stpm trial 2009 phy q&a (kedah)

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  • 8/14/2019 STPM Trial 2009 Phy Q&A (Kedah)



    96011 STPM TRIAL 2009


    MULTIPLE-CHOICE (ANEKA PILIHAN)One hour and forty-five minutes (Satu jam empat puluh lima minit)



    Instructions to cand idates:DO NOT OPEN THIS BOOKLET UNTIL YOU ARE TOLD TO DO SO

    There are fifty questions in this paper. For each question, tour suggested answers are given.Choose one correct answer and indicate it on the multiple-choice answer sheet provided.

    Read the instructions on the multiple-choice answer sheet provided.Answer a ll questions. Marks will no t be deducted for wrong answers.A Data Booklet is provided.



  • 8/14/2019 STPM Trial 2009 Phy Q&A (Kedah)



    1 A student uses the symbols L, M, T, Nand e for the dimensions of length, mass, time.quantity of matter and temperature. Based on these symbols, what is the dimension for R in theequation pV", = nR1?A ML'T'e-' B M' L'T ' e-' C ML'T' N-' e-' D MLT'N '

    2 An object moves from rest with a unifonn acceleration. Which of th e graphs below representschanges in kinetic energy Twith distance x?A T. B 1l

    o x o xC T D T

    o x o x3 A body wi th mass In is thrown with a speed vat an angle 9 from the horizontal so that it canreach max imum height h. Based on the principle of conse rva tion of energy. the potential energyof th e body at maximum height h is equal to

    C V2micos 9

    4 Mass ml and ma ss tnz have the same idnelic energy. The ratio of momentum fo r "' I tomomentum for " '2 has the same value as

    C "ml/ln2


  • 8/14/2019 STPM Trial 2009 Phy Q&A (Kedah)



    6 lo an experiment , a stone is thrown vertically upwards from th e surface of the Earth. Theslone wi ll reach a maximum height and then will fall back to th e Earth. I f the air resistance isneglig ible, which of the physica l quantities below will remain unchanged throughout the wholefl ight?

    A Force B Accelera tion C Momentum D Potential energy

    7 A solid cylinder and a hollow cylinder are of the same mass and radius. Both the cylindersare placed at the same height and on the same inclined plane. Which of the fo llowing statementsis true?

    A the solid cylinder reaches the bottom of th e inclined plane earlier because it has lessrotational kinetic energy.

    B th e solid cylinder reaches th e bottom of th e 'inclined plane earlier because it has morcrotational kinetic energy.C The solid cylinder reaches the bottom of the inclined plane later because it has less

    rolational kinetic energy.o The solid cylinder reac hes the bottom of the incl ined plane later because it has more

    rotational kinetic energy.


  • 8/14/2019 STPM Trial 2009 Phy Q&A (Kedah)


    CONFIDENTIAL" 68 The diagram below (not to scale) shows (he relative positions of the Earth and the Moon.

    Eanh -------- ------- ---- -------800nyThe line XY joins the surface of the Earth to the surface of the Moon. Which followingdiagrams shows the varia tion of gravitational potential Valong the line XV?A B

    v v

    o ~ X ~ - - - = = = = = = , . yX Yo -'-'-----+------''-'.>

    C Dv v

    X Yo ~ - - - - - - ' - _ i > X Yo ~ , _ _ _ _ - - - - - " ' - - i >


  • 8/14/2019 STPM Trial 2009 Phy Q&A (Kedah)


    CONFIDENTIAL' 89 The diagram below shows a sphere in static equilibrium. The reaction force acting at the endP of the rod PQ is R.

    Smooth hinge

    Uniform rodQ

    Smooth sphere

    Which diagrams below shows the correct reaction R of the force acting on the rod?

    Rp p


    A B



  • 8/14/2019 STPM Trial 2009 Phy Q&A (Kedah)


    CONFIDENTIAL' 1010 The graph below shows the variation of displ acement x against time t produced by theosci llation of a particle a l speed 5.0 km SI.

    The wavelength isA IOmm B 15mm C20 mm

    Timel J1S

    D IOO mm11 The diagram shows a longitudinal wave travelling along a slinky spring in the direc tionshown. Coils X and Y are on either sides of a rarefaction.

    Di rection of Wave motionx y. . ' / .IlOOO 00 OOllOoo 0000000000 OOIlO'


    Which of the fo llowing correc tly shows the direc tions of the instantaneous di spl acements ofco ils X and Y?

