strand - montana ·...

Thursday. Aug. 3. 1950 The Flathead Courier, Poison. Montana North Crow Creek .41#00•11#411•41#041#41•041414•4•41M#4 , 41#041.4141 , 41#4,1 Mrs. L. D. French NCC womens club will meet at the home of Mrs. M. K. Jensen on Aug. 8. Mr. and Mrs. Bernt Langaunet of Poison, were callers Sunday at the Elmer Geiger home. Misses Vivien Irwin, Marlyn Cooper and Mabel Talmage are attending Bible school at Dickie lake, north of Whitefish. E. F. Wiebke and Winfred, of Charlo spent Sunday with t h e Elmer Geiger family. "-- Mrs. Phil Schmitz attended a miscellaneous shower given for Mr. and Mrs. Robert Myers at the Valley View clubhouse Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Scarf and daughter are here from David- son, Sask., for a visit with t h e Geiger family. Mrs. Scarf is a sister of Mr. Geiger. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gallagher and daughter, Carole, of Des Plaines, Ill., were guests at t h e L. D. French home Monday. They have been visiting relatives near Niarada, also at South Bend, Wn., and at Billings. The two boys, Jimmie and Richie, will remain with their grandmother Kelley, near Niarada, until school begins in the fall. Mrs. L. A. Baumgartner and daughter, Patsy arrived here on Thursday from Everett, Wash. They visited briefly at the Fay Fletcher, A. T. paumgartner, L. D. French and Charlie Mattson homes Thursday, Friday and Sat- -day. Mr. and Mrs. Fletcher took them to Missoula from where they flew to Washington, D. C. to visit Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Slaughter and family. Mrs. Slaughter is t h e former Leona Baumgartner. 4-H girls met Wednesday at the home of Evelyn Sparks. Arlie Storm underwent an em- ergency operation Saturday eve- ning at the Holy Family hospital at St. Ignatius. Poison Realty Before you insure, investigate before it is too late. Low rates. 20 % deviation. Mutual Company, non-assessable. 4 THE Poison Refrigeration & Electric Co. is your dealer for "FRIGIDAIRE" Domestic Appliances and Commer- cial Refrigeration Products —Also— ELECTRIC WIRING and appliance service Ask for our estimate on little and big jobs regarding either refrigeration or wiring. "The Home of Qualify Merchandise Where Service Is Assured" PHONE 14 POLSON, MONT. 7tf C. Carter Extra Motor Oil might well be named, "Keeps -Motors -Happy!" For this premium quality lubricant has put the Indian sign on engine wear! Whatever the temperature, Carter Extra Motor Oil flows swiftly to protect all moving parts immediately upon starting, when friction does 90% of its damage! And its gentle washing action keeps motors cool and clean for a long life of trouble-free performance! So next time you add oil or need a change, stop at the nearest Carter station for Carter Extra Motor Oil. Weft, 0°1"111 !I I Il MIMI! 011 ' 'II '4 Si I 11111 42:0 J r ., a 9 n "v3rVill."'"' -41 0 il I r .‘ ..31111 The Carter Dayton News. By Mrs. Graydon Williams Austin Thomas suffered a bro- ken arm while playing in a soft- ball game last Tuesday evening. He was attempting to cover first base from the pitcher's mound, when he collided with the base runner and fell. His brother, Les- lie took him to Kalispell where a physician reported that both bones just above his left wrist were broken. Mr. and Mrs. J. 0. Black cele- brated their 64th wedding anni- versary Friday, July 21 with a luncheon given by Mrs. Gertrude Hurlbutt. Friends from Dayton, Big Arm and Poison attended. I The honored guests received al number of fine gifts. Mr. and! Mrs. Black were married in Ot- tumwa, Iowa, birthplace of Mrs. Black, in 1886. Mr. Black was a cigar maker, working in that cityl when they . They homestead- ed near Dayton in 1911 and have , lived here since. They have two , daughters, Mrs. Leon Tabor, of Mullino, Oregon, and Mrs. G. Warren Denniger of Port Angeles, Wash., seven grandchildren, and eight great grandchildren. Mr. Black, who is 85 years old, has been in poor health the last six years but Mrs. Black, 82, still does all her own housework. The Dayton ladies aid met on Thursday at the home of Mrs. Paul Plank. Members present in- cluded Mrs. J. J. Thomat, Mrs. Charles Stein, Mrs. Nick Meuli, Mrs. Claude Meeker, Mrs. Roy Proud, Mrs. Daryl Proud, Mrs. Oliver Thomas, Mrs. A. M. Pecht, Mrs. Julia Tibbets, Mrs. Bill Hawkins, Mrs. Graydon Williams, Mrs. Thain White, Mrs. Roy Corn- mers and