from the 4 corners of the 1km grid square covering Bromley -see sheet 'FEH data'100 year storm at 1km point in 2115 108.615 mm based on prediction of 30% increase due to climate change

Results (using climate change rainfall)Volume of rainfall falling on whole site 2845.7 cubic mVolume of rainfall falling on non-green areas 2561.1 cubic m non-greenn areas are areas where land use is paving or buildingsVolume discharged into drainage pipes 135.8 cubic m based on the allowable discharge of 2l/s/haVolume of rainfall not discharged, hence requiring storage 2425.3 cubic mVolume of storage that can be accomodated by porous paving 786.0 cubic mVolume of water for which can be accomodated in underground storage 1886.4 cubic mtotal volume of water attenuated on-site 2672.4 cubic m attenuated in underground storage and permeable pavingStorage still required (negative numbers indicate spare capacity) -247.1 cubic m if number is positive, this volume will need to be attenuated off-site (eg regional controls)

Page 53: STRATEGIC FLOOD RISK ASSESSMENT · Strategic Flood Risk Assessment November 2008 Halcrow Group Limited Halcrow Group Limited Griffin House 135 High Street Crawley West Sussex RH10

Landuse areas Percentage Area as given in Bromley AAPTotal Site area = Roof area + Green area + Permeable pavement area 100 0.36 HaTotal Site area = Roof area + Green area + Permeable pavement area 100 3600 sq mGreen areas (not discharging into system) 30 1080.0 sq m rainfall falling on green areas infiltrates and does not contribute to runoffArea where landuse = buildings 50 1800.0 sq m total built area on site comprising of buildings Potential Permeable pavement area 20 720.0 sq m total paving area on site

Permeable pavement characteristicsDepth 0.3 mPermeable pavement volume 216.0 cubic mWater storage volume = 1/3 of permeable pavement volume 72.0 cubic m 1/3 of the permeable paving depth is void space - this is where the water is stored

Underground storage tanks characteristicsDepth of tanks 1.2 mArea available for underground tanks 648.0 sq m assume 60% of green spaces can be underlain with storage tanksWater storage volume 777.6 cubic m

OutflowEA permitted discharge rate from non-green areas 2 l/s per haNon-green area, in hectares (1ha = 10,000 sq m) 0.252 haPermitted discharge from non-green area 0.5 l/s

RainfallStorm duration 8 hours100 year storm at 1km point 83.55 mm this is the average value from the 4 corners of the 1km grid square covering Bromley100 year storm at 1km point in 2115 108.615 mm based on prediction of 30% increase due to climate change

Results (using climate change rainfall)Volume of rainfall falling on whole site 391.0 cubic mVolume of rainfall falling on non-green areas 273.7 cubic m non-greenn areas are areas where land use is paving or buildingsVolume discharged into drainage pipes 14.5 cubic m based on the allowable discharge of 2l/s/haVolume of rainfall not discharged, hence requiring storage 259.2 cubic mVolume of storage that can be accomodated by porous paving 72.0 cubic mVolume of water for which can be accomodated in underground storage 777.6 cubic mtotal volume of water attenuated on-site 849.6 cubic m attenuated in underground storage and permeable pavingStorage still required (negative numbers indicate spare capacity) -590.4 cubic m if number is positive, this volume will need to be attenuated off-site (eg regional controls)

Page 54: STRATEGIC FLOOD RISK ASSESSMENT · Strategic Flood Risk Assessment November 2008 Halcrow Group Limited Halcrow Group Limited Griffin House 135 High Street Crawley West Sussex RH10

Landuse areas Percentage Area as given in Bromley AAPTotal Site area = Roof area + Green area + Permeable pavement area 100 0.64 HaTotal Site area = Roof area + Green area + Permeable pavement area 100 6400 sq mGreen areas (not discharging into system) 10 640.0 sq m rainfall falling on green areas infiltrates and does not contribute to runoffArea where landuse = buildings 70 4480.0 sq m total built area on site comprising of buildings Potential Permeable pavement area 20 1280.0 sq m total paving area on site

Permeable pavement characteristicsDepth 0.3 mPermeable pavement volume 384.0 cubic mWater storage volume = 1/3 of permeable pavement volume 128.0 cubic m 1/3 of the permeable paving depth is void space - this is where the water is stored