    A Bx y'm5 x y'm5.. ...


  • 8/14/2019 STPM Trial 2009 Phy Q&A (Kedah)


    CONFIDENTIAL' 1212 A particle performs simple harmonic motion with ampl ilUde 30 em and period 2.0 second.When it is 15 em from the equilibrium position, its acceleration is

    A O8 m s2 B 1.3 rn S2 D 1.5 m s2

    13 The diagram be low shows a stationary wave generated be tween two fi xed ends X and Y.Which of the following points are in th e same phase as point P ?"x , " y

    A land2 B l and3 C 1, 2and3 o 3 only14 Which of th e following LEAST determines the rate al which th e amplitude of a dampedsimple hannonic mOlion is decreasing ?

    A The oscillating massB The damping forceC The damp ing constan tD The frequency

    15 A pipe which is opened at one end only has length L. What is the length of a pipe which isopened at bo th ends and has the same fundamental frequency as the first pipe ?

    CL D 2L

    16 A source that emits sound of frequency 500 Hz is fixed to the end of rod 0.5 m long. The rodis TOtaled in a horizontal circle wi lh angular veloc ily 50 rad 5-1 Whal is the maximum frequencyreceived by a slationary observer ?(The speed of sound in air = 340 m 5-1 ]


  • 8/14/2019 STPM Trial 2009 Phy Q&A (Kedah)



    17 A particle moves so thai its potenLial energy U is directly proportional to the square of itsdisplacement x. Whi ch of the following graphs s hows the co rrect relationship between the forceF and the displacement of the particle


    A B

    xxC D


    x x

    18 For a diatomic gas at temperature T. each deg ree of freedom has an ave rage energy of

    A 2 B kT D 219 When the pressure of an ideal gas is increased from 6.0 x 104 Pa to 1.0 x 105 Pa, its volumedecreases from 3.0 x 10-) m} to 1.0 x 10-3 mJ . If the initial root mean square speed of the gasmolecules is v, what is the final root mean square speed of the gas molecules in tenns of v ?

    A v B 0.56v C 0 .75v D l.34v


  • 8/14/2019 STPM Trial 2009 Phy Q&A (Kedah)


    CONFlDENTIAL* 1620 The diagram be low show s an ideal gas und ergoes a cyclic process.



    ----1\, : .. . .. ... .

    Which statement is true about ihe changes?A Be represents an adiabatic expansion


    8 The work done by the gas in the process AB is the same as that done on the gas in theprocess CDC No work is done on the gas in the process DAo No work is done by the gas in the process Be

    2] The temperature of a body at 100 C is increased by /10 0 C as measured on the Celsius scale.How is this temperature change expressed on the Kelvin scale ?A MJ B M + 100 C tJ.O + 273 D tJ.O+ 373


  • 8/14/2019 STPM Trial 2009 Phy Q&A (Kedah)


    CONFIDENTIAL' 1822 The graph below shows the variation of temperature 8 with the distance from the hotend of a rod XZ.

    . 'C

    91 - . - ' - ~ - . ' r - - - - ,

    Based on the graph above, which of the fo llow ing is true?A The portion YZ is co mpletely in sulated.B The temperature 81 is higher than the room temperature.C The rate of flow of heat along the rod is constant.D The rate of nct flow of hea t at th e end of Z is zero.

    23 One end of an insulated metal rod is maintained at 100C and the other end is placed in icewater mi)(turc. The bar has a length of 50.0 em and cross-seclional area of 0.800 cm2 , The heatconducted by the rod mehs 3.00 g of ice in 5.0 minutes. Calculate the thermal conductivity ofthe metal.[Latent heat of fu sion of ice = 3.33 x 105 J kg' l]A 2.08 W m -I K-I

    B 3.33 W m ' l K'!C 4. 16 W of' K" l0 10 .2 W m -I K-I


  • 8/14/2019 STPM Trial 2009 Phy Q&A (Kedah)


    CONFIDENTIAL 2024 An oil drop 0 carries a charge 4e, where e is the charge of elec tron. The drop is placedbetween two plates which are 5 mm apart and al a potential difference of 600 V. Calculate themass of the oil drop. +

    o 4e 5mm 600 v

    A 7.7 x 10-15 kg B 5.2 x 10" kg C 3.0 X 10" kg

    25+qJ I +ql -q2< - - ~ ~ - - - - - - - - - 1:- 20cm -:1 em .1

    What is the total force exerted on the point charge qJ by th e other two point charges?A 28 N B 2.8 x 10-' N C -2.8 x 10-' N 0 -28 N

    26 To increase the capacitance of a paralle) plate capaci tor, which of the following quantitymust be increased '!A Surface area of the plates.B Th e distance of separation of the plales.C The voltage applied across the plates.D The thickness o f the plates.