Mrs. Paul Plank. Guests were Mrs. Florence Steinle and Miss Blanche Rowe. Miss Patricia Thomas was hos- tess at a slumber party Sunday W. R. Gauld, Jr. Painting - Kalsomining Decorating Phone 205-K - Poison, Mont. tf As cylinder deposits vanish, you'll find your engine developing the full power of its many horses .. thanks to Carter Extra. Ask for it .. and Carter Extra Motor Oil will keep your car off the warpath, and on the trail to Happy Motoring! tr of P 1 CARTER EXTRA GASOLINE The premium quality partner of Carter Extra Motor Oil . . . catalytic-cracked and the result of 14 dif- ferent operational processes . . Carter Extra Gasoline will odd New Power .. . New Pep , New Pickup .. . New Antiknock Quality . . and New Performance to your engine. MILLER IMPERIAL TIRES Typical of the top-quality acces- sories obtainable at Carter Stations. Miller Imperials are molded from cold rubber and reinforced with Hi-Density Cord . . for miles and miles of faithful service . ond sold to you with a double warranty, Oil Company 1 night. Friends present were Carol Cedarstrom, Colleen Plank, Nan- S i. Ignatius cy Thomas and Sue Lind. ' Norman 0. Mikkelson and T. J. Morgan of Glenrock, Wyo., are vacationing at the Morgan home , , on Meeker 's Da Ha Ma Villa site. Mr. Morgan is a brother of the late Dave Morgan ot Dayton. Visitors at the Meeker home :are Mrs. Florence Stein le and Miss !Blanche Rowe of Aberdeen, Wn. I They are sisters of Claude B. , Meeker. I Mr. and Mrs. Charles Stein have moved to Lakeside from where Mr. Stein is commuting to Kalispell. Mrs. Robert Hemphill, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Hemphill Jr., and small Bobbie of Butte were week end guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. 0. Black. The Blacks and their guests spent Saturday visiting in Poison and Big Arm. The Hemphills re- turned to Butte Sunday evening after reporting an enjoyable week end. Miss Tricia Thomas spent two days this week with her cousins, Carol Cedarstrom, and Gar y Thomas at Camp Tuffitt on Lake Ronan. On July 28 at the Meeker home Mrs. Claude Meeker and Mrs. Harry Smith were co -hostesses at a birthday party for Mrs. Flor- ence Stenle. Guests were Miss Blanche Rowe, Mrs. Annie Mur- phy of Proctor, Mrs. Nick Meuli, Mrs. Roy Commers, Mrs. Bill Hawkins and Mrs. William Bun- ney. Mrs. Robert Daem and sons, Jerry and Richard of Custer paid a visit Sunday to Mrs. Oliver Thomas and Mrs. Graydon Wil- liams, her sisters. She was ac- companied by Mr. and Mrs. Pete Lind and family of Valley View. The four families enjoyed dinner together at the Oliver Thomas home. Little Sue Lind, who has spent the past week in Dayton, returned home with them. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Short and children of Lethbridge, Alberta, were guests this week of Mr. and Mrs. Willie Johnson. Mrs. Short is Mrs. Johnson's niece. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Thomas, Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Thomas, a n d children and Mr. and Mrs. Austin Thomas, Dayton, attended a fam- ily picnic at Lake Ronan Satur- day. It was given to introduce to the family Miss Hattie Read, and Marshall Read of Alabama. They are cousins of the late Rob- ert Walker. Others present at the picnic were Mr. and Mrs. Robert Eickmann of Vancouver, Wash., Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Thomas and ••••••••••••••••••#####•••••••~41•••••••••••••••••••••41#4•4141 Mrs. Joseph Mahe, Jr. Funeral services for Joseph Couture, 56, resident of Arlee, were conducted at the St. Igna- tius Cathuiie church at 9 a.m. on Saturday with Father Arnold Cus- ter, S. J., as celebrant. Interment was in the local Catholic ceme- tery with Father Joseph Balfe, S. J., in charge at the grave. Pallbearers were Elmer Wim- ple, H. Colligin, Davis Gee, Em- manuel arber, Wilbur Ducharme and Walter Morigeau. Fearon chapel was in charge of arrange- ments. Mr. Couture was born April 14, 1894 at Ronan. He returned here to the local hospital recently for treatment. He had been working at Clarkston, Wash., and Lewis- ton, Idaho. Survivors are a daugh- ter, Mrs. Katherine Scalise, Ana- conda; one son, Harold of Rich- land, Wash.; a brother, Albert of Arlee and two half sisters. attending a summer session at honoring the founder of the Jes- Gonzaga University. uit Order, St. Ignatius. Father Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Pierce