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Presentation on Leader By: Akshita Bhadola Anmol Goel Anurag Gupta Harshit Jain Shivya Bhandari

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Presentation on Leader

By: Akshita Bhadola Anmol Goel Anurag Gupta Harshit Jain Shivya Bhandari

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Young Steven paul Jobs

• Born on February 24th, 1955 in San Francisco, California, United States

• Put up for adoption a week after birth

• Adoption was finalized under the condition that Steven would attend college.

• Jobs went to Reed College in Portland, Oregon

• He studied Poetry, Literature and Physics

• After one semester, Jobs dropped out of college.

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Completed elementary education from MONTA LOMA ELEMENTARY SCHOOL

Completed junior high school from CUPERTINO JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL

Completed high school from HOMESTEAD HIGH SCHOOL IN 1972

Completed college from REED COLLEGE IN 1972-1974

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Apple Computers, Inc.

The Beginning of

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• After spending time in India in 1974, Jobs returned to America.

• He visited with Woz (Steve Wozniak, one of the Co-Founder of Apple) the homebrew computer club, but was not content with just he creation of electronics

• Jobs convinced Woz to help him create a personal Computer, The Apple-I ( Apple One)

• Jobs, with marketing help from a friend, had the vision of creating a computer company that would make and sell PC’s.

• Jobs and Wozniak sold the Apple-I in 1976 for $666, making over $776000 from sales.

• In 1977, the two released the Apple-II, a single board computer with onboard ROM and a Color Video interface.

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The Apple-I

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The Macintosh

• In 1984, Apple released the Macintosh, the first personal computer with a Graphical user interface.

• It had 128K of memory, and was expandable.

• Along with the mouse, the Macintosh was the most revolutionary computer made up to hat point.

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NeXT Jobs project in the late 1980’s to mid 90’s was NextStep.

A new computer company based on an Object oriented Software Platform, NeXT failed first as a hardware company, then as a software company

Apple similarly did very poorly in the early and mid 90’s, brought on by poor leadership and stagnating computer design.

In 1996, Apple bought NeXT, and with it came Steve job.

In 2000, Jobs became the full CEO of Apple, after the success of the iMac, the first computer mainly marketed for its looks.

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Challenges & failures

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Challenges: Finance problem causing him dropping his college Disagreement between directors and jobs leads to firing of


Failures: Recruiting John Sculley as CEO of Apple Believing that Pixar would be a great hardware company Not knowing the right market for NeXT computer Launching numerous product failures like Apple III, Mactonish

TV Trying to sell Pixar numerous times

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Comeback• Jobs was called back by apple corp.

because of his next and was offered major share as well as CEO position.

• Jobs continues to innovate the computer industry, spearheading projects like the iPod, iTunes and its Music Store and high end Computer.

• Under Jobs’ watch, Apple has entered a new phase of growth and profitability, fueled by his imagination and quest for perfection

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Products of Apple Computers Inc.

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Awards• National award of Technology and Innovation in 1985• Jefferson award of greatest public services in 1987• PGA Vanguard Award in 2002• Bravo otto – social media star in 2011• Gramme trustees award in 2012

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End of an Era Date: 5th October, 2011 Place: Palo Alto, California, United States Reason : Pancreatic Cancer since 2004

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