Underground storage tanks characteristicsDepth of tanks 1.2 mArea available for underground tanks 384.0 sq m assume 60% of green spaces can be underlain with storage tanksWater storage volume 460.8 cubic m

OutflowEA permitted discharge rate from non-green areas 2 l/s per haNon-green area, in hectares (1ha = 10,000 sq m) 0.576 haPermitted discharge from non-green area 1.2 l/s

RainfallStorm duration 8 hours100 year storm at 1km point 83.55 mm this is the average value from the 4 corners of the 1km grid square covering Bromley100 year storm at 1km point in 2115 108.615 mm based on prediction of 30% increase due to climate change

Results (using climate change rainfall)Volume of rainfall falling on whole site 695.1 cubic mVolume of rainfall falling on non-green areas 625.6 cubic m non-greenn areas are areas where land use is paving or buildingsVolume discharged into drainage pipes 33.2 cubic m based on the allowable discharge of 2l/s/haVolume of rainfall not discharged, hence requiring storage 592.4 cubic mVolume of storage that can be accomodated by porous paving 128.0 cubic mVolume of water for which can be accomodated in underground storage 460.8 cubic mtotal volume of water attenuated on-site 588.8 cubic m attenuated in underground storage and permeable pavingStorage still required (negative numbers indicate spare capacity) 3.6 cubic m if number is positive, this volume will need to be attenuated off-site (eg regional controls)

Page 55: STRATEGIC FLOOD RISK ASSESSMENT · Strategic Flood Risk Assessment November 2008 Halcrow Group Limited Halcrow Group Limited Griffin House 135 High Street Crawley West Sussex RH10

Landuse areas Percentage Area as given in Bromley AAPTotal Site area = Roof area + Green area + Permeable pavement area 100 1.95 HaTotal Site area = Roof area + Green area + Permeable pavement area 100 19500 sq mGreen areas (not discharging into system) 10 1950.0 sq m rainfall falling on green areas infiltrates and does not contribute to runoffArea where landuse = buildings 70 13650.0 sq m total built area on site comprising of buildings Potential Permeable pavement area 20 3900.0 sq m total paving area on site

Permeable pavement characteristicsDepth 0.3 mPermeable pavement volume 1170.0 cubic mWater storage volume = 1/3 of permeable pavement volume 390.0 cubic m 1/3 of the permeable paving depth is void space - this is where the water is stored

Underground storage tanks characteristicsDepth of tanks 1.2 mArea available for underground tanks 1170.0 sq m assume 60% of green spaces can be underlain with storage tanksWater storage volume 1404.0 cubic m

OutflowEA permitted discharge rate from non-green areas 2 l/s per haNon-green area, in hectares (1ha = 10,000 sq m) 1.755 haPermitted discharge from non-green area 3.5 l/s

RainfallStorm duration 8 hours100 year storm at 1km point 83.55 mm this is the average value from the 4 corners of the 1km grid square covering Bromley100 year storm at 1km point in 2115 108.615 mm based on prediction of 30% increase due to climate change

Results (using climate change rainfall)Volume of rainfall falling on whole site 2118.0 cubic mVolume of rainfall falling on non-green areas 1906.2 cubic m non-greenn areas are areas where land use is paving or buildingsVolume discharged into drainage pipes 101.1 cubic m based on the allowable discharge of 2l/s/haVolume of rainfall not discharged, hence requiring storage 1805.1 cubic mVolume of storage that can be accomodated by porous paving 390.0 cubic mVolume of water for which can be accomodated in underground storage 1404.0 cubic mtotal volume of water attenuated on-site 1794.0 cubic m attenuated in underground storage and permeable pavingStorage still required (negative numbers indicate spare capacity) 11.1 cubic m if number is positive, this volume will need to be attenuated off-site (eg regional controls)

Page 56: STRATEGIC FLOOD RISK ASSESSMENT · Strategic Flood Risk Assessment November 2008 Halcrow Group Limited Halcrow Group Limited Griffin House 135 High Street Crawley West Sussex RH10