and their daughter, Mrs. D. W. Jen- son returned the first part of the Joseph A. Belle, S. J., has had this organ in mind for the past few years. The old organs have week from attending a family re- probably been muse since t h e union at St. George, Utah. church was built. This organ is being purchased through contributions of the par- ishioners. Father Neil Burns, S.J., a n d Father Arthur Green, S.J., both from the DeSmet Mission, have arrived here at the Jesuit Fathers where they will be stationed. Roy Beckwith was admitted to St. Patrick's hospital recently for surgery. A new Wurlitzer Electronic or- gan was installed at the St. Igna- tius Catholic church and played for the first time last Thursday evening. The organ was purchas- ed from a Spokane company about a month ago and arrived and was installed prior to the parish feast day which is Monday, July 31, The Knoxville Gazette was the first paper in Tennessee, issued in 1791. Mrs. Jess Simpkins left Thurs- day morning by plane for Sioux Falls, S. Dak., where she attended the funeral rites for her sister, Mrs. Eastman. Paul Rhoades arrived last week to visit his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Rhoades. On Friday, accom panied by his mother they drove to Centralia, Wash., where Mrs. Rhoades will visit her sister and Paul will go on and visit briefly with friends in Seattle. On re- turning here and on his trip to Des Moines, Iowa, Mrs. Rhoades will accompany him to visit her daughter, Rosemary and family. Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Hillar and family have moved to Nimrod. Dan McKeel, Mrs. Henry Dell- wo and Miss Mildred Moorse are now employed at the Beckwith Bros. store. Mr. and Mrs. Gene Hodge and Mrs. Frank Hodge of Poison visi- ted Thursday evening with Mrs. Carrie Hodge, and sister, Mrs. Odelia Hodge. The Royal Neighbors of Amer- ica lodge met at the home of Mrs. Wordie W. Hilton on Thursday afternoon for a business and so- cial meeting. Eight members at- tended. Mother Cecelia of the Ursuline Sisters returned here this week, - from Spokane where she has been Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Thomas of Lake Ronan, Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Thomas of Rollins, Mrs. Richard Baine of Kalispell, Jonas Birky, and Diane of the South Fork and Mrs. Bessie Walker and sons, Leon and Tommy. TRY EXPERTS The best Magneto Service you can find will prove the biggest money -saver in the end. We SPECIALIZE in Magneto Service and Re- pairs. Saving for our cus- tomers, time and money— and, frequently, the mag- neto itself. TRY US! Auto Carburetor Electric Service Highway 93 Near Bridge Poison, Montana IF YOU PHONE THIS AGENCY RENDERS PERSONALIZED SERVICE takes but a few moments to tell how our policyholders have enjoyed the utmost in fire insurance protection ••• and at a real saving in cost Karlsgodt's Insurance Agency Phone 162-M Poison MUGU= 'SIMONISING II MU 111111•111111111111• MERIN MI 111 MI MONA Frozen Food Lockers $7.50 $10.00 $11.00 $13.00 Per Year Quarters of Beef, Pork and Veal at Wholesale Prices FROZEN FOOD AND LOCKER SERVICE Poison, Montana 16-21 Cherry Packers Wanted Apply at the Employment Office Downtown for jobs at the Poison Cherry Packing Plant. FLATHEAD SWEET CHERRY ASSOCIATION, Inc. ire PILE DRIVING, DREDGING DOCK BUILDING Repairing, Crib Building and Filling With Rock. Breakwaters, built with pile rock or crib. HAULING OF ALL KINDS GAS AND OIL HODGE BOAT SERVICE Frank H. Hodge, Proprietor Poison, Montana ak RUGGED STRONG 1 -PIECE STRAND GARAGE DOORS of Galvannealed Steel Rugged, all -steel, one-piece, welded construction assures lifetime perform-. once—no sagging or warping. Strong trussed frame. Easy to operate— always. Quicker to install. Galvan- nealed with hot galvanized zinc coat for rust protection, oven -baked to provide a clinging base for paint. Dewey Lumber Co. Phone 25 Poison Water, Water, Everywhere! Running water for your home, your farm buildings, your fields . . . greater security from fire . . . more productive farming with greater profits . . . these ore just a few of the advantages you'll find in an ELECTRIC WATER SYSTEM for your place. It pumps and carries all the water on your farm at low wages—and it's completely automatic! ASK YOUR DEALER FOR A DEMONSTRATION HE'S READY TO SERVE YOU! The Montana Power Company f;.'ree

