steps 4 analyzing case studies

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Case Study Analysis


  • 7/18/2019 Steps 4 Analyzing Case Studies



    Compiled by Darren Paproski - Adapted fromthe University of Technology Sydney Writing

    Case Studies Module Overview

    Why use case studiesLearning objectives of case studies

    Steps in analyzing a case

    Common errors made in case study analysis

    Sample Board lans

  • 7/18/2019 Steps 4 Analyzing Case Studies



    Compiled by Darren Paproski - Adapted fromthe University of Technology Sydney Writing

    Case Studies

    ! useful learning tool used in managementeducation to give student a feel for thecomple"ities if the real wor# and how the

    theories$ models and research being studied canbe used in practice%

  • 7/18/2019 Steps 4 Analyzing Case Studies



    Compiled by Darren Paproski - Adapted fromthe University of Technology Sydney Writing

    Learning Objective

    &o diagnose what the problems or issues in thecase are$ and why they have occurred$ to considera variety of solutions' and to justify what you

    believe to be the best solution%

  • 7/18/2019 Steps 4 Analyzing Case Studies



    Compiled by Darren Paproski - Adapted fromthe University of Technology Sydney Writing

    Steps in !nalyzing Case Studies

    (% )ain an overview of the case

    *% +stablish what has happened ,specify objectives-

    .% /etermine the causes

    0% /evelop possible solutions1% +valuate these solutions

    2% 3ormulate recommendations ,write up solutions-

    !lternative4 (% What is the business problem' *% What factorsaffect the problem' .% 5ow would your team solve the problem67ustification%

  • 7/18/2019 Steps 4 Analyzing Case Studies



    Compiled by Darren Paproski - Adapted fromthe University of Technology Sydney Writing

    (% )ain an overview of the case

    !s# students to read the case 8uic#ly to gainfamiliarity with major events and characters andto note what seems to be the central problem,s-%

    Its a good idea to ask thestudents to read the case to

    be discussed prior to comingto class.but in practice thisseldom happens.

  • 7/18/2019 Steps 4 Analyzing Case Studies



    Compiled by Darren Paproski - Adapted fromthe University of Technology Sydney Writing

    9ote that case studies often contain substantialinformation with information presented insometimes chaotic order%

    Case studies usually present information


    (% )ain an overview of the case

  • 7/18/2019 Steps 4 Analyzing Case Studies



    Compiled by Darren Paproski - Adapted fromthe University of Technology Sydney Writing

    *% +stablish what has happened orthe Business roblem

    !s# students to go over the case in greater detailto establish a clear picture of what has happened%+stablish the who$ what$ where$ and when of the


  • 7/18/2019 Steps 4 Analyzing Case Studies



    Compiled by Darren Paproski - Adapted fromthe University of Technology Sydney Writing

    9B4 &here is at least one fundamental businessproblem in every case%

    &he problem may be :5ow to collect money from a

    deadbeat customer; but the issue may be broader: 5ow can they reduce accounts receivable agingto .< days or less6

    *% +stablish what has happened orthe Business roblem

  • 7/18/2019 Steps 4 Analyzing Case Studies



    Compiled by Darren Paproski - Adapted fromthe University of Technology Sydney Writing

    Specify an objective for themanagers involved

    Once the business problem,s- have been identifiedstudents should thin# about the outcomes theywould most hope to see for the company%

    Let students #now they are Consultantson thecase%

    =uantify the desired results if possible% :We wishto reduce !>? aging by (1@%

  • 7/18/2019 Steps 4 Analyzing Case Studies



    Compiled by Darren Paproski - Adapted fromthe University of Technology Sydney Writing

    .% /etermine the causes and issues

    !s# students to consider a variety of possiblecauses or issues to see how well they aresupported by the facts of the case and how wellthey e"plain what has happened%

    &ry to separate symptoms from problems%?an# order the critical problems>issues

  • 7/18/2019 Steps 4 Analyzing Case Studies



    Compiled by Darren Paproski - Adapted fromthe University of Technology Sydney Writing

    0% /evelop possible solutions

    Students should develop several possible solutionsto the problem,s-%

    /ifferent solutions may need to be considered$depending upon whether the aim is4

    to have prevented what has already happenedto salvage the present situation

    to avoid similar problems in the future%

  • 7/18/2019 Steps 4 Analyzing Case Studies



    Compiled by Darren Paproski - Adapted fromthe University of Technology Sydney Writing

    1% +valuate these solutions

    Consider each possible solution$ detailing e"actlywhat would need to be done to implement it%

    Solutions will li#ely be in line with the conceptslearned in the course%

  • 7/18/2019 Steps 4 Analyzing Case Studies



    Compiled by Darren Paproski - Adapted fromthe University of Technology Sydney Writing

    !s# students to thin# about any constraints orimpediments that are li#ely to ma#e it difficult toimplement any of the possible solutions ,e%g%technological constraints$ personal limitations$ lac#

    of resources ,people$ budget-!ssign weights and values to the solutionsWhy are the chosen ideas superior and how will theywor#6

    1% +valuate these solutions

  • 7/18/2019 Steps 4 Analyzing Case Studies



    Compiled by Darren Paproski - Adapted fromthe University of Technology Sydney Writing

    2% 3ormulate recommendations

    Students should recommend e"actly how thesolution can be implemented%

    ! broad view of the situation should be ta#en%

    Mention that it may be best to implement a

    relatively simple$ ine"pensive solution withcontingency plans for more elaborate solutions ifthe first ones fail

    4 1

  • 7/18/2019 Steps 4 Analyzing Case Studies



    Compiled by Darren Paproski - Adapted fromthe University of Technology Sydney Writing

    Write up solutions

    At is generally a good idea to have student groupswrite up solutions to cases and handin to theirinstructors%

    Af class time permits$ instructors may call on

    various groups to present problems and solutionsrecommendations%

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  • 7/18/2019 Steps 4 Analyzing Case Studies



    Compiled by Darren Paproski - Adapted fromthe University of Technology Sydney Writing

    Common +rrors in !nalyzing CaseStudies

    9ot understanding and accepting the facts of thecase

    9ot e"plaining e"actly what the problems are and

    why they have occurredMa#ing unwarranted assumptions to try to simplifythe case

    Stic#ing to generalities$ such as :they must try to

    improve communication;

    4 17

  • 7/18/2019 Steps 4 Analyzing Case Studies



    Compiled by Darren Paproski - Adapted fromthe University of Technology Sydney Writing

    9ot integrating the various points into apreferred solution

    9ot using theories and concepts currently being

    studied in the courseSee#ing ways out of the situation ,such as :firethem all;- rather than trying to solve the problems

    Agnoring practicalities

    Common +rrors in !nalyzing CaseStudies