Landuse areas Percentage Area as given in Bromley AAPTotal Site area = Roof area + Green area + Permeable pavement area 100 0.85 HaTotal Site area = Roof area + Green area + Permeable pavement area 100 8500 sq mGreen areas (not discharging into system) 0 0.0 sq m rainfall falling on green areas infiltrates and does not contribute to runoffArea where landuse = buildings 90 7650.0 sq m total built area on site comprising of buildings Potential Permeable pavement area 10 850.0 sq m total paving area on site

Permeable pavement characteristicsDepth 0.3 mPermeable pavement volume 255.0 cubic mWater storage volume = 1/3 of permeable pavement volume 85.0 cubic m 1/3 of the permeable paving depth is void space - this is where the water is stored

Underground storage tanks characteristicsDepth of tanks 1.2 mArea available for underground tanks 0.0 sq m assume 60% of green spaces can be underlain with storage tanksWater storage volume 0.0 cubic m

OutflowEA permitted discharge rate from non-green areas 2 l/s per haNon-green area, in hectares (1ha = 10,000 sq m) 0.85 haPermitted discharge from non-green area 1.7 l/s

RainfallStorm duration 8 hours100 year storm at 1km point 83.55 mm this is the average value from the 4 corners of the 1km grid square covering Bromley100 year storm at 1km point in 2115 108.615 mm based on prediction of 30% increase due to climate change

Results (using climate change rainfall)Volume of rainfall falling on whole site 923.2 cubic mVolume of rainfall falling on non-green areas 923.2 cubic m non-greenn areas are areas where land use is paving or buildingsVolume discharged into drainage pipes 49.0 cubic m based on the allowable discharge of 2l/s/haVolume of rainfall not discharged, hence requiring storage 874.3 cubic mVolume of storage that can be accomodated by porous paving 85.0 cubic mVolume of water for which can be accomodated in underground storage 0.0 cubic mtotal volume of water attenuated on-site 85.0 cubic m attenuated in underground storage and permeable pavingStorage still required (negative numbers indicate spare capacity) 789.3 cubic m if number is positive, this volume will need to be attenuated off-site (eg regional controls)

Page 57: STRATEGIC FLOOD RISK ASSESSMENT · Strategic Flood Risk Assessment November 2008 Halcrow Group Limited Halcrow Group Limited Griffin House 135 High Street Crawley West Sussex RH10

Landuse areas Percentage Area as given in Bromley AAPTotal Site area = Roof area + Green area + Permeable pavement area 100 6.11 HaTotal Site area = Roof area + Green area + Permeable pavement area 100 61100 sq mGreen areas (not discharging into system) 50 30550.0 sq m rainfall falling on green areas infiltrates and does not contribute to runoffArea where landuse = buildings 30 18330.0 sq m total built area on site comprising of buildings Potential Permeable pavement area 20 12220.0 sq m total paving area on site

Permeable pavement characteristicsDepth 0.3 mPermeable pavement volume 3666.0 cubic mWater storage volume = 1/3 of permeable pavement volume 1222.0 cubic m 1/3 of the permeable paving depth is void space - this is where the water is stored

Underground storage tanks characteristicsDepth of tanks 1.2 mArea available for underground tanks 18330.0 sq m assume 60% of green spaces can be underlain with storage tanksWater storage volume 21996.0 cubic m

OutflowEA permitted discharge rate from non-green areas 2 l/s per haNon-green area, in hectares (1ha = 10,000 sq m) 3.055 haPermitted discharge from non-green area 6.1 l/s

RainfallStorm duration 8 hours100 year storm at 1km point 83.55 mm this is the average value from the 4 corners of the 1km grid square covering Bromley100 year storm at 1km point in 2115 108.615 mm based on prediction of 30% increase due to climate change

Results (using climate change rainfall)Volume of rainfall falling on whole site 6636.4 cubic mVolume of rainfall falling on non-green areas 3318.2 cubic m non-greenn areas are areas where land use is paving or buildingsVolume discharged into drainage pipes 176.0 cubic m based on the allowable discharge of 2l/s/haVolume of rainfall not discharged, hence requiring storage 3142.2 cubic mVolume of storage that can be accomodated by porous paving 1222.0 cubic mVolume of water for which can be accomodated in underground storage 21996.0 cubic mtotal volume of water attenuated on-site 23218.0 cubic m attenuated in underground storage and permeable pavingStorage still required (negative numbers indicate spare capacity) -20075.8 cubic m if number is positive, this volume will need to be attenuated off-site (eg regional controls)