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Page 1: STRAND - Montana · 2016-10-12 · He was attempting to cover first base from the pitcher's mound, when he collided

Thursday. Aug. 3. 1950 The Flathead Courier, Poison. Montana

North Crow Creek.41#00•11#411•41#041#41•041414•4•41M#4,41#041.4141,41#4,1

• Mrs. L. D. FrenchNCC womens club will meet at

the home of Mrs. M. K. Jensen onAug. 8.Mr. and Mrs. Bernt Langaunet

of Poison, were callers Sunday atthe Elmer Geiger home.

Misses Vivien Irwin, MarlynCooper and Mabel Talmage areattending Bible school at Dickielake, north of Whitefish.E. F. Wiebke and Winfred, of

Charlo spent Sunday with t h eElmer Geiger family. "--Mrs. Phil Schmitz attended a

miscellaneous shower given forMr. and Mrs. Robert Myers at theValley View clubhouse Sunday.Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Scarf and

daughter are here from David-son, Sask., for a visit with t h eGeiger family. Mrs. Scarf is asister of Mr. Geiger.Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gallagher

and daughter, Carole, of Des

Plaines, Ill., were guests at t h eL. D. French home Monday. Theyhave been visiting relatives nearNiarada, also at South Bend, Wn.,and at Billings. The two boys,Jimmie and Richie, will remainwith their grandmother Kelley,near Niarada, until school beginsin the fall.Mrs. L. A. Baumgartner and

daughter, Patsy arrived here onThursday from Everett, Wash.They visited briefly at the FayFletcher, A. T. paumgartner, L.D. French and Charlie Mattsonhomes Thursday, Friday and Sat--day. Mr. and Mrs. Fletcher tookthem to Missoula from where theyflew to Washington, D. C. to visitMr. and Mrs. A. E. Slaughter andfamily. Mrs. Slaughter is t h eformer Leona Baumgartner.4-H girls met Wednesday at the

home of Evelyn Sparks.Arlie Storm underwent an em-

ergency operation Saturday eve-ning at the Holy Family hospitalat St. Ignatius.