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    27 Four identical capacitors with capacitance 2 J.lF each are connected toge th er so that theirre sultant capacitance is al so 2 F. Which of th e following arrangement will yield the requiredresultant capacitance?

    -iH H H I-A B

    C D28 When the potential difference across a metallic conductor is increased, which of thefo llow ing statements is true?

    A The electric field intensity in the conductor remains the same.D The drift ve locity of the charge carriers increases.C The charge carrier per unit volume increases.D The current density remain s the same.


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    29 In the circuit below, de lennine hand 12 if the internal resistance of the two cells arenegligible.1.5 V 1.5 V

    - d III n

    I , IzA 0.75 A 0.75 AB 0.75 A 1.25 AC 2.25 A 0.75 AD 2.25 A 1.25 A

    30 Tbe diagram below show s a circuit :-v __

    2 n



    Which of the fo llowing graph show s how the temlina l potential difference V across the ceUvaries with the cxternaJ resistance R?

    R RA B


  • 8/14/2019 STPM Trial 2009 Phy Q&A (Kedah)


    CONFIDENTIAL' 2631 An electron moves into a unifonn magnetic field with a certain velocity. If th e veloc ity ofthe electron is in the same di rection as the magnetic field, which of the following statementsabout the subsequent m o ~ o n of the electron in the magnetic field is true 1.

    A The electron accelerates to the left .B The elec tron accelerates to the right.C The electron continues to move with ils original veloc ity.D The electron is denected and mo ves in a circle at constant speed.

    32 When the load decreases, the speed of rotation of an electric motor increases and lhecurrent nowing through it decreases. This happens becauseA the back c.m.f. increasesB the frictional force decreasesC the resistance of the armature coil increasesD the inductance of the armature coil increases

    33 The planes of vibration of the electric and magne tic fields in an electromagnet ic wave areA parallel to eac h other and parallcl to the direction of lhe propagation of the waveB parallel to each other and perpendicular to the direction of the propagation of th e

    waveC perpendicular to each other and parallel to the direction o f the propagation of the waveD perpendicular to each other and perpendicular to the direction of the propagation of the


    34 An a itemating current I which flows through a 10 Q resistor is give n by1= 3 s in ( lOOt). If I is in amperes and t in seconds, what is the mean power generatedin the resistor?A lOW B 30W C 45W D IOOW


  • 8/14/2019 STPM Trial 2009 Phy Q&A (Kedah)


    CONFIDENTIAL" 2835 The diagram below shows the variation of voltage V across a capacit9r with time t.


    - ~ - - - - - + - - - - ~ -t

    Which of the following graphs show the variation of the current I through the capacitorwith time t ?

    I I

    A ) II I


  • 8/14/2019 STPM Trial 2009 Phy Q&A (Kedah)



    36 An op-amp has several terminals for connecting to external components. How manyterminals are made use of in normal use?

    A 4; namely input terminal. output terminal, supply voltage terminal and feedbackterminal.B 4; namely non-inverting input terminal, inverting input terminal, output terminal and

    supply voltage terminal.C 5; namely non-inverting input terminal , inverting input terminal, output terminal, su pply

    voltage terminal and feedback terminalD 5; namely non-inve rting input tcnninal, in ve rting input terminal, output tenninal.

    positive supply voltage terminal and negative supply voltage tenninal.

    37 The diagram below shows an op-amp circuit.R,R,

    V,- - - - - o V

    R,V, o--C==:J--L-i

    - 9 V

    What is lhe magnitude of the output vo ltage, Vo?A V = R3V +R3 V: R[I R228 = ~ " , , + RR] R)C V, = (V, +v, ) ( ~ ) R,+R,


  • 8/14/2019 STPM Trial 2009 Phy Q&A (Kedah)


    CONFIDENTIAL' 3239 Di agram (a) below show s an inverted image formed on a screen by a convex lens.

    f : ~ < 3 Object Image

    (a)What happens to the image when a cardboard is used 10 cover up th e upper half of the lensas shown in diagram (b) below?