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Landuse areas Percentage Area as given in Bromley AAPTotal Site area = Roof area + Green area + Permeable pavement area 100 2.14 HaTotal Site area = Roof area + Green area + Permeable pavement area 100 21400 sq mGreen areas (not discharging into system) 10 2140.0 sq m rainfall falling on green areas infiltrates and does not contribute to runoffArea where landuse = buildings 70 14980.0 sq m total built area on site comprising of buildings Potential Permeable pavement area 20 4280.0 sq m total paving area on site

Permeable pavement characteristicsDepth 0.3 mPermeable pavement volume 1284.0 cubic mWater storage volume = 1/3 of permeable pavement volume 428.0 cubic m 1/3 of the permeable paving depth is void space - this is where the water is stored

Underground storage tanks characteristicsDepth of tanks 1.2 mArea available for underground tanks 1284.0 sq m assume 60% of green spaces can be underlain with storage tanksWater storage volume 1540.8 cubic m

OutflowEA permitted discharge rate from non-green areas 2 l/s per haNon-green area, in hectares (1ha = 10,000 sq m) 1.926 haPermitted discharge from non-green area 3.9 l/s

RainfallStorm duration 8 hours100 year storm at 1km point 83.55 mm this is the average value from the 4 corners of the 1km grid square covering Bromley100 year storm at 1km point in 2115 108.615 mm based on prediction of 30% increase due to climate change

Results (using climate change rainfall)Volume of rainfall falling on whole site 2324.4 cubic mVolume of rainfall falling on non-green areas 2091.9 cubic m non-greenn areas are areas where land use is paving or buildingsVolume discharged into drainage pipes 110.9 cubic m based on the allowable discharge of 2l/s/haVolume of rainfall not discharged, hence requiring storage 1981.0 cubic mVolume of storage that can be accomodated by porous paving 428.0 cubic mVolume of water for which can be accomodated in underground storage 1540.8 cubic mtotal volume of water attenuated on-site 1968.8 cubic m attenuated in underground storage and permeable pavingStorage still required (negative numbers indicate spare capacity) 12.2 cubic m if number is positive, this volume will need to be attenuated off-site (eg regional controls)

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Landuse areas Percentage Area as given in Bromley AAPTotal Site area = Roof area + Green area + Permeable pavement area 100 0.44 HaTotal Site area = Roof area + Green area + Permeable pavement area 100 4400 sq mGreen areas (not discharging into system) 10 440.0 sq m rainfall falling on green areas infiltrates and does not contribute to runoffArea where landuse = buildings 70 3080.0 sq m total built area on site comprising of buildings Potential Permeable pavement area 20 880.0 sq m total paving area on site

Permeable pavement characteristicsDepth 0.3 mPermeable pavement volume 264.0 cubic mWater storage volume = 1/3 of permeable pavement volume 88.0 cubic m 1/3 of the permeable paving depth is void space - this is where the water is stored

Underground storage tanks characteristicsDepth of tanks 1.2 mArea available for underground tanks 264.0 sq m assume 60% of green spaces can be underlain with storage tanksWater storage volume 316.8 cubic m

OutflowEA permitted discharge rate from non-green areas 2 l/s per haNon-green area, in hectares (1ha = 10,000 sq m) 0.396 haPermitted discharge from non-green area 0.8 l/s

RainfallStorm duration 8 hours100 year storm at 1km point 83.55 mm this is the average value from the 4 corners of the 1km grid square covering Bromley100 year storm at 1km point in 2115 108.615 mm based on prediction of 30% increase due to climate change