Poison RealtyBefore you insure, investigate before it is too late. Low

rates. 20 % deviation. Mutual Company, non-assessable.



Poison Refrigeration & Electric your dealer for

"FRIGIDAIRE" Domestic Appliances and Commer-cial Refrigeration Products


ELECTRIC WIRING andappliance service

Ask for our estimate on little and big jobs regardingeither refrigeration or wiring.

"The Home of Qualify Merchandise Where ServiceIs Assured"



Carter Extra Motor Oil might well be

named, "Keeps-Motors-Happy!" For this

premium quality lubricant has put the

Indian sign on engine wear!

Whatever the temperature, Carter Extra

Motor Oil flows swiftly to protect all

moving parts immediately upon starting,

when friction does 90% of its damage!

And its gentle washing action keeps

motors cool and clean for a long life of

trouble-free performance! So next time

you add oil or need a change, stop at the

nearest Carter station for Carter Extra

Motor Oil.


0°1"111!I I Il

MIMI! 011' 'II '4SiI


42:0 Jr., a 9 n"v3rVill."'"' -41 0 il I r.‘


The Carter

Dayton News.• By Mrs. Graydon Williams

Austin Thomas suffered a bro-ken arm while playing in a soft-ball game last Tuesday evening.He was attempting to cover firstbase from the pitcher's mound,when he collided with the baserunner and fell. His brother, Les-lie took him to Kalispell where aphysician reported that bothbones just above his left wristwere broken.Mr. and Mrs. J. 0. Black cele-

brated their 64th wedding anni-versary Friday, July 21 with aluncheon given by Mrs. GertrudeHurlbutt. Friends from Dayton,Big Arm and Poison attended. IThe honored guests received al

number of fine gifts. Mr. and!Mrs. Black were married in Ot-tumwa, Iowa, birthplace of Mrs.Black, in 1886. Mr. Black was acigar maker, working in that citylwhen they . They homestead-ed near Dayton in 1911 and have ,lived here since. They have two ,daughters, Mrs. Leon Tabor, ofMullino, Oregon, and Mrs. G.Warren Denniger of Port Angeles,Wash., seven grandchildren, andeight great grandchildren. Mr.Black, who is 85 years old, hasbeen in poor health the last sixyears but Mrs. Black, 82, stilldoes all her own housework.The Dayton ladies aid met on

Thursday at the home of Mrs.Paul Plank. Members present in-cluded Mrs. J. J. Thomat, Mrs.Charles Stein, Mrs. Nick Meuli,Mrs. Claude Meeker, Mrs. RoyProud, Mrs. Daryl Proud, Mrs.Oliver Thomas, Mrs. A. M. Pecht,Mrs. Julia Tibbets, Mrs. BillHawkins, Mrs. Graydon Williams,Mrs. Thain White, Mrs. Roy Corn-mers and Mrs. Paul Plank. Guestswere Mrs. Florence Steinle andMiss Blanche Rowe.Miss Patricia Thomas was hos-

tess at a slumber party Sunday

W. R. Gauld, Jr.

Painting - KalsominingDecorating

Phone 205-K - Poison,

As cylinder deposits vanish, you'll find

your engine developing the full power

of its many horses . . thanks to Carter

Extra. Ask for it . . and Carter Extra

Motor Oil will keep your car off the

warpath, and on the trail to Happy


tr of P 1


The premium qualitypartner of Carter

Extra Motor Oil . . .catalytic-cracked andthe result of 14 dif-ferent operational

processes . . CarterExtra Gasoline will

odd New Power .. .New Pep , New Pickup .. . New

Antiknock Quality . . and NewPerformance to your engine.


Typical of thetop-quality acces-sories obtainable

at Carter Stations.Miller Imperials

are molded fromcold rubber andreinforced with

Hi-Density Cord . . for milesand miles of faithful service .ond sold to you with a doublewarranty,

Oil Company

1night. Friends present were CarolCedarstrom, Colleen Plank, Nan-


i. Ignatiuscy Thomas and Sue Lind.

