stories with values

Believe in yourself Two grains were lying side by side on the fertile soil. The first grain said: “I want to grow up! I want to put down roots deep into the ground and sprout from the ground. I dream to blossom in delicate buds and proclaim the coming of spring. I want to feel the warm rays of sun and the dew drops on my petals!” This grain grew up and became a beautiful flower. The second grain said: “I’m afraid. If I will put down my roots into the ground, I don’t know what they will face there. If I will grow tender stems, they can be damaged by wind. And if there will be flowers, they may be disrupted. So I’d rather wait for the safer time. The second grain was waiting, while the chicken that passed by pecked it. Though the soil was fertile, because of fear, the second grain couldn’t put down its roots. Taking the first step is perhaps the most difficult thing to do in achieving a dream. But that first small step makes a huge difference. Sure enough no dream is easy to achieve, but not impossible. Having firm belief in one’s own self melts the obstacles away. Sow the seeds of Character There was an old man. Once he was planting a sapling in his garden. The sapling that he was planting was that of a tree which would take years to grow. A stranger who happened to see the old man in action told him mockingly, “This will take at least 40 years to grow tall and start giving benefits. So you will not be able to enjoy the fruits of this tree in your life time. That being so, why are you planting it at all? The old man slowly turned to the stranger and pointed to a tall, full grown tree some distance away and said, “That tree was planted by my grandfather. I have been enjoying the fruits of that tree for the past so many years. Hence I’m sure that my grandchildren will be able to enjoy the fruits of this tree that I’m planting now.” When you start practicing human values right from young age, you carry it for generations by becoming a role model for the entire family. Character in a human being is like nutrition to the plants. “Sow the seeds of character now, reap the fruits later.”

Upload: katyaayani

Post on 10-Sep-2015




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for primary kids


Believe in yourself

Two grains were lying side by side on the fertile soil. The first grain said: I want to grow up! I want to put down roots deep into the ground and sprout from the ground. I dream to blossom in delicate buds and proclaim the coming of spring. I want to feel the warm rays of sun and the dew drops on my petals!

This grain grew up and became a beautiful flower.

The second grain said: Im afraid. If I will put down my roots into the ground, I dont know what they will face there. If I will grow tender stems, they can be damaged by wind. And if there will be flowers, they may be disrupted. So Id rather wait for the safer time.The second grain was waiting, while the chicken that passed by pecked it.Though the soil was fertile, because of fear, the second grain couldnt put down its roots.Taking the first step is perhaps the most difficult thing to do in achieving a dream.But that first small step makes a huge difference. Sure enough no dream is easy to achieve, but not impossible.Having firm belief in ones own self melts the obstacles away.

Sow the seeds of Character

There was an old man. Once he was planting a sapling in his garden. The sapling that he was planting was that of a tree which would take years to grow.A stranger who happened to see the old man in action told him mockingly, This will take at least 40 years to grow tall and start giving benefits. So you will not be able to enjoy the fruits of this tree in your life time. That being so, why are you planting it at all?The old man slowly turned to the stranger and pointed to a tall, full grown tree some distance away and said, That tree was planted by my grandfather. I have been enjoying the fruits of that tree for the past so many years. Hence Im sure that my grandchildren will be able to enjoy the fruits of this tree that Im planting now.When you start practicing human values right from young age, you carry it for generations by becoming a role model for the entire family. Character in a human being is like nutrition to the plants.Sow the seeds of character now, reap the fruits later.