Results (using climate change rainfall)Volume of rainfall falling on whole site 477.9 cubic mVolume of rainfall falling on non-green areas 430.1 cubic m non-greenn areas are areas where land use is paving or buildingsVolume discharged into drainage pipes 22.8 cubic m based on the allowable discharge of 2l/s/haVolume of rainfall not discharged, hence requiring storage 407.3 cubic mVolume of storage that can be accomodated by porous paving 88.0 cubic mVolume of water for which can be accomodated in underground storage 316.8 cubic mtotal volume of water attenuated on-site 404.8 cubic m attenuated in underground storage and permeable pavingStorage still required (negative numbers indicate spare capacity) 2.5 cubic m if number is positive, this volume will need to be attenuated off-site (eg regional controls)

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Landuse areas Percentage Area as given in Bromley AAPTotal Site area = Roof area + Green area + Permeable pavement area 100 2.31 HaTotal Site area = Roof area + Green area + Permeable pavement area 100 23100 sq mGreen areas (not discharging into system) 10 2310.0 sq m rainfall falling on green areas infiltrates and does not contribute to runoffArea where landuse = buildings 60 13860.0 sq m total built area on site comprising of buildings Potential Permeable pavement area 30 6930.0 sq m total paving area on site

Permeable pavement characteristicsDepth 0.3 mPermeable pavement volume 2079.0 cubic mWater storage volume = 1/3 of permeable pavement volume 693.0 cubic m 1/3 of the permeable paving depth is void space - this is where the water is stored

Underground storage tanks characteristicsDepth of tanks 1.2 mArea available for underground tanks 1386.0 sq m assume 60% of green spaces can be underlain with storage tanksWater storage volume 1663.2 cubic m

OutflowEA permitted discharge rate from non-green areas 2 l/s per haNon-green area, in hectares (1ha = 10,000 sq m) 2.079 haPermitted discharge from non-green area 4.2 l/s

RainfallStorm duration 8 hours100 year storm at 1km point 83.55 mm this is the average value from the 4 corners of the 1km grid square covering Bromley100 year storm at 1km point in 2115 108.615 mm based on prediction of 30% increase due to climate change

Results (using climate change rainfall)Volume of rainfall falling on whole site 2509.0 cubic mVolume of rainfall falling on non-green areas 2258.1 cubic m non-greenn areas are areas where land use is paving or buildingsVolume discharged into drainage pipes 119.8 cubic m based on the allowable discharge of 2l/s/haVolume of rainfall not discharged, hence requiring storage 2138.4 cubic mVolume of storage that can be accomodated by porous paving 693.0 cubic mVolume of water for which can be accomodated in underground storage 1663.2 cubic mtotal volume of water attenuated on-site 2356.2 cubic m attenuated in underground storage and permeable pavingStorage still required (negative numbers indicate spare capacity) -217.8 cubic m if number is positive, this volume will need to be attenuated off-site (eg regional controls)

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Landuse areas Percentage Area as given in Bromley AAPTotal Site area = Roof area + Green area + Permeable pavement area 100 0.95 HaTotal Site area = Roof area + Green area + Permeable pavement area 100 9500 sq mGreen areas (not discharging into system) 10 950.0 sq m rainfall falling on green areas infiltrates and does not contribute to runoffArea where landuse = buildings 60 5700.0 sq m total built area on site comprising of buildings Potential Permeable pavement area 30 2850.0 sq m total paving area on site

Permeable pavement characteristicsDepth 0.3 mPermeable pavement volume 855.0 cubic mWater storage volume = 1/3 of permeable pavement volume 285.0 cubic m 1/3 of the permeable paving depth is void space - this is where the water is stored

Underground storage tanks characteristicsDepth of tanks 1.2 mArea available for underground tanks 570.0 sq m assume 60% of green spaces can be underlain with storage tanksWater storage volume 684.0 cubic m

OutflowEA permitted discharge rate from non-green areas 2 l/s per haNon-green area, in hectares (1ha = 10,000 sq m) 0.855 haPermitted discharge from non-green area 1.7 l/s

RainfallStorm duration 8 hours100 year storm at 1km point 83.55 mm this is the average value from the 4 corners of the 1km grid square covering Bromley100 year storm at 1km point in 2115 108.615 mm based on prediction of 30% increase due to climate change