    TIObject Screen

    (b)A The whole object appears as image on the screen with the same brightness as before.B The whole object appears as im age on the screen with reduced brightness.C Only the upper half of the object appears as image on the screen.D QnJy the lower half of the object appears as image on the sc reen .

    40 Which two optica l devices always yield virtual and upright images'!A A concave mirror and a concave lens.H A concave mirror and a convex lens.e Aconvex mirro r and a concave lens.D Aconvex mirror and a con vex lens.


  • 8/14/2019 STPM Trial 2009 Phy Q&A (Kedah)


    CONFIDENTIAL' 3442 Which of the following graphs best represents the varia tion of the maximum velocity v ofphotoelectrons emitted from a metal with the frequency fo f the inc ident lig ht ?v v

    o A f o B fvv

    o oC f D f

    43 If electron A has twice the kinetic energy of electron B, the ratio of the de Brogliewavelength of e lectron A to th ai of elec tron B isAI:2 81 : , h C2: 1 2

    44 The diagram below shows two adjacenl lines in the spectrum of a hot gas.x y

    I I


  • 8/14/2019 STPM Trial 2009 Phy Q&A (Kedah)


    CONFIDENTIAL" 3645 In an X-ray tube, an accelerating poten tial V produces X-rays of minimum wavelength1.2 x 10,10 m. In order (0 produce X-rays of minimum wavelength 0.6 x 10.10 m, the acceleratingpotential should be

    A .!.V4 B .!.V2 C 2 V D 4V

    46 Laser pu lses of wavelength 5 14 nm and power 1.50 W are used in eye surgery. Each pulselasts for 0.040s. How many number of photons are there in each pulse?

    A 8.57 x 10 " B 1.55 x 10" C 3.88 X 10" D 9.69 x 10 "

    47 Two deuterium nuclei fuse together to fonn a Helium-3 nucleus, with the release of aneutron. The reaction is represented by+ ; He + + cnergyThe binding energies per nucleon are

    for 1.09 MeVfor ; He 2.54 MeV

    How much energy is released in this reaction?A 0.36 MeV B 1.45 MeV C 3.26 MeV D 5.44 MeV

    48 The half-life of a certain radioactive clement is such that i of a given quan ti ty decays in 12days. What fraction remains undecayed after 24 days?A 0 B 1 C 1128 64 D


    49 An event on a di stant star causes the emission of a burst of radiaLion containing ppanicles, yrays and light. Which of the following statements about the order in which these radiationsarrive at Ihe Earth is correct?

    A The light would arrive firstB The y rays would arrive first


  • 8/14/2019 STPM Trial 2009 Phy Q&A (Kedah)


    CONFIDENTIAL'SULIPNama: ..... . .......... .............. .. ......... ......................... (


    STRUCTURE AND ESSAY (STRUKTUB DAN ESEIlTwo and a half hours (Dua jam setengah)


    Instruction to candidates:Answer all the questions in Section A in the spaces provided. Al lworking must be shown. For calculations, relevant values of constants ;nthe Data Booklet must be used. For numerical answers, units must bequotedwherever they are appropriate.Answer any four questions from Section B. For this section, writeyouranswefS on the answer sheets provided. Begin each 8nSW6fona fresh

    sheet of paper, and 8ff8nge your anSW8fS in numerical order. rIB youranswersheet this booklet.Answers maybe written In either English orMalay.Arahan kepada calon:

    Jawab semus soalan dalam Bahagian A dalam ruang yangdisediakan. Semua kerja mestilah ditunjukkan. Bag; penghitungan. nilaipemaJaryang berkaitan dalamBukuDatamestilah digunakan .BagI awapanberangka, unitmestilah dinyatakan di mana-mana yang sesuai.

    For examiner's use(Untuk kegunaanpemeriksa),23456789,.


  • 8/14/2019 STPM Trial 2009 Phy Q&A (Kedah)



    Answer all questions in this section .

    1 The diagram below shows a rock of mass 3.0 kg projected from a building which is 49.0 m abovethe ground with a speed of 29.4 m 5. 1 at an angle of 3et' below the horizontal.

    m= 3.0

    49 .0m

    1Find the kinetic energy of the rock when it hits the ground.


