

Upload: melodybs

Post on 26-Jun-2015




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Page 1: Stitches
Page 2: Stitches

Film Teaser/Trailer

Questions raised Category Comments Shot list

Stitches Trailer Who is the clown?Who are the teenagers?Why is he after these teenagers?Where did the clown come from? Is he alive or dead?When is it set?


Use of well known romantic music used with only playing a part with dark lyrics to make audience aware this is more light-hearted than a normal horror . Stitches is in a dark, dirty old clown suit showing that he is not a normal clown. Stitches removes his nose in a shot showing he is alive after death.

At the beginning there are a lot of mid shots showing Stitches killing people. Then there is a contrast between action shots and close ups of characters expressions to show their terror

Page 3: Stitches

This poster is very simplistic as it just shows the clowns face and his knife a background can’t be seen as there are too many cobwebs. The dark colours were used in this poster to let the viewers know that this is a horror poster. The cobwebs and the knife are used to show scare viewers and let them know this is a film where people get murdered. The clown in the poster has stitches all over his face to which shows the audience he is “Stitches”. Stitches' face takes up most of the poster, this shows that he is the main character. His make up and nose show very clearly that he is a clown. The use of red in his make up really stands out from the other colours in the poster and I think this also represents blood. Quite a scary knifelike looking font was used for the title carry on showing that a knife is his weapon of choice. Then underneath “ Bad clown” is written in red, this makes the audience know that he is the killer.