Results (using climate change rainfall)Volume of rainfall falling on whole site 1031.8 cubic mVolume of rainfall falling on non-green areas 928.7 cubic m non-greenn areas are areas where land use is paving or buildingsVolume discharged into drainage pipes 49.2 cubic m based on the allowable discharge of 2l/s/haVolume of rainfall not discharged, hence requiring storage 879.4 cubic mVolume of storage that can be accomodated by porous paving 285.0 cubic mVolume of water for which can be accomodated in underground storage 684.0 cubic mtotal volume of water attenuated on-site 969.0 cubic m attenuated in underground storage and permeable pavingStorage still required (negative numbers indicate spare capacity) -89.6 cubic m if number is positive, this volume will need to be attenuated off-site (eg regional controls)

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Landuse areas Percentage Area as given in Bromley AAPTotal Site area = Roof area + Green area + Permeable pavement area 100 0.4 HaTotal Site area = Roof area + Green area + Permeable pavement area 100 4000 sq mGreen areas (not discharging into system) 10 400.0 sq m rainfall falling on green areas infiltrates and does not contribute to runoffArea where landuse = buildings 70 2800.0 sq m total built area on site comprising of buildings Potential Permeable pavement area 20 800.0 sq m total paving area on site

Permeable pavement characteristicsDepth 0.3 mPermeable pavement volume 240.0 cubic mWater storage volume = 1/3 of permeable pavement volume 80.0 cubic m 1/3 of the permeable paving depth is void space - this is where the water is stored

Underground storage tanks characteristicsDepth of tanks 1.2 mArea available for underground tanks 240.0 sq m assume 60% of green spaces can be underlain with storage tanksWater storage volume 288.0 cubic m

OutflowEA permitted discharge rate from non-green areas 2 l/s per haNon-green area, in hectares (1ha = 10,000 sq m) 0.36 haPermitted discharge from non-green area 0.7 l/s

RainfallStorm duration 8 hours100 year storm at 1km point 83.55 mm this is the average value from the 4 corners of the 1km grid square covering Bromley100 year storm at 1km point in 2115 108.615 mm based on prediction of 30% increase due to climate change

Results (using climate change rainfall)Volume of rainfall falling on whole site 434.5 cubic mVolume of rainfall falling on non-green areas 391.0 cubic m non-greenn areas are areas where land use is paving or buildingsVolume discharged into drainage pipes 20.7 cubic m based on the allowable discharge of 2l/s/haVolume of rainfall not discharged, hence requiring storage 370.3 cubic mVolume of storage that can be accomodated by porous paving 80.0 cubic mVolume of water for which can be accomodated in underground storage 288.0 cubic mtotal volume of water attenuated on-site 368.0 cubic m attenuated in underground storage and permeable pavingStorage still required (negative numbers indicate spare capacity) 2.3 cubic m if number is positive, this volume will need to be attenuated off-site (eg regional controls)

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Landuse areas Percentage Area as given in Bromley AAPTotal Site area = Roof area + Green area + Permeable pavement area 100 1.19 HaTotal Site area = Roof area + Green area + Permeable pavement area 100 11900 sq mGreen areas (not discharging into system) 90 10710.0 sq m rainfall falling on green areas infiltrates and does not contribute to runoffArea where landuse = buildings 5 595.0 sq m total built area on site comprising of buildings Potential Permeable pavement area 5 595.0 sq m total paving area on site

Permeable pavement characteristicsDepth 0.3 mPermeable pavement volume 178.5 cubic mWater storage volume = 1/3 of permeable pavement volume 59.5 cubic m 1/3 of the permeable paving depth is void space - this is where the water is stored

Underground storage tanks characteristicsDepth of tanks 1.2 mArea available for underground tanks 6426.0 sq m assume 60% of green spaces can be underlain with storage tanksWater storage volume 7711.2 cubic m

OutflowEA permitted discharge rate from non-green areas 2 l/s per haNon-green area, in hectares (1ha = 10,000 sq m) 0.119 haPermitted discharge from non-green area 0.2 l/s

RainfallStorm duration 8 hours100 year storm at 1km point 83.55 mm this is the average value from the 4 corners of the 1km grid square covering Bromley100 year storm at 1km point in 2115 108.615 mm based on prediction of 30% increase due to climate change