  • 8/14/2019 STPM Trial 2009 Phy Q&A (Kedah)


    CONFIDENTIAL- 42 In some harbours, the rise and fall of the water level is simple hannonic. In one harbour, theequation for the depth II of water is given by h = 5 . 0 3 i where II is in metres and t is the

    45600time in seconds.(a) What is meant by simple hannonic motion? [1 mark]

    (b) Ca1cu!ate the maximum depth of water. [2 marks]

    (c) Ca1 culate two values of I which the water is 5.0 m deep [2 marks]


  • 8/14/2019 STPM Trial 2009 Phy Q&A (Kedah)


    CONFIDENTIAL' 63 A vacuum flask contains 0.52 kg of water. The initial temperature of the water is 81C. Acylindrical cork of cross-sectional area 5.0 x 10-3 m2 and thickness of 30 nun is used to close the flask.45 minutes later, the temperature of the water drops to 76C. The average temperature of the innerand outer surfaces of the cork are 52 C and 21C respectively.(a) Calculate the fraction of the total heat lost from the flask which passes through the cork.

    [3 marks]

    (b) Suggest a way by which the remaining heat is lost. [2 marks]

    [Specific heal capacity of water = 4.2 x 10) J kg-' KI; thenna] conductivity ofcork = 5.2 x 10-2 W m-I K ' ]


  • 8/14/2019 STPM Trial 2009 Phy Q&A (Kedah)


    CONFIDENTIAL" 84 The diagram below shows a circuit consisting of a 126 n resistor, a 275 n res istor, a 182 ).IFcapacitor, a sw itch and a 3.0 V battery all connected in series. Initially the capacitor is uncharged andthe switch is open. At time t = 0 the sw itch is closed.


    3.0V 182""

    (a) What cbarge will the capacitor have after the switch is closed for a long time? [2 marks ]

    (b) At what time will the charge on the capacitor be 80 % of the value found in (a) ,[3 marks]


  • 8/14/2019 STPM Trial 2009 Phy Q&A (Kedah)


    CONFIDENTIAL" 105 The diagram below shows an amplifier circuit.


    1\ ~ - - C : > - - - ' r - - - - . j . 10 kfi.15V> .....- ~ - 15 V

    (a) State the name of the amplifier circuit whicb is co nnected to various inputs.

    (b) Ca1culate the output vo ltage Vo if VJ = 0.50 V and V1 = 0.20 V .

    (b) What happen to the output vollage i f the supply IS V is replaced with 9 V?

    [I mark]

    [2 marks]

    [I mark]


  • 8/14/2019 STPM Trial 2009 Phy Q&A (Kedah)


    CONFIDENTIAL' 126 A thin aluminium fo il is placed in between two Oat glass slides to fonn an air wedge. The edge ofthe foil is at a distance 80.0 mm from the line of contact of the slides. When light of wavelength5.89 x 1O-7m illuminates nonnally the plates. the interference pattern between 2 consecutive brightfringes formed have a separation of 2.50 tnm .

    (al Calcu late(i) the wedge angle, and [I mark](ii) the thickness of the foil [I mark]

    (b) What happens 10 the fringe pattern when the air wedge is filled with water of refractive index1.33. [3 marks]



  • 8/14/2019 STPM Trial 2009 Phy Q&A (Kedah)


    7 (a) Describe how an emission s t r u m is produced. [1 mark]

    (b) The diagram be low shows the energy leve ls of a hydrogen atom.

    o,v-0 .8.5 eV- 1..5 1 eV

    - 3.40eV

    - J3.6eV

    (i ) What is meant by energy level at 0 eV? [J mark]

    (ii) What is the ionization energy of the hydrogen atom in l ouie? [1 mark]

    (iii) Transition between which two energy level takes place when a pholon of wavelength660 nm is emitted? [2 marks)


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    8 (0) How is the nuclear binding energy usua lly measured? [I mark]

    (b) A fusion reactor is based on the reaction: + -+ ;He +Nuclide Relative atomic number'n 1.008665'H 2.0 14102' He 4.002603'H 3.0 16050

    If 150 g of a suitable mixture of hydrogen isotopes is used , how much energy may be produced?[4 marks]


    CONFIDENTIAL 18ll ti

  • 8/14/2019 STPM Trial 2009 Phy Q&A (Kedah)


    Section B [60 marks]Answer any four questions in this section.

    9 (a) What is meant by proj ectile motion? [2 marks](b) A ball is launched horizontally from one comer, 0, of a smooth flat plane that is inc lined at an

    angle of 30 to the horizontal. The aim is to make the ball to reach the point P at the opposite comer ofthe plane.


    p(i ) How long does it take the ball to reach P from O?(ji) At what speed should th e ball be laun ched?