' Norman 0. Mikkelson and T. J.Morgan of Glenrock, Wyo., arevacationing at the Morgan home,

, on Meeker 's Da Ha Ma Villa site.Mr. Morgan is a brother of thelate Dave Morgan ot Dayton.

Visitors at the Meeker home:are Mrs. Florence Stein le and Miss!Blanche Rowe of Aberdeen, Wn.

I They are sisters of Claude B., Meeker.

I Mr. and Mrs. Charles Steinhave moved to Lakeside fromwhere Mr. Stein is commuting toKalispell.Mrs. Robert Hemphill, Mr. and

Mrs. Bob Hemphill Jr., and smallBobbie of Butte were week endguests of Mr. and Mrs. J. 0.Black.The Blacks and their guests

spent Saturday visiting in Poisonand Big Arm. The Hemphills re-turned to Butte Sunday eveningafter reporting an enjoyable weekend.

Miss Tricia Thomas spent twodays this week with her cousins,Carol Cedarstrom, and Gar yThomas at Camp Tuffitt on LakeRonan.On July 28 at the Meeker home

Mrs. Claude Meeker and Mrs.Harry Smith were co-hostesses ata birthday party for Mrs. Flor-ence Stenle. Guests were MissBlanche Rowe, Mrs. Annie Mur-phy of Proctor, Mrs. Nick Meuli,Mrs. Roy Commers, Mrs. BillHawkins and Mrs. William Bun-ney.Mrs. Robert Daem and sons,

Jerry and Richard of Custer paida visit Sunday to Mrs. OliverThomas and Mrs. Graydon Wil-liams, her sisters. She was ac-companied by Mr. and Mrs. PeteLind and family of Valley View.The four families enjoyed dinnertogether at the Oliver Thomashome. Little Sue Lind, who hasspent the past week in Dayton,returned home with them.Mr. and Mrs. Bill Short and

children of Lethbridge, Alberta,were guests this week of Mr. andMrs. Willie Johnson. Mrs. Shortis Mrs. Johnson's niece.Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Thomas, Mr.

and Mrs. Oliver Thomas, a n dchildren and Mr. and Mrs. AustinThomas, Dayton, attended a fam-ily picnic at Lake Ronan Satur-day.

It was given to introduceto the family Miss Hattie Read,and Marshall Read of Alabama.They are cousins of the late Rob-ert Walker. Others present at thepicnic were Mr. and Mrs. RobertEickmann of Vancouver, Wash.,Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Thomas and

• • •


• Mrs. Joseph Mahe, Jr.Funeral services for Joseph

Couture, 56, resident of Arlee,were conducted at the St. Igna-tius Cathuiie church at 9 a.m. onSaturday with Father Arnold Cus-ter, S. J., as celebrant. Intermentwas in the local Catholic ceme-tery with Father Joseph Balfe, S.J., in charge at the grave.

Pallbearers were Elmer Wim-ple, H. Colligin, Davis Gee, Em-manuel arber, Wilbur Ducharmeand Walter Morigeau. Fearonchapel was in charge of arrange-ments.Mr. Couture was born April 14,

1894 at Ronan. He returned hereto the local hospital recently fortreatment. He had been workingat Clarkston, Wash., and Lewis-ton, Idaho. Survivors are a daugh-ter, Mrs. Katherine Scalise, Ana-conda; one son, Harold of Rich-land, Wash.; a brother, Albert ofArlee and two half sisters.

attending a summer session at honoring the founder of the Jes-Gonzaga University. uit Order, St. Ignatius. FatherMr. and Mrs. M. C. Pierce and

their daughter, Mrs. D. W. Jen-son returned the first part of the

Joseph A. Belle, S. J., has hadthis organ in mind for the pastfew years. The old organs have

week from attending a family re- probably been muse since t h eunion at St. George, Utah. church was built.