Results (using climate change rainfall)Volume of rainfall falling on whole site 1292.5 cubic mVolume of rainfall falling on non-green areas 129.3 cubic m non-greenn areas are areas where land use is paving or buildingsVolume discharged into drainage pipes 6.9 cubic m based on the allowable discharge of 2l/s/haVolume of rainfall not discharged, hence requiring storage 122.4 cubic mVolume of storage that can be accomodated by porous paving 59.5 cubic mVolume of water for which can be accomodated in underground storage 7711.2 cubic mtotal volume of water attenuated on-site 7770.7 cubic m attenuated in underground storage and permeable pavingStorage still required (negative numbers indicate spare capacity) -7648.3 cubic m if number is positive, this volume will need to be attenuated off-site (eg regional controls)

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Landuse areas Percentage Area as given in Bromley AAPTotal Site area = Roof area + Green area + Permeable pavement area 100 0.3 HaTotal Site area = Roof area + Green area + Permeable pavement area 100 3000 sq mGreen areas (not discharging into system) 30 900.0 sq m rainfall falling on green areas infiltrates and does not contribute to runoffArea where landuse = buildings 0 0.0 sq m total built area on site comprising of buildings Potential Permeable pavement area 70 2100.0 sq m total paving area on site

Permeable pavement characteristicsDepth 0.3 mPermeable pavement volume 630.0 cubic mWater storage volume = 1/3 of permeable pavement volume 210.0 cubic m 1/3 of the permeable paving depth is void space - this is where the water is stored

Underground storage tanks characteristicsDepth of tanks 1.2 mArea available for underground tanks 540.0 sq m assume 60% of green spaces can be underlain with storage tanksWater storage volume 648.0 cubic m

OutflowEA permitted discharge rate from non-green areas 2 l/s per haNon-green area, in hectares (1ha = 10,000 sq m) 0.21 haPermitted discharge from non-green area 0.4 l/s

RainfallStorm duration 8 hours100 year storm at 1km point 83.55 mm this is the average value from the 4 corners of the 1km grid square covering Bromley100 year storm at 1km point in 2115 108.615 mm based on prediction of 30% increase due to climate change

Results (using climate change rainfall)Volume of rainfall falling on whole site 325.8 cubic mVolume of rainfall falling on non-green areas 228.1 cubic m non-greenn areas are areas where land use is paving or buildingsVolume discharged into drainage pipes 12.1 cubic m based on the allowable discharge of 2l/s/haVolume of rainfall not discharged, hence requiring storage 216.0 cubic mVolume of storage that can be accomodated by porous paving 210.0 cubic mVolume of water for which can be accomodated in underground storage 648.0 cubic mtotal volume of water attenuated on-site 858.0 cubic m attenuated in underground storage and permeable pavingStorage still required (negative numbers indicate spare capacity) -642.0 cubic m if number is positive, this volume will need to be attenuated off-site (eg regional controls)

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Landuse areas Percentage Area as given in Bromley AAPTotal Site area = Roof area + Green area + Permeable pavement area 100 1.34 HaTotal Site area = Roof area + Green area + Permeable pavement area 100 13400 sq mGreen areas (not discharging into system) 10 1340.0 sq m rainfall falling on green areas infiltrates and does not contribute to runoffArea where landuse = buildings 70 9380.0 sq m total built area on site comprising of buildings Potential Permeable pavement area 20 2680.0 sq m total paving area on site

Permeable pavement characteristicsDepth 0.3 mPermeable pavement volume 804.0 cubic mWater storage volume = 1/3 of permeable pavement volume 268.0 cubic m 1/3 of the permeable paving depth is void space - this is where the water is stored

Underground storage tanks characteristicsDepth of tanks 1.2 mArea available for underground tanks 804.0 sq m assume 60% of green spaces can be underlain with storage tanksWater storage volume 964.8 cubic m

OutflowEA permitted discharge rate from non-green areas 2 l/s per haNon-green area, in hectares (1ha = 10,000 sq m) 1.206 haPermitted discharge from non-green area 2.4 l/s

RainfallStorm duration 8 hours100 year storm at 1km point 83.55 mm this is the average value from the 4 corners of the 1km grid square covering Bromley100 year storm at 1km point in 2115 108.615 mm based on prediction of 30% increase due to climate change