    [3 marks][3 mlIrks]

    (e) Two blocks of mass M kg and In kg lie on an inclined plane as shown in the diagram below. Aforce P acts on the M kg mass so that the block is just about to slide down the plane. Assume that thepulley is smooth and the coeffic ient of friction between the two blocks and the plane is jJ..




  • 8/14/2019 STPM Trial 2009 Phy Q&A (Kedah)


    CONFIDENTIAL 2010 ca) State the First Law o!Thennodynamics, [2 marks]

    A \'esse ) con tai ns 0.50 mol of an ideal gas at temperature 27 DC and pressure 200 kPa. The gas ishealed and allowed to expand at constant pressure until its temperature reaches 77 DC . The molar heatcapacity of the gas at constant pressure is 21.6 J mar iK",Calcul ate

    (i) the volume of the gas at 27 DC [4 marks]Oi) the amount of heat absorbed by Lhe gas when the temperature of the gas reaches 77 DC

    [3 marks](iii) th e increase in internal energy of the gas when the temperature of the gas reaches 77 DC

    [3 marks](iv) the work done by the gas when the temperature of the gas reaches 77 DC

    [3 marks]

    11 (a) (i ) A thin bar magnet is placed in a uniform magnetic field. State th e orientation ofthe poles of the bar magnet relative to the direction of the magnetic field .[1 mark]

    (ii) Define magnelic flUX density. [2 marks](iii) State two differences between the force due to electric field and the force due

    to magnetic field on a charged particle. [2 marksJ(iv) A straight conductor of length L carrying a current 1 lies in a magnetic

    field of magnetic flux dens ity B which is perpendicu lar to the direction of current I. Startingfrom th e magnetic force due to a moving charge, deri ve an expression for the magnitude ofthe magnetic force on the conductor in tenns of L. I, and B.

    (b) (i) The earth's magnetic[4 marks]

    flux density is 2.0 x lO.s T. A magnetic flux of equa l


    CONFIDENTIAL" 22papercollection

  • 8/14/2019 STPM Trial 2009 Phy Q&A (Kedah)


    12 (a) The diagram below shows a narrow parallel beam of light rays propagate along the principalaxis of a convex mirror.

    Light rays

    Principal axis

    (i) What happens to the light rays, with reference to the focal point of the mirror, after it isreflected by the mirror? [2 marks](Li) What is the sign aCthe focallengtb of the mirror? [I mark]

    A convex mirror has radius of curvature 1.0 m. A 2.0 m object is placed 5.0 m away from the mirror.(iii) Where is the image? (3 marks](iv) What is the image height? [I mark](v) Is the image real or virtual? [I markJ

    (b) The diagram below shows a spherical surface which acts as a boundary between two mediumwith refractive indices " 1 and "2 .

    Nonnalline"1 '"I,o r-_u--+ v - - - -+

    An object 0 is placed in th e medium of refractive index "I at a distance " from the surface. Theimage J is produced at a distance v from the surface.

    (i ) Using the relationshipfor refraction of light passing from one medium to another, where i l and h are angles as shown in thediagram, and assuming that i l and ;2 are small, show that



  • 8/14/2019 STPM Trial 2009 Phy Q&A (Kedah)


    CONFIDENTIAL" 2413 (a) What is meant by photoelectric effect ?

    (b) Einstein's photoelectric effect equation is gi ven as follow:

    (i ) State the meaning of the terms hf, .!. ~ V m 2, and W in the equation above.2

    [I mark J

    [3 marksJ(ii) Explain why photoelectrons released have different veloci ties even though an incident

    rad iation of fixed frequency is used. [1 mark](c) A light of wavelength 450 om falls on ceasium with a work function of 2.0 eV.Ca1culate

    (0 the threshold freq uency,(i i) the maximum kinetic energy of the liberated electrons.(iii) the stopping potential.

    (d) What is the de Broglie wavelength of an electron with a kinetic energy of 120 eV ?

    [3 ma rks1[2 marksJ[2 marksJ

    [3 marksJ

    14 (a) Radioactivity is a random and spontaneous process. Explain the meaning of random andspontaneous in the above statement. [2 marks](b) All rad ioactive decay can be repre sented by the equation dN = .'J..Ndl

    (i) What is represented by dN and N?dl [2 marksJ(ii) By using the above equalion. de ri ve the re lationship between l. and its half life Tj .

    [3 marksJ



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  • 8/14/2019 STPM Trial 2009 Phy Q&A (Kedah)