This organ is being purchasedthrough contributions of the par-ishioners.Father Neil Burns, S.J., a n d

Father Arthur Green, S.J., bothfrom the DeSmet Mission, havearrived here at the Jesuit Fatherswhere they will be stationed.

Roy Beckwith was admitted toSt. Patrick's hospital recently forsurgery.A new Wurlitzer Electronic or-

gan was installed at the St. Igna-tius Catholic church and playedfor the first time last Thursdayevening. The organ was purchas-ed from a Spokane company abouta month ago and arrived and wasinstalled prior to the parish feastday which is Monday, July 31,

The Knoxville Gazette was thefirst paper in Tennessee, issued in1791.

Mrs. Jess Simpkins left Thurs-day morning by plane for SiouxFalls, S. Dak., where she attended •the funeral rites for her sister,Mrs. Eastman.Paul Rhoades arrived last week

to visit his parents, Mr. and Mrs.Chas. Rhoades. On Friday, accompanied by his mother they droveto Centralia, Wash., where Mrs.Rhoades will visit her sister andPaul will go on and visit brieflywith friends in Seattle. On re-turning here and on his trip toDes Moines, Iowa, Mrs. Rhoadeswill accompany him to visit herdaughter, Rosemary and family.Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Hillar and

family have moved to Nimrod.Dan McKeel, Mrs. Henry Dell-

wo and Miss Mildred Moorse arenow employed at the BeckwithBros. store.Mr. and Mrs. Gene Hodge and

Mrs. Frank Hodge of Poison visi-ted Thursday evening with Mrs.Carrie Hodge, and sister, Mrs.Odelia Hodge.The Royal Neighbors of Amer-

ica lodge met at the home of Mrs.Wordie W. Hilton on Thursdayafternoon for a business and so-cial meeting. Eight members at-tended.Mother Cecelia of the Ursuline

Sisters returned here this week,-from Spokane where she has been

Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Thomas ofLake Ronan, Mr. and Mrs. LeslieThomas of Rollins, Mrs. RichardBaine of Kalispell, Jonas Birky,and Diane of the South Fork andMrs. Bessie Walker and sons, Leonand Tommy.


The best Magneto Service

you can find will prove the

biggest money-saver in the


Magneto Service and Re-

pairs. Saving for our cus-

tomers, time and money—

and, frequently, the mag-

neto itself. TRY US!

Auto Carburetor Electric ServiceHighway 93 Near Bridge Poison, Montana





SERVICE takes but a few moments

to tell how our policyholders

have enjoyed the utmost in

fire insurance protection • • •

and at a real saving in cost

Karlsgodt'sInsurance Agency

Phone 162-M Poison

MUGU= 'SIMONISING • II • MU • 111111•111111111111• MERIN MI 111 MI MONA

Frozen Food Lockers$7.50 — $10.00 — $11.00 — $13.00

Per Year

Quarters of Beef, Pork and Veal atWholesale Prices


Cherry Packers


Apply at the Employment Office Downtown for

jobs at the Poison Cherry Packing Plant.




DOCK BUILDINGRepairing, Crib Building and Filling With Rock.

Breakwaters, built with pile rock or crib.



HODGE BOAT SERVICEFrank H. Hodge, Proprietor Poison, Montana



STRANDGARAGE DOORSof Galvannealed SteelRugged, all-steel, one-piece, weldedconstruction assures lifetime perform-.once—no sagging or warping. Strongtrussed frame. Easy to operate—always. Quicker to install. Galvan-nealed with hot galvanized zinc coatfor rust protection, oven-baked toprovide a clinging base for paint.

Dewey Lumber Co.Phone 25 Poison

Water, Water,Everywhere!

Running water for your home, your farm buildings, your fields . . .

greater security from fire . . . more productive farming with greater

profits . . . these ore just a few of the advantages you'll find in an

ELECTRIC WATER SYSTEM for your place. It pumps and carries all the

water on your farm at low wages—and it's completely automatic!



The Montana Power Companyf;.'ree