Results (using climate change rainfall)Volume of rainfall falling on whole site 1455.4 cubic mVolume of rainfall falling on non-green areas 1309.9 cubic m non-greenn areas are areas where land use is paving or buildingsVolume discharged into drainage pipes 69.5 cubic m based on the allowable discharge of 2l/s/haVolume of rainfall not discharged, hence requiring storage 1240.4 cubic mVolume of storage that can be accomodated by porous paving 268.0 cubic mVolume of water for which can be accomodated in underground storage 964.8 cubic mtotal volume of water attenuated on-site 1232.8 cubic m attenuated in underground storage and permeable pavingStorage still required (negative numbers indicate spare capacity) 7.6 cubic m if number is positive, this volume will need to be attenuated off-site (eg regional controls)

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Appendix B

Page 67: STRATEGIC FLOOD RISK ASSESSMENT · Strategic Flood Risk Assessment November 2008 Halcrow Group Limited Halcrow Group Limited Griffin House 135 High Street Crawley West Sussex RH10

Bromley Borough Council Level 2 SFRA for Town Centre AAP: Audit Trail Database

Ref. No Subject & Type of data Source Date Author Summary Description Used for Data Location

Background mapping for Bromley

CD entitled “London Borough of Bromley Ordnance Survey Data 7/01/08”

8 Jan 2008

Bromley Borough Council (Graham


OS map tiles (1 in 10,000 and 1 in 50,000) amd Borough Boundary. Creating Flood Map Tiles

W:\Projects\WB\Bromley_SFRA\Calcs\GIS\Mapping\Bromley OS Data And W:\Projects\WB\Bromley_SFRA\Calcs\GIS\Tables\Boundaries

Data Provided by Environment Agency for use in Bromley SFRA

CD entitled “Bromley SFRA Data”

Dec 2007 EA Modelling Data for Bromley including shapefiles of Floodzones 2 and 3, historic flooding outlines, groundwater flooding, defences and photographs

Creating Flood Map Tiles. Photos used on report covers.


Thames Water Historical Records Email from Steve Dummer 4 Jan 2008 Thames


Thames Water Flooding Data - Excel spreadsheet summarising number of properties flooded from different sources in last 10 years within 4 digit postcode areas in Bromley

Showing ‘postcode areas within which flood incidents have been recorded’ on the Flood Map Tiles

\\Craw-fs-01\water\Projects\WB\WBBRSF\Data\Thames_Water\LB Bromley SFRA.xls and \\Craw-fs-01\water\Projects\WB\WBBRSF\Calcs\GIS\Tables\Postcodes

NaFRA stats_Bromley SFRA word doc

Email with attachment from Hayley Mizen

13 Feb 2008 EA NaFRA stats on risk to property from flooding Data included in Bromley Borough

SFRA report


Thames CFMP Environmental Baseline Data GIS shapefiles

CD entitled “Thames CFMP Environmental Baseline Data”

26 Nov 2004 EA Shapefiles of spatial pattern of environmental

variables within Thames catchment Creating flood map/SUDS map tiles and informing SFRA report

\\Craw-fs-01\water\Projects\WB\WBBRSF\Calcs\GIS\Tables\Environmental_baseline_data and CD in WBBRSF project

Localised flooding zones

Meeting with drainage specialists working for Bromley Borough Council

Bromley Borough Council drainage


MapInfo TAB file containing info on the location, sources and other attribute information of localised flooding

Showing zones of localised flooding on the Flood Map Tiles


Table 7.1-Town Centre Preferred Options- Indicative Development Areas and Development Principles

e-mail from Joanna Chambers

2 April 2008 Edaw Table showing landuses within the AAP town centre

proposal sites Informing run-off and storage calculations for the drainage strategy

\\Craw-fs-01\water\Projects\WB\WBBRSF\Data\Table 7_Edaw_site_landuse_data.doc

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This map is reproduced from Ordnance Survey material with the permission of Ordnance Survey on behalf of the Controller of Her Majesty's Stationery Office © Crown Copyright. Unauthorised reproduction infringes Crown Copyright and may lead to prosecution or civil proceedings. London Borough of Bromley. Licence No 100017661